Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 12, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    v V
Notices lmvo been pouted In tho
pontotflco ly llio Aincrlcnn Helglan
lUillof committee, whereby postage
expended In sending nld to Now York
will bo returned. This Is by nn ar
rangement with tho postal department
tho sender upon application being
given instructions upon how to so
Or. Klrschgosnor of this city hns
received n number of papers from
I. lit ..1.1 It....... I. fn... .... Hurt n.t-
h.llin uiii iiiruiu ill M.'i iiiiiuj vnv i.i.i-
ill! iuiin in inu iruiiuivn iu hiihj imps
had with n shipment of Aincrlcnn
mules being used in hauling gunaj
and supplies. Tlu mules balked and
kicked lt Missouri style, but the na
tion, so well prepared In tho effi
ciency of wnr that It put two sets of
buttons on each pair of soldier's
pants, could do nothing with tho
most patient and abused of nil Amer
ican animals.
Wo arc headquarters for real first
euro Its return. This Is expected to ! minllty cut hnlr. Marlnello Hair
bring now aid to the llttlo country
ntrngRlIng desperately to keep, from
being Toutonlzcd.
Whllo wo nro all discussing the
BtiRar beet question, don't forget tho
llttlo hen. She's a money maker,
netting 200 per cent J early, and al
ways III demand, 253
A Shakespeare study class wns or
ganized Monday evening when about
forty people of both soxes gathered
nt the public library for that purpose.
Prof. 11. !'. Mulkey was elected leader
nnd Prof. A. J. Handby, president:
Mrs. S. 11. Graham, secretary, and
Mlns l.lnln ForRitson, treasurer. The
Meetings arc to be held on Monday
evening of each week nt tho library
nnd nro to contlnuo until Juno 1st.
Tho membership Is limited to 50, and
tho entire hours of meeting, from
until 0:30 nro to be given up wholly
to Shnkcspercnn study. Nearly all
tho touchers In the Med ford schools
nro members of tho clasN.
Boo Daro Wood abovit that fire In
surnnco policy. Offico Mail Trlbuno
Krlc Anderson of the Wue Ledge
district spent Sunday and Monday in
Med ford attending to business mat
ters. Snow fell ovor tho low foothill
Monday afternoon, mantling all tho
trees In white. It also fell upon ltoxy
Ann, and tho covering extended
farther down on Mt' Wagner than at
any previous time this winter.
Do not buy feed for hens that do
not lay eggs. If you do not know
how to test them wo will show you.
Medford Poultry & Bgg Co. 253
J. II. Sheridan of tho Nash hotel
left last nlRht on a business trip to
Portland, expecting to return the last
of tho week.
Joe II. Ueeman of Cold Hill is in
tho city today boosting for the estab
lishment of a sugar factory In the.
valley. Mr. Ueeman says thero is a
strong sentiment In his homo town for
the factory. A meeting will bo held
nt that place Wednesday.
Placo your magailne club sub
scriptions with Sparta Cigar Store.
Many of tho farmers of tho valley
havo begun plowing, the rains of
the last two days stopping this part
of tho farm work. Spring orchard
work will begin in a short time.
llnulness houses of the city are tak
ing their annual Inventory this week.
Sweet elder at Do Voe's.
Tho next road attraction nt tho
Page theater will bo "September
Morn," a musical comedy, Thursday,
January 21.
Col. J. It. Harvey of Grants Pass
spent Monday In Medford attending
to business matters.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isls
Wood thieves are reported to be
numerous throughout tho city, oper
ating at night. Some citizens have
set traps for the nmrnuders, but with-
out results.
J. It. I.anco of Cold Hill transacted
business matters In Medford Mon
day afternoon.
Why walk when you can rldo for
J 6c to any part of tho city. Ford
Tuxl. Call Alco 8S2II.
Attorney Fred Williams of Grants
Puss has returned to his homo after
vlhltlng with friends nnd relatives In
this city.
Attorney n. It. McCabo attended
to legal matters In tho county seat
Tho finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
ltoss Kllno or tho Llttlo Iltitto dis
trict spent Monday In Medford on
Mrs. W. W. TouVollo and sister,
Miss Mabel Head, of Toledo, Ohio,
arrived In Medford Monday and nro
tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It, Tou
Vollu, of Kaglo Point.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop, Over Isls Thea
Nick Kllno of Griffin creejc Is at
tending to business matters in tho
city today.
Mr. nnd Mrs, C. M. Speck returned
Tuesday from a several weeks'
in Spokane They expect to remain
permanently from this on at their or
chard homo, tho Durrell tract, south
of Medford.
Got It at Do Voe's
G. C Ulrich loft Tuesday morning
for Klamath Fulls where ho will work
in tho Intorosts of the Mutual Life
insurnnco. Mr, Ulrich returned a
few days ago from n "business get
ters" mooting of the company's rep
resentatives bold In Portland.
Palm rooms, now management,
JIgb, airy rooms, roasonnblo rates.
Shop, 407
Garnett-Corey building.
Dr. Henry Hart and family re
turned a few days ago from a several
weeks' visit In Los Angeles. During
the family's stay In Los Angeles Mr.
Hart made a business visit to his old
home town, Qulncy, 111. Mr. Hart's
son, Floyd, n former Medford high
school boy, Is attending the Harvard
Military School in Los Angeles.
Frank Kmerlck returned Tuesday
from a visit to eastern Oregon.
J, O. Corking, tho best all around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S
Main St. Phone 320-J.
C. A. Meeker of the Medford Mer
cantile company wns In Ashland Tues
day on business.
Mrs. F. D. Schrump of Gold Hill
was a Medford visitor Tuesday.
A. II. Conner, who has been elected
speaker of the Washington house of
representatives Is a biolher of Guy
Conner of Medford nnd Interested in
local orchards.
Get your butter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo's.
Albert Anderson of Grants Pass,
was a Medford visitor Monday.
Tho farm residence of It. S. Dahl
berg, at .Murphy, vvus destroyed by
fire early Monday morning. Tho
members of the family escaped In
their night clothes. I.os $2000, with
no Insurance.
Cora B. Utley. chiropodist, -107
Garnett-Corey building, phone C.'.T-R.
Alex J. nosborough. secretary nnd
Sydney Sprout, consulting engineer,
both of San Francisco, of the California-Oregon
Power Co., are looking
over company Interests In the valley.
Mrs. It. C. Mlnear left Tuesday
morning for a visit to Portland to
her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and
Mrs. G. K. Anderson.
Miss June I Unman was In Central
Point Tuesday. Miss lllnmnn has a
class in music In Central Point.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cunvmlngs left
Monday for Phllmoth, Oregon.
Mrs. L. K. Knyart returned Mon
day from n visit to relatives and
friends in Glendale.
Mrs. John Dunnlngton was vis
iting friends In Grants Pass Tuesday.
J. P. Drown arrived In Medford a
few days ago from LaGrande, Ore.,
and will make this city his home.
Mr. und Mrs. W. F. Ulrey, of Itos
well, N. M., who havo been visiting
in Medford a fow days, guests of I.
A. Merrlman and family, left for Eu
gene Monday.
T A. Johnson nnd wife, of Med
ford, are spending a few days In tho
city looking after business matters.
Iloseburg Itevlew.
F. T. Kmerlck, son of Councilman
Kmerlck, returned this morning from
a six months hunting trip in Idaho,
looking halo and hearty and feeling
fine after an extended stay In tho
wilds. A number of pictures taken
on tho trip, show a list or the gamo
secured, and are highly interesting.
Some of the pictures nnd wild gamo
secured will adorn the Idaho build
ing at the 1915 fair.
Martin McDonough, n pioneer of I The beet sugar propaganda for the
Jackson count v and now u resident "tiblMunont of u .U00,Uu0 Inetorv
in the liiigite- river vnllcv hit" leuehed
of Med ford, lnm miulo a number of
pergonal impihicx and observation
into the sugar beet indiistrv wbielt
nre worthy of mention, more especial
ly bcoiutM' of the fuel thai Mr. Me
Donoimh hud been netivelv engaged
in agricultural pur-uili for n great
number of veaix before becoming u
resident of Medford, mul hcontwe of
his net mil knowledge of the produc
tive ipuuitics ot the soil in most parts
of the county.
While in Ventura county lust sum
mer Mr. McDonough made a thorough
-study of the sugar beet industry,
which is the chief industry of that
section of ("iilifornin. ami the re
sults of bis research lire here given?
"The suiiur beet indict n is cur
ried on by individual growers mul not
by the sugar fnclorv companies.
"In many localities grower, of su
gar beets juiv the owners of Inp'c
tract.s of land as- hi'lt as ;?0 per acre
cash rent fur Iheir land.
"That none of the acreage planted
to sugar heels in Ven I urn count v is
better adapted to that ciiltuic than
most of the acreage in .laol.son coun
ty, and that much of the acreage in
Jackson eonntv is far stterior to that
of Venlum county.
"That when hind is void in Ven
tura couulv the basis of it- valuntion
is made upon it, sugar heel produc
tiveness and mil uiiou the orn litre mid
walnut lnmls of which there is con
siderable in Ihat count v. In many
instances heels arc planted between
Irce rows in the younger orchards.
'Thai at one factory, near Cliino,
from SO to 100 men nre employed the
entire year 'round and during the
btif.v harvesting season Ihere ar" etn-
ploved from Cifli) to S00 men. There
nre eight or ten Mignr factories in the
count v. Cliino. with n imputation of
less than 'JflflO. ranks second in rail
road shipments in a county which litis
a population of nearly 100.000. The
sugar beet industry is a great electric"
road builder. Tho . sugar beet sections
of California nro u net work of rail
roads, built wholly for the puroose
of .shipping beets to the several fac
tories, but these railroads are made
common carrier for handling oilier
products which the fanners have for
"Surclv a great mistake will be
mado by the farmers of the Itngite
river valley if they do not ign up
for enough norenco to Insure the es
tablishment of this factory."
mat delicate point wheic success m
nssuied. hut im.fc of community unilvi
blocks the closing of the deal. The
committee in charge icports that
there aic plenty willing to .sign, hut
lo get their John Hancocks on n con
trite! is another mailer. A meeting
will likely he held nl once to remedy
this foa lure of the campaign.
To date the committee icpoils that
2000 ncics have been signed up, and
that prospects arc blight for twice
this amount, under u new plan of nt
tack. The northern end of the vullo'
Hold Hill, Koimic Itivcr mid the l'.viuis
Creek districts have taken interest in
the sugar beet proposition and n
meeting will be held nt Gold Hill to
moriow. under the direction of Joe
Hecaiau, and the local committee.
There is also n sentiment for sugar
beets in the Kitch district, tniupor
tatiou facilities being the drawback.
Ilnth Salem und Kuceiic. in the W'il.
lutnetto valley, arc agitated over the
sugar beet ipicslion, ami the com-
incrcinl clubs of the two cities nre
milking' efforts towards .securing a
factoiy. They are talkie of offering
iimuises, inn jnc sugar lniercsis ue
not look with favor upon that section
because of the unfavorable climatic
The financial page of Die Chicago
Tribune recently contained a short
article upon sugar tut tires of interest
at Ibis imic. IWIginm ami (lalieia
aic two of tho gicatest sugar beet
nations on earth, but war has paral
yzed all industry. The ailiclc said
that the enormous sugar material out
nut of these two countries would have
to be supplanted by crops in other
districts, or the world faced a sho-t-
age ot one ol its most important
Moiulav evening was a red Idler i IVi'si-denl tumor reached Ibis die
date for Talisiiiaii lodge No. Ill, K. of Monday al'leiiioon thai l.ou "t'aek"
WASHINGTON', Jan. 12, -PreM-dent
Wilbon said today ho hud no
comment to maku on tho Urltlsh reply
to the American note inasmuch as It
was only u preliminary. Ho Indicated
ho had not given tho Urltlsh com
munication full study as yet and plans
to discuss It at length soon with Sec
retary Urynn.
In other quartors, however, whore
the communication has been gouo
over In detail by officers of tho gov
ernment tho view still prevails that
whllo many concessions havo boon
made, tho Urltlsh note leaves much
to bo explained befoio American mer
chants can bo appraised or what they
can or cannot do with their curgoes.
Pictures showing beet sugar fac
tories throughout the Itocky moun
tain states and California are on ex
hibition today at tho Medford Hook
Store, and one of the substantial
brick buildings, with smoke pouring
from tho smokestacks, nnd farmers
teams backed up to the dump, would
fit Into the Ilogue river valley scen
ery excellently. Plants nt Oxnard,
Itocky Ford and other points through
out the west nre shown, and nre a
convincing argument In favor of the
establishment of a similar one in this
Tho beet mi gar committee Tuesday
morning posted cards In tho principal
business houses, banks and places
urging all land owners to sign up for
acreage nt once.
Porter .1. Xeff returned ibis morn
ing from I'ortlmiij where he attended
the Oiegoii Stale Irrigation conven
tion ,tie!ing as the southern Oregon
representative, nn'il uNo speakiic at
the Jackson Day bmicttet given lo
the state dcmnornc At the last
named meetin- Miss Mollic To wue ol
I'liociiix, representiitie-clect to the
siatc logisnturell(nim this section,
was the idol and heroine.
Hv uniting with eastern Oregon, in
opposition to Multnomah county, a
resolution was asscd h- the irriga
tion meet fnvorip- n halt mill state
aid tnx for the furtherance of irri
gation projects, and federal nid in
development bv water.
1 The members were fmorcd with
an official visit bv Grand Chancellor
Dr. Wrightmun and (liand Keeper
of Records and Seal l.ou it. Slinson.
The unifoim rank attended in full
dress uniform and cscotled the popu
lar grand officers to the cast In hall
where u good number of enthusiastic
I'.vthimis awaited Ibein.
Orand Chancellor Wrighlmaii gaxo
u very interesting talk ami was fol
lowed by (Irand Keeper of KccoriN
and Seal Stiiison, who, hv the way,
is very popular in the Kogue river
vnlley mid tuiii "l.ou" has a warm
spot in his big heait for "the hos"
hcic. c tofd of hc substantial
progrcs.s of the older throughout ibe
slate and made special mention of
the new life taken on by tho Ashland
bulge with (1. M, I .owe, the famous
c.pcit farmer at the helm of the
(iianitc City lodge. Mr. l.owc nl
tended the love ciis here nnd gave
u very interesting tilth.
linked 'ih mid other substantial
mid delicate dishes served in the ad
joining bmiiiiet room added to the
pleasures ot the evening.
Itel'oie adjourning a movement wns
launched that will Very likely be per
fected by which this locality will re
ceivc, through the united efforts of
I'vthians generally, ome nf the best
publicity ever given Ihc allc. This
is lo be pulled off some tunc during
the coming summer ami will be a hum
mer. If propcilv handled, mid wc
arc sine of that if Mcdfoid ocoolc
will give it a little needed encourage
ment, it will he a strong incentive to
bring many visitors lo this commun
ity at that time as well as in 111 Hi
when the supreme lodge of the world
meets in Portland. It will ho some
thing that will interest uewspaoers
and tuaga.iiies so much that with but
little of the proper iiiauipiilnlioii it
will be spread all over the world.
1'heisler, a Medford vouth, ago about
''J years, had been shot and killed,
following a dispute over a game of
cauls Sunday lit Happy Camp, ;i
mining settlement seventy miles west
of Vreka, mid' near the Del Nolle,
California, county line. The rcpoit
can neither be confirmed of denied.
A telephone messnc.o cnilv this
morula" to Yrekn brought Ihc infor
mation Ihat a shooting affray had
occui led, and that "the Indian would
live." Nothing was said about I'hcls
ler, poor connections and wire dou
ble forestalling an ctxended conversa
tion, II was generally icpoited in
Yieka that Pheister had been shot.
Owing to the i-olnled position of
llnppv Camp, the only means of com
munications being by mail ami singe,
over rough mountain roads, details of
the nffrnv mo lacking.
The parents of voung I'reislcr il ve
in Ibis city, hut thev no nothing about
Ihc reported tragedy, Ihc mother Is
Highly uoriieil. Ihc young man was
supposed to have been clciking in
the I'lunco-Aiiieiiean hold at,
but cvidcutl' left there a week or leu
dnvs ago. He lived in this oil" most
of bis life, and was well known hcic.
For lltice or four "'Hi's be was agent
for a sewing machine concern, ami
before Ihat iliovn a hulehcr cat I for
Nichols ,, ,s Ic
All clloil i heuig made lit local
and Vieka milhoiihcs to -eiuie innie
ml in iiuii ion on i in' rumor.
Work on Mcdfoid'M now f I Io.imiii
Federal building In exported to be
Matted about tho first of February.
The contract for Its roust ruction was
Id lo the Hound CoiiHliiiethiu Co. of
Seattle, about the tlrst or January
and as the governiiiDiiLtliiwH only
HI months for Its completion, dating
flout tho accoptiiiico of tho hid, tho
woik will be started at tho earliest
possible moment mid will bo rushed
to completion. Failure lo complete
the building within the allotted lit
mouths, menu a penalty of $ 1 0 a day
to the contiaclors for very dny'ti de
lay beyond tho proscribed lime.
The xand Meno dimming to bo
used In the building will bo fiom a
Hand stone quarry lit Lincoln county,
this state. The Call building lit Suit
Francisco ami a number or state
building In this state were built or
nick from this quarry. Light gray
proved and common red brick an
to be used lit llio walls but whcie
these will be secured has not ns Jet
been made known, Tho ginnltn to
be tiHcd wll probably be secured In
Jackson county.
The roiiitntrtliin work la ospcrtod
to be under the stipet vision of Mr.
Crowley, a former Medford contractor
who has been with this company' In
that cnparliy since leaving Medford.
While npornlliiK In Medford several
years ago, Mr ('ion ley was a mem.
her of the firm of Crowley K- Kiiydcr
A (i'imhI ltis.oii,iii.
To help build up Medford payrolls
by smoking Governor Johnson or
Ml. Pitt
Prof. M. S. Plttman of tho Oregon
State Normal school nrrniimnnlcil
Itural .Supervisor A. It. Cliaso In his "" lklll l'ac '1 ""r ln,,' c'
VlsltK tn the ronnlrv hcIwwiIu ilnrlni' I l,0, '"
A record crowd of enthuslnstle
moving picture fans enjoyed the local
pictures shown at the Page Inst ulghl
and many a cheer went up from the
audience when the well known char
acters were shown. Laughter picvalt
ed all through the performance when
the pictures of hundreds of victims,
unknown to themselves caught by the
camera man appeared on the screen.
It appeared like a real album of
photographs of over one hundred nnd
fifty colored scenes of local events
and characters Including the schools,
churches, streets, etc., and proved n
thorough success to fully iriOO spec
tators present at tho theatre last
Today tho camera man Is making
the rounds of the town again with his
all-seeing camera will snap men nnd
women nt tho polls and other events
CIIKISTIANIA, Jan. IJ, via l.ou
ilui, 1 1 :ll.'l a. at, Norwav bits decid
ed deliiiitclv that it will be impossible
for her o send u warship to take
pint in the naval ceremonies in con
nection with the opening of the Can
nula canal for the iciisou that Iter eu
lire fleet will be requited fur the de
fense ol Norwegian nculralil.v.
J, Dodge Is visiting In Poi(
FOIl SW.K X good business propo
sition. Ilcst money maker In town
for the capital Invented. Write
for price and terms mid bo con
vinced. Address box X , (are Mall
Tribune. U.'iS
W.XNTKI) At once two men of neat
nppnarance to solicit members for
a new lodge to lie organized here.
Salary 1 1 oi) per day lo the right
patties. For particulars sen M. IL
ltoH M Colonial Finis, room 10.
of llio
Tells How To Open Clogiccd Not
trils and Kail llrad-Cohls,
Georgia Kicber,
1IOISK, Idaho, a.Jn. l'J.- Standing
committees were announced by
Speaker A. II. Conner in the hoiiso of
representatives thin morning nnd the
Idaho legislature is now lciulv for
llio sity-day grind Iloth house an
tliorixcd mi appropriation of $'2'M
for the expenses of the investigation
into the condition of the Mute treas
ury department.
At a meeting or the Charity Pall
committee held yesterday the follow
ing report was mado lo tho commit
tee by those in charge of the finances
oi the Charity ball. Tho proceeds of
tho ball have been turned over to tho
Asfcoc luted Charities for use In their
work :
Iteccivcd rroin mile or tlckots.'Oft.'-T.
Punch bowl and signrs 28.70
Total rccolpts
Paid for ro nt of Nalatorlum
hall i .'i.1.00
Orchestra 3&.00
Sundries 7.00
Total expenditures 77.00
Net receipts $ ISO. 05
Tho coinuiltteo desires to thank tho
nowspapnrs especially for their most
Bplondld suppoit, ulso llio following
who donated cigars: C, A. Do Voo,
Itoxull Pharmacy, Tho Quiz, O, L.
Davidson, Alco Cigar store, the Nash
hotel, Strang's Pharmacy, Hnskln's
Pharmacy, Medford Pharmacy, nnd
tho .Sparta Illdg. Cigar store, also to
tho manyothers who contributed to
the success of the bull.
the past week. Mr. Pitman has vis
ited the rural schools In every county
of the state, and Is trying to accom
plish two things: To help teachers
and supervisors In solving the prob
lems of the rural schools which are
visited, and to get such data ns will
enable tho normal school to meet the
demands or the rural ichool,
Mr. Plttman Is tailing up some
particular subject In each school vis
ited. This week thu subject of arith
metic was studied and the classes In
that branch of study were changed to
meet the time of arrival. The school
at Itiich, Lone Pine, Independence,
north Phoenix, Null Creek, llcllcview
boda Springs, Wagner Cicek, Ander
son Creek, Itoonivelt No. 00, Upper
IJrownsboro ainj Lake Crook were
visited and many good recitations in
arithmetic were noted.
Kvonlng meetings were held at
Kuch, North Phoenix, Nell Creek,
Ilrownsboro and Lnko Crook nnd
while tho unfavorable weather pre
vented tho attendance at largo aud
iences, yet ciiihiislustlc meetings
were held. Mr, I'ittmau's lectures on
"Our Heboid" and "Tho School as a
lliiBlnoss Proposition" vvero greatly
Net week Mr. Plttman will travel
with .lr. Peterson In the northern
part of the county.
Portland Livestock Market.
POIITI.ANI), Ore, .Ian. I'J.-Cat-tic,
receipt h U.S8; steady.
I logs, receipts l."8: Jive cents low
er. Prime light, 7.tH)fi7,in.
Slieco iceeinlh' KIH- iiiichaiiL'cd.
Dandruff causes a feverish irrltu
tlon of thu scalp, tho hair roots
shrink, loosen and then tho hnlr
comes out fast. To stop falling hnlr
at onco nnd rid tho scalp of every
partlclo of dandruff, get a 25-cont
liottlo or Diuiderlne at any drug store,
pour a llttlo In your hand and rub
woll Into tho scalp. After a few ap
plications all dandruff disappears
and thu hair stops coming out,
There Was Nothing So flood foe Con
gestion and Colds as Mastoid
Hut tho old-fashloiiad mustard
plaster burned und blistered while 11
acted. You ran now gel tho relief
and help Hint mustard plastcis gave,
without the plaster and without the
MCHTKItOLK does It. It Is a
clean, white ointment, mado with nil
or mustard. It Is scientifically pro
pared, so that It works wonders, and
yet does not blister tho tcudereat skin.
Just massage MCHTKItOLK In with
tho finger-tips gently. Hco how
quickly It brings rcller how speed
ily the pain disappears,
.And Ihero Is nothing llko MlBTKIt-OLI-:
for Horo Throat, llronchltls, Ton
sllltls, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma,
Neuralgia, llendncho, Congestion,
Pleurisy, Hheumutlsm, Lumbago,
Pains and Aches of Unci; or Joints,
Sprains, Sore Muscles, llritlses, Chil
blains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the
Chest (It often piovoulH Pneumonia.)
At your druggist's, In SHc and fiOc
Jars, and a special largo hospital slo
ror $S,r,0.
Ito sure you got the genuine MUS
TKItOLK. HoftiBo Imitations gel
what you ask ror. The Musturolo
Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Adv,
Yen firl till" in a few liioint'liK
cull in lii'.nl or eaturrli will be
(jur clu;j:ti iiD'IrlU will oiin. The all
p.imjjpii of veur loud will rhiir and
.von cull breitlm fnelv. No unite dull
hCHX, lif.iilut'kci mi bunking, miulllln.
nitiiiiiM diHliargr or drvne; no trug
gllie.' for biciitli tit night.
'fell jour druuKM you want n small
Uiltle nf lily's Cream ll.ilm. .vppl.i u
little or tlili fiatfriuit, antl'itli' orciir
in j our niifttriK lit It prut tmle Ibi'iiig'i
every ulr iiouuc of I lie heel Mxitln
mot licil the nwdl'ii. Inll.iiiicd iiiiii'uii'
iiii'lubr ine, mil relief nunc limliiiith
It Ih ju-t w'tat every cold and eiilurr
olfcr r " In, Don't iUv slulM"
We guarantee this Maple Syrup ab
solutely pure ami made only from thu
sap of the sugar maple tiee
We almi have new shipment of
Pints. Quarts, Half nations and Cal
Second door cast or First National
Itiink. I'liioic U.VJ
Not Rub
Off. Lasti
met at
4 Tii
l.oai i Olbm,
mi Work.
?P Get a Can Today
Under New Management
Regular Meals
Short Orders
at All Hours
Best of Service
10 S. I'KONT
-J -
Done by
Expert Workman
Anil Gtinrantccil
212 East Main St, Phono 10
Tin: twin; or thu uvm M tiiii
lii other words, ir you want your
eyes to stay by you and preserve your
sense or sight as long as you live, you
must (alto good care or them. Hco
iiomy In u very good tiling In tho
right direction, but, when It comes to
the eye, a poor pair or glasses will
not tnko the placo or n good pair.
H you want good glasses I can rur
nlsh them.
Ho Knows How '
Suite l-'J Over Houel's
B, & II, Qruou Trading Slumps fllvon