Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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About Mtv nl' (hi' fririMln u' Mr,
mill Mtm. V. .1. Mi'Knv hiirpilHi'il them
id lliflr liniiii' in Fern vnlli'v mi
TlniMilny ociiing Mini guvo litem ii
genuine liniim'wiiliiiing.
Tin' PiiU'iil-'IVncln'o' iiiiolnlinli
iiicl nl (lie HolintuMlnlim Fihluy nllor
niiini mill ii liiiM'' iilli'inlmii'ii ix re
iiirti'il. Mr. A. Fell nl' Portland,
who in alnli pionlilciil nl' the null ln-i -
ionicri', ttiixo n very iiili'lliiiK lull
unit plciuu'il lii'f heurciv. Iiitcniclv. Wo
ittKii'l thill wo I'liiiiinl hour mieh t nl
rnli'il people nfloiior.
I'. MeDnlllllil, ullii iJM'il mi . '.
eilin liigliunv between I'IiuciiIv mill
Talent, piiNMnil uwiiy TliiiiMilny uflor
iniuiy month nf Miffoiiiig. Mo wn
Imrii'il Siiliiiilnv nfloiiiniui from tin'
Hnplil church in Tnli'iil, Id'v. ,1. K,
llllillll llflll'llllllllf. Ill' li'llVi'h a null
In mourn lti lor.-
A largo ilili'vnliiin nl' Indie fiom
tin' PI ik V. ('. T. l' ntlotnled
tin) miiiiml mooting in Medfonl on
Tliiinohiy. Fer' tine yiii delighted
iiml i'iillni"i'il wild llin entertainment
mnl liixpiriition (hey received. Mr.
.Mourn mil Mr, Cniiuilnv ihIiImI very
nnii'li In tin meeting willi (heir inter
twling mnl iiiNtruollvt lulU,
Tim ('In intimi Kndenvor xttolotv of
llii Proxbytorlnii chinch held it Niioinl
Friday evening nl F.iigcl'a IiiiII. There
H'UH it good iitliiidiineo n ml cciy iinc
rcpoipjd i good linn'.
j'SflUf,,,l "ri' '"il I'm' nil ttiitorluin
inent to In lirlil in tlio Phoenix M'hoiil
limit,'!', tin' mnpii'iM of t lit high Nohool.
lroihiou All mnl 'J.'i coiiIn. Wo nie
urry lln' iirircn of iiilinitMo.'i lire mh
liilili, n llii'y will In iimliiliilivti for
ninny of tin' Ni'linot childicii mnl par
i'hIm in tln di-driVl. KnteitiilnniciiK
IceluitM flc, Iii-lil in tin' Hi'liiiulliiiimi'
xhuiilil In fdiiculiuuul in sniiiv wuy
mnl liuitlil In fire In all tin pupil
.attending Mflioiil mnl tit all children
or School llgl living ill tilt' M'llliol din.
Irii'l, Ihvihim' io object nl' tiiu' pnli
Hit t.clioo hV-lrin in to t'tlueiiln lill
niitiiily tliirint: I In t Mriiil nl' life ln.
tweon lln ago n' .I anil "JO,
Tlio irrigation meeting at Phncuiv
TliurMtnv evening wan wi'll uttended
ami ijnilf iiil'itlin, Kaipliatii' pro
itrt went vnirt'tl hy tin tVntral
Point di'logntliiu in opposition In I lie
scheme of I In ".Mini Trillion and cor
loin iiu'iiiIhtk or tin' Mrilfnnl ('tun-iin-n'tiil
rlnli' wlncli vn f licit way
it (Vtpliiiminr llio iiioitm'iit in tliu
valliy to form an irrigation ilinlrii't
nniliT tin lawn nl' tin ntatt' kovciii
inf mii'h jtrojiwln. I'mclinilly all
pitwi'iit liolii'voil wafer mik a kooiI
lli in Tor the vnlloy, Iml tliev iliil not
want to own tin water. Mr. ('roll
watt the orator f the uri'iinnm. A
fiw r llie iilii'ctiiuiK n (he tlintrii't
plllll WtTf llltlt 4n' wmilil IlltVl' (o
W for water t lint thev tliit not aectl;
Hint the official eleeteit wnnM nut
net light, mnl that the eot wouhl ho
too iniK'li fur the landowners to hear.
' Only one n'liin, Mr. Houston, of the
ltiielieyi orelinnlN, Hpoko in favor of
guiii alieml, ornitiiiinvr the tlintrii't
anil finiHin; onl what water eniihl he
prootireil ami if invesliKiitioa slnmeil
n lurk nf unler xiinplv or the imprae
lieahility nf the plan, Ihen In ilrnp il,
lit aiKiii'tl that the ilireetors eleeleil
wonlil likcl.s In fair in erinptioni ami
in their eNpeinliliirn of money, ami if
Ii few nieii hail to pay a lax who iliil
not ni'eil the water Ihey wnahl hi re
jiiiiil hy tint pineral iiieiia.c nf val
nett ami helleiment of I'lnaneial e(in
litiiiiM, ,jn-t iim in nnr rniniminitieH,
Iowiih pail eilies, nu'n help to pay for
waltir, HchonU, Hiuer hvmpii, eln.j
that Ihey tin not line, luff tlioyniti ie
paid liy llie inereilM- of nilui' in
propmty ami the ceiiernl uplift, hill
ilniiNinu failed tn win anv Mipport for
him ideas.
No plan for M'cminjr water far (lie
valley wax advanced hy the onnoHi.
lion, One ttpeaker Hiuko nf haying
Water, We presume it would he easy
to Hcciiro it frohi the iudiviilual ami
i!oiinialiiMW wllo are active in cor
niirin the vuIIi'.v'k i-ihle hiipplv.
Mr. anil Mm, Monro moved to On
pray Pint week.
Mih. J, IJ, Day mnl Mm. Heurn wont
tn Mmlford Tliurmluy (o Jiovo tlio for
nuir'H arm trentod, Mih. Day ro
turaoil Tnendiiy lii(t 'Mra. Dny imiHt
remain uiid'op thu iloctor'a euro hoiiio
Mervlii (lood left lntit w.colc for Al
luiay wheio lie will May with Ida
mother ami nttoml huIiooI,
Tin uliolr imil for pmctlro Woitnos
ifay eenlni? Inntoad or Tliurudiiy,
Wlillo all of tlio iiioinlinrK woro not
proHtuit iIioko who wore enjoyed thorn
milvtn hIiikIiik ami foiiHtliiK on loo
rream and ratio that 'itov. (Imnmona
wan no kooiI iih to treat thorn to.
Tlio hocIivI given liy tlio l.ndliw' Aid
Boolety Krldny ovcnliiK wn well at
toudod, All Bcninml to enjoy tlio
pumrnm iih wall an tlio nodal hour
which followed.
Mih. Nitlllo lloplihiH ami hoii
.IoIiiiiiIi havo moved to MuiUord
whore they will mnlio tliolr future
Tint fiimtrarHorvlcen of Mih, .Inliti
l.ncy were held Tlnlrinliiy moriilnn at
tli:.10 at (he Dunltnrd ehiireh. The
riMiinliiH were thou (alien (o .laelinou
IIIti (or Inirlal. MrH. I.uuy leavoH a
hiihtinml ami the following ehlldreti
to mourn her Iohh.
The KroiimlH ahout tlio city hall urn
being plowed ami IioIch an helmt
dun lor plantliiK Hhndo troeit. Tim
plan In to koI the nroumln In nhnpe
lor npiliiK when an atteauit will lie
made lo iiiako tlio iirouudu altrac-
tlvo. Vaaro Wolmiuiotl, tlio city
uiarHlinll. In tlolnit (lie work,
MIhh MarKiierlto Aiiioh Iiiih Iiooii mi
(Ik nick Hut for the punt few Iii)h hut
In leportnl much hotter.
. AmoiiK thomi who attmidud tlio Jilc-
turn hIiow at Aithlitml Tliiirmlny
evt'iilni; were Vnuco Wolnuinott, Jack
Viiiico ami Kay Colouinn.
The Httuly eluli met Tmmdny nfler-
noon a tin homo of Mr. ami Mm, .1.
H. Crawford. After tint readerlm:
or tin ri'Kuliir program Mm. Craw
ford entt'ilalneil with a few itoleutloux
front tin iiuinilolln.
Tho M. I'. Alt! bold their rt'KUlnr
itemlMiioathly meotliiK ThiitHiltiy nf
Tom Hull In iIoIiik tho work In 10-
paliliiK Mm, .leiiulo Jo lien hoimu In
tin Hheldler addition.
Itort Hell ami family hnv recent
ly moved Into new qunrterH nipoitllo
lint liiiuher yard.
Mrit. O. NV. WollerH tit linvlnj: tho
liuek rooniH of tho old pout orrirn le
motleled and pnpored. Mr. and MrH.
I. u lie will into the niuiii In tho future
for living roonm.
MIhh Ktmmt Crawford returned
from her flyliiK trip Into northern
California tho lunt of tlio week. Klic
hint Ik'l'H IooUIiik aflor her iuIiiIiik 1
lereitlM la tlittt pint of tin.' Mute.
Mm. Itelley Nulcownmer left
Wvtluehilny for tho Niger Hoy mlao
when tthe lit to join her liunliniul.
The ('ommualty eluli huvo heon
luakliiK vxteimlvo liaproveuioalH In
one of tho roman of tho city hall
which they have decided to fix up
for their new home.
Mm. John K. Hart lnltod nt tho
homo of her mother In Medfont the
latter pnrt of tho w,'cl;.
The hltiKliiR M'liool conducted hy
MIiih Wrlftht nt tho Chrltitluu church
every .Sunday afternoon lit becoming
tiil(o poll ii I ii r. Tlio low prlro of ad
lulnslnn nud (lie oxctdleiit way In
which (boy are holm; conducted nro
citiiKt'M of the popularity.
Tho California Jubilee All-SUr
quartet, four noted colored enter
taluerK, will appear at tho ttchool
auditorium ThurHdny evening, Ko br
im ry 4, at S o'clock. IJvery ineiii
her of (bin timirtut Ik an urthit In his
pnrtlculur line and all ithow remark
able ahlllty and training In tiuartet
work. linporitomKloiiH, Imttrumental
koIoh, rending. quartetH, hoIoii, tluotn,
and trios imiko a mom varied ontor
talnlng program. Tho Talent uchool
Ih to get a percentago of tho rccolplH
to uio for ntipplylug new booltit for
tho public library. AiIiiiImMoii, h hool
chlldrori 'j:c, ndulta fOc.
Not Id lie oiittloiio hy tlioir Itehekuli
nWtorH, who had a puhlie iulallation
of officers it few weeks nc, tlio Odd
Follows lodin hail u Minilnr cM-iviHo
on W'eduoMlay eveninj' of Ihik week.
A largo crowd and an excellent time
waw repoi ted, A. Cowley was in
stalled as Noble (Iraud, A. ( Walker
as Vice (Iraml, Win. l'buin took the
ehair as Keeordin Seeretnry, ami
S, A. 1'ripo was relaiiied as tieas
itrer. Quito a luige delegation ennio
down I'lom Mcdfnnl o asslht in tho
floor work.
After tho installation ceremony,
winch waft very iiiipronrtlvoly carrictl
out tho Koheooa histers ncrvt'il'it
dainty luncheon consisting of snud
wifhoH, fruit Hitluil. eofleo and eako.
Tho whole of tho past week was re
plete with Micial occasions. On
Tucsdiiyi'venuiKn sitrprtso party was
given Mr, ami Mrs, S, A. Mulkoy m
honor of their Mth wedding' mini
vorsary. This was I'ariictl out by
Mrs, piggius ami lier f'umlny school
elass. Miihie, mimes ami not tho
least, oxeellcill vofrcdnionts were tho
ottli'P of tin ovoninj;. Vi
Oii Tliinsday the Indies or tho Or
der of th Kaslcrn Stnr entortaiuctl.
Friday evening: nt tin hall of tho Y.
M. V, A. a joint high school debate
held tho hoard. This was tho firM
of what is (etnicd it soiies of high
school contests to ilclermiuo tin
statu clininiiionfihip in debute, Tho
schools inloreslcil in Ihi conlesl wore
Coutral Point, (Irants Pass ami
alyrtlO oreok. Tho question discuss
ed was that of government ownership
of unicornis, Central Point scut a
lii't'tttlvo team uuiibibtin L I'Vcd
Misuirojtn m'aii; tuibunw,
I'liylor nml Helen Palser to Mulle1"""11' " "It brother K.I IohIJ
erceif. Ai.vnm erect sent im-ir iictn
tivi' lentil lo Omuls Pass ami the
Omuls Pass team came lo Cent nil
Point lo conlesl for honors with tin
nl'firtiiulivc leani, llolaud Flaherty
nml Alex Olsson of this place Ccn
Iral Point won at Mjvrllo creek, but
Ifisl here, (li'iinls Pass winniiig alo nt
lloiui', go) tho right to cuter lhe next
conlesl, The successful (cam will
have to next debute the winning leani
hi the Asliluml'Mcilford duel winch
ocelli's on lhe CM'tiliitr of Feb, I at
eiieh of lhe rtbnve'iilinieil places, Itcv.
Shields of Medfonl, Supt. F. S. Col
lins and Principal (I. W. After or
Talent wen the lodge in Cent nil
On Saliitday our town look on the
air of a humming metropolis mi a cir
cus ilay, lhe ocensiuii being an nuli
iriigutlou parade ami meeting. Hy II
o'clock both sides nf Main street
Were lined witli uutoinobilcs plucard
ed wilh such signs as "District Ini-
giltlon Won't Work," "We Want fu
ciiciiinhcreil Home," tie. About Id
oVhielc the iiroccMiuii stalled no the
Pncille highwiiy f..r Ashlaml ami in.,Hatunluy night and the ovcnlng was
lermeilililo points, ilie Wogue Kiver
Volley baud, on a monstrous audi
tniclo was in lhe van. l-'mlv ears
were in line. After pnrnding the up
per part of the valley lhe return trip
Wlls imidi at leisilkc. Must nf lhe
people iitiiriicd in lime for lhe imii
meeting nt the opera house in the aft
ernoon. This place was packed In
ii.... i.... u. .....i...... i. ii. ..... .....i
, i 1 1," nig. r,M"ii itri r immii ri; hum i
con were allowed the Hour. Mat u
onc outside vi-ltor remarked, lhe pen-1
pie ueeiaed about iiiui'-lenths anli. I
Whllo this was gnliijj nn, ihcre was
another meeting nf not quite smh a'
Mieiferniu nature, bat of equal grav
ity, at tlie ('tut ml Point school
The School MnslerV club of Jiicfc
hoii and .)o"ephiiie enmities were luiv
iug niie of their hi-monthlv get-to-gelher
ineeliiigs. Nearlv thirty iiicni
bers were present, including' H. A.
Adams, president nf tho nrgauialitni,
rr;ini (loltl Hill; (I. W. Ager, sis-re-lary,
from Talent; Siiperintendt'iil
Dan Hull from (Irants Pass; Super
intendent (1. A. Uri-eoe or Talent; W.
V lluehanau tr Kagle Point; !'. ('.
Smith, .lat'l.'ionxille; Principal C It.
Mowmaii of the Metlfonl high schoel:
J. M. flressley of the eoinuiereial tic
partmeiit; II. W. Ager, principal at
Phoenix; T. Wtstcnlt of the seienee
department, (Irants Pass high school,
nml P. i. Spencer of Talent, in ml
ttit to the nboo our local school
men, Superintendent A. K Mickey,
Fred C Power, V. A. Davis all the
members nf the school hoard ami
oilier citizens were present.
The program consisted of a tliietis
stou of school legislation now before
the state nshembly; social activity
in the high m:IiiioI, two excellent o
cat selections by Miss Ilimnau, our
locnl voeal hint motor, ami the ehiof
address nf the day hv Dr. 11. D. Shel
don, head of the department of edu
cation, I'niwisily of Oregon.
Miw Norn Heche and a corps of
her trained assistants uiado tin noon
hour one lo be long- remembered in
educational eireles.
Mr. and Mr. Frank ,1. Taylor nnd
sou, Itnyatoml, left Sunday morning
for Kugcnc, whore Mr. Taylor has
gotten in touch with nn opening- in his
line. Mr. Taylor nud his family
leave n perceptible gap in liusincs,
eivie ami social circles. In tlio per
sniiof" Archie Qiiistnberrv ami his
mother, Mrs. Wright, wo believe the
business U in good hands. Mr. Tay
lor's position on the city council and
locnl school hoaiil will no doubt bo
filled. There ore always loyal and
energetic citizens ready to step for
ward ami fill the broach.
Henry Morgan was nn Kaglo Point
visitor Friday,
Frank and Milton Houston are
fencing the Houston ranch on Dry
Mr. and Mm. Tim Dally moved to
Mod fortl Monday.
MIhh Ida Ciichmnn has been tho
guest of MIhh Mia Hannah.
Hort Wynnt of AhIiIiuhI Ih tho guest
of bin HlHter, Mm. Hugc-no Hollowtj.
1'orry Koator, JiiHpor Honnnh nnd
Harry Unlly wore Medford visitors
tho first of tlio weok,
Mrs. Julia Dcauilrott mndo a trip
to tho valley IIiIh weok.
Ooorgo Fry Iiiih boon doing a great
deal of fencing this winter,
Tho Hiuoko house, of Henry Mor
gan was 1) timed recently hut that did
not fool Hoary. Tho moat of four
hogs wero first romoved lioforo tho
building sot nftro, as tho two email
plocoa loft wero not oven cooked
Wo nro gottlug out a now "FOK SAL1UND HXCH',ftlS'"'cfcu'lnr
nnd wnut listings for t ratio for property In Washington, Oregon and
California, or la ract any statu In tho Pnloii,
Toll uh what you havo and what you want, prteo your proporty
right, and neo If wo can ploaso you. 11AVK HUYKK now for best
bargain In flvo or nix room residence. What Jiave you?
otdfoui). ?mwor. aiomw, ramrAHY 1,
ll tuoo mil or meat ami
ono '
olno Is gainer.
Clnrciico Mlddl'diiiHlier mndo flnnl
proof oil Ills homefltoad Thursday.
Jack Walker ami Kilwla ol were
his wKiiohhcs.
ChnrloH flkrman was In Ontial
I'oint a fow days ago.
Kay Wliltlo) Ik vlnltliig homo folks
on Hilt crock.
Miss Hamanllm Mlnter wan (hn
KiioHt of tho Mellon m homo Hiinday
A nine pound son arrived at the
homo of Mr, and Mm. Coy Tuesday.
Dr. Klrchgentiaer mndo a profes
clonal visit to Hams Valley Frldny.
Miss Janlo JohutUun returned from
tho hoitpltal In .Medfonl Mondny.
MIkhoh Ida Cnsbmiin, Merle Cof
feou, Mln Haumili, McHnrs. Hannah
ami HawklnKOii npent Tuesilay even
ing with Mr, nnd Mm, Hnrry Howard.
Tho ovonlng was spent In gnmes and
music. The Kwedlsh songs nuiig by
Mr. HawkliiHOii were gieally enjoyed.
A merry crowd gathered at thn
homo of Mr, am Mm. Jack Houston
npcnl In games ami tuuiilc. Nlco re
freithtin.'nts were M.'rved and all de
parted for home rather oloopy but not
regretting the good tlniu they had
Kd Ciiclunnn returned from the
valley Monday.
Tho filendB here of Mr. nnd Mm,
Klbert (jIiish of Antloch wero Horry
to hear of the fvere HlncKS of their
(Ive-montlm-old child.
(From (he News.)
Professiir ami Afif-. H. 0. Harding
spent Wednestlav ami Thursday with
.Mr. Harding's parents nt Medford,
when- the professor also tiiul the
Dr. W. P. Chishidni was summoned
lo Aiitioelt several times the fnrcpatt
of the week to attend tho infant
daughter of Klbert (Muss. The little
patient sutfercd from a severe, attack
of pneumonia.
Thn Youtnr Cntsador' eluli of the
M. K. Siimlny school announces the
impeiuliiiK dniinalii' event, "Tlie
F.lnpeuionl of Helen." to bo presented
by exclusive local talent within the
next fortnight.
.Iim Smith, cattle baron of Sardine
creel:, shipped u ear with twenty
eight head of fine beef stock, voliied
nt :KIOo, aboard to Portland Tue-dav
afternoon, following the consignment
to market on the Wednesday evening
The Cliff ranch, in upper Sams
Valley, formerly tinned bv Fenuin
Zaun, has again changed hands, this
time to If. Fnrnhnm'ol' Ashland. The
new proprietor will tjonvcrt the prop
erty into a slock ranch, for which
purStse it is ideally situated.
C. M. .McKtiuvtsr of New Yotk City
for tlio pat tortnight the guest of
Dr. l K. Itnv at the Hmden mine,
tleparlcd on Wetlnesdav morning1 for
"dear old llrondwuy." Mr. MoKeover
is assoeiated as private secretary
with Colonel Frank Itnv, and his trip
to southern Oregon combined ltusi
ness and pleasure.
Jlrs. Ida Magerlio of F.vans creek
disposed of a portion of her onion
crop to Merritt & Co. on Wednesday
large yellow Danvers, superior in
si1 appearance ami fluvor to the im
ported nitiele. On F.vnns creek they
understand tho humble onion and
work it into tho bank account with
considerable success.
Jimmv Horns, tho velcran (lulls
crook miner nnd philosopher, is ex
hibiting a gift presented him on
Christiana by the Jacksonville lodge
of 1. 0. 0. F. It is a gold anil enamel
jewel of the thirty-fifth year, testi
fying to his membership in the lodge
for thut ju'rioil. .liiiunv joined tlie
Jnoksotiville Odd Follows mi Novem
ber 1, 187U.
Swinging tlio liroadaxo and ink has
gone out of fashion at the Hraden
mine. Thousands of feet of tunnel
work huvo hitherto been bolstered up
hy haiitl-hown timbers, but now tho
old order chnnm'th. An electrically
driven mill for sawing and shaping
tlio second-growth fir timbers has re
cently been installed. Fred Hurko is
chief Pawyer, and the now stylo prod
uct is exceedingly popular with the
men, who urn boring into the rook
'JOO feel below around.
Mutter Dale llanimersley of Clranls
Pass, tl years old and sturdy from a
trapping season in the Idaho woods
with his father, tho former Hold Hill
poslinastor, renowed acquaintance
witli local playmates sovernl davs this
week while viftitiuu at the honiu of
his limit. Mrs. W. P. Chisholin.
sl4'- 4 t
Ono cent per word por lsuo.
Hlx Insertions for price of flvo.
Fifty cents per line per month
without CIIUUKO, Jt
FOK riR.'Mr MrM;Hi-?
room modem
I'liono '0fl-K2.
hrtinscV close
FOK KH.N'X--Furnished house close
In. Inquire J. D. Helms, 11 1
'ort!i Fir. 271
I'OK rtKNT---Modern bungnlow on
Boiith Central, with tiasoment
1'lione 081-K. 2CS
i'b K KIONTTwV li'i rae'room " f ur
nUhed flats. ?,V1 South Central.
2 C'j
FOK KHNT Modern housekeeping
rooms. 3-ir. North MarUett. 2"1
FOK KKNT Furnished room with
or without board, reasonable price.
3fi North Oakdale avenue. 2CS
1 " - -nr - - --- - '
FOK KKNT About 15 acres well Itn
proved. J. M, Btevens, Tolo. 2(59
FOK KKNT-Offlccs In the narnett
Coroy btilltllng, heat, light, water,
elevator and Jnnltor services In
cltided. I.. U. Cathcarl, sulta 319
and 320. Phone 107.
FOK KKNT .Small ranch, city water,
close to town; also flvo room mod
cm bungalow. b20 West 12th St.
FOK SAMv Tubular separator,
brood sows, pigs, cows. I'liono
HJ3-K2. 209
FOK SAI.K Small Incubator nnd
brooder, $5. 00. Phone 2"-JI. 20!i
FOK HAM? Sllvor Camplue fggs'for
batcblng, engage now, COS W.
Jnrkson. 27.".
FOK SAI.K Htudebaker K. M. F.
auto at a bargain for cah. Cra
ter Motor Car Co. 1C South
Fir St. 270
FOK SAI.K Single Comb Rhode
Island Kod sotting egjss, four prem
iums at Jackron county fair. All
from good laying stock. Krnest
Webb, Central Point. 273
FOK SAI.K Hlcycle In good condi
tion. Tiros nearly new. A bar
gain If taken at once. Phone 2GM
II. FOK SAI.K Seed oats, genuine
Sbadeland pedigree seed. Yields
more than double common oats. S.
M. Ncalon, Tnble Kock, phono 11
xxl. ' 270
FOR SALE Flvo passenger car
cheap. 41C North Monrduicn St.
FOR SALE Upright pianos in good
condition, $7!i.0O. Music cabinet
cheap, llrommcr Pros., route 3,
phono 5S9-J2. 2S7
FOR SALE Loose nlfnlfa hay; also
two buggies and two hacks. In
quire Nash Livery Ham. 271
1 i ' .j. t . wr
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
ment. I havo ono of the best lo
cated homesteads in southern Ore
gpn, 12 miles from Medford. Any
one interested communicate, Home
stead. Runcorn. Ore. 271
Roguo Rtvor Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Tlmbor. Colonization Tracts. Desi
all-tlie-jcnr-round climate on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Heaver Realty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
27 acres on tho Pacific highway,
less than two miles from Medford,
principally Hear creek bottom land
with Hno building slto on the higher
ground. All set to trees which will
soon bo bearing. For sale at very
attractive price. Might divide It.
A (Ino dairy nnd stock ranch on
tho Applognto, making plenty of
monoy, nnd for sale at n very attrac
tive price. Call for particulars. It
Is Irrigated.
List your land for sale or rent. I
may have n buyor right now.
A word to thoso who nro coming
back. Land for tho past six months
has boon hanging nt rock bottom
prices, A groat deal of liquidation
has taken plnco in this tlmo. My bus
Incsa'nlona In tlio last halt of this
year has amounted to nearly $100,000
I bellovo tho last four or flvo deals
I hnov mado ropresont absolutely tho
bottom. Land with rental value of
$30 an ncro will not long romalu at
$200 an aero. Thoro will bo no boom
but land values will luiprovo sumo,
Good roads, Irrigation, suvr-mlll,
box factory, choap power, augar
beets, cunning factory, good prices,
satisfied customers, perfect days.
Hurry, soo Medford first and
Room 201, First National Hank Uldg,
FOK HAM-: -Musi sacrifice my 80
acre slock rrtnch, portly ctiKICntetl,
15 miles out, fn'c range, now mod
ern bungnlow, cost $2000.00, land
$1000.000. Inst fall Will sacri
fice for carli or sell part ensh, or
Irftdc for new 191fl auto. Apply
box It. IJ., care Mall Tribune. 208
FOK SAI.K Two small ranches one
two nml one 10 acre, fluu sugar
bet, garden or poultry farms,
Mostly In good cultivation, on bank
of creek, one-quarter nillo K. It
station, stores, post office and
school. AdroM liox 03, Kogue
Klvor, Ore. 27,1
FOK BAIiK Two Jersey cows, with
calves and ono yearling. J, li
Slovens, Tolo. 200
FOK SAI.K 12 extra good fresh
rows, 4 yearling heifers, also young
calves, due team of farm mares.
Nash Mvory Karn. 289
FOR SAI.K Fresh Jersey cow,
young, gentle, easy milker. Phone
500-K2. 208
FOR SAMv-Chonp,
wagon nnd harness
Pnlon Mam.
good tenm.
complete at
WANTED Five or 10 weaned pigs
or older. Htafe age. IIox J. J.,
cam Mall Tribune. 2C8
WANTED To buy a team and hack,
(live description and price. Ad
dross box 32, zenro Mall Tribune.
WANTED Family washing, 20c a
dozen. Address 821 West 10th St.
WANTED Competent nnd active
foreman for largo fruit ranch.
Please state experience and ability.
Also references nnd salary ex
pected. Mox T., care Mall Tribune.
WANTED Miners at Il'raden mine,
(told Hill, Oregon, for contract
:i' .JL'
WANTED Woman desires portion.
lioiiBOWork. good plain cook. Mrs.
Rolls, Ashland, Oregon. 20$
EXCHANGE Want to soil or buy
anything? U C Rader, 114 N.
Front St. Employment offlco and
rentals. Phone 125. Nil ft Sed.
FOR EXCHANGE Two houBea nnd
lots in good town for acreage.
What havo you? Address "K",
enro Malt Trlbuno. 270
FOR EXCHANGE House and lot In
Central Point for ono or two lots
In Medford, Address "A" care
Mall Trlbuno. 270
Portland grocery and confectionery
business, ?2400.
1 h aero and residence. $r000.
Portland residenco prop. $10,000
HO acres imp. $13,500.
40 acres imp., $11,000.
140 acres Imp., $17,82.1.
39 acres imp., $10,000.
140 acres Imp. stk.. $20,000.
100 acres imp., $21,000.
Portland res. and lots, $15,000.
E. Ore. stk. ranch. $0000.
Klamath Falls ros. and rnnch,
$SO0O. Clark Realty Co., 200
Phlpps Uldg. 208
MRS. M. T. EDWARDS Worlc done
promptly at reasonable rates.
Room 3, Palm block, phono 107.
LOST Or loft in one of tho stores
last week, a small package contain
ing a pair of blue serge trousers.
Finder phone this office. 209
LOST AND FOUND Will tho gontlo
man whoso umbrella was taken In
error nnd who In turn took the re
maining umbrella of somewhat
similar handle at public library
Sunday afternoon, kindly phono H.
R. Hance, residenco 3SS-L or office
129. 2CS
LOST Two pieces crochet insertion
and thread. Return Handicraft
Shop. 209
MONKYTO LOAN On closo"" In
ranches. C. A. McArthur, room 3,
over post office. Phono 308 or
130-R. 289
iiusiness DiuncTunt
Auto tiupplica
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the P
cKIc uorthwest. Uso our sprlngi
whon others fall. Sold uuder guar
unteo. 26 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
Attornoys-at-Law, Hoouib 8 and
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Garnett
Corey bldg.
Wra, M. Colvlg, George M. Roborti
Medford National Bank Building
Attornoys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at
law, room 7, Sparta building. Med
ford, Oregon.
anrnett-Corey Bldg,, salte 111
Modtord, Ore. Pbuuo SCO,
fkgj. Jnyi v
I1U81NKH8 MltKtlOHhr' .
Assay tnj:. .
K. It. CK01ICH- Assayer, chemist,
metallurgist. Custom Assay Of
fice. Mall otdcr minifies solicited,
Priced, gold, fl.OOi ROld Rtnl (!
vor, $1.25; copper, $1,00) kohl, sil
ver and copper, 2.00. Mulling en
vclopea free on rcqlicst. ttefer
Kooms 201-20.". Hall Mltlg,, Omuls
Pass, Oregon, 338
DR. A. It. HKDGICM. Or. L6ulie R.
Hodges Mcchano-Theraplsls, Chiro
practors, Spondylottioroptats. ThM
ytnm, IncliitlltiR dietetics, etrv
tlvo gymnatttca, hytlro-therttphr,
etc., produco results In both acuu
and Chronic dlsenNcs. Cousiiltx
(Ion tree. Over Deital & Co., cor
ner Main and UartloU. II o urn 9
n. ra, to C p, m. Other hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chlropraeter,
norro specialist Rooms 20.1-304
2 0&. G.irnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific massrtge p.tveu;
noodlo spray, bond and shoulder
shower in connection; advice Is
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydropthcrapy. Lady atlondant.
Phono, office 543, residence i.ll-R.
Employment Agcscy
Wo nro hero to help people get re
llnblo. competent help. Wa fur
nish help In almost all line of
business. Wo raako a specUlty of
competent mon and wives fer
ranches. Wo solicit your patrom
age. Dinner's Real Estate "
Employment Pureau, Rooms' 9 and
7 Palm Building, Mod ford. Pbom
858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Engineer and Contra-tflt
FRED it. CLMMiNfTsl r:nglncer"and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg.
Surreys, estimates, irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
GARBAGE Get your premise
cleanod up for the summer, call
on the ctty garbage wageaa for
good service. Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
Inttructtoa la Mulo
401. Garnctt-Corey nidg. Fred At
ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence
Halltday Halght, voice Telephone
Notary Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic. Bring your worK to me at taa
sltn of the Mall Tribune.
Pliyesldaaa aaa mugtosi
iiMi'''itt--taw--- "H S-
physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Csray
bldg., phone 1030-L. AaaldeBM
20 South Laurel He
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physicians, 303 aaruett-Corey
building. Phono 904-M.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Phystclaa aad
surgeon. Practlco limited to eye,
ear, nosa and throat. Eyea celea
tlHcslly tested and glastea aap
piled. Office 223 East Mala SU
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. n.
E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Bank. bldg. Offtea
phone 43-R; residonce phone 68-R.
clan and surgoon. Office Pals
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANUV Physician aad
surgeon. Phones, off let, 30, real
douco 721-J, Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physldaa
and surgeon.
Practlco limited to dlteasea o!
women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M.
F. &. II. Bldg. Phones, residence,
S1I-J2; office, 814.
R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. 0er Hutchison Lums
deu. 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathia
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of women aud
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Murks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phono 100. Res, the Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MC.M. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St, Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phono 100. Resi
dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printer ana Publisher
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book binding,
loose leaf ledgoru, billing: systems,
etc. Portland price. 27 Norta
VI r Rl
SHOE REPAIRING First claw ibm
repairing, on modern eleetrte
machines while you wait. B. N.
Bidon, located In Kldd'a Sbo Store,
Phono 313J.
'.,.,' - . . . v-- ; araeta
Ofdco 42 North Front St. Phoie
315, Prices' right. Service guar
tntetvl. TypcwrlterH nnd Supplle.
Now Roiulngtoti. Smith Premier
ami Monarch typewriting, addlMit
ami ttultiacUuB mnehjnesf robuHt
mnciuues (or pasnjir easy
mentH. Mnchtnoa for runt, rlbl
aud supplies of nil kinds, simple re
palra freo of churae, ltottr, S.
Bennett, 10 Qulue) St., vko-t