Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    "ws '- wTfty?wiffrpg. ?
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207 ttttilt StfWt1
Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln Max, I!!; Mitt. JtOj
I'loolp. .n.1.
Forly-rdiirth Var.
nliv -Nlnili VMir
NO. 252
Rome Feels Worst Quake on Record
Historic Dulliltrs Bnilly Dam
aiieil Famous Column of Marcus
Aurclliis Injurctl Belfry of St. An
drea Falllni).
UOMi:. .Inn. i:t, "'III it. in.--A lor
i the I'liilhipuihe. tint hIiiiiikI oxer
felt In Ititiiio, oi'i'iirii'il ohiIv today.
It liiMod soxoiiil kccomh. mill cuhmmI
II ! illllH Httli. pollpll' I'XCI'.XWltl'lt'
iiiMiIiuj finm their buiimi. in lennr.
Aliiny Imililtntr xvnro iIuiiiukoiI.
So iHTfl" Wlllll III' loMIIII'll I hour
iilli'r tin1 iimlii' mi lue weic loM.
N'mi huh H inilili In n'rfi'li iinv defi
nili' nlen nf lli ili'uri'i' nl' tin' dam
hhi "iifri'iril liv IIh1 ell v.
fmiruMnii Itolgn
Thou u'h ciiufiiMuu lliiiiuuhuul
llll' Ullllll III Ifl'llll. Ill SlMIIO I'llKI'H
it Hiuiiiiiitcil In let rui'. The li'lephnno
nn rcntled ( liv irtritf uiitiihcni nf
ii'iiilit nl viilniillv tlio Hum linn' in
I'liilcnvnrn In niHiitniii tl wifi'lv of
iiliitii ninl fHi'Mil-. mill tln'ii In
Ii'ii rn tin' cnIi'iiI nf tin iIkiiiiihi' ! 1 1 1
TIik lili'tiliniii acit t4 iliiUllii'ir ln'l
In int'i'l Hit i'iililrni'V, A nvti'in nf
viitlii'riiiir "ml ttivinir iiifni mnlioti un
liMiiimlU iiutiifirfi(iiil. "
, It wnn loti"ttMil V'nilv in lln tiny
I tin t iiinotiir tin' "I'l lntilitiiiK ilnui
niii'il wnn Hih 'inlnum (Miiui. iih well
m tlio rntiKiun rnliiiiiii nf .Miin-im An
HUlnilr lliillillnuo llmnnui'il
llifttnrii luiitilliiff nu li I'iitxra
('nluiiim, in tlio I'i'iiti't" nf Kniiii', alo
iwii' ilnmnitfil, no vn (In fuinnti
KiiriH'ii ihI,i, iiitiiiiil liv tin
Pri'iii'li i'iiiIiiihxv. Ili'ii n iiii,i ir llii
Meno ini iiici liml fiillcn.
Tin lii'lfrv of tli I'lmii'li nf St. An
ill i'ii i in iIhiihiii' nf fnlliiiif iiml tin
liiiililinir Iim liotin fliirinutuli'il liv n
I'liiiluii nf hiIIi'i In iri'Vint )'i'iiilc
rimii niiiriiiii'liiiiK It.
Tin In"! Ni'iimi' I'nrlliiiiiiiKi in lli"
Kniiii ilixlrii'l ni'i'iirn'il .lulv ID. IHilt).
Kiinu, I'lnxcnli, Mnrinn nml ullinr
Inwim mi (In Allinn IlilU Tell tin
liiii'k nml minis lmililiiip hkh iIiiiii
iiui'il, luil lliiiii wiii mi Ins- nl' lifi.
Cni Hior smith in 1 1 til v nml in Sii'ilv,
hnvi'ir. ('iiilli'iiiulti'M nu fii'iiii'iit
nml ki'M'k. (Iii'iit Ioh of lifo nml
hi'iivv lt ttt k" '' AiHrlv hint' i'
I'lirii'it in tlu'-" it'Kimis.
A Iiiil'i' I'l'iiuil tintlii'ii'il this iiiniii
ini; in Iho mUiii'i in Hit fi out of tin
I'liliituii nf MaiiMW Aiirrliux. At n
point iihniit hall' wnv up it wiih hciii
Unit tin 1'nliimii liml l"l'"i lnoKi'ii mul
IwiMi'il. II was nl h'Ti! hi ini-ho
rimii iln 1 1 no ii Ni. Tim iiiiiiu'ii-!
lit ctny.t Hindu of SI. I'niil on lop of
(hi minimi iiIho liu'lini'il In imii hiilo
WASIIIN'OTOS, .Inn. i:i- Tin-
onrtli hlioi'hw nt Umnv wuro ii'i'oiliil
hmo fiiim 'Ji'JII to 'J "'.! n. in. i'iimIitii
time, on tho Hi'imiHijjriiphx nt (li'ori
lown uniU'isily. Tluil wmilil tin
K:i:i In H:'JJ Itonii tlnu, ni'i'oiiliiiK' lo
'iili'iihiliiHK of tlio nhxiTViTH.
(flllVNTS I'AKSi Jii,. 131. A oi
ilnl.,op.'iot KliiltviwiiH,'rdUin'l in tliu
ciihc of tho Main vk, .1. j ,Moic, who
ih inilicli'il liy tho uiand jury upon
ti cIiiiiko of nHHiuilt ipioii l'Vnnk llur
liiiKloil with a ili'iully wonpon. Tho
niHO wiih tho oiiIkiouUi of Iho slinol
iii of lliiiiiiiKton thioii"h Iho onlf of
Iho li'K nhoiil Hiito wi'i'ks ii(,'o, when
ho nml Morrio llociuuo involved in u
iiiiilnii'N.v oM'l'.lho m imiI of tooiiio
wnoil from prnpi'ilv ownoil hv Mih'ho.
JI.'iiihii InoU'il Iho t;iilo lo liir-i pioii
I'i'lN hut IIiii'iIiikIoii liroho tho nlo
oiifii In not ill IiIh w 1 within. Tho
ilixpulo followoil, in whlrli lluiiiiit,'
lon wiih hIiiiI hi Iho lo:. Attoinoy !'.
!!. Kollv of Moill'oiil iiKsihtcil Coiinlv
Atloriioy Jlillor in Iho prosoontioii of
tho ciiHo nml Attorney .Iosho .lohnMoii
joinunPilU'il thu lU'tViiihinl.
fltisslans Forcul to Evacuate and Flc
trrat to Dcfriid Passauc of Araxus
nivcr Wild Trllicsmcn of Locality
Assist Sultan's Army Turks Aim
Ir,, at Vulnerable Point.
I.O.N'IMlN', .Inn. I.'t, 1:1.'. h. in.
Iti'iiti'tV 'I'cli'Kiiun I'limi'iiiiy lint 'i'-
I'l'ivi'il II tipMl('ll 1 1 III it col M"l I'l-
ilciit in Pi'liojtniil Mivinit ihut mi ml-
nnii' ili'ltii'linii'iit nl Mo1 TiuMMi
minx lint iiriiiiiii'il llii- 1'i'f-iMii .-its
I ..! 'I..l.!
"I i iiiiiir..
Ttilmr i in iiiiilhwi'Mirii r'ii.i,
nml ii ft fi- Ti'licnui, ilii IniTjowt )!.
in I ! I'liiiiitrv. Il I HHI niilii lo 'In
i'iiM nT tin Tin l.ih fii'iilii'r.
Tnlniy wiih uni niiiiril liv n I'm
'fcinn iiiti'i', it Iii'iiik Milniit'ilin lli-il
I pm I nl' I'i'i'xiii iimli'i' llii iliuiiiiiiilii'M
i of ln Itii-Miin. in tin -mill inmiiu'r
u lo tin hiiiithi'iii pnilinii o' I'crMn
it I'liiiMiiliTi'il In In within Ilic sphi'H'
nf infliii'iii'i of (iii'iit llriliiin,
I The Inuti Iiiih lici'ii I'Viii'iinti'il liv
thi l.iiiiin Inii'i'. iici'onlinic lo n to
port xi'iil mil liv Iho TntkUh u-ovi'iii-nn'iit
mill piiIiIinIii'i) lnl niulit in Hit-
iiii. nu mnmuiii'i'iiii'iii iiom i on
liintinipli rtilih'il ihut tlii l(miiiii
iiitrienn hml nlii'iirl to lljull'ii.
a lini' Iho HiitMniH wito tniil tn In
iitxi'iiililiiij; in ntinti fiuw lo ili'fi'inl
llll pHMNIlRI' of tin AuiMt. livrr.
Aliloil My Wllit TiIIm'-iiii-ii
TIm tnklni; of Tabriz inrfiun Hint
tlio TurkK, wlio timlonlili'illy liml tho
'Iiik'Miik of noun' of Urn wllil Turk lnh
Itrl'iiHUiM'ii of thin lornllly. hnvo
riiroil n nmrn or Ki linporlnui
(or tho iroicti)it (liiiiiinii-Tiirklnli
nttnrk iiion tin ItiiKMiin pomIIIoiih In
i tin prmltiro of Krhnn, north of tho
(I'lintliin ImnttT nml couth of Tlflln
I TIih ocriiimtlon of Tnhrlz, which In
Ihi uiilinl of tln province of Atr-
inljiin. w iih roiiilori'il coinpanitlM'l)
im) for thu Turk hy tho nrint
Iwlllhltiiwiil of It u I nu forri'd to tuoi't
I I ho Ottoiunu tiiluuiro further wo at.
Wliollior TulirU wiu tnlion without
IiIooiIkIioiI Ih not yul known hut In
tho nliHouo' of ltUHHlnn troop.i, It Ih
not lll.oly tluit I'orulu wiih ublu to
uffi'r any norliniH rodlHtiuico.
Alinlnu nt Viilui'inhli' I'olut
UiihMu'h moHt vuliioinhlo point, nt
which tho TurkH ur filming, lion
inloiii; tlm iinijofonilril ItiiBRo-l'oiHlnn
front lor to tho north of Tnhrlx.
Thorn iipmt Iiiih boon nny nocoii
hlty for propiirliiK thtn poitlou of tho
I ItiiMriltili linnnilnrv ni7llllli(t llAiirilllln
I'ithIiiu uttnek. Tho opinion Ih held
I'uro that (iioni llrltaln nml KiiHHln
may of for iiBHlHtmiro to 1'ernln In tho
ilofoiiHo of hor noiitrnllty hh a result
of Tnrkoy'H iuImuu'o. Whim tho Ot
toiunu aclhltloM lu Turkish territory
worn fliHl roportoil IN'mla not only
uniioiinci'il hor noiitrnllty, but OHkoil
tho kooiI offices of Ureal Hi Unlit to
pi event violation of hor noutiallty.
Utile cnulil ho (lotto nt tho tlinn an
tho torrltnry InvndcM lay within tho
Hphoio of lliiRHlnn litfltionco.
TuiUoy Sti'kH Ilaso
l.von tlioiiKh Turkey hIioiiIi! fall to
piiHh farther noithwnnl nho will hnvo
Kiiliivil n hauls for negotiations If bIio
Ih able tn lotnln Talul. mul will hnvo
ohlnlnoil n foothold on tho territory
on tho eastern b'nttk of l.nko Uruin
lah, which alio Iiiih Iouk covoteil.
TiiiI.IhIi oiirioachiiiotit on tho pro
vIiho of AorhalJan hoKitn In lOOH
when IliiHHln was woakonoil In tho
war with Japan, anil It ban always
boon itbHoiloil that Ottoman pressure
on thlH poitlon or rotHia wiih backoil
by (lorniany, whoso oconomlo Intor
L'ritH It wiih coutoniloil iluniaiuloil freo
navigation of l.ako Uruinlali.
A tuloKimn fiont IVtroKrad today
Hays that 1000 porsoiiB from tho
provlnco of A'orbnlJan nio floolns on
loot inward thu Cuucaslan frontlor
boforo tho Turkish advanoo, Many
or thoso fuultlvort nro iljlnu of him
ger mid cold,
WASHINGTON, ,luii. 1.I.- Tho ion
iliy. iiiih of Iho iiitoiiiullouul Fleet n nl
lliiiuplou UoiiiIh pieliuiinary tn tho
online to l'uiiiuuu In eoiineelion with
Iho opening of tho eiiiuil, will ho
Tum PAfiti'iii Cliluc Cunt ttti nrlltcti ll&i V Tv jKkjJ&Zjrjr '. H- ll
Qnltcrlcs Hostile Airships Over ijfjL' 0mm"k j l
Etili Channel-Dover Twice As- ftjSyJ vBR ""' fF&4 ' .IbW.
snltctl Sfilps In Harbor Bellcvctt &"JV ' J.
Objective of Suhntartnc Raid. JpP T3,in JnW yfP
l)OVi:it. .Inn M. ,la London. I '',
p. til.- Tho (orinmi MiibiuarlnoM to
day woto flroil upon nml hiiiiIc h tho
rmiMt battnrli off Dover. nrrnrdliiK
In luimliti'til ruiuom current In tho
Tim HiMnnii.i nt liriallln flttulllnu
. ,H- I'. . ...I- ' ... ....... .... .... ...,'.. .
flt'ui' lint 1'iii'IUIi (linniinl it ii r I ii ir tlio'
imut iiIrIiI ham boon roporti'd todnv
from various ihiIiiih on tho const
Tiii'M' ii'iiorlH how",or, hno iik jit
mil boon cmiflrmoil.
IliniT htm boon analloil b tho (icr
iiihiis fiotn tho air on no loss than
Inn hor nro bellovoil lo have boon tho
objootlvo of a rail by (lornian sub'
tnarltios. Tho bombs from above
never did dntnuKo, nor wnn tho nt
tack fioniunilir the wntrr successful.
Throe da) before Christmas (Jor
mnn nxlatnr, arronllniC to n Herlltt
illspntch, flow over Hover, thicw
liomlis nml terontioKcieil tho posi
tions of llilllfh warships. To das
later another Jiostllv nernplnnt up
ponrod mer the clt nud drojipod n
nrfti1ir(v1ffr1t oxplhiled har'inloshly lit
a enrden. ThU avlnlor oluilod a Itrlt-
Isli airman anil flew safely to sen.
The tmbiiinrlnn attack wan report
ed Docomber It. The chnnncl forts
opouuil fire and kept It up for almost
half tin hour. At the same t lino a
flotilla of destroyers put to son ami
the submarine were not seen again
SAN KIJANftSt'O, fill., .Inn. X -A
wurrunt ehnrinv' th eiiihexli'iuciit
nf ?7I78 VMi- i"ucil tinliiv for tlio nr
nt of (lonrvo .lnri;eusim. en-hier
of the To.n Kion Kai-lia .4upiiiiee
lino). William II. Axety, iic-iMunt
m'liernl tuiiiiiicor of the enmpanv. who
wnte In the emupluitil. e-timuteil
llial the tut ill lioitnyo wmilil amount
In ..ii),ono.
A.MSTKItnVM, Jan t:i In London
I : :i 1 p. in t -All oi (Unary pnssennor
trnffle was stopped today oxer most
of tho rallioads of (lormauy until
.Inn nary IS. This measure was taken
to oxpt'dlto tho inovotnentH of troopa
and munitions of war, to which traf
fic the'rallroadH will bo Rlvon over
almost entirely.
ttuBPi t t-iT i'i'if'iiMW? l ' l i JJF ,: " x .,. ?K3
KBPyX'M99itf9i HV lMNrw f . as IV 11 l M jiiW -
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiflHBi ' uliy
KSBBBIfEBSy x jp "tS """ vFniSiiiiil)
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a a . iV!-.". !n3HMH
. BfltiiiM'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHI'Hn-HH
iiiiiiiiiiiiBlviiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiniBiBiiiiH fftiliBBP
iw . .. , . ' iu . -
r -w . . m iv r; ' t rF - .. m.. i
. vi i7-. xt- -w'ftAfmmjr j.-. ai
Hf; -Jgr
j fjri&M, , vn
Mrs. Mnry JntioTatiiin, wife of a
In New York. Jobu Oltuiau U iiaiutd
wldu attcutiou.
imiilm)i:limiia, j. j.i -ite-
ports today from tho Htorm-swept
section of l'ennslrnnla mul New
Jersox show that considerable, minor
dntunKo was done by hlnh wind xvhllo
In many places thu hoavy rain
causinl rlxors nnd creeks to over
floxx'. Tho weather today xvas cluar
Iiik nnd tho IiIkIi xvater xvus rapidly
The SchiDlklll rlvor In ninny places
was out of Its banks. Textllo mills
aloiiK the Schu.xlklll In this city xvero
closed becntiho of xvater In their
CTTMAM fjJfr ( yfj
In the northern partH or I'otmsyl- ,,,.0x1,,,,.. $H8,O0O.OflO. of which
vnnla rnllroad traffic wns Impeded uyjjojfn0,j(00fj js f,. wx Jt,rv ,mrt ,,f
deep snow. t, nPxv eonMrtietion.
ICxposed plnros nt Atlantic City! fhe committee mude no provtMon
were nt-nln .ilnmnecil by high xvnter for K,ml,ont. xvhieh Seeictnr.v Dan
nnd the severe irnle. The music hnll i j,.s vecommeniled.
on the ocean end of tho steel pier) On motion of l.opreoutntivo Rloplu
which xvas weakened during tho storm
Inst month, was further dninn;ed to
da hv high seas crashing against It.
The derailment of the Washington
Now York express nt Porrxvlllo, Md..
Inst night resulting In tho dentil of
the engineer nnd tho injuring of tho
fireman wns due to the locomotive
hitting tho roof of n box car xvhlch
had been ripped oft by tho wind ten
minutes before the passenger tmln
came along,
wealthy broker. t helm: Miod fur divorce
as corvijuiiidouL Thu cac U uttractitis
j WASHINGTON. Jan. IT. -A navnl
building program of two battleships.
l torpedo boat destroyers nnd 17
Mibnuirlnos xxns adopted and Incor
porated Into the naval bill today iiy
tho house naval coiuiulttee. The
bill wns reported nt once to the
The voto for the txx-o bntUeshlps
xvas Ii5 to t; for tho sl torpedo bont
dostroxers, 15 to 5, nnd for tho 17
submarines 1 1 tn 9.
llo-ire. the larger enift Hie pin
$;riiiii adopted include. one oiler, one
tron-port nml one hopitnl ship. The
nut wiin mi, program n-isrefjiite-. np
,.,, 0r Cnlifotnin. it xvas nrovideil
that eiht eonM defense submit rim?1
shall he built on the Pacific oonM un
der eeitnin condition:.
Kooomnu'ntlutioii of Iho nnw sen
oral lionnt for a eont ship, u pun
hoat, n supply hliip, one de.troyer
tender, nnd one Milininriue tender,
were rejected on eloe votes.
Spencer'.-. Mtiimle mill, in the Al-cn
country, stalls iiinjr.
President's Use of Pcwcrs and Mex -
lean Policy Assailed by Cummins
and Borah Williams Defender
Indianapolis Speech Target of Crit
ics Says Wilson Poses as Dictator
! WAHItlVfSTnV. !.. I'l I.. ,..
luck on I'rOMilcnt Wil-miV u-o of hin
oiiii-titiilioiinl p.ixim; orilioi-in mul
"tippnrt nt hi Moxii-iui Kilicv mul
Hiliti'iil peeeliitiHkiuv iiiinli'd todny
in u senate dicuuin nf Senator
fimunin' rrnlutinn n-kiti; xxhat the
I'n it od State, intend In tin with the
I axe collected lurinr iho occupation
of Vera fnu.
.1'itiii Slinn Williiiin-, ilclondin the
nilmiui-tnttiiui. i.iid it xvu well
known the money xva In he titnied
over tn niix nxeinmrut in Mexico
ox'ontunllx rpi'iisnizeil.
liefeiiM Hy Wllllniiw
"Von oiinnot euiharni- the niltiiin
iM,riition. nnr the American
people xxilli miy Mteh reiiliitinn," he
-aid, Inunoliiii..' in o a defense nf the
preident' pnliey. lie deelared if "a
certain Amcitcmi had boon in the
white limiM' there xvimM have been
teru uiea!:e tn ennrc; climaxed:
I'C'nmo un, hnys. i'liiin!il ,
"Wondrnxv Wilfiiu wilt lie renntnrn-
tiled for the pr-ideiiey,'1 A'u Senn
itnr Willimn. "mul reelected, not n
,11 miiiniit.x, hut a a majoritv candt
lilnle." t Senalnr ruminin inilcd con
' sre-, not the prc.-iilont, should dc-
, 'iilo xx lint hnll liccomc of the Vera
Jfnu money nml then, paying? n trih
, lite tn ProMilcut Wtl-on'x integrity
and ability, milled:
Trjliii; to lib tale
"I nm liinplv nhjccliiis: to hi po
ilion Hint he i. iryins to run the
I'niteil Slute. It mipear iu every
iittcmnco that IhIIn fiom his lip,
lie tiume tlmt under the onnMitu-
lion lie i the final nibitor nf nil llic-e
lliiti'... I have no iliuibt ho aumes
it with perfect Iinniitv nnd with the
mot eaiefnl eonideintion."
Senator Ikmili a-ailed the jirei
ili'iit' liiiliaiinpoli .peooh, chanie
teririnsr it a nu ndiuiiou by the
prcMdcnt that he had a i rived nt the
conclusion that he preferred to he the
leader of hU pnrtv rather than the
chief executive of the whole people.
"I xih to nuote the mot sipmifi-
ennt slateinenl ever nmde hy n presi
dent xviih refrnul to n co-ordinate
hrniich of the government," snid he.
"Xo such slnlentent hns been made
finee tho dny-x of Andrexv Jackson. I
xvill not sny that the plrit xvhieh ne
tuatcd il i the smite, hut it cull for
serious consideration of every man. I
oiinte the president's stiiteinent ns
folloxv ;
l'lesldcnt noted
"Mf any group of men should dare
to break the solidarity of the demo
cratic team for nny putpoe or from
any motive, their'. xvould he n most
unenviable notoriety anil n responsi
bility which xvill bring deep bitterness
to 1110111.'
"The president did not say for nny
exil pm pose or any unxxie principle,
but for nny piupoo or any reason.
Such is the solo and central prin
ciple upon xvhieh nny coriupt political
machine was ever urgnnucil or put
into existence. There is no differ
ence between what ho said mid xvhnt
Toin Tnggatt snid to his Indiana fol
low em, eighty of xvhotn pleaded guillx
yesterday to tho erimo of corruption!
There is no difference between it anil
the order, issued by Murphy or Tam
many," nnULIN, Jan. 13, by wireless to
London, 3-25 p. m, Oorninn victor
ies In several engagements on tho
western front nro announced lu to
day's stntontont from the xvnr office.
It Is snid that tho allies xvero com
pelled by German artillery to eva
cuate trenches near the Uolglan coast
In tho neighborhood of Nloupnrt nnd
that attacks xvoro ropulsrd nt other
points with tho enptuto of 1500
French lu one Instnuro,
On tho eastern front there nro no
developments of coiiHooiionco,
! Mann, Amy and Harpcave Elected to
Council 1531 Votes CasM-MaJar-Ity
Against Charter, SI First
Ward Only One Favftrkm, Beth
Charter and Gates. "
Coiincllmnn VAfJ,' -'nnierlck xvas
eloctod mayor ofulcdford over C. K,
Onto at the annual election hold
Tuesday by n majority of jfl2, the voto
standing, Kmcrlck, 775; Gates, 713.
The proposed new city charter was
defeated by 91 votes, the tots! count
being for, 720; against, 811. Activ
ity of the saloon Interests In tho clos
ing polling hours, nnd lack of organ
ized effort by charter friends were
UuiiiiiiiiiniK lunula ill inu result.
The surprise of the election wns
the victory of Frank Amy over C. L.
Schleffelln for councilman In the sec
ond wnrd, the former winning by C2
votes, the same mnjortty as Kmerlck,
tho count being Amy, 322; Schleffe
lln, 2C0. Kmcrick's voto In this
ward was 350, signs of a close al
liance. HesuItH In AVartls
J. D. Skinner, councllmanlc aspir
ant from the first ward lost to J. C.
Mann by 139 votes. Tho first wns
the only wnrd In tho city to give n
majority for Oaten and the charter.
Coiincllmnn llnrgrearcs In tho
third wnrd defeated G. L. Schernier
horn by a majority of 102. tho voto
being Hargreavcs 257, Schermcrhorn,
Tho election leaves tho personnel
of the council,1 Sargent, Mcdynskl,
Miles, hold-overs, and Councilmen
elect Mann, Amy nnd Ilnrgrenves.
The nexx- council will assume offloo at
the regular meeting of tho council
next Tuesday night. Tho principal
event will be the opening nddrORs of
tho new max or.
Less interest xvas shown In ;no vot
ing Tuesday, than nt any election In
recent years.
J. C. llarncs, socialist candldnto tor
mayor receded a total of 42 votes, 19
In tho first, 23 In the third, nnd nonn
In tho second. Socialist candidates
for tho council were snowed undor.
Uiiofflclnl Count
The unofficial count is ns follews:
Kmerlck Gates Humes
1st Wnrd 191 273 21
2nd Ward 350 254 19
3d Ward 231 ISO 23
I !
For Against
. 218 231
. 205 347
. 207 233
1st Ward ....
2nd Ward ....
:.d Wnrd .
720 Kit
1st Wnrd, Mann, 290; Skinner Km.
Klein. 27.
2nd Wnrd, Amy. 322; Schloffolln,
200; Sntchxvell, 33.
3d Wnrd, Unrgruve, 237; Schor
inerhorn, 155; Smith, 2D.
The total voto cast wan 1572, The
I'ii-t xx-aiil cast -101, tho second H'l'l.
tho third -118. The total region Hon
xvns 1 III'J, of xxhopi 'j;l."j ilid not vote.
Then xvero 'I7,i Hworu iu.
DKIIMN', in Tho llnguo nml Tril
lion, Jim, III, 10;.y n. m. 'The corro
spoiulcnt of tlio Cologne, (liuotto, nt
'Sot'iii, Ilulgiu'ii., ik'clnroi that tho
lending circles lu Jlulpiuin don't share
iu tho belief that thorn is to ho, fin iin
medinteextcuhio u of (he war iu tho
Halkaus. AU decisions, it is stutod,
depend on tho result of the greiil bat
tles now pending,
Tho UuA'lto'jf eorrconilt sfatw
that Humaniu inleiiils fu incriiso the
strength of her army at the Viwl of
Jmiiiary, but (lint jiiiVawH hn'H(t
yet ileojileil to mobilUe hr 'iiim;