i ,l urtw,:. n. f AUK &&. AfEBFOUT) MATL TRTRUNE, MTCDFOTin. OKlinON, TUESDAY, liMWlUTAHY 2, 1015 Sf3S33i!wmiJ5 4; ' VJ&tlffttSX?:? m t i j .n i 1! i ,t , 1 ' .1' i! &1i of HWU, HW 34, twp. 39, It -nu or mv, KH f NEU IWil of SBU, Helms, A. N Land, lies. 89-398, TO ncres, acCs. SO nml 21, twp, .19. 11 IM .... Wood, I'4. MKH H of SWU. nee. . SB .... .. - Anlilnnil Land Co. HWU of HWU. NU of HE14. HW sec J, twn. 40. It 2E... Dclirinntvlk W Lot 4, nml SWU of NWU, HWU of HWU, sec A 8, tWP.40. It SB .. .! ... Ashland Laml Co. 8V4 nf NBU. NWU nml HWU mid SKU. sec II, twit. 40. It 2B .. Marsh, L. H.-HW of NWli. WH of HW, sec 12. twp. 40, 11 2B Ashland Land Co. NH or NWU. NWU nf NKW and KW nn.l V of SHU. fC 14, twp. 40, it sb MrCnry, It. P. NH of SBU. I" JO acres, comity rnnd. 70 acres, see. 20, two, 40. It SH Ittaco, If. I.. HWU of sec 20, twp. 40, It 2B Blunder. J. J. hku of snu. sec .A, IUJ'. IV, (- Ashland Land Co. SWU of SBU. jxwi nnu wu or Mii, 0.47 22.80 28.00 o.is 67. i: 23.80 44.88 6.01 S1.S5 1.36 SH i? 44.88 6.33 14.40 67.c 17.40 23.05 wu ..e atv-t w.t-.i .. utiu x-i?i H of SBU, sec 2J. twp. 40, It 213 . Bcliolcr. J. " J. N U '," of "nk'h" riiid EU of NWU, sec. 26. twp. 40, It SB .--.. ! Ilrunsklll, I). K. SEU of NEU. BH of SBU. NWU of SEU. pec 34, two. 40. It SH . Ashland Land Co, NEU nml NW U nml SWU nml SBH. sec 35. twp. 40. It in .? .! Michael. 0. W. SWU of sec 6. twp. . 11 SB Gilbert llnnnnh J. WU of NW U. SKU of NWU. lot 1. sec 6. twp. 41. It SB iiAKUB Timrcrc east Itee, Oco. C BH of SBH. sec 7, twp. 33, It SB 26.S0 Itees, Oco. C. WH of SWU. sec .. twp. 33. USE .... 20.40 Wilson, Kettle SBU. sec. 13. twp. 33, It SR .. 36.00 Hrlstol, R O. SHU, sec 20, twp. 33, It 3R .... ........... 48.00 Unknown Owner NKU of SKU. . neo. 3, twp. Jt, it 315 12.00 Iowa Lumber Co. K4 of NBU, NW or SEJ4, Bee. 12. twp. 34. It SR . .. 80.40 Iowa Mimlier Co. NU of NEU. KM of NWU. ec 13. twp. 34, . It 3R ... ...'. .! I S0.40 Murrny, Millie RH of 8WU. WiRof SHU. cc. 22. twp. 44. so nouth. llit 'ESo"r'"EuTS'ecI 80. twp. 34, It 3K 23.20 Kilmer. Wm. lotn 3 nntt 4. "7 acres, sec. 2. two. 35, It 3R .. 18.00 Allen, John M. SWU of SEU. eo. 10, two. 35, It SB . 6.00 Itorton. A. K. SWU of SWU. ik'O, 16, twp. 35, It SR 10.60 Hent, U N. NH of SWU. ec . 23, twp. 35. It SR 20.40 Hffrt. E. II Kdt. SWU of NEU. HBU of KWU. SU of SWU. 815 U, sec. 24, twp. 35, H3E ......... 108.80 Stewart. K. M. NU of NKU. fee. 24. twp. 35, It 3E 13.60 Smith. nilxaWtli A. SEU of NWU, KH of SW. aw1" of SWU. ec 34. twp. 35. R 3B 40.80 IJjirt, B. E. et al SEU of NWU, NBU. NWU of 8EU. nee. 36. twp. 36, rt SB 81.60 Klr. W. O Irfrta 4, 5, 6, 7. 165 acrc. eec. 6, twp. 36, It SR 19.30 TUCKer. Ji M. SEU of NWU, NEU of SWU. NUof SEU. sec S. twp. 36. It 3E 40.SO rnrkcr, T, K. SWU of aec. 14. twp. 36, It 4E 56.80 Pare Treil C Lota 3 ami 4, EH of BWU. 161 ncrea, aec. 18. twp. 36. It SR Z 14.75 NlCro, P. O. EU of NEU. NWU of NBU. NEU of NWU. c. 20. twp. 3, It 3B SJ.60 raraon. Clarence SH of NWU. NU of SWU, sec. 28. twp. 3. It 3E 1 . 29.60 Harman, John P. Lola S and 4, EH of SWU. 162 acre. ec 39. twp. 36. It 3E 35.50 Wllea, 1L It. BWU of NWU. WH of SWU. SEU of SWU, aec. 32. twp. 36. It 3B 28.40 Erlckaon. M. E. SH of HBU. NE U of SEU. SEU of NBU. sec 34. twp. 46. It SB 26.00 Joiiea & Mayea NWU and SWU nnu ks or mh, mv or kb U. WH of SEti. SEU of SEU arc. 16. twp. 37, It 3B . Parlow. T. U NWU of NWU. ec 18, twtu 37. It 3B Kinney. J. W. u of NKU. sec 18. twp. 37, It 3E . Uartlett. C. II. EH of NWU and lota 1 iiinl 2, 153 acres, sea 30, twp. 37. It 3B .. WatKon, Uanlel E. SH of SWU. WH of HBU, aee. 32, twp. 37, SunimeVa7A! NTi ofliTiuTsu' of SEU. sec. 4. twp. 3s, it 3E.. Sloore. Ivtlllli, NEU, see. 8, twp. 38 It 3 K Mooro, Frank""wl NWuT aecTS", twp. 3. It 3E , llubar, Maria SH of SH, sec 8, twp. 38. 11 3B Iteuter. Wm. (i NWU of 8 Kyi. sec 9, twp. 38, It 3E - Campbell, James EH of NWU. lota 1 anil 2 und 8EU. SCO. 18, twp. 38, 11 3K Hawkins, V. SWU. sec. 22, twp. 38 It 3P Moore. V. M.o'fui NH"or"NlTul aec 26, twp. 38. It 3E Htcubor, N. Est. WH or HWU, SKU of SWU. SWU of HBU. S.-C 2d, twp. 38. It SB ... O'Nell, Alary NEU. lec 31, twp. 38, It 3B . . lMwarJs, It. J. SEU. sec. 4, twp. 39. It SB - ..., ....- Wakcman, I li NBU, sec. 14, twp. 39, Jl SB Campbell. Jamm-NWii, sec. It, twp. 39. It SB ..- Woodcock, llerlha SEU, sec. 22. twp. 39. It 3E Pollard. U W NE",. sec. 30, twp. 39, It SB Mann. Urnco IC SWU or SWU, sec. .it, twp. 39, It 3E Itiasoner. N. J. SWU or SWU. see 12, twp. 40, It 3K . .- Herrln. L. U. NV4 of NWU. HW H of NWU, NWU of SWU, sec 14, twp. 40. It SB llolmun, Susun A. SWU of NE U. SEU of NWU .ots 3 and 3, sec IS, twp. 40. It SB .... .. Carliion, Curl A. SWU. sec. 22, twp. 40. 11 3B -.... WuMon. Kred D. NWU and WH of SWU, see, 31. two. 40. It 3E AANOB POUll EAST Mills, A. L. SH of SWU, sec 15, twp. 37, It 4B . Vlr.or Land Co. SKU, SWU, NWU, NBU. sec 30. twp. 37, A4 It Joliniion. II. 1. NBU, sec. twp. 38, It 4B , ilcftister, W. C I.otB 3 und 10, ..... und BH of SWU. soc 18. twp. 38. It 4B - Joih-m, N. O. SBU, sec. 28, twp. ah. It 4E .....J. - Pallet son, Joshua l'urt of NW U, NEU of SWU, sec. 13. twp. 39, It 4B ....- - Corwln, Mrs. Ella WH or SW. HBU of 8WU. SWU of SKU, Bor28, tWp. 39, It Ml . lrttonurd. J. E. NEU, sue. 30, twp. 39, It 4E !.. 1'rlrn, Estellu, EH of NWU. s'C. 3J, twp. 39, It 4E ..- . James. N. (J. l.otH 3. 4. S. SBU of NWU. NBU of SWU, stc 18. twp. 40, It 4B Cumpbuil. It, 8. BH of SWU. sec 10, twp. 41. It 4E ... 11ANUE 1 WEST IJoreon. C. C BH or EH. sec. 22, twp. 32, It 1W ,. .. IlorBun, B. Q. WH or WH sea 28. twp. 38, It 1W......... Miller, John X. NH of NEU, sec 32, twp. 32, It IW.... Wlllard, O. J. EU or SWU. see. 22. twp. 33, It. 1W. - . Dlrdsey, Alox. NEU C 24, twp. S3, H 1W ......,.. : Jackson. II. W. H Interest WH Of SBU. SKU of BWU, sec 35, twp. SS, It Iw Weeks, a. W, SBU or NKU. NE U or SEU, sec 35, twp. 33, It. Pawson, T."Tl. LoTT (43 o'creB)" sec. 2. twn. 34. IW. lUnndc, Prank It. SH of NWU, uwii, sec 2V, twp. 31, Pel NH Pf SV Poliland, II. P. Lot 7, lss 20 BVIV RVVi All fcTk. 01, 11 A1T.. )lil, uvlbert heu or hwu: N t4 or SWU, NWU. of HWU, sec ih twn. St. It 1W.. ..:. Unknown owner Praellon NWU Of NWU I NU Of NEU, sec. 81, two. 34. II IW ....... . JewiAt. Elvlmi- HWU f HBU. nee. 38, wi, at, it iy J-Vfiici, i. Lots 2 and 3, sec. 32, 22.10 2.24 3.20 16.00 25.60 23.40 9.00 14.40 23.80 7.20 CT.ef 31.20 4.50 31.20 31.20 28.80 28.00 23.00 30.10 30.10 3.30 10.50 30.40 30.40 30.40 42.00 14.00 163.20 20.40 19.20 45.60 16.60 40.50 40.89 19.20 29 70 17.21 26.40 36.10 13.60 4.00 28.80 3.90 11.20 8.40 32.40 1.20 15.44 13.68 3 01 7,12 French. H. Lot 4. 2& acres, sec 33, twp. 34, It IW .. 2.75 ,T,c.V,3T,,1ttiv,Lncr:,:-c: l,'l5'V"f. K.,8. l'metlon SWU "f NWU: frnct nn NWU nf OW y: HEU of SW U .... NBU of UM -H w. f N,:VJ' " t,,r,wi.,3rK'tv"cSi'i'i,'i;: MlnUT. It. ft. o. u"o 4J iiVi'.'i part 41. ili-s 32-419. nml lots 3 and h, nei 14. twp. 35. It IW.. . Mathews!. Mnmnlnir Lots 7 nml S. 46 ncr's. sci it, twp. 3S. It '''Sp'WKv'" "lehn.f'lson. J. Fraction WU or NWU. nee. 18. twp. 35. IW. .. Fltr. Mary n NBU or NWU: SWU of NWU 1 NWU of SW n U. see. 19. twp. 35. It tw Mlnter, It It. NWU niidSH'of IVft'Sw' .S; r? " Mathews. Klenitnlnfr J. N4 of NU of NEU. sec. 23, twp. 33, Mathews, Fleming J. Nu'of NW U of NWU, sec. 21, twp. 35. H iltl . Nichols. Arthur NBU. sec 25. twp. 33, It iw. ..... .. . ...... Mlnter. It. It SWU of NEU. sec 26. twp. 35. It IW . ...... Bncle. Elmlna H Interest of NW U of NBU. see. 26. twp, 35, It ,'clL"l?:.' ' Interest 'of "nw"u of NKU. set?. !. imi ss. 11 iw Hamilton, W. II. SU of SU: SU ssr. nv snu 8CC' " tw Ml. Pitt Orchard Co. si'i'of' Nu NH of NH of SBU, sec 27. tttp. 35, It IW Mt. Pitt Orchard Co. SH of NE vo( It ll Hamilton, Hart W. SEU of SB U. sec 2S. twp. 35. It lw. Henderson, T. A. SH of SWU. sec. 2S. twp. 33. It IW . Moon, 5t. J. Est. Lot 4 (17 .acres), sec 29. twp. 35. It IW.. "utli. 11 T SWU of SWU. lot 3. sec 31. twp. 35. it iw...!;. I "."."? c- A.9M of SBti of SWU. sec 32. twp. 35. It IW. .. Mathews. D. P. Est. EH of NW U and NRU. lots 1. i. 3. and SO acres or the W. end or D. L, v. v. sec. II, iwp, 3. H iw... Jackson, J. D. Lots 2 and 3, less land des. 84-608, gee 35. twp. 35. It IW. L . Honk. L. K. Des. 63-580, part or . U C. SS. sec. 35, twp. 33, Mayhain, Pavlii WU of D.'L C.', sec. 1. iwj). 36. It IW ilorrlll. John P. SBVi of SEU. sec 1, twp. S6. IX IW Jackson. J. n. NH of NEU: NE U of NWU. sec 2, twp. 36, It SemonTciuis'. Des. 85-3f,' "sccTs" twp. 36, It IW . ! Mlnney. C. A. EH of SBU or NWU; NEU or NWU. sec 5. twp. 36. It IW. ; Kline. Iloss 63 acres of C. A. Iruett land, sec 8, twp. 36. It IW. !.... Hart, Itex 75 acres or C. A. Pruett land, sec S, twp. 36. It IW. .., 12 Bell, Mrs. Olive Des. 58-116, sees. II, 12, 13 and 11. twp. 36, lIltchcocV"lt. iti'deg. SO-'of." sees, u ami it, twp. 36, rt iw 1.24 1.90 13,30 23.40 l.l'S 62.05 6.40 3.01 3.SC 10.45 3.00 6.40 64.41 6.40 3.20 91.20 27.20 6.10 6.40 131.10 61.40 21.60 7.60 12.00 1.60 63.22 3.00 169.4S 14.77 122.64 38.69 3.20 S.66 3.20 13.35 31.81 Snlinda, II M. 85 nrrrs In sec 8, twp. 3S. 11 IW Campbell. E. N.-NKU sec 13, twp. 3S, It IW ! Enirel. T, It, P. Lot nml wrt nf lot 5 US acres), sec. It, tiyp. 3S, It IW Oierscinan. Mrs, It. Des. 76-6116, sec. 15, twp, 38. 11 IW ICenlner. Nntite C 15 neres, see. 16, twp. 3S. It IW Zlimner. U W Des. 65-612-13. sec. 17. twp. 3S. 11 IW IMrks. Joseph tJind iles. Ml-tt, see. l., twp. as. it lv Anderson, A, Land des. 93-317, sec. 17, twp. 3S. It IW Iteymer, O. It.--I.rttid lies. reKls- lereil title 1121, see. 18, twp 38, u iw .. .: Hallowny, i P. NEU "f SWU, see. 19, twp. 3S, It IW tllntmin. !. li SBU of NRU. .-svi or Miu, ies roulstenit title I22S and BH of NWU, les it 360,30 16S.30 1.83 23.5S 45.98 113.63 7.40 T.S0 23.94 C.2S see. 18.30 acres, sec 19. tnit. SS. tw :... . . . Clieesemnn, I', Pes. 77-415, i. inn. as. k nv Morse ItMilty Co. NKU of NBU. see. 19. twp. SS. It IW. Hnllownv, C. P. SWti of NKU, see. 19, twp. SS. It IW Weeks. A. P. SKU of NWU, see. 20, twp. 38. It tW. l-aeer. Lewis Part of land des. 75-153. see. 21, twp. 38. It IW .. Anderson, li lv SBU of NWU, sec. 21. twp. 3S. It IW Smith, Win. Iiiul des. 73-120, sees. 22 and 27, twp. 3, It IW . Campbell & Nyi Itnil des. J. 205, see. 22, twp. 38. It IW . . . Mrsiner. Win 91 ncres In see. 24. twp. 3S. It IW Itrother. W. W. Lnmt des. 100- 454. sec 25. twp. 38. It IW Dunham, Mrs. Kate Land des. 87-315, sees. 26-7, twp. 3S. It IW Martin. Jack M. Innd des. 47- s:s, SiT0. 30, twp. si. It tw.. Martin, Jack M. NWU of NW U. sec 30. twn. 38. It IW Watt. n. M. B4 of SWUi NWU of SBU; KH f SWU of SBU. see. 30. twp. 38. It IW Torrey. Andrew NBU f SEU. see 31. twp. 38. It IW . . .. llrophy. Anna Des. ST-1 60, sec. 34, twp, 3$. It tW Anderson. B. K. Est. lies. 26.589, sec 35. twp. 35, It IW Pitt. J. W Des. 25-493, sec 3. twp. 38. It IW Oliver. II. IC Pes. 81-45, sees. 23 and 36, twp. 3S. it IW .... Hicks, Chas. E. Des. 83-527, am ( ...! 4 ,.... Ifl 1 1 t Samirord .t Oolden Des. 26-60.1, sees. 23 and 36. twp. 38. It IW Nlles. est C. 11 Pn.llvldeil H Inter- of In SH of NWU SWU and NH of SWU or SWU. sec. I'p. i'J, ii iw . Itlley. Thos. SU of SWU of NW U; NH of NWU of SWU. sec 13. twn. 36, It IW Orion. A O. Pdrt of D. L. C. No. 60, see. 16. twn. 36, It IW Carter. U SBU of NWU, aec 26. twp. 36, IW. ..... -. Lincoln. A. N. NBU of NEU. sec 27. twp. 36, It IW Root. J. M. SBU of SBU. sec 27. twp. 36, It IW. ; Toole. W. C SBU of NBU. ec 27. twp. 36. It IW. . Turpln. Thos. SWU of NBU. see, 28, twp. 36. It 1W.. Sheldon. Den. Land den. 61-545, eec 29. twp. 36, It IW Forbes. Mrs. M. A. Des. 67-59, see. 30. twp. 36. It IW Ilaymond Hen. Est SU of SEU. sec. si. twp. 3G, it iw Mlnney. M. T. & Co. SU or NE U: nh or sbh: swus nw U. sec 31. twp. 36, It IW Klser. E. U, NKU or NWi of NEU. sec 32, twp. 36. It IW.... Woodrord, Leonard NWU ofNW li of NBU. sec 32. twp. 36, It mils.' y'vHor'sVvu of NWU. sec. 33. iwp. 36. It IW. .. Dudley, Howard 8. HBU of SU U. see. 1. twp. S7. It IW Klrkpatrlck, J. W. Des. CI-S96. less 77-56. sec 6, twp. 37, It IW Mlnney. M. T, Iloalty CO. NWU, sec 5. twp. 37. It IW Kllnctncberi;. Itosu W. Des. 93 547, sec. 6. twp. 37, It IW - Hanlcy. B. 11. Des. 90.87, lens 91-237, sec. 7, twp. 37. It 1W.. Isaacs, -Mary A. SWU. M.C 8, twp. 37. it nv -. Monroe, Jesalc W. N. part of D. U C. 66, des. 27-46-7. lens S. 100 acres, see. 9, twp. 37. It IW Noir & Co. nu r swu: swu of SWU. less 5 acres, sec. 15, two. 377 It IW - .. Medford tlolf Country club. B H.or NWU. sec 17, twp. 37, It DcnnetCsT lT Part ! of land i iie'sj 12.13. D. L. C. 39, sec. 18, twp. 37. It IW. .. Holmes & Sullivan SH of land des. 63-311, sec. IS, twp. 37, It I W. SwInKle, A. Des. 67-199, sec. 18. two. 37. It IW. Stoddard, H. C Des. 78-263, sec. 19. twp. 37. It IW Kilierk, John Des. 47-120. sec. 19, twp. 37, It IW Hutchison, W. V. Don. 73-373, sec. 19, twp. 37. It IW Hutchison, W. U Des. 73-375, sec 19. twp. 37, It IW Arnell, John Des. registered title 1321. sec. 20. twp. 37. It IW ... Wormian, J. P. Des, 90-59, sec. 20. twp. 37, It IW Edmeads, Forrest C. Laud des. reg. title 1195, sec. 20, twp. 3, it iw. . . . Heath, L. Tjes7''i'6'6"43T,"Tec" '20 twp. 37. It IW Smith, II. D. Iteclstered title 1178, sec 20. twp. 37, It IW. .. Klroy, h. 11. Iteglstered title 638, sec. 20. twp. 37, It IW.. Noir &Co. NBU or NEU. lot" I. 2. 3. des. 99-354. sec 21. twn. 37. It IW 8.32 Nolf & Co. NWU of NWU. lots 1. 2. 3? see. 22, twp. 37. It IW.... 8.18 Smmeriiii. Coui & Ooko Co. NH of NWU i 30 acres or W ldo of NWU or NBU, sec 23. twp. 37, K IW. 1.. .....-..: 17.05 Maker. Jasper J. 'NEU. sc. 5L twp. S7, It IW 20.16 Cqttrtll, Win. NWU of NWU, hec. 24. twn. 37. II IW 5.01 Mlnney, M, T. Healty Co. Ilegls- tered tUlo 1419, see. 28, twp, 37, It IW - 230.79 Society of the Sisters of Jesus and Mury Land di-H. 88-640, Bee. 29, twp. 37. It IW - - 56.25 Siskiyou HelKhts Co. Des. 81-525, sec. S9, twp. 37, 11 IW - 19.37 Tonijue, B. M. Des. 88-518, sec 29, twp. 37. It IW . 17.60 Smith, William Sony Des. 90- 311. sec. 31, twp. 37, It IW. 149.83 niBseil, J. II Dea. 84-4C9, sec. 31, twp. 87. It IW . 117.50 Dennett. A. O. S 10 acres or des. 74-366, sec. 31, twp, 37, It IW... 62.50 OlaSKow. W. W. Des. 75-142 and 71-537. nee. 31, twn. 37, It IW 98.50 Hafer & Marshall Des. 103-35, sec. 31. twp. 37, It IW 175.00 Cotrell. W. W. et al. Des. 87-339, sec. 34, twp. 37, It IW. 4.65 Chlldurs. S. Des. 98-45, sec 34, twp. 37, It IW 67.82 Campbell, Jumes Land dea. 80-3, sec. 2 and 3, Iwp. 38, It IW.... 310.00 Van Dyke. 8. 0.--D. L. C. No. 84, Dea 62-353, li-sa 3 acres, sec. 3, twp. 38, It IW 409.20 Merrill, John P. Land out of Ilurrell's orchard, sec, 6, twp, 38. It IW 134.21 Crandell, Anna C Dea. 69-002, sec. 7, twp, 38. It IW 29.05 Porrell, P. M Des. 70-389, aec. 7, twp. 88, It IW 68.00 Scudder, J. A Des. 93-15, sen, 7, twp 38. it IW 2.36 Ituwi-ll, C. P HetilHlervil title Wt, eve, S, twp. if, n nW, 9?'?$ 26.72 101.50 3.20 22.80 6.80 32.30 6.80 6.80 31.00 361.25 12.25 51.20 916.06 25.50 17.00 62.49 16.00 127.20 186.40 22.40 27.40 105.80 180.32 13.10 40.00 5.60 96.00 21.80 12.80 30.40 25.00 12.50 11.52 1975 10.21 5.00 6.00 9.28 1. twi lluck. J. C SH of NBU of SWU ana jswh or si;h, sec. , iwp. 39. It IW Fnizer, J. W. Lot 4 (41 ncres), see. 5. twn. 39. It IW Jolly. O. P SWU of NWU. sec 5. twp. 39. It IW Silver ft Bailey SEU or NEU. sec. 7. twp. 39. It IW Wlckttrom. C. II WU or SWU: SEU of SWU: SWU of SEU. sec 8, twp, 39, It IW . Lovesee. Thos. SWU of NBU; NWU. see. 8. twp. 39. It IW. . Sherman. C W. SWU "f SWU. sec 10. twp. 39. It IW Shorty Hope M. A M. Co. NEU or SEU. see. 11. twp. 39. It IW M. & O. Gold 51. Co Land In sec 12. twp. 39, It 1W. Shorty Hope M. & M. Co. SWU or NWU. "ec 12, twn. 39. It IW Holton. J. NWU or NWU. sec. 12. twp. 39. It IW Unknown owner NKU or NEU. sec. II. two. 39. It IW. - Applebaker. Joe SWU or NKU: WH of stc 30, or sbu: sbu or sbu, sec 22. twp. 39. It IW. Cleveland Mine 20 ncres, aecs. II and 23, twp. 39. It IW Helvetia Mine 20 acres, sec 23, twp. 39, It IW ... . Diamond Queen Mini. 20 acres, sees. 23 and 21. twp. 39, It IW... Jumbo Mine 20 acres, nee 2S, twp. 39. 11 IW - Laurel Dell Mine 20 acres, sec 23. twp. 39. It IW . Little Hell Mine 20 acres, sec 23. twp. 33. It 1W.. Morning Star Mine 20 ucrea, soc. 23. twp, 39. It IW Applebaker. M. E. NWU or NW U. see. 26, twp. 39, It IW .... -Mass. C. J. EU or EH. sec 30, twp. 39. It IW Miller. SI. a WH or BH. sec. 30, iwp. 3V, Jl IW Trask, Alex. SWU iwp. ay, ii nv Jacobion, M. T. NWU anil NBU sec. 2. twp. 40, It IW Moore, lllnnche NBU or SWU: WH or SBU. SEU or SBU, sec 28. twp. 40, It IW Garrison. A. S SH of NWU: NH of SWU. see. 32. twp. 40, It IW Jones & Hayes NBU and NWU, sec. jo, iwp, iu. Ji in IIA.NII1S 3 WEST Lieu selection SEV aec. 21, twp. 32. It 2W Lieu selection NEU and NWU and SWU. sec 28, twp. 32, It SW Hlaltx. T NBU of NBU; SH or NBU: NVH or SEU. sec 8, twp. 33. It 2W Gillette, A. V. KH or SKU; SW U or SEU; SEU or SWU, sec. 10, twp. 33, It SW IHvliin.ll. W. H NEU und NW U and NU or KWU: SWU or SWU; NWU or SBU, sec 10. twp. 33, It SW v 103.20 Jones. F. A. SEU or SWU, sec 16. twp. 33, It 2W 3.60 Jones, P. A. Lot 2; SEU r NW H and NBU or SWU. NWU of SEU. rcc 18. twp. 33. It 2W... 19.55 Jones, P. A. NEU. sec 20, twp. S3, It 2W 16.20 Jones. P. A. NWU and SWU of NEU. c. 21. iwp. 33. ui tv.... lg.is Haacs. O, W. NH of SWU. sec 21, twp. 33. It !W 17.40 Hlbernla Savings Hank NH or NWU. sec, 22. twp. 33. It 2W.. 8.10 Dwlnnell. O. W. NEU, sec. 22, , twp. 33, It 2V 33.10 Williams, Seth SWU or SWU, sec 23, twp. 33. 11 2W - 8.70 Hlbornla Savings Dank NEU and SBU. sec. 30, twp. 33, It 2W !SI0 Hlbernla Savings Hank WH of WU; BH of swu; HWU, or HBU. c. 32. twp. 33. It 2W-... 33.60 IllhernU Savings Hank HWU of NBU; NEU of SWU; NWU of SBU, sec 33. twp. 33. It 2W.... 1 50.21 1.57 25.12 fi.25 9.42 6,23 3.70 22.39 336.00 147.60 8.00 42.00 2.85 3.14 7.71 3.00 11.62 15.09 8.00 2.00 2.00 16.10 2.34 8.83 3.60 3.60 4.20 11.70 13.00 6.21 7.80 7.80 6.24 6.24 9.75 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.31 4.68 16.80 16.80 27.75 67.20 33.60 33.60 . 31.20 32.10 37.20 31.80 32.10 Vinoent. C, O. Est. NEU or sec S. iwp. 35, It SW .... " Vincent. M. A. SKU of SKU, see. 8, twp. 35, It SW Uensnii, lensnii, IteitJ. P. Nil of SKU, SWU of SKVl, HBU nf SWU, sec. 8, twp, 35, It aw iknnwn Owner NWU of NB Ii- N.K-..'Af NW " twp. J5, It 2W Unknown 35 Sweet, lUanche NKU f SBU. see. 10. twp. 35. It 2W . ... : Johnson, Osenr W4 of NKU, NWU of SF.U, nor. II, twp. 3.t. 11 SW niehflvilson. .1. II. SKU or Ji'hrtvdson. .1. It. H 12, twp$5. It aw see. McDowell, P, LNKU of see. 12, twp. 35. It 2W Ilussell, l. It, NWU or sec 13. twp. 35. 1! SW Jclmrdson, J. NBU, are. 1.1, Iwp. 35. It 2W Narrepan. P. A WU or SWU, see. 13. twp, 33, IS ' .. Narregati, P. A. HBU of SKU, see, 16, Iwp. 33. It 2W Vincent, O. O. KM. K -3 or W H of NWU. see. 16, twp. 35, It 2W !.. . . .. ' Vlneent, M. A.-W 1-3 of WU nf jnwvi, see, in, twp. 35. It 2W .. Itlsdon. A. NKU of NBU. see. 16. twp. 33. It 2W Vincent. Al. A NKU of NKU. see. 17, twp. 33, It 5W Unknown Owner WU or NWU, see 21, twp. 35. It 2W . . .. Narrecmi. P A -NKU or NKU. nee. 21. twp. 33. It 2W . . .. Ovlntt. P. II. NWU or SWU. see. 21. twp. 35, It SW Klwoo.l. At. EU of NKU. see. 22. twp. 35. It 2W NnrroKan. P. A. NWU or NWU. sec 22, twp. 35. It 2W First National Hank or Aledfuril NU of NBU less 10 aeres, ree. 28, twp. 33. It 2W Kelloijp. Frnnels Des. ,1222, sec. 23. twp. 35. It 2W ... . Italney. J T WH of SWU. SW U of NWU. less S ncres. aec. 25. twp. 31. n 2W Swanberr Nells .. K Int. SW U of SKU. see. 26. twp. 35. It 2W .... . . Plera A. Conro H Int. SWU of SKU. see. "3, twp. S3. 11 2W .. Ilaymond, Ilenl. nes. 22-148, see. 26. twp. 33, It 2W . . Vlneent. C O Est SBU or SKU see. 27, twp. 35, It SW Freshour. J W SKU of NKU. see 29, twp. 35, It 2W Johnson. Oscne 2-3 Int In SW U or NEU. SKU or NWU. NH of SWU NWM of SKU. nee. 29. twp. 35, 11 2W Arnell. Jo" 1-3 n In SWU of NKU. SKU of NWU. NH of SWU. NWU of SKU. see. 29. twp. 31. It SW Aloon. M. J. Kst. Dei. 56-193. see. 30. twp. 36. It SW Nlnlneer, C. E Des. 62-376 less S..-3t1 and 3-233. sec 31. twn. 35. It SW Fuller. Wm. P. SWU of HWU. see. 32, iwp. 35. 11 SW . ... .. De Ford. W F SU of NKU. sec 32. twn. 33. It SW Knsley. s. tvm 0f SBU. sec. 32. twp. 35. It SW ........ .... .. Conley, Jseob KU of NKU. NW U nf NBU. sec 33. twp. 35. CoMev, Jacob NH '"of NWU". SWU "f NWU. sec 31, two. 33. It 2W LFlcro. A. Co-ro Des. 96-632, s-c 3&, iwn, as, it ;w 8wamhnr. Nells A Des. S52flS, see. 36. twp. 31. It SW Ilnnore. A. C SKU of SBU. sec 1. twp, 36, It SW Falsburg, J. IV SWU of NWU. c. 5, twp. 36. It SW Halsburg. J. P ,WU of HWU. sec. 5. twp. 36. It SW AlcClendon. C. C SKU or SEU, nee. 6, iwp. 3. It SW Dickey. C. P. Land des. 81-445, 10-13. nee 10, twp. 36. rt SW... Washburn. It. C Land den. 1. SOS nml 52-510 ls SI acres, nee. 1 1, twp. 36 It 2W Pendleton. J. C Ijind ilea, 3. 4M. sees, ll and II. twp, 36, ii : Davis. Scott V. Irfind des. 92 21 und 22. sec. 14. twp. 36, It 2W Price, W. K Land 69-401, necs. 20 and 21, twp. 36. It SW Itogueland Inc NBU or HWU. sec. 22. twp. 36, It 2W CowglU. Italph P. NEU or NWU or NWU. sec. 23. twp. 36, It SW Odell. B. J SBU of SWU. tc. 24. twp. 36. It SW . Humphrey Den. S5-IC1, sec 21, twp. 36. It SW .... Perry, Martin 5 acres' In nee 21, iwp. 36, ii :w av.'.i, sec 15.68 38.16 45.41 10.26 21.15 48.64 17.92 10.26 4.18 8.36 Jones. P. A. SWU of NBU: SH or .NWU. and ' ; w oi SEU. sec 34. two. 33. It SW.... jHllxn. Mrs. O. lit al Lots 2. 3 and 4, H',4 of NWU: SWU or NBU. sec 4, twp. 34. It SW.... Jasgl. J. A. SEU or NBU. sec 6. twp. 34. It 2W - Coleman. W. It. H Interest In EH or KH. sec . twp. 31, It 2W. Hlbsrnla Savings Hank NKU and NWU. see. 8, twp, 31, It 2W Olln, a. A NWU. . 10. twp. 31 It 2W - Unknown owner SBU or NWU, sec II, twn. 31, It 2W... , Fttz, E. a. KH or NBU or HK H. sec 18. twp. 31, It 2W.... Parlelgh. J, NWU or NWU, sec. 20, twp, 31, It 2W Gold Itay Iloalty Co SEU of HBU. sec. 25, twp. 34, It SW.... 8.26 Unknown owner HBU of SEU. ... sic 23, twp. 34, It 2W 3.96 Elwood, Henrietta WH of NWU. , sec 27, twp. 31, It 2W.. - 21.22 neames. T. O. NWU or NBU I NWU or HWU. sec. 27, twp. 34, It 2W - 16.72 Chapman, Uhurles A. SH or NH. ... .. sec 26, twp. 34, 11 SW. 121.80 Chapman. Charles A. NB'4, sec. 29. twp. 31, It 2W 47.50 Klser. Lydla A.-NW ', or NBU: NKU or NWU; lots 1 and 2, ec 30, twp. 31, It 2W . 33.14 Hothwcll. E. JI.-8KU of NWU: NH "i SWU; NWU of SKU. sec. 30. twp. 31. It SW. 35.81 linger, Allianua n "i nnyii ll Albert. Alarle HU or 24. iwp. 36. It JW . Hail. Edwin Des. 100-212, sec twp. 36. II SW .... .. Davis. .Millie Lot 2. sec twp. 36. It 2W Hansen. S. J. H Int In NH 36.00 27.00 14.(0 It. S3 18.72 21.23 59.83 60.33 56,32 51.16 4.60 1.90 4.13 1.87 8.1.1 6 63 9.t2 1 1. 61 8.37 31.50 S.S8 31.68 9.90 11.77 3 30 3.30 S7.03 22.80 6.00 19.95 9)0 S.25 116.55 SJ.10 16.06 39.13 .1136 30.10 14.25 11.23 3.3? 21.00 3' 4.8' I80.3S 31781 63' 183.3' 279 00 7.0f 2.62 3.16 2 62 1.75 3.71 ii t BI'C. JJ, IWII, ill, i 4IT 4 1.U. Iteumes. T. U. NH or NEU, sec 33. 1. 84. It 2W. . ....... .. 11.52 flnlii IiT Hi-altv Co. NBU or nwu; nh of nbu: sbu or NBUi NBU or SEU, sec. 36, Gold Kuy ltealty Co. SH of NB OI.V. UI U: SB1 NBUi W'iVi oi twp. 31, 11 2W "'., ot nw',i !'- 3. twp. 36, It 2W., rrow, u. It. NKVk or nvj'i, .n a. twn. 36. 11 2W Gold Hay ltealty Co. NEU. of NWU. sec 4, iwp. 35, It SW -. Kelso. Alary-SBU of HBU, sec. 6i twp. 35j It JSVV ,iiiHii.im 8.25 8.25 4.62 2.89 NBU of HBU. sec 29. twp. 35. it 2v .: i.9 Moore. It. II. KH of NWU, sec. 30. twp. 36, II JW 10.08 Davis. J. P. SWU of NWU, W H of SWU. see. 30, twp. 36, It 2W 75.60 Hugger, Jnku Bat. Dos. 31-351, HC 32, twp, 36, It 2W 21.70 Tou Voile. P. I Part or land des. 76-581, sec S2, twp. 36, It SW 51,53 McKee, Prank Dei. 96.523, seen. 33 and 31, tup. 36, It SW 133.86 Hottleiiieyi-r. H. W. Des. 55-677, sec 34, twp. 36. It 2W 82' Plnnamore, David Des, 74-557, sec. 31, twp. 36, It 2W 86.3' Nlmma, Nellie Dm, 92-592, sec. 31, twp. 36, It SW I I.itta, II. A Den. 90-274 and 93- 69, sec 35, twp. 36, It 2W 46.99 Wadell. P. II. Des. 78-227, sec 36, twp. 36, It 2W . 840 Iiv.ls, A. W. -l al Hen. 72-596, sec 1. twp. 37. It :W... 6.30 Hut. Gro, A. lies. 81-541 and 81- 145, sec 1, twp. 37. It 2W 49.36 Latta. II. A. Des. 90-274, sec 2, twp. 37, It 2 W 38.06 Downing. John 1 ucre, sec, 2, twp. 37, It 2W 7.36 Harnett, J H Dus, 66-173, less 20 net en, necs. 1 und 2, twp. 37, It SW ' 4G.I5 Murrny. Ham N 11 acres or N 18 chs. or SWU or NEU. sec. 2. twp. 37. It 2V 29.40 Plero. A. Conro Des. 81.335 und 82-533, sees. 1 and 2, twp. 37, It SW Itoss, T. V. Den, 59-125. sec 2, twn. 37. It 2W Cochran. Wm. Est. Des. 47-633, neo 3, twp. 37. It SW Carton, Al. O. Des, 90-28, sees. 4 ami 6. two. 37. It 2W Harvey, W. J. Des. 73-160, sec. 4, twp. 37. II 2W Whitney. Emma T !. 93-312 less 93-314, sec. 5, twp. 37, It Davis. 'tf"lT lie's!' ' 7 -S i"&',""Mcc.""c. twp. 37, It 2W .... Aiken, A L. Des. 91.614, sec. 5, twp. 37. II 2W PJamor, J. P. NWU or NBU. sec. 6, twp. 37. It 2W Haiiiinii, Airs HWU or NBU, sec, 7, twp, 37, It 2W Walt, Prank W. HKH or SWU. WH "f SWU of HBU, sec. 8, twp. 37, It 2W . . Pendleton et ul Ibjs. 59-425 and 60-580, cc. 8, twp. 37, It 2W Obcuchuln. C. E. Des. 100-183, sec. 9, twp. 37, It SW - Cooksey, U. W. Des. 11-359, neo 9. twp. 37. It SW Osgood, T. W. Des. 91-178, hoc 9, twp. 37, It SW Janney, D. N. Des. 80-220, bcc. 9. twp. 37, It SW Perkins. Geo. II. De. 67-107, sec. 10, twp. 37, It 2W Federal Tel. Co. E It acron of 91-137, sec. 11, twp. 37, It SW.... Conroy, It. J. Ilegliitercd tltlo 1046. soc IS, twp, 37, It SW . Lasham, J. E. -Tract or D. L. C. 67 den. It. T, 1016, (fee, 12, twp. 37, It 2W Moore, W, C Des, 82-541 and 69- 469. sec. 13. iwp. 37, It 2W Cowglll, A. P. Dea. 85-435, sec 13, twp. 37, It 2W Miller, A. II Des. 88-2b6, sec 13, twp. 37, It 2W , .. Llndley, Al. H. Des. 84-427, sec 13, twp. 37. 11 2W Daggett, Alary II. Part or land uch. 7u.2i, sees, i and in, Iwp. 37, It 2W ATalne. Al. Al. WU or SWU or SBU, sec. 17. twp. 37. 11 2W........ Wheeler. L. K. -Des, 87-352, see, 20. twp. 37. It SW ... . Gibson, K. V Dim. 63-318, sec Vj Iwp. 1 7 li 3)Y ,i,t..iM.iiniiM 362.77 20.21 48.93 108.25 45.15 101.02 3.36 1.05 11.36 3.00 12.60 21.00 S.1C 32.97 1G7.6C 32.6C 13.86 62,2 3.23 118.93 60,13 1.85 9.80 10,17 341.' r, 6,0ft llnwnmti, II, K, Des. ,15-51, sec SO, twp. 37, It SW . . Ilnnlev, P. II.--Meg 39 eh, nouth of N, W, corner of I). L, V. N. 67. K. 42 elm, liotittt 26 ehs, 11 t.f. ehs. south l elm, W. 13.5 ehs, 'I'll, In beg, seen. 21 nml 22, twp, 37, II SW Itntttoy, 11 U. Tritet den. RX-62, sees. SI mid 22, twp. 3,7 11 W linker. Soplienla I. lteg. 6 39 elis. W. of 8. E, earner of I), L. t SS Th. 10 ileitteen 11 7 ehs. N. 10 degrees W. 10.08 ehn. to W bouinlury of said claim. Th. S. 16 elm. K. 27.51 elm. In b" sees, 23 and 21. Iwp. 37, It 2W . IMmomls. I'lnvle-- Des. 87-292, see. S. twp, 37. It 2W Frldenr, I It. to tteten In neo. 26, twp. .17. It 2W Itogui', .Mrs, Al II. Den. 72-! nml 54-38, 28-33, nee. 31, twp. 37, II 2W ' .... Prlddy. tl. W. Des. HX-St, ee. 31, twp. 37. It SW INlllier. Al.iltle Pert B9-3I8, see. 31. twp. 37. It 2W Opn CoiisnlMnted Alines of N. J. NWU of NWU less 88-61, nee. Jl. twp. 37, It SW . Amlerson, J, It Des. 37-313, nee. 31, twp. 17. It SW P.us'ev, Peter SBU f NKU of NWU. see 31, twp. 37. It SW . Whetstone, Dan- Des. 45-390 lenn 10 jieren, neo. 35, iwp. 37, It Campbell, K N. Des. Ii3.ll37,'ait 35. twp. 37. It SW tlornmnv. .Inn, M. Des. 93-197, nee. 35, twp. 37, It SW .. . Johnstone, A. W. Des, SI. 30, sec 35. twp. 37. It SW .. Carpenter. Alary I Des. 91-3. see. 33. tp. J7. It SW O'Nell, Alary 11 Pen. 95-610, sec 33, twp. 37, It SW .. ... ... Wnls, Airs. A Des. 86-237. see. 33, twp. 37, It SW Stein. Chan. W. lleetntered title 1136. se S6. twp. .17. It SW ... Perkins. Vera I Itenlstered lltle 1136. sec, Jit. twp, 37, It SW. . Willis. P. P Des, 70-607, nee. 38, twp. 37. It SW .... O'Nell. More P. Den, 93-599. nee. 36. twp. 37, It SW Blnknpt. Chris L. -P.irt des. SI SSI less 93-699, see. 36, twp, 37. 11 SW Sprngue. t) K, Des S0-3I3-6. nrc. 36. twp 37. It 2W Palmer. John V Des. 78-386. see. 36. twp. 37. It SW Stewart, J. II Est. 10 acres In N W. corner of D. I C 15, neo. 36, twp 37. It SW Paul. C C Iteglstered tllle 1 117, nee 30. twn. 37. II SW Sheldon, lieu et al Lund des. reg istered title 3R6, deed records 71-511, necn. 1 and IS. twp, 3.4, l( SW Ilool, J. Al. Des. HS-531, sec I, twn. 3.1. It SW Gilbert. J P -Des. 83-13, nee. I, twp. 3. It SW Foster, Eugene V M 1 acres of 73-561 less 97-516 and SS-IS. sec. 3. twp, 38. It SW Ilonar, D. A. Pes. 100-126 lesi S? acres, sec 2. twp. 31, It SW Sparks, Wenlev II NEU of NW U. nee. 5. twp. 38. It SW . . Applegate. Peter SEU of SKU. nee 6. twp. 38. It SW Unknown Owner WH of fraet. NWU of NWU. see. 7. twp, 38, It SW Corum. J. C NWU of HWU. sec 9. twp, 3S. It SW Htiklll. A. SKU of SWU. SWU of SBU. nee 9. twp. 31. It SW Purges. II O. Wu. 90-94, sees. 10 and II. twp. 34. II SW Hose. J. A. -Des. 92-61 nml lot I, nre II, twp, 31. It SW Guches.lt It. I acre, see II, twp. 38. It SW Ilowers, Hellion Pes. "2-413, see 14. twp. 31. II 2W Ileeman. .1, Ds, 66-336, sec. II, twp. 38. II SW - uenry. II P. et in Gov't lots S. 3 and I and BH "f NWU nd NBU or HWU and part or D. L. C. No. 11. des. 53-211. 21-231, 93-221. neo. 15. Iwp. 31, It SW.. Ilaknr. Alfred A. NWU or NBU or NWU. see. 17, twp. 3S, It SW Alattlngly, Then. J. NH or NW U. see i. twp, 31. It 2W Whelntone, li. Al. SBU or NWU. see. 20. twp. 31. It SW. Itarr. W. II- -NWU of nre. 22. twp, 3. It 2W . .. Whetstone. I),- NKU of NBU. nee. 22, twp. 38, It 3 ... - Triplet!. O W WH of SBU. sec 22, twp. 3S. It 2W Orirrin. Al. II. NWU or SWU. sec 22. twn. 38. II SW Jones. W. A. and I). A SWU or NWU. see. 23. IWP. 31. II 2W Gardner. H NKU r HBU. sec 21, IWp. 38. It :v Page. P. C-BH of NWU or SB U. rcc. 21. twp. 38, It 2W Atlller. Daniel SEU r SWU. sec. 81. twp, 31, It SW liarnen. Flora E BH or NEU. arc. SS. twn, 3S. It SW Gleasoii. I- II. WH or NBU. sec. :t, twp, si, ii ;w Ilarr, Thoi. Al. EH or NEU. NU or nl.u. sc .&, iwp, 3s, ii z 8. twp. 8. If 473,78 97 50 I36.2A SI. 87 13, IS I67.9' 6.0? 30 00 09.35 (1.23 3.12 95.00 36.75 76.12 28.43 67.37 33 72 61.73 69.7f 6f S3 f 33.00 67.30 93.75 40.0(1 73.00 49 87 36.08 116.85 8.36 19 00 31 C8 3.13 6 00 S.3 OP II. S' 91.77 106.97 4.27 6 46 I.I 137.18 i : 6.14 11.87 Ui nsV4)i W. V, l, n Sterling Gold Quart. Al. Co. HV. or riwu, sec. 38, ii :w . Carpenter, Samuel EU or NBU. I.V or Mii'.. sec 3u, in p. "i, It SW - Perry. J. T. KWU or NWU. W U or SWU. illag of NW', 'f NBU of HWU. see. 33, twp. 3i. It 2W Pike. A. Al. BH of NWU. NWU or .Nj;'t. see. sj, iwii. jit, ii i iisk.O. SWU or NWU'. o. 33, iwn. 38. H 2W Town, Al. P BH "f SWU. sec. 33, twp, 38, It SW Spear. C. B HWU or HWU. sec 8, twp. 39. It SW - Ollson, T. NW'. or SBU, NBU or SWU. sec. 9. twp. 39, It SW Amy, Drunk At. EH or SWU. sec SS, twp. 39. It 2W - liariium, n, a. is' or ixi.',!, see. 23, twp. 39, It 2W Unknown owner NH or NBU and NBU or NWU. stc 27, twu, 39. It SW Combest, Cyrenlus NWU of NB U ami .H or KW'i ami nwv of NWU. sec 28, twp. 39, II 2W Valentine, Combest KH of NEU. sec. 4. twp, 40, It SW Spalding W. nnd P. NBU und .NW'.i nnu atv ; ami or. ,. sec. 1. two, 40. It 2W Akurs, Luther II. NBU, sic 18, twp. 40, II SW - Spalding. Wm. EU or WH. sec. 18, IWp. 4U. II SW IiwenguHl, H.inroTd Lots 1. S, 3 and I, Bee 18, twp. 40. It SW Wudu, Airs. W. J HWU or Bee. 22. two. 40. It SW Murphy, Airs. C. J. NWU. ec 30, twp l ii, it zw . ... . Hpaldlng. Nollli' SBU, sec 30, twp. 10, It SW Akurs. E. It. NWU. see 33, twp. 40, It SW - Hpalil, Win SW',. so i- twi'- 40, It SW Spalding, W. and H, NKU and NWU and KWU and NWU or SBVi. soc .10. IWP. 0, It SW........ Calalian, Pearl NKU "f HBU und SH or HBU, sec 30, twp. '", " iVAN'Gir'Trilicir'WBKT' P. und P. Hank NH C SWU and HWU or HWU, sec. 10, twp. 33. it 8W . .... . Washburn und Oiegon Timber Co. HWU. sec. II, twp. 23, It 3W Aldemon. II. T. SKU. C. II, twp, 33, It 3W Humphrey, B. J. NWU. sec. 31, twp. 33, It 3W IJaumhfer, Chris NWU, neo. 8, twp. 33, It 3W .... Perderman, L. H Int. In HWU. see. 12, twp. 34, It 3W Canfluld. U I). NH or SH. sec 22, twp. 34, 11 3W Poster, At. W. ot nl SWU. sec 28, twp. 31, It SW Williams, W. C SKU of SWU and HWU of SBH. sec i'. twp. 31, It 3W IleameK, l L. KH or NWU ami HWU of NWU und SWU or NKU. see- -, IW1 31, II 3W HI 7.R0 13 60 6.8 7.60 4.28 I 57 6.8' 7.64 7.53 1C.32 13.6 1S6 83.86 30 95 3.10 13.6' 4.08 9.S 11.15 0 80 8.16 17.61 9.10 108.8C S7.20 S73C 27.30 38,96 36.36 20,66 30.51 26.50 86,32 21.7' 11.25 16,00 30.00 .00 .10 of NKU, neo, 2. Iwp, 3.1. It 3W Alulholiiiml, L.--KU of NKU of SWU, see, 4, twp. 35, It 3W . . Iliifner. Hoililn-HWU of HWU, see. I, twp, .13, It 3W Odim, J, P, SWU vf NWHi Hie. 4, twp. 35, It 3V . . ...... Siltimleis, Htinirl l''l'ili'. NWU nml part NKU of HWU. den. 83-227. nee. 5, twp. 35, It JW, , Neathiimrr, JenH--WH of SWU, neo, R. twp, 33, II 3W . ... , Oden. W. G NWU of HKH nml S7 aoren In NKU of MWHi see. 6. twp, 33. It JW .. .. I'.HIoii, .1 I. -HWU ot NKU, see, . iwp. 38. II ;IW ' , . Oden. Kiimlllii' riiU of NWU, nee S. twp, 3.1, It ;lw . Aiiiimmil. K. !', HWU or HBU or NKU. see. 8, twp. .11, 11 JW Hlnurrui'lier, A. Wij or NWU nml SKU or NWU and NBU or HWU. y"f 10. twp, 33, It 3W Pnkiinwii Owner NliU r NBU or NBU. see It, twp. .15. It JW Ward, W T, NH of NKU ami SKU of NKU ami NBU of SKU. t-.e, 12, twp, 33. It 3V Hlsemoie, .1 -KH "f SWUi x'- IS, twp, 33. II JW llerfner. J. V.- NKU of NK, neo, IS. twp 35. It JW 1'iivne, Win. WH or NKU and SKl or NWU nml NWU of SBU. neo 1.1. twp 35, It 3W Sentt, Wm.-SKU or SWU and 8WU of SKU. nee. 13, twp. 36, It 3W Hornier. J V. SKU or NKU. see. 13. twp 35. It JW Unknown Owner--WH of SWU or SWU. see !?, twp, 33. It aw . . HrlileiiHlltie. S. J.-- WH of NKU and NWU of SKU ami NKU or HWU. neo. IS, Iwp, 35. II 3W .... . . UrldeitHtiiii-, n. K NWU. see. IS. twp. Jl, It 3W . . , . Hammernlev, Ton SU of HKU, neo. 20. twn 35. It 3W Seolt. Win NWU of NKU. sec It aw T.- Dm. 82-212. see. si, twp 3.1. ll aw King. J SKU of NWU. mo. If., twp. 35. It SW Gtny Eagle Mine 20 acres In nee. 29, twp. 33, II 3V Von llouteu-KU of KH or SW U and WH of 8H of SBU. neo 89. twp 36. II SW . .. , llmieh. L li--NH or SKU or NKU. s-'i". 31. twp, 38, II SW llaehlei. O. -HKU Of HKU. sec 3. twp. 35. II 3W . . Ward. At T.- SWU or SWU. ee. 32. twp. 33, It SW Itoueh, 1 11-llW.U or NWU and NKU of SWU. see. SS. twp. 33. It JW Smith, it. (1--NH of NKU, neo. J2. twp, Sa II 3W Ilartelt. II. W NKU "f NWU. nee. 33. twp 36, It 3V Anderson, W 11 KH or NWU, of HWU. see. 33, twp, S3. II SW Unknown Owner .. H of NWU of SBH. neo 33. twp. 38. It JW Dungaii. J. II. KH of NB, nee 35. twp. 35. It IW Haymoiif, Hen- KH of NWU. see. 36. twn. 33. ll 3W Jacobs .v Luscombi 8JCU. neo. 1. Iwn 36. It SW . Nelson, A. H, Lot I, nee. 2, tw.".. 3. It IW Townseml. W. J NH nt SWU. nee. 3. twp 36, It 3W Hay, H.inih B Pea. 36-600. nee. 2. twn. Srt. It SW . Ford. Harry P. SWU. set". 6, twp 36. It 3W . . Harvey. Win. II SU ,.f SWU nee 10. twp, 36. It JW Welch, John W Iron Chief nun. lug claim, nee 10, twp, 36, It 3 Ilrown Lot I, nee. 10, twp. 36, It JW , Unknown Owner Part or lots 8 nml 6, nee II, twp, 36, It JW .... Ilngon, J P Lot 6, src. 13, Iwp. 3K, II jv . Gold Hill At. sec II, tw 24. Iwn 35. Ward, . , Co. BH or NWU. p, 36. It IW rarem ft nous 1; or nw. ami HKU. nee. II. Iwp. 36, II 3W . .. Oregon ft Water A Power Co. Iit 6 and part 6, 7, 1, ware houno and canal, see. 13, twp. 36. It JW - AleCliini Ai Nelson 3 neren, sec 15, twp 36, It JW . . Fmll. J. W- Jl acres In SI! or NBU. me. I A, twp. 36. II JW .. Anderson, P N -Des. 76-676, nro. 16, twp 26. It JW Oregon wiii.r and Timer in Gov't lot I, M'C. 17. Iwp. 36, It IW HlllN-rl. Win. Part lot I, 5 acres, neo. 19, two, 3. It JW . ... .. llHiumernly, T. KH or SEU. sec 20. twp. 36, It 3W Hokum, .Urn. J. I. lies. &J-J67. i i' j 16 and 21, twp. S6, It 3V IjiiicIih, tliti. -Den. 41-55, nee. 21, IWp, 36, It 3W . . ilronn, W. II Di s. 3228, seo. 31, twp, 36, ll SW Parent A Hon NKU or NKU. seo. 23. twp. .6, It JW Illgglnbuthiilil, 11 II.- SKU of hVl neo. 26, twp, 36, It 3W . liny Drunk Urn, 12-371, n.-e. S7, twp. 36, It SW Plerui-. J. tl. 36 norm off nouth ml or SWU of NWU. sec Si, twp. 36. It 3W Whlllliore, J. H. Den, 81-309, HeO. 30, twp. 36, It JW . . Illirehell. II. L 96-216, me JO, twp. 36, It JW Clyton, A. II.- -W',4 of NWU or NBU. HW or NKU. me. 32, twp, 36. It 3W . ... . Galls Creek Al & H. Co -KH or NEU or NBU. water light and illicit, neo. S3, twp. 36, It 3W .. Kyle, A WU or NBU or NKU, BH or NWU or NBU, see. 32, iwp 36, it aw .. Tort, J. B HBU or NWU. WH or nwu. nwu i,r swu. sec 32, twp. 38, It SW . ... Kyle. A. EH of lot S, shc 33, twp. 36, It 3W .... ... Tiffany, o. C. Last Ch.ineo min ing claim, sue. 33, twp. 36, It JW ..' ... . .Malum. II. U -NWU of HWU. sec. 33, twp. 36, It 3W . Carter A Nichols-HKU of HBU. see. 31, twp, 36, It 3W . . Avery. Duvlil (.'. WH or NBU, NWU or HBU. sec. 31, twp. 36, ll SW Hay, C. It. HWU or HWU, sec 31, twp. 30, It JW Unknown Owner BH or HBU of or HKU. see. 35, twp. 36, 11 3W Vntit, W. P. SKU ot NWU. '(!. 1. twp. 3 1. II JW Hydraulic Allig. Co HH or HBU or HBU. see. 3 twp. ... It 3W . Larson, A. HWU or NWU, see, 2. two. 37. It 3W Whitehead, I) 11.-NWU of HW n.'O. II, n ii. . oi 3, twu. 37. it 3V 3 3 S5.00 60,00 60.00 18,20 63.56 Vers, J,, v. I'.ya oj nvv4 miu HWU of HW',i und HW'i or HBU nnd NWU or HBU. sec. 31. iwp. 34, It 3W 28.12 Blvers, I. Bst.-NW'. or SEU, ,,,. nee. 31. IWII. .11. It 3W . 12.60 Ualhruutli. Wullaeo -NH or NEU und HWU or NEU and SBH or NWU. sec 31, twp, 34, 11 3W ft'l2 Klser, J. A Priio. NH or NBU UJIU Ni;U "I NWft uml 1414 ft Pikes Peak Mine- .19 acres In sec 6. twp. 37, It JW Yellow .fuctl.it Alllln 20 uc I ON In sec. 6, Iwp. 37, It 3W Climax Allnn so ucres, see 5, twp. 37. It 3W , Iloniiiir.i Ml no -20 aeres, sec S, iwp. 37, It 3W ., Hail Vlliil. L. E WH or .S'WU, sec. 8, twp. 37, 11 3V Unknown Owner WH or HKH. see, 9, IWp. 37, II JW Iloblnsoii, it HWU or NWU. WH or HWU. o. 10, twp. 37, Itoss, G. II. ot ul-BUof'NBUi see 13, iwp, 31. Jl aw Fowler, Kdwlii HWU of SBU t. tt MlftM 1 ', . ,!.,... .... V. ... '. - H or HWU ii ml frat. NWU or KWU, see. 18, twp. 37. II 3W awler, Edwin loin J, 2, s, 4 mid NEU nml BH or WH and SWU. H'C 19, twn. 37, 11 JW..... Edwin SH or NWU. or HWU. sec 20 twp, 37, Fowler. N W 'A I It JW Smith. P. A. NH or NBU. SB U orrNBH, sec 22, twp, 37, Taylor, AlrHV'AV'iJ."'-MV'orNWU,' sen. 22. twp. 37, It JW , Iowa Lumber ft llw Co. NH of NWli. ''. JJ. lwl- 3j " 3.' Trull Liiiiilmr Co. NBU or NW U. mio, 26, Iwp. 37, It 3W., Iteames, T. (1SH or S'i of SWU, see 25, two. 37, It 3W Jacksonville Al U M Co.-KH or SH or SWUi sec 35, twp. 37, HW Trull Lumber Co,- NWU. sic. 26, twp. 37, It 3W, Hydruullo Alng. Co. -NKU or SWU or SW', ami SH of SW H or HWU, sec. 27, twp. 37, It 3W 4.50 Clement. D. K .;( HWU. sec. 27, twp, 37, It 3W 12.00 Trull Lumber Co. NH of NBU. seo, 27, twp. 37, 11 3W 7.20 Fowler, Kdwlii NBU of NWU mid HWU nml HKU, 'f. Sli, iwp s,, it a w :ii no llyilniiillo Alng. Co.-HWU of WWyii v. vii twp, 9T, U 3W ,0O a.1,70 4,26 6,80 .1,10 1 ,18.9.1 69.2.1 3.69 n.in n ii 1,70 I a. on 1.80 30.37 13.00 6,00 33.80 13 00 6.00 1.80 10.00 S8.00 17.20 31.80 3.74 13.00 4,00 12 00 I. On 8.00 6.S5 16,00 8.00 3.40 4 00 4.00 6.00 SI 00 34.00 3 93 3.00 3.10 25.46 14. Si 4,56 4.32 2.25 11.10 21.60 112.02 78.81 6.08 8.37 1.12 2.56 4.50 18.00 11.65 8.10 3.11 10.80 12.75 9.00 6.27 9.00 4.80 11.10 21.70 7.60 39 90 3.80 3.80 7 60 7.65 19.12 6.00 3,60 4.57 2,10 720 0,12 7.41 3.80 3,80 3.80 16.10 15.20 21,80 3.40 69,60 278.40 60.40 18,00 13.20 13.20 6,60 6.00 6.00 22,40 NKU of of HWU i IKU of WU or It iw... Fowler, Ktlwlii- -H or NKU, SB H of NWU nml frill, HWU of NWU. seo, 30, twp, 37, ll 3W I lend. A IV WU of HWU. IP "f NWU ii .,.,., il l.i i. .'I? ii w ..I,- . ..,- .,., . .... -. Pli'im-nl, V- BH "f NWU, see. .11, twp. 37, li JW Ilowliinil, ll (I- NWU of NWU, nee, .11, iwp. 37. It JW Miller. II.. KWU or NBUi NKU or NWU, HWU id KIJU. see. :lf., twp, at, ii aw Pnliiiown Owner- U Int. In Nil or HWU. seo, .nl, iwp, 37, It JW Opn Con Minn Nl or NWU. HW H or NWU. NH of NKU. H I of NKU. see, 3. iwp. .17, It JW Jnelihim I'mtnly llmill -HI!' NKU. NH or SKU. HW NKU. seo .111. Iwp 37. I Dimmer, Al. Mil. HKH, see. I, iwp. 38, It 3W Iti'Mlee. C, HWU or NWU. H fl'iH-l. NWU "f NWU. nee, I, twp 38. II JW Hiihuown i iw per NB',', of NWU, neo, I, twp, 38, It JW Cruise, A HI of NU of NKU. me, a, twp lis, ii aw Unknown Owner NWU "f HWU nml NH of HWU or HWU. nee. 3. I wis 38. It 3W Ilemlrleks, K -Fran! WH of NW U and friiet NWtl or HWU. nee. it, Iwp 38, It 3W Iluklll, I- HWl, or HWU. see. l. IWp. 38. II 3W Ilr len, J, T -KH or NKU or NKU. seo 10, Iwp 38, II 3W .. I'leiee, J. P. HKH r HIDi lit" - Wakeimiu, II, W II acres In HK eoruer, nee, 38, twp, 34, 11 4Vl While. Hhiibley and Hunt Mrg, Co, KH or NBU nml NWU or NBU mid BH of NWU mid NH ; or mvji, nee 3i, iwp, 31, Kenilrltk.'j; ii'. HW'J'"iif'''NBU nml WUif SB',, seo. 28,' twp. Williams, Aliiry S W U "of "h'Vv'h! see. 28, iwn, 31, It'lw '..?. Unknown Owner-HBU of HBU, sec 29. twp, 31, H tw..... ' Tliren I'lnis Tlmbur Co. NWU o nn , iiiiii i.vt or nw rirnw U iiml BH of W',4 of HWU mill SB 14 o? HWU, sue. 30, twp. .11. It iv Howlmul. Ada Al. WH or rrito. ii HiV!Kof mv,i' Hl'' 3,' wp; 'hieo I'lneri Timber Co. KU "t rrae. NWJi or SWU anil HWU or HWU, see 31, twp. 31, It 4W tilth. K. A.- WW of fnic NWU or SWU. neo St. Iwn. XI. It IW llyilruiillo Alining Co. Kruc WH orrNWU, seo. 31, twp, 34, 11 Qimtmmi, a. n, ei ui posiTo-s'y'ii' see. 33, twp. 34, It 4W , Komlrloii. J. K.--WH of NKU mid NWU of HKU, aed. 33, twp, 31, H 4W ,. Qualmun, A. II. et ill WH of NW U uml NWU or SWU. see 34, twp. 31, It IW Knuilnnii, J. NW4i or NBU, sec. 36, iwp, 31. It 4W .:.'. Tho HykeH tirooK Milling Co SB U or NBU mid NBU or SBH, WO I, Mill. 36. It IW .. Junes. V. W - WH or SBU ami HI'Ui Vt KHi UV'Vi i lWi, S)( 60,60 0.00 12.00 6.60 3U0 6,00 60.00 40.00 82 60 10.50 6,00 6.00 4,50 15. Hi 3.00 3.00 I'leiee. J. P.- HKH or HIDi or SWU and SWU of SWU of HKU, NH or S., or HKH. SH of NWU of SKU, SH of HH of NKU nf HKU. see. II, twp. si, ll SSV . .... ! I'lerne. J. D A Hoiin-KW'Jt 11 HWU of SWU. SU or NWU of SWU. HH of NH or NWU or HWU, WH or WH NKU or HWU. seo. IS, twp. Jl, It 3W . I'lerse. J. D A Houn -NBU or NKU or NWU. mo. II. Iwp. 31, II 3W Jerfery. John A--WH 'f NWU. see 16, twp 35, It 3W Ilatilsler. W. I'-Wlj of HWtJ, HKU of HWU. neo. 31, Iwp, 31, II JW . . ! Uiikuowu Owner NKU, see. SI, Iwp, 31. II SW . I'lerse. C II BH. of' HKU, see. 27. twp 38, It 3W . Hmllh. E. P. -KH or P. L. O. 40 Ims 10 acres, sees, 37 and 28. twp. 58, It IW ll.ltllntiT. W. I' -Lots 6 and 6, neo 28, Iwp, 38. It 3W Ileiirdsly, Albeit D. Lnt I ami NBU .or NBU. sec 30, twp, 31, llrltnnn, J "w. li or Nw'u'or HWU. see. I, Iwp. 39, II 3W ... I'liknonii Owner HWU of NWU mid NH of HWU nf HWU, seo. I. twp. 39. II 3W Sltirgln. A. W.-Den. H4-3.il, neo. 3. twp 39, II JW Wert. H, N-Lot 6, frunl. I, U or nwu. hwu r nwu. nw H or HWU. nee. I, twp, J. II Contrail. Al- SH or NKUl "NKU or SKU. H I"!. eo. 9, twp, 39, I! 3W . ... ..." Hleillng Alng. Co. -SKU ami HW U "f NKU. nee 13. twp. 39. It JW . . , .. Unknown Owner -WH of WU of HWU. neo 18. Iwp 3J, It SW ... Unknown Oritur- NWU or HBU or NWu and NH f HW'i of nwu, swu or kwu or nwu. seo si. twp, 39, It SW Alulovhlll, H- HH of lot, H(t r NKU of NWU. NU of SEU or NWU. o. 7. Iwp, 10, It 3V Tenter, Clinton. SKU or NW'l, NH or HWU. NWU or HBU. nrc. 12, twp 10, II JW Dnylou, A. J SU of SH. nee. IS, Iwp. 10 It JW Spalding. W ft I' NBU and NW U, nee. 16, iwii. 10. It SW Andrew. II, -KWU mid HBU. see. 16. twp 10. I! 3W Andrew. W. P, -NBU and NW U ami NH or SWU and HKU, fc 36, tup 10. It SW Seolt, Wm HWU or nee. 2, iwp. II. It JW .... ... . ...L llnnl'V. W I.- -I.otx I, S, 3, SH .11 .ii., nr.'. "I invt H. see. ;, twn 41. II SW I'rlilmmi. W. U HWU. nrc 12, twp. II. It SW ItANOB I'OPIt WBMT Klner, W i NBU. n.o I, Iwp. 3. 11 iw ., IVnne, Geo II. HWl, of HW', ..... Ill .,.,. II l,v I'.nir. llHltle Al. Loin I, 2, 7 illlii 8. nio 12. iwp, 33, It IW Pease, I l.o II NWU or NWU. neo. 15, iwp, 33. II IW Ilrlggn. B C. - KH or KH or NBU. nee. 21. twp. Jj, It 4W Pouiie, (leo. II - NU or NWli ami HWU of NWU ami NWU or SWU. 28. twp 33, It IW The N. P. It It. Co-NBU or NH U. see 28. wp. 33, ll IW . . HolnilIlii.ru. At i: -HK'l of HWU and W'4 "r WU or HBU. -o, 29. iwp. 3.1. It IW CroiiHch, K. li-Hlj or NKU and HH or riBU or NWU. sec So, twp. 33. 1. IW . . . . .! Link. A. T-NKH or NKU mid KH r HKH. sec. 30, twp, 33, It IW . . . ...... r ! Kennies, 1.. K WH r NWU. neo. 32, Iwp, 33. It 4W Pease, lie,,, II HWU. sec 31, twp. 33. II IW I'enn... Geo, II. SU or NWU uml NU or HWU. sen. I, twp. 31, Piime. Geo - Den, ii-ilJ, nee! 5, iwp. 31, It 4W , Puis-. Geo II -KH r HKU soil SW',, of HBU and HKU "f HW U mid lot No. 7, nee 6, Iwp. 31, It IW . Dense, Geo II - NWUi sec. h, twp. 34. It IW l.ori Hlnr Alining Co. -SWU or SU'U, seo. 10, twp. .11, It IW.. ... Carter, George -NWU or HBU, neo. II, twp. 31, It IW - ... Unknown Owner BU or SBU, me Id, twp. 31, It IW. Wlekslrom. At. B -WH or NBll or NWU and HWU or NWU uml HH or NWU or NWU, seo. 13, twp. 31, It 4W Loon Star Alining Co. 120 ones no. 14, twp. 31, It IW Kemp, I.. H- Men, 61-98, neo. 20, twp, 3 1, It 4W ., Wleknliom Alining Co. NBU of NWU, nee. 22. Iwp. 31, It 4W .... Illuloek. II. W Hog. 17 yard H. of N W. corner of HW', of NKU Ihenrii H, 161 yards, thence M. 110 yards, iimneo N. 161 yards. Iheiieo W, to beg, and HH of HBU and NWU or HBU less, lo iirron dm. 23-178, sue, 2a, iwp. 3 1, 11 iwi Wolf oik, Jinno w. HWU, see ae, twp. 31, II 4W Tim Western Development Co,- NBU, see. 26, twp. 31, It 4W While, Hhehley mid Hunt Alfg. Co. NWU or NWU. see. 27, iwp, Jl, 11 iw 19,67 3.75 4,60 16.80 60.10 16,80 8.40 33.34 6,16 4.86 3,40 6.13 41.71 37.73 8,83 32.10 3.40 8.30 12.60 36.00 36.00 61.00 18,80 82.16 26.1 60.08 36.(6 36,40 11.00 61.66 11.00 13.00 48.00 12.00 2S.S0 31.50 67.60 S6.S0 48.00 36.00 10.61 41.00 36,00 3.40 8,10 16.00 13.00 7.30 4.20 3.00 18.63 SI.OO 18.00 4.80 1.55 17.00 SZ.80 4.30 11.00 33.10 3.00 0.10 S.70 12.00 S3.1S 31.60 0.73 6.00 12 00 J V