Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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To lhi IMimn
HllNilltf f MM I II lillltl eXpt'lll'ltee Willi
beet miMiug fur n MiiKiir In liny in
Ni'IhmhIcii, I iiiii iihIiimI by n few In
give my view in legniil In heel mm
lug I'nini a funnel' Miiiulpoint. Tin
I'm' I lliul 1 1 1 liri'l HiiKiir eniiipiiny in I;
no lioniiH mill iihIi no oiu lo liihe mim'I
in (III) t;tll ttt-pi imo in ll good llidleiilinil
(hut they iiu'itn iiiimk'hmik Imihihi'm"
I'lir nil etilieerneil. The t'liuipuiiv mire-
IV Wlllll 0 lll'I'l-llliHCIX Mlllltl'
Ullllll ll III Itf , lu'CHUMI' tlll'll'llll ll'll'lU
lliclr rntitii' piunpi'iily.
Tho hlntttini'iilM Dint ltnr lelul in
the .Mnil Tillmiiti lejjiiiilliut the beet
mining m 1'iiir ninl light.
Wimlein NYlnatikit iin well hh I'nln
imlo have u tiuly mill div pellM uliunt
planting time, ninl llmir gicnlcM
trouble in iuiing iiiti4 in Urn Hi'i'iir
lug of it good utiintl. It h'i'Iiih to me
( lint tronlilii will not oi'i'iir m thin
iniuitr.v, ninl planting ('iin lie limit in
Mnri'li mill Inirst'ntiiiK nln I'tiii begin
A to hoIIm in ln alley, I tun imt
well iii'iMiiiiiIci with, Imt I belli", o
that tiioxl till tin tlifl'eioiil hoiIn run
In niiiili to mine licet, Some will
cont iniii'li mure tlinn other hiIIk lo
gel il in hliiiu.i mnl 4onilitinii. Ti'ii
ut'ioH ol' lii'i'U h a Hinall ufienge for
oiin man ami a good team. A good
ti'iiin on tint alley mini, in the fall
of llic ear i'iiii limit alnnit two mnl
a lint I' ton of hot, mnl 1 would not
nilvit ruining IhyU utile two liip
imn ho made daily to the raitroml.
Tin Hiari'llv of atoek mnl weather
I'oinlitioiu hero Mill )M-rimt only a
Miiall proportion of the licit tup to
Iin fril, Imt I believe that tin licet toim
plowed miili'i' in the fall will give n
imii'h better ii'tinn Ihun .f'J.TiO mi acre
(lliul ii4 what tnw iiNtially m'II for in
X)'hnika lo In Hitiiri'd in tin field.
Tlic top plowed under in lln fall
will miiloiilitt'dly llni next
iirup two to Inn tniiN per nere.
Tim Idiid Milne will ln practically
-lablinhet by tin iining of licet h.
Tin improvement of tin noil mid tin
vhIiio of tin crop thereon will fix itrt
Out of my next neighbors in Ne
Itriikka htft venr ptepuled, leveled
mid lepniled tile did'hr of eishtv
nere and rented it (o tlilfcienl one,
lo grow lit't'to thereon, mid lit' got for
hit kIiiui' une.lifth of all the lice J
tuoiit'y ami Ihu lopx, which Iiih own
fliit'l;'piitiiri'il. That fifth of the
licet money brought liim over -1 li(H.
Sugar heel will improve tin land
nnd cntiic rotation will iinpnc all tin
t'rnp. Wlit'ii beet glowing will he
heller understood and hctter i'rop
neouied, the eoiii)iauv will umlnuhl
edly pay lietler piiuon, mile Htigur
hIIh inneli ehcapr.
Ituimmihcr, in Hum huiuett the
juofit of one i the propenly of Hie
At InM, furnier, eontrnet for all
the heels ,oo ean nun'. The Migur
faelorv in tin hot tiling that eau he
cstnlilh.lieil in thin eountry, and il
won't iulurrme at all with the fruit
iudiiKtiy, lit'emiKe IichU elaiiu the land
tlint hhniiltl never luuo liiul a 1'iuit
tut planted on it.
Very truly ourH,
Tim), (lie., .Imi. I'J.
.l.i:,l, Ore, .lun. It!. .Senator
Da), of Portland, I1.-..1 Hii'.iniltteit three
iiilieiulimintH to the eoitHtltiltlou,
mntinillnK three different mrtloiiN liy
Hlinpl) chuiihiK the wonlH "U'kuI vol
cir" to "niKliti'rtuI votprn." Tho
puriioHt) Ih to limit the illit In hIkh
lultliitUe, reforeniliiin nnd rt'ciill po
lltlium to rtmlHteieit totem, hut to
niiilii) Hid cliuiiK". threo nomrnlo
aiiieiiiliiieutit urn riulriiil.
Honutnr Hutler linn Blven notlco
thut ho will Huhuilt nn umomlnient to
liuvo dlvldrd HcnalonH o( tho IckIhIu
tuio, ami Oovormir Wlthyromlio 1ms
itHlied for tlio milnnlxHlnii of nn
aniomliuent uIvIiik the executlvo ioxv
er to lonuivu offlclalH who hnvo licon
kiiiiIkh In their tlutloH, without ip
pealliiK to thu recall. Tho bIiikIo
Item vnto will iiIho prolmhly iin up he
roin the logUlntui'o In the form of an
ninumluiont to (ho coiiHtllutlon,
- !' '
linSKIUMtri, Op., .Inn. Ml. -A San
r'rant'iHcn woiniin, nttraotivt anil
iiliniit Mo yt'iu-K ohl, killt'd lii'i'Hiilf with
a revolver nenr tho milnmil in South
Itosehiii'K hint itilit. SJin It'ft a note
Kiiyiuj,'! "I li'ivo coitui hero for worlt,
hut can I'iml nnlliinK t tl. M.V ii'i
Ik Akiiw O'litniry. . 1 liuvo n elu.
llvt'M. 1 eoini fi'iiiu Sun I'Vani'ihco,
(101. 1) 1111,1., Or, .Inn. III. Two
liiiU lor the sliei'l In-Mintf t'ouliiit'l
weie iiiiiHiileieil hy (he eily I'oiint'il
ut lln Hpvcinl ineollii of Monday
ntmiliiK "M' IfiiiUrcd hy the Cali-fniiiia-Ori'Knu
I'ower coiupnity, the
oilier hy the Houe ltix-r I'uhlir Ser
ien eoiporiilinu, Owin lo a deniu'
for l!mrouih InveHtlunlion hy lln
lih!liiK eoiuiiiittt'e, the matter of tU'f
inilely ii('llii)( Upon tin piopoHiilH wu
ilefeireil until louiithl.
Ilaxtid upon Ihu itiHtiilhillou of 1011
Hi reel liuhtrf, eoven'd hy lilcnlii'iil
Kpeeincntioiw, tho IiIiTm of Hut rival
eoiupmilr wen iih follow J Hy tin
Ciilifornln-Orrpiii roininny, 100
liuhtN liirtinllril mid iiinlitulncil, KM
per inoiilh, Til) eelilH additional for
eaeh extra lllil of -10 wuHhj hy the
IJoilc lliver I'uhlie Serviee corKirn
tion, 100 liulit", iiiMlulleil mid iniiin
tnincil, idciitieal riiiipment, $IH nt
uioulli, 10 ecntri mldilional for eaeh
extra lilit. The latter entupmiy alxo
pieM-nteil a counter hid, Hpceifyinj:
wooden poIeK mnl differrul eui)i
inrnt, sniiie nuiiilicr mid eiindlo-power
of linhtH, ul b'M) per month.
The CullforniifOreniin Power ennw
puny wiih represented i.t the mceliiiK
Iiv hccrnl impnrlaut eflleinlH: II. (
Stoddard, illviHion Mipeiintenilcnt ;
Sidiie.y Prout, eoiihtiltin),' riiKtiiferj
Alex. lloHchronph, ueneial milliliter,
mid ('. Y. .Martin, tif Hip field roree.
The llnui" Wiver Puhlie Kcrviee ear
poratioii was represented Iiv ('. W.
DodKi", lot'al uiumiKcr mid engineer,
and A. A. Flynn, chief elcctrieian.
Some eoiiiiiient of an mlverxc nn
tuie Iiiih lieeii iiimlp luenlly uxiu (he
iiiHlallatinu of the iron Hlmidard
lliri-lilit type, Mippeotril in (he fint
plnee hy (he California -Oregon com
pauy, which plaecd a HMinple lilit in
the eity. Many eiliens, howner, fa
vor thiFt lyM' of lijrht. and il wiih to
meet Hun dual demand and eonfoun
lo Minilnr xpceifieationx that the
Puhlie Service eorporalion teiulered
two hulx,
t'oucirntnr. tho iiropocotl heneflt
for the family of (Initio Win den A K.
Iluhlinril, killed In performance of hlit
duly hy Lorln Mnrtln nt Trull Creok,
(Jnine Wnrdcii Klnluy wrlton to tho
lornl committee;
"HoptyliiK to )oitr letter of Jan
unry 1 1th, I am Htlicduled for lec
ture hero on tho 2nd. SSrtl, itiitl
1! 1 til . Wo expect to rolno nliout
$1000 horo In I'ortlnml townnl Mho
Arthur H. Ilulilmtil Meniorlnl. I nm
nt Hud up with work and with lie
turoH nrouutl In different placon for
tho Unto lieliiK thai It will bo Impos
nihil) for nio to koI down Hint wny
for a while.
"I hud u letter from Mr. It. A.
lllnldwr of the VIiiIiik Thentor, wnnt
Iiik to moilitt In thin matter, l.nter on
I Hlmll he Kind to hIiow thou) nt .Mud
ford, Aitlilnml and Oohl IIIII. Any
nrrniiKoinentH ,oti wnnt to innko ur
to place at Medfonl will ho imtUfac
tory to ine. Tho coiuinlHHlon hero
liiin the IIpIIIk Theater for threo davit
nt a iry clump rule, mid 1 think they
will tin very well.
Vory truly yourn,
State Hnmo Wnrden.
SAI.KM', Or., .Inn. UK- Ih'jjtilntiiin
of iiuloiuoliilo etuupetitmu with rail
road eonipauioH is prouded for in n
hill pieparetl hy Heprehentativo Lewis
of .Multnomah county. His phut i to
rcipiiio (he lieensiut,' of freight mid
pMhscner nutopiohilch, Inihcd on ton
nnpi antl puhHonuop eapaoity. The
l'ortliuul "motor Iiiih" in not included
in Hid hill, Mr, Lewis Htnliiu; Hint that
proposition is duo for tho eity ilbolf
to ri'Kiilntt'.
I'nr inottir trueks of ouo ton or
It'hH, .f'O per year license fee shall he
oMicti'tl; two, $10; Hueo limn, .foO;
four, .f7r; fivo tone, .f 1 UO.
PiihsenRt'r fins will ho tissohfil
.-p to wluui eaiaeily is hetyoen K nnd
.'13 passjonorn, and .(10 for onrn of
from .'l." to 10, eath of losn tlinn 11
piitoteuKOi'H (0 he ttvntcd as tnxioabK
and Huhjot'l lo loenl ordinniu'es.
The hill stipulnU'H tlint the owners
must file with the Hot'retu.ry of statu
it schedule of ionic, stopping points
ami number of trip, weekly or month
ly. The iiiimo of tho chuuffour must
also he Inuliuleil. it in provided, how
ever, Unit railroatln tuny not oporato
such vehinlcs as n im'aiw of prevent
ing privulo eunoorjiH from t'ltleriiiK
1 .t'--''"M'-f
At tht Churches j
Holy Commtinlon K 11, 111.
Sunday iichool JO a. in.
Holy Communion 1 1 u. in,
KvmiliiK lryor, 7:30 p. in.
I), Hamilton, vlcur, ,
Mornlnr. icrvlco 11 o'clock,
IJvenliiB Hcrvlro 7S30 o'clock,
Coiiimtinlou nt tho morning uorr
Ice. Itov, CuritteiiM will preach hoth
niernliii: ami evening.
..Sunday rchool iiHT, it, in.
IJ, V. P. U, c.:su p. m.
A cordial welcome extended to nit
of tho ubovo uorvlct'H.
.Metlford CliiUtlnn AsM-mhly
The rogulnr wcokly norvlccu of tho
.Medfonl ChrlMInu Aioiembly convene
In Ht. Mnrk'n hull, 218 West Main Ht.,
mt follow; Htimlity, nt 2;.T0 p, in.;
Wetlmmilay ovnnlngK. at 7iH0 o'clock.
Pal kohjipI prenchliiK, Including tho
ImptlKiu or tho Kplrlt, dlvlno hcnllng,
Chrlt'i coming, etc, Itov. C. K.
Dodge, uctlng pnntor.
I'lrnt (IiiiivIi or Clirlst, KrirntM
Huntlny itervlco nt II o'clock. Huh
Ject, "Llfo."
Wtnlnuiidny evening tcntlmonlnl
niiotlng nt 7:30.
All urn cordially Invited.
Huntlny jtchool nt 10 o'clock. All
under tho ngu of 20 arc welcome.
Heading room In church edifice
open from 1:30 to -l;30 dally ex
cept Sundayn nnd holiday.
Oakdnle Avenim .Mciliotllitt
.Sunday nchool 10 n. tn.
Preaching nt 1 1 n. in. nnd 7:30 p.
ICpworth Lvnguo nt C:30 p. m.
I'rnyer meeting Thursday evening.-.
1'nrentH are retjucntcd to conic nnd
bring their children to Sunday uchool
nnd church norvlcou both morning
and evening. Strnngorfl nro nlwnys
welcome. II. M. Mranhnm, puittor.
Km. MellifHllkt
Corner Tenth nnd Ivy.
Sunday echoed 10 n. m.
Prenchlng 11 n. m.
Young People's meeting nnd Illble
drill Ct30 p. m.
Prenchlng 7:30 p. tn.
Mltl-wcek prnyor meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. in.
Our regulnr tiiarterly meeting will
be held beginning 1'rltlny, tho U2nd
nnd will bold over Sunday. He v. P.
I). Dodge, our district older, will bo
In chnrgo. J. K. Hmtlloy, pntitor.
Prenchlng nt II n. in., atibject.
"Solng and Henplng," llltiBtrnted.
CoHpcl duet. "I Lovo Him," by
Foster, Mlea llaielrlgg nnd Mrs.
Solo, "Tho Ninety nnd .Vine," by
IMwnrd Campion, K. H. C-orc.
Hymn, "Thou Art tho Way."
Prenchlng nt 7:30 p. in., mtbjcct,
"Seeking nnd 1'lndlng,-' lllustrntcd.
80I0, "Tho Oontlo Shepherd," by
Adninit, Tlorcnco Hnielrlgg.
Hymn, "Tho Welconto Viator."
Y. P. S. C. K. nt 0:30 p. in.
Huntlny hchool nt 10 n. tn.
Kindergarten nt 11 n. in.
Prnyermcotlng nt 7:30 p. m. on
Corner Ninth nnd Onkdnlo.
Wo wore m ItlRlily p'onsctl with
tho largo nttdloncort lnttt liOrd'H Day
morning and evening and especially
tho lnvgo number of trnngern, that
wo nro going to extend n cordlat In
vltatlon to jou nnd your friends for
next Lord's Day.
Morning 10: in, sermon "do Kor
wnrd," good ulnglng with largo cho
rus. Kvcnlng 7:30, pornion, "Unto tlio
Utterniost." UrtitK yr family, wo
nro anxious nbout you.
lJlblo school Is making rnplil strides
with Inrgo men's clnss and largo class
or ntlult women, with tho ablest
tenchors lending them. Other clnssos
In propotllon. Como nnd se.
C. J3. nt 6:30 with nn enthusiastic
crowd of young people, subject,
"Mnklng Hold Hoglnnlngs," 1 Tim
othy 1:1S. 13.
Mid-week prnyor mooting Thitisdny
evening, 7:30, subject. Vorwnrd.
Choir pructlco Frlilny ovcnlng,
7: in. llnrry K. Tucker, minister.
Method 1st
Hovlvnl sorvlces ut tho First Meth
odlHt Kplscopnl church will contlnuo.
Thoro will bo threo spnclnl sormons
on Stindny ns follews:
Sormon nt 11 n. in., subject, "Hea
nonnblo Sorvlco."
A muss mooting for, mon onlynt 3
p. in, In (ho large ioou near tho post
offlco nt tho cornor of Sixth stroot
nnd North Central avenue. Subjoot,
"A Messngo For Mon of Today."
At tho Bitmo hour In tho church
thero will bo n meeting tor women
'only, iitldrcBBed by Lnlla Mnxwoll,
formeriy n doaconess In tho Metho
dist Kplscopnl church, and 17 yours
nn evangelist.
The evening sermon by tho r-astor
In the church nt 7:30 p. in. Subject,
"la Thoro A lloll?" This subject
will ho bundled In the realm or facln,
nnd not ns often considered, In tho
rertlm of theory,
Thono will be rousing, ohl-rnsh-loriud,
gome) imetlngH, Hie kind our
fat hem and iiiothurn used to attend.
All uro lyclcuiiH'
IlorvlccH riirh nlrht next wcok ex..
cypt Hntiirdity night.
Iteportod by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Sixth and Fir 8ta.
1 (In oil
W. A. Turner, .lennlo Turner; Wm.
Ulrlch vi. John K. Mnliun, MOiiiellmrs
known ns J J Mahan. Forest K.
Malum, Kthol Mnhan, John Prador,
C, W. Forbes, o. II, HenlngerjC. W.
Nlnin, HtowartSnunders, H, 13, Phlpps,
Geo. O, Jnrvls, .Julian P. Johnson, un
known holm ot John L. Mahan, Anna
McClalm Mnhnn. Suit to foreclose
W, A. Ttirnor ct al vs. John K.
Mnhnn ot nl. Suit to foreclose.
JJ. P, llnnscn vs. A. H, Hobblns.
Hstnto or Dotinld T, Magcrlo for
merly Donald T. Knrnes, deceased.
Inventory nnd appraisement.
I ton I IXnti Tmnnferx
Edwin S. Illtzler, nt ux to Al
bert Tnylor, I tolO Mace buIj
itlvlsldn, Q. ('. D
It. II. Dopp to T. C. Norrls, L
Int. In mining property In T.
30 nnd 37 II 3 W Q. C. I).
J. Q. Coble et ux to Harold D.
Putnam, lot 2, blk. -i, Uerry
vnlc Add. Metltord, W. D
J. (I. Goble et ux to Peter Jen
sen, lots 4 and u, blk. C,
Horryvnlo Add Medtord, W.
J. O. Coble et ux to T. It. Tan
ner, lots In Hcrryvale Add to
Mciironl, W. I)
.Mr. John Dunnington in .isiting
relatives living in Grants Pass this
Mr. Will Ilnnnn left for Snn
Krniu'iico the first of the week, where
she will lemaiii during tho winter. Mr.
Ilnnnn returned to his ranch on l'v
aiin ereek.
Charles Hu-ve, who 1ms hern
seiitlius " number of months 011 (he
lower Applcgatc, has letiinicil to
town.' ,
Mm. II. K. Oolilen enterlnined the
following giiestn nt dinner Suntlny
Mr. nnd Mr.. C. J. N'unnii, .Mr. mnl
Mrs. Louis- Ulrich nnd Mrs. Hnrry
Mxi. Krcd Lny of WVllen is mak
ing' her sister, Mrf. Charles Prim, n
''The lllnol; Cats," a sewin: soci
ety, were entertained hy Mrs. Kugene
Thompson Thursday afternoon, unit
M'ish Fleta I'lrich was liovstess to the
Ametieia Gills on Friday.
Mrs. Penil Stewart of rldrl)rd
visited her mother cue day this week.
Mrs. M. A. 'Fuller arrived from
Wenatehee, Wash., last week', ami is
a guest at the home of Mrs. II. M.
Miss Nellie linker left for Hrowns
horo last week, whero she litis been
engaged (o (each school.
Mrs. Ailu Cleaver of Grants Pus
is a guest nt the home of her brother,
L. I. Hi own.
Mrs. Haiti.) Neither of Gold Hill i
visiting relatives living here.
W'ord was received of (he marriage
of Miss Florence Kennies to Harvey
Claylou of Ocitdwood, Cat., 011 Jan
uary V2. Miss lteames was 11 for
mer Jacksonville girl nnd is a sister
of A. K. Kennies of Metlford.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. V. Kobinson on
Icrtaiucil Mr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Collins
at cards Thursday evening.
.Mrs. .). Keter spent the day tn
Metlford Thursday visiting friends.
Ttibe Stone and Fred Stickle were
in from Potest creek Friday.
G. 11. Miller of Metlford was n
Jacksonville caller Wednesday.
F. J. Fiek has retilnied from Ap-
jtlegato, liming completed the rang
ers station ho was building 111 that
vicinity. .
LONDON, Jan. 1C, 3:09 a, m.Tho
Canadian regiment nt tho front has
distinguished Itself in a stirring bay
onet charge nt a plnco nonr Ypres,
known as "dead man's nlloy," uccord
lug to tho Dally Chroniclo's corro
spondent In northeast Franco.
Notice Is horoby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil or tho city ot Modtord, nt Its next
regular meotltiR Jnnunry 19th, 19in,
for a ttHiistor of that cortnln Itcenso
No. S8, Issued Octobor 10, 1914, by
tho city of Medford, Oregon, to O.
M. Solsby, trusteo. authorizing him
to sell spirituous, vinous nnd malt 11
Qtiors In quantities Iohr than n gal
lon, at- his plnco of business nt No.
13 South Front street, In raid city,
ror a bnlnnco of the period of six
months from said October 10, 10 H,
Onto of flrut publication Jnnunry
c, ioin,
nxi"tir, J .rr ji'tr-jLTtr. -JU.-lkir
(;i,.K.Hii'n:t) ads.
One cent icr word per lisuo.
Six Inuerllons for prlro of five.
Fifty ccnla per line per month
without chnngo.
. V-.'lfclf.'-t
FOIt nR.Mi'-rtrifSl?
FOR HUNT Furnished lions'', seven
roonm comploto, with Knnbn Pnr
lor grnnd plnno, $30 per month.
1207 W. Main St., seo J. C. Ilrown,
Hpnrtn Hldg.
FOIt HKNT llouso furnished com
ploto. Joo Murphy, 5 North Fir
street. 259
FOR IlKNT Furnished house, clos
In, Inquire of Dr. Helms, 2KG
FOIt HK.VT Four room cottage on
pared street, cheap. Water rent
paid. Phone 13-X. 2.,C
FOIt IlKNT Furnished houro and
store building, on Jackxpn St., bo
tweon Front and Fir streets. W.
II. Kicrhard, 1013 West Ninth,
phono CC7-J.
FOIt HBNT Three room furnished
bungalow closo In, pleasant loca
tion. Phono 779-J or call 527 8.
FOIt HUNT Six room modern bun
gnlow, cloco In, fine shade, range
connected. Phono 930-X
Foit half. nn,k instate
FOrt 8ALI2 OH THADH For auto
mobllc. 40 acres timber on good
road near Talent, Oregon. Ma
chine must bo In first-class condi
tion. Address box 578. Ashland,
Oro., or sco n. Klum, H S01HI1 Cen
tral. Medford. 235
FOIt BALK-Wyowa Place, threo
and one-hair miles north of Kaglo
Point, 80 acre farm and orchard.
47 acrea fine fruit trees 3 to 12
j cars old. J. T. Carpenter, 3 1 5 Vs
N. Hartlett St., Medford, phono
FOit sale r,ivrenocK
FOIt SALK Fresh Jersey cotr.
Phone .'00-112. 1 259
FOIt SALK Very cheap, matched
sorrel team. 907 South Central.
FOR SALK Urcd sows , nnd gilts
from prize winning Duroc Jersey
herd, Jackson county fatr: also
boars old enough for service and
weanlings. L. II. Houston, one
mile west of Talent, phono 3-F12.
FOR SALH KIght tlno rows, threo
year old heUers, flno team of work
marcs. Nash Livery Parn. 2C1
FOR SALK Span work horses,
work 2C00. span work mnres,
weight 1700. Holsllon cow giving
40 lbs milk. Cow coming fresh In
Jnnunry, Holstlen bulls ono and
two years old, threo yearling
calves. 10 fat hogs. 13 brood sows,
will farrow in Docember nnd Jan
uary, two cows with pigs, top
buggy, almost now. J. T. Ratfer
ty, Tolo, Ore. 258
FOR SALK Somo Duroc pigs,
weight about 40 lbs. Phono 17-
FU. '
FOR UK.VT Large, pleasant rooms
with hent nnd bath. $2 and $2.50
per week. 15 North Grnpo St. 25C
FOR HKXT iiocsnicKKi-ixa
FQR RKNT Housekeeping nnd sin
gle rooms, heat, bath, phone free.
223 W. Main. 257
FOR RKNT Ranch 1 .i miles south
west Medford, 16 acres, modern
houso in every way, electric lights.
Address box D., cure Mnll Tribune.
AT SKRVICK Roglsterea Holsteln
bull, sevon nearest female iclntlves
averngo 2554 pounds butter on
seven day official tost P. M. Jan
noy, R. F. D., No. 2, Medford. 355
Roguo River Valloy Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches nnd
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Best
nll-the-yoor-round cltmnto on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Heaver .Realty Co., AshTniul, Oregon.
A word to those who nro coming
bnck. Land for tho past six months
has boon hanglnff nt rock bottom
prices. ' A groat deal of llfluldatton
has takon placo tn this tlmo. My bus
Inoss nlouo tn tho lust half of this
year has amounted to nearly $100,000
I bellovo tho last four or fivo deals
I hnov mndo ropresont absolutely the
bottom. Land with rontal valuo of
$30 an ucro will not long remain at
$200 an acre. Thoro will bo no boom
but land values 'will improve somo.
flood roads, Irrigation, Baw-mlll,
box rnctory, cheap power, sugar
beets, canning factory, good prices,
salistiod customers, ported days.
Hurry, sea Medford first and
Room 201, First Nutlonnl Hank Hldg,
FOR SALK Am hooking orders for
netting egga from two ot tho best
pen of Whlto Orplnglnni In south
ern Oregon. I'S.orto 137-R. .1.
Herman Harrison. 257
FOIt HALF.- Puro bred Pnrtrldgo
Wynndotto cocks, hens, cockerels,
pulluls. Nora C, Harris, Knglo
Point, Oregon. 2C0
FOIt SALlv White Leghorn rock
orols and laying pullets from tho
famous trap nested blnlrt of Kills
or N. Y. Hvcrv bird must lay ir.ti
to I Of, eggs per yenr to iiiallfy.
Cockerels, i r,0; pullot, $3 00.
Phono 139-lt, H17 W. Mnln. 207
FOIt SALK One new roller bearing
wagon complete. Capacity r,000
pounds, price f8ii, phone 139-lt
1417 W. Main. 2(17
FOIt 8ALU Indian Hunnor laying
ducks nnd drnkes. 5.11 Hamilton
street. 255
FOIt SALH A four cyllndof, foiir
passenger car In first clasH condi
tion, $100. cash, trmlo or
terms on balance. Call 5 to 7 p
in., phone 751-Y. 2rs
FOIt SALK A good business propo
sition. Host money maker In town
for tho capital Invented. "Wrlto
for price nnd terms nnd bo con
vinced. Address box X., caro Mall
Tribune. 268
FOR SALK Loose alfalfa bay; ulo
two buggies ami two hacks. In
rjutro Nash Livery llarn. 271
FOR SALK Kxtra dry wood, makes
quick, hot tiro. F. Oscnbrtiggo,
Phono morning 194, Riverside S.
WiNTK l-fo "borro w 1 2 : 000 on gilt
edged security. Dahack & Son,
Kaglo Point, Ore. 260
WANTKD To rent 5 or 10 acres In
or near city with house and water
Must be reasonable. Ilox 9, care
Mall Tribune. 257
WANTED Roll-top desk or desk
with top. Phone 597-R2. 25C
WANTKD Second-hand safo
household furniture, wrlto
particulars nnd cash prices,
dress C, enro Mall Tribune.
WANTKD Good milk cow. Send
prlco nnd full particulars. G., caro
Mall Tribune.
WANTKD Gasollno engine, not to
exceed one or one and one-half
horse power, will exchange nn elec
tric vnccuum cleaner tor same.
Cleaner not used to exceed two
months. Call 349-L, after 7 p. m.
WANTKD Agents, MONEY soiling
CLAM MKATS to consumors and
dcalors tn your homo town. Agents
wanted. Laug & Conroy, Alaska
llldg., Seattle, Wash. 25C
WANTED Work Wanted by lady nt
home. Will go out by day. Phono
392-Y. 250
WANTKD A high-class salesman to
handle the sales in Jackson and
Josephine counties for a dovtco re
quired by every business man. Tho
remuneration Is limited only by the
ability ot the salesman, and tho ef
forts ho puts forth. This U a
BPlendld opportunity for a real
salesman. Address with refer
ences. Sales Manager, G51, East
Salmon St., Portland, Oro. 255
WANTKD Agents, snappiest house
hold Hue on earth. Rcdhot sellers,
steady repeaters. Over 150 dif
ferent articles. Goods guaranteed
100 per cent profit. Wrlto quick,
hurry. K. M. Feltmnn, sales mgr.,
1C23 Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
WANTKD Minora at
Gold Hill, Oregon,
Ilraden mine,
for contract
acres threo year old orchard,
enunl parts Wlncsnp, Spltx and Do
llclous with 400 peach flllors same
age, extra good fence all around,
good barn 12x10 feet, no ottier Itu
provements. Prlco $9000.
Thirty acre tract, 12 acres In al
falfa. 3 ucres In clover. 0 acres six
year old apple orchard (bearing),
and 0 acres In apples, peaches,
cherries and apricots, bomo bear
ing, this last six acres is clenn.
cultivated, lovol. easy to Irrigate,
75 tons hay grown on this place
Infct J ear, one room houso, goon
barn and corrnll. deep well, new
pump, fences and all other neces
sary improvements, I'rtco $joo
nor acre.
Twenty threo acres of raw land
no lmnrovomonts. over liair cteareu
of sane brush, soli deep rich, sandy
loam, very fertile, excollent drain
ngo, can bo put In crop with llttlo
exnenso. Prlco J 125 nor aero.
All tho abovo would trndo for
drv goods, men's furnishings or
shoes, but cannot liandlo hardware,
ulasswnro or rurnlturo, can pay-
part cash, according to condition
of your stock, can hnndlo up to
$30,000, lrrlgutlon rosorvolr eight
miles Iouk. close by. For more
particulars wrlto C. C. Paul, R. F.
D. No. 1. Medford, Ore.
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy
nnvthliinT U Q Rader. 114 N.
Front St. Employment offlco nnd
rentals. Phono 125. Null Sou.
Notary Public
HELHN N. YOOKKY Notary pub
He. Bring your work to mo at th
elpn of the Mall Tribune.
Offlco 4?, orth Front 8t. Phoni
815. Prices rlisht. Sorvlco Kuar
AbU Bupplle
sro operating the lameit, om
and best onulppod plnnt In the P
ciric northwest. Use our spring
when othnrs tnll. Bold nmler gur
untoo. 20 North Vlftcenth St.,
Portlnnd, Oro.
AttorncyB-at-Law, Hooma R and
0, Modtonl National Hank bld.
A. k. iucXmks, LAWYBHOarttitt
Corey bids;.
Wm. M. Colvli?. Ocorgo . HoberU
Medfonl National Mann IJulldlnit.
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Hank Dulldlng.
law, room 7, Hparta Dunning. Moa
ford. Oregon.
Hodges Mechano-Thernplstn, Chlri
prnctnrs, Bpondylotlicrnplsts. Tliosn
systoms, Including dietetics, curt'
tiro gymnastics, h7tlro-theraphr
etc.. produce results In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over peiijl & Co., cor
ner Mnln and nartlo'.t. Hours 9
a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve ipoclaiin itooma su.i-itit-205.
Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor
baths and sclcntirio mnssage given;
needlo spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice Is
dietetics, medical gymnastlM,
bydropthernpy, l-ady attendant
Phone, otrice 643, residence 611-K.
Employment, Aieacy
We are here to help people Bet re
liable. ompeieni neip. we ur
slth help In almost all lines of
business. We make a specialty ot
competent men and wive for
ranches. Wo solicit jeur patroa
"ate. Dinner's Real Estate and
Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 and
7 Palm Bulldlnr, Medford. Pboae
853. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Gsrnett-Coroy Bldg., anlto til
Medford, ore. rnone ouo.
Engineer apl Contractor
FRKD N. CUMMLVGS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & 11. uiag.
Surreys, estimates, irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
GARBAGE Get 'your . premises
cleanod up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service Phono 274-L. F.
T. Allen.
InstracHoa la MimIo
Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Plnno,
Mrs. Florpnco ilalllday Halght,
toIco. Telophono 176-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First clasa shef
repairing, on modern electric
machines while you wait. E. N.
Blden, located In KIdd'a Shoe Store,
Phone 313J.
Piiyeslclaua inC rrargexjiu
MAINS CARLOW Osteopath's
physicians, 41G-417 Guructt-Corey
bldg., phono 103 0-L. Residence
20 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
pbyslclaus, 303 Garuott-Corey
building. Pboue -U4-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aud
surgeon. Practlco limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tosted and glasses sup
plied. Oftlco 228 East Main St,
Hours 8:30 a. ni. to 8 p. m.
B. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Bunk bldg. Office
phono 43-R; residence phone C8-R.
clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgoon. Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD rbyilclas
and surgeon.
Pructlco limited to diseases of
womeu. Offices 232 K, Main.
Phonos, residence, 814-J2; office
R. J. QONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums
deu, 215 15 Main St. Phone 77.
DR. LYDIA 8. DOW Ostoopathlo
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phono 160. Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point,
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, obstotrtcs and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 13. Phone 160. Resi
dence, the Dow Hospital, Central
Printers una Publisher
best equipped prlutlng pfflc Is
southern Orogun; book sIroMssV
loose leaf ledgers, billing sysieiss,
etc Portlund prles. H7 Mt
"'r . . ,