Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    -fcnrf.- -
vxqfj mHw '
Hioiwoui) waii; TitmuNrc, micdtohi'. okkciox, wkdxksdav. reimrAnv n, inis
' I
'. r3 v i
llnlliiM ell, mill Km Tuvlor wcu
liiinucting liulue- In Alihiiiil Hnt
' unlay.
Mr. Wnll.iiH nml family nro ihiw
nmlillim mi u lliii'M'V iiuicrlv mid
Nun VVHilkliiH if not) aHcmling "!lmul
In ('cii'ti'ul Point.'
.Mr. 1 1 Mia nml Murioii Young oN
i tAfhUwd v'Mi iiiHU''IJii; .their itni
' litl'v (ii UifW vlciiillv Hun wiek.
ftlw. Flunk 'J'Miiiqtlityi. will culcr
liTIu'lhi "lnt tiil-'riifii 1 dull Kill,
iii'dtiy nllciiiiion.
(.). SllhiolNord nml iliMiulilcr nml
.Mils MeKuy writ' ill Aftllllilid lcinltv
Hiilfmlfiy. '
.Mih, (. V. Kltlm' attended Hut
inciiliiic r die Pmt-Hullculc cluli nt
It liium r Mm. W. I. Vuwlcr Sal
' in ilny.
Mr. I' M. Palmer mid Mp lluili
linlr, attended III I'liiciil-Ti'iU'lii'i-'
i'IiiIi ini'rliiiu in Med foul flnlmday l
Ih'iir Mr. UhvltM lectiiro.
II i (viiui'Uil llnil I'mfi'wiir 1. ('.
Hcilticr of ill' experiment Million nt
Tnleul will ilvo ii timiiu deiuoulrn
litui tit tin'1 Clarke brother.' orchard
ciitly lit (In wi'i'U nt' lvli tmrv 7.
Mr. Mini Mr-. .Inliii Silv ami Will
l.nwU mnt 1'iuiill.y.. tif Kane cieak
ii' looking over pinporty in Ah
Imnl Fiiduv. Km'ii'U nml Willimn .MeKee
were in, .Mrtlfniil Snluiduy ceiiiuir,
illiil I'UCnk .MeKve ni'i'iitiimnileil llin
Cnliui1 Point luuliel Imll team to
AMilttnil thtmm I'vruiiiK.
.1. K Miner, who Iiuh mii(IiiimvI tin
iiiiMHy tid)mvpl h."liii Ituikliolr,
i in Kilii'Hiiiit Hluh, lifinir llu iiper
iitlciulcut ni' it lurtft emiuerv in ilmt
(jily. .Mr. Miner will rututii in No-
veinlier In make hi, piuninnenl home
A In rue number ft din lliix dilriel
ncefiiiiiitiicil the nen-ililiii'l Ininil in
set dulogHtiiill Id .Mcdford, Plic.ilii,
Tnlfiit noil AhIiIiuiiI Kuliirduy. Tin
fniiner wttnl initiation, lint nut tin
liotul ttie, Hint dcuiountmlcit hi.
fe.iiix liy Kullinif ihiI mnt talking to
lii nektllhor. The nici'thi huh! in
.Mnlford Tncdnv uiim llin iariiierx
nml inmxiti'rs n chance In 'i-ojht-lll.
Illleil(l of xeMMitis'll lllltim ill,
the I, nubile from Central Point (
Ahlnllil tln'lV Wie tllillV-M'Ntii. The
ieM.itr r tin .Mml Trilnim' iuut
IlllVe hecli miller ll'lt-illt('il.
ilr. A. T. Whitney vtrrliiifl the
l(. I Iiemi In i ii i lv at (lnilier, tlm ne-
minian lit'lnt: .Mr. Whitni'v' liiilliilny
MIimiUm I. y nml tl uf I lie irnK'ity
known iih llu "7(1" ami nwueil liy the
(leuernl lHtui'nt ciunmnv of Al-
InniMiriliie, N, M., were rrevutly ihl
tn MU'lie4 iii Allinilieriie,
Mini MilUi I'aihiw uud MIhh
Illiinclie lliirloKun Hie l.ukicicck cur
renponilcniM (or I lie .Mnll Tellium,
were at the t.ako creek l'ojtt office
mime time ai$o.
dm Nygren wiih at KukIo I'olnl
liiht Ve(lin(liij on liiulncttH,
l X, Clmrley wmit tn Mo.lford
lnjt ViIno(lty, nflur ulluroui;hlireil
Uiircfonl ihi If which ho kIiIpikmI fniiu
Itnlph llelinrtoilt wiih at Kuitlo
Point lunt 'V(liij4iln' on limjlncin.
UMt Suiilny Mm. Mlnnlo Staplelou
wai uut.ViillliiK lii'i' ilniiKliler who lx
UoIiik to tclmol at the Unite creel;
Clauio Churloy wm nt ICmtlo l'olnt
liiMt Wcilnomliiy on tiiiHlnenH.
Tom Aliliotl wiih vlwllliiK ('harlot
Niiumrom of S.nilh Unite Innt Hun
Mih. Mni'Kiirrt Myor ami MUh
Alma Ooiilil wera vUKIiiK .Mm. .lolju
Tyiell latit .Saturday ami Sunday.
Anion 'I'M el I iittendcil a motion
plclmo xliow ami diini'o In KnKlo
l'olnt liiHt Saturday uvoulim.
John Tyrell of l.aUo neok IioukIiI
iioiiio hay of I human U, Meyer InHt
Tommy UhkimIhIo nml Henry Townu
wont to .lacltmmvlllo with a hunch of
hiuif caltlo lanl Tuemlny. .
JuimHV.Mlltim;vuH ImylnK liny (ft
.Mr. MiojOHOn lnijt Tik'biIhV.
Mlu MnKKlo HJilluy, who him been
worlilnR forMrn. II, A. .Moyor r
turned liouiu hint Tuotnlny.
MiviUKlMi'v,t'r. 1. 1'arloW of Noith
llutt'o rrcoK wjnt to Modfpril 1 1 tbt'lr
auto liiHt vooW. . Thta l) tho flint
.vliilur tliH uutoB, wino iyuivittiq tq
mauliiilato on llutto qrsoVii Into
in tho i.(iaiiou iih thla.
Mr. HiirloHon linn rontod T. t.
Kurlou'u ranch pn Houth llutto.
I.loyd Stanley who tool; tho eighth
made oNamlnatlon nt tho llutto creel;
Hiiliuol lecelvcd his illiilomn .Monday,
l.ON'DON, Kelt. II. The Italian ro-Hiuvii-tH
livitifc in Knmlon hayo htwn
wurueil to lio Mcpari'il to' iesioml to
t call tn the colwru.
.Mr nml Mr, M l Hartley of Ta.
nl wein In tlm ' MuUffiM (iiihllc
luniltdl Hatunlny with mituo nlco veal.
W. It. lliiKlny of tho Talunt can
mir), wan In Almlfonl Hntiirday at'
tendinis (o UhhIikwi ((inueeUtd with
filn itMchnv of Imiio nuantlllim of
H'l'h'H foi'icnmiliic purinen.
Tlm Wehlon lliirlluy plnco In North
Tuli'llt Iium lienn Hold to Wm, Itlerui.
Int. Tho family liavu lalieii iohom
All H. Thro. 1'luli hau heeu luiffm
Iiik with a very nuvuru uttueli of ilinu
iiiallMii which hau confliifd her to
hur lied,
I'rof, lliilmur of N'ortli Talent loft
Hunilay evoulujt for Corvnllln when)
Ik will lie In uttunduncu durlim the
Iti'tMHloii of Ihu furmorM incutluK.
Your coneiiionildiit ttiol; a uli o
Hnnle l'olnt Hulurday tn roiiiuiny
with Mr and .Mm. John Perl and Mm.
Mnry I'ajne and Mm, II. (i. Khmirur.
' found KiikIi l'olnt every llwdy,
and lunch Interest heliiK taken In the
.niKiir lieui minim;.
They loll iih Hint im hood hi the
illMtrlct IrrlKatlou iiienil(in In dropped
and other other iiietlioils nrraiiKcd,
(hi iniiilrii acriiKo Im aNNiirud.
A. H. I'urry hau a hunch of benf
entile ready for liliiuint Hint iiiIkIiI
Im ihoiornphed iin an udvcrU'oiueiit
for tin heyf Imliintry of Oregon.
Tlioro novtir wan a fluor little herd
(iilteniid In tlm allc. and .Mr. l'uny
will urn ly K)t the top prlcen for Ilium
In Portland.
The Interuilmn wnn mimly taxed
ln)oml llu curry I m; cnpai'lly Hntiir
day evenim;. " Tl ar wan no crowd-
cd on the five o'clock trip couiIiik
hoiiIIi that 20 piiMieimerti won loft
that could not he taken Hint trip.
Onn uutoinoMly n elm r lured, bo
uillon tho IiIk rnr, but wiih not miffl
clout lo carry tho paMKuiiKem.
Wo n ro rorry to chronicle tho
doulh of S, V. McDonald at bin homo
In Talent I'rldny Mr. Mc
Dounlil ban hen cm Invalid for sev
eral yoam, and Iiiih heoit .temlorly
c.iriMl fur by IiIk only kou, .la iii en .o
liomild. who never left hlit fiiiher for
nny cmiKo but kiivj bint coiiHlant
cnti. Mr. McDonald v.nA SL' eam
old. Interment lu tin, Talent ceme
tery from Hie Talent llnptlnt church.
Auioiik (bono who went to Mcdford
Snturday fiom KiIhii Precinct were:
Mm. V. ,H. Hlnncllff. Mr. and Mm, W,
J. MrCoy, A. II. Ilounton, Hoy ffoff.
man. Mr. and Mm. Art Uone, Mr. nml
Aim. J mo Under, A. H. Kurry and
ilaui;hter Juanlta. Mr. and .Mm. ('.
I'nrciy, Mm. I.'. . (olinau, MIm DavU
D. T. McluiirilH, Andy Weldner. Mr.
nml Mm. W. IS. Anderson, Mr. and
Mm. K. ('. Itclnier, Donald Audumon.
Mm. I). l.cnhcrH, '.. Welmier. John
ijullo nu excitement wnn created at
Phoenix by tlm buinliu; of tho Itox
.Spray plant .Sunday mornlUK- Tho
rmitfM woro o MtroiiK from tho boll
UiK nptny mixture, an lo bo iilmont auf
focatlm; for a mile around. No Idea
In bad iih In tui origin or tho Hie.
One of the inoHt hotly oppoxcil pro
poultloiiH that wiih ever put up to tho
people of Kden Precinct wan that of
dlntilct Irikatlon InM Thtimdny
ovonlmt. One hundred mid one of
tho votem of thU precinct Kalhered
nt the W. O. W. hnll In Phoenix to
hear the aiKUiuent nt;aluKt tho jiro
Jecl. They were up In arum to a man
nJlnnt tho proponal'und did not hen.
Itato to (.pu't!H It, when a vote wan
taken only one man favored the plan.
The year 101 1 wiih n prosperoui
one for the Valley Pride Creamery,
the books Hhowiuir a pun '!' fully 10
per cent over IHKI. The ereuincry,
which is owned entirely by farmers,
is uplrndidly eipiippcd uud employs
tut tue imuierii luetlmds known to
butler makiujr, thereby enabliiiK them
to turn out a product which i" hccoikI
to none in the Htule. eiut; rlluu on
the on-operativo plan till utoekjiuld
er nro allowed to vote, but tin bithi
noss isuiiilcf the direct control of a
board of diivojovjc elcoled annually.
Tlm memheiri uf the' present h.oard
are Miles, ('audi ell, president, W, 1).
Mere, vice-president; II, M. flutu, A.
I'..- HJoiIkcII, I.Chtcr l.a.vlcn, A. Ii.
HatciH, uueietary-tu'iisiiivr. (hvin to
the iueieiiM in business it waa found
neeesAiiiy to employ auuther man. J.
h. (Irieve was selected a;ul in making
tjuoil, .Mr. (Irieve intends to stay
with the creamery until ho has learn
ed ull the details of butter luukiti.
Much eredil is due Mr. I In I en, who
hun been minuter of the institution
for the past five years, ami Iiuh done
much to make it what it is, The peo
ple reconn'ue. this fuel and have
nIuiwii their confidence by elect iiik
Mv, IIuIch iiiuimncr for tho hixth
I im iv
l'r the ))iis three veins the cream-
cry baa held luinual picnic which
liaa proved juoro popular caeli tituv.
ThU year it will In held lu eomicitiou
with the Apilcule valley fjcM uii-el.
TIiIh xlioiihl prove mi uililltioiiitl
(IrUVvilie; ('Mill,
Tho Applce.nlii nml Koulhuiii Oie
piu lu iti'iiernl hIioiiIiI eucnurmie nicIi
industry by paliiuii,in lioum imliir
ti, K''l I lie "Minli in Oicciou Kpiiit,"
Next WViliicwtln.v t'veniii"; 7:,'ll) u
tnt'ctili will be held nl llm Valley
Pride, eremnery J'm the piiiposc of
eomplrtinir the plniiN ol' the hold meet
to In held in ,Muy, All iiiwiiIcm of
llm m-IiooI board, parciiU'-lciicliei'
UHNiifiatlnit mid eicuiiici'v eommittce
mo r('iiieHtei to be proxcul.
Mix, dmiien (I'lliicn mid hoii .IoIiii
diove o .Medl'oid I'lidnv where loliu
umlerueul mi operaliou lor aileiioidt
tend hIh had hi PiiiHiU removed.
Kueh is eomiiitf down to play luwkct
ball Saliiiday, Feb. (I, nt the Koeialiil
ball. AiimiiicmeiitH have beon mmle
lor both boys mid ",irl www. Ad
uiiHuoiu Tree.
(lerlritilu .Mee um Thelinn Alean
inU Npinl Kunda.v uiiht with llealnee
O'llricn, .Mi-xl). O'Hiicn beinic iihiiv.
JIi-h. T. V. Ileniotl and Mm. II.
.Mnnlii'li went to Uncle Point Inst
Friday to utleml the luniml of
Klieliel, Mr. Ktiekel in Ijnown by u
number ol' people limim; built the
xehool ioue in 11IKI.
.Mr. (Irubb, Mm. Iiemi. (llailvc
Hose, I've (liiibli mid .Mi. Ilubli vis
ited the school lust) week. ' i
Mr. ami .Mi. I'led llenediet drove
to (IrnntM Pii"s I'riday, rutuininu'
The junior hoys ol' this school
have niiiiiiiir.iil u basket ball team
which eoiiNits of the rollovviu play
ers: Thomiis Mie, eiiptuin; lluuli
Hi own, J.ilin (I'lliicn, IMwiitd Kubli
mid Olio Ilmiseu, Klehanl I lend is
.Mm. Mum! Kuhli mid duuditcr
Kdilh drove to .MciHniil .Saturday,
leluriiiiitr in the ewninif.
A l'iw persons fiom here ntteml
id the dance nt .Murphy Saturday
iiiciht. They were (llailvs ltne,
.lo Writhe. Kvn (Irubb, Kbuy
Throehtumlou nml 1 1 a uy llrovrn.
Dmi't fnrel Ihu ImvolliiK library nt
the scllixillmuse. It's for y,
A meeting of the various; h eliool
boa ids is (o b belli at Kueli, Satur
day, February (I, '2 p. m., to arrange
I'or the fair to be held there in the
full. It is expected that the super
sor, A. 'It. Cluise, will be proeul.
Kev. (Iloiikuer will bold i-erviees nt
thy seboolhoii'.u Sunday niitht.
A uuirflicr of men from Mcdford
visited this valley InsJ xveek ill the
iuloicnt of the hiiur beat iudiihtry.
They stopped nt the Itose hoU-e.
.Mr. mid Mrs. W. O. Wlieelur viitiM
at Talent Friday mid Sutiiidny, re
tuiniii Sunday eveuini;,
llnrtiinn urfeiilmeher wa.i n visitor
in I he uJly one day Inst week.
Mr. mid Mm. Tien Fallow weie in
Mcdford on business the oilier duy.
Mis Mvn Kinney spent Tuesday
nicht with her friend, Mix Mario
New strum.
Mim .Maude Terrill is up visiiinjj
friends on South Fork.
Onirics Newstnun and family and
Tom Abbot Were quests of Charles
Seeneld's last Smitlny.
Hlaiiehe lturlcoii and Myrtle Fur
low were nt l.nke Cieek lal Sunday
after a load of rain.
William MesMill mid son were in
Mcdford on business a few days past.
II. A. Myer ami family were the
mjeK of Mr. Sidley's one duy last
v, cek.
Ii It. Milam has been hauliiin hay
from Mr. llurlesou's to his homestead.
John WaNli has been improving his
fniiu by elearine; tho timber off tho
hunl. lie is having the timber out
into vyood.
It. A. has n jjasolino wood saw and
bus sawed wood for lloufd't's and
Toan's, and will soon saw some for
J. It. Milam's youngest brother of
Portland is visiting relatives of Lake
Thomas Stanley was in Knjile Point
on business Thiir.sdn'y,
l. P, Hurleson went to Phoenix on
Mike Sidlcy, dr., bullied a load of
lumber from the MeCallister sawmill
the other day.
Misses Fleinine; mid Nuselon,
teaehers in ltojuo ltiver school, were
Kiiets til the home of K. I'. Chandler
of Ferndale Farm.
ilisseh Awes and Alva Seoll spent
(lie, week' end tt the home of Iheir
parputs, Mr. uud Mm. SI. M. Seott.
A nephew of Mrs. Fred I Ioniser is
jsiliiii; at the Hunpyside farm.
Tho heel sumir hooster have been
(juite numurous in the valley of late
and a number of neres have been
Hit-netl up. "o hope this industry
will jti IIiiiiuhIi us it will mean pro.s.
polity for Sunt hoi 11 Orepm,
ltobert I.e. Huron of Uranl Pass.
ideologist and mining miueer was in
hpeelintr iuiniiir property m Pi valley
last week.
Mm. Mayuiu TayUu' of (Iruuts i'ass
is viMllnit at (In- home of relative
ii, iu wi.nU '
. ..' .mm i
A iiiiiiibur nl the liK, scln.ol mrls
i! to Hpeiiiliiijf the week elld id houie,
There in it brisk Inula in beans
front off (he eicek and n Jlmt class
.. , . , . i. ,
nrlicle. in beim.' -cut out. Hvans vol -
ley U noted Im is pmd lican laud.
.1. II, I f illt- made u liiisiuesK Dip (omnnlior of ntilo truckK jjoIn dtirltiR
lloiin lliver haturdav. .tho entire ncaon Hint I good for
Thru tho V Harry Whili-. . r',l.i",,m ruiubinUtlnR tho bid will
teacher ol Niieier m-oo, the stntefbo required to Khow tho prlco per
eiretililllne; hhrarv i now nt the1 yard per ;nlk
hcIiooI, AitdrwK ull lildfl to tho underHlnnd
Wm P Welhemll i,iM1,i..1nt,iill,n,lir'lcl1 "Sealed Illdn." Tho coifnly
Win. 1 . WUI. rail, imyoi of Uv ue ,court tMxm , rU.,,t ,0 nny
lliver, Hpwtt the weekV end nt Hi' .or all blilo.
home or .Mutt Heolt,
II, S. Moore, Fred Homier mid .Jcn
Kent limner Mild n biiueli of fine fat
lloijH lo J'oribitid buvem.
.J. J. Kuinerullc sK'nt tho week end
nt home week.
Philip L. lliamlenhurvMin. mm. who
Iiiih been pimped m;; on Kylie ereek
has returned lo Ids home at Omuls
Mr, mid .Mis, Win. Ilillis ohopped in
Hold Hill last week.
H. K. 1'otler of Fair Oaks has trad
ed hi I'u mi mid Idyue liivcr propeity
for n biiNiues. uud laud in Southern
( alilornm. Mi. Potters will el off
Hie nersonal nriineilv inul inin bur
husband in the lutnn
.' , . ,. ' ' V ,
Mrs. Cut Iliimiiii'ilv vimlc1 nl Dm
I ,.. ,.c Mr K. I. i'itr ,,.i .,n,,.r
v- i
friend. I
Reported by Jaclnon County At
tract Co., (Sixth and Fir St.
if. M. McFnrlnnd v. W. II. Humph,
rev et ah, summons hied.
Magdalene .loluwon et al. vs. V. W.
(!lnunvv ct nl., amended eomplaiut
filed mid order.
Medl'ord Iteallv k Improvcjiiciil Cti.
. Southern Pacific Co., icplv filed.
Thomas Itumllcs vs. II. O. Medee ct
nl.,, assimimeut of judgment.
It. II. Toll v. .1. II. Wood, judg
ment. Mary A. Stone vs. Henry Humph
rey et al., summons filed.
(leorp W. Stephenson vs. Kd A.
F.stes et al order for publication.
William HnKtewart v. It. II. Zim
inermmi et nl., Mtit lo foreclose murl
(leore WinStepheiison vs. Kd A.
l'.stes et al., suit to foreclose.
, .).Pio1ih(o
In the matter of the estate of Har
rison II. Tiipleit, deceased, proof ol
publication tiled.
lu the mnttur of the estate of .las.
Hards, ileiVas'fd, petition for letters
of ailmiiiistralioti.
lu the ma'Icr of the estate of A.
P. Tiilcut, deceased, affidavit of post
ing notices.
lu the matter of the estate of I.a
vinn .Milieus, deceived, putilion filed.
In the matter of the i;nardiauship
of F.-ihcr MfKrlane, a minor, bond
mid oath, of fthn.idjm, on sale of aval
proper! v and affidavit of isistiue; no
tices. '
( Maiiiajjo I.lienccs
Fred Duttoii mid Dottie M. Har lteal llate Transfers
Sarah K. INtes to N'ovio Irene
Lonsbury mid Sarah K.
Loiisbury, lot in Park Add.,
Medl'ord .fJ.WIO
Me.MiutiMlIe Colleuo to Italplt
W. I.coiiiu.ljot 111 Ashland .
(Icorye F. llarnard to Thehna
H. Smith, land in see. :ll-;il-
IE. . .
Charles I.. Ihyd;etl et ttx to (
I. Kalmnn, lot it) Imperial
Add., Medtyd .. 1
Hen ,1, Trowbridge et ux to h.
V., Coi'hraiie', lots in Donegal
Orchard Tract, twp. Xt-'2'. 11,000
fluy T. Thrasher et ux to
V. Carles, lots in It. It.
Add., Phoenix 10
II. I.. Tahke el ux to Simtuoiis
liivuntineiit t'o., land in see.
m-:u-;iw. . . 10
P. h. .iimuciman et ux to I). .1,
Turner el ux, laud in sees. 1 1
and 'j:i-:is- lV 1
There will bo a social uud box sup
per at the Atfato school Februnry u,
at 8 p. in. Every one Is Invited, lad
les to brluK tmaketu. A koocI enter
tatumcut la propnrcd,
NtnicTr.FOH uins.
Notice Is horeby given that tho
county court of Jnekson county, Oro
Kon, will nt Ita noxt regulnr niootluK
In Februnry, to-wlt, on tho 3rd day
of Fubrumy. 1U1S. tuko un for con-
Bldorntlon tho proposals of auto truck
owners, for tno ho,ullnu 01 buck-thot
Krnvol from MeAudrcwa bill near
t -. - - ! U.I.. .-. - ' -..
Wo mo gottlng out n now "FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE" circular
nud wnnt listings for trade for property lu Washington, Oregon and
Callfornln.'bf In fact nny sttvto la tho Union. '
Toll H what yon linyo, and what you want, prlco your property
right, nud sqo If wo can plenso you. HAVE BUYER now for best
bargain In flvo or six room rosldenco. What hnvo you?
Medfohl, lo ynrlmin poliilu on tho pub.
i"0 hlKhwnyn within a rndlliH of 10
"'"'' tli'Tefrom.
The londlii of llm trucks will bo
jdono by ntcmu alinvnli at tho oxnoimo
,f Jncltwin county.
Tio nctunl of Brnvol to be
bt'uled cnu not bo definitely Riven nt
1,1,1,, ii,,,,,. i,,,, i, . Iimi,ft,i ,hnt M.
Iiiuantlly will bo (diffident to keep nl
0. A. (JAItDNEIt,
Ono cent per word per lua.
( Klx Insertlotin for prlco of flvo.
- ,,,Uy con(B por no por m)Mh
without chatiBo.
roit HK.vr. musi5?
POIl KENT rurnlHlioil boimo close
In. Inquire .1. I,. HcIuih, 1 1 1
North Kir. 271
' '.'TT.T"'TTTT7LTm "
I'Uit kbnt- 10 ncro
EribkHon, Hotel Holland.
M'0t KENT OfflceH In tho Garnctt
Corey bulldlnt;, beat, IlKht, water,
elevator and Janitor cervices In
cluded. I.. L. Cntbcart, milto 310
and 320. Phone 1C7.
FOK KENT Small rnneh. city water,
clone to tovkii; al) flvo room mod
orn butiKuiow. K20 West 12th St.
-. "71
FOK SI.E While OrplnRton nct
tliiK cRRs. MIli-t;radc tock,
wrltsi or phono for prices. Her
man llarrlion, 707 W. 1 1 tit St..
phone I37-K. ::7l
POK SALE Khode Inland Knl .RK3,
TiOc r netthiK. Phone -I07-M.
FOK SAl.E Uooklm; order for
Oolden and Silver Campine ckrr.
nlno Anoonu. Phono 359-1., 1 1
Cottase street. 271
FOK SALE flood rubber tiro, top
Ijiikk.v and Kltinln harness. I.. AV.
LooiiiIh, Mcdford. 270
FOK SALE Sliver Cnntplne cbsb for
liatcliInR. cnRago now. COS W.
Jaekfcon. ., 273
FOK SALE Studoknkor E. M. F.
auto at a bargain for cash. Cra
ter Lake Motor Car Co. 1C South
Fir St. 270
FOKSALl SlnRlo Comb Kbodc
Inland Ked tetting eggs, four prem
iums at Jackson county fair. All
from good laying stock. Ernent
Webb, Control Point. 273
FOK SALE -Seed oats, genuine
Shadelnnd pedlgrco feed. Yields
moro than double common oatn. S.
.M. Ncalon, Tnble Kock, phone 11
xxl. 270
FOK SALE Upright pianos In good
condition, JTo.00. MuhIc cabinet
cheap. Ilroinmcr Uros., routo 3.
phone 5S9-J2.
FOK SALE Lootte alfalfa haT also
two buggies aud two hacks. In
qulro Nash Livery llarn. 271
Five ncres.
P. O. box 2S5.
FOK SALE Improved 10 ncres un
der Irrigation, two acres berries, .1
miles north Medford, sntsll cash
payment, terms on balance. Fred
Puhl owner, J. W. Wakefield,
agent. 273"
FOK SALE Two small ranches one
two nml one 10 acres, fine sugar
beet, gnrdon or poultry farms.
Mostly in good cultivation, on bank
of creek, one-ttuarter mile. K. It.
station, stores, post office, and
school. Adtess box 03, Kogue
Klvor, Ore. 273
Roguo River Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, Btock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Colonization Tracts, Best
all-tbe-ycar-round clintato on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Henvor Realty Co., Ashland, Oregon.
27 ncres on tho Pnclflc highway,
less tltau two miles from Medford,
principally Benr crock bottom land
with fine building site, on tho hlghor
ground. All set to trees which will
soon bo bearing. For silo nt very
nttractlvp price. Might divide It.
A fino dairy and $t,ock ranch, on
tho Applegnto, mnklng plonty of
money, and for snlo nt a very attrac
tive price. Cull for particulars. It
la Irrigated.
List your lnml for snlo or rent. I
may havo n buyer right now,
FOIt HBNT-Modern bounekeopliiK
roouiH. .".J." North Ilartlott. 271
roifBAl.K llomoiitead rellnnuliih
iiicint. I bftvo ono of tlio beit lo
cnted honiontcadu In southern Oro
koii. 12 intlea from Medford. Any
ope Interouled cominunlcnte, Jlomc-I
ntoml, Iliineom, Ore. 271 1
rOH i4M. MVkSttitTK
FOIt SALE 12 extra ijood frealiDK. A. n. HEnOKS, Dr. Loulao K.
cowh, A yearling hoi for,, alio young
ralvt-s, line team of form lunros
NuMi Livery llnrn. 2sa
WANTEf--Tlirc furnlfhrd hounc-l
keeping rponift for two, references
given and required. Private fnm
lly preferred. A II., cart Mall Tri
bune, 270
WANTED To let contraot for r,0
foot tunnel In Irrigating well, con.
tractor to furnish nil equipment. E.
T. Foss, Talent, Oregon.
WANTED Small second-ltandTet of
work harness, slugk, and small
plow. Mrs. .1. F. Kedily.
WANTED Work for man and team
P. O. box 2S5. 273
WANTED Married man wants posi
tion as foreman on ranch, capable
nml familiar with slock and or
ehnrd. Hox II. N , care Mall Tri
bune. 273
WATEIJmnpetent arid acllve
foreman for large fruit ranch.
Please .stale experience and ability.
Also references and salary ux
pectcd. Itox T., care Mall Tribune.
EXCHANGE Want to sell or bit
anything? U C Kador, 114 N.
Front St. Employment otflco and
rentals. Phore 125. Nuff Bed.
FOK EXCHANOB Two bouses and
lots in good (own for acreage.
What have you? Address "F",
care Mall Tribune. 270
FOK EXCHANGE Houso and lot In
Central Point for ono or two lots
lu Medford. Address "A" care
Mail Tribune. 270
FOK EXCHANGE Now self-starter
for Ferd: one new pump, ono Inner
tube, one number carrier. Sell
cheap or exchange for cheap horFe,
harness or wagon. Phono C35-L.
LOST Monday morning, tan purse
containing three rings and four
leaf clover watch charm. Kcturn
to Mall Tribune and receive re
ward. ' 270
ranches. C. A. McArthur, room 3,
over post office. Phono 3CS or
130-K. 2SU
Auto SanpUca
sro operating the largest, oldest
and best equipped pUint In tao Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring!
when others fall. Sold under guar
anteo. 26 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg, George M. Robert
Medford National Uank Building
Attoruoya at Law. Jackson Couu
ty Bank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney al
law, room 7, Sparta building, Med
ford, Oregon.
Garnott-Coroy Bldg., suite Sll
Uedford, Ore. Phone 8fa.
Stenography and Multlgrapli Work
M KS.'m T ED WAR US -Work dono
promptly nt rensonnblo rotes.
Room 3, Palm block, phono 107.
A word to those who are coming
back. Land for tho past six months
has been bunging nt rock bottom
prices. A groat deal of liquidation
lias Ukon place In this tlmo. My bus
iness nlono In tho last half of this
)cnr has amounted to nearly i 100,000
1 bollovo tho Inst four or flvo deals
1 huov miulo represent absolutely tho
bottom, Laud with rental yaluo of
$30 an aero will not long remain at
200 an acre. Tlioro will bo no boom
but land values vlll Improve somo.
Good roads, Irrigation, saw-mill,
box factory, cheap power, sugar
boots, cnnulnK factory, good prl,cesA
satisfied, customers,, perfect days,
Hurry, eco Medford first, and.
Room 201, First National Bank Udv
E. U. CROUfJH Arnnyer, pheinUt,
metallurgist, custom Away or
f Ice. Mnll ordor bmilitcmt xollcltwl,
Price. (Toltl, fl.OO: gold iid nil'
ver, 1.2G: coppor, ji.Otrj jjobU "li
ver nml copper, 2t0Q, Mnijlng cn
Vfllopcn froo on requem. Kefer
onco, Joseph Ino County Dank,
Itoonu 201-203 Hail libit?., Orantd
Piisi, Oreaoi, 336
let-gxiasi; 'a : l-rrziM
Hodges Mftchnno-Thoraplxls, Chtro
praetors, Hpondylotltrroylsts. Thw
systems, Includltig dlstetlcs, eur
tlo gymnnitttcs, hydro-lhernphy,
etc., prod 11 ro results In both acut
snd chronic tllsonscs. Consulta
tion froo. Over Detlal It Co., cor
ner Mnln and Unrtle'.t, Hours 9
a, m. to C p. m. Other hours by
appointment. Phone 170.
Ml, K. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nervo specialist Rooms 20,1-104-20S.
Gnrnett-Corey bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific, mama go given;
ocedlo spray, head and shoulder
shower lu connection; advice la
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydropthflrapy. Lady nltendant.
Phone, office 643, residence Dll-R.
KBiplojrtueNl Ajraoy
We are here to help people Kt re
liable, competent help. "W'e lur
nlsb help In almost all llaee of
business. We make a specialty of
comretont men and wlvea for
ranches. We solicit your patrom
nee. Rlttnor's Real Hstate asA
Employment Bureau, Room aad
7 Palm nulldlng, Medford. Pkoae
8J8. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Engineer and Contractor
FREDAS'! CUMMiNaSEngineeVand
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Dldg.
Surveys, estimates, irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
OARUAGB Get your premises
cleaned up for the. summer. Call
on tho city garbage wa?oas fot
good service. Phono 274-L, F.
Y. Allen.
Instruction la Music,
401. Garnett-Corey Itldg. Fred Al
ton Halgbt Piano, Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, voice. Telephone
Netary Vat
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lie. anmc your worx to me at taa
iltn of the Mall Trttmae.
Phyestr Uae aaa. aaryqsta
MAINS CAKLOW Onteojatala
physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg., phone 103C-L. ReeMeat
26 South Laurel 8L
DR. VtK W. HOWARD OsteowUile
physicians, 303 aarnett-rCorey
building. Phone 904-M. '
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physldaa and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat, Eyea scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East MaU St.
Hours 8:30 a. m, to 8 p. -Phone.
E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
soa County Dank bldg. Office
phone 43-R; residence phone 68-U.
claa and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physlclaa aacj
surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
UK, S. A. LOCKWOOD Physiol
and Burgeon,
i'ractlce limited to disease of
women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M.
F. & H. Bldg. Phones, residence,
Slt-J-'; office, 81 1.
R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician snd
Surgoon. Over Hutchison & Luins
dou. 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYDLV S. DOW Osteopathic
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St
Mat4;s block, hours 1 to 5 p. in.
Phono 160. Res, tho Dow. Hospi
tal, Control Point.
DR. MCM. II. DOW Physician uad
surgeon, obstotrlcs and surgery,
offices 3 aqd 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9. to 12. Phono. 100. Rest
dence, the Dow Hospital, Central
Printers ana Publishers
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book bladlac.
loose- leaf lodxors, billing systeaw,
etc, Portlund prices. 27 Norta
Ftr Ht
SHOE mjPAIRING- First clei&e
repairing, on modera electrle
machines whllo you wait H. N,
Blden, looated lit KIdd's Ihoa Store,
Pboue 313J,
' m m .-TaTTss.
Office. 42 North Front St faoaa
315, Prices right. Henrlee Mr
Tyicnrlterit aua SuppUs,
New Remington, Smith framter
' and ;Moua.rch t'l'4writln, adding
and subtraptlng muchiuef, rulH ',
macliluea for cash ox easy aajrV
mcuts. " Ma.clit.ns, for rent. rliAs
and, supples of alt. kinds, tlmpte re
pairs free df charge. Igef,' 8.
Bennett, 10 Quue Hlu ybMM;
03S.R, V
1 '"-
I '
' I
. f