Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I" 1
ansDFOUD matl tribune. MignFonp okecion. Saturday, .tanitakv no, mm
- i-wwwvvr
II. L. Kelly, formerly Huh culturlst
nl tho 121k crook station, Is n candt
daU? for ponlmaator nt Oregon City.
Kd "Viilto ot tho Antelope wna n
Frlda? visitor In Medford. Ho re
porta that coyotes aro very numer
ous this year and havo mailo sail
ravages In tho ranks of tho nngoraB.
Boo Davo Wood aoout that riro In
surance policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. B. 1
Tower Thursday, January 2S, a nine
round baby girl.
All landowners should attend tho
mcctlnK to consider ways and means
of extending Irrigation In the valley
Medford public- library, Tuesday,
February 2nd, nt 2 p. m.
Hoglnnlng February 1, I will de
liver milk nt 7 cents per quart. Cs C,
Hoover, phone 4a2-Y. 2G7
II. II. Cherry, brother of Attorney
Ocorso Cherry of this city, Is running
on tho democratic ticket for tho gov
crnorshlp of Texas, with a fighting
chanco to win.
"Samson" last time tonight, the
Rodney Schuler has returned from
a hUBlnoas trip to lloseburg and other
Douglas county points.
William Fnrmun, Page tonight.
Miss Mildred Drown of Henglo
npent Friday in Medford thu guest of
friends and relatives.
Place your magazlno club sub
scrlptlons with Sparta Cigar Storo.
H. II. Croft of Agato as a business
visitor in tho city Friday, returning
to his homo In tho evening.
Sweet cider at Do Voe'a.
Miss Alico Gaines left last week
for Portland to visit friends and rel
Sunday, European war, Page.
Shorlff Slugler has purchased a
Maxwell auto, tho Ford ho was using
being too small for his multitudinous
duties. Though but In use about n
week, tho car has already traveled
about GOO miles.
.Mrs. Leach, 32C North Dartlctt, ex
pert corsetlcre.
At tho annual business meeting
of tho California-Oregon Power com
pany held In San Francisco last week,
W. Q. Aldcnhagen, formerly of this
city, and well known hero, was elect
ed ono of tho directors.
"Samson" last tlnio tonight, the
Tho county treasurer's offlco has
Issued n call for 2S warrants from
10.98S to 11,287 for payment. The
warrants wcro Issued In August 1911.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camora Shop. Over Isls
A. A. Lathrop and family ot this
city havo moved to Ashland. Mr.
Lathrop will tako ckargo of tho D. M.
Lowe ranch during tho absence of the
latter with tho Jackson county ex
hibit nt tho 1915 fair.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camcro Shop. Over Isls Thea
ter. Sunday, BOOO feet war history,
Tho Parents-Teachers associa
tion of the Lincoln held their regular
monthly meeting' Trjday, tho address
of tho evening "being by Dr. B. R.
Sccley on "Social Hygiene."
Superintendent U. S. Collins, Prof.
C. It, Howman and Prof, Pratt of this
,clty attended tho Schoolmaster's club
meeting at Central Point Friday
i Get It at Do Voe'a.
Mrs. Wayno Lcover of Central
Point visited with friends and rela
tives In this city Friday.
Uot ysur huttor, cream, milk and
bnttcr-mllk, at Do Voo'i.
New Vilas, who was recently oper
ated upon for appendicitis at Albnny,
n student nt tho O. A. C, is spending
a week nt home.
Sunduy, Kuropcan war, Page.
Fred Uarncburg and wlfo of l'hoo
nix spent Friday in this city visiting
friends and relatives.
We aro headquarters lor real first
quality cut hair. Marlncllo Hair
Shop, 407 Garnott-Corcy building.
Mr, Delbert Jordan of Talent vis
ited with frlcudti and relatives in this
Cora K. Utley, chiropodist, 407
Garnott-Corey building, phono C57-H.
0. A. Manning- of Subula, Iowa,
with his family urrivpd iu tho valley
Friday, andn will ninko lliolr future
honiH upon ono ot tho tracts of the
Talent orchard compaay.
Dr. S. A, Lockwood and Dr. Myrtlo
8. Lockwood, (phyblcluns and sur
geons) havo moved to their now suite
or offices. Rooms 309, 310 and 311,
third floor, M, V. & 11. Dldg.
A. L. Hates, managor of tho Ap
plcgato creamery, was a business vis
itor in tho city Friday.
AVilliam Fnrnum, Page tonight.
Tho Medford basketball teams
playing In Klamath couuty, won
again Friday ,nlght, tho boys by the
score of 19 to 12, and tho glrlB by
the score ot 9 to 3, The teams will
return to Medford today.
"Tho Valloy ot tho Moon," n
dramatization ot Jack London's book
of tho same name wns presented to
tho Star thcator Friday night to two
largo houses. Kspcclal Interest wns
attached to tho plcturo because the
leading characters, according to the
book, find this section to bo tho val
ley of tho moon. Many beautiful
scenes of California are shown. .
Axel Lundgren ot thu llluo Ledge
district Is attending to business mat
tors in this city and Jacksonville.
J. O. Corking, tho nest nil arouud
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mndo nny-
whore, tlmo or place. Studio 32S
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Today Is tho Inst day for the pur
chase ot state auto license tags. Most
of the local autolsts havo compiled
with the Inw, but a few are still
trying to cvndo tho Isxio. After "ft
tow days grace, tho authorities will
Issue warrants for all delinquents.
A tarantula of large sUo was fouiul
In a bunch ot bananas Friday that
was being opened In tho Midway storo
on West Main. Tho animal Inflicted
no damage, but frightened the pro
prtctor and customers. Tho banana
shipment wns from southern Calif or
Mrs. Louis Ulrlch ot Jacksonville
spent Friday In Medford attending to
business matters.
Sunday, BOOO feet war history,
J. J. Keith, chief traveling auditor
South Pacific, Is making his yearly
visit to tho valcly and has Just com
pleted check ot local offices.
I). C. Harris, road master Southern
Pacific, was In Medford yesterday.
M. Cotturi. special officer. South
ern Pacific, has been with Sheriff
Slnglcr today.
Dr. Barber Is spending a few days
In Portland. '
Mrs. J. J. Haggerty, who has been
visiting Mrs. Hurgess, returned to
her home In Los Angeles yesterday.
A. C. and F. Hubbard return to
day from a week's visit in Portland.
George F. Collins ot Mason-Khr-man
Co., is in Portland on business.
Mrs. Carrie Thompson ot Sterling,
Colo., has returned to her home hav
ing co mo hero to attend funeral of
her sister, Sadlo Van Dyke.
As soon as roads permit an auto
Intcrurban lino will bo established be
tween Central Point and Grants Pnss.
Court Hall Is handling the matter. .
II. U. Tronson, tho applo king of
Eagle Point, spent tho week-end in
Winners ot weekly prizes In piano
contests are: Freda Davis, Kldd's;
Carlton Preston, Schlctfelln's; Enid
Hunt, M. F. & H. Co.; Lucilo Ralston,
Mann's. ,
Bo careful and savo all your votes,
only two more weeks until end of
contest. -
Win that gold watch by selling due
bills at Mann's, Kldd's, Schtcffelln's
and M. F. & II. Co.
Pert Hlldreth was arrested Fri
day night by Sergeant Pat Mcgo upon
suspicion ot being a burglar suspect.
Ho was found In tho hallway of the
offlco building over tho Palaco of
Sweets, and it is alleged that ho had
his gun, an automatic Colts drawn
when arrested. Hlldreth was to havo
been arraigned this morning, but ac
cording to Police Judgo Gay was so
Intoxicated that ho could not. He is
still held In tho city Jnll.
Eddie Wilkinson of this city who
has been In a sanatorium at Colo
rado Springs, Colo., for tho last year
Is improving. He Is now at Silver
City, New Mexico.
Roger S. Hennett returned today
from a business trip to Roseburg and
According to tho sheriff's office,
Lorls Martin held in tho county jnll.
upon a chargo of slaying Gamo War
den A. S. Hubbard near Trail, last
Decembor, Is worrying, and that the
unconcerned attitude ot his first few
days in Jail has cliangCd, Tho ser
iousness of tho situation has dawned
upon Martin with full force the last
two weeks.
D. I). Bell or Central Point Is a
business visitor In the city for a fow
hours today.
Henry Callughan expects to leave
in a week or ten days for his mining
claims In tho Bluo Led go district.
Mr. Callaghan owns tho St. Albans,
n very promising group, adjoining tho
IJluo Ledge property.
An epidemic of burglaries broke
out in Ahhlunil Friday night, tho Firht
National hank, MinklcrV cloak nil
unit house mul llio Anh'untl Trading
company being entered. In each ease
windows wero broken to Heouro ac
cess. At nono oi mo places was any
thing of value secured. The only
damage to the hank was n broken
glass. There are no clue to tho
identity of the prowlers. It is sup
posed to have been the mmo gang
tliut entered four business houses in
Grants I'nss the early part of tho
week. As yet this city lins not been
visited hy the marauders, though a
-Hebo watch is being kept for auspic
ious characters.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. State de
partment officials assorted today that
tho purchase by the government ot
shli8 of tho European belligerents
had not become u subject of format
or offlctal negotiation). The)' point
ed out that there had been no an
nouncement from tho administration
as .tajwhether It Intended to confine
ftnrcuhRcs to neutral ships or whether
tWro was any Intontton of buying
any of. thoso Interned.
Itntll the bill ponding In congress
Is disposed ot and tho administration
finally dccldca on a policy, officials
think protests by any ot tho belli-
gorrnts would not bo oppprtune.
Democratic Leader Underwood
made a statement In tho house deny
ing In tho tinmo ot tho state depart
ment that Great Britain had given
official notice that It would regard
as unnuctral tho purchnso ot Interned
German and Austrian vessels under
the pending ship bill.
There has boen, however, Intima
tion in an Informal way from Great
Britain and France against any whole
sale purchase of German and Ann
trinn ships. .At a conference re
cently between Secretary Bryan and
Sir Cecil "Sprlng-Rlce. British Am
bassador, in connection with the Da
cla case, tho ambassador Is under
stood to have told thu secretary the
Dacla case must not bo confused
with the general principle of transfer
of f lag, as that would. Involve tho re
lease of Interned German and Aus
trian vessels, a situation In which
Great Britain could not look with
WASHINGTON', Jan. III). -Mexico
City was reported quiet, with General
Obrcgou in command, in a dispatch
received today from American Consul
Sillimnn. It wns dated last night.
Obregon denies making any agree
ment with General Gutierrez, who was
reported to have sent commissioners
to propose terms upon which he might
form nllinncc with Cnrranzn ngainst
Villn. The Zapata forces have aban
doncd the siege of l'uebln, but Mill
hold some of tho small villages near
tho capital, the dispatch said.
The Cnrranzn ngenev here reports
Carranza has declared for n mini
mum wage law and has issued u de
cree declaring that nil concessions il
legally held under federal law would
be forfeited immediately, hut tliat le
gal concessions will not be molested.
The capture of Tlaxco, in the state of
l'uebln, is clnimcd.
Hew George .Scimcuer ot llrooki,
Or., tho Uuibank of tho roe, will de
liver a series ot lectures on rose cul
ture in Medford beginning February
21, The lectures will bo under the
auspices of the Medford lloso soci
ety and will he free to tho public.
This will ho Medford's first oppor
tunity to hear America's greatest au
thority on roues, and no ono should
Jet it pnss.
The place where these lectures will
he delivered will he announced luter.
At the Churches
Ministerial AsMwIntlon
Tho Ministerial association meets
Monday nt 10 a. m. In the public li
brary. . , ,
St. Mark's llutl!,
Holy communion S a. mi.
Sunday school, 10 n. m,
Morning prner 11 a. m.
Evening prayer 7:30 p. in.
, Hamilton, vicar.
Ion Lutheran
Services at Ztoni Lutheran, 012;
West Fourth street, will be conducted
In German at 11 a, in.
Bible school at 10 a. m.
No evening service. Conrad WU
Iter, pastor. ,
.Mcdfotit Christian Assembly '
Tho Medford Christian Assembly
meets each Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock In St. Mark's hall, 218 West
Main street. Full gospel teaching.
Including divine healing, the bnptlsm
of the spirit, Christ's coming, etc.
Itev. C. E. Dodge, acting pastor.
Foest of tho district Irrigation plan
in tho Central Point district had a
Joy ride Saturday In an auto parado,
seventeen cars participating, ono only,
J, 8. Howard'H bolng front Medford.
Tho commltteo in chargo of tho Irri
gation plan abandoned tho Idea two
days ago. but bb tho aIgnj,wero all
painted, tho rldo was niaue;
Tho Joy rldo was headed by tho
Contral Point band, which rendered
music. Upon most of tho autos
wero signs bearing the words "We
Need Irrigation, But Tho District
Plan Nover." Tho lino of march
halted at Haymarket Square, and a
couple of speakers explained that
their antagonism was not against Ir
rigation, but against tho district plan.
rVftor thoso exercises tlio parado
wended Its way to Ashland, whlcli
was not In Jho proposed district.
Morning service, 1 1 a. m. Subject.
'Tno Test of Christian Character."
Evening sorvlec, 7:30 p. m. Sub-"
Jcct "The Call to Arms." Rev. Mr.
Cnrstcns ot Rlchmnn, Cah, wilt
preach nt both services.
Sunday school 9:15 a. m.
U. Y. P. U. C;30 p. m.
First Church of ChrlM, KWtl-t
Sunday service at It o'clock, sub
ject "Lovo."
Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting nt 7:30.
All aro cordially Invited.
Rending rooms In church edifice,'
212 North Oakdalc. open from 1:30
to 4:30 dally except Sundaja and
Free Methodist
Corner Tenth and Ivy.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Prayer and class meeting 11a. in.
Young Peojilo'a, meeting and Bible
drill C:30 p. m. ,
Preaching 7:31 p. m.
Mld-weok praycrmectlng Thursday
7:30 p. m.
Preaching nt Griffin creek Sunday
at 1 1 a. m.
You aro welcome nt these services.
J. E. Bradley, pastor.
NFAV YOHK, Jan. I0. Jolm l
Liny-son, executive liniml member for
Colorado of the United Mjuo Work'
crs of Aincricn, who yesterday '1
nounced ijondilioiw in Colorado iiiin
ing cmiiw in Ills testimony before tlje
.federal iudiftrinl telntloim iommU
son mid sharply urripgned John I).
Hockefeller, Jr., for hi,s alleged fail
ure to better tho conditions in Colo
rado. 'There is no social ife in the
camps," Mr. Lixwson Mild. "The
Companies own nil the bounce,
grounds, schools, churches and
stores'. Complete despotism exists
iu the mining camps."
Plltiyico for Widows
Mr. Ijiwsoii rend into the record n
long list nf tho vuiious itcolilnitn ,h
con! mines and a list r the men Kill
ed bv violence in the Colorado mining
camps iu 11)111. This wn.s done, ho
said, so that the commission uii-it
know how many widows and father
les children lliere were in Ooloiild".
"Ami they iret an nvcntgn of
$:10.VIO if the father and lulmnd N
killed." he said.
liiiv)ife with $:I0.",
hnve they gott "
Xlcn worked iu the initio", the wit
ness snid, because tlioy w'eiv forced,
not because they wanted to.
"If they complain, it is down the
oanyon lor theirs," ho said. "And if
Uio mnn who does work is hurt he is
taken to a company hospital. If he
die, a company coroner conducts the
inquest over tho body as long na 1
enn remember, only two verdicts, tin-
j"nvc;rnble to the Colorado Fuel & Iron
oompnny hnvo been found and 1
think tho company furnishes the cem
eteries. The coroners havo a hnbit of
giving n verdict of Miicidc or death
duo to carelessness. Ono coroner
wrote in a certain eno that the vie
tint of an accident hnd 'no relnlivcs
nnd damned few friends.' "
(Continued from Page 1
PrcstyXCTlan ,
Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject,
"Why I am a Presbyterian."
Solo, selected, Florence Hazclrlgg.
Preaching at 7:30 p. in. Subject,
"Tho Need of an All, Seelnr, Kyc."
This wilt bo lsslustrnted from Hamlet.
Solo, selected, Florence Hazclrlgg.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Kindergarten at 11 a. m.
Y.V. 9. C. E.nt C:30 p. nl.
Praycrmectlng. at 7:30 p. m. on
Cottago praycrmectlng nt Mrs. P.
W. Harmon's Capital Hill, Tuesday,
at 7:30 p. in,
Corner Ninth and Oakdale.
Wo all appreciate- tho presenco of
so many strnngorn- attending our
services and want tho publlc,to know
that all aro cordially Invited to wor
ship with us, next Lord's Day.
Services at 10:45 sermon, "Seek
first tho Kingdom of God and His
Righteousness and all Things Shall
Bo Added Unto You." Good ch'oruB
and congregational singing.
Evening 7:30, subject, "Thou Art
tho Man."
C. B. society 0(30 In lecturo room,
largo attendanco, come!
Biblo school Is growing rapidly;
you can holp to mako It what It ought
to bo, tlmo 9;45,
Mid-week prayer meetings nro
largely attended and havo been- ex
ceedingly Interesting, meet with us
next Thursday evening 7:30.
Choir practice ovory Friday even
ing at 7:15. Harry E. Tucker, mln-Istor.
Corner Fourth nnd Bdrtlett street.
Thero will bo threo special gospel
sermons by tho pastor In connection
with tho rovlval rncetlngs now golng
on. Tlmo of services, U a. tn,, 3 p.
m., 7:30 p. m,
The afternoon meeting will Jm un
der the direction of tho 'EpworUi
Leacuc and Is for tho young peoplo.
A Hpecial Invitation Is oxtondod to tho
unmarried peoplo of tho other
churches opd the city.
Tho subject of tho ovonlng sermon
will be. "Morality Is Not Enough- to
Sunday school at 9:45,
Tho Junior Bpworth Lcaguo, with
Miss Clara Wines in charge, meets
at 3 p. m.
Tho Epworth League- devotional
mooting at 6:45. . '
These, will all bo Interesting and
helpful meotlngs to which tho public
is Invjtod. '
The first National Bank of Spring
flold has bought a site and will build,
4tV1lllt Mflll tllftl till
" ' 1 ''
lOf What chiiiie.o
battle nf endurance mid nils.
, Senator Kom, the democr. tic lloor
.louder, declnred thnt the sc-moii will
be continued throughout the duv and
that a decision would ho reurhed this
evening as to holding another night
Senator Sutherland contended that
so far no filibuster hnd been earned
on ncninsi the bill, but he added that
in his judgment nny pniliamcntnry
power the rcpubhcntiH might ecrt to
prevent its pashiieo would be of im-
ruo ifcVri; io omhsift.
FOlVsALE -SniaU hicubntor nnd
brooder, 15.00. Phono 2C-JI. 2i!9
WANTED Competent nnd active
foruman for largo fruit ranch.
Please state experience nnd ability.
Also references nnd salary ex
pected. Box T., euro Mall Trlbuno.
house, closo In.
room modern
Phono 403-112.
FOB RENT Two Hired room fur
nished flats. 322 South Central.
FOR SALE Tubular separator,
brood sows, pigs, cows. Phono
403-R2. 209
FOR EXCHANGE 100 ncrea of al
falfa with abundance of water,
' near Portorvllle, Cal. Beep, rich
soil. No hardpan. Price 25,000
clear. Want farm or orchard pro
perty Iu Rogue river valley to
$15,000, balance mortgage at 7
per cont. Will bv In Medford two
weeks. Address M. S. Crawford,
Hotel Holland, Medford. Ore-, or
E. L. Crawford, Santa Ana, Cal.
- '
v m m -V- irii f, -
jHk rr&i
&t ..
Vi.L.1 - I
X.X rt-t
This road In very uncertain, but It
you will proceed cautlonsly and in-
qulro tho way of thoso who aro wear
ing satisfactory glares you will find
that It leads you to
Eyesight KpectnlUt
Ovor Deuel's
No Drops Used
imimiuicublo vnluo to. the cnuillvv.
Shortly after noon Vice President
Miivshnlt took I bo chair, nllor Bonn-.
tors Lodge, lhnah and William Atdmi
Hmitii tun! ntiiiniilttd to htm tn confer
euro to "preserve llio IntcglHy of iho ale's oMnhHwhod, rules.
ninth" and rule nr-ntitnl what tho it
publicans eliiiuii'torUed an hI.viiiii rol
ler tactics.
Thfl vk'O-piiiHldoui iohl tlic-ni ho.lii
tended to ho governed- by I ho flch-
Tlm School of
Modem Methods.
11. , V.(Bl.lll:it
- . sjt7l?pr
CoIIoro nuiUVng, 31 North Urupo St.
Btulueim. Shorthand. Pcniuanshlp nnd
Engllrth Courses. Scud for Collouo
Journnl, Telephone IfiL
ml ii
I have a 1000 aero tract ot good land well located In California
near a good town on two railroads. Siillitblo for olive, oraimo
nnd lemon growing nnd an excellent geiifial farm nnd slock inuch
proposition. Water right for 300 ncies goes with the plnco. Two
pots of buildings. Total price J 100.000. All tlonr of oiirum
brnnce. Similar land adjoining Is selling from !7a to $226 per
acre, . .
Wilt trade for an orchard In this valley up to J i.i.OOO. and lvo
gooil terms and long tlmo on tho balance.
10 GnrnetMVtvy Bldg. .MwlMnl. mWii
I The Idea! Ladies' Car
No (lantor of luvnkiiitf , our ni'in or the .r riiiiuiiiK
over oit while I'l'iiulciii it, 'ov il Ihik an clpi-lnt'
starter tliat m-vcr lailn. No diH.v Ken win- or trmi
blcsfinu' carliiik' lights to fuss willi ami di'hwl I'unn
tin- jUnHunM of inotorin, Tor il lias tin best there is
in eleetrie lights, nodi's io enter the driver's seat,
from either side. In lad, it has every modern eoii
venienee of any of the hi,'h-irii'ed ears. Ih the eas
iest ear lo handle in the world and the best all-roiind
hill-eliiuber in the world. 1-et its demonstrate this to
you or ask anyone who owim one.
It is a earthat you need not he ashamed of, for
it is a model of beauty, raeeful iu appearance, pure
streamline body, Cowl dash with uasolino tank in
cowl; no brass to keen sinned, for il is nickel I rim
med througheut: has genuine mohair top, ventilating
clear vision wind shield, high-tension magneto, three
speed sliding gear transmission, three-iuarler float
ing rear axle, same size tires all around, non-skids
furnished on rear wheels; is easy riding iu fact, it
lfa ijiore high-priced features than any other car
selling for less than $1000.
First Carload Just Received a Few
Days Ago.
Airlong them is only ono roadster, This is an
ideal car, built for two, has a quick detachable lui'llo
baek and in its place can ,iunt ns quickly be attached,
a light delivery body, making an ideal rig to bring
your produce to market iu. To see and to ride in
ono of those, cars will corroborate our statements and
you will find many other good points wo havo not
told you about, and is rightly called
Arrange with us for demonstration,
.. fow