Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    1 - W!
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MrcnFOftfl TnTL Trtrftiwrc, ihuwonT) omtfiox,
KATimmV, .TANTTAttY 00, '101.1 -,
-.'.. . i ii i i " III -T
nv-y BttBr
lv tSMFf !
All eoiuiniinlcittlniis mIioiiM bo In
by Friday. Address ineloty editor,
or Phou 75.
Tln (ln'iili'i Mi'ill'iinl I'luli musical
Iii'IiI nt tlni I 'muc llo'it'ei- the cvenlinj
o .Imiuuiy I'll untile ii decided hit,
Tin' Iiiii'm, Mi-s IC'iliciini' Meats,
Iiml spool M'MinI mouth training tin'
chihlioii mill the i (nil should lie very
pleating In lii'i. Tin Iiml mimlii'i
vtu ii Swedish loll, ilnni'i' mill song
hi tl Inlilii'ii. Tile lillli' Ito-I'i cp
mill lil'li' ltn Mini' en-luincs were rx.
I'i'i'iiilly cumiing. Tlil Iiml jiiiinlii'i'
wit I'liroii'il I'lnin I'Vi'iv pail of tin1
Immim'. Tlic next iiiiinlii'r, which wns
(.mil lis tlii nni.i! Indie-, Iiu'IihIi'iI
(Ionium iiml Swedish dunees, tin' -tiiini'v
being iiiiliin' mnl similar, vtitli
tin' exception of I In tin's, which mi'
ililli'ii'iit in tlu lwn coiuitiios. This
ilmiii' was given in pel feel Iniiii iiml
timi' mill was nl")! hi'iirtily rnroiril.
Tin I'hililn'ii wen next mi tin' pin
gram, mul llu see. saw ilnni'i', when
lopciitcil in it-spouse tn mi I'lii'ini',
win. Ilii best one givm li.v Hit chil-l
diou. After mi iiilcimi.ion the
iiiiian ilnni'i1 wiih given in tn
niniK iimii-N. 1 no I'liioiiiiii iiuii.i-np
mul I'lolnino- piniliici'il 11 In-niilifiil
M-i'iio, mul tlio iiiiironnitv of xtop wns
orv iiotii-i-nlilo. I lie homly up
phin-i- liioiiuht thoui liiink 111 miotlti'i
iii-mitifiil ilniK-o.
'I'ho hIiiiiIiiw ilmii-i', mIim-Ii is 11
III!!' lIlOH'l, ttllft pll'l-l-lll'll li.v n
lin'lt.v lor- lohl hy .Mi. .Mom, ov
plniniiiK' tin 111011111111; of tin (Inure.
Knlhlin Soin in ilnneiiti; thi wiih
lln per-iimtii'iitioii of jini'i', ami her
nit liroiiplil (Inwii the hnn-o. Sin
liliull.v (,-ine 11 topeliliiiii with eipinl
Mii-ee-i.. Thii iiiiinhor vuo. iliineeil In
Moiiilol.Mihn "Spriua Sonj." Tin
i'Iihmi ilmioo, lmt mi tin proynun,
i'oiiiitil, us it iinim iiiiplie-, of
funny ini'Venu-iiU nml ootutnc-, mul
tlio miilioni'i with ki(o of Imiuhlor
ill-ihli'il nil n Mci-mul perfnltlimil'i'.
.Mi l.neile .MofcHiicr, who, in mil
jinii'lioii wit lr lint I'iiKi orolii-htrii, 110
i-ninpmifoil tlio ilmioin;, did mi in per
fect liine, 11 thiiiy wry nei-e..niy to
do with thi- nrt.
The folk ilmiiuw an 11 niit help
hi 11 iiitixienl way, no the wi-n-i- of
i'lliiu 1- intilloil in the child' eon-m'!iiiiii(-
in n ipiicker nml more
ploHkiiii; wnytliiin liv mi nther
incthoil. The iintlcmtmidiiiif of
thy thin iilsn i-iiicio. the peixmnl em--rinse
nml unlK to he elect mul crnec
ful. 'flu llinvilis pii'lllli'h Klli-ll at the
idne of .Mi Monm' prormn ueie
very lan-hnhle nml every one ilepnil
oil in hl-h Komi liiiimir. The theater
wiih pncl.eil nml 11 (jnoilly xiini n '
icnlieil to apply mi the piiiim Inmht
hy the cltih.
On Inst W'ciliioMlny al'leiniiuii the
iitonlhly lioinci'oiniiiu of the I. allies'
Aid oeeitiioil nt Hie McthniliM ohm eh.
'flic attendance wns lui-yc nml the
meeting inlcrcKtin. The mioiiK
circles nml officer jhw oncniiinj-iiij;
icporls. (Ino of thu principal uniltcm
cniisiiloieil in thn Inisincss iiu-etiiiK
W11.K the nminnl Wnsliinton ton. v
eniiso of tlio Ioii;iu''h "1-VllowHliip"
hniiitHt nml other affniiH which hml
hccii planned for thn 'J'-'d it wiih do
eiilcil to inahe lliii event n lincolii
lea nml to $;ive it on Thursday lift
oriioon, Fchriinry 11, At the close of
the Inisincsrt session Ihe ineclinj; wns
liirncil into a most helpful iiuiso ser
vice, (lion .Mm. Van Sooyon hiinj; 11
Nolo mid a piano duet wiih played hy
.Aim. Ulrioh nml MinH .Mao l.indley.
Tim Knst .Side ciicle Iiml ohnrfjo of
t lie social inoeliiipr and sorvcil ilmi;li
1111U mul coffci) in the hiisoinent.
Last Wt'ilnoHilny cvi-niiiff almut
fifty friends of .Mr, ami Aim. A. A.
Ailu-n riivo thi-m it delightful snrpiiso
at thoir homo on South Holly street,
The oVAiiing wiih 8ipiil in a food ho
dial time, marrril only hy 11 pniifl; of
repel nt thn lhou)-lit of tlio licar le
jtart 111 0 of Mr. nml Mm. Ailion mid
J'muily, who will leavo noon for thoir
now home,
Tlio 0. V. 11. M. nuxilinry of thn
First CliriHtinu church will hold its
roftuliu' monthly iin'OliiiK Wodiiesdny,
l'ohriiiu-y ., -:.'0 p. in., nt tlio homo
of Mi'H. II. I Afulkey. Mm. (lerlrudn
Kirlqmtriok Iuib tlio program in
nhnrj0. Thn women of tlio church
nro most cninostlv doHircil to nttoml.
The (loMcu Link Hihlo cIukh of thu
Hnptifit Similny richool spent a pleas-
ant afternoon with Mrn. FrankyStin-
him oMVcst Fourth Htroct, Mm, A,
. Culy ukhIsIoiI in ciitoitniuiiiK.
Ah-fl. fl. H, rnrpeiiloi- w visitiiiR in
Portland for a fow duya,
(In Tliuisdiiy iiflornnnu Mm. Jonas
Wold was hostess Id 1 1 ini'iiitmrH Of
tlix Alpha Delia class of the (Mills-
,' linn Hmiiliiy school.
A musical program was given con
sisting of piano solos by Mm. lint ry
Tucker iimi mIhs (ii lives, Aim. J.
II. Ilelllnger rnnilciul a bcintlfiil
voi nl noli). Tjio afternoon was
pleumiiilly spent In needlework and
enii,enulon, iifli'f vs li Itli a Hliorl
biiHlnos session wuh Iii'IiI. ,
Dainty refreshments were served
lit till oloSO Of till' IIICIlllllK. TIlOSO
assisting wore Mrii. ('. It. Ilowiiiiw,
h, A I lie it ftitli, MIhh Graves iiml
Mm. Kvercll Kniln.
Mm. W. II. (lorn cnlorlnliied Hi"
l.tiilli'ii A I'l of tlii Piosbvinrliin
chun-h nt tin' chnpcl of tln chinch
hint Tuesday afternoon. Over fifty
Inilli'H were jiU'Ci'iit nml n wry enjoy
nlilu time mih hail. Tlii) following
pingrnm was given.
Kolo, Mm, ltnhirtx.
Itemllng. Miirjoiln M)ors,
I ' In no nolo, Minn Drew,
Heading. Ml"" .lacks.
Kolo, Ml on Carih' Jacks.
I'lmio miIo, MIhh Woiimmi.
Aflir tin' pioginiu Huh t lefiosh
unmix were solved.
nH u,,,Mn) evening Mis
,, m,nn (,,r,aP( , .r
n l.o
home on Went Main utrcet In honor of MImn
I'rankle Offutt who ll eiio noon
for Went VlrKluhi where she will at
tend rolloKi. Several pelectloiiM of
ioiular iiiiihIc contrlliuinl lowardH
the I'Vcnlmt'H cnlerlaluiui-nt, after
which a two-conmo tiinchcou wiih
(iereil. Thoui' pieni'iit were MInh .leu
llaimen. MIkh Anne HatiHnn, MIkh lone
I'lyilll, MIhh Mnbel Joiicn, MIhh .lone
phlui (lrcory. MlHHKranlde Offutt,
MIhh Mlldreil Hilton and MIhh l.ornlne
Mis Hazel Seymour llcrrliiK,
daiiKhter of Mr. nml Mm. J ('. Her
rln of Central Point and Mr. .Iiuiich
HiikIi llaruell of New York City, hoii
of Mr. and Mm. W. J. Ilnrtxell of
Three Oal.M orchard, Medford, wore
married nt thn homo of the brldo'n
imrontH, Valley View Itanch, Thum
day afternoon, January 2Mb, Mr. and
Mm. 1 1 art soil left Immediately on a
trip through California. They will
be nt home to their friend nfter
April !.', MlnncnpollH. Minn.
The rcKiilnr monthly mootlnc of
Ihe Creator Medford Club wuh held
at the public library hint Monday
afternoon which proved very micrcH
fill an well iih Intere.itliiK. After the
biiHlnoHH ineetliiK a set) lutercvtlni;
mid liiHtrurllvi program wiih kIvoii
Mm. II. II Harnent rend 11 paper on
the "IIIhIoo of the lloituu Ithcr Vnl
le." A collection of pIcturi'H of the
plonee'm of tlm IIohiii rler vnlley
vere on exhibition and proeit a very
sreat nttrartlou.
About thirty-five membom of the
different Paont-Tenclior clrcloH of
the city gathered at the homo of Mm.
S, II. Craliam Thumday afternoon to
iiiei-l Mm. A. V. IVIih, Htato pront
dent or the Parciit-7'eacht'r asxocla
Hon. The afternoon wan delight
fully Hpiint'ln conversation and fancy
work, nftor which dainty rcfroHh-
liieatH wore nerved.
The Greater Mcdrord Club held a
public reception mid card party at (bo
Hotel Medford Innt WednoHdny after
noon. TIiIh wiih college fund day
when all cIiiIih of the Htato helped to
lucrciuo the fund which In being
loaned oung women to iiHulHt In their
education. A very enjoyablo tlinn
wiih had by thono prcHcnt.
Dr. tt. J. Conroy nml MIhh Helen
lino Rumiuorhnyea of Han lranclnco
woro mart led at thn homo of the
brlde'ti aunt, Mm. A, K. Hucklngham,
of Snu FrnnclHCo, NVedneHilay. Or.
J, J. KtumeiiH of HiIh city waa IiohI
man and Knthor Leo of Ashland per
formed tlio ceremony.
MIhh Mary Trowbrldco ImH re-
turned homo after 11 very MicrcBsiful
two yenr'B conmo In tlio tcncllor8, de
pnrtment of the Htato normal of Chtco
Col. MIhs Trowbrldgo HpcclnlUod In
Htory tollliiB and Iibh been very buc
coHBful along thla lino.
Thq Woniun'H MlHBloiuiry Socloty
of tlio ProHbytorlan church will moot
nt the homo of Mm. C. It. Hay at 2:00
next Tuomlny aftornoon. Mm. Mundy
will bo lendor and tlio Biibjoct for the
nicotian will bo ''American Indians,"
Tho tea Riven by tlio Catholic lad
lea V tho Parish hall Wednesday
aftornoon was well attended and
proved a vory onjoynblo affair.
Tho Collego Club will moot nt tho
homo of Mra. Hoy PooIiIcr on Dakota
uvenuo l-'ehrunry 13th,
Tim I'iiii'iiI-Ti'iicIii'im' ( inlc of tliciJnncH iohiioikIIiik (o tin t-ncorc with
liiuli hi'IiooI met Knilnv iillfinooii
mi- iihHcmoiy room, a iiiiui'
01' tile piin'iilH wen' pii-Miil, The
llill NI'llOlll l-lllll'IIH ll'llllcll'll II llll'IIM'
iiifrJiiiinlici-, It. F. Mnllfi-v linn sM)
on Ihi' Hiihji'cl of "Co-Hclnlion of
I'lirMciii TrninliiL' in ('miiii-i'tioii'u-itli
the Ui'Kiihir Coiimu of Hlinl.N." Pol
lowing ni(i 11 fVu I'xrripth I nun U
lull;,- I'h.vii'iil trniiiin, if tmihl in
inn- hcIiooIh liy 11" xpci-inl tcni-ln-r,
wiiiilil nic-iui piopcr M'li'iliilinn mul
tlio proper nvi-rciie mul i-nn- of I ho
body. Athletic only Inke the nl -
lenity stiiiii mid licalthv oiicm mln
its panics of contest, mul iiiiIcms
lhee, tiy, nut propeily siipervieil,
they pnne ilelriiueiilnl In the licallli
of ihe iiiinjf iiieii mul woineii. I'hys
leal liaiuiiic will he for nil cliics
nml nil ayes. It would hcyin with tin
child .in Ihe fiist urmle mid o 011
tlnnuyh In the hist .n-ur in hiuh
sehniil. llculthv liodii'H nro 111010 cs-
seutial lliiu a woll-iriiim-il mind 111 11
sickly body. I am henitilv in fin or
of physical liuimn-.' in our public
school miller 11 sK'i'iu director.
1'iofcHsor lliiwmmi spoke of the m-cd
also of spccml t ruining in uliyieal
ciilliiie, He said now- Iriiiuiuc ulon-.'
many diflcienl linos had hcou iutro
liiccil into our schools- voeulioiiul
1 1 Milium, iiiumiul I illinium, mii-ie mul
ml, Our style of chool hnililin-.-s
Inn i been cli.imicil; inote uHciitiou is
paul tn the piopcr culiliitinti, hent
iiiK noil lighliiit; of the liuililiiiK. A
grent ileal is hoinu' done for the
child's mental wvlfnie, hut nliuost
mdhiiig nlniijj the lines of physical
Inuniim of the ehilil, which should
always he under llu supt-risiun of n
phii-al three. or. A man of jjoihI,
clemi, moral habits, nnc who would
he nhli In help the child in his phyi
nl ileielopmcut in ovorv way. Pro
fi.iir lliiwiunn Mpokc of the evils of
eignrotte .mokiiig hy the .voting hoy
ami asked the parents to co-operate
with the tenelieri. in every wiiv to
climiiiule this habit amnug the youu
Mr. Vnnee poke of uthlclioo under
the proper siiporvMon mid of Ihe
need of 11 properly eiiuippcd uvunins
iiun with 11 -pcc'ml physical diicetor
in churge. Mr. Vaneo alo .aid if it
could ho piio-ihle fur the school hoard
to secure the noccsiiry fund .0 h
nil means secure ueli training for
our children here in Ihi- pmiviu'
city of Medford.
Air. Collins Hiiokc of the great need
of the child hem;; piopcrlv tiaiiiod
mentally, morally and physically. We
an to u gn-nt extent forgetting the
physical tnu'nin- of our children mul
they me inclined to hciii over-balanced
large mind-, in small, weak
boilio-. It should he M nm:; bodies
mul strong ininiN. I'lireat- should
pay gicat attention to the diet and
elothiiitf of their children. 0er-
crowding mid over-dexelopnieut of
iiuy one purl of the body must
weaken some other part hence phys
icul training should he a pint of our
school course, always under the di
rection o a iroMr supervisor.
The circle passed a icsolntioii to
he hmulcil In the school hniiul re-
uetuijr iit physical diicetor in our
M-hooN for hi'lh the' high -chool mid
the grummar guides.
Friday evening twenty patients of
Dr. AW W. Howard, gavo him a
pIciiHiint Aurprlso at tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mm. Ulacgow of North Ivy street.
Dinner was served at 7:00 o'clock
and cardK and games were enjoyed
during the lest of the evening.
Mi. M. A. I)iiildysiumi, chihlicn
nml Miss Finnkio Offutt will leave
for the cast net week. Mr. Dnddys
man has accepted a position with
Professor Scrfe, a noted violinist of
Ilnlliinore, Mil,, mid Miss Frmikio will
enter college.
Mm, J. I.. Trncy of Mlniieapolls.
ai rived (he fore part of tho weok to
attend the HnrUell-llerrlng wedding.
She Ih n guoflt nt tho homo of'Mr, and
Mrrt. JainoB Herring nnd will remain
In thn valley for a few weeks.
' The Pareul-Teaolii'iix' mooting of
tho Jackson sehool will' ho Hold neM
fFridiiy afternoon, FehhVn'r,V "! al
:1:!I0, A program is bei)ig,'nrepnrod
uud n largo attendance U ilosjtcd.
Tho Shakespeuro class' Y'hlch was
organized n few weeks ago Is prov
hig vor' lutorestluK. About sixty
members have Joined tho class and
nro taking up tho study of Hamlet.
Last Tuesday Jho students of the
high school enjoyod a short but very
Interesting musical program given by
Mr, and Mrs. George Andrews, accom
panied hy Miss Hamilton.
Mrs. Alan Drncklnroed,, who has
boon HI nt tho hospital Is Improving
and litis I'otuiuod (o her Home on
Dakota uvenuo,
Tho social evening glvon hy tli
Lincoln Parent-Teru-hers circle Krl
iluy (ivenliiK wiih ii inont fiijoynblo an
profitable meeting Intwi-fii, Bovcnly
flvo mul n liiiiiilrcil motlicm nml
fnllicrt nml Hiohi' Hpvelully Ititi-rontt'il
In tlm child and Hid home, IicIiik prcn.
out. An Intori'HtliiK iiroKrnm had
bcnii nrrnnRod. Prof Carlton Jaiiph
nml MInh Allen IVtl rendered a hi-an.
tlfllt MUIOCIIOII for tM'd vlnllllK Irlf
111,0110 of IiIh In-lit union. MIhh MarKnrut
iiiiiiiiii-r.JnckH rnvoreii tlio niidli-nco nltli
well icnilurcd mid pliacliiK vocal nolo.
Dr. i:. It. H-cly khv- a tnlk on So
cial HyKi-Ini'. Tin doctor t-indin-
ulroil tin- jtrcnt daimurn which arc nt
tacking our homes which am the
very foundation of our great coun
try, nml that It w.-ih tho duly of over
parent to see to It that their children
had tin proper training along these
vital lines, that mean sane minds In
healthy bodlcH. Dr Keely spoke of
'the normoiiH cxpciiM) our state alone
Ik to each year for the care of tho
unfortunate who are In our Institu
tions from the direct ciiiihch of some
of thi'Ho social evils. The doctor's
remarks were Indeed timely and j
.very parent realized iih never hefote,
his and her duty to their children
Mr. Mulkey alco gave a pleasing.
nils, as no always noes, ami presented
the Idea of phslcnl training In our
A social hour was then spent.
light refreshments being served
The committee In charge wish tn
thank all thoRe who fo kindly and
willingly assisted In any wny with
helping to make the evening's enter
tainment a success. Mm. J. A. Perl
waH chairman of the entertainment
ommltteo assisted by the Ml uses
Itlley, Penrce, Wines nnd Mrs. A. J.
The eighth glade junt entering high
school fiom the Lincoln school, pre
sented a dozen choice nine hushes to
their school nm) .Monday morning
they planted them on the grounds.
The Llmolii Paient-Ti-acherK cir
cle will meet at the school building
Friday. February ... at .'!::t0 o'clock.
The subject will be "Significance of
Social Amusements."
One of the iriost cnjoynhle event
o the pre-Lonton season urrcd
Fridav oveniiiK when the first alumni
informal dniice took place. The af
fair wr.s held in the small hall of the
N'atatoriuin, the muie hein in
chuige of Clyde llarelii-jir. hi pluee
of thejisiial pun ('h howl, ten gallons
of ice cold eider' filled tile hill to a
nicety. An excellent eiowd was in
itttondiiiioe, 'iiwniiiijj 'the suoeoss of
.1 t..: i'. :..n Ii
lie iiiitiir iiiiiiiiriiuiv us inn us n-
cinlly. After u wi'll-nrningcd oni
grnm of twenty dunce the party
broke up, every one Inning had, us
mmiv cipiosseil it, "one fine time."
Mrs. II. C. Kcntuer entertained tho
Nullo llrldgn club at her home on
(ii'tiova tnenuo Thumday afternoon.
(f8 -
d v )
artjtirvTK . - t- tKj mbh
wm ski W U .IHBQIH
Ffym i iVt'fV ... Hfc""iTMPPH
0 m Ys?? ' pT i iW
W.:,.,-irn PPPPPM
ImnttKk r"yi m!miA n - t Y PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJ
mslvlWmvXxfri pppph
WBl w 7Wmd4 vvjt ''.'pppppI
iPPtt. PPPJPB X to t rPPPV- '- m !K Pl' "m PPPPPPPPPPPPPfl
br I Twfc-MHPpjPRpppW t y fi, 3piJ
fiowii of cream net for the Southern season. It Ii adorned wltli raised em
broidery uud uet mid ha the new flare skirt. SjsU vt puiupaduur rlbbuu.
Tho Tuesday Luncheon club was
entertained nt the home of Mrs. L. E.
Vakeman 129 North Oakdalc Tues
day afternoon. ,
The Wednesday Drldgc club mot
with Miss Ccrtrude Weeks at her
home on Orange street Wednesday
The Wednesday Study oluh will
moot next Wednesday afternoon nt
1 the lilinnv.
The Ktks will give nil informal
lance Tuesday evcninir, February !)
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 30. Ono mil
lion dollars will bo saved to tho state
Electric Service and Some
of the Costs
The Ciilifoiuia-Orcgou Power Company pays taxes in Oiogon amount
ing In ifl.'I.OOO.OO ter year, sl,OS:i.OO per mouth.
The pay i oil iu Oregon is $S 1.000.00 per year, $7,000.00 per month.
Amount spent for printing and advertising, ifJLdOO.UO per year; ifllOO.OO
per mouth.
Average amount of supplies pm chased of local merchants, $18,000.00
per year; ,,"i()0.oo per month. t
Nowheto iij the wi'st is ck-etrio service so well distributed and o gen
orally available fur all as. in tho Hoguu River valley. The distributing
systems not only cover tho towns, hut tho country roads, nnd ono of tho
attractions, of this yilloy for the newcomer; intending to locate on ranch
or orcjiard s the clcotiio, service for lighting, heutipg, cooking and pumping
water 'for'irrigiiliou. . , t
" In tin towns two poles lire set for each now customer, connected with
out o.tra charge and lates are umdo that make possible, tho iiso of elce
trinity for all labor-saving devices in the homo n well to for lighting,
heating and cooking.
Illumination of signs nnd display windows is eneoiirnged hy a flat rato
for sign and window light jug.
California -Oregon Power Company
of Oregon If the plan advanced by
Senator Ulngbam nnd approved by
the sonato committee on consolida
tion Is carried Into effect. Ho would
havo n half dozen departments do
the work that 1b done now by over
fifty. The board of control would
contlnuo as at present. The other
departments Included la the plan are:
Finance, educational, public utilities.
labor, Insurance commission,
engineer, board of health, animal In
dustry, agrlculturual. gamo, land,
water and forestry. The cut would
be mostly in overhead expenses.
Old Time Danro
St. Mark's Hall. Friday, Februnry
3. Fnder tho auspices of St. Mark's
Guild. Tickets, Including refresh
ments. 73c per couple. Spectators
23c each. 2G7"
Kive thousand feet of tlio most
Kpeetuculnr motion pictures- ever pro
duced, showing- nn entirely authentic
history of the nignntiu war now ni
injur m Kiiropo, bcgiuiiini; with tlio
movement of the troops al the out
break of tho war up to the present
tune. Iluttlc nociies, cnvnlry charged,
infantry tncties, bombardments, recruiting-
troops, nmiy camps, hospital
views, drilling, ruined citicH, en.
Scenes from nil parti of Kuropo
nnd Knglmul. Terror-stricken refit
Keen hurrying along tlio roads in carts
nnd wheelbarrows and seeking shelter
nt the once fashionable bench nt O.s
tcud. Feeding refugees in tho royal
palnco at Ostcnd nnd Pnlnco Dcs
Fetes nt Ghent. Hclginn soldiers in
field and trenches to moot thn nd
vanee of tho oncoming flemiani.
German troopi on tho march in enst
Excellent pictures of thousands of
Russian prisoners being marched to
the detention camp nt Konigsbcrg.
Retreat of French and British nnny
to the Mnme, view of hnttlefiold nt
Srnlii, where only twenty-fiv miles
from I'nris the German right wing
under Von Kluck began its great
turning movement nnd the retreat to
Aisne. Views of Canadian troops at
Vnteailier, Quebec, before sailing for
the fronl.
Pictures show the battle of Luli
bcek, tho htrongest scene showing tho
Hclginn nrtillcry advancing into hnl
tle nnd firing. Scene of wounded lie
ini: brought to Wcnduyne, Iklgium,
ami interior of the hospital with Itcd
Cross nurses at work, followed liv
scenoin llerliii with tho Princess Al
exandra paying u visit to the German
wounded, and many more vividly scn
sationnl scenes. This thrilling pic
ture will bo shown ht tho Pngc,thcatcr
Sunday and Mondav afternoon and
In what Klamath Falls fans main
tain was tho snappiest and most clev
erly played basket ball game ecr
played In that city, tho local high
school quluntct last night stepped
forward again and .smother their op
ponents with a score of 19-12. Tho
Medford girls won their gnmo by 3-3.
Tho teams will return to Medford
A Good Resolution.
To help build up Medford payrolls
by smoking Governor Johnson or
Mt. Pitt cigars.
ft .
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