Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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207 Socfl lir
Medford Mail Tribune
I'ii I p tonight, mill Inmorrotr
Mux. IHi Mlii, u;.
Forir-fourlli Tmir.
Iixllv- Ninth Vmr
NO. 2")8
Utah Capitalists Agree to Back Rogue River Valley Beet Sugar Factory
- if
1 1
nrrr nnninr 'iAiorn'o iinucM IP7AD AniAMPHO
Bishop Nllilcy Anrcos lo Finance Fac
tory Says Ho Has All Money ami
Factories Ho Needs, Out for Sun's
Sake Will Mak Just One More En
terprise a Success.
('. W. Xlldoy, inlllliMiiiliK ruplliilUl
of Suit aV', mill lii'nit of a iloin
Hiciil luitiislllal ritlciptlses Imiiidllig
! I'lali.lilahn mill WoIitii Aiiialua
mult.! Migui kiiiii'iiih, tolil die Itccl
Mitmr lommlltco In ii iouici-ciki nl
llic Mi'ilfnrtl Moli'l till. iiltciniHtii tlmt
In iioiihl I'url. it In'. 'I Miuur facltuy In
iln Home ilit'p iilloj,
"I lmi nil Ho nioiny I mini, mill
mint iioHililoii on Intuit ituiti I
imil, lint iHt'iiiuit of in)' Mm mill my
llli'iul, Mr. Htiilllttcll, I waul In make
Jtlt OIIO limit Clllt'ipi Kl' II MII'll'KH,
n the companies I inn ionncte w It It
liutetlnno In t'limiilii, In Washington,
In IiIiiIiii, mnl In I'tnli, I will had, ii
umn Imti turtoij In tin Itogno iIkt
n Slmk Hi'inmiilt'tl
I'. 8. Hraiuwoll, addrofd t lit lieut
Kiimr rniutnlltco anil told them llittt
Htt MOIO II ft Hit wlierell) negotiations
wnHliI tin closed lii tiny or two, mnl
tlmt tit nit limit, tin)' understood
IIipio mmm uti stock III III) Hlllll. III!
ilt'iiltxl omphatlcNlly Unit tint lttt
HHgttr fuotory was In any way eon
nurtml Hlth any Irrigation project,
llo wild Unit lio mnl A. Nllilcy liml
kiwi frftnil Inr yunrit. and they hud
lHttrtMlttil 0. W. Nlbley In tint pro.
Jttct, mnl iliMltttil to locate In tint
Hogm rltttr nlly hocniivtt tltolr tests
bint showed It to tin nun of tin littiti
Mliiilttil nf tluus In lint world for the
eulttir. Mr Hrauiwelt Impressed
upon lint committee Hint bote mnl
now "uim lint tlnin to settle lilt1 quits
I itiii. nml that no tlmt immt lie lout."
Hi-tall lll-iiil
The roiiiinlltiui ami (hit boot miKitr
rttttiwiintnllviM art) now discussing
W. II. time, president of tint Mod-
font National Hunk toll! Hut commit
tint tlmt C. V. NHiltty'ii flnnuciul
slamllng wns of tltt highest, mnl that
hi lnvitliiatloi) showed lilm anil hi"
fninpniihm lo hn ilium a sound bui.
iiimw IiikIh. Mr. Ilnrn until tint in
iltilrtMl tn,'rtiiKo uni t'ltlior hIkiioiI up
or at liuiul.
'rut'iihiy'N ('aiiiialuu
In thu c-aiiipiilKii for ni'iDiiKit Ttii'H
ilay IICS iicroit worn hccuhhI hy Iho
Moilfonl coniiultttx, iuiiMuk tint total
uliiio to .1MIQ ucri'tt. Willi tint hlK
liimlownurH ntll lo nlmi up nml with
I .Mid arroii oxpccti'il In tho (JriintH
I'iihh illHtrlrt, tint K'niilit'd r.flOO nrroH
U within uuu'li. An lulilllliiiial a Oil
iiorttH wan xlKiictt up tills innrnlntl,
Tim Talent wIiik of Ihn ItCfl hiikut
flylnK miuiuliou hIkiu'iI up l"fS ihtom
'I'licvilny, mo arrcu of tlilx ntuount ho.
Iiik In tho Hhnitln valloy illHtrlct. Thuy
also Hociitrkl '.'OH iktch near AHhlnml
nilwuiil hy lli flrnl iluloKUllnn. Tln
Mini- rloHi'il ami nil Immls wotkoil
Thin Ih tho moitl hillllmit rccnnl of
tint oiuupiilKii,
(lold I llll, Uokiio It I vor mnl othur
poliilH.nlHo runio throuith with nuh
Htnntlat ainountH In fiiitluiianri) of
thu lutlUHtrlul propoHlllou, Tho fou
turt) of Iho tliiy'n work wuh tho Hlitn
Iiik of II. II, Croft of AkrIo for flvo
iiiuoh. Mr. Croft llnkoit tlln IrrlRii
I Ion, hoiullni; nml hukiu- hoot proJoctH,
(Coiitluui'il on Phko 2.)
l'OUTf(ANI), Oro., Jim. 20. Jnmeu
13. (linlfroy, for !I0 yours omployoil
In tho ttluto prlntlim offlco nml for
20 Hn foroimm, illoil horo today fol
InwIiiK im oporutlon for n coinpllcn
t Ion of dlHriiHOH. Mr. (lodfroy wan a
piomliiont lninlor lu (ho doiuncruttc
party and wnH a doloRiito lit tho liml
national domonrutto convention. Ilo
wuh horn In l'olk county, Oi-okoii
AiiKHHt 1. IKBtl. Mr. (loiUroy wuh In
tho oiuploy or lliu liitornnl ltovouuo
German Airships Make LorPrcillct
cil Attack on Enulnnil, Flylnu, Over
North Sea Four or Five Persons
Killed, as Many Wounded ami
Some Shops Destroyed.
LONDON, ,liiu. -Jll. (liMiiuin nil
mi'ii ili'liictiil tiii'ir Iiiiik ini'tlii'tcil tit
lark on r.npliiinl lift niiJit. I'lniii n
Iimic ii'itiiiiiililv in (li'iitimiv llii'v
lit v n it Iho Ninth noil to llio I'nxl'
ciii i'oiimI of Mimlmitl, w licit' lor iicni
l.v I'lur limit from H&0 p. in. uiili1
nlioiit tniiliilshl, tli'V I'iit'lftl ovnr n
LMitiip ol' i'IkIiI Knnlili lowiH, iiulv n
liltli nunc llinn Hit) inilo. finni l.ou-
iloii, rtiniii'iillv ilntiiiiiK Inuiiht nl
So Titr ii lni liccn IciiiiH'il loiluy,
lniii' or live pci'oii uiMo lallcil la
thi'i uiiilH mnl nhoitt iim inmiy
lllllll' IVt'll' Wollllltl'll.
'i'PIm'IIii or ltalii"ii
WniclliiT Ihi'Mi ulrhiis ivcro 'cp
ii'liu, iliricllilo lmllooiiH or iioro
tiiint Inn not vcl ilofiniU'lv liofii t'"
tiililixlicil. Then' i incri'ii'liiir lu'liof
in l.iiiiilon tlinl iiiioxihly only ncro
itlmiiM look pari in the iittnck. Thcro
ltii hrcu no WW. o fur lotlnv lo
t'iiin tlic cut nut ii'imil lnt nicht
ilutt u ZcpiH'lin liml linen hrotiulil
ttuHii on t In l'nlili t'tuixt; on the
font in r,v. it now niipt'iir uk tluniuli
nil Iho (Icininn niiilfix lutxo iiluinvil
Wlll'lll'tf tlll'V IMIIIH.
Tlio' niol inipoitnnt (mi'ii over
which Hut dciiiiun niniittn tipMnrcil
ucrc SHitilriiiBliHiii. ViimiioiiIIi. Slier
inchum, lluulniitm. rronior. Honch
inn, l)oriiuchiiui ami KiiiKt l.vnn.
Kinir (littivo liHtt IcTl Saiitliinitliiiui
onlv h few Iiiiiii lu,ftiri tin mlilcr
vi-iloil it.
I'llinte Shops liiiinanctl
Mo! of (In tlniuniri npiiciirx (o
lime linen inflicleil upon privnle re
itloiiee mid !iii; few puhlie luuhl
iiip or dock ycm to liuio Itoeu in
Tli r.iitliiiir Mil iiuii liowtl e.eel
lut itliilit- to pilot their vew.elf. ns
well n littoil iiiiiik.iiiiinliilt. In spile
of the iliirkue of ilu nilit they
ecuieil lo find their wnv mfr Iho
eoiinlrv with reiiinrknhle ilirerliie"
mnl the iiceiirnev of llielr iiint with
lioinli vviit "renter tlimi ri'iiphiII.x
had lieen liclieetl itoihle.
SAN' KHA.NVISrO, .Inn. !0.-llnw
seriouhly the mlvent of the jitney lint
threuleiiK to n fleet i.lreeleitr eonipiill
it's in Pueilio eout cities in 101 "t is
-lioun in ONtiinntcs eoiupiled here.
The jitney men icpoit their ininluuim
a venire receipts ut $1 mi hour for
mi eight-hour ilny. In tho four iuol
piiiulotii eenteri on tho eiiiii! Hie
Sun Krnuei-eo Imy eitied, l,os An
KoIoh, Portlanit nml Henttlo 'JliT'i
(are are now in operation mnl (heir
daily reci'iplti mo .flll.OOO.
At this rale, the lilney liusox would
luko from the tract ion cniupuuicri iu
the eoiiiMi of u yen i' Iho miiii of .f(i,
11:15,000, If operated in their jirehent
niuuhers. Hut Iho lnisimis is only in
il iiil'nuey. In San Frimeifeo Hie
iiuuiher of eni'rt.liurt douhled in the
Inst wi'ok, ami orKimiKOfH of Iho jit
ney iiuii have iiHtiired official of Hie
Piiuaiiui Paeifie c.poition Hint Hiore
will ho 'J,(l00 ears to handle expohition
oiowds 011 Iho openin; ilny -l'Vliru-ary
'JO. The Iiiim's hao jut invaded
Portland, and tho iiiuaher thero is ex
pected to iiioivafio rapidly.
Legislature of Iho eoahl states are
deep iu Hie prolileius presented hv the
liiiih of Ihiti unforeseen industry.
Traolloii officials iveti n heariiitr ut
Saerainento have reported not only
heavy loises in daily receipt, hut one
I.oh Angeles company uiinoiiueed that
it had already lieen compelled to lay
off 100 of iu oiiiployca.
Germans on Defensive Heavy Artil
lery Enuauriiieiils Reported
Slniuule In Prourcss for Left Bank
of Vistula Austrinns Use Famous
German Guns for First Time.
IM'.TItOnit.M) .Inn 20, via London
- A lon n On mile front Clcchunow,
lo the couth of .Minna, lo Dolirc)!!,
on tho VUltiln 12 liilleti below I'locl.,
the (lennaiiH me on the ilefcnitlve
ucnltiMl the UiiHidan advnnre toward
cant CriiHslu. Durlui; tho liml three
1)11)11 heavy mfllleiv ciiiaKi'iiicntii
have orciirnttl at vniliius potutH nloiiK
thlM Hue.
.Meanwhile the struggle Ih In pro
Kropfi for poniietMlou of the loft hank
of the Vlmiiht, from Hk Jiiiicllou ulth
the llxurn at WlnoKrod, went waul to
Holiiozyn, ii)iiro.liiintely la lallci
I'oiKtehiilou hy Hi" ItiiHKlmiH of WIhzo
Kioil ami their flghtltiK on tho left
hnnk or the Ilztirn Iu that vicinity nf
forilH tlietii n liiim for their opera
tions ngultuit the (It-minim who nro
In force to the went of that position,
and effectually prevents a movement
upon N'owo (JeorrKleivsk, which hns
lieen the (icininn ohjectlvo In tho
advance townrd Vnrnnw from the
Au.ilaiis Che HI; CittK.
In ondonvorlng to retnke trenches
fnpiined hy the ItutotlaiiH wont of
WlHogrod, the (ioriiiniis nro reported
to have lout '.100 men.
$oiiihwurd lu the vicinity of Tnr
now, (.nllrln, (tin Aiittrlnn hnvo 0111
ploed fop Iho first time the famous
Ceiiimn i2 rcutlmetro guns In nn
effort to dlslodgrt tho UusHlans from
their ponltlons nlotig the Dunnjec
river. According to reports here,
they have lieon uiisiircessful, having
liccn foiccd to retrent to tho north
nest, leaving the Itussluti positions In
tact, llusslan army officers are of
tho opinion Hint the heavy fiormnn
Kims are nn Impediment rather thnn
nu aid to the Austrinns. on account of
the hnd ronds and the long distance
It Is necessnry to trnnsport them.
An ofllclnl Itusslnn stateiuent to
ilny deacrlheH n series of nctlons along
tho Vistula northwest or Wnrsnw
during Jnnunry 1" nml IS. In three
of these engngeuieuts, It Is snld, the
Itusslnns won tho ndvnntnge, twice
silencliiR Oermun huttorles, nml on
another occasion repulsing nn nttnek
with henvy loss to the nermann.
Tin Us t'lalni Victories.
Two victories over the Hrltlsh
forces operating near the head of tho
Perslnn kuU are claimed hy the Turk-
lull wnr offlco In a stntement Issued
at 1'oiiHtautlnoplo. 11 Is asserted
that tho Mrltlsh attempted n surprlso
attack on tho Turks, hut were re
pulsed with tho loss of 100 killed nnd
wounded. Iu cavalry engagements
near tho Junction of tho Tigris nun
Kuiihrntes rlvorH the HrHlsh nro ro-
ported to hnvo withdrawn nfter henvy
NHW YOUlv, Jnn. 20.- Francis 11.
(Irlfreu nml his wlfo, Clara, who
plcadod guilty recently to using tho
niallH to defraud tholr wenlthy uc-
iiunliuunces of nitroxtmntoly S.tOO,-
000 Invested In a stonogrnpliy hur-
eau, wore soutenced todny lu tho fed
oral 'court. (Jrlffln wna given a
seven your term In tho fodornl pout
tontlary at Atlanta; IiIh wlfo wus
sentonced to servo sis yenrs In the
stato prison for womun at Auhurn,
' Y
SALUM", Or., Jan. 20. All that re-
mains now to iiiuke a hill introduced
hv Senator ', A. D'unick nholitdiiii;
the office of Mute immigration agent
a law is Hio signature of flovernor
James W'ilhYooinho. It jmihi'it tho
hoiiso late today without a .Use-cut iiu;
I M5?i " -aH
Oniiit it ii Hoch"- il Is rewricil lo have tendered his retlKiintlhn ns Aus
tria's Premier which lui heeii ncepteil. lVronn rensoiii are given for lit
retirement. nut ron I'.n Mold was one of the many factors In the situation
which led to the Aiistn.ii tic, titration of war on Sen la, which In turu preclpl
tatitl the Kurope.m war
OI.YMPIA. Wash. Jnn. 2' The
stale legislature today rushed
through both lion a soeelnl roiolu
Hon doclarlug against holding a sk
clnl election In 111.". on tho llnuor or
any other iUotlon, which means that
Washington will go "dry" lu January.
1910, under thu Initiative hill passed
Inst Novembor hy tho vojors.
A tost vote tnkt u lu tho first wook
of the loglslnturo showed that tho
liquor majority in tho hoiiso wns itot
lurgo enough to ms n bill over tho
governor's veto, nml governor Lister
hnd mndo II known Hint ho would
veto any bill seeking to nullify the
prohibition law. The republican cau
cus ngreod upon toduy'H resolution,
hut It wns pn-od regnrdloss of party
lines. Initiative No. 15. permitting
hotels with 50 or inoro rooms to serve
liquor nnd permitting browrles to
operate will nutomntlcnly go to a vote
la Novoinbor. 1010. Tho Inowerles
fought for a special election this year,
saying that after ten months of pro
hibition tho liquor men's organization
vould bo disrupted. Tho antl-snloon
league fought nuiiiust a spoclal olec
SAI.LWI, Oio.. Jan. 20. After n
lively debute the homo of represent!!
lives today passed tho nuti-lohby bill,
introduced onrl in tho session by
UoproHontntlvo Chris Schuobel of
ClncUnnuiB count), by a vote of IS to
Tho hill Is patterned after nntl
lobby laws now on tho stututo books
ot soveial middle western states. It
requires Hint nil corporations and per
sona employing lobbyists to work for
or against legislation shall register
with tho socretnvy of . ptnto. Tho
lobbyists aro also required to register,
and upon Iho adjournment of tho sos
sloii, tho corporations employing lob
hyists shall file with tho secrutnry a
statement showing tho nmount of
innnoy paid them for their services.
The legistratlon docket must also
show whnt legislation the lobbyists
nro engaged to lobby for or agnlust.
After registering, tho lobbyists may
appear beforo committees of tho leg
islature ami nrguo for or against legislation,
WASHINtiToN, Jnn. 20. -Will It.
Parry of Seattle. Wns-luj-Jo-cph Ii
Duviittt'of WinroiiMH. un rimiuii
hioncr of corjx'rHtuni; K. N. Hurley
of t'liiesgo; Oeors K. I'enliody of
New York, nml A ranu from the -outli
were on Priitlent WileonV lnti to
tiny fur niijtointtneiit to the m fil
ernl tiiule etniiiiit-Kiou. It tsn. ex
jM'ctcd tho nomiiiiitions ihiclit u'o to
the Mtimle this week. llr. Pnrrv i
a inf;n'Mvff Tmhliean; Davie-,
Hurley iiimI Peuhotlv uie ilemoerat-.
SIUTTLK., Jnn. 20. Will
IF. Parry, who hii been sHueteit a
a iiicmher of the fedsrtil trrnle coin
inisiou, i- n iietrpU'niin, hut late
ly has not been actively engnged iu
liu-ine... Iu early life he wns n
printer, nnd hereto cowing to Seattle
in 1S8S lie published new.-Htpers iu
wetern Orison. For -.evenil years
he was reporter nuil eilv editor of the
Po.t -Intelligencer, roigninir to be
come city eoiuptroller, a post which
he held ninny vear. Mr. Parry
treasurer of Hie Scuttle chamber of
eoinnierce ami T. "" f.n old and a
member of the i.c.:ie-io part v.
SALHM, Ore., Jan 20 -Hy unnnl
moils vote of the stato senate today
tho lUnghnm hill reducing tho salary
of tho commissioners of I.ano county
from ?.i to f3 was passed nml sent
to the house. Tho bill wns Intro
duced following tho recent report of
tho stnto engineer on bridge contracts
let by tho commissioners at Hugono.
Tho report also niado comparisons of
salaries and expenses ot similar offi
cers of other counties.
Ql'INVY. Mus., Jan. 20. Tho
Mibinnrino L-l, to lie launehcil today
at Hie yaid- of the Fore Hiver Ship
building corporation, is the largest
Milunniijie Huib far built foe tho Unit
ed States navy. She i one of seven
votMU of the Mime l.vpe which have
been authoricd. The L-l rcei-lor
I'iO tons and ineiisures lti.'i feet over
Situatlon-"SoTjw!at Mixed," Asserts
Bryan Obreuon Expictcd to Oc
cupy Mexico City Villa Moves
Headquarters to Chihuahua At
tack Uoon Tamplco Delayed.
WASIUSOTO.W .l.m. -JO. Seere
tnr llrvmi totluy miuoiiuced I lie ie
eeiht of 11 Iclegrniii datfil 4 o'clock p.
ii. etcnliiy, ii.vitt "the Jollower
"1 OeniTiil Villa are leaiiii-r for the
not Ih mid it it repotted Hint the ;:ijii
lerui nieei i the mi ioaiit. niilways
.ill to be at fliiliuuhiiii." -
WASHIXOTn.V, Jmi. 20. Tho
( a.cniv hen' Imlnv i-uctl
the tolloiviu -tateinciit :
"Vern Cruz report, that (lenernl
Ohn-'ou Hith n larae t'oree - within
i a slntit diKtmiee of the citpi'al mnl i
eXHetei to occupy the plnei nlmo-t
WASHINdTO.V, Jim. 2(1. -Secretary
l!ran Miid todnv the -lute tie
niirtliicnt liml been without iitfoniin.
; lion for two day.- a- to what hail been
happeiiiu: in Mexico City. He tle
.crilioil Hie M'tiititiou u. "Mtnieivliat
The flight of (leiicral Outierrez
from Mexico 1ty ha- nii'eitatctl a
uiiieL i-limi"e iu the inilitnrv lilan- of
4 ! ootjvcptiiiu Jotvits eouuaii tided, hy
idiiii-ral Villa. A sctti'ial withdrawal
i !' Villa tfMt-risiRi from Mnithcni
! .Mexico I- lielieveil to be in proeet.
Kiniijii. C. Llonriilc. Waxbingtou
rciiri'-eiitntm of Villi denied there
wn. nnv inten ion of -ettiug up a new
tcpuhlic iu Hie nut tit.
Advice, to the .nte department
1 1 mil Tampii-o toile j-nid that tho no
troleuin corapaiiip- liml ccum-i! de-velmiin--
now iirojcct- in aceordanee
with the tciniN ol the Carrutiza tie
iice. Manx are out of
i imdoMiient.
WASIII.VC.TO.V, Jan. 20 An an
nouiucmcnt hy the stato department
todny said:
"A report was current In Mexico
City on the lOth Hint a large force of
Carrnnlstas was moving toward A pa in
about '0 miles east ot Mexico City
that they were repairing the track as
they eamu. Apiim Is snld to bo In
tho center of a large agricultural ills,
trlct from which a great nmount of
.supplies can be obtained, and nccord
tng to estimates, five or six days will
bo required to repair all damage, on
the lino ot the Mexican railway.
"The convention still continues In
session nnd It bus adopted tho first
two articles of tho recently proposed
plan of government. A manifesto
tins been Issued calling on tho Mexi
can nation to support tho convention,
(lenernl Villa wus confirmed ns
couunnndor in chief and was given n
complimentary vote of confidence.
"The department wns informed that
General Villa was expected to nrrlve
at Annas Cnlfentes on tho night of
tho ISth ami Hint so fur not many
troops hnvo deserted hint."
HOOSHVIH.T, X. J., Jan. 20.
Mayor Joseph . Hermann uiiuouiiced
today that warrants had been issued
for the arre-t of twcnty-twir deputy
sheriffs involved iu the shootim.' yes
terday of nineteen trikim laborers
at Hie Licbiur plant of Iho American
AgiicuUurnl Cheuiieiil eoinpany.
They would bo ohnreoil with man
hlau-jliter, ho biiitl.
Ashland City Council by Unanimous
Vote Chooses Under-Crosslnp of
Railroad for City Entrance and Or
ders Condemnation Proccedlnfls for
Rlflht of Way Begun.
' ASHLAND, Jan. 20,-Jlv uniini
ttioui vote, tin; Ashland city eoiincit
Tucthiv evfiihis minuted Hie lliUing-i
tent route a. nf.nbtituttf for Fani-
h.iiu hill n ii Pacitie .higUvny t'ii
tliincc lo .Ulilatiil, nptl ordered con
demnation piocoediiiL. br-'iin for
.right of'wiiy, the land lying-'triHiiii
'tltt city limits. Thi- ends a vcar'n
effort to find u hiiititble suhtiute for
the route its originnllv surveveil ami
eliminates (he uteep jjrades, shnrji
curve nml grade ero.-.-ina: of tho
Southern Paeifie.
Tin iinty court recently request
ed the city to choo-ic an entrance ami
after mature deliberation and consul
tation with rrigiiiccriti' experts the
Hillings route wns tirouoiineed the
only Mitifnetory one.
Ware Heads Itesolutloii
A re-olutioti Vas rend bv Council
man Ware formally ndeptiu: (lie nn-derero-sin;
route through .Mr. lit 11
ing' proerty Hind Itletlgiii'-
auce to the county court and .state
highway department in every way
poihle to expedite the liuitdinc of
this rood. This undererosiu; rtnile
Is the c!ioleoihc eojintcourt and
Hie .tate higlnViiy'ei'i!;iiieer."
Mr. Hillings oMneil Hie attack on
this route and it, advocates. lie was
followed hy Ijiwyer Hritgs, Knirinecr
Hoot and Momcr Ilillini's. 1). IL
Jackson Hike in favor of Hie mi-der-ero-siii-j,
u)hotdi" the council
nnd county court.
Hillings Is Hitter
ilr. Hillings' sneeeb coii-i-ted of
tatement tendiiti' to show that uit-tter-ero
-tngs were not practical;
that this one epceiall was imprac
ttealile. iiiidiirahle nml a death trap.
He made a peronal nttnek tion As.
-itnnt State Highwnv Kngineer Kit
ndge as iucapahle nnd 'impractical.
One of hi- stalenienln was that every
other engineer who had viewed the
route, except "Mr. Kittredge ami hi
ho." had pronounced tho under
oro .inir iiupractieal ami ulisnnl ex
cepting only the county, surveyor, who
had recommended its construction to
the county court and then, according
to Mr. Hillings, u few days later re
gretted bis written recommendation.
Mr. Ware effectually answered Hie
eritici-m hy statin!- that be ami
Mayor Joliu-ou bad accompanied thu
chief engineer of the Southern Pa-
(Contlnuod on ptga two.)
DKHSIN'OIIAM, Norfolk, via Lon
don, JaJn. 20, 7:35 a, in. An air
ship pased over Hunstanton, a few
miles north ot Samltingbam. about
10 o'clock Inst night nnd followed the
Great Knstern railway tracks hy way
of lleacbam, a vlUugo on Tho Wash,
where a bomb was dropped, It fell
several hundred yards front soldo
cottnges, but beyond, tenting up tho
ground It did no damage. Tho ex
plosion alarmed tho wbolo district as
Iho report was hoard flvo tulles.
Following this visit tho airship
want to Snettisbatu nnd then passed
directly over Sandrlnghani toward
Kings Lynn.
Tho people ot llenchum had a fair
ly clear vlow of the airship and de
scribed It ns a Zeppelin.
Itoports of tho aerial raid last night
contained rumors that one ot the ep-
pellttH had been brought down by toe
fire of a warship at Hunstaton. Tiisi
foregoing dispatch from the Hm4Mr
ton district makes no lumitUw of such
an occurronco.
" M