Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    '5 ' s,'r'"'W' """P"" "
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medeortV matt; Tn.rmwK. mjooeotm). oifKnox, .sATrrcn.w. .tawatcv in, win
vmv, TITOM
j jn -
MW 'VJ.',il CttMRW
w ffifuorr
All cnininiiiilrallnini nliotiM tro In
by l-'rlilay, Address socluty editor,
(II PIlOIH' 7f,
Wednesday evening, .January n.
tint Haslet it Slurs hltl tliflr nntiiinl
IliHtlilllttlou. Mrs. .Mellow nn, worthy
grand inntion of Orison, In it most
impressive iiiniiiinr Installed tint fol
lowing, efficers:
Mm, Kntu Young, worthy iinitrou;
Mm. Amies Morrlls, norliithin mil'
t kiii; Mm. Ciruige O'Hrlen, cnnilue
I iff.; Mm. Pouter, iismicIiiIii run
duct res.
.Mm. I. L. lliiinlllon who Iiiin liri'ii
tlio wotthy in tit ron dining the past wns the recipient or ninny brini
llfnl girttixind compliments for her
Miinillil win It inn) untlrliiR uffnrt
thronnliont her mr
Afttr tin Inntullitllnii delicious re
freshments wi'iit Her i'il by the r
Iom'Iiir iMirlul reniiiiltti'ii: Mi-Hilnlilrn
Klilitlit, I'nllln. Hlckort. Wilson,
OIiinrow, McKlniH-v, Hie wlni:. (Serin.
lliirbilni, Misses WIImiii, Kroitter,
Menitrs, Ciitlln, lllnhnp, Itlrkeil, WIN
son, McKlnni'y.
Mm. Mctiownn also Installed (ho
ofllter for tint Arililnint Central
Point ninl .liicksoutlllu chapters,
Mm, llnmllton wait urnml chaplain
during tin. Installation ut JurkMin-
Tli reception fur I lie Itov. Mr.
Cnmti'iiH nl tint llitptlst clmrrli Inst
evening wns woll utti'iuli'il. An In
terestliiK pniRraiu wiim mrniiK'il, con
sisting or vornl a ml Instrumental se
lections, readings and nil address by
II. C. Hnrnrtt. A pleasing feature
wan tint I'lH'orit or tint male niinrtotle
"VolrH Are Calling Yon, llrnther,
Calling lo .Mcdford Ouco More."
Tim chorus to this hclng miiik In
tint choir room hy n iunrtiltit or
oiih'r Imtli'ii. lte.v. Mr. Curstcns
iiiiiiti. n hoarly response thanking the
I'liurrh nml congregation for the ex
prewslons of good will, lint Iiiih not
yet derided to accept llu cnll to t !
rlmrch. It In th earnest deslro of
nil Hint hi will ito so before leaving
for I.oh Angeles (ho curly pint of next
Tint program committee especially'
wishes to exprcits Ihntilitt to tlm or-
rlii'Mtrn for tlmlr wrxlci'ii,
Mr. AriHlciu1 IVIts, slnlc pieniuViil
nl' tin .Motln'rw' iMinnit'M nml 1'nr-inl-'lVni'lirrh'
nhkoiMiitioiii, Ihik hi;;
lilfiril hi'i' inli'iition of ruining to
Mnlt'onl nooii. Sin In nnxioiiH to
ini'i't ii'irchi'nlntirH fioin nil llu
I'liimtiy ilinlrirlH, wliilliir they linvi1
ciiflcs or nut. Tin .Mi'ill'ord ciicleH
nil- plnnnin n kmh1 inojjriiin for a
mroliiiK ln'ii'. Mik. IVHn ih in MimI
fold liisl summer when lniicliron
wns hclil in hrr Imnor ut tint .Modfonl
lioii'l, She is u vpry interesting wo
mini nml nine to ho nf (,'ii'at help to
tint iwui'iit-loiu'lu'iH' woik in tlm
Hoaim Illvor vnllcy.
Tlm OiciiliT Moilford rluli ilcslro
to thunlt nil who nMNlHtoit In tho nnlo
or Itt'il CroHii Kinla which nottod
$1 10.20. Tlm ruiul In lo bo iiMtd for
tnliorriilnr pntlontH only,
l'.vory rpilomtoil club Ih UHkoil to
iiHHlnt In tliU work. Tlioro Iiiih bintn
no limit not on whnt illfforont por
Hoiih or tlm Htuto mny ilrnw,
HikIIii Orr Dnnlmr, Htntu cliulrinaii
or public lmnlth, icportn Hint flnun
clnl uld Iiiih boon oxtiimlml to KftoiMi
now pntluntH tlio jmHt your. A com.
ploto mport or tlm pnHt yi-nr'n work
may bo round nt tlm public library,
ProRon Ktxlorntlan or Wonion's
oluba hnvo adopted tho last Wixlncu
day. of Junnnry nn ScliolnrHblp Loan
Kunil nay, whon ovory club la tho
Htuto In nNkoil to do HomotliliiK to In
cniuKo tbo'fund whloh In IioIiik lonnod
youiiK woiiiou to iirhIhI In thulr uilu
cation. ArriutKomontH nro nlrcndy bo Inn
tnndo by tho nodal cominlttoo of tlio
(lioatiir Mndford club for n vory pret
ty cotillion tlunco Hauler Monday to
hu hold ut Hotel Medford.
Mr, nml Mrn. Louis Mishlur outer
Iniiti'il ut iliimcr Tuosiluy ovoninj?,
Tlm kiichIh wmoi Mikson Fuy I'ltnkoy
nml Nollio Storm, Mix. J. M. Kilgoro
unil Air. N. 1), AtdDowcll.
Tlio.(lroutor MoiUord club will jjlvo
n rocoptlon and enrd party nt tho
llotol Medford, on tho iiftornoon of
January 27.
Noxt Krldny ovonlnit, January 22,
thp ludloa ot tho Cntliollo church will
KlVo a dancliiR party at tho NtUutor-
I.11M Tiux-iliiv rvniliiK Hu' Woiiii'ii
if UiiDili'inl't lirl.l tlii'ir iuHtul)iitinii.
It hciiiK iitblii li'hliillnlldli, llloic n n
ii lnif-tt i-iiiwil in ntlcliiliitii'P. Tin'
fnllowiiiK ollii'iiH writ! iiiKlnllcil U,
liiHlnlliiiK OlfiriT M.H. Si'j-i'iim Out
mini! (luiiiiliuu miulilior, .Mrs. Jon
ni'lt Sufuiitj piiMt iimitinu niililiiir,
.li'iinii' Mi'lliimmi iiilvi-iir, .1. II, Ib'l
llimcr; iiiukIi'Imii, .Mix. Alnrv llcniicttj
i'IitIi, Kuthcrini' Wniti'i liiinld'r, Mur
tin .McDmiioiiuIi; utti'iidmil, Mr-. .1. C.
Ailti'ii; inui'i' unil niiti'i' Hriiliuilf, II.
I), M.-llriilc mul T. II. Hi'llitiKfi '. mil
sii'imi, Miibi'l .loin".; mmuiKi'i't, Mull
Itciini'tt, C. T. Noc mid Kiln Sliimlls.
After iiiNtnlliitiini ii hliott piornm
WilH ii'llill'ieil, Ii illlH illKt l.V .Misses
Nevii SmuuelH mul l.iu'ille roule, mid
ii leudiii); bv .Min.v lli'iunlt; piano
hiilu, I'loieiii'i' (Iiiim'm; lending. Knlli-
I'liiie Wllitr; mii'iiI xolii, .Iciime llil-
liller, A mint ili'lieiiill ljliliIH't wiirt
scrvi'il nfter tlm (HURinm, lln iiiihIh
beinc in I'liiirKi1, wliieli itlwu.Vh uieiiiiH
it tinit lo nil pii'Hi'iil. Fnllowiiip; the
buiiiiiet, ilanciiij.' unil cunN went in-
duli'il in until n lute hunt'. MInh
(lulilie lliiiiieH fiiinistii'il iiry rnlir
Illinium iiiusii- fur tin iIiiihtih. Old
..' i.. i i. mi i ..i ... illll.ll MM", nrir iniiiriti i
llm uiiiusiiiient of nil pieseut.
The ueiv ilipiirliiiout of iliuinutii'
expri'KHioii of Ibe (lieutcr .Meilfonl
club will hold u meititi). ut the librnrv
nt :i;.'ll) .Muutluv ufleiiiooii, iiiiincdi
ulely l'ulliiwiii( llm mri'liiij,' nf tin'
eeiiliomii' depiirtllieiit, Till' t'llill it i'S
IK'i'iully luvorril in luniinr f'"'
lender of till1 ilepiirluient Miieli it gift
ed mul popular woman us .Mrs. denize
WiNini. Mnuv inli'iilin plans fur
llie joiir'n wnik liiuit been su)esti'il
nml the ilepiirtment piumiseN to lie
one of uiiuhiiiiI iuti'icxt ami iiiimh'.
tiiuee. All ylio urn iuti'icsti'il mi'
ii'ipiesti'il to be present nt tin initial
moot hit:.
The Hurrni'ii otnss of the Hnptist
Sunday school entertained the xirU
uf the church iil Wednesdnv evin
Hi);, (liuiies were pluveil until it In'e
hour, when Imht refreshment were
served. About sixty were pieseul
mul nil lunl it very enjoyable time.
TIiiim on the entertainment commit
I io were: I'rimk Stiusun, ehuinumi;
II. ('. (liiruelt, Itohert Medley, Hurl
llntluey mul Klmer Leslie. Tliice on
llir tefiesliiueiit eoiiunittee wete
William Sliiwou, elminnmi; llomer
Oitllup, Kail Dnkiui. A. H. C'uly mid
Lester Wilenx.
Ir. IMelicI jjhvo must iuterestiitp
talk to motlieis in the librnrv Monilny
iifteriinou nn "Ailoleseeip-e." As thi
wns print eil in Tuesdiiy's paper, no
eoininent is neeeriirv. I'niler the
ntisiees of the social hyuieue ilepnit-
iiicnt of the (I renter .MciUnul club,
our ilnetorrt ore ivinc these ml-
drcfcscH lo iiiotliciN in tlm library the
second Mondiiv of each month. Kv
ery one U welcome ami it is n dis
tinct loss to a mother to miss these
nieetinpi. In I'ehiuarv Dr. Dow will
k'ivc a talk on "The Collese Hoy." A
Itirjjo ntteniliinee is desiicd.
A pleasant liirtlulity sinpiisc puilv
was ivn Miss lluth Dmiicls of Apple
hired last Satunlay eieniiifr liy a
number of lior friemls, The cvenins
was Kpcnt in plnyiitK fjnnies and
iniisin, after which dainty lefresh
iiiciiIh wero served. Those pieseul
were: MiscK lluth Daniels, Mitybelle
Daniels, Vera lloundtree, Mary Tin
ker, Mabel floulil, Velum Woods,
Hlaiieliu Muiito; Messrs Ward Van
ileniiitrk, Sidney Hristoe, Cuitis Dar
by, Kortest Williams, Ilivtiin (loml
man, .Ion Dmiicls, Mr. mul Mrs. Dan
iels'. Misses Dora mul Irene Sullivan en
terlaiueil at a ilmieiii party lust
I'Yiihiy oveiiliuj. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Vermin Vawlur, MisseH
Mess Kent nor, Itulli Merrick, Alice
StreelH; Alessrs. LuniKileiif Kish, Foss
mid lluncc.
Mrs, P. V Hielinrilson of Washing
ton, 1). ('., is visitiiiK in tho cily,'cail
eil hero by llm sorioiiK illness of Iter
Kisler, Alts. Alan Uraekinrecd, '
Tlm Ladies' Aid of tlm Presbyter
ian church will hold their meolinjr at
tho church noxt Tuesday afternoon at
'JiIlO o'clook.
Nc.t Tuosiluy eveninj,' I he KIIih
lodj;o will bold lltcir second informal
dunco nml itniil parly at llm new
'Mr. nml Mrs. 0. M. Speck roturnod
TueBilay from Spoknno whoro thoy
havo boon Ylultlng for Bovoral wooHs.
Mrfl. It. 0. Mlnour left Tucadny,
mornliiB for Pprtlnml to vUlt lior
diuiBhtor, Mrs, 0. M. Anderson.
Dr, llonry Hart and family ro
turnod a fow ilayu ago from a vlalt
.Mrs, IIhl-Ii Dllloit citli'iliiiucil it
doen of her fiieuds on (lie ulteiiioon
of .liiniinry tl at her co- nml well
appointed home on Noitli Itlvirside
iitcniie. The time mis di-lilit fully
spent in doiii fancy it oik ami in
sprightly conieisalioii, interiuinlcil
with incidents ,,f l(. Clin-iinii'.liilc
jus) piisscd. Mrs. Kllin 1 is u cli.uin
ittfX ImwIch nml llm Iioiiis sped so
rapidly Hint eie Hie jiiics weie
n win e o it niy lit fall bad nlnnoi in
I it id. A hoil lime bclnic the hiichU
jWi'ie lo depuil they weie iiifoinieil
llie luipijy neenion wns the niinivi'i's.
jury nl .Mis. Llliotl's biitluluy, mul
I she luitl ehohcu this inncl ttuv of
'eclebintiiiK it, miieli lo the surptise
iniid tileiiHuie of lbo-c piesiut. The
dceorulioiis weie lirils. potted pluulx,
mid Mi". Dllioll, itssisleil bv Mr-,
t'hailes t'oiikliu, serwd delicious ie
licsliiiii'ii of a siilml colli se, follott.
cil by ilt'Kitiil en Ice mid coflce, after
which the 'iicsts took luiiM', tvishiii
the IiosIi'sh tunny linppy ictuniH of
the rluy.
Mm. I'. L. lli'tiMiu of Cenlrnl Point
rond ntcrtiilucd with a blrtlulny par
ly n honor or her little xou Itaphnel
It bcliiR his fifth birthday itmilverHiny
Thote who enjoyed Mm, llemton's,
hoiipltnllty were Ktbel Cascliolt,
KHtber .Mnmlutll, I. more Moore, Kred-
die nml Kenneth Hpenccr anil Lester
MiTrlmnn, Mm. CahIioU, Mm. Mnr
Hhnll, Mrs. Hienrcr, Mm. I A. Merrl
mnii nnd Mrs. Victor Hiimoll.
(Iiiinei nud merriment wero In
ilulRed In after which dcllKblfiil n
fresliun nlii wer. served nml nil voted
the IiohIcjih ii io)itl entertainer.
Mm, OforRit T, C'olllmt cntortnlned
tin Lo Hntii'dl Club at her home, on
Tenth stro.'t uh( nSturdny nfternoon.
Mm. W. M, Vnimcoyoc nnd Mm. Ilert
Amlumou fenored tlm Rticittn with do
IlKbtful vocal BclectloiiH. nftcr which
n Utillcloti lunch wni nerved by Mrs.
Collins. Thniio present were: Mm.
O. C Vniiscoyoc, Mm. O. C. Horkh,
Mrs. Ilert Amlerion, Mm. Wm. Stew
urt, Mm. WlUon, Mm. T. 0. Vck,
Arm. .Storkmnn. Mrn. It. It. i:iiel, Mm.
IMwunl Soulier, Mm. W. M. Vnn
itcoyoc. A iuot enjoyable time was hud at
the Knumlcrs' dance civeu in the
smiill hull of the Naliitorium l'liday
I'Veiiini;. The hull wits beautifully
ileeorntcd in overjjrecns mul Hie hisli
school colors. Fort v couples weio
present, including n number of h'ruh
school students flout Aslilnnd. The
patrons were: Mr. nud Airs. Mellriile,
Air. ami Mrs. Williamson, Mr. ami
Airs, l'erl.
Lnt Satunlay cvcnliiR Leon Law
ton cntortnlned nt bis homo on Hart
lett utreet with n three r 0111x1 din
ner In "ttoiuir of Italp Unicom, who
loft Sundny to renuine bin Hludles nt
llerkelcy t'nlvemlty. TIioro jireH
ent were: Itnipb Unicom, Nolo Dud
ley, Itobort Dudley, Uermird Rob
erts, llrynn I'lerco and Leon Lawton.
. .
A Shnkcspcaro Htudy class was or
Kuulied last Monday cvoiiIiik at the
Ibrnry. TroL It. V. Mulkey wus elect-
ed lender unit Prof. A. J, llnnby pies
klont, Mm. S. It. (iruliam secretary
ami MIrh LUxlit KcrRtisou treasurer.
The inccllnRH will be hold on Mon
day evenliiR or each week.
. Tho Missionary Society or tho Pres
byterian church met at tho homo or
Mm. II. C. HehlliiR Inst Tuesday aft
ernoon. Tho subject was China and
Mrs. F. S. Carpenter read a very In-
tertistliiR paper on this subject.
Tho I'luent-Tcnchera itsnoclntlon of
tho Itoosovelt school will hold their
rec.ular meetlnR nt the school build
Iiir next Friday afternoon.
' Miss Killtli MarRhnll roturnod to
lior honio In Unllfornln this week aft
er hovoiuI days spent In vtsltlnt; toln
tiWn of this city.
, The Nullo lirldRo Club was enter
tained at the homo or Mni, W. 1,
Vaw'tor on West Main street Thurs
day afternoon,
A. K, Detwllor 11ml datiRhlor Miss
Until, nt Los Angeles, arc vIkIHur In
tho city as tho guests of Mr. ami Mrs,
Uort Anderson.
Tho ladles of tho Methodist church
will Helve tho merchants Immiuet
Monday ovenliiK In tho church.
Mrs. K. F. Schmidt entertained tlio
Wednesday HrldRO Club at bor homo,
t8 North Ornngo street.
Tho Wednesday Study cluh will
meet at tho public, library next
Vodnosdny .afternoon.
, 1
Mm. h. h, KvatiH loft this wook for
(Icni'Kf W. 1'riildv mul Mies .Minnie
!.' liiMi'llH) fi'imerlv of Medfuiil, now
of Cnlifoniiu, weie married Mondav,
.liiiiunry II, nl Jacksonville by ('null
ly .Jiule Ton Vellc. After 11 brief
wcdiliiu,' Dip to Aflilmnl llie couple
ii'tiniied in iuiil.1' tlieir home on N'oitb
Orunjte slreet. Mr. Fcidily is 11 pio
neer I'Oiilrat'lor mul luick nuiiiiifu'1-
liner, tin Viiifr built moxt of Aledford'a
busiuesi blocks, ceiiiiuj: here 111 Hill.:,.
Hiilee wlii'ii lie bus npeinti'il 11 lrIelc- '
yiml. in iitMiiion to bis bmuliiiL' ac
ini wtt. De In also the owner n' 11
'fin in in (liil fin neck. The bride
! ciiinr lb Aledford two icitrs u;;o mid
feotiiliietfd Imii dressinu' luirlors in the
J.M. F. & 1L buiiilitia until lust Kovem
ilier, kiiii'p wlc 11 she lins Msitcd
t friend in Californiii. Both bride and
1 Uioiim me widely known mul popular
lthroiiKlionl Hie nllev mul ere recen-
in:; the congratulation of a host of
ccccccVcccccccaccHccflclcccccccccccccccccccccccccK tS '
cccacBcccccacccHcccccS HBfc'.TlB I
BNalBBr WBBBwBMgf' mUk WcHcacam'
HHBHr hbESbIbbbIwbbbbIHbbbHi
cfBaBaflaflaflaflaflaflafl1t W I tBacBBacBnBBBacBC?flBacBV1BBKBBBWcBacBBHBaBHBlBBaflB
; .bIbbV t:m i .mmjMammi
bIbbbK: f 1 bbbbbIbHbI
I To the Kiliter:
Some of our fnnnert snv thov enn't
prow sugar beets; don't know how
nud not willing to learn how. I be
lieve there are boys in our publit)
iscliooU who can prow sugar ljccH.
I mnke thu follnwiiur offer! To tlio
five boys who are attending our
Aledford schools mid who mnko fimt
application, 1 will give a cash prize
of ,f."i to the liny who grows the Iiest
crop of sugar beets on a given nitni-
TIlC MnfcB of the V '$ f SflBBlBBlBBBTflBBlBBBBBlBBBl "Cr length.
Meilfonl high school cave a four-' ilonnto tho use of tlm ground on
course luncheon In themselves Inst, - - - i which the beets nre to be grown nnd
Tucsdav noon. The iiU surmised derinllclt ot,oid on account of articles pnlng tribute to the hunt- will jilow mid liarrotv the grouiiil. Af
.Miss Welch by uning Iit 11 miscel- lm ntorin. lnR dog, n stirring account of a.ler that is done the contcstnnlH must
laneous shower. Mvrle Davis being! Ileatrlro McK'ee hns returned to 1 hunt In the Sierra Madro of Mexico; lo llie rcmnimlcr of the work nml
the instigator. Those taking cooking jchool after spending tho ChrUtmns .nn article on Tho tiestlon of Halts, ' furnish the seed. The contestants can
me Loiemi Strut ton, Lcuoie Wulker, .iiolldnyn at her homo In Horiio Illvcr. tnhleh every flflherman should ponder
llitrel Antic, Vera Deane. Coin Linds- Clmster Kubll rode to Faotscreok
ley, Lenorc Wnolf, Alvrtle .Meadows, j Monday on byslneim returning Tucs
Anuie Ilolley, Wiltnii Harrison, Mnr day.
ion Palmer, Doiothe Stewart Mvrle Harry Luy of Jacksonville visited j
Dais. Kdiia Alanpiis, Hose HtilloeU , v. II. McDnnlcl Sunday.
ami Until Hulloek. Miss Welch will
leave nbniit the lirl or IVbriiaiv for
Hie ool.
A florin pased tbroiiRh tho valley
Wednesday evonlnK tho. wind blow
ing don u kcveral telephone poles and
Mm. J. F. has returned rroin A1lI(,Rnll. ,va victorious In the itc
u visit with friends In Spokane. ( flU, cIi Jnniwry otJli )(.lwc;n Miss
Wnsh. 'iiiirt t'lai nml this nlacc. tlm decl-
..., . ,.
bTe Hno-up
llev fSIocpner ot (Jrants Pass was
a visitor ot this nchool Tuesday, lie
gave, a very Interesting tulk on tnt
Pblllpplno Islnuds.
A dance will l. Riven at llm
clullst hnll Huturilti). Jnnuary J.
Kverybody Invited.
ClcorRo Miller or Meilfonl visited
nt the Iioniu or (JeiirRo Ilerrlott last
Tom Herrlott ilrovo to (Jrnnts
Pass Inst Sundny to get the new Wnt
orbury hentlng system, which was or
derer by the school honrd Just before
the holidays. It will bo Installed
Friday and Saturday also new black
Tin) community Is to bo coiiRratti
Inted on making these much neede.:
Improvements. - t
Jinks WnolrldRfl drove from Med
rord and was caught In tho storm so
stayed nil night nt tho Kubll homo.
Itcturnlng to Missouri Flat Thursday.
Uladys Hoso wob in Medtord ono
ilny Inst week nnd wns n visitor or
Mr. nml Mrs. Jnmea Itoblson, tho Kco
enr ngent man.
Tlm regulnr meeting or tho Parent-Teachers
nimoclntlon which wns
to bo held Wednesday evening wns In-
slou boInR unanimous.
was as follows; Afrirmatlve, Otcnr
Knox, Fred Vincent and Zerne Kubll.
The ncRatlvo wns L. M. Houchor,
fJeorge Herrlott nud W. O. Wheeler.
John Pernoll acted ns chairman. The
Judge wero Klehard Hock. Hen
Iloyd nud Mr. Prince. About lf.O
persons went prebeni.
A Fine Mid-Winter Issue
The Jnnuary Sports Afield comes
well up to the IiIrIi stamlard this
magazine has maintained for 30
years. It presents three more stir
ring -chapters or Sunset Camps and
Trulls, In one or which Is staged a
band-aud-claw tlRht between Mr. El
liott and n wounded mountain lion.
The boy Sullivan nlso distinguished
hlmseir by killing a hnlf-dozcn wild
turkeys ut long rouge with his small
calibre repeater. Dustln White has
nn nrtlclo on Snowsboe Strolls, with
the aroma of tho snow-covered plno
woods In every line. S. W names
bus a human interest story, Tho Pearl
or Independence, which will delight
the heart of every man, woman and
child who reads It. Tho Last Swan
Hunt gives us u graphic account ot
shooting theso big blnls down on tho
Salton Sea, in California. Thero aro
well; and a capital account of shark
fishing In Florida waters. Tho de
partment Around the Camp-fire is
unusually Interesting, and there are
also many breezy, chatty articles upon
various phases of sport tnat will ap
peal '.o all classes of outdoor pcoplo
and nature lovers. Your newsdealer
can nujipiy you. 11 1101, iionii 1.1 i
centB to Sports Afield. 512 So. Dear
horn St., Chicago, Ills.
Whereas, our Heavenly Father In
his Infinite wisdom, has seen fit to
remove from our midst our beloved
sister and co-worker, Susla A. Cope
Whereas, the vole- that is hushed
and the bund that is stilted have been
have nil the boetn thev grow and nell
the beets ami linvn all the proeceili
for their own use. The eonlexinntrt
must bo hoys 12 yenrx old nml not
over 1JJ years old.
A crop of barley woh grown on tho
land Inst year which I propose to
furnish for the beets, nml was plow
ed last fall. 1 will plow (ho ground
again free of charge and put it 111 the
best of condition.
This offer in void unless the beet
ngnr factory is erected in llm
Iloguo River valley. The ground on
which the beets nro to bo grown is
near enoueji (own so Hint the work
will not interfere with thc:-r school
work. L. H. WAHXKIL
witn Mw'forn tmo
is Mnrori1 mnrtn
mil iliu liuiiu mat in nuiiru U4.u irvuu T ,
n the past always ready to aid and ' I TO REMOVE DANDRUFF J
... 1.. .1... !.,. . r I .. - ill lilt; u.'iii:riii'iL ui iiuuiuiilljr
at largo and the uplifting and up
building of our community; therefore
bo It
ftesolvcd, that In the passing of
Miss Cope the Presbyterian Ladles'
Aid society of Phoenix and the en
tire community, have lost a valuable
worker whose absence wilt always bo
felt and whose words of wisdom and
good cheer will be missed; and
Resolved, that tho Ladles' Aid ot
Phoonlx hereby extends to tho be
reaved families its heartrelt sym
nathy in this sad heur: and bo it
Ilcsolved, that a copy of" these
resolutions be cent to the families,!
that they bo spread- on tho minutes
tn full and a ropy sent to tho Mall (
Tribune for publication. 2551
Get a 2,'i-ccnt bottle of Dandcrlno
at any drug store, pour a little Into
your hand and rub well Into tho scalp
with tho ringer tips. D' morning
most, It not all, of this awful scurf
will havo disappeared. Two or thrco
applications will destroy every bit of
dandruff; stop scalp itching nnd fall
ing hair.
Electric light nnd electric heat,
Electric range Reed things to cat.
You turn the switch, the light is on,
Another turn; the lights are gone.
II i.
II i
The electric range has made a hit,
AVith the. "old man" (no wood to split).
His wife is always happy now
No more wot wood to make a row.
lint, best of all, his wife will say,
Is good hot water, night and day,
Kept boiling with an electric heater,
'Simplex" the name there's nothing neater.
(It surely is soma water heater).
"Using about two kilowatts,
It keeps tho water piping hot.
OT many wonders, theso aro only a few
That C 0. P. Electric Service will do,
And so each week in this space you'll sco
A plain, friendly talk from tho compauy.
J 1
Phone 108
919 -- J
California-Oregon Power Company
21G West Main Strcot
v 1 mm, n mn m i,jy
in m
lit' Lou AiiBeloa,
a visit to lior old Uomo In I'lttubur