Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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L ' 'JJ ' UJUj
WAHIIINflTON, I). (', .Ian. Mil,
Tim Nntloiiul fleogrnphle unduly In
tiny ;uvu out tho following iliim-rlp-tlon
(if Etrnnnliiug, tliu capital or
"Htinitburg Im it full torn of iiIiiiohI
Importance, With Mulx, It ituat iIh
tlm woMoru frontier nf tho (lormnii
Elliptic, anil tliu (UirinniiH huvii con
sidered no cost lmt grunt In fltolr of
torln to iiuiko It Improgmihlu. HUH,
tho vNltur would noor sunpeet Hlrns-,
burg of being Mtnilimlo kkmiiiiI, for It
In mo or tliu Fntlinrliuiil'ji beautiful
clllcn, unit linn nil the kindliness ami
i'limi of inaunvr usual to Koiitli (Icr
iiiiiii iiIiicoh. Moreover, lioyoud eon
llminiiM streams of mllllnry iiikih tint
streets, lliurii In llltlo otliur ovldonro
of n i;rml rurtrt'sn, either within tliu
city or upon im outttlclitft,
A Pinnperomi City
"Hlrimburg In tho rnpltnl of Alsaco
l.oirnlno. Unllko tttt nlntnr fortius,
Mittz, It In n ponuo city of Importance,
having iiiiiliitulnuil tlm prosperity
won In Itn iliiyn nn n frco Imporlnl
city through nil tlm vlclltiiduii of
war, sovenlgnty, ami natural up
heavals. Htranhurg him suffered from
flu, slogn mill earthquake; ami, like
out own Hnn Francisco, It hnn re-plnee-l
whatever wnH lout with struc
tures, parks ami nvcnucii, nioro cost
ly niul more beautiful. Il has, how
over, rutnlnml tunny of Its uimlloviil
ehnrncturlstlcs narrow, tortuous,
cobblo-stuued streets; nml houses,
rich with tlm exterior wood-carvings
of the mlililla agon, whoso mnnsnrd
roofit urn no steep ns to mako onu
dlxxy to look up nl them.
(I mil I'tiflifOrtil
Tlm I'lithcilrnl In tho architectural
Pililii or tho city. It llt Tom from
other (lormnu Gothic iiiuctnilcrn In
possessing n greater width In propor
tion to Itn height. It ntnniU In n ear
ly tho center of .llio city, on tho slto
of u church nrglnnlly fouuilril In
f.OI, nml It In ono of tho most hnr
inniilous of all tho ureal Cotlilc tuns
lorploces, which, rcntturcd "over Ku
rop. 1:0 a long wng tow aril com
polling tin to modify our opinion
roticoiulng tho texture of tho dark
limn of tho dark linen. Tho present
en Hi ml nil wna begun In 1170 nml wnn
completed In 1 1 Mi. Tho oxqtilslto
fnraitu, with IIh Imwn embroideries
niul superb riM window, ovor HO font
In diameter, In lyric thought In stuns
nml glass, The utriuiuro In fatuous
for Itn beauty wherever thero are art
Tmm Mile l-Youi Ithlim
"J'iriMtr.iriJ lien two mllon west of
tlm Rhine on u fruitful plain at tho
Junction of tho II ami tho Ilrounch.
It In HO mllon east of tho French
frontlor mid 370 tulles southwest
from llorllu. It In ahoul HO tulle
north or llnvi'li flwltcrland, mid Hint
part of tho French frontlor which In
oppoklto lo .MulliniiKon. n picsont ob
Jcotlvfl of I'rcnch InvailliiK Alnnco,
Tho city Im KUurdod hy n KtronK rlnK
of ilotarhi'd fortn, hwcopliiK l n
fan-llku rndltin hutwunu four and
novel) mllon from tho city. In pence
Union, tho foitreHK city hnn a KnrrlMin
of nioro than Hi, 000 men, componliiK
nil arnin or tho nervlco. It Iiouhcb
hiiuilroiln of uulvortilty hludenln each
J ear, tiu Itn uulvrrtilty In favorably
known throughout tho empire. Ktran
biirc In nn exceptionally advantnKeoiiH
plnco for tho ruHldmico of unnmrrled
liinldn for UiIh city han . dlnpropor
tlonatu HUrpltm of unattaclieil youiiK
men, or nil kliuU mid conditions,
from which tn clionso."
Time or Imnipiot, 7,110 p. m., Kelt.
'i, luir..
I'lnro. Medrord Hotel, MeiUord, Or.
TIckutH, $1.00 ach.
Wo are phinultiK to hnvo a Lincoln
day haniiuut nt tliu Medford Hotel on
tho evening or Kobruary lath. TMh
will bo a KiithorltiK of ropulillcnuH to
culobrnto and cotnniomorato tliu birth
or Abraham Lincoln, tho greatest, re
publican of nil ttmoH, A nplondtd
program In bolus arrmiKod. (lovoruor
Wlthycombo aui other prouilnout ro
liublleaua nro Invited. Now' Id tho
time for repulillcnnu fioin nil parts of
tho county to como tocothvr, Ret no
ittiulnted and plan to do their part
In rentorluir to power In 11)10 tho
putty of procroHii and prosperity,
Wo want a big attendance from
ouIhIcIo of Medford. Tho illnlnu roopi
vill only acconnnodato U25, vo tliotts
foro iii'kp all lopubltcaiiH outHldo of
Medford to oo their precinct comtult
teomnn at once or uuiko renqrvatlou
with Kmll Mohr, Hotel Medford.
CliiUnimn Itopubllcau Co, Coiumlttuo.
NI'IW yOHK, .Inn. IJII. -Aiiihiik llio
liiiHMcnerri on lint liner Limitniiin
wliieli Niiileil jcHk'iilny wiih Mihh
Nena McAiloo, hittulilr ol' Kecrelury
nl" I lie Tri'iiAiiry AleAilon. MMm Ale
Ailoo pluiiM lo eiicuu in licit CroMrf
.wollc in Kinneii. Him will liuvti willi
Iter it i'Iomm I'tieiiil, Minn Catliurino
Hrilton of W'iihIiIiikIoii. Oolonul I.
M. IIuiimi, one of I'rchli'lcnt WIIhoii'h
eloMu (Mililieal nihiorM, nml Mih,
limine ol' IhiH oily will clinporonu tliu
yiiuu women.
Hporlud by Jnckion Count Ab
tract Co., Ulxth and Kir BU.
(, M. Mlcluiy vn. Carollno Mickey,
lliinnlliiii. Motion to dlnmlnx.
Carollno Mickey, cuardlan vn. Mln
In Mickey. Motion to dlsuiUH.
Mnlkey & Cherry vn. Mabel Unit.
Motion and order tn dlnniloN,
Weyerhaouner hnml Co. vn. Hen
rietta llatley vt al. Aunwer filed.
Cora C. OIhoii vn. II, l Kenton et nl,
Motion filed.
HuhkoH (Irnlinm vn. It. W. Clancy.
Motion to ntrlko.
V. A. Turiior vl al vn. Win, Ulrlch
et al. Allnn nuuiliioiiH,
Tho Jnckxon County Ilnnk. .vn,
Trail (lUmlwr Co. Hummonn,
I'rodiicern Krnlt Co., vn, K, A-Urny.
Action to rocovor money.
l'lyl J. Ulinan vn. Minnie M. UI
tnnn. Hull for divorce.
In tliu matter of tho rstnto of I.',
II. l.awlor. Inventory and npprulao
ment fllod.
In the matter of the ontato of Aaron
llerk. deceaned. Order appointing nil-
mlnlatrator and approtnern and bond)
of odmlulntrator filed.
In the matter of tho ontnto of Jan.
D. Hnillh, dcceanml. Petition and or
der to make deed,
In tho matter of tliu citato nf An
drew McCnllen, dereaHod. Flrnt re
port of executor filed.
Itenl I'itnti' TrniwfiTH
I. ulo Brott Slmprex ot nl to
Charles II. Bcott. lot 3, blk I,
Medford llolhtn Add, Med
rord, Q. ('. I).
Chnrlen 11. Kcotl lo ICntato of
Jmnen !. Bmltb, lO.Ufi ncreii
In T. .17 H. 1 V. now MiM
ford HulRhtn Add., relenno
and quit claim . ,.10.000
Oliver l'enillaiiil Iiiih Ioiim-iI the Hen
Slielilou ranch, near Talent, ami will
plow and need uhoul niiiely no re of
it this hjirin.
Lnwrcneo Ftlrpatriel; U keepinff
bnehclor'ri hull on the Johnson place.
Any one fortunate enough lo partake
of a meal with Filr. will readily tierce
(hat lie is u kooiI cook.
Wheat Is ipiotcd around $l.r0 n
Inmliel nt nil pointn op the count, yet
the Medfonl Huii'm market report
ipioles it at 11.1.").
A. lit Vincent, the new road hiiper
MMir, went to the riiapmmi much
Moitdav nml moved the mad machin
ery lo this end of the district.
l.inn (Iripdiy of Anate is elearitiK
Home laud on tliu Findly place, which
ho expeols to mise a evop of pota
loos on (Ins year.
Clark Collins and Jim Keeso at
tended "Mutt nnd Jcrr' nt Medfotd
Saturday niht, us did also an uuto
load of Modoekers,
Mneli complaint Is heard in tlu'io
parts over tho upppiiitineut of Joe
Smith to the office of county road
master. The Monarch feed store of Med
ford bought hcvornl tons of oats last
week from Table Hook fanners, pay
iiitf ffW a ton for the same.
1 II. Ilatiptmau Ih having tho piece
of laud he acquired in the AkuIo dis
triet last full cleared of brush nnd
put in shape for llio plow.
M. M. limit of San Francisco is
Hjk'iidiiiK (.evernl dayH in these Mrls
lookinjr after his orchard interests.
Hoss Cllno was in theso parts Mon
day after carrot K. lie says ho will
plant ten nercs to Hiiffiir beots this
Tho sohool hoard jjavo a house
moving parly some tlino no Mint wiih
Wo nro getting our a now "FOU SALK AND KXCHAN01C" circular
and want listings for trade for property In Washington, Oregon nnd
California, or tn fuct uny stnto In tho Union.
Toll us what you havo and what you want, price your property
right, nnd seo If wo can ploaso you, IIAVK IH1Y12H now for best
bargain In flvo or six room residence What havo you?
well (illeiiilud. Tlm oiiIIiimihcHi wcio
moved uoij retitlrei In whort order,
Mv .Moirill it' Anlo Ih lining Hie
einjiciilcr work on the hydinnl lioiixc.
Muiiu Nenlon niul llnxel Ityiiim
were culling on i'riemlH in Kiiiii'm Vol.
ley jMoniluy,
An ejiiilemlc of ciiIiIh nml nine
llirout h wik the ioiiiiiIh of Tuhle
i. It. Cuton uiiiile u liip lo Centnil
Point Monday lo ul u loml of hur
ley ('or hoj; IVed.
Thteo liiiul-eleiiriiit' eiew'M are op
ernliiiK in UiIh iHmIijcI, one on tho M.
M. Hoot niiieh, one on tin; I'inley
ruticli mid one on tliu Hurry Kealou
All the koiiiI Now Venr'n roolutiniiM
In reird to uoine; lobiueo Imvo been
litokeu niul Jununry not ye( one,
ThurHiliiy nltunioou, .Innunry 21,
the Btoik vMteil the homo of Mr, anil
Mr. Olio TrcHlmm nml left there n
liminciug ten-poiinil hoy. The mother
ami linhe ore ettiu alone nicely mid
tliu proud father in Melting up the
William Seoll, who owns n larce
Iraet of land uhoul three miles north
eanl of the lllieo liriil(ie, in anlhorilv
for the nlntement that wiiIuuIn can
he thrown on oak treen; nt IuukI he
Iiiir n (.tntenieul from n man in C'uli
forniu who clniniH to he M'ti
nn acre from walmiU urown on oak
trccH. Mr. Keott will inenliate tlii
farther, mid if he concltiilcM il tn
femdblo will raft walnuta into (.ov
ert! I nercK of his oak tree.-.
The iimiiiiI number from thene parlK
were Medford vinilnrH Kiitunliiy.
A loiter received by MiK Kvn Ken
Ion from J.invry, Vn., KtntcH that It
Ih very cold llicio ami the f!;(il '
euvercd with hiiow.
The warm weather for the pant
week Iiiih criufced the willown lo put
forth their InuK in some Table Itoek
ynnN. Vi'oIcIk tire in bloom nml the
blood iw hrpnninc to circulate in the
fortune liunler' veins. In u few dayn
the unniial Nprin hunt for hidden
treasures buried by the Indians tnny
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Klciuhamuier of
Huneoni wire .luckhonvillo callers the
first of tho week.
Mrs. W". It. Tucker of Kimono is
timkinj; Iter daughter, Mrs. Dick (las
kitiH, n viit.
.Mrs. Kiln Cook Is speiidiup the
week with Mrs. Ithiiue lvliim of Med
fonl. Hoy t'lrieli left for the Willamette
valley this week on n Ihimiici-s trip.
Sidney nnd Julian Abbott returned
from llrnwloy, Cat., where they hnvc
been employed the past feu thoiiths.
Miss Kthel Dick left for Iliincotu
Ibis week, where she lias been cnaK
ed to teach (lip sprint; term of school.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Halph Jcuninpi of
Applcgate tarried in town u few
hours Monday.
Mrs. Hhoda Heuuisou nnd ThomiiK
Isaacs are upending the week at the
homo of Mrs. M. E. Abbott and help
ing with tho revival services nt the
Methodist church.
Mrs. W. II. Howcn pent n few days
with her sister at Talent recently.
MM. II. entertained Sir. nnd
Mrs. It. Klntn of Medrotd and Mr.
nnd Mrs Lewis I'lrieh nt dinner last
Mrs. Halph Vanoy of McClottd is
making her father, Joseph Apple
baker, u visit, v
Leon llanua left for fyui Fraueiseo
Thursday,, where Jio will spend the te
muinder nffthn winter.
Mr. mnl'Mrs. F. J. Fiek were Med
ford callers tho first of tho week.
Onlnrlo French (ovornmout Iiiih
lenrcd tho fairgrounds to handlu larfio
borne nhlpmeutB.
TIO.V. In tho, circuit court of tho state of
Oregon, ror tho county or Jackson,
(leorgo W. Dwinnoll. plnlntirr vs.
William B. Dwinnoll, VlrKluln I. Dwln-
ncll. bin wife, William King, Freder
ick King, tho unknown heirs of Wil
liam King, deceased, unknown heirs
or Fredorlck King, decensod, M. P.
8cluultt, as trustee In bankruptcy of
tho estnto ot Trail Lumber compnny,
a bankrupt, also nil otliur persona or
parties unknown claiming any right,
title, , estnto. Hon or Interest In tlm
real estate described in tho complaint
heroin, nnd nil persons unknown hav
ing pr chiming an Interest or estnto
In tho proiwrty aforosald, which pro
porty In described as follows, to-wlt:
Sections 11 nnd 13, in township 33,
south range a, wont ot Willlumetto
iuviiuitiu, ,111 tPiivnuuu vuumj, uiu-
goh. defendants, t '
To oneh and every ot tho abovo
named dofendnntn:
In tho natuo ot tho stato ot Ore
xou nre horoby roiiulred to appear
In the above i-ntlllod court and cniinn
mid nniwor the couplnlnt of tho
plaintiff heretofore filed (heroin
iiKilnril yon, within nlsc weokn nfter
(ho dulo of tho rirnt publication or
the niimmotiH herein, or If pergonal
nervlco of nnld HiimmonH bo intule
upon you without the Htnlo ot Oregon,
thou within nix weeks from tho date
of iuc-Ii pergonal service upon you,
talil period of nix weeks being tho
llmo fixed by tho order ot the judge
of the above named court for the ner
vleo of tho numtnoiiH herein by pub
lication within which tho defendants
o nerved are required to npixmr and
aunwer mild complaint which order
ror publication bourn dnto or Janunry
2 Int. J01C. And If you fall to an
swer mild complaint within the llmo
aforesaid tho plaintiff will apply to
the court for tho relief demanded In
nnld complaint, a Kucclnct otntotncnl
of which relief In an follews:
For a decree or tho court deter
mlnltiK the reaper 1 1 vo rlnhta nnd In-tvroHtt-
of tho nuveral partlcn plain
tiff as well an defendant hereto In
and to neqtloiin 11 nnd 13 o.f tovn
nhlp .'in noiith ot rnngo 'i, went or
Willamette Mcrldlnn In Jncknon coun
ty, OroKon; that nnld promlHCH bo
ordered nold In uccordanco with ntn
tuto In such cae made and pro
vided nnd thn proce.dn or such nnlc
partitioned ntuunK the novcral partlen
In nccordnnco with their respective
Interentn In nnld property, and tor
mi cb other and further roller an tho
court may deem J nut nnd eipillnble.
Tho dalo of tho flrnt publication of
thin summon In Jnnttury 23, It) IS.
Attorneys for J'lalntlff.
Tho followlnf? l n dencrlptlon of
tho proierty which In tho subject of
tho tarcf-olng suit: Bectlonn 11 and
13 in township 33. nouth of rnttco '.',
Wunt or Willamette Meridian In Jack
son county, Orot-'on.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the county court of tho stnto of
Oregon for tho county nt Jackson.
In the matter of tho estnto ot A.
P. Talent, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of tho county
court ot tho statu ot Oregon, In and
ror tho county of Jackson, made and
enlerod on tho 1 4 tit day of January.
Ittir,, In tho matlor or tho estate or
A, P. Talent, deceased, tho under
signed, tho administrator do bonis
non with tho will annexed of said
cstato, will from and after tho 23rd
day of February, 1910, proceed to
sell nt private sale to tho hlKhost
bidder for at least two-thirds or pur
chase prlco to bo cash In hand nnd
tho balnnro or ono-thlrd sccurod br a
mortgago on same, subject to the
confirmation or said court tha real
property belonging to raid estato,
situated In Jnckson county, Oregon,
nnd described as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 8. In block 3, In Hlghlnnd Park
Addition to tho city of Medford, Jnck
son county, OroRon.
Lot 7, In block 3, ot Palm h aciui
Hon to tho city of Medford, Jackson
county. Oregon.
Alro tho following described rcnl
property, to-wlt: Commencing at n
point 310 feet south. 35 degrees nnd
.",0 minutes east.Tnnn tho Intersec
tion of thoMkt lino or ''C" strevt and
the south lino of Fast Ninth street.
In the city or MoiUord, Oregon, nnd
from said bculiinliic point running
thenco north, 54 doRrceft nnd 30
minutes net. 1 1.0 fort; thenco north.
3C ile;recs nnd 30 minutes west, 02
teet: thenco south, Ot degrees and
30 minutes west, 110 reel; thenco
south 35 doRrees and 30 minutes
cast, 52 foot to tho place- of begin
ning, said property being In Jackson
county, Oregon.
Lot ono (1) and ten feet off tho
entire north side of lot two (2) In
block ono (I) or tho Hclm'n Addi
tion to tho city of Medrord, Jackson
county, Oregon.
About 120 acres In Snnts Vnlley.
Roguo River Vallojr Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Timber. ColonUatlon Tracts. Best
all-tho-ycar-round clltnato on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Reaver Rcnltr Co.. Ashland, Oregon.
27 ncre3 on tho Pacific highway,
less than two miles from Medford.
principally Hear creek bottom land
with flno building site on tho higher
ground. All set to trees which will
soon bo bearing. For snlo at very
attractive price. Slight divide It.
A flno dairy and stock ranch on
tho Applegnle, making plenty ot
money, and for salo at a very attrac
tive prlco. Call for particulars. It
is Irrigated.
List your land for snlo or rent. 1
may have a' buyer right now,
A word to thoso who aro coming
bncki Land for tho past six months
jins boon hanging-' at rock bottom
prlcos. A groat donl ot liquidation
has taken placo In this time. My bus-
ncss nlouo In tho labt half of this
year has amounted to iloarly $100,000
I boltovo tho Inst four or flvo deals
I hnov mndo represent absolutely tho
bottom. Land with rental valuo ot
$30 on aero will not long rontaln at
$200 an acre. Thoro will be uo boom
but Innd values will Improve sotno.
Good roads, Irrigation, saw-mill,
box factory, cheap power, sugar
boots, canning factory, good prlcos,
sntlsflod customers, perfect days.
Hurry, soo Medford first and
Room i!0J, Flrbt National flunk llldg.
Jackson eoilnty, Oregon, described an
follown, to-wit: Urglnnlng at a point
fiO chains east of tho northwest cor
ner ot section 22, tovnnliln 35, south
of rnngn 2 went ot Willamette Mori
dlnn and running south -10 chains,
cant 30 chains, north 40 chains, west
30 chnlnn to tho nlnco ot bcKlnnlng.
Dated tho "2nd day of January,
Administrator do bonis non with the
will nnnexc-1 or tho entato of A. P
Talent, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho
county court of Jnckron county, Ore
gon, will at Its next regular meeting
In February, to-wlt, on tho 3rd dny
of Februnry, 1910, tnko up tor con
sideration tho prnposnls ot nuto truck
owners, for tho hauling of buck-shot
gravel from McAndrors hill near
Medford, to various points on thn pub
lic highways within a radius of 10
miles therefrom,
Tho loading of tho trucks will bo
done by steam shovels at tho expenio
ot Jackson county.
The actual amount of gravel lo be
hnuled can not bo definitely given at
this lime, hut It is probable that tho
quantity will bo sufficient to keep a
number of auto trucks going daring
tho entire season that Is good for
rond building.
The party submitting tho bid will
bo required to show tho prlco per
ynrd per mile.
Address all bids to tho undersigned
marked "Scaled Illds." Tho county
court reserves tho right to reject any
or nil bids.
County Clerk.
Ono cent, per word per Issue.
8lx Insertions for prlco of flvo.
4 Fifty cents per lino per month
without change 4
FOR RENT Furnished houso closo
In. Inquire J. L. Helms, 111
North Fir. 271
FOR RENT Modern bungalow on
South Central, with basement.
Pl.oue CS1-R. 208
FOR RENT Eight room modern
houso. close In on paved street.
Very desirable. Phone C89-R. 2C7
FOR RENT Only hotel In town of
nbont 1000 Inhabitants. 40 rooms
furnished. Address "G'' care Mall
Tribune. 2 CO
FOR RENT Four room houso on
West Ninth street, $C50, water
paid. Phone 105. 2C7
FOR RENT Furnished house, C03
W. Second. Phono 370-W. 2C7
FOR RENT Flvo room furnished
houso. ono block from "Washing
ton school, rent $13.00, water paid.
Chas. Gay. phono 290-J. 2C7
FOR RENT AbouTl 5 acres i well Itn
proved. J. R. Stevens, Tolo. 2C9
FOR RENT Offices In tho Garnctt
Corcy building, heat, light, water,
elevator and Janjtor services In
cluded. L. L. Cathcart, sulto 319
and 320. Phono 1C7.
FOR RENT Small ranch, city water,
close to town; also flvo room mod
ern bungalow. 820 West 12th St.
for rent iiocsnitKia'ixa
FO R R ENT Mo d orn" hou sekceplng
rooms. 345 North nartlett. 271
aero slock ranch, partly cultlcatcd,
10 tulles out, free range, now mod
urn bungalow, cost $2000.00, land
$1000.000. last tall. Will sacri
fice for cash or soli part cash, or
trado for now 1910 nuto. Apply
box R. R., caro Mall Tribune. 2CS
FOR SALE Single Comb Rhode
Islnnd Red sotting eggs, four prem
iums nt Jackson county fair. All
from good laying stock. Ernest
Wobb, Central Point. 273
FOR SALE Dlcycle In good condi
tion. Tires nearly new. A bar
gain it taken at once. Phono 3 Gi
lt. .
FOR SALE -Seed oats, gonuino
Shadolnnd pedigree seed, Yields
nioro than double common oats. S.
-M. Nealou, Table Rock, phono 11-
xxl. 270
FOR SALE Flvo passenger car
cheap, 410 North Roardmon St.
FOR SALE Upright pianos In good
condition. $70.00. Music .cabinet
chenp. Rrommor Uros., route 3.
phono 589-J2. 287
FOR SALE Whlto Leghorn cook
otols and laying pullets from tho
famous trap nested birds ot Ellis
of N. Y. Evory bird must lay 150
to 1G5 eggs por year to qualify.
Cockcrols, $2.50'; pullet, $3.00.
Phono 139-R, 1417 W. Main. 26T
FOR SALE Ono now rollor bearing
wagon comploto. Capacity 6000
pounds, prlco $SC, phono 139-R.
1117 W. Main. 2G7
FOR SALE Loose alfalfa hay; also
two buggies and two hacks. In
qulro Nash Livery Darn. 271
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Buff Or
pington and Sicilian Buttercup
eockorels; also eggs for setting. J.
W. Shirley, 28 Almond St. 267
FOR, SAI-dS iTwq passenger Bulck,
fully equipped, electric lights, price
$375 will take team and wagon in
purt payment, K O. box 223, phono
20-J1, 207
plnuola ntachmc4)L iPhuuje .Mi
lt. 07
FO It RENT Fu rnlsiied " room"" with
or without board, reasonable prlco.
35 North Oakdale avenue. 208
FOR HALETwo jeVsoy cows, "with
calves and ono yearling. J. II,
Stevens, Tolo. 2 CD
FOR HALE 12 extra good fresh
cows, 1 yearling heifers, also young
calves, flno team of farm mares.
Nash Livery Darn. 289
FOR HALE Fresh Jernoy cow,
younc, gentle, easy milker. Phono
500-R2. 2C8
wngon and harness
Union Darn.
good team,
complete at
WANTED To leaso a good placer
mine near Medford. Addrcsn
Placer, caro Mall Tribune. 187
WANTED Five or 10 weaned pigs
or older, stale age, Uox J. J.,
care Mall Tribune. 268
WANTED To buy a team and hack.
Ulvo description and price. Ad
dress box 32, zcaru Mall Tribune.
WANTED To purchase small farm
In valley, not over $3000. Clark
Roalty Co.
WANTED Nursing, rcasonablo nnd
experienced nurse for maternity
cases. Address box 233. Medford.
Ore. 20C
WANTED Family washing. 20c" n
dozen. Address 821 West 10th St.
WANTED Dressmaking, 43 North
Grapo street. 267
WANTED Loan of $2800 on $12,
000 security. Clark Realty Co.
WANTED To rent a small tur
nlshcd house and ground for gar
dening in tho city or country. Rex
M., caro Mall Trtuune. zet
WANTED To hear from owner ot
good farm for salo. Send cash
prlco and description. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, ilinn. 267
WANTED Old Coins. $50 paid for
1S53 halt dollar, no arrows; $5
for 1878 half S. mint; $100 for
1394 dime, S. mint. Many val
uable coins circulating. Send now
4c. Get our Coin Circular. May
mean largo profits to you. Numis
matic Rank, Dcpt. 10, Fort. Worth,
WANTED Miners at Rradcn mine,
Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract
MRS. M. T. EDWARDS Work done
promptly at reasonable rates.
Room 3, Palm block, phono 107.
EXCHANGE-Wnnt to sin "or" W
anything? U C Rader. 114 N.
Front St. Employment office and
rentals. Phoco 125. Nuff Bed.
FOR EXCHANGE Two houses nnd
lota In good town for acreage.
What havo you? Address "F",
caro Mall Trlbuno. 270
FOR EXCHANGE Houso nnd lot In
Central Point for ono or two lots
In Medford. Address "A" care
Mall Tribune. 270
LOST Gent's gold filled watch chain
Wednesday morning on Main,
Dartlett or Central avenue. Finder
return to Dr. Rlckcrt and rccclvo
STRAYED A bay and a chestnut
sorrel pony, branded J J on left
shoulder. Notify Fred M. Tlm
monds, Odessa, Oro. 26C
At service, seven nearest female
relatives average 20 pounds but
tur on sovon dny official test. P.
M. Jannoy, R. F. D. No. 2, Med
ford. 2C7
ranches. C. A. McArthur, room 3,
over post office. Phono 368 or
130-R. 289
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldest
and beat equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our spring!
when others fall. Gold under guar
anteo, 26 North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
' Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg. George M. Roborti
Medford National Bank Building
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty iBank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at
law, room 7, Sparta building, Med
ford. Oregon.
llldg., aulte 111
Medford, Ore, Phone bOtf.
A staying.
r Wsi '
E. R. CROtJGII Assnyor,- chemist,
metallurgist. Content Aiiay Of
fice. Mall order business solicited.
Prices, gold, $1.00; gold and sil
ver, $1.20; copper. $1,00; gold, sil
ver nnd coppor, $2.00. , Mailing on
volopert ffep pn rcqitcflt. Refor
euro, Josephine County Ilnnk.
Rooms 201-203 Hall llldg., Grantn
Pass, Orogon. 336
DlCX rT 1 IEDOEH. Dr. Louise K.
Hedges Mochano-Thoraplsts, Ohlro
prnctnrs, Hpondylothornplsts. Theft
systems, Including dietetics, e u ra
ti vo gymnastics, hydro-thornphy,
etc., produce results In both acuta
nnd chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Delist St Co., cor
ner Main and Bnrtlc'.t. Hours 9
a. in. to 5 p. m. Other bourn by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,. Chiropractor,
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-200.
Onrnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor
bnths and scientific massage glron;
needle spray, head and shoulder
shower in connection; ndrico In
dtototlcs, medical gymnastics,
hydropthorapy, Lady attendant.
Phone, office 043, residence 011-R.
Employment Agtrecy
We are hero to helt people- get re
liable competent help. We fur
nish help In almost alt line ot
business. We make a specialty of
cotnnotcnt men and wives' for
ranched. We solicit your pattern
ge. Ulttner's Real Estate an
Employment Bureau, Rooms 0 m4
7 Palm Onlldlng, Medford. FnbM
858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINGS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. BIdg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
GARBAGE Got yonr prernlsee
cleane'd up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage wafons for
good service. Phone 274-L. V.
Y. Allen.
Instruction la Music
401, Garnott-Corey BIdg. Fred Al
ton Haight Piano, Urn. Florence
Halllday Haight, volco- Telephone
KoUvy llMe
HELHN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic Bring your work to me at tne
Iga of Use Hall Tribume.
- - '. . '- . p
PayestcUuM a&
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians, 416-417 QaraetuCerey
bldg., phone 1038-L. Keetdeaae
2G tfouth. Laurel tit.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Garaett-Corear
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMM EN& Physician ana
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses asp-
plied. Office 228 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to I p, a.
E. B. PICK.EL, M. D. Office Jack
sou County Bank bldg. Offlea
phono 43-R; residence phone 68-U.
cian and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. IL W. CLANUY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 A)
13, 2 to 5.
DR. 8.- A. LOCKWOOD ,Physlclaj
and surgeon.
Practice limited to diseases of
women. Offices 309, 310, 311 M.
F. & 11. BIdg. Phones, residence,
S14-J2; office, S14.
R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeou. Over Hutchison & Lums
den, 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathic
physician, practice limited to ob
Btotrics and diseases of wotnon and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phone 160. Res, tho Cow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM, M. DOW Physician nnd
Burgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phono 160. Rest
denco, tho Dow Hospital, Central
Printers niiO nruilsiieni
best equipped printlug office la
southern Orogen: book binding,
I0080 leaf lodgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir Ht
8HOE REPAIRING First, class, she
repairing, on mouorn eieciru
machlnos while you wait. H. N.
DIden, located In Kldd'a Shoe Store,
Phono 3 13 J.
Traitsreri f f. . I
Offlco 42 North, Front St. PhoRt
315, Prices right. iectice guar
Typewriters And Supplk.
T y PErfjSRSAND .iupPLfsi
Now Rqmlngton, Smith,, Premier
and Monarch typewriting, adtysg
and subtracting machines, rbtHt
maohlnes for caBh, or ey,., pn
tnonts. Machine for rsat rifeta'
and supplies ot all kinds, simple re-.
pairs froo of rlmrgo, Rpger m.
Bennett, 10 Qhluee St., phww.
ncHiNRs nnttccroK
) ,
, ,A h t .,' CZ.... ..L., :-..'... r-.7j