207 Sccun rtvl Medford Mail Tribune n SECOND EDITION WEATHER Huh, Mux. -IP; Mlii. !W Prcclp. ,y. Ptirly-futirth Yr. PhIIv - Ninth Year, MRDFOKI), OWMfiON, TIlTI.SDAY, .JANl'ARY 101.") NO. 253 wv 50.000 KILLED AND INJURED HORRORS GROW W REPORTS FROM INTERIOR Aica Affcctcil Covers Entire Central Portion of Italy From Naples to Fcrrnrn Oimko Dclt Three Hun dred Miles Loiin Extcndlnn From Coast to Coast. ItOMK, .Inn. II, 10:2.'. n. in. -See-oral i'miIIiiiiiiIjih oociiricd during tin I'm i ni t ip' i ilny. They caused Hit' cnlhiwo ill' Miniui li ii it it titer nlrcnd IXtW'Iclx lIlllllMKl'il. H'ollllillK in tin' in jury of it number of person ciqtitKfd in icono work in vmiiitm town Tliowo shock ucie nut violent, hill thoy iuctcunctl ht iitatin (if llic h'o pie ami made miiru dlflioult I lie work Of ICJMMIC. IIO.MK, Jim. 1 1. With every hour, tin mtilltliiniil mnl iitnro accurate d IiiIIh nte received, Hid horror of job tenia) ' ourthqunku lucrenmtH, threat ening In tihtco It In I ho llt of Hi in I -lur entalrophoH lit Europe second only to tint Mosulnu illnnntur of I'JOH. Tim lint of "limit, dying ami Injured him Increased from a relatively hiiiiiII IlKuro hut night to utoiu than .'0,000 according to an official nnnoitncc intuit tiduy, mnl It In experlod Hint th lit iiiinilier may grow before the iluy U over. KMliimtcH of thu num ber killed raiiKe (rum 12,000 to 15, oon, i 'irt' The full extent of the property Iohh Iiuh not )et hern determined. Hero In Itotiin priceless bUHhon, century old building nml Mrui'timm that for )enra have been the inercn of vlultom, have hoett destroyed or damaged, (Item Attn Atfeitisl TIioiikIi Hie Ion of life, mnl poiwl hly the dnutngo mny he less than It mm In l'.ios, the area of tlio dUturh- mini Kreatl) exceeding that of the Mtitwliut earthquake. It rovera the whtihi central portion of Italy, ex twilling from Naples on the otith to I'errnrn on tlio north. Tho most illitantroiiH disturbance, ftom all reportH, seems to havo con lorul lit the vicinity of tho town of Avorznun, where IT,, 000 persons have heeii Id I led or litjtireil, arrorillim to tho latent official reportH, Repot Is of damage In vnrjlug degrees of sev erity himt count frouiM.ittlum, Ahruz xl, Uiuhrla, tho Mmcheit, TiiHiany, Aelln, Campnula ami Apulia. Tim enrlhi(iako hult Ih cBtlmatuil to ho ahntit :I00 iiiIIuh Ioiik, oxteitilliiK practically from ono bIiIo of Italy to tint other, In Ahruxzl, I.ntlum ami Campniila thu iiuako reachutl it k lilKhnttt tlcKieo, ' iloitcrlheil hy ttrlnn HittH an ratatttiophtc mid In other (Continued on ubicb X.) Ni:V YOltlC. Jan. H. Tho droaiU uitiiKht V)oiuliiK today hermtio Hour Adiulral Vlutuhor'H flaKHlilp. Hear Admiral Klotchor yeitturday trans terred IiIh flag to tlio Wyoming In onlor that mlmlriirH iiuattitrH on tho Now York could ho iniiilu rumly for tlm Oku of l'uiHldoiit W 1 1 ho a and IiIh party on tho trip to tho I'auamn canal. AccordliiK to plmiH holm; nrraneod at tho navy yard for tho providen tial vlHlt to tho canal, thrco of thu four droiulnatiuhtn now loft at tho yard mo to proceod to hou next Friday Join tho other uiiKh of tho hattloHhlp fleet and oiiKURo I" " Hoarch prohlom which will ho extended to a week or 111010, On completion of tho piohloiu tho fluct wit ronilovouB nt sea mid pro ceed to Gumitmimno for drills and inancouvorH. Tho Now York will ho hold In riiadliiCHb to ko to Hampton HoikIh whonover tlio preslilont dlroctH. After ho mid lilt) party lmvo hoon re ceived on homtli tho vobboI will pro ted uoiithwnnl. fnll In with Clio rest of tlio (loot at the (lumitanmuo yard mitt lend to Colon, OREAD NAUGHT m FLA HIP 10 ISSUE STATEMENT FOR EQUAL SUFFRAGE WAHIIINHTON, .Inn. II. President Wilson shortly will riiiiiii out with it Htatniiiunl fitvutahlo to woman Htiffrugo In Now Jitrsoy, according t fr mi announcement hy Dr. Anna S Howard Kluiw toiluy after hint fr ami MrH. Mini II I McCorinlck nml Mrn. Winston Churchill hint culled on thu president. Dr. Hluiw sold tlicy had not iIIccuhhciI iintlonul suffrage AI BEHEST OF NUW YOHIC. .Ian. II John I.. .Mann, former director of politic worlH of the Dominican Kepuhllc, tefitlflml today Hint he had hoon re moved from office hy the Domlulran Koverumeut at the hehent of Jnmett M. Sullivan, American mlnlMcr, In the lnteretM, ho helleved, of the llauco Naclomil of Ha n to DoiiiIiiko. con trolled hy the Hamtiel M. Jan In In terentil of New York, Mr. Maun appeared an n wltnetttt In tho liniuliy IioIiik rondtictcd here hy Senator-elect Chelan of 8n IVnttj cIkcii Into .Sullivan h iltnoKH to retain IiIh pout, lie wild Hint after miHtic- cetutfiil effortH hnd Imhhi made hy Sul lian ami K. J. It. Mitchell, prenldcnt of the llanro Naclonnl, to i;et him to trnnitfer Koxerntuent fnmlH to the In Klltollon, preituuiahly to nave It from liiMtUeucy, Sullivan had deiunilud IiIh removal hy MluUter of I'tthllc WotkH De Oca mid Hint IiIh dlHcharco followed on the preteiiHo of IrroKti larltlCH. E TL I'AHKUHSIU'Hd, V Vn Jan II. A. I.eo Well of lMttttlttirK. chief coun nel for the ManufacturerH' I.IkIU and Heat company, nmih arreatctl today on a train nt Wllllamhtowii, V. Va., charKed with nttempttui; to hrlhe C, II. HroiiHon of the public nervlco cnmmlKidon, In mi effort to Influence a doclHluu In which tho HkIH company Ih liitercHted. Ho wiih releatied on a writ of haheiiH corptm. (', II, HroiiHon, meutloucd In con nection with the nlleKeil attempt nt bribery, Is a brother-in-law of (lovor nor Henry D. Hatfield, ami Iiiih been active In tho work of tho commlnHlon. Woll Ih proMdent of tho Yotors' Civic I.eaKtio of I'IUbIiiii'kIi and bov eral yearH a no W4ia active In tho pro Bccutlon of a largo number of mom lieiH of I'lttHburtt'ri city council for nl lotted inalfeaHaucu In office, I OF COAST DEFENSES WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 1.- A ivmi Intiim hv Itenrexcnlutivo (lanliner, fiillinsr upon the secretary of war Tor information ns to tlio ttrt'iij;tli of eoact dcfeiiM's wiih puhhctl today by lite Iioiim', iraelieiilly unanimously. It UHkH whether Ihero are mounted nnywhero-on tho coast fortifieuljouH any Kims of Kiouter than twelve-inch caliber, wliether tho rnnjjo of (he twelve. inch lmiiih in more than 111,000 yardrti whether llrilihh di-eiidiioiiKhts of the Queen Klir-alu'lh type do not carry fil'teen-iiieh, irt-cnlihor guns with n rniiKO of'Jt.OOO .vnrdx, and wlielher Unit nniKO doen not exeeeil hv more ilitm four iniloH tho viuiko of any Km,H (m "l0 ")'HI defenses of eontint'jitnl I'niti'd States, ii REMOVED s l mm BY CHARG AGAINS AWYER AVEZZANO 0 OF LIFE 15,000; 1 CITY IN RUINS Grave Reports Coming In From Stricken District Dussy, Popoll, Cocullo, Cappadoccla and Scores of Other Cities In Ruins Meagre De tails Describe Widespread Ruin. HOMU, .Inn. H. Official reporttt lecehed front Avezrnuo declared Hint the timid lit that city mid In Itn vi cinity In tho earth'iunkii yenterdny ittiiuher more than l.'.OOO pemoin, Thomt who koI nwny and were only xllithtly Injured Innltited upon return Iiik to Hearcli for relatlvcn nml frlemU nmoiiK thu rulnit. Survlvorn dtiK frnntlrnlly Into hcnpH of plitMter and (tone, often Htnlned with blood. The KriieROiiie Hearrh wnn only too often HitrreBNful. In many InHtnncco Miir vltorH fainted iih their dend were hroiiKht to HkIiI, then tho heart brok en nenrcher had to be carnl for by membom of the hnntlly orRnnlzed re lief commlttceH, At Hcurcoln, a woman who un earthed tho body of her three year old child, nuddeiily became Innnnc. At I'opoll, a yotttiK hunbnud, return lit!; from the fleldH, rtinhed to IiIh homo mid found It a heap ol ruins. He tore nwny the fallen masonry and entered uhat remained of bin home only to find his wife lying dead, tho baby In her nrniH. At Horn mi old grandfather, tho nolo survi vor of hi family, litHlnteil upon forc ing IiIh way through tho nhntered wall of what once had been bin home. Suddenly the wiiIIh eollapced nnd the the old man wan burled with tho oth er members of IiIh family. There Ih nothing like mUUfnctory coinmunlcntlou with the Mtrlckcn din trlct mid roiiBciiuciitly exact flgurcH art to the 1oh In life mid property are ImposHlhle to obtain. Itallrond traf fic between Avezznno nnd Tngllncoz zo still Ih Interropted. Very grave reportH nro coming In from IIUBsy, I'opull. Cocullo, Han Bmilcctn, Ocre. I'ttganaclit, resclna, Aversa, Sourcoln, Magllano nnd Cnp- padoccln. Tho center of tho dlHturhnuco nit- pom'H to havo been the extinct vol vano of Kiiclno In tho province of Aitilln. Tho work of roncuo and tho Bonrch of tlm ruliiH In tho hope of finding pcoplu Htlll alive wan continued nil through tho night. DonflrcH were lit and torchcri brought Into into. Tho BoldlorH who early woro ordered to the Hcene tlld excollont work. Medical men nro beginning to talk of tho possibility of epidemics nmong those who escaped. A largo number of people Ned from the stricken dis trict nnd will for a tlmo bo without adequate shelter, SLAV INDUSTRIES UKIM.IX, .Inn. M, hv wireless. Tho Ituxhimt noWf.puors, Heieli, ItuNsky-Slowo mid Hit-sky Wji'tlo nuisty deserihed tho dilfieulties the Itiihsiiiiih ure placed in beemiso of n lack of neceshitrv uoods fonnerlv im ported from (leiinauy, says a state inuiit Issued from the official press liu'rcuu here. l'Oii tlio other hand," tho statement uohliuui'S, "tho newspapers bponk of the impohsihllity on thu pint' of the ItussimiH to export enviur, wool, furs, ffiain and spirits. Tito leather in dustry is declared to ho at u stand still hi'onuso of tlio lack of Uuininjr material. "Tlio London Standard slates that considerable ameunts: of KnglMi con sols have bcOh iold unoffieially ho. low the fixed minimum price, "Tho Itnliau deputy, Boliuonte, pointed out nt u mcctjiij,' in Milan that victory lor Franco and r.itglmid would cause Italy's vassalage in tho Mediterranean mid that tho present neutrality was tlio causo of Itnly'n favorable diplomatic situation. WA CURTAILS IS'AMKD A (IAIN TO PKOSTSCUTE IIARUY THAW HlMH iBBIHHInevll WILLIAM TRAVCRS JEROME.., William Tr.ters' ,) rune ha-, received mi niMiiiiltin-iil frmn Attorney fieti trill Woodbury oJ New York, doiyriulii'sr hun h -pcii.il deputy states iittorney geuerul to rrtertitc Ilarr !C. Thaw ulttii he t returned to the juriHilietion ol'N'ew ork State. SULTAN SIZES CONTROL OF ROADS im:ti(()(!Iai), ia i...iiii ..n, .i.tii. 1 1. The occupation lt Turkish Iroup of the 'fabric district in iioitlieni 1'er.iu derives its strategic tiiiMirt. auee from the I'uct that it eurrie with it Ttirkixlt eoutrnl of liilnvay ami rmlroadn lcadiuc to the l(ttian frontier. Tlieoe roinU, whioh provide the only pnicticahlo routes through Persia, are owned and managed hy either llie Iturimi overmueul or l!u--inn companies which liavc oh taineil eiiieeHions from IVrsin. The occupation of Tabriu by the Turks was accoiuplished only after n hard fight ,ln which artillery was employed, neeoriliu to information that reached the Persian locution 1 1 ere. llifsaii Ali Khan (laffar. fiol secretary of the legation, said that the Itiis-ian gitrriMin at Tabriz, had offered stubborn resistance, but had been compelled to retire, ouin to the overwhelming uuinorical super iority of the Turkish forces. Itussjnn troop had been pnrrison ed in noithcrn Persia Fiuee the revo lution in Unit country in 100(5-07, un der agreement with England, which for a time eoutrollcd tho southern portion of the country. The Turkish forces which occupied Tabriz, came from Krzeruni, covering 100 miles oxer a cirouitotis route, through u difficult mountainous ter ritory. Tho Kussian government con tinues to protest against Turkey' violation .of Persian neutrality and intimates that Poisimi officials have not taken sufficiently enorgetio meas ures to prevent this violation. COUNTIES LIABLE FOR EXPERT BOOKS SAI.UM, Ore., Jan. 1 1. That tho counties of Oregon are llablo for tho expense Inclined In making an atullt of their books by tho state board of accountancy, Is the opinion of Attor ney Oonornl Urown, glvon today to District Attornoy Onlo S. Hill, of Linn county. In Ills opinion, Attorney Genornl Drown says that It la plainly appar ent, no far an tho language of the statute U concerned, that audi a claim la a valid ono against tho coun ty and tho only question la wltotlier tho legislature has authority to on net n law Imposing mich liabilities, mid taking the county business to this extent from the jurisdiction of the county court, Bitting for tho transac tion of county business, THROUGH PERSA I AwMMHBiaB HWHHM , MM RES S i AS GOVERNOR OF i COLl'MniA. S. C. Jan. 1!. Gov ernor Cole L. Mlcase, whose term ex pire Jnnuary 19, today fllod his resignation with tho secretary of state. The resignation, transmitted to the senate, wan Intmodlntely accepted. I.luotonnnt Governor Smith took the path for tho unexpired term. No reason for tho governor's action was glxen In his resignation, which contained only tho werds: "I here by resign my office as governor of South Carolina.'' It was stated that Governor DIease tirlny was told of u meeting of borne of tho members of tho legislature Tuesday night when, according mem bers of tho conference, a proposal to lustlttito IniKchmuent proceedings tagalust the governor was discussed, but 'was abandoned. T AMSTERDAM, Holland, Jan. II, via London, G:2C p. m. Thro has been received hero an official com munication given out nt Constanti nople by tho Turkish authorities as follews: "Assisted by Persian troops, our army is steadily advancing In Azer baijan province, Persia, In order to deliver tho country from tho Husilan yoke "Wo have hail further notable suc cess, occupying ndvnnced positions of tho Husslans In the vicinity of Tabriz. "A nunibor of tribesmen of tho lJrltlsh army of occupation In, Kgypt havo surrendered to our vanguard." UintLLV, Jan. It, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.-A statement givon out by a Clenuun news agency credits tho Hamburg Frcmdenblntt witij the assertion that eighteen ltussian gen erals lmo been dismissed from im portant positions. According to u German news ngcwiy, tlio Austrian forces in Oal icia suddenly initiated nu offensive movement against the Hussions tak ing them by surprise. Tito Austrian operations wore attended hv success lit several points, SOUTH CAROLINA RK ADVANCE IN PERSIA BY QUAKE MR RESUMES mm ON PRUSSIAN LINE Russia Once Mere Undertakes Offen sive Against Germans and Turks Two Forces Attempting Invasion of East Prussia Turks Suffer Hcav- i ily in Caucasus. PKTHOOKAD Jan. ! I. Russia has once more undertaken an offen sive movement against two of tho three nations she Is flghtlrig. After a long period of Inactivity her forces In the north arc attempt ing to penetrate from two directions Into Kast PrUMtla where Russia a few months ago sustained one of the most H'fvere defeats of tho war. In the Caucasus Russian forces are ncnln encngod In heavy fighting with the Turks, who according to of 1 flclal Pctrosrad advices, have sus tained large losses In the lato en- Icocunters. Checked Ily Winter In Gallcla and Uukowlna where Russia's activities are directed against Austria, there Is now little activity, Buvoro weather having checked military operations. On the western battlefields the fighting In the region of Solssons has developed into unexpectedly large proportions. Doth thu Germans and the allies npnprently have thrown In heavy reinforcements and doflnlto defeat for cither Hide might result In the reshaping of the battlellne over a large section of the front. Kill Inns righting In Poland. Furious fighting has been resumed in Rusflnn Poland. The Russian forcos In the north which are push Ing toward Kat Prussia In the re gion near Mlmvn. have captured a number of villages. In the centers the Germans have made four violent attacks within the last forty eight hours. They forced bnck the Russians and occupied con siderable ground. Important bodies of Russian troops have pushed northward from Warsaw In the movement toward the western end of the East Prussian frontier. They havo reoccupied a number of villages between Mlawa and Przas- nysz, hitherto held by tho Germans. Plan Withdrawal? In tho renter nt tho Junction of tho Uzura and Rawku rivers, where J fighting has been In progress for more than a montn, tne uermans havo begun a new movement of great vigor. Their activity centers along a lino to tho east of Sochaczew and Skierulowlce. It la hero that thoy havo niado four distinct efforts to advance during tho last two days. Following a furious artillery action, tho Germans occupied the district to tho northeast of Dollmow, Including the towns of Din Skupl and Sucba. These positions nro three or four miles southwest of Sochaczew and five miles east of tho Uzura, from which positions thoy woro reported officially to havo been driven out nt the point of bnyonets. Russian nowspapors nre printing statements based on what thoy Bay la 'Information from German sources to the effect that the German stuff la ' preparing public opinion for tho withdrawal of German troops from tho Warsaw district. ET E F E ItOMK. Jan. 1-1. 2:110 n. m.-l)(s- Dutches received bete from Ancona miv that n heavy storm raged vesler- dnv along tho Adriatic- coast, 1 hero was also u hcuvv fall of snow. Na ples leports a stron- tidal wave yes terday in the Uulf of (laeta, neeom mtnicil hv seistnie disturbances ou shore. Venice telegraohs of eold weather in tlio Alps, with the snow in deep drifts, HUG WA LLOWS QUAK KAISER VIEWS E Germans Under Eyes of Ruler Win Battle, Sc!zir2 French Trenches Near Solssons, Charging Through Heavy Mud Artillery Exchanges in Belgium. HHKLIN, Jan. 3-1, by wireless. Kmperor William wns present in er on during the spirited battle ou (hn Vregny Plain, to the northeast of Soissons, which resulted yesterday in that elevated ground being cleared of the French nnd which is described in the Oerninn official statement given out this afternoon as n "brilliant coup for our troons." In this engagement the Germans claimed to have captur ed four French officers ami 11C0 men. The text of the conimunicutiou rends: "In the western theater of the war in the dunes near Nieuport and south, west of Yprcs, nrtillery combats are going on. Tito enemy directed an ex tremely strong fire on Wcstcndo, which they soon will bnve entirely destroyed. Their torpedo bont dis appeared quickly us soon as they re ceived our fire. Rattle nt SoWsoiih "In continuation of their activities on Jnnuary 8 northeast of Soissons, our troops again made an attack on the heights of Vregny and cleared this elevated pldin of (ho enemy. In n pouring rain nnd deeply sodden clay, trench nfler trench wns taken by storm until nftcr dark, mid the enemy was driven back to tho border of the elevated plain. Font teen French officers nnd 11.10 men went tnken prisoners nnd four cannon, four machine guns nnd n, searchlight were captured n brilliant font for our troops under the "very eyes of their uppermost wnr lords. "Northeast of the enmo of Chal ons the French attacked again yester day in tho morning nnd afternoon with strong forces, to tho east of Perthes. Thev pcnetrntcd, nt certain places, our trenches, but wore re pulsed by enorgetio counter nttaeks nnd driven bnck with heavy losses into their own positions, leaving Kit) prisoners in our hantU. "In the Argonno mid the Vosges nothing of imiHirtmice hns occurred. Itus.slans RepulbCtl "In the eastern theater of war Russian nttaeks to the southeast of Ouinbinncn (east Prussia) mid to tits east of Loctzen havo been repulsed mid many hundreds of prisoners havo been taken. "Tho situation in northern Poland is the same. "Our attacks west of the Vistula nre being continued. Nbthimr of im portance has occurred on the eastern bank of the Pilica." BRIDGE IN PERSIA PKTROGRAD, via London, Jan. 14, Oris a. in. Tho correspondent of the Rourso Gazetto at Tlflls sends s. statement niado to him by Schodja Ed Daculeh, tho former poveruor of the province of Azerbljan, Porsln, who baa arrived In Tlflls. Ho is ono of four survivors of a guard of 400 horsomen who dofeuded tho bridge at tho entrance to Mlandonb, ''tho gateway of Persia." He fought tho Turks for ton hours, enabling refu gees to escape to Maragha, GO mllos south of Tabriz. All Christiana who remained in Mlandoab, ho stated, wore massacred, "When I heard that the Turks woro advancing," he said "I posted 1500 troops in one of the Mlandoab forts and 1300 In another. I myself with 400 relatives and friends fought u hnpeloBs battle at the bridge until. all but four were killed by thu Turks qutckflroi'H. I then fled on hornet back from Tabrl to Jfulfn. AM CAPTUR VREGNY HEJGHTS HORSEMEN DEFEND k IF H