Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
jtfjwi r
I'h If tonight nml tomorrow
.Mux. fit Mln. ill.
ftirlyfnurlli Yr,
ti(lv Nlnlli Vmir
NO. LJ55
Relief Work Uniler Way Under Army
Control Horrililc Situation De
scribed jy Amsrlcnn Attache
What Once Wrrc Streets Now
Fields of Dclirls.
IIOMF.. Jan. Id. Hectic mid relief
Willi; i lil'lllg lll-lll'il Willi fcifliftll
huttf ill tin1 tn t fliritittt stricken ili-
Ilil'lH llf Itlll.N. TlllllflllllU Itf UnlllicM
hit dinning imiI unit lniriiiK Hh vii
lini mill I'lirinif Tor the Mini vol ,
Tin- iiOH.l nf tin latter, of hIimiii
there ni( tlmiiMHiiiU hmiii tliotimiiU,
llUlHC-lea Hllil tt rnll MMIIjil('. in
unjciil, mill the people, from the kinjr
down. Hn iliiiiiit nil poMihlc to nllcv
iu'i limit-condition. Tlic cold I'lillier,
hIim-Ii coutinue, mliU to I lie Iambic
itf fct-in, Hint tfiiHii-Hi' Iniildliiic uf
vmiihI nri- being erected hn not n
pOblo til lllllC till llllllll'll'Xi.
Demi (inly IMIioitcil
Tin' lit of ilrtnl cm 1 1 Mill onlv In
-liiiitih'il, lull fimii wind i known it
i. believed iIihI Mt Iwmt 'Jo.nfio per
hiiiin perished nml tlint twice llml
iiiiiiiliiir weie injured,
More injiiicd lire lieiiuc lirouulil to
tlic So n In Mm la hospital, which i
clone In till' VUticittl. TIlO pope tmliiv
again iiti'il llin patient.
King Victor P.iiiinniiucl ami the
iiuitii mother, Mnrji'iilo, iiihiIi' tln
ItllllllU Of 1 1 II llOMpitllU ill HlllllP VCs.
(IiImV, iklllllK till' illjlllcd, of whom
iiiiiiifmi'rt n m uniting hoiirlv.
Tin- Aiiierimn umhiiwtudor Thwart
Ni'l-iin Pane, will the cnilliiiink
(lilrli,l IoiIhv or tomnriow. The mn
bimmulor Iimm nuri'inl with the Piince
('nlniiiiu tlint tlii lii't wiiv for Ameri
can to participate in the lelief of I lie
ii'lini l to iln o iu privnlu iudi
iduaU. Colonel Gnome ,M. Dunn, milltorv
iltlnelie of I In American ciiiIihasV, re.
tinned Inst night from Amuwhiii.
Speaking of what lie Inul keen, lie
llonltilc Situation
"I never dreamed of such a hor
rible MJtitatinit. Tim whole (own i
rnineil, as rv house .is down ami
only tinea utilities icuuiiu inlael.
CliiiH'liei, palace ami dwellings have
eriinilileil to ilia ground. What niica
wrto sired ma now full of debris
to Ilia height of i or M'M'ii feet.
"Within a hhoit lime tha wotk of
icheiie will ha Useless, mm nil those
huiied uniler tha rniiiN will ha (lead.
Tha entire population i clingiiishcd,
tha people cither being dead or
woiiudneil in hokpitalh.
(Coiili.iued on I'iijjo '2.)
LONDON', Jnti. 10, d.r. . in.
Tha cntnuiec! of Tnrl.i-li troops into
tha l'eihlan city of Tnhri. xeveinl
iIm.vh iiho wok eiitilelv iinoiios(d liy
tha 1'aiHJium mid tool; tlaea in ne
aord with )Iiiiih pravloimly lurnnM'd
liclweeii (ha Ainnriuaii consul, (Ionian
I'addook, who co-operalcd with the
deputy noveruor and tha t'ouiiiuuiilvr
of tha Turkish forcaH.
All tha KtiKNlmm in Tnliiiz, inultuU
inif tha iMiiiiil, Inul pravlausly with:
drawn from tha city iu order to avoid
a conflict,
Only 000 Turkish soldiurrt inarched
into Ilia l'orriiuii city, tho Kurds,
iiutiilierin Hoina LTi.tlOO men, having
hceu left at miiiiu ilihtiuii'o outhida tliu
An official telegram from Ilia Te
liarau mvariiiuenl coiivcyiiiK Ilia fare.
Kiiii inforuiAtiau whn received iu
London today. Thi) iih-jshho addn
that Pefaiu wiih uvither prepared nor
Hilling to oppia eilher bide in tliin
eoiil'licl, hul Ihal hlio would renuiiu
bliietly neutral.
Countless Small Towns Report Fa
talltlcs Rescue Work Processes
Feverishly Trninlonds nf Injured
Arrive at Rome Horror of Flood
and Famine In Stricken RcnTon.
ItO.Mt), .Ian. III. amine mid in
teiixe cold arc adduiK In the Miffer
itiie ol the eiiillMiinike vielimn and
klowlv incrcitkiiiK the Iiiihc death roll.
j I'ood thetc U iu plenty, hut it trmi
Mirtatiou to niMiiy of the town nf'
fectcd im all lull iiiipii--ihle hermiNc o
olmlnictcd rimttn.
Ilcene wntk i u"i"K ahctid fever
i"lily, for cc hour of dalnv tiiemik
ilcttlh li.v ktnrvaliou or e.vlmuktinn for
hiiiied victimx. From town after
town conic icpiirU of excHVntimi llml
WHi) loo late to have livec.
Sunt II 'I'iomih lelro)iil
Atli'iilma itnnlnwllv i IiiiiiIiik from
Am'HIUi. tha ectiter of the ili-llllli-ancf,
mid the iealet uffarer, to
"laallcr tnva here all almot iUnI
lerceutnf(e of the population wim ile
tiayeil. Iu onlv one eauc o fur
tlint of Slim- do late icpoitx klmw
tlint the effect of the cHilh(tiukc
were c iliHlrnii than had keen
fcurid. Only .'100 oT SoraV 17,0illl
poiotik iippanr to have tieen killed.
While trniuloHilH .of injured con
tonne to arrive iu Home, additional
ilitaiU of the horror coma in, all
tinditiK to confirm earlier ctiinnle
if the IreiiieiidoiiM o- of life. Itc
porlx Indieale that, nevl to Ave-mio,
the totim that kiiffered inot ale I'c
eina. with l.'OO vietiuik; I'ateino, with
1(101) dead, and Saincliuo. with 000
of il population of 11100 killed. All
nic uvnr Avc.xauo.
Ilonoi' of I'lood
The honor of poskihle flood added
to famine mid iiH'erin' froms cold
e.viktk in the iieiKhhorliood of the l'"n
eiiio canal, which lin heaii dainmed
liy n landkliile at .Monte Cm vino-ltn-ella.
Soldierk mid eixiliium a re
workiiiK desperately to clvar the
canal. i
TIioiikIi it kccuw ilefinitelv atah
liohed that the prewcnl cnrllupiake
will not rival tlint of .McGinn in 1008
iu tha iiumhar of dead, the percentage
of ciiMimllicri iu proportion to tlic
population affected appears to he
much higher, due, it m'ciii, to the
dry construct inn of huihliiiKM tlint
wuh almost uiiiveral throughout the
Inckeii d!-triet.
The iihMner of fonuKiier! iu tlie
diklriet now devaktated is anoiher
point of diffcrenci) liclweeii tliix
ouake mid the la-l. N'ol onlt were
the Auiuricmi eoiihiil mid hitt wife
killed at Mahsina, hut u lonr list of
tourists from tha Cuitcd Slates were
lep'oiled uiixsinc, in addition to trav
elers from other countries. Xo one
not an Ituliau has as vet keen icport-
ed as injured or missing iu the tires,
cut disaster.
(Contlnuod on pneo two, 7
l'OUTLANI), Oro., Jan. 1C Cap
tain liuoi'K A. Whlto, who yoatordny
wax iiiiolate(l mljutnnt Konerul of
tho OreKon mlllt tu to Hiicceed Adju
tant (Innvrul V. K. I'Miuor, nunounceil
today that ha lutendod to proreoil at
nu early dato to have, tha National
(lunrd relluved from uervlco In locnl
dlHturlianeim liy creatine a hIiUo con-
stnliulary. All Intvrnnl dlnordora will
bn handled liy tho latter.
"Tho KieatcHt function of the
National flunrd," mild Citntnln White,
Ih to nronaro for tho noBHllilllty of
Horvlro tu Hiipport of tho United
Ktntep army. Tho citizen Foldleiy
uumt not ho railed upon to perform
police duly within tho ntntu,"
ks. ' '-?V i
Tiwiiiitiiiiii"'- - -
.aa ti mm VKms tl -
WASHINGTON, Jan. lt).--Secre-lary
llryauV warning to the conMitu.
tioualiots to refmin from iuterfureueu
with Ilia oil-producing plant near
Tmupico, ,Me. caused n fluttur in
tho local Mexican agencies.
At Cnrraun headipiartei-s it was
eoutended that the foreign oil pro
ducers iu the Tmupico district had in
volxcd thiinwehes iu trouble hecniise
ahoiit two mouths ago they had with
lield the taxes on productions they
had been paying to the Carrnnxa gov
ernment in the belief that Villa would
soon be iu possession of the plnoo.
KnriiUo C. Llorenta, head of the
Villa agency, said he was authorized
to slate that the (lutierre. govern
ment would respect all concession
granted by nil previous constitutional
governments in Mexico and would io-
store anv properties confiscated.
The oil situatiau was discussed by
icpre-eatatives of Oeneral fnminrn
with Secretary Mryan and tho llrit
ish ambassador.
While the state department has no
official notice that the Mexico City
convention jius determined to keep
(teuerat llutierroz in office until He
ccitilay .'H, one dlspntch decribed a
plan proposed by .apata delegate
for that purpose, hut which would
hold flutierrez mid nil his nets com
pletely under the orders of the con
vention. The official dispatches are
all three. du old.
BA.V MUnO, Cat.. Jan. 10.
.Mndnmo Krnustluo Schumami-Ilolnk,
the dlugor, tu nt her homo today in
(IroBHiiioiiLtiicnr Hun DIcko, to ro
miiln, Hhe wiyn, at least a year. Her
tour for this nensou wua cnneulled
owIiik to n threatened attack of
paeumoiilu. Mailaiao Schumann-
llnlnlt nrrlveit liiHt nlulil from ('111-
eago, nud Is rcKiilnlut; her lienltli. I
iflilf ' .
6,wv.'Wmmm yr a w.yniK vt i . -s f WMmvAt . .
r.. jiu iv ii iii-mrmm ""ti' ijj ov--.c . m-s'-VMjsias r.
rl Still " Wli
AVi:Z.ANO, ia Rome, Jan. 10,
'J. "'JO a. in.- Official reports regarding
tliu extent of the cartlupiako disaster
now arc being received by the author
ities. They concern towns and vil
lages iu the district in which Ave.
znno is located mid thus far arc us
t'atcrno, completely destroyed, ex
cept one houc; 1000 dead out of
."Will inhabitants
San 1'eliuo, ulmo-t totally destroy
ed; 0011 dead out of 1000 inhabitants.
Scureoln, destroyed;, number of
victims not yet a-uurtaiued.
Villalngo, twenty-five dead mid
twenty wounded.
Kajaiio, four dead.
1'nitturo, neur Seaiino, 200 dead,
00 injured.
l'opoli, five dead, ten injured,
1'ontimii, four dead, eleven injured.
llarrea, nine dead, twenty injured.
Villeta-ltarrea, three dead.
The Duke of tliu Abruzri arrived
heic last night and iupcctcd the
work of le-cue. Ho visited every
spot and gac such aid mid advice as
he could.
KOMI', Jan. Iti. Word was receiv
ed at the atuau today from Vienna
that I'.niperor Francis Joseph bail re
ceived Monsiguor Seapiuelli, papal
nuncio at Vienna, and had been in
formed of the new plan of Cope Hen
edict, mnplifying his proposal for the
exchange of wounded prisoners of
war. Pope Henediet now becks to
lime included iu Hie arrangement
proiv sinus for the exeliunge of certain
classes of civilians, including women,
children, men physically unfit for
military service and aged persons.
The cinpeior promised to give con
sideration to the proposal, He added
that there alieady existed an under
standing, although of somewhat lim
ited scope, for tliu exchange of civil
ians between Austriu, Franco and
x r. nm.
IlKKUN. Jan. 10, by wireless to
I.ondan, 3 p. in. After several dnys
of violent encounters, tho flghtlns
near Solssons bag virtual)' ceased.
Nowhore clso along tho western bat
tlellno is there marked activity. Smalt
Huccosses havo been won by the Gcr
niaiiB in the Argonno and north of
Verdun. Thts is set forth In tho of
ficial German communication issued
here today.
I'AIIIS. Jan. 1C. Tho Kreonch
official Mntcment given out In I'arla
this afternoon makes no specific ref
orenco to tho recent heny fighting
north of Solssons. Most of tho ac
tivity of yesterday seems to havo been
on tho part of tho artillery and In
tliis the French claim success. There
woro infantry engagements near
Notro Dnmo do Lorette. near Flirey,
and nt a point iu tho Vosges.
LONDON, Jan. Iti. Tho official
announcement given out In Berlin
yesterday, relating tho eapturo of
TiJOO French troop nt Solssons and
paying further that from 4000 to
5000 French dead were found after
tho battlo concludes with tho unus
usual assertion "this U tho truth,"
A wireless dispatch from Paris,
copied in London, Categorically de
nies these German figures. It says
that French troops engaged In tho
Solssons battle were less than three
brigades, and Hint consequently the
German figures cannot bo correct.
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 1C, via Lon
don, 2:510 p. m.-Tlie correspondent
at Ostond of tho TIJd says tho Ger
mans hnvo evacuated all tho coast
towns and villages ns far north as
Marlakerke, which is north of Nleu
port. Wostomlo ntul Mlddelkorke, and
three miles southwest of Ostond.
These towns, however, havo not as
yet been occupied by tho nllles,
German Success at Solssons Followed
by Period of Calm Little Ground
Gained Upon Either Front Rus
sian Offensive Dcclor!rv;. in East
Prussia Expect German Invasion.
LONDON. Jan. IC. 1:0.. p. m. Out
of tho state of virtual doadlock.
which for weaks has oxlited In the
cast and west there hove sprung dur
liig the last few days military events
of more Importance then followers of
the war cxpocted nt this time. They
are, briefly: The Itusslan offensive
toward new points on the frontiers of
Mast I'ruscin and I'esen: the fighting
at Solno:i; the expected Turkish ad
vance on Kgvpt and the plans for a
renewed attack on Servla by com
bined AtiRlro-German forces,
('alii Utile (.loiind
To tho west of Warsaw largo Ger
man forces are still concentrated
but they arc gaining little ground and
it Is thought likely that tho fighting
which might develop on account of
the new Itusnlan movement might
overshadow the fighting for the Pol
ish capital. It is even raid that
Field .Marshal Von lllndcnburg held
in check along the lUnra and Hawka
rivers is about to Initiate a fresh
movement of German troops either
from Thorn or from Kast Prussia
and that the Huwslcn advance toward
tho German frontier is Intended to
forcctall this attempt.
The Hrltlsh prs. with unusual
candor, concedes that tho Germans
were victors In the recent fighting
near Solssons.
Ilottlo Fury Spent
The fury of the buttle along the
Aistie has spent it -elf mid the Her
mans for the present nt least arc
making no effort to extend the gains
thev won over the French. Further
(Senium successes are reported in to
day'- olticial xtiiteiuent from the
Rerlin war ofticc. but they tire of
minor importance.
Toward the northern end of the
line south of the Ls. the Germans
reoeeupied trenches previously eun
t u red by the allies, a is admitted in
the French statement, and in the Ar-
goiiue small engagements are said to
have resulted to their advantage.
The French assert that they won
definite advantages in urtille- fight
ing and compelled tho Germans to
evacuate trenches near Clcmery.
Uncertain In Hast
Seldom since the beginning of the
campaign iu the east has the militarv
situation been so uncertain as at the
present. Several independent move
ments, each with the possibility of
vital eoiisetptenecs, are in progress
simultaneously. The latest phase of
(Contlnuea on pais I.)
CHICAGO, Jan. Iti. Wheat
droppod five cents In tho first 15
mlnutos of today's session on tho
board of trado. on reports that a
congressional movement was on foot
to prohibit exports. May wheat
which closed nt sold down to
For a brief time trading ussumed
an almost panicky aspect. A storm
of stop loss orders from Ill-protected
bulls came on tho market and ton nil
the pit temporarily without buyers.
At tho xtroino decline, several of
tho larger houses began to purchnso
on a liberal scale. Tho result was
a uulclc rally, but only to about half
tho extont of tho break. When com
parative calm had been restored tho
May option waa steadying around
Prohibition Argument Occupies At
tention of Upper House Rircd At
tached to Make District of Colum
bia Dry-Wilson and Bryan Both
Cited Valuable Time Wasted.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Despite
the pleas or leaders to cease discus
sion and turn to work on appropria
tion bills, tlic senate devoted its ses
sion today to a prohibition debate
bused on the proposal to suspend tln
senate rules to attach n "dry" rider
to the District of Columbia appropri
ation bill. Senators on both hides
took part in the debate, which ranged
from legislative technicalities to tho
merits of alcoholic drinks nud tho
value of prohibition.
Itryau and Wilson Cited
Senator James put into the record
n ropy of President Wilson's letter to
Rev. W. T. D. Shannon of New Jer
sey, favoring- local option, but oppos
ing the making of a political issue out
of the question.
Senntor Kenyon Mibrcittcd an edi
torial by Secretary llrynn, which hn
snid put tho democratic pnrty in fa
vor of prohibition.
To seek some means of relieving
the legislative jam iu the senate, the
democrats of that body will havo u
caucus lato todny.
Suggestion lias been made .that nil
legislation except the appropriation
and ship hills be abandoned and that
two weeks be set aside immediately
for consideration of tho latter.
Wasting Voidable Time
On Hip senate floor during" debatu
Senator Thomas took his democratic
colleagues to task for wasting; 'valu
able time.
"Forty-threo days of this sciou
are behind us and forty-six remain,"
said lie. "Fourteen appropriation
bills are to be passed. Wo havo
passed one. And,' what is mem, 7"
per cent of the lime Iiiih been con
sumed on this side of this chamber,
where responsibility for legislation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. -Inform-ally
reporting tho $148,000,000 naval
bill to tho bouse today, tho naval
committee said that while iu the
Kuropean war "the submarine has
been effective iu harbor and coast
defense, it has not been nblo to con
trol the sen as tho superior battleship
fleet has done, causing; nu enemy with
an inferior battleship fleet to suffer
great loss of merchant ships, block
ading; its ports nnd driving its com
merce off the sens."
The committee reported tlint there,
fore tho two battleship program had
not been changed. 11 added that "tho
effectiveness of tho submarine in tho
Kuropean war demonstrated it to bo
a naval weapon of great value," and
that the "air&hip for scouting; pur
poses, likewise, has demonstrated its
The bill probably will bo reached
for debate about February 1!L It
carries an increaso of $8,102,000 iu
the building program over what tlio
navy department recommends! Tho
committee commended Secretary
Daniels for economies, strongly in
dorsed the proposed now offjeo of
chief of operations and urged Hit)
provision for creating ft naVnl re
set ve which would provide 25,000
trained men within it few years.
"The organization of h naval re
servo is necessary to (he dcpiHt
dofenho of iu country," pl tho
' i
,v.t ,
f ' Jj