!gT'ffyjp,y.lln.lFWWMl'IWlWJiWWlWWW,l'1'yMlWWMWu JWnF, TCTCIT1T rFiDVOKP NT Am TRinUNW. MKHVOm). OlilWOS1. MTKSIUY. VKUIM'AKV 2. IJNft wsgWiuwMWwwwew il IOCAL AND L PERSONAL In ttio police court thin morning, J, Vroninn, driver of n Jltnoy bus was fined $5 and costs for failure to go to tlio curb Monday nftcrnoon when n flro nlnrm wns sounded. TIiIh Is tho flrcst arrest and conviction upon tho recently imiitotl city ordinance. Miss Muriel llurrls will enter Sa cred Heart hospital today to be oper ated upon for appendicitis. Bco Davo Wood anout that flro In euranco policy. Oftlco Mnll Trlbuno Bldg. Dr. It. J. Conroy nnd bride will re turn to Med ford Friday from their wedding trip. It. W, Html, editor of the Morning Sun, lino been named by Governor Wlthycombe, ns ono of tho state dele gates to the International Press as sociation convention to bo held In 8an Francisco next July. Matinee, the Page today. Two auto accidents occured on Mnln street Monday night, .loo Kcstcr of Foots crck, while crossing near tho Nash Hotel was struck by nn auto driven by F. "W. Shaplelgh. and knocked down and badly bruised. Kostor was carrying an umbrella which prevented him from seeing the approaching machine In time to dodge. Ills Injuries are not serious. Dr. K. O. Itiddell, while driving his machine at Grape and Main skidded Into a buggy belonging to It. II. Powell, smashing up tho vehicle Powell escaped without any Injury. These arc the first two auto acci dents In tho business district In mouths. Placo your magazlno club sub scriptions with Spnrtu Cigar Store. . 2C9 niaino Klum visited with friends nnd rolatlves In Ashland the first of tho week. St. Mark's Guild will glvo an old tlmo dance Friday, February 5. Tlhk cts 73c, spectators 25c each. 2"0 Stanton Uriffls has returned from a business trip to New York. Sweet cider at De Voe'a. ' Stewart Patterson, William Mor can. Mrs1. Conner and Miss Conner hnvo returned from Corvallls where they took tho short horticultural courso at tho State Agricultural Col lege Mrs. Leach, 32 C North Bartlett, ex pert corsotlcrc. ThiB Is ground hog day, and the prospects at noon were bright that tho animal would see his shadow, as tho clouds were clearing after the heavy rain of Monday, and the sun was faintly trickling through. If the ground hog sees his shadow ho will retreat Into his hole, and not come out again for six weeks, according to popular fancy. Last year tho ground hog saw his shadow, and tho dryest year on record was tho result. Mutlneo, the Page today. Ashland Is perturbed by the report that rabies are prevalent among dogs, and the police have been ordered to muzzlo all canines until further not ice. Mcdford is about tho only city of any size In the state that Is not nf'fllcted with a rablo scare. During the dog days last summer, all dogs wcro muzzled, but the agitation has passed and boen forgotten. St. Mark's pre-Lenton dance will be given Friday evening, February C, In St. Mark's hall, tlcketH 7."c, spec tators 25c each. 270 Dr. A. W. Deanc who has been sick tho last threo weoks with blood poi soning In tho foot is able to be about on crutches. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camora Shop. Over Isis Theater. All mall from tho cast was delayed this morning owing to heavy storms and floods in tho mlddlo west nnd Itoclty mountain states. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Comoro Shop. Over IbIb Theater. Tho regular Hrst of tho month meetlnti of the city council will bo held at tho city hall tills evening. Get it at De Voo'a. James It. Flavello of Portland Is umong tho out of town visitors In the city HiIh week attending to business matters. ( you have evor attended u St. Mark's Guild danro you will plan to attend tho Old Time dance in St. Mark's hall, February 5. 270 Attornoy Otis Newbury transacted professional business in Jacksonville Monday afternoon. Uot your Duttor, eream, milk and butter-milk, at De Voo'i. lioland Vaughn or Gold 1 111 t spent Monday In Medford attending to husl uchr matters. We aro headquarters for real first quality cut hair. Marlnello Ialr Shop, 407 Garnett-Corey building. 274 D. M. Lowo of Ashland who has charge of tho Jackson county ex hibit at tho 1915 fair, left Friday to begin tho work of arrungement. J, 0, (Jerking-, tne best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negutlves made any wkere, time or place. Studio 228 Main St. Phono S30-J, There are n couple of Jack Dent's In tho city, ono alleged to hnvo en gaged In a fiacas with a Jack Hand ley Saturday night. Tho combatant Is not ltalph Dent employed by the Wells Fargo express company, Cora K. Utley, chiropodist, 407 Garnett-Corey building, phone GG7-H. 274 Medford defeated Ashland In the debate at the high school Monday night before a good sized crowd. The question discussed was "Public Own ership of ltnllroads." The Judges 'were Prof. Ager of Talent, Dean Stroube of the University of Oregon, nnd Judge F. M. Calkins of the cir cuit court bench. Tho Medford de baters were Karl Hubbard, Clinton Purkeyplle, and Hugo Lundberg. The local team will next meet Grants Pass. This Is the first year the local high school has shown much Interest In oratory. Dr. S. A. Lockwood nnd Dr. Myrtle S. Lockwood, (physicians and sur geons) have moved to their now suite of offices. Itooni9 30!), 310 and 311, l.lr,l (Innr T V Jt It Illill- ...a .aw., . . -. ...,. George M. Jones has returned to tho soldiers home at Koseburg after visiting with friends and relatives In this city the last week. Malcolm Kool of the Central Point district, spent Monday in Medford at tending to business matters. Jack F. Merrill of Gold Hill was a business visitor In the city for n few hours Monday. Ho careful and savo nil your votes, only two more weeks until end of contest. " Horn To C. C. Hoover and wife, n son, January 26. M. U. Whipple, a business man of Santa Cruz. Cnl.. but formerly of Itoguu Itlver, Ore., hns been In the city the past week transacting busi ness. Hi- Is enthusiastic over the out look of Santa Cruz. The congenial spirit of the people makes it a very desirable place to live. His family arrived there the first of January and aro now located on Locus street. The Medford Mnll Tribune follows them It anyone found a small package containing n pair of blue serge pants please notify this office. 2t3i The weather bureau states that through an error In computation the rainfall for January was 1.34 inches and not ,GG Inches ns published. C. I). Grant connected with the Southern Pacific company, is In Med ford on business. D. C. Harris, roadmaster Southern Pacific company, spent Monday in Medford. W. Mcsslnger, advance agent for tho Yellow Ticket company, was In Medford Tuesday. Chas. L. Munson, the popular com mercial traveler is calling upon cus tomers this week. Hugh Poston, champion marksman of the coast, now with the Hercules Powder company, Is renewing ac quaintances in Medford. The yeggmen who have been rob bing right and left In the Hogue river valley the last week, took a rest Monday night, there being no crimes reported to tho police this morning. Kvery stranger showing In Medford Is subjected to an examination by the police, nnd if his title Is not dear Is ordered out of town. F.d Fry of the upper Lake creek country Is spending a few days In the city on business. Recently Mr. Fry trapped a large cougar near McA! lister Springs, receiving a '1 boun ty from the county clerk for tho same. Ho also turned In the hides of three coyotes and two bobcats. George Fry, his father, accompanied him to tho city. Hoger S. Dennett left this after noon on a business trip to Portland and Wlllametto valley points. J. F. Urown of Ragle Point spent Monday in Medford attending to business matters. James Vogell of Kuglo Point spent Monday In Medford transacting busi ness and visiting friends. IN TALKED AI MA MING MAY SIOP WORK OF BELGIAN RELIEF , , , , , I ItKltl.lN', via London, Feb. 'J. Itepresentntlvo farmers nnd I fruit-,,,.,., ,oo , f , growers to U.e number of l.,0 arc. A)U,ril,an ,.,, ',,,,..,,. wmim!H(, gathered at the public library this at- ,H .,.,, . ,,..,, .,. , crnoon to discuss ways and means ,,.,., ,otl,Vlt!m,0 wH. ,,,., ,.,..., or the establishment of Irrigation In! ,.,,,, So m,ilrtnill ... ,,.,. the valley. Ihe meetlnc Is presided m.p,tinliol,H ,, ,,,, ,., ,,.. over by Dr. J. C. Hnrt of Talent, with ........ ,, . .. . . W. N. Sumner of the Potter.Palmerai. ni(,.. nmwWM , ,,0, ,, ,,,,: Orchard company, as the rirst spenk-.,,0 ,.,;..,.,.,, , -n Wm OllllttlllO llllllM.tUOl.l llll.ll ill.. , . SAYS SUGAR BEETS CAN FARMING MINNESOTA cr. Mr. Sumner impressed upon the i ntlfll.'tir.t tint llttlmvtnlir!. it Irrli.a. ' Hon to the valley, nnd that whatever the mass meeting decided to do, to stay by their committee. He dispelled n number of the deceitful arguments sent out by gossips nnd foes of the district plan. At this Juncture a couple left the room, but the overflow In the ball quickly filled their posi tions. It was explained to the meet ing that even with a crop failure last Willi Mr. Hoover nte Dr. W'.vek- litl'e IJose and Hrnet Itiekuell, who have been ltivotigiitnur conditions in Belgium ami eastern Poland on lie Imlf of the Rockefeller foundation and the American lied Cross. These two Americans are in Merlin to eon sider the establishment of u relief or ganization for Poland. A condition to the imilci takinc U the pledge of V. I Huttou ,f U. . N.i. 1. w ho saw the mlvunties of sugar heel culture In Minnesota ten ,vonrn iigo, mu.v.s (hut the establishment ( lt too lory in this valley is the forerunner of u jiackiiii; plant, mid the develop ment of the Mock industry to the highest. Sugar beets' were a hiiccc in .Minnesota, despite the iinrs ol winter. "Sucnr heels will wink the soil," said Mr. Mutton. "Fanners in this country do not cultivate; they just sortilcli lite ground and then Mimd around nnd holler because they don't Inn e big crops. For sugar beets deep mo uenuan niul Austrian govern 1:u inputs tint tit is'iiitiwtt jiin I'm,.. 1 1... in.! year, tho growers would have nude'....,.:.,...,,. miv -. .. .,,,..,. plowing is re.piiied. and that is what money wu, ,rrigauon. some uciiimc . flp , S(I ,lf , .,. ,, A,. line of action for Irrigation will be - , )mi)i,s p,,,,,,,,,, Tll N taken before the meeting Is u.1-, .,, ., , ,u(il.vo I1JiC ,,.,, Joitrned. nnd some warm arguments, ...:,, ..., ... ,,. !r ,.. relief meastires for Poland ns ill present planned will have to be abandoned. are on the bill. GLEE CLUB BENEFIT AT PAGE Tl The Medford High School T MAINE-CANADA BRIDGE BLOWN (Conttlnucd from Par.o I.) which follows the St. l.awrenco river Olec', ,,,l,,e il'"s, Que., and then turns club, under the direction of Miss Incs """"n ' ,,0". J"n nn.i nan Coffin, will give a program at tho fax Tl1" ,0s of tl,' ,,rl,K" wo,"l, Page Theater tonight for the bene-,lMn' ,ml "ol Interrupt the trnuspor tlt of the musical department of tltef ,n,,on of wnr "Hatwlalii to tho coast, school. The numbers ghen will he i lrlsmer of Maine very pleasing and the support of the! Vn" ' " i'l' " prisoner of community should be forthcoming. j,ho s,at0 r Ma,,H'- To nvo'l lu, The program Is glwn In addition to ""',0 complications, the local authorl tho full moving picture program with! 1,,,H ",mlu no ""rtlii-r move pending no Increase In price of admission. advice from the federal government. 'The Canadian authorities Indicated the laud in Ihis alley needs. needs intensified cultivation. "The pulp fiom the beets is (he greatest stock Iced in the world. Me fore a factory eauie to Minuesoia, wheiv 1 used to live, we raised noth ing but wheat. Aftciwanls we had stock, grain nnd beets, and all ver. impoitaiit, and dovetailed into 'one auolher, seatteritu; money over the entile coiumuiiil.N. "I signed up laud for suijnr beets in this alley, hut they said it was too dry. Mabe it is. Anvhow, 1 um go ing to plant five a.'ies for stock feed." CHANGE SHIPPING BILL (Continued from Page 1) provision be made nyniiist libelling Hie vessels if the venture lieinine profitable, .Mr. Wilson point. d out that ativ action taken now would not now In American polls were of Ihtil type. No Foieluo Protest The president stale cinpliiiliciilly (hat no forciitu goveniuieul hud i-inile any rcpiesciilalioiiM on the Hiilijcel, mid Hint theie hud been no protest, lie Haiti, however, thai Ihciu had been eouversallons uilh the tepre sentalives of foielgii goveranieiils wiiielt had given rixc to the idea that there was something foiuial. Sciiulor l.iifolletli' oliVrcil an ameiiduiciit to prohibit leasing ships for longer limn six months nnd leg iilntiiiir rales. Hcuntoi' I'oiuilcvlcr pioposed nu aiuendiiicut that no helliuerent ship, he pin chased and that no government ships be operated to Kuropean poits during the war. Itepiiblleiiiis to Fight Hepubllcan senators declared they weie piepnred to debate the bill, If necessary for weeks. Vice President Marshall piepared a protest against the vote by which his ruling esterday was overruled. At tonight's caucus It Is expected a motion will bo prepared ns an amendment to Senator Clark's motion to recommit the bill. It would send the bill back to the commerce com mittee witli Instructions to report tvlth ameiidmuuts, along lines that will bo an absolute guurauteo of neu trality. ('ailing of a night caucus assured a discontinuance of piolonged ses tdmis for another day at least. lUinrlHio's Pintcst Informal conference developed, It was understood, that the seven demo, crati will pfopono terms under which they return to the caucus and the ad ministration wing as follews: ... ... ..in i... ..... rnai me mil in i. "j " i'"i dourly an emergency project! and full her that no Hhlp of hidlkeient ualloiiH now In the statu h.i bought, Heiiator Lodge Introduced a hiiIi ntltutii bill for the construction In the 1'nltcd Stales of no.OtMi.iMXi worth of vessels suitable for navy auxiliar ies and foielgii commerce, At i HI o'clock the netutln ad journed to noun tomorrow and the demncratH and republicans prepaied for caucus and convention. CASCARETS RR CO E BOWELS HEADACH E. COLS Get a ID-rent box now. Turn tho rascals out the head ache, biliousness, Indigestion, tho sick sour Htouiach niul bad colds turn them out tonight and keep them out with Casraiets, .Millions of men nnd women take a Cascniel now and thuu and never know the misery caused b)u buy liv er, dogged bowels, or an upset stout ach. Don't put In another day of ills. tt.'HS. Let discards cleanse jour stomach; remove the sour, ferment ing food; take the excess Idle from )our liver nnd carry out all the con stipated waste mutter nnd poison In the bowels. Then ou will feel great, A I'liscaret tonight straightens )ou out by morning. They work while you sleep. A iO-ccut box from any drug store mourn, u clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver nnd hovvel action for mouths. Chlldteii never gurded as a government ownership, love msrareis necause uiey measure ami bo framed to maku It gripe or sicken Adv. EX-GOVERNOR YATES ,iney vvouiit immediately make repre- r ,.,.,, ,m, ,,, ,.Kri.HM.Si dilations nt Wnshlngton with a view ,1V1. t0 ,. .,;,,, , ,). ,.,.,., f .)u. . nlMA.lllM.. .. tl... ............I At.. . ' . . . ' .u .AI.U....II... uu iuu K..MIUW iii. j ,. The jiresjileut said he wa lire ,the dynamiting had been done on thoj(u, m ,,, ,,, K..,iisp,,cc.l on the , Canadian sldo of the border. On the i senate ealcudar. but if it wcie it i other hand, it wasald that Van Horn oll, . nv ,,.,Mirany, would be defended against extradl tlon, basing his claim for the protec- Ofltion of the United States on his as- Illinois, is named ns corespondent in ;selm that he had committed an act a divorce complaint filed hcie today SAN FHANC'LSCO, Feb. 2 Mich ard I). Yules, former governor s foiecnsiin-' the iiurioe of the ndiiiinistnttiou not to buy belligerent ships, even though coiitciiiliiix for that right, it was regarded us ig by IMwur.l It. Freeman, n photo grapher of F.urekn, Cal., against F.mma M. Freeman. The complaint alleges that Mrs. Freeman and Yule, traveled together from K'treka to Sum Francisco in Jul v. lill.'t. of war and that his offense was po-,,,:.;,.,,,,, tmt ,il(. llM.s,dent declared j",,cal that the Ivpc of ships most needed Temporary repairs were to be made (.(l ,lt. Mlit ,. , j,. ,m, ni onco so mm cars couiu w pusueu , lrmil) (.tenuiers built to earrv large across one at a tjme. A plank walk rlirg..cs were most needed now, and was laid across (he Ice for tho use r,.,,v , ,,,.,i(l ,, . did not of passengers. Ibeliev,.' maiiv of the (lennnii shins HOW TO MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST COUGH REMEDY AT HOME GENERAL VILLA DIES OF WOUND, REPORT MHXICO CITY, Feb. '1. Colonel Serrano, chief of (leneral Obregon's stuff, tonight telegraphed Ceneral Venustlano Carranza us follews: "I havo tho honor to communicate that a constitutionalist chief arriving here from Topic by way of irapuato says It Is reported In tho latter place that General Villa died as tho result or wounds inflicted at Agnus Callcntcs by Col. ltodolfo Flerro. Tho report emanated from Villa hources." The state department at Washing ton was advised Sunday by American Agent Carothera nt Kl Paso that (Jen. Villa had fcent him a telegram from Aguas Cullentcs saying he had not been injured. Official reports of tho capturo of tho city of Guadalajara were received at General Obicgon'u headquarters today. A Good Ilesolutlon. To help build up Medford payrolls by smoking Governor Johnson or Mt. Pitt cigars. j y yJ$$t A jt i I I il k WU LAXK TO VLAHHWt. FOH BALK Hooking orders for Golden and Silver Campluo eggs, also Ancoua. Phono flfiO-L, 14 Cottage Btreet, 271 "Bull" Durham is Always "Good Form" In the very smartest circles of American society the hand-made cigarette of deliciously fresh "Bull" Durham is recognized as the supreme expression of tobacco luxury. It is stylish, correct, and stamps you as a smoker of experience, to "roll your own" ciga rettes, to suit your own taste, with GENUINE ull Durham SMOKSNO TOBACCO The wonderful, unique, savory fragrance and flavor of "Bull" Durhamthe delightful mildness and smoothness of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes -are irresistibly attrac tive and enjoyable. This pure, ripe, golden mellow tobacco gives paramount satisfaction Lo discriminating smokers the world over. Aik for FREE Pachagt of "Paptr with each Sc tack. FREE L An Illustrated Booklet, show ing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Citrarcttcs.and a nack- age of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U. S. on postal request. Address "Pull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Mi ' lUBI Hi '& ninnf!fff II m lljPQMSllill Mot pcrioni neglect a couch or cold for the principal reason Unit they cither don't think It serious enough to co to a doctor, or don't kuovv what good mcdl duo to buy at a drug store, with the result that the couh or cold becomes dccp.fcentcd through thU neulect and hangi on tho whole winter -which mlc,ht have othcrvvUe been speedily cuied, had Schiffmnnu'i Concentrated Hxpcctoraut been ued promptly. Th 1 1 new remedy Is so strongly con centrated that two ounces (50 cents' worth) make a full pint (Id on,) of ex cedent cough medlclue, by simply mix lnt; It nt home with one pint ol Kratiu latedsucurnudtf plntof water. It make a whole family supply, us much nt would ordinarily cott from $2,00 to $3.00 for the tame quantity el the old, ordinary, ready mada klndt of doubtlul merit. lt li prcjiared (rora strictly burmloM iilants nnd Is so plcaiaut that chlldit ilka to take- It and it can bo given them with peifrct safety as it positively con tains no chloroform, opium, morphine, or other narcotics, oi do mutt cough mixtures. It l altogether dlifrtrnt (nun any other cough remedy No ilik what ever Is run In inlying this remedy in th ilrugglit named below will reluoil money if It does uot give perfect utUfiictlon or l uot found tho very best remedy you have ever iiied for stubborn CongM:, Colds, llronchltlf, Cronp, Whooping Cough nud lloarsencsv In lact any druggl.t will sell this new remedy under tho same gimrnn tec. 11 your druggUt will not keen It for you. order direct ot K. j, HcJilflraann, M. Paul, Minn. Mcdfonl I'tinnnnry Guaruntced hero by Big Cut In Tires 20 REDUCTION On All Goodrich Tires Effective Feb. 1 C. E. GATES : i Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Car .J, ', Effectlvo from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1015, and KiiaraQ.4 gainst any roductton during that time: ' .' Touring Car ...............f 490 ' ,1, Itunabout M ,..- 440 Town Car .' N....M U0 F. O. D. Detroit. All cars fully equipped. i. (In tho United States or America Only.) Further, we will bo ablo to obtain tho maximum efficiency tn our factory production, and tho minimum cost In our purchasing and ales departments It wo can reach an output of 300,000 can be tween tho above datos. And should wo reach tbla production wn agroo to pay aa the buyer' haro from f 40 to f GO per car (on or about August 1, 101C) to every retail buyer who purchases a now Ford car bolween August 1 1014, and August i, xoie, For further particulars regarding those low prices and profit-sharing plan, seo tho noarest Ford Branch or Dealer. Ford Motor Car Company C. E, GATES, Agent Sparta nulldlng Mcdfor. Oregon.