Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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PA'Oti TirttElJ -
' VI
, 1
In ciiiiiiiicllou wllli the cxnmlnii
(Inn of range conditions on tint Nit
tloiiul forests, tli forest snrvlar- Iiiih
rccon I ly Hindu 11 nttnly of Hiu water
hue (nullities mii each -forest wlieiu
WiuliiK In possible. According In
I liu iiiiiiiiuiit'oiiiiinl of Din district for
iNnr, capacity of till graying allot
iikmiIm In now fairly we known, hut
tliu i ocelli utility wnu designed to un
certain If llio existing wafer supply
In sufficient for tlm needs of tlio
tilock on each allotment. .
It won known that stock using dif
ferent kinds or foniKo needed differ
ent niiiotiniH of w titer In onler to keep
iniini in llin IichI romlltlon, lint exact
figures wore InckliiK. This study linn
developed ihti fuel Unit In tlni Cascade
iiiountiiliiH ono hla-op Mill reitilro per
Will it Pit liny for Nliccp
On plno grass range, green I ipinrt
'On plno iirnni range, dry, 2 iiinrts
On bunch grass (low, green) one
quart wntor.
On litinrli grass (high mountain,
II roon ) ilutf, or ono-linlf pint wntor.
a On tin licit grasn (low, dry) onu
ijtinrt wntor.
On bunch grass (high mountain
dry) ono quart wntor,
On tlio dry iiiouiitnln ran no enxt
of tlio Cascades, or In eastern Ore
lion nntl WniihliiKtnn, on plno grass,
(lec'r's sedge, IiiiiicIi gram, nnd dry
meadow range, In the curly uprlnt;
cattle require flvo gallon of wntor
por dny. On tlio sumo forage sheep
wlih lambs need ono gallon per dny,
nnd dry sheep but om-linlf Rallon.
This In whoro tliu nnlnmlM nro salted
on tlio rniiKo. In tlio Into spring,
early summer, nnd early full, on Hut
tmnio rlasn of forage nnd uinlor like
condition, rnttlo roijulro seven nnd
oiit-linlf gallon of wntor por dny,
slicop with lambs ono mid one-half
gallons, mid dry Hhoup mm gallon xr
dny. Oiirlui; tlio hiiiuiiut, cnttlo will
rcqitltu ) gallon por day, sheep
with lambs two gallons, nnd dry sheep
ono mul one-half gallon.
I'lin Oiillono u liny fur Cutllo
On high iiioiiiitiilu range, with
mi-imIn, dnmp meadow, or browse,
salted cnttlo will ron.ii I ro per "flay, In
Into spring, curly Hiiininor mid early
fnll, flvo gallons of wntor, whorea
sheep with IniuliN under theso con
ditions will rcqulro ono Knllon, nnd
dry nhoop ono-hnlf kuIIoii. During
tlio Hiiiuiuor, cnttlo on thin class of
forage mid under similar condltloiiH
will tinulro seven mid ono-lmlf gal
loin, iihoop with ImiiliH ono nnd one
linlf gallons, nnd dry sheep ono Kill
Ion por dny.
With theso figure nnd those for
tlio fornRo cnpnrlty of tlio rniiKo, tlio
ninotint of wutor necessary for any
nuiKu nmy ho dotormlnod easily. If
tlio nvnllnblo wntur U not sufficient to
moot tlio iiooiIh of tlio range, tlio for
est service plnnn to iindorlnko tlio
dovolopiuont of known sources of
Alitor nnd Hum Increase tlio nupply.
Koinolliiiij,' not ul in tlio tvny of u
community KnlliotliiK In to bo put on
in tlio ApploKato vulloy, .IiiekHon
vounly, ihirinj; Jtuy. Tlio nffulr will
lie ilirt'cliil by W. 0. Wlioolor, piinoi-
)iul ol tlio noIiooI nt tho town of A)
jiIckiiIo, for whom Dr. I tort hit Stiuirt,
iliioitlor of tlio tvoinon'ri K.vniiniHiiun
nt tlio Univoi-Hitv of Ori'Koii, Iiiih oul
lined mi ntlilvtio iirornni. Tlio dny
is (o bo iluvotoil to n ooiiibiiintion
picuio nml field moot, nt which 1000
to Ififlt) JiuikHon ooiiuty folk nro cx
pootoil. Kvcry AppU'Kiilo vulloy
M'lunil in to put into tho iilliletio
ovoiiIh priiolioiilly ovoiv pupil, a rnpiu"
liliin of oliiiiiniition having been work,
fil out. l)r, tiluiirt'8 plun follows, in
Koiioml, proifrittrts Hint luivo boon
HiiitcoHHful ut liiro oiiHtorn iiiooIh nnd
in ooiiHlilorod u K'mul ono for rural
community Heliool gntlioriiiKB,
Tho Kuiillioiu Oieini SeliooliniiH.
Ioim' dull mot ut Contnil I'oiiil Ku'.
llidny. Tlio piiuointil MiciiUoih weioi
Hiipeiiiitoiiilint Duiiiol Hull ofdinnU
I'iimh, who Npoko upon llio Miibjoot,
"Hni'liil Ai'lliil.v in llio IiIkIi Kohool",
nml Dr. Henry II. Kliehlon, from tin
ilcpnitiiiciit of oiluciilioii, V, of ().,
wlm udilioHMOiI'lhit nieinlieiM upon tin
Mibjcet, "I'our (Irnit Kdiionlioniil
I'roplielN of Toduy." I'mfoNMut
KIioIiIoii'h inlilie.H wiih full of help
ful Niiui'KlioiiN of whul wiih i cully
woith wliilo of tho eliunnin
iilcitM In cilneulioii.
A ooiiiniittoo wiin nppoiiitod In
drnw up htiitnlilo lOMiilulinim porluiu
C to noiiio of tho I'diioiilioiuil ineiih
iiioh now lieloro tho n(iiIo Ititrtt iim.
Till! followlm; H'HlllltlnilM wcio uilopt-
oil by niton! tho intiro bmlv:
(VitirirnlliiK ?.'m:Ih-i
"III! it lloinheil, by (ho liKlilholH of
llio Hniilhoni Oregon SeliiioliniiHloiH'
eluli, wIioho iiiimoh nro nffij,oi horolo,
lllllt till! pllMHIIKO Of llOIIM! hill Nil,
'Jill, iin it now MiunN, i iiink'nlmbli'.
I'ltnMiim fur Opposition
KirMTho pionont law i'm now'
mul ho fur bus lieiu Nilifuetniy ill
ItH oporntioiiH.
"Sooond- Any oIiiiiiko nt tho pu-
out time will oiouto oonhiNiun.
''Third Tlio Mnlo ilep;ntnienl of
ediiciitiun will bo lolt without mle-
IpllltO fllllllH,
HiiM'rlMiry Imw
"llo it KokoIvoiI, bv tho inoiiibriN of
tho Kotitliorn Oii-guii Soliootiuiihti'iV
club, wIioho iininoH tile u Mixed hoio
to, that tlio piihsao of llio Dimiok
bill relative to count v Kiipoiviiion is
iiudoNiriiblo fur Ibt' followiiiK ronsons;
"l''iit fjoriipuloiiN pprsoiiK may
cooiiro tho Hij;niiturcH of tho iniijor-
ity of ni'IhmiI ditriot oflieeiM for tlio
diicoiitiutiiiin'o of Hiiportixiou.
"Second Tlio prcKcut MiterUMirv
Iiiih worked to the uient n(lviiiitiij;o of
the rural hcIiooIh.
IndiislrUil I'iiIi-h
"Mo it llt'holtcd, bv tlio nieiiilieiH of
tho Soiithoni Oregon SchoolinnstorH'
club, wIioho iiiiiiioh mo nl fixed bore
to, Ihut tho puhxiiKf of Scbubcl botiKo
bill No. 'J in uiidcxinihlc Jlir the fol
lowing reiiMin:
"Kirxt ll iliHcoutiuiioH (ho nppru
priatiou for indiiHtrial lnirw.
"SitoiuI-TIioho fnirn have born a
trcincuiloiiH impcliiH nml pructioal
valno to ciliiciitjon, ospociully iu tho
rural hchool hoctioiif."
A ooitiiuittco eonihlin of .Super
intendent Daniel Hull of (IrnnlK I'iins,
I'nucipal l-Vhx Mooivof Ahhlmiil mid
I'riiioipul l II. Ilowiuuu of Mcdfonl
wiih nppoiutcil to draw up Htiitnlilo
niloH Kotonnuc Micinl aotivitioH in
the high m'IiooIh of the talloy. The
commit too wan rcipuMcd to rcpoit nt
tho next meeting of tho club.
Talent wan M'lcctcd an the next
pin ee of mot-tin;: of tho club. Mai oh
'27 wiih hclcctod an tho time.
AKIII.ANI), Kcb. 1. IiiIciihI in ro
tivnl horviccH horn in either inoreiiH
ing or dceieiiHJiiK, it tlopeiuliii iipmi
llio point of tiew. The clergy llirenl.
eiiM to Hlriko uuIchh tho laity Innee
up. Thoy nay that they will not caiiv
the entile load, ubioli Iiiih been up
n ilulo ono of peak capacity, A do
cclnfraph icvoalcil (lie Diet Ihut on
one I'tenbiK IiihI week Hevent.t-fito
more church incnilicrH iiltunleil the
moving picliuo hIiowh thnu wcio prcn
cut ut the rotivnl cffottH. On a ro
con) occiiHion ono of tho local cAhort.
ei'H ichukod the city ii'shlt'irU in on
cral for their uiiilcnioiiHtratitonesH
and iiiiliH'trcuci', mid said Hint the
luck of tboMO iiiulilicH wiih gradually
bill hiinly "gottiiig Ins coal."
Will Uoiilon, who fonnorlv leaded
the Wflln ranch, enhl of AHlilmid will
hoou leave wi h bin family for north-
ern low n, whore ho will farm an ox-
tficie tract in Kinuict county, near
the viciiiitt of KHlbenilli'.
IIoiIkhoii & Whilmore, ieal cntnte
af-cnlH, havo Vncntctl ofl'iccH in the
t'itioim'.baiik block mid moved to the
eotner of Main and Oak hIiccIh,
pretuiHi'N foimerly oceopiod by the
HitiiijjH bunk, a line location.
AHhhiud won oter ('entral I'oinl
bahkotball pla.tors Katuiiliiy night in
both giimoh the lio.vs III to !' nml
the girl t.'l In 'J. This wan llio fourth
giiino in the high Hchool hones. It
wiih a livcl.t IiikhIo and h tendance
wiih good. The next game in being
arranged with .Med ford on it own
tenitory, mid it in plmmcd to hae
a merger of net oral other Iciiuih limn
the Willumetti! to particiiate in the
e.x ra etcnt.
Job ami John Wick of Ah
laud pn oinet, were hiiinnioncd to tip-H-ar
before .Judge CalkniH, .Januur.v
.'II, mid hIiow ciiiiM for contempt in
not paying it Hoeiul init to the court
at liu. new- li'iiue in Mcdfonl long be
fore tliH. Alter a bountiful dinner
mul Moeml Miiokcr, the case wits dis
mifhoil without projiidico, the en ire
codN being taxed up to the judge.
All the parties to the proeoediiig-i
wcio formerly iieighboih on Laurel
and adjacent M recta in this oily.
Hnloiii, Oro., .Ian. 30, ID IT..
To the IMIter:
I am In receipt of your editorial of
tho 2 fth referring to tho trcatinunl
wo nro recelvliiR In tho way of appro
priation for tho Oregon Htnto IIon-
pltal nnd other liiHtltutlonN, The man
who wrote ihln editorial know whnt
ho wiih tntklng about. I think It
would bo a Kin not to provide nultnblo
houHlng room for tho untlcntg who
taunt ueccsnnrlly bt received hero In
tho next two yearn.
Wo hnvo n normnl capacity of 1G2'
nnd lodny havo 1034 pntlcntK. It
will bo. nt lonut, n yenr nnd n hnlf,
oven If provltdon In made nt thin tlmo
by the loghdnturc, boforo wo will
hnvo nny rollof.
In nplto of the fact that wo mpn-
trlnted nnd deportrd during the Inxt
two )enm H2 pntlentrf, we had a net
Increase for the Irmt twt) yrnrn of
ill I. Thin amount we expect lo b
greatly Incrcnnrd during tho next two
jearH becauro of tho Han Francisco
fnlr nnd tho wnr condltloim In liu
ropo which will drive many of her
people away from their country.
Tho board of control eliminated
ouo whole ward of Chinese and Jap
nnoHo at ouo time, these were tho ac
cumulation of yearn at tho hoNpltnl
nml we cannot expert to get rid of
an many by deportation within the
next two yearn.
A wing linn hern allowed to tho
Pendleton Institution, I think thin
wnu very proper; they needed It, nnd
It will enable u lo transfer to Pen
dleton 100, or more, of our pntlentH
but thli will Mill leave tin In a din
reputably congested condition. 1
ntnteil tho fnetn about lltcxo affairs
mid I nm very torry that Hultabln
provlxlon will not bo made for these
poor unfortunates who nro detained
aKnliiHt their will.
Yours truly,
it. k. i.i:i: sti:ini:ii,
Kiiporlutcdcnt Slato Hospital.
IIONKIU'llU, Or., IVh. 1. Accord,
big lo an agreement between ol'ficialH
of Jackson, Josephine ami DougbiH
countioH, AHM-Hhtir Calkin, of Ho-nt-burg
in fixing u now bouudiir.v lino
between tlione count lex.
Ah hoou itH the lino in drawn defi
nitely the Htate leginutiuo will bo
linked to pans a bill adopting it uk the
legal Houtliorn boundary of DougbiH
county. 'Iho prcHcut boundary ih m
tlefinito ami Iiiih ciiukciI officialH of
tho three countioH eonsiiloriihlo Iron-hie.
HKATTLU, Wanh,, Kob. 1. 1)
rentora of tho Northwoutorn Fruit
Kxchungo hold their annual mooting
thin wook ut tho now hoadqunrtorH In
this city. A fow changes woro niudo
in tho lint of officers who arc now
us follows;
President, Iloglnnld II. Parsons;
vlco-proaldont and gonornl nmnagor,
.W, V. Qwln; BQcrotnry, Arthur A.
Prlnco; trousuror, D. 11, Wlilto; n
nUtant eoorotary mid assistant troas
iiri'P, II. U, Kiit,
STICKUI-At (old Hill, Jan. 27.
(loorgo Valentlnu Stlckol, from honrt
dlsoiiso. Ho wan born In Indiana,
January HO, 1H57, nnd IiIh childhood
was spout Iu Iowa. In 1883 tho fain-
lly locatod In Nebraska wltoro ho met
Miss Mary Htnlth, to whom ho was
wodded on May -1, 1S8G, In 1880
tho young couplo camo to California,
In 1801. to Oregon, locating at Oak
land, Douglas county, and In 1804 re
moved to Jackson county. For tho
liast 14 yours thoy havo boon residents
Ol UQIU Mill,
Ha Is survtvod by his wife, and six
brothers, Huiitor h,, Ilalplt 1)., Krnost
0., JoBoph 12., Walter H. and his twin,
Constantino D.; two elstors, Honrlotta
IcKlnney, of Louapo, Kunsau, and Or
phu It., of this city, Funeral norv
Icon woro conductod by tho I, O. O.
F, January SO, interment at Itock
A Good nesolutlon,
To help build up Medford payrolls
by smoking Governor Johnson or
Ml, Pitt cIijiiw,
ASHLAND, Feb. 1. A midwinter
hOhhion of (ho Itogiie llivcr Vulloy
Miulhteiuil association wiih held bore
today. Hot. J. K. Ilaillie of Phoenix
in president and llov. J. Manly Hon
cer of Hoguo River M'erelttry. Tho
itHsociatioii iIooh not employ n fonnal
program, but ut its bi-montbly hch
h'ioiis disoiiHsoH live topicn mul seekn
to meet Xht probleniH of the hour us
thoy occur. The jurisdiction of llio
iissociiition extends from Ashluiul to
HranlH Push. The last meeting wan
hold at Hold Hill and those who at
tended that paitieitlar gathering are
profuse iu Ihoir appreciation of the
oourtosy mid hospitnlity extended by
t lint community.
About n score of imstors uenerallv I
take pari iu the deliberations of (bo
iihuenibly. Tho affiliation of all the
orthodox eieods is perfected nt theno
Micinl rciinioiiH of both clergy and
laity, mid thin latest ipeeting wiih iio
exception to the rule. Nuiiioh of
pastors fii utteiidunce, Htich as Ilail
lie, ('itrnaban, Karqubar, Shields mid
DougbiH, indicated a prcimudoraucc
of the Scoloh-lrisb element among
tlio mcmhcnJiip an though tbev might
have luiilril from Perth or Aheitleeu
or Itelfnut. litHteail of billeting the
visiting prcaehorrt upon the eomuinii
ily in general, a eoncenlnttivo camp
wiih established on Methodist church
grounds and the hospitalities of the
occasion were royally dispensed from
the parsonage of that denomination,
presided over by Rev. V. ,1. and Mrs,
Douglass, iu tlio entertainment of
whoHu guests many paitioipated,
Dolegale to iho confoienee dulv up-
preeiatotl the good ehoer provided
timing Iho brief time thoy were in
terned hero. Dr. Carnuluiu, Preoby
leriau pastor, is president of the lo
cal association, mid Rev. A. R.
lllankstone, Xnptist pastor, is seero
tnry, and Iheso two wor hies woro
hold, uk IpMtiige for the well-boliatior
of their visitors while tarrving iu
Saint's Rest.
The Micinl department of the wo
men's auxiliary of the First Ilnptist
church will hold a meeting Tuesday
afternoon at 12:110 ut the homo of
Mrs. S. L. llennctt, ,VI1 Kouili River
sitlo. The ftdlowmg progrum will be
Vocal duet, Mis Orace Hnitney
and Mrs. J. M. Urowdor; talk on 'So'
cial Life of the Church," Mrs. II.
Holmes; reading, Mrs. ('. ( Johnsen:
vocal solo, Mrs. Louis llennctt. A
tcry interesting Valentino gamo will
bo played, followed by a guessing
contest. Decorations will consist of
heat ts in couimeiuoriition of tlio lit
tle god of love mid flags in memory
of the father of our country. The
committee for the day: Mrs. S. L.
Dennett, chairman; Mrs. Reach, Mrs.
Ilratuey, Mrs. Louis. Dennett, Mrs.
Holmes. All members of the Ruptist
ohureh and congregation mul their
friends are cordially welcomed.
MALUM, Feb, 1. -IlepreHontntlvo
V, I. Vawtcr has Introduced tho fol
lowing bill.
A bill for an act to authorise
tho highway coniiiilwlon to com
plete tho Pacific highway over
tho Klnklydu mountalna In Jnck
son county, to connect with tho
Pacific hlshwny undor construc
tion In Siskiyou county, Califor
nia, to the Oregon stale line, and au
thorizing tho highway commission to
tiro funds belonging to tho state road
fund for such purpose.
Ito It enacted by tho people of tho
slato of Oregon.
Whereas, Jackson county linn ex
pended approximately tho mini of
$200,000, under tho direction of the
stata highway commission. In par
tially building nnd constructing n
road mid highway on tho lino of tho
nclflc highway to connect with tho
nclfic highway under construction
in California, and,
Whereas, It will rcrpilro approxi
mately tho nddltlonnl sum of f 178,.
000 to 200,000 to complete said
strotch or road, nnd;
Whereas, said road Is n part of tho
IilKhwny In process of construction
connecting tho highways between
California, on tho south, and Wash
Ington, on tho north.
Xow, therefore, ho It enacted by
tlio pi.oplo of tho state of Oregon,
That the stalo highway commis
sion lie. nnd Is hereby, authorized and
tllrrrted to aid JaekRon county in
completing tho Pacific highway over
the Siskiyou mountains, said high
way commission io ilso In any ops
yenr not to exceed 20 par CAiitum fit,
tlio amount ralsod under chapter" (x'o,
3.10. of tho General Liiwh of Oregon
for 11)13, or ntly other law or act
passed in Ilea or substitution (hero
of, and providing for funds for high
way construction In tho state, tho
amount, howover, to ho expended on
snld highway over tho Siskiyou motm
tnlns not to exceed in tho ngRrecato
tho ninount expended thereon by
Jackson county.
Milanto Wlntcrolh. noted clslrvoy-
ant, palmist nnd trace medium who
created such a sensation In our city
Just boforo tho holidays is back again.
All who aro Interested In their past,
present or future, tlon't fall to soe
this gifted woman, II I cornsr South
Central and Ninth streets. 208
William Faversham
Famous Actor, gays:
"A pipe of Tuxedo keeps me feeling physic
ally fit and in good spirit, and, because it
is mild and doesn't bite, it is pleasant to the
throat end keeps my voice in gocd tone."
Tuxedo Keeps You
PhysicaUy Fit
I iv - -v jB if
Every playgoer has remarked
the virility and clean-cut vigor of
William Faversham, both as an
actor and as a man. No matter
what part he is playing, he always
nresents a fitoire of alert strength
and keen wits. His voice is especially engaging, clear, carrying
and sonorous.
For Tuxedo tobacco to gain a testimonial from such a man, stating that
it helps to keep him "physically fit and in good spirits" and keeps his voice
"in good tone" goes far toward convincing you of Tuxedo's wholesome, all
round value to you.
&M7 The Fttftct Tobacco for Pip and Cigarttt
Tuxedo will put snap and vim into your
daily work. It's an inspiring tobacco that
will keep you fit as a fiddle, full of zest, hearty
and happy and hale. You can smoke it all
day long, and each succeeding pipefulwill
glow with greater cheer.
The original, exclusive "Tuxedo Process'
has many imitators but no equal
Try Tuxedo for a week, and you'll like it
forever, f
Convenient, glaattna v Famous Creea Tin 4
wrapped, tnoWturo- Si with gold lettering, I IIP
proof pouch . . " curved to fit pocket v
In Tin Humldon 40c and 80c In Ctait HumlJen 50c end 90
Patronize Home Industries
SAI.KM. Kob. 1. In furlliornnco
of Its economy program, tho ways anil
inuHiiH I'omniltteo of (ho house today
voted ot recomuiend to the loglslaturo
the abolishment of the stuto Indus
trial school for Kills. Membora Of
the committee declared the work of
the school did not justify the money
eNnemled fur Ms iiitilnteuuiice,
Your child Isn't natural.
ly cross and peevish. Sco if tongue
Is coated; this Is a sure sign Its little
stomach, liver and bowels need it
cleanstni; ut once.
Whc.n listless, ialo. feverish, full
of cold, breath bad, throat soro,
doesn't oat, sleep or act naturally,
has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, romenu
bor, n Kontlo liver and ttowol cleans-
Iiik should always bo tho first treat
ment given,
Nothing equals "California Syrup
of Figs" for children's ills; give n
toaspoonful, nnd In a few hours all
tho foul wasto, sour bile and ferment
ing rood which Is clogged in tho
bowels passes out ot tho system, and
you havo a well and playful child
again, All children lovo this harm
less, delicious "fruit Juxatlvo." anil
It never falls to effect a good "In
side" cloanslng. Directions for bab
ies, children of aV ngos ami grown
ups ure plainly on the bottle.
Kwii It handy in your homo. A lit.
tie given today saves a sick child
tomonow. but get the gomiino. Aski
your druggist for a KO-cont bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs." then look
and spo that it Is mude by tho "Cali
fornia Fig Syiup Company." Adv.
Medford Iron Works
K. O. Truwbridgo, Prop.
General Foundry nnd
. .Machine Wurka !
Pad fie 401; Home 298L.
Res.'Pac. 5031; llome 227L.
Go to J. A. SMITH
128 N. Grape St.
Telephone 890
Keep Your Money at Home
Wo make a specialty of Door and Window Frames and
Inside Finish. Also Doors and Windows.
Factory Corner Eleventh and Fir Streets.
Medford Sash and Door Go.
Book Binding
Phoiit 75
H l
1 W
,' H
mnrm- -'