Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight Mat. 7; MIh.
Forty-fourth Yr.
ltniiv.Ninili Yfnr
LIST IS 20,000
Thousands of Victims Still Durlcd
Allvo In Wrcckanc of Homes
Avizznno Dcnd Estimated 10,000;
Sorn, 1000 In Sixty Other Towns
. G00O Killed List Fatalities Grows.
LONDON, .Inn. 1.1. Tint ('hrou
lido' Home ciiricspoinloiil osliiunle
Hid ttilnl liilkil mill injiiii'il in Hie
1 1 tt tilt ii inilliiiialiu lit between 1111,01111
llllll 11111,111111.
A t'ontinl News diNpiiMi froiii
Home tHitliiiiili'H Hit) number lit' i -limn
nl 'JO.IHHI, tfmlilhtileil a follows-
Avoraiio, 111,01111; Soni, 1001), mid
oUcwiictc, IIOlM).
KOMI", .Inn, I.V 'niilniill
shifting cfttllllllll', llllnlill lilt Icpoll-
IIihI colli hinc Id (tickle in now phft
Hie death lull I'kmii WciIiickiIiivV
iMiilhtUiiko nl '20,(100 mill tlic injiiieil
Nt a number in occn of !l,',OOII.
IIiiiiiIu'iIn, polblv thousand, u
victim (till urc buried nlivc in the
wiockMnc of HiHir homo, while ios
enow from everv wnlk of life strug
gle (tiMitntctv to dig llicin out, Ivlllff
Victor Kiiiiutfiiucl, who retained to
Home fniin Awzxiiuu hut uiitht, pcr
niiiilly mtpoi-iutcndeil the release of
H niiiulier of ii'li upfni tunnies.
The king icaclicit the cmntitl in hi
inivitlii enr, to which were itltnchcil
three conrhen himiinrc foilv injmeil,
Thoo, like the other huiulieils h"
m slowly rein bin Koine, were ill
liiliiiteil nlioiit the hospital, tegular
ami cMiiiniihuitry, in the ell.
I'ohi Off it Iliopllnl
Pope llciicilict IhiN morning offeieil
In the nniMir of Home the ne of the
hospital of .Sjiatu Jluitn. The offer
WM0 accepted. ,
The irineiial he of life ami proh.
ality the chief ptnpcrty ilniiingo ap
pmirs to have hcen in Avcxiitm anil
Horn, fifteen miles away. Moth of
lliHit muuicipulilio wciu dofctinyYd
ami (heir population,, virtually wiped
I.ntiwt rcpoil place (he ninalier of
lunil in at 10,0(10 ami in
Sum alNl(MMI. In at leuM M other
towiiH nunc than (1000 hue hcen kill
ml. I''inin these towns comic the nut
jaiilv of tin liijuifd, In AM'rano
ami Soni ahao-t everyone was l.illcil,
Clly orriiiult I'crMt
l.uto adWeos nay Hint ntiont .100
IidiIIim have boon i editored ami
liiimlrcilH ot Injnrcil linvo liucn tartcn
Irani the rnliiM. Nearly all I ho civil
offlrlalH of Avowant), Including Hio
major, lout their liven.
Hliniliii' conditions oxlat In thu
towns anil villages nroniul Avoixuiin,
.Mngllaun, to the north, ami Poscluu,
to tho oast, are practically In rnliiH,
AinoiiK thu missing In thu Inst named
plaio In .Mnnttlgnor lliiguull, thu liltihop
of I'dhiIiiii.
Colli ami hiiow arc adding to the
sufferings of tho Httrvlvom. Thu
InniDiitatloaii ot thu people, accord
ing to eorrospondoiita who have
panned Ihioiigh thu dlHiiHtur arc piti
ful ami they tiro begging to hu taken
to placet! whero It Ih posslblu to euro
ror thuin,
Home of thu soldlera of thu local
gurilnon worn today losctiud fioni tho
miIiih or their hiurackH.
Thu soldlurfl ongngod In relief
liimmtiroH lahor night and day to ox
trlcatn thu Injured. Thuy hod sur
vivors ntiind In thu wrecUaKu of their
homes waltliiK fur thu liodleri of their
relntlvus to ho broiifiht out.
I'AUIH, Jan. lfi, 5j If. a, m.-Tho
IlaviiH AKoncy lum recolved a OIh
lintuh from Stoiiinr, datud Jaunnry 10,
which rotates a llrltltih victory and
an advance near I. a Dmbhoo ot ono
mile. Tho iiiohmko followa; '
"Tho Hrltluli hy an InipotttoiiR at
tack, stormed tlto utroiiKly Intrvncliod
(ieriiian poHltlon near l.u llaHueo nt
2 o'clock thin aftornoon, at'tor a vIk
qroiia prolliiiliinry Hliolllim. TIiIh Ih
an uiiortunt HtratoKlo point and lt
occupation ropremintB an ndvauco nt
ono mile. Tho JlrltlHli Iohhuh wore
hIIkIiI, but thu CleruiaiiH lont heavily,
Al'nny tlvrioiins woro (niton prlsonor."
INJURED 35.000
ATLANTA, (In., .Ian. I'.. Dan
llni her, hit miiii, .Ickkc, mill I'hiImt'h
two (IciikIiIcih, Kula ami Klla, lie
nei, wcin taken from the .laer
I'oimly jail al .Monliccllo Iiin( nihl
hy n i not i ami Ivni'liril, accoiiliutr to a
telephone iiichnu'e iccciei hetc lale
Hlierlff .lumen Knullo wuh overpow
ered hy 100 mini, he Hiild, and the
tour iii'kioom wore foriihly taken from
tlm Jail. Their hoMlox riddled with
InillclH, weru found on thu outitlclrtH
of thu town today.
The I.micIi'iiujm icxttlli'il imlireclly
fioui a liiiht that icci-ully occurrcil
ut llau Ihuher'H Imuic, when L I'.
Williiiin-, ilitel of police, altcmpleii
to nni'ft linn on a cliniKc of helling
wliisk without a license.
WASIIINtiTON, Jan. LV Uelea'.e
on lioml of fchipt ilctaiiied in ItiitiNh
pi ire court will he pertuHted hv the
llritinh joveiumeul if the ,jihlo of
the court in willing, acconliiiK' to a
xlatcmuut InbiiciI toduv by (lie MritiMi
The i'iiiIiiikhv htateiueiit mih:
"Wliilo thej cannot litve a pleilj-c
that all shipt now in piie cniirtt will
he relcaeil on hail heiii); offeieil, he
catihe llit (leci'iou until n-t with the
jmliie, Iiim niaje'-ly'n au eminent, in
order to telicic u Nhortau of tuu
iiiikc, are iiiixioiim to withdraw hip
iih little an poiixthle from the carrying
trade, null will, therefore, not opmnc
icIciim) on hail of bhip now in prize
cointh, if hail in offctei).
"Oanly cexeii iieutl-tit chcU ale at
piCM'iit in piie court, ami five hhil"
me iletaiueil in the Tinted Kingdom,
in mhlilioti ut thi- moment tin' cmiiii
iiiation iim to character and to des
tination of carco. One of the-e will
piohnhU he leleaseil iiltinft immeili
atclx ami not one ot them under the
Ameiieaii thi): "
nation's defense
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1.". In ttrK
Iiik on thu Koniito tho need for a coin
iiiIhhIoii to icporl on military pro
paredncHH, or for a permaneal coun
cil of nntlonal dofoiiHo, Honator I.oiIko
today declared that tho nntlonal do
toiiHu of thu country "Ih not only Im
perfect and uulinlanged, hut Hint It
Iiiih Krnvij and In hoiiio liiHtanceH fatal
doflcluuclcH." Hu deidKuntod what ho
termed many ot thu defects and said
they wera"n)ii)oii( wholly duo to con
KrenH." An ndeiiunto urttlonal defonso, tho
Heunlor Hiild, could ho obtnluod with
out additional uxpondlturou. "Cut
otf our iioudlctM army ,. poutB, navy
) arils mid Htatlous," hoadvlsed thu
Honnto. "Lay nsldo for a tow yenm
approprlutloiiH for puhlla hulldliiRH
mid i Ivor and harhor linprovomoutB
whoro thoy aro not needed. Drop
all tho expenditures which aro do
hIkiiuiI tor spotH whero voIoh nro lyliiK
thlclicHt, and you will hnvo monoy
onmiBh to provldo for a Hiifflclont
army and an iitluquntu navy without
atldltiK to thu hurdoiiB or taxation."
Ilo warned that tho ocean barrier
that defended tho country in 1770 and
ISIS had boon destroyed "by Bteanv
and electricity. Unarmed, unready,
umloreudud, tho nation stands ah In
vitation to iiKgrosslo'u and attack, ho
PAULS, Jan. lfi, 'J:.Vi n. in. A de
cree was huhinitled to I'roMilent
l'oinonru today which coiif,ernil upon
flrmul Dnko Nicholas, eonnuuuuYr-in-chief
of the liussian forces in the
field, (ho military medal of Fnmce.J
SOARS TO $1.50
Little Offered and Demand Undimin
ished Plenty of Sltlnplnn Facili
ties In Portland $1.50 Is Did and
Refused, $1.55 Asked Chicago
Wheat Goes Up Two Cents.
POIITLANI), Ore.,. lun. XT, - Whero
licretuforo tradliiK has been moro ex
tcushu limn at any ttmu In thu bin
tor) of thu Portland oxcIiiiiiko, u sud
den halt wiih called today and wheat
could not to boil Klit at any prlco Hint
rtus offered Holders believed that
In view of the unprecedented prices
uvuijwheio they could safely nwnlt
lor Kreiitcr profits. Only ono vale
was made, .'000 bushels of Mnrch red
Itusslnu koIiir nt II 10 bushel, an
ndvauco of 1 Vt cents.
Today tho predicted price of SI.SU
for wheat became a reality when Muy
bliiestetii was bid for nt thai flKure,
but holders demnnded SI &!, This
bid price hns not bcTin equalled ntiy
wliero lu the United States slnco thu
Civil wnr. All bids 'worn .up from 1
to 2 cents.
CHICAGO, Jan. IS. Imincnso ex
port business caused n fresh upheav
al today In thu price of wheat ami
flour, and even moro so In ryo and
corn. Thu foreign buying of whent
and torn was (oiiuted lu millions or
Whent vaulted to fl.lRJ for May
dellverv as nunlnst J. 13- as tho
lilKhest )esterdiiy, or nny time betore
since tho war bcKiin. I'lour Jumivod
in r.mln n linrrl unit rorn II nil rVC
respeettvoly 3 and Hvo cnts a
NKW YOHK. Jan. IS. Tho price
of flour soared today to tho highest
point It has reached In many years.
Fancy Krades lu Jobbing lots worn
quoted at fS a barrel. On tho floor
of the product! exchange thtro was n
general advnnco or about '10 cents a
bnirol on all grades. Spring patents
weiu quoted at 7.:!S ami somu fancy
patonts at $7.00 per barrel.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Less thnn a
mluutti after tho opening today wheat
broke tho wnr prlco high record,
first sales of tho May delivery shot
up to St H a bushel, nearly n full
cant above last night's closo, and
overtopping by M cent thu previous
tallest figures, which woro attained
on jcstcrday'fl excited ndvauco.
Liverpool quotations up 2 to !l
cents hnd much to do with tho fresh
upturn here,
Heforu (hu market was an hour old
May whent selling nt J 1,1.1 n Vj.
had gained moro than two cunta a
bushel lu value, as compared with
what wiih received with astonishment
tho day bofore. Advices from rural
centers, notably lu Kansas and No
hrnskn. Indicated that farmers woro
selling little. On thu other hand,
thero seemed to bo no limit to demand
tor ocean shipment, regardless or
supoised scarcity of vessels.
SACItAMJJNTO, Cal., Jan. 15,
Suniuol Itabor was hangod today In
tho I'olsom prison for tho murdor of
Chorry do St. Mnuiico, so-callud ton-
du'rlolu queon of Sncramento,
"I'nm not ariald to meoi tho fin
ish," ho said, "ft Is not courago but
Tho murder of the Cherry woman
occurrod lu July, UU;i.
ltalph Karlss, coutessed murdorer and
train robbor, was hanged today In tho
prison yard horo.
Knrlss allot duad lloraco K, Mon
tague), travollng pnssengor agont or
tho Southern Pacific railroad, on tho
night ot December 1, 10K!, noar 101
Monto, Farlss had hwuiik aboard the
OiiHUrtl 1 Imlf.ljl null U'flU ritlllllmr IllA
passoiiBoraln the observation car
when Montaguo ontorod and liegnn to
wuiu down tho nlslo toward him.
OltlfiCiON, FKIDAV, ,TAXlTAKY IS, 1015
t EEI; 10 BE
WiiHliiiituii, I). ('., Jim. I.'i,
Mail Tilbiino, .Mciironl, Or.:
TieiiMiry tlcinrtm'iil uceept-
cil hid Hound ('uiistriirlioii &
Muiiiecriu conipuuy of Kent-
4 tie for Medford Ictleral building
ut l)r;,8Hl. Time, hixleen
iiiotilliM from Jimiuirv 11.
t l ffM4
IIO.UK, Jan. 1.1, .1 p. m. 'vine; Vic.
tor Liiimmiuel returned to Home lnt
nighl. At .Uezzmio eterilay Iib
was iuilefntigiihle in lii- effort to on
courage nud help lux people. II"
elimhed oxer the ruins mid spoke
words of. courage to the rexeiiors. He
witm-scd the extrication of a veuni:
girl ftill alio imtl gave direetioiii for
her succor.
Some of tlic survivor- at Ave.auo
have not ceu et hufficiently reem
eied from the hlioi'k of tlieir excri
eiiees to tell a connected -torv of tli?
vititation. One man who wiih taken
ctcriliiv from u ruin -aid:
"I hud a M-iiMitioil as xome
one wan forcing me to dunce. Then
I wao .thrown to the ground and Hio
roof mid wnlM fell upon mv head.
Kven after 1 was half buried thi
earth seemed to heme mid grow hot.'
A priexl win bnjE'iiig iiiiihs in n
church when he felt tiie firt bhock.
Me rushed under mi arch of the hiiihl
inr and mi veil Iih life. His ncolyics
were struck ilown ami killed.
The shocks destroyed the utpiedut t
system of Avexzano and theie io to
day no water in the (own.
It ix reported that a i-tntiic ot the
irgin forty feet high, which stood on
thu shore of Lake Fuciun, has been
thrown into the water. There is con
siderable danger that the duutiod
laud in thu icinitv will he flood J J.
VANCOl'VKIt, H. C Jan. 15.
Chief Justice Hunter ot tho supremo
court todny iniulo an order on an ap-
pllcntlon of tho bondboldord of tho
Worltl nowspnpor for n sale of that
property to taku plnco In a. mouth.
Tho snlo Is to bo by prlvato tondor.
I.. D. Tailor, who wna yesterday
elected mayor of Vancouver, is mana
ger ot tho World.
WASIIINtiTON, Jan. 1.1 Failure
of Chuirinmf Ashhrook of tho com
mittee on enrolled hills to make the
stmitlard apple box hill "unfinished
business" yesteulay uftornnou has
killed the hill, aecordinj; to Keprescn
tative Sinnott, who in preimrinj: to
demand an explanation from the
floor. Tho hill was iudoied by Or
egon apple "rowers. -
If yon want to live in the kind of a town
'Like the kind of a town yon like,
Yon needn't slip your clothes in a grip ' ' ,
And start'on a long, long hike,
You'll find what you left behind.
ln' there's nothing that's really new;
.It's knock at yourself when you knock your town.
Jt isn't your town its you.
.Real towns are not made by men afraid
host somebody else gets ahead.
When everyone works and nobody shirks,
You can raise a town from tho dead.
And rf while you mako your porsonal stake,
Your neighbor can mako one, too,
Your town will bo what you want to see.
.It isn't your town it's YOU!
n h ora
Violent Attacks for Second Time
Drive French Back, Tlioupji Ger
mans Fall to Recover All Ground
Lost Winter Hamocrs Operations
British Success in Belgium.
LONDON, .Inn. 1-1, 1 r'-'O p. m.
The violent Oennun attack to the
north of Sointis, under the direction
of Oeiieral Von Klnek, which. eoiilcil
with u flood rtngc of the rier, has
forced the Flench hack across the
Aisnc, is the most stwkin newn of
the last twenty-four hours from the
wilt of war.
The (icniiiuis have been gaining in
Hih locality for several iIiiVh, but
they had not recovered all of the
ground lost hy them. This vnimzc
uieitt north of Soissons is the first
notable lighlini; in thu vicinity since
last .Seplember. when the Hritih
n nny, which sulisetpientlv wa trans
ferred to Holgium. was sueee-sful in
crossing (he Aisnc.
Snow In Vosgos
Snow in the Vosges tnountaiiH mid
floods in Flanders still prevent anv
extensile operations on the eastern
or wctern wing-, and to Hritish ob
servers it appears ai thouirh the
Soissons district had been selected
for the point where, with reinforce
ments and first line roups, (he Ger
mans are plmmim: to 1N -lav once
more the hnmmerin tactics so fa
miliar tluritc; the autumn. On the
other hand, some war experts aruue
that the operations nt Soissons mav
lime been undertaken to compel the
ullies to lessen the nrcsure in AKnce.
Ill Itlsti Win Trenches
The Hritish claim to- HSvd Svou :t
marketl success several tlavs ago
near La Hassee, when thev tlroe the
Germans from stron'v entreitehed
positions, utiitiinir one mile in ilitance
and inflicting seere loscs on their
Italy has been momeninril" di.
t meted fnnn thoughts of war hv the
devastating earthquake of Jauuarv
HI. The assertion stsill U heinu' made
in Loudon that the allies coufideutlv
exneet lo join them in due course.
The fightiu: in the vieinitv of
Knrn-l'ivnn, in Turkish Armenia,
continues. Ilussimis have cnotnreii
many innie officers ami stddiers and
are continuing the pursuit of the
Turkish 1 1 oops defeated at Olti, fift
fie miles west of Kars, in divers di
rection. E
WASHINGTON, Jan, 13. The con
foreuco report on tho." immigration
bill, which Includes tho literacy test,
was accepted by tho houso today by
u vote of 227 to 90. It already has
been adopted by tho sennto and now
goes to tho president who will hold
public hearings.
MAlHill), Jan. 1.1, via London, .IrilO
p. in.- It was made known in Madrid
this afternoon that Queen Victoria of
Spain is confined to her npurtinonts
willi ticnrlct fever.
ItOMK. Jan. 11.- There i reason
to bclicu' Hint onlv a few hundred
nelsons out of the 17.000 who inhab
ited Sora have been snxetl. It is im
possible in vet to ascertain the exact
number of the dcnd and wounded.
liehef exneditiuiiM lime been hurried
to Sora and eery hour is bringing
moro burrowing- particulars of the
destruction of the town.
The shocks were so severe nt Sorn
that sbmc building- were apparently
removed from their foundations ami
o ci turned some distance from (heir
original po-itions. The river Liri is
it flood.
NKW YOKK. Jan. 11. -Concerning
the personal habits of James M. Sul
livan, Ameiieaii mim-ter to Snnio
Domingo, he was told that the minis
ter on one occasion received the Ital
ian minister ami the British charge
d'affaires in his undershirt, Charles
A. Huttiii testified todav at the in
quiry being conducted into the fitness
of Sullivan to hold his position. It
was an official call, added Uutliti.
who i mi Hiiglishmaii, former head
of the Dominican go eminent wireless
sen ice.
"And I can te-tifv," interrupted
Walker V. Vick, instigator of the
Sullivan inquiry, "that the minister
received them in tlisgraeelul nltire.
Ilutliu said Minis or Sullivnu had
imiile him proposal- fur the extension
of the Maud's wireless system and
Inter had inspired his romovnl from
office in the wirelei service.
"This," -aid liutlin. "was duo to
the fact that I was an antagonist to
nny privu'c conce-ions being grnn(
ed hv the government."
linger l I'arnham, secretary of the
National t'itv Hank of New York, de
nied that his bank had any plans
contemplating the exploitation of
Sunt Domingo. He -aid the bank's
onlv intere-t in the i-!mul was tho
lending of sl.lOO.OM) to the govern
incut two ear- ago.
PAWS, Jan. lu, '2 p. in. The
French department of murine today
gave out mi official statement which
&nys :
"The Ilussiuu fleet in the Hlaek sea
has fired upon tho Turkish oruier
Hrcslnu and Hamidieh, cnuMiij,- them
severe damage.
"Tim ICussinn fleet then proceeded
along the coast to the Hay of Siuope,
Trebioml mid l'latane, ami set ftru
to nud destroyed a lurgo number of
the enemy's merchant ships. It uUo
bombarded the port of llopa.
Tho nutiwty of tho Hunsinirlloel in
the lllack sea. referred to in this dis
patch from I'uris, was recited at con-
siderablo length in a dispatch lrotu
l'cti-o-'rail under datn of Jauuarv 10.
The vessel loferted to as the Hreslati
is tho former German cruiser of that
name, which, with the Ciochen, took
refuse in Turkish waters eailv in the
war. Tho Hreslau has been renamed
hv tho Turks, Midirli, mid the Uoeben
was named Sultan.
UULUTII, Minn., Jan. 15. Ton
and three-quartors cents advance was
scored by (lax shortly after tho open
ing today. May reached $1.07.
which breaks all records for tho seed
on tho Dultith board of trqde, Tho
reason assigned was that Argentina
shipments are stopped by prohibi
tive fiolgltt and war Insurance,
NO. 251
Charles Tliomason Slain While Hunt
Ing Deer Out of Season at Head of
Anderson Creek Evidently Mis
taken for a Deer by Unknown
Hunter Fcund Dead by Father.
Tho body ot Charlc Tliomason,
victim of a niystorlous shooting on
tho north fork of Anderson crook,
Thursday afternoon, between thrco
and four o'clock, was brought to tho
city this morning by Coronor John A.
Perl. With it camo tho grlof strick
en aged father, and a number of wit
nesses, who will testify at the hearing
to Imj held this afternoon.
Developments today In tho cvldonro
left not a shred ot doubt, but that
Tliomason was killed by an unknown
hunter who mistook him for a deer
and who like himself was shooting
doer out of season. Tho courso of
the bullet, and tho unburned cloth
ing, that would have naturally fol
lowed tho accidental dUchnrgo of his
own gun, at close range, dispel this
theory advanced by tho sheriff's of
fice Thursday night.
Ifcxly l'ountl Hy Father
According to tho story ot tho fath
er, X. S. Thomason, tho dead man left
their cabin In mid afternoon In search
ot deer. It was agreed that at a
whlstlo the father should conio and
help bring In the results of tho hunt.
In a half or three-quarters of an
hour, the father beard four shots.
Two of them were together. Follow
ing theso there was a prolonged
whlstlo, tho agreed signal, and the
father started towards tho sound. En
routo he heard another shot, fol
lowed bya series of whistles that lead
him to the spot. After an Interval ho
heard the last of the four shots, and
probably the ono that killed his boy.
About CO rods from the family
cabin, the body ot tho son was found,
and 50 feet away, down the hillside,
lay tho two deer, ono a fawn and
dressed, and the other a buck. Doth
were fixed to carry. Llfo was ex
tinct when tho father arrived.
Theory of SliootliiR
Tho strongest supposition now ad
vanced Is that Thomason after killing
tho two deer made his way towards
his cabin, his shots attracting tho at
tention of another hunter out on tho
sanio illegal mission, who followed
In his wake, hoping to get a shot at
tho flushed gamo, or at a fleeing
wounded deer if Thomason' shots
had failed to bo otfcctlvo. Thomason
In tho moantlmo proceeded towards
bis cabin with his meat, and when
near home stopped to dress tho deer,
and gavo tho call to his aged par
ent. While thus engaged, It Is ad
vanced, tho unknown hunter, canto
upon him at a dlstanco, and mistak
ing him for a deer fired the third
shot heard by the father. Thomason,
then, realizing his danger Is porsumed
to havo sought safety from tho open
spot whero ho was engaged, and
moved back towards protection. Tho
fourth shot of tho unknown slayer
proved fatal, tho bullet striking
Thomuson In tho right shoulder and
ranging downward through (ho lungs
ami Intestines. The. courso ot thu
f Continued on pay X.)
ROMH, Jan. 15. Soma of tint
nowspaputs announce that Popo Iloti
edlct. In visiting tho wounded at San
ta Marta hospital, left tho Vatican,
thus Interrupting tho traditional lm
prlonmont ot tho Popo always adhered
to by Popes Plus IX, Lea and Plus
X, after tho fall of tho temporal power
meaning thus to protest against tho
occupation ot Home.
In reality tho pontiff did not leuvo
tho Vatican, but passing through tho
apostolic palace Inside ot St. Peter's,
ho reached tho hospital without
touching Italian soil, Ills predeces
sor did (lie same thing when he vUlt,
ed the Injured brought to Santa Marta
hospital after the earthquake Ih M-slna,
i ifflE