Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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"' 1
WA.MIIINHTON, I). ('., Jim. IKI.
Thu IiiIcmI lit im! In lnivo been hroiiuhl
within llli nipltll y ovpiinilcil win- Ml en
Ik (IiiiI thin h!i1i upon Hie ciinIciii
lOIIHl Of (lilt MeilltollUIH'llll Mill, (Iim
holy liiiiil,,Nin'ti'i! in t lit lirlixvKM of
lliieo win Id ri'llciuiiM, In I'liiiniiuim,
iIpwh mill MohIciiih, mill ritiiiiil
wherein were cradled IiIciiIm which
have ninilo 1 1 1 1 1 1 o h t nil cUilliillnii
lilhutiiry. II in it hrlilge belween the
Miodoin power in Aiu Minor mill lln
Mo-dcm power In Ifcypl, mnl so iih-
Mlllll'M Mrtlloglc illipOllllllCII in HlO
war of Hit' iinliiiiiM. Vi'l lliu holy
Imiil In m Imiil I'lntiiilnii'il in (In hpilit
timl I'lmloiiiM til ,'IIIUO v'UM ngo, in
ciiiillnif In m ili'Hi'iiplinii of villmjc
HtV tlii'in iim prcpmed liy John I).
Wlilling for lliu .Viitiiuiiil (Irngruphio
A In IIIMIiul lii)
"M'nniii'ix mnl ciiHtoinH which pie-
vnllcil in 1'iiloRtilic in llihliciit iIiijm
lire still uiiehnngetl. While (In Iiiwiih.
people jii t liisini; their miricnt imin
tom mnl ipmlut riirtiiini", the vil-Iukci-m
mi', in llii'c thingx, iim they
wcio IliHMI cnr ngn, Three distinct
oliifrtoM inlniliil Hid laud the lleilou
in, a iioiiwiilii, nir.loinc race; the
I'clliilii'i'ii, imiii'iillun'-lH, sliriilicnlH
mnl illugo dweller, mnl the Minimi
i.vrli, who live in (lie limit mnl eitun
mnl Mrc iiilionnx,
"The pi wont -day tillage nn lo
onleil. ih n iiilo, either mi llio dipt
of Mils orijiinully for protection, nr
niiii' sonic Hpilni; nr Hourcc of wati r,
Many lire litilll upon tin- fnuudutiniiM
of lniililiiiKi wlmmi nritfin dales luirk
tllOIHMIIIll llf VIKIfH. There doe Kill
e!t H -iniili example of h ienniil
villain' tint) Iiiim been fiiiiiiii in mod
rn lime.
Village Klrcvi (Yuudnl
'Village Micet nti crooked, nar
row mini uiiHiMil. Tln ftriiiciV
hoiie hiv iniwiliil rloM iogotlicr for
protection. TIii"hi Iiiium'h eoiiMHt of
nun lain mum iimiiiIIv hhiiiiy. Alinnl
tWn-lliiitU of lln npiiee within in ili
xTilnil In ii mixi'il, niniiiir' platform
Nllllllt 'illl III It'll fl'rl llllilMt III!'
Xi'imiil. mnl linn j ilm Kititlivn, hliiro
lillHIl, ln'ilroniit mill livillL' KHlltl of lite
finnily. I'l'lnw lu iiliiifiirni Ilm 'iil
(lit mnl fliii'liH mi' lioimi'il, uoiiIh mnl
Nlii'ttp, n fnu wmk nil ll ami hii!iiih
n ilnnki'v di i'iitiii'1.
"Ivni'lt illiti lm n kiii'mI climnlntr
llidl H till' Nlll'illl Cl'lllt'l- fllf (ill !C
vIIIhko inni, wlui lino iwinipiiiiliiiiHliip
mnl ni Kivnt iron-ipi. I'ncli duv, liv
Inni, one of llic vllliitfer rtiniiwln'h
I hi" i nffvt' Sit nut mnl Htifftir in lie
H'i till o t!ii mi'ii wlm kmIIiit nt tin1
Kin" I i'SkiiiiU'i. Hi' nUi HiippliiM tin'
fninl mnl ln'ililiix if sonto ordinary
lli'U route nlnnr.
Cliltilii'ii Wi'lriiiiiotl
( ''('liililirn in Ilm pittwniit fiiinilit'N
nii uhviiya wi'IpimhoiI, Tho futlior
priili'H ItiiiiHoir on hi Iio.vh. Kvuii lln
ntollicr piflYi tlii'in, mnl when ipics.
tiuni'il iim In tlin ninnlior of Iter off.
hpiimj kIii' will Miv hIic Iiiim I'ivc cliil
ill en mnl tuo irlH, nr wlintrvor Ilm
nninlii'r miiv In1. TliU Ik tin niorc
nlrmiKi sinci' llio winiltl-liu linslininl
nitiHt pity liix fiitlirr-in-lnw u litinil
binni' pi ice fur the ulil. while Iiovk nru
n lii'iivy i'poiiKf, Mini (lii'ir wiviw mnl
WI'llllillBM JIM' I'llftlv llffllifrt.
''Women lire Innl.iil tipiiit iih hiiiiii'
lliitti; inferior. Tlio wninmi miiv never
null nor litikhiinil by hi lirxt 11111110,
lull, '() In I Iter n' Alniuil,' nr li!i(ever
Hie clileM xnrtN ninne innv he. Tlic
wife lilu'uiMi' 1 11 ken tin- iinnii' nf )ior
fiiht-linrn -on. The hticlmiit! will
neer Miy ,mv wife,' or inVnlinii lior
fiiKl mime, lm will hiiv either 'Hie
inolher o Ahiued' or 'inv faiuilv,'
'Ilm relative lu mv liousi',' 'the for
bidden' or 'Ilm ihiiKhtrr of mv uiiele.'
The iviimiii for Hiix hst title that
tlm villnue niau in tlm Holy Lund
marrien his firet I'oiihin in prefeienee
lo any one nine, ami in fuel dm enu
nol marry anotlier if lu wnntx Iirr.
Ti.t nitit. of Hatie
''When Ilm fellah or pennant child
h horn, ilH tender nkin, without hein
wuhIu'iI, h ruhhed with olivo oil mid
Halt. For hovpii uoiiKoeutivo days it
in rii.oiled, and when 11 week old not
itN fiiht hath mnl' is iikiiIii oiled, lu
Koum loealitieH they couHider it im
Hitl'e to hathu tlm bnhy hefnro it in
folly dayrt old. Mortality iiinniip; tho
baliies is rent, and it U not to Im
wnndeied nt, for in view nf the.
roiib treatment tney reeeive, it be
Willie a.iiie'tion of llio hiirvival of
the litlesl,
"The wayn of llieho vilhio folk,
Iheir inelhoil of alieultiit'tN nf nil
iniuilratioii nf household mid eoni
niuuily and of sani'ntion arc piint
ilivo reiiiiniM'ijmort of Hie iIuvh he
fnro the eoun'nu' f t'lirihl. Tho roi
iiHe of their vllhmos rue nih'd in
heaps around it and tliern lelt In
fester, Their plowing in a hare
Hcralehiun of the j;i'uiid with wooden
pluwfl, while they llinvli iheir Biaia
liv flailiiiK and I muling mnl null it
jit hoiio moi'tni't).
('ilh'Ado, .inn. an. -Muiiiu Ah-
fiiniiielt, 1 01 liter Illinois iiiitionnl
I'lminiilleeinmi of (Im proKtcHhive
pnity mnl pioyioxNive mrinher n' thu
lllinniM leinlntitie, ixmteil tmlnv it
htiilciimnl explaining hin neccptmieo
nl' Ilm iiivilmioii to nlliiiil lliu nmmim
nf repiililii'iin IcfilnlutorH at HpiiiiR-
lielil mnl IiIh ulforlH (o mil in ntmi tlm lower Iioiihi' nf tliu lllitioiti
Keiieriil nH'.emhly. I In Hiiitl:
"The ureal iitlinhur of letleiM whieh
I liavo leeelveil froni K'piihlli'inin, iih
H'i'll an from Ilm projjreMfivi'H nil over
tlm eonnlry, hlmw limine iniiMir.
Iiinee Iiiim heen jjlvrn (n mv "'Mliclim-'
tion In the lepiililiean eaneim in (he
IIIIiioIh Iioiino of reprcxeiilativeK lie
eaiiNi) of nn unintentional niiNipmii
Hon of my Ntiiteinent lo the eatteiiH,
on (he pint of eoireMpoiiilentM who
were not priMcut,
"A purely peiHoiinl lefercnee to the
ptenxnio of niHo'eiation with ohl
I'liciiiN hi'loniiiiii; to the party of my
fatlieiM Iiiim heen inailn to imply that
Hi' "live nlilicatioiiH leimnliiiK nr fn
ttite paity iiffiliiitioiii. V ave
none ami none hum hhIu-iI of iih."
Mr, MeCouniel; then naiil tie ami
.Mr. Ihekx, an a.oeiiili' proiTHMiw,
were eonfronteil with the tlutv of
hrenUiiK a ilemllncl. oer tlm xpeak
endup in the noM'nild'.
Kcnortod by JiicKon County At)
trnnt Co., Hlxtli and Kir Bti.
Clr. nit
MaKilalene Johm.011 et Mr t. V.
(IhiHyoH' et nl, Kiinunoim filed.
.Irwell llardwatv Co. vm. HI Sim
ula .M'uiiiK Co., order appointing re
eeixur, iiiidertakiui; of teeeiverV oath.
1'owell Auto Co. h, 0. V. Myern,
writ of attnuhnmnt.
T. .1. Hamlin h. .Iidtn Ilc-li, writ of
OeorKO V. Dwiunell vh. William S.
Dwiiiiii'll et al., Miit for paitilion.
.1. J-!. I'renticn vn. A. A. .Miller, hi.
lion nt law.
T. .1. .lohnson v.- licirs at law of
.lolin C, .MntliewtJ, ileeeaNed, Ntiit to
lu the matter of tlm t!nlo of Jim.
jili ICnewHou, ilceotiHiil, nuiiual ro
port of iidmiiiiiitratiix filed.
.MurihiKe I.lieiiM
W. .1. MeKnv mid Ida 11. .Miller.
Meit K. NiiHiimu mid l'loreni'c V.
Karl A. Tale and Margaret Hund.
Heal IMalo Tranifern
Allmrl W. IIo.Ikmiii to W. J).
Hodgson, laud in twp. Ill)-11).?
L. Whitten nt u.v to Annio V..
Mi-own, lot 'J. hlk. -I, Vufio
Add., Medford
K. V. Cm tor et ux to Chailes
A, Harris, laud in Ashland .
C. A. Harris to Susie l Allen,
laud in Ashland
Susie I. Allen to Charles A.
Harris-, laud in twp. IKMK.
Charles llnrri to Kli.alieth A.
Smith, land in tup. !!!MK.,
in Ashland . .
I'.liahelh A. Smith to Stanley
V. I'lutt et nl., laud in twp'.
.'HI.IK .. . .
Slmiluy V. l'latt to Amelia
Camphell, laud in twp. IW
1K Afa'giu Huekloy to l'hoeho W,
Harmon, laud in m 2D-H7-1W.
.. ,
C. H. Carlton el ux to T. It.
Tanner, lots in Carlton Add.,
Medford . . ..
Henry I, Urrfjorv ol ux lo I.o
len (Irepuy, 'JO ai'iei in hee.
County Treasurer's Slxty-Xlntli Call
For Wni'KiiijH
Htato of Orogon, County of Jnckuon,
Treasury Dopnrtmeut:
Jacksonville, Ore,. Jan. 2.1, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that tlioro
arc funds on hand for tho redemp
tion of all county warrants, which
woro protested on tho 7tli day of
August, 1011, numbered na follows,
to-wlt! lu.088, 11,215, J1.157, 11,
150, 11,15.1, 11,191. 11.010, 11,302,
U.OlTi, 11,020. 11,211, 11,204, 11,
131, 11,006, 11.208, 11,200, 11,301,
11,020. 11,133, 11.024. 11,001, 11.
003, 11,205. 11,219, 11,300, 11,221,
11,025. 11,287.
intorest censes on tho warrants
abovo numbered and called this 23rd
day of January, 1015,
203 Fiu:n l. coLvia,
TrenHuror of Jackson County, Oioboh.
MAI)KU. via Jnrls, Jan. 23, 12:20
n .111, -An oilfield has boon dtscoVorod
near OIJ011, according to Klmuudo. A
prospector was borluiv for con), when
a column of liquid gushed up, shoot
iib to a gront holgut.
I'KTIIOdKAl), mm bimloii, .Inn. a:i.
It him heemne npparenl In Hie Hum.
hIiiii iteni'inl Nlal'f Hint the (ermmii
Iiiimi altei.'d mateiiallv their "Inn of
emnpalun on the KnHinn 1'ionl, with
a view lo ntteinptiiiR to ont the ar
mien of (leneral Jvanolf fmni ItuKo
H'lna, nortliein IIiiiil-iiiv and eaxtein
(liilicln. Jn ronneipieiioe it in helicvnl
that the mont nevorn fiKlitiiiK of the
next few weekn in likely (o oeenr in
the hoiiHi rather than in eentral lol
anil, nlonj,' tlm Warxaw front.
The new (Iciinan plan in tlionj-lit (o
have heen olalmraleil at a leeenl
meelintr of AliHlrinn ami (leiinan
Ntnl'f oflieerH nt lliexliiii, KuhhIiiii
military nffieialN Hay the AiitriaiiM
have failed in their allotnl tank of
iteniinliit,' the l(iiNiium' inviiHion and
that the Oennatm liuve awakened to
the HerionsiieflH of lite hitimtioii anil
miM'ittriitly have adopteil the new
plan. Thu ehmij-e ii regarded nn
laifjely ri'Hponsilili' for the proloiiKid
lull ahont Warrtiw, where military op.
yrnliniiN are inneli e.H ncurehive.
Arthur Lewis wa up from (Irants
I'ass on husiiichs tho first of the
Mr. Walter Kentner i sneiidiiiK
the week with relativw mid friends
livinj: in Medfonl.
C. C. I'ursel of Dnneoin trnnsnetod
lnisine.s in town Friday.
MrH. W. I. Finney entertained "The
yinck Cntn" at her homo Wednesday
afternoon while the Friday Afternoon
club met with MrM. V. ,i. Fiek this
II. Lay and family mid Mr. Klla
Cook worn kiicI of Mr. and Mrs.
II. Khun of Medford Sunday.
Wilbur Cmueroii did ImtiiiPH with
our mendmiits tlm first of tho week.
Mm. Clyde Maloae of Ashland
spent the week cud with her hi-ter,
MrM. F. .1. Fish.
Mr. mnl Mr. John Ilctcr were
Medford visitors Thursday cvmrinir.
William Inwdru wart in from Wut
klim Thursday 011 btisim.
Mr. mid Mrs. S. S. Handles of
Medford spent the day with relatives
Iloh Crowder, lliuloy Hall, W. 0.
Hariiilt and A. S. Kluiiiliammer,
fa 11 11 ors fiom lluueom, went in town
County lleuorder Chauueey Florov
and wifo aie receiving eonratnln
tioiiM on thu birth of a .son, horn Jan
uary lit.
A number of younr people have or
pmninsl h mril rlab to meet every
other Friday. The initial parly wan
held at the home of Miss Nellie Col
liiis with tlm follewint: nieniher-:
Misnes Couch, AHeo Moruau,
Pauline (Ironvon, Marv llashaw,
Jewell Ilailcy. Lulu Williams, Kiuina
Wcndt ami Mario Obi'iiehuin. mid
Fred Collins, I,u Maker. Alfred Kor
ris Dnvo Croncinillcr, Chester Wendt,
(leorKc Wcndt. Mr. Cha-e, William
Melutyro and Dan llacshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I'lrieh and Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Fiek nttendfil the Klks
dance at Medford last Tuesday eve-
Dr, It. K. Golden has been to Gold
Hill povenil times lately on profes
sional hurdllOnS,
Mr. O. W. Dunford was called lo
Ashland lasL week by (he serious ill
Hess of her sMcr.
Mrs. John Hunuiugtoji ivlurned
from Grants l'ass Thursday after 11
week'h visit with relatives-.
Mrs. G. Thruhher and ohihlren are
vihitinj; .Mrs. Thrasher's parents in
I'liKiidcua, Cal.
I. L. Tinner of Coour d'Alcnc,
Idaho, is tho guet of Mis. C. C.
"The Jolly Colleen" will give
their humorous, instructive nnd cu
tertniniii); program nt tho Phoenix
school Friday oveninir, Jmuuirv 22.
Kuo for luliuIsHlmi. Tliii noReos do
"f f.v what tiiu nroecedh rcej'icd
will bu' used for.
WlMiain .t. MeK'av and Mrs. Ida 11.
Miller' wore iniiriicd Wednesday .nvoi-
,nliir and will live, in iheiv homo lit
l'libonix. , J)r, Haillio of tho I'rcshy-
lennn. church oiimiutcd.
' Af tho (innuul ineotinu of Hip IMioo
nlx flliirul Tclephono eonipauy Janu
hry'lfi, ln'ot of tho old tlirvclgr,H were
ro-plcOtcil, A, II. Fisher, socrctary
IreaKiuv; nnd manuyr, submitted hjs
mmun) rejuirt, which hhowed a luil
unco in llio treasury of nliout .f70 af
ter payiuf; nil expenses for tho year.
All present feyemeil j oil pleused with
tlio servien piven ani jho efficient
mnimnfoinont under Mr. Fisher, who
gives inuclj of his time without re
compense. Mr. Mossing of Nebraska lias pur
chased (ho .TameA faun, in String
town, and will move on vp imivo in
tho near "fuim
G. A. Hoocr, for runny years nl
promi)io;it ivjijdejit of )liu yuljuy, sjujij I
In- uropcH- here timl ban moved to
Cnlifor;iiii, vi) rct-rel hit leavini'. as
Im ivim u ibwirable iilien, but hope
he will ho vcrc hiic' 1 -...ful in his new
in1 cslmcnt.
T-zsr-rpam - . - r . jj..
otk;i: Of Ai.iiM.sTit,vr(ms
In tlm rounty noiit of tlm niato of
Or.on for tho county of JjicI:hoii.
1 11 (Im nuittor of (Im t-stato of A
J', Talent, dccnn'i'l
Notiro Ih horoby xlvcn that lu pur.
Mimiec of nn ordr of (ho county
court of tlm Rtulo of Oiokoii, In ami
for the county of .lavknoii, ninilo and
entered on Hit) 1 ltd dny of .January,
llf, In tlm mutter of tlm oatuto of
A V, Talent, dcc'fiivd. tlm undfr
xlKiied, tho rulmlnlMralor dn boiilo
non with the will nnnexod 'of unit
tdtnti', will from nmi Dfiur tlm aani
day of February, 10 IB. procecil to
"ll nt jirlvnto unlp to tlio lilcli.tut
hldtlor for nl lennt two-thlnlu of pur
cIiuko prlco to bo ensh In hand and
tho balnnm of ono-thlrd necured by a
iiiorli:ni:o on rnmo mibjert to the
conflruintlon of pnld court the rcnl
property heloniUriB to said estnto,
ftltund'd In Jnclmon county, OreKn
and described tig follow, to-wlt:
Lot S, lu block 3, In Highland Park
Addition to Dm city of Medford. Jack
son county, Orcein.
Lot 7, In block .1. of PnlmV Addi
tion to the city of Medford, Jnekon
county, Oregon.
AIpo tho following doncrlbcd real
property, to-wlt: CoimnrncluK nt a
IHiInt .'110 feet Houth, 35 dcRrecg nnd
no minuted cost, from tlio Internee
Hon of tho cnt line of '(" utred nnd
th" Routli lino of Knt Ninth Rtrcet.
In the rlly of Medford, OreKOli. nnd
from Raid bcKlnnliiK point running
inonco norm, bi degreeli nnd ao
tnlniitofl emit, ItO feet; thence north,
.tr, ilcgrceR nnd 30 mlniitea wont. T,l
feot; thenco Houth, 5 J degrees and
.10 minutes went, 110 feet; tbonce
noutli ns degrcoB nnd 30 minute
cart, 02 feet to the place of bogln
nlug. unld property being in Jnckson
county, Oregon.
Lot one (1) nnd ten feet off the
entlro north side of lot two (2) In
block one (1) of tlm llolm'H Addi
tion to the city of Medford, Jnckuon
county, Oregon.
About 129 ncroK in Sams Valley.
Jackson county, Oregon, described as
followR to-wlt: Doglnnlngnt a point
"0 clinlns cast of the northwest cor
ner of section 22, township 35, outh
nf range 2 woet of Willamette Mori
dlnn and running south 40 chains,
cant 30 chninu. north 40 clinlns, west
30 chains to tho plnre of beginning.
Dated thu 22nd day of January.
Administrator do bonis non with the
will nnnoxttl of the ostnto of A. P
Tnlent, deceased.
In tho circuit court of tho state of
Oregon, for the count) of Jackson.
(leorgo W. Dwiunell, plaintiff vs.
William s Ihvlnuoll, Virginia I Dwln
nell. his wlfo, WllUitni King. Frodiv
ick King, tlm Unknown heirs Of Wil
liam King, deceased, unknown heirs
or Iroiierlck uln,-, deteabod, M. I'.
Krhmitt, as trustfc in bankruptcy of
the cbtnte of Troll Lumber company,
a linnkruiit. also all other portoim or
parties iiiiMiown ilatming any right,
title, estate lien or jnterct In tile
rent estate described In the complaint
heroin, and all persons unknown link
ing or claiming nn Interest or ostnto
in tho property aforesaid, which pro
perty is rioscrleou as rollows, to-wlt:
Sections 11 nnd 13, in township 33,
south rang? a, west of Willlnniette
Meridian, In Jackson county, Ore
gon, defendants,
To ench and every of tho abovo
named defendants:
In the nuitto of tho state of Ore Ore
eon: You are hereby required to appear
in thu above entitled court nnd cause
and answer tho complaint of tho
plaintiff heretofore, filed tuorcln
ngnlust you, within six weeks after
tlio dntti of tho first publication of
the Hummuns herein, or IC personal
service of Mild summons bo made
upon ou without tho state of Oregon,
then within six weeks from thu date
of such personal sorvlco upon you.
Fiild period of six wceka being tho
time Hxod b tho ordor of tho Judge
of tho abovo named court for tho ser
vice of tho summons herein by pub
lication within which tho defendants
so served are Hundred to appear and
answer wild complaint which ordor
for publication bears date of January
21st. 1915. And it you fall to nn,
swor said complaint within the time
aforesaid tho plaintiff will apply to
tho court for tho relief demanded )n
said complaint, a succinct statement
of which roller Is us follews:
For a decreo of tho court doter
nilnlns tho respective rights and in
terests of the several parties plain
tiff as well ns defendant hereto in
and to sections 11 and 13 of town
ship 33 south of range 2, west of
Willamette .Meridian In Jnckbou coun
ty, Oregon; that said promises ho
ordered sold In accordance with sta
tute in such cases mado nnd pio
vldcd and the proceeds of such nalo
partitioned among thu several parties
in accordance with their respective
interests in said property, and for
such other and further relief as tho
court may deem just and equitable.
Tho date of tho first' publication of
thts summons in January 23. 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Tho following Ih a description of
tho property which Is tho subject of
tho foregoing suit: Sections 11 and
13 In township 33, south of rangu 2.
west of Wlllnniotto Meridian In Jnck-
son county, urogon.
Attomoya for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby glvon that tho
county court of Jackson county, Oro
gon, will at Its noxt roRUlur lnootlng
In February, to-wlt, on tho 3rd day
ot February, 1915, take up for con
sideration tho proposals of auto truck
owners, for tho hauling of buck-shot
gravel from MoAndrews hill near
Medford, to varloiiB points on tho pub
lie highways within a radius ot 10
miles thorofrom.
Tho loading of tlio trucks will ho
dono by stenm ahovola ut tho expenso
of Jnokson county.
rim actual amount of gravel to bo
hnulod cim not bo doflulloly b'lvcn al
thin lime, hut It Is probable that tho
quantity will be sufficient to keep a
number of auto truckn going during
tho entlro Honsou that in good for
1 olid building.
The purly Buhmltllng tho bid will
ho required to rIiow tho prlco per
yard per inllo.
AddicKH all bids lo Hie undnrHlgncd
marked "Healed Illds." Tho county
coiict resorvuH the right to reject any
or nil bldfl.
fl. A. OAUDNKIt.
County Clerk.
5 Onq cent jicr word per Ihsuo.
Hlx insertions for prlco of flvo.
Fifty ronts porjllno per month
without change.
I-'OH ItRAf r-Mnt'Si-1
FOIt HUNT - Four room house on
West Ninth street, $G 50, wntor
paid. Phono 105. 2C'
FOIt HUNT Six room modern Iioubo
cioie in, with large garden spot,
chicken pnrk. Parties wlthcut
children. Call 51 C h'ast Mnin St.,
or phono dOK-W. s 2CC
for itrcvr-
cm, large
Stewart or
Six room liouav, mod
barn. 1'honc K. J.
'.11. 2CG
FOIt HKNT Furnished bouw nnd
store building, on Jackron St., bo
txveon Front nnd Fir streets. W.
J I. Rvorhard, 1013 West ttlnth.
phone CC7-J.
FOR HKNT Flvo room modern
house furnished complete, hot and
cold water, bath, three good lots,
host of garden soil, somo fruit
treos, a few strawberries. Itcnt
117.50, water paid. W. I. Ilakcr,
305 Portland Ato 2G1
Fbit'ltBNT offices In the Oarnott
Coroy building,, light, water,
elevator and Janitor services in
cluded. L L. Cathcnrt, aultn 319
and 320. Phono 107.
VOn "BALK XrsTcTas3co"Ena
Uroomfleid, end of South Peach
FOIt SALi: JJrcd sows nnd gllU
from prlzo winning Duroc Jersey
herd, Jackson county fair: also
board old enough for sorvlco and
weanlings. L. II. Houston, ono
inllo west of Tnlent, phono 3-F12.
FOR HALB Klght flno cows, three
year old heifers, flno tcsm of work
marcs. Nash Livery Parn. 201
FOIt SALK Hooking orders for
(lOldon und Silver Camplno eggs,
also Ancona. Phono 359-L, 1 1
Cottage street.
FOR SALK -Airalfn hay, loose, de
livered. G10 South Oakdnle. Phono
3I9-.1. 202
FOR SALK Wyundottcs
919 W. I lib.
FOR SALK White Leghorn cock
01 els and laying pullets from tho
famous trap nested birds of Kills
of N. Y. Every bird must lay 150
to 105 eggs per year to qualify.
Cockerels, 2.50: pullet, $3.00.
Phono 139-H, 1417 Yv Main. 267
FOR SALK Ono now roller bearing
wagon complete. Capacity 5000
pounds, prlco $S5, phone 139-R.
1417 W. Main. 207
FOR SALK Loose nlfalfa bay: also
two buggies nnd two hacks. In
quire Nnsh Livery Dnrn. 271
Hoguo River Valloy Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches nnd
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Heat
all-the-yonr-round cllmuto on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Heaver Realty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
A pnrty has a flno improved lot
with till improvements paid In a good
residence district in Seattle, vnluo
J 1 100.00, which he will exchange,
nnd pay a cash difference, for a neat
llttlo homo rather close In.
One of the best Irrigated ranches
in tho vnlloy at a bargain. Might
tako income property in exchange.
Call for particulars.
Flno Mt. Tabor Portland rosidenco
110,000, will exchango for a valley
A word to tlioso who aro coming
back. Laud for tho past six months
has Hon hanging- nt rock bottom
prices.' A groat deal of lljiudatton
has taken place In this tlmo. My bus-
lness alone in tho lust half ot this
year has amounted to nearly J100.00Q
I bollovo tho last four or flvo deals
I haov made ropresouf nbBolutcly tho
bottom. Laud with rental valuo of
$30 nu aero will not long remain at
$300 an aero. Tlioro will bo 110 boom
but land values will Improve somo.
Good roads, Irrigation, saw-mill,
box factory, cheap power, BUgar
boots, canning factory, good prices,
satisfied customers, perfect days.
Hurry, soo Medford first nnd
Room 201, Flrat National Hank Hldg.
WANTKD--To buy or rent Under
wood typewrllor. Addreoo Uox C,
euro Mrtll Trlblino. 2d
WANTED -i-Hecond-hnntl Bafe nnd
household furniture, write full
partfeulnrn and ensh prlco. Ad
dress C, caro Mall Tribune.
WANTKIJ l)rci;smaklng. i:
(Irapo street.
WANTED Cloati cotton rags at Mall
VA.NTKH To rent a four or six room
hoilff, furnished or partly fur
nlshod. Hox 99, caro Mnll Tri
bune, 201
WANTED Young calvos. Will pay
highest prlccn. C. I). Woolvorton,
Uold Hill. 202
WANTKD Second-hnnd snfo
household furniture, writo
particulars nnd cash prices,
dross C, caro Mall Tribune.
WANTED tlood cook for small
ranch housebold Apply between
7 nnd S p. in. Saturday at Medford
WANTED Salesmen for general
murcantlle trade in Oregon to soil
a new proposition of morlt. Vn-!
enncy February 1st. Attractlvo
commission contract. 135 weekly!
ror cxpensos. JUIes F. Hlxlor Co ,
wholesnle Jowelers. 229-4 Carlln
IlldR., Clevclnnd, O.
WANTED .Miners at Uradon mine,
Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract
for big Job.
Call at St.
WANTED Ono of the largo maga
zine publishing houses desires to
employ an activo man or woman in
this community to nnndlo a special
plan which has proven unusually
profitable. Good opening for right
party. Address with two refer
ences. Publisher, box 1G5, Times
sq. sta., New York City.
WANTED Amalgamator nnd mill
man at Draden mine. Cold IIIH,
Oro. 202
WANTED Choro man, permanent
Job. Recommendations required.
Phopo 873-R.1, .taland. 201
FOR TRADE -A good " Remington
typewriter for roll-top desk. Call
Rudrauff. Holland Hotel. 202
FOR EXCHANGE Well located resi
dence lots, for small acrcago closo
in. Address A. H. C, caro Mall
FOR EXCHANGE J7000 equity in
fine 9 room residence in Portland,
Oro, worth 111,500, for good farm
in southern Orogon. Glvo details
In first letter. Owner, 49C Heights
Terrace, Portland, Ore. 263
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buj
Anything? U C Rader, 114 N.
Front St. Employment offlco and
rentals.. Pboco 125. Nuft Sod.
HUY OIL STOCK In $01 000,000
company, just erganized: ground
floor proposition; 100 per cent di
vidends 90 das pessible: 20 wells
ut once; quick action on your
moneV; limited number shares at
2c share: $10 buys $500 par value
stock; big advance in stock soon;
selling fast: remit now; write
for free information; dividends
declared soon. Amalgamated Oil
Co., 11 15 Colcord Hldg., Oklahoma,
OPEN 750.000 acres for settle
ment; fruit, timber, farm lands;
send 25c with this ad to Wenat
chce. (Wash.) Dally World, Dept.
T, for reliable data about this
great region. 200
"1 a Tiij
service, soven nearest female rela
tions average 25 Vt pounds button
on sevan day official test. P. M.
Jannoy, R. F. D. No. 2, Medford
LOST Purso containing two keys on
ring. Return to Mnll Trlbuno of
fice. Howard. 201
Assti) Inc.
K. R. CROUCH Asknyor. chemist.
metallurgist. Custom Assay Of
flco, Mall order business solicited.
Prlcos, gold, $1.00; gold nnd sil
ver, $1,25; coppor, $1.00; gold, sil
ver and copper, $2.00. Mailing, en-
voiopcs rrQO on request, uoior
once. Josephine County Hank,
Rooms 201-203 Hall llldg., Grants
Pass, Oregon. 33b
Notary Public
HELFJN N."OKEY Nptarypub"
He. Bring your work to me at tni
8l;.a of tho Mall Tribune.
Oftlce 43 North Front St. Pbom
315, Prices right. Service guar
Typewi iters anil Supplies.
Now Remington, Smith Premier
and Monarch typewi Ring, adding
and subtracting machines, rebuilt
machines for cash or easy pay
ments. Mnchlnos, for rent, ribbons
and supplies of nil kinds, Bjmplo ro
palrs free of charge. Roger 8.
Houuett, 10 Qiiluco St.. phono
938-R. 1
Auto adujtlww
ro oporatlnj? tho tamest, oldst
and best oqulppod plant In the I'
clfle northwest. Usb our sprtuM
when othors fall. Sold under Ktinr
anteo. 20 North Fifteenth Bt
Portland, Oro.
Attnrncys-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and
0, Medford Nnttnnot Hank bid,.
. K, VeaMES, LA W YER Oarnctt
Corey bldg.
Win. M. Colvk. (leorgo M. Robert
Medford National Hank Htilldlntf.
Attorneys nt Law. Jackson Coun
ty Dank Ilulldlng.
NEWTON W. UORDEN Attorney at
law, room 7, Sparta butldtnit. Mod
ford. Orogon.
DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso H.
Hedges Mcchano-Tliernplstfl, Ohlrc
pmctors, SpondylotheraplstK. Thfesa
systems, Including dietetics, curs
tiro gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc.. prodlico results In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Douil & Co., cor
ner Main and Partlett. Hours 9
n. m to 6 p. ni- Othor hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. II. J. LOCKWOOD., Chiropractor,
nerre specialist Roams 203-J04-20C.
Oarnett-Corcy bldp. Vapor
batbs and scientific massage given;
neodlo spray, head and shoiildor
shower In connection; advice In
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
bydroptherapy. Lady attendant
Phone, of lice 543, nvddence Dll-R.
EmpIoyHvcnl Arbc
We are here to help people R&t re
liable, competent nelp. We fur
nish help In almost all llnee of
business. We make a specialty of
competent men and wives for
ranches. We solicit yoar pstroa
age. Dinner's Real Estate aa4
Employment Bureau, Rooms 0 and
7 PaDn Building, Medford. Phoas
858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Garnett-Corey Bldg., aalU tit
Medford, Ore. Phone 86.
EnRiBcer astl Contractor
FRED N. CUMM1NGS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. &. H. Hldg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land im
provement. Garbage
GARDAGE Get yonr premises
cleaned up for the summer. Pall
on the city garbage wagons for
good service Phone 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
InstrucMoB la Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Piano,
Mrs. Florcnco Halllday Halght,
Toko. Telephono 17C-R.
repairing, on inouora electne
macblnea while you watt. E. N.
fildon, located in Kldd's Suoe Store.
Phone 313J.
rT,,TT, rm
I'liyuslctans nan. ourgeoaa
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
pbyalcluns, 410-417 Garuott-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. HoslUence
20 Soutn Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopatble
physicians, 303 Gurnott-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Pbyaiclan ana
surgeon, Practice lluiiiod to eye,
ear, noso and tbroat. Eyed scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Mala St.
Hours 11:30 a. zu. to 8' p. in.
E. IJ. PICICEL, M. D. Offlco Jack
sou Couuty Uank bldg. Office
phone 43-R; roatdeaco pbone 68-R,
DRMARTLN 6. UARDER-rPliyst-clun
and surgeon. Office Palaa
block, opposite Mash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. PnoBO 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Pnyulelau and
surgoou. Pboues, offlco 30, resi
dence 721-J. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlciaa
uud surgeon.
Pructtco limited to diseases ol
women. orftcea 232 E. Mala.
Phonos, residence, 811-J2; ofllca
R. J. CONROY, M. D. -Pbyslciau aU4
Surgeon. Over ItutcbtEott & Lums
don. 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYD1A S. DOW Osteopathic
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases ot women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to D p. ni.
Phono 1G0, Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point,
DR. MCM. M, POW Physician and
surgeon, obstetric and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St, Marks 'block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phone 1 B0. Resi
dence, the Dow Hospital, Central
Printers nua ru)UneM
best equipped: printing eolM M
southern Oregon; book MadtaMf,
looea leaf leagws, bllimg
ate. Portland tm. tl
nr ,
'i '
r V,