Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    JBCM rt- --,
f "r 01 vji
?.n1 Swwl tlrttf
Medford Mail Tribune
Probably rain ,Max -lilt
.Mln. :i(t.
forty-fourth Yaar.
'Mlv Nlnlli Vrnr
NO. 571
Crulsrr Asninn, With GOO Aboard, Re
pnrlcil Drcaklmi Ui 350 Miles
Sotilli of Port San Bartalomc No
Report Received Contalnlnij Fate
o( Crew Vessel Had War Record.
niinil Unwind, coiiimundor of I lie Pa
rtite fleet, iihu led to Hut mivy ilc
piiitmcnt from his IhiL'xIilp Sun HI-
t'KO llllll (III) ,lllflt' t'llllNt'l Hutllll,
wild ,'ililt mi'ii, won wccked iiluiiit il.'ll
miles south or hut Hiirtoloiuii ami
Wilt llll'ltkillg ).
No fiirtlmr iIiiIiiIIn with glton In
Ailinlnil Howard's dispatch mill nntli
hiK wait mild of Hid fulo of tlio crow.
Tln Annum, n slater idilp of tliu To
M wit. Ih IC fret ovur nil, with a
lutiiin of fi" fill ami cnpuhlit of muK -Itit;
1MV4 knotH. Him tins 18.000
liiinmpiiwor mi'! lit armored with
heavy nickel steel, Sim unit liullt In
Klitw Irk, Km?., In I HUH nutl curries
four s-lnrli guns, 1 1 (Much kuiih mill
II! JMnrh gun, four torpedo tubes
below Hid water mill nun above. 1 lor
complement In f.Uit officers nml men.
Vessel lint War Itcroiil
An tint Sail Dlt'Ko wan ni tint city
of Han Diego, Cat , loilay, niiviit of
rlrlaln inotutuod Unit tliu ittl tntral'n
iih-hhuki' was rtitit from there on In
futtnntlon received from mi American
vtMl off llnneniidii.
Tlio JapmiKitu emitter Annum linn .1
war rt't-onl that dittos bark to tint bat
tle of tlio Hun or Jaliitn, May IIT-SK.
I'JOfi, on which occasion slut received
(ho surrenderor Itcnr Adinlrnl Nobo
anloff, of thti lliisttlnu navy, Aftur
thin fight itlio was engaged success
fully with tliu Itiiiodnn crnlni'r Dmi
tri Honskol, mitt It wait from tin
decks f Hit) Asninii that thu tiuipt'rnr
of .lapmi reviewed tho naval parade
In .lapuuMio water Hid lattur pnrt of
October, 1H05.
,ttli hi I'ailflu ,
Morn recently tlio Annum hint been
actlvn In thu Pacific. In Novembur
lio wits reported iih hovering outside
of Honolulu harbor nwnltltiK tlio com
Ink out of n (Icrinun wnmlilp, nml In
.laiiuary or thin your slm wnH steam
1 11 K up "in! down thu const nf liru
looking for (ho (li'iiunn cruiser l'rlnx I'rlrdrlcli.
At least Ihri'o American warMhlpit
aro In thu AKnmn'rt vicinity nml mi
ilur wireless orders frtim Kenr Ad
miral llownril undoiibtodly aro acting
hy thin tliiio to help tlio .lapancMti
cruiser. Tlio collier Nunshiin wns at
l.a Car. 011 January ao; thu gunbout
Yorklown wiih at tlio sumo placo tlio
wiiiio tlay nml thu cruiser Marylnutl
wiih at .Maxatlmi. All thoso placoH
tiro easily within rnngo of thu AHnma'H
wireless If hIio hail opportunity to iiho
It ami it U not unlikely that htr cutis
woro litmnl hy Iht'iu hoforo thu iiowh
loachcil Ailmlral Howard nt San
Uli'Ko, ulituu ho wont after an ox
pIohIoii 011 li Ik nhlp a fow tlayit nno
liiul ilmiuiKtMl httr holliirH ami klllctl
nml liijurt'tl Home of her crow. Naval
offlcorH huru iiIho tlilnlt morchant vch
hoIh In thu vicinity may holp tho
At thu .lapantmo omhaHHy no Infor
mation hinl lit'ou reci'lvi'd ut thu
wrock nutl ioiiiiohIh for Information
woro illHpatchut! to counular offlt'lalH
(Contlnuod on pngo two.)
I'KNDLIOTON, Ore, Kob. t. Tho
IiIkkohI Imul iliml ovor coiiHUiuuintod
lu Umatilla county, wiih miuouurml
I iiuo today, All tho IioIiIIiiks ot thu
luturnatlumil Lund and Irrigation
compmiy In tliU county' woro trana
forrtul to J, 0. Htoroy nntl nsHticlutoH
of Tucoinii, WiiHli.t for a consilium
Hon of ovor ?1,000,000.
Tho proptuty Involved IiicIiiiIoh
&Vn,'ly 12,000 ncros of land, tho
capital Htock of tho company and wat
er rlKlitH, Tho InlKiUloii compmiy
aiTPpliid In pint paymont all thu
holdlnitfl ot tho Htory TImhor com
puny of Tn co in it,
41 1 It ttlpt to pilM till1 illlliliKllltion
hill ovt'r Iho veto of tlio prrwi
tlt'iit fmlt'il in tilt' Iioiini' Inti' lo
ilay, tlio votn lii'iu -Mil in I'livnr
of nxrriuliuir the M'lo nml Kill
upiiiixt it, Two iiii,inlit,r' volnl
prt'Nfiit, nml uith tliW ulti'iiil
uiii'i' -'(III uyi'M woultl liuvi' lit'i'u
ni'i'i'KNiii v to tii' tliu iriuiit'il
NKW YOltK. I'oli. I Tho miirkft
rcci'lvt'il n ilrclilvtl ttotlinclt In tliu
flmt hour on offrrliiK of Cnnaillim
I'nclflo nml tiotithoru Pacific, cnuii
hiK riTi'dhloiiii of I to 2 polutN. Hell
InK of Caunillau I'urlflc wait mmunmil
to bo for forolKii account whllu Houth
oru I'nclflo wnti holil hy n promluiuit
lirokuniKt) hoiiri) which UHimlly ropro
no n In linpurtmil lutiTcKtH. Tcinpor
nry cumiallon of thin iiiovunii'iit par
tially rt'Mtorcil tho prlro locl, with
further Kalim In motor nharcii nml
othor itpt'claltli'H mihjcct to pool man
ipulation. Toward mliltlay, how
ovcr, inorn llquliliitluu ami lowor
prltoit with t'liroiiuturt'il. Amorlcnn
HtiKiir wn wt'iik nml tint Imluntrlnli
KtillliiK off a ',4 to 104.
IIoiiiIh worn ittt'nily.
IIDItMN, IVI., I. A iifMh ili-piitfli
Iiiih lici'ii ift'i'iM'il Iiitu from Wnxli
iiilitou ruiyiiiK Hint I'luxiilfiit WiNon
hits t'oui'iitftl to mi mut'iiiliut'iit of
Hit1 xliip puri'liu-o bill, wliirli provitU'-,
Hint 110 vt'KM in to ho hoiiclil by tliu
I'liiti'tl Slitlt'H if Mich purt'luiHU would
Iniil to t'oul'lii't uith any of tin1 liflllj:.
t'll'llt poWflh.
Xt'iirlv nil Iho (li'iiunn iii'WHpupi'o
i,iilii,ii'il thii fouri) slmrply. Tluy
viiluully unite in imiIIiiil- it n luu'k-
ilown liuforo (heal Iliitnin 011 tlu puit
of ircf jtlftil WilMUi. Tlio KriMin
.uilniiK My:
"Tlii Icmliu iiHiili'intion for
(1 ii'n t Hi it 11 iit in tlio nioro ii'innrknlilo
iiihtuiriii'li its it injuirn Aiiifiicn lior
utiir." failedIrokerson
trial, san francisco
III ! !
Wilxon nml II, A. Wilbrmiiil, members
of the failed htoulc broker firm of
I. (', Wilson & Co., wliielt liud
brunches in nil the major cities of thu
I'nt'ifiu eonntf weru plueetl 011 trial
here today eliai'Ked with tlio cmbez
zlenient of hiiiim nresulinj; 4s 1 7,31)0
from llueu of their elieiitfl.
Tho firm fuiletl just ufter (ho out
break of tlio Kuropeun war. WIIhoii
Iiiih indicated that bin del' will bo
inability either In realize 011 his us.
set or to make delivery of tlio Ktoekts
ImiukIiI by bis elients, Iieeutiso thu
htock I'xcbanes were tlieu elosetl,
AM1AKY, N. V Feb. -I. Tlio wo-
mmi miffriiKO re.siiliitiou passeil by
Ilie leisluturo lu JIU!1 was utloptetl
in (lie heaalo today by mi uumiiiuuiis
vote. II previously hud been utloptetl
lit tlio assembly, Tho voters of the
state will now bo kIvcii Hid oppor
tunity to vote on tho question of a
I'oilMitutiuiiul unuuidnu'iit, pcrmilttiii;
tlio wMicn thu right of miffrje,
three line:; oe
allies' trench
Mile of Drcastworks In Aruciinc Cap
tured, Says Berlin Another Great
Battle in Prorjress in Poland West
of WarsawTo Determine Fate of
Eastern Camnalun.
LONDON, I'd). I. Certmin uttiielis
have been re-iimeil in scvvrul Ht'elions
of Iho welerii battle front, nml ue
eoitliu to totlayV officiul couiiniiui
eiitioii from Merlin mm of tln-e
moveiiieuts in (be Ariuiiit' lias result
ril in n ietory of iinpol lance. Three
lines of In'iielies were htornieil, nml
Hie Htnti'ineiit i mittle that the priu
einnl Kiriieli incitinim for inoie Hum
11 mile weie taken with the capture of
0110 num. eiKliteeii cutis and much war
niutcnal. The Kreueli stateinctit
iiu'iitinus 11 few 'mall eiiL'iiuemeuts
which ate mi id to have entktl favor
ably for Hie allien.
JUiltlr In I'nluiiil
The (Icrinan htittemeiit ciinfinus
I'clriit'iiid'H iisxeitiiun, that another
vrt'tit buttle i" in proriM in I'olaml,
wt'.t of Warsaw. Hussion ntturks
weie icpulsfil, the Iterliii war offiee
says, mill Hit! (iermmis were able to
make further ro'Te-s in the vicinity
of llolimotv. on the section of the
front closest to Wnrsiiw.
Itemmints of the Iteliiiti troops,
still ik'fcndiui; the little strin of their
eountry not in tiosession of the (ler
lumis, miff more me hearinir the
brunt of fiuhtiiij; 111 the ct. Unof
ficial Amstenlmu rrporls tstnle the
(Iermmis are ifitin nttackinir nlnnj:
the Vser. For the last two tlays Hel
Kimis ami (leimuns have been fiuht
in:, the posschHion or trenches hnv
ins' been decided wiih tin bayonet.
Amsterdam reports suv thu Ueniiuns'
attacks were repulsed.
(crumii 1)sn Heavy
The struvKle in the east is inerens
in in severity, ii the Austro-Hennmi
uttaeks tlcvelopetl. Heavy fixhtin is
now in progress nlonu practically the
whole front, except in Ilukowiiia, An
official statement from l'etroratt to
day teports u number of iuiportuut
victories for the Ittissians. "North
ern Holaifd, near the west I'riis-ian
bonier, the village of Skempe, for
somii tluie the scene of hard struc
;les, bus been captured by the Itns
sinns thu report says. Further
south, to tliu west of Warsaw, the
(iermmis brought up large masses of
their tirst line trooos ami repeated
their luetics of hurling' one regiiueiit
after unolher at seleetctl positions.
The Kussians' report tlest'tibes the
uttaeks as furious nml adds that the
Hermans milTcieil itnuieiisu losses, hut
were tlriven back. So far as the re
port shows, (here is no change in the
Aihitors Drop Itoiulis
"ItitstfiiMi nviators hombanleil three
(lerman iiitdiii.atioii centers, nuothei
official reimrt says. Tho raid is tie-
seribetl us sneeeshful, tilthouu'b ) tie
tails aru given.
"The Mtrremler of Lieutenunt Colo,
lie) Kemp, tile South African rebel
lender, is expect fit at Pretoria to
bring to nu eml the uprising. Five
hundred burghers nml their officers
laitl down their uiins and the surren
der of Colonel Mnritz. tho arrest of
0110 of the Original rebel leaders, who
is Mill at lni"e is nreilioleil.
WASHINGTON, Veil. 4. Govern-
moiit aid In building up an Amorlcnn
merchant murine ami (cdoral legisla
tion permitting tho maintenance of
re-Biilo prices woro recommended In
Hpeclnl reports submitted at today's
kchhIou of thu Chamber of Coiiimerco
of tlio United Status.
DefondliiB tho ship purchase bill,
Hocratary McAtloo predicted that the
government would not oporato tho
ships at a loss and said failure to
mnko' n profit should not deter tho
government from ontorliiK tho busi
ness. Ho pointed out (hut the coast
guard sorvlco wived much llfo and
X- l''3t2V-jrf5oJtiiTtj Ann tout ciciuad. C.. v
PIETEft. satoatN
Mli KuRtnta CumpHI, who wi mar- At Ilia wcdJInc llarrcy V. Deuel, a
rted In Denver, Col,, to John I'lcter Scliot- Ilrr.oklyn youth now rcilJent In Denver,
ten. a )oune Danlih endnrer now Jointed nrtial u proxy brlJcKroom, and a clrl u ri
al pallia rant;. Javn. la now on her way 10 krnn to Mis Campbell wna her proxy In
ni'ct her huaband. Tho marrlaca which it ceremony performed llmultoneouity In
inaita them ona took plarr uflir a apecial Jnva. Ml t:ieinor McKall waa maid of
dlipenaatlon liad been obtilnod from the lionor and Iluaixll Cbclsurd, of Mlnneap
Qurvn of llollaml, o that the young oil, beit man. Colonel O. II, McKall Bavo
woman would not bo lubiret lu tlio tin- tho bride away. A iliter of Mli Campbell
migration lawa of Holland when ihe utid another Girt, attired In Dutch coitume,
raachia Java, which t In ll provlnco. icrg the brldctmalda.
LONDON, Feb. I, Kmperor Will
ium's troops still me niaintaming nu
offensive iiioxement on the battle
fields to the west of Warsaw, in Kits,
simi I'olitml, but on tho remainder of
the eastern battle lino tho ltus-inns
claim lo be exerting tho greatest
pressure, notably ueross tho Fust
I'nissian frontier mid in the Carpath
ian mountains. In the latter region
thu Ittissians claim that the fighting
bus gone ugaiust the Austro-Oermmi
forces, mill the Russians ngniii are
repotted to have erossctl into Hun
gary. Titrkisli activities along the Suck
eminl can hardly he classed yu even
as second rale skirmishes, though thu
attack near lsiuuilia, midway be
tween thu Itcil mid Mediterranean
sens shows that thu Turks arc inish
iiiT farther away from tho const of
the Mediterrniieaii.
For Mime reason not explained
here is n murked change of tone
relative lo the predictions as (o when
Kmumiin will join thu ullies, A few
weeks, it was said confidently in
! rent llritaiu that Itiiiuuiiia woultl
enter the conflict perhnps by the mid
dle of February. Dispatches to the
Hritish newspapers from Hueliuresl,
Ihu Kiimmiiaii capital, now say that
thu government has no Intention of
breaking its neutrality at 1111 eaily
date. The same pietlietion is mudo
in dispatches received through inde
pendent sources. There likewiso bus
been less talk in London of Hub's
entry into the conflict.
property and naked It tho chamber
woro lu favor of dlscontlnulm; thu
Borvlco because It coset uionoy, Ho
Imiuirctl If tho Panama canal woro
built for profit.
"Wliufo properly Is put In Jeop
ardy on sen or otherwise," said Sec
rotary .MeAdoo, "It Is a function of
government to furnish rollof, So
when commerce Is lu Jeopardy, when
freight ratus aro soaring to unreason
able holfthts, 1 must confess I have no
pntlenco with tho contention Hint tho
government must sit with nienaclod
hands mid shackled feet. This is
the tlino when wu must face tho Is
sue, This ih (ho time tor remedies,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Germany
today notified the s'ate department
that American vessels should avoid
the north and west coasts of France.
The state department does not re
gard the notice us n formal declara
tion of blockade by Germany of the
French coast. It is said that the
mere presence of German submarines
or thu planting of Gemma mines
would constitute a blockade, which,
according to long established princi
ples of the statu depart nfciil, requires
the mnintenmico of n fleet of war
ships sufficient In prevent any inter
eouso with the blockaded ports.
Therefore, thu department regards
the notice as similar to one issued by
thu Hritish government and to a pre
ceding notice from the German gov
ernment regarding the waters of the
North Sen, both of which said that
mines had been sown within specified
limits mid that the waters would be
unsafe for passage of neutral ship-
ping except muter pilotage.
Technically, the waters on the north
nutl west coasts of France, therefore,
lire to be regarded as within the war
Miii) mid American mariners aro sup
posed to take notice of tho warning
and cuter these waters at their peril.
Notification was presented at the
llcrlin foreign office to Ambassador
Gerard who transmitted it today to
thu state department.
ileriuislon -Work hturted on tho
Catholic church, conctetti. 32x(iO.
for remedies tiro not worth a contl
neutnl unless applied at tho acute
The talk ot International compli
cations from the ship purcliuso bill Is
twnddle," said Mr. MeAdoo. "Thoro
Ib no nioro dniiKcr ot that than ot
my picking up the Washington monu
ment and walking across tho Poto
mac. I know of no protest ot any
otcleii government against Hits meas
ure This Is a matter ot policy for
this government nlono to itutormino,
Its execution Is another matter. Dut
ns Ioiik us wo observe tho rules of In
turuiitlounl law nobody cun complain."
Marshall to Cast Decidir.3 Ballet
Democrats Reform Lines and Stave
Off Vote Until Newlands and Smith
Return Talk Induced in to Pre
vent Issue Beinn Decided.
President Marshall probably will cast
thu vote which derides whether the
administration ship bill lues or dies
at this -casion of congress. If the
expectations of the leaders arc fill-
filled it will be one of the few in
stances in which the vice-nresiilcnt of
tho rnitet States bus wung the bal
ance. The lust was when the late
Vice-President Sherman cat the deciding-
vole for the Hristow resolu
tion, which put a constitutional
amendment for direct election of wen
utors before the people.
Administration democrats reform
ed their lines today mid found tliex
hinl onlv 4(J votes ngnint the repub
licans' -IS waiting to send the bill
back to the commerce committee
without intnic ions. Their only
course was to stave off a vote while
Sinator Newlands hurrird back from
California am Senator Smith of
South Carolina came from the bed
side of his wife.
Contest Kvcn Ureal;
Wth their votes the democrats fig
ure that, barring Mirpri-es, the con
test will be oven on theloor and the
vice-president will be called on for the
deriding' vote. The administration
leaders count him nib them.
In the coin s,' ot the debute Scnate:
hike Smith said:
"It is understood that if the bill
now before the somite goes to a vote
it will be even. It is nNo understood
that if it is amended a tnujority of
the senate will Vote for it."
Senator Weed took the floor and by
way of holding it disi-ttskcd the im
migration bill, which the house nt the
moment was dcliat intr nu a motion to
repass over President Wil-onV veto.
He defcuded the veto.
Keinforceineiits Hastened
Senator Lewis, de'i'ocrat. hurried
buck from Asheville, N. (.. but his
vote wns offset by the arrival tr Seir
ator Fall, republican, of New Mexico.
Senator Smith of South Carolina,
democrat, notified administration
leaders he could not come because of
the critical illness of his wife.
The lines on a vote on Senator
Clarke's motion to recommit the hill
without instructions effectually kill
ing it for the session, were estimated
to be so close that Vice President
Marshall probablv would eiist the de
ciding vote. When the senate met ut
noon both sides were iniineiiverinir for
an ad vantage.
CAIRO, via London, Feb, 4 De
setters from the Turkish forces who
huvo surrendered to the Hritish
troops, include nunieious groups of
tribps in South Palestine, who declare
they were foieetl against their will to
enter the army.
Reports of yesterday's lighting in
dicate the Turks vcro prodigal with
tlieir ammunition, and that their lir
tug was ineffective. Tho cunul nnd
railwny were open to traffic all day.
PKTROGRAD, Feb. 4.- Russian
.nviators on Februnrv !2 successfully
dropped bombs on the mobilized re
serves mid trains of tho Gevtnnna at
Riiwa, Zarzoeso mid Hoguszvoe, about
fitly miles southwest of Warsaw, ae-cording-
to nu official aiittounrruirnt
issued here today,
Action Taken to Avoid Complications
and Give Excuse for Detention
Pleads Guilty-Will Be Surren
dered to Federal Jurisdiction ami
Transferred to Banger for Heerirtf .
VANCKBOHQ, Me., Feb'. 4, 'cr
ncr Horn was today Kcnicnncd to
thirty !uy in the county jail 011 con
viction of having dninngcd property
in this town by thu explosion of dyn
amitu under the international railway
Horn will be taken to tho jail at
Maehius tomorrow morning'. IlcXvns
arraigned before Justice George II.
Smith, who earlier in the tiny had is
sued n warrant for his arrest.
Horn pleaded guilty. lie was not
represented by counsel mid did not
make application or bail. lie wiih
arrested on a warrant issued charg
ing him with defacing nnd injuring;
buildings in Vancehoro. The injury
to the biddings was caused by tho
shock of the explosion when Van
Horn exploded a charge, of dynnniito
under the bridge.
To Avoid Complications
This move was in a tie, it is under
stood, to avoid possible complications
in further detaining the dynamiter
without a formal charge having been
made against him. Deputy Sheriff
George W. Hoss, who took him into
custody Tuesday, fcured personal
liability in the mutter and after com
municating with the office of the
state's attornCv general obtained a
warrant, which was later served on
the prisoner in his cell at the immi
gration station.
Horn, it is believed, will be surren
dered by the state to federal juris
diction nnd transferred to Ilaugor or
Portland for a hearing before a fed
em! commission 011 a hearing of tho
appeal of the IJritish irovcrmiieut for
i:tniitltioii Itcquestetl
WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.-0 rent
Ilritain's retmest for the extradition
of Werner Horn, the German charged
with dynamiting tho Canadian Pa-
ifie bridge over the St. Croix river,
rested in the state department totlav,
whero officials began n. study of tho
papers. While oflieials eonsisteiriy
declined to discuss it, it will he soiuo
time and only after most careful in
vestigation before the ease is put on
s course.
Offii'inl.. iiiintiil not. that it wax a
most'iinusual nnd complicated case,
and one of tho most interesting legal
ptcsttous that had arisen since thu
iiitbreak of the war.
AMSTERDAM, Feb. L-A dispatch
received heru from Hamburg suys
Hint Kmperor William arrived at Wil
helOishaveii this morning. His maj
esty inspected 'the (lerman submarine
l-'Jl, going over the vessel person
ally. lie bestowed thu decoration of
the Iron Cross on the members of thu
siibmnriiiu's crew. U-Ul is undergo
ing repnirs at Wilheliiishtiven follow
iug her recent exploits in thu Irish
Tho emperor also inspected thu
units of the fleet at Wilhehiishitveii.
The men on the various, warships lin
ed the decks and cheered his majesty
loudly ns he mudo his appearance.
Thu town council of Wilhelinshavcn
will tonight give a dinner in honor of
thu emperor,
.' ' '
CHICAGO. Feb. 4.Frrddio VMi,
"hampion lightweight, and Jimmy
Anderson of lutliunupolis wore
matched today to box tix rounds at
Grnnd Rapids, February 15. They
agreed to weigh l.'IS poiiHtls at '1 p,
in. the tiny of the bc-ul,
' i'l
j J Mnv-fa.