' MKDFOIW M'Ain TltnUJNR, WRDFOfM), OlflOOOX, 'ITIWDAY, .7ATTARY 12, I J) 1 5 radii BTivKif V IIiiiwiimwiii-IIi, Aliirv. lint Nli',4 or hk'i, him', ft, ii, ;in, it iv IIiiiwiimwwIIi, Mm y, v.. Nil' mnl NW'i or HUM, nee. !, IWi. I "i. 1 1 I YY ., . . ' , . 'J'liiiiMiiHnii. V, f).- H'4 of MIS'i mill mi-:", nr fhv'i, Mic i. tun .if., u ivy llrt MtiNnnitli, .Mm v. Hut.-HWM nr nsvs, h. ii, in, twit. :i;., A TH.lill, ('. W. -HWVi of M''i. ! ii, Mvn H&, ii nv ,. Nullum", .1 l -Hen, ll-IMi, see, II, IK l. !lft, II lV , I'lirmui. II, I Wit, nr HWYi nnd HUM iif HWr'J. i-ii'. U, MM', n. It l v Tliiitiiiwini, K II, -N't ill' NW'i. mr II, IWi. ,1. It IW ( 'hi in, viiiimii--;)W nr Mim mi. if,, krii, Hi, ui. 3li, It lV cittiim, 'I'iiiin HU nr Dmi. f.4T. mi' in. tvvji an, it iv I'uh.il, J '.- HvVvl hi' NH'.l. .(. I;. iwp :i. it iw HiMililliiK, U. .M --Mi. i"'" ll li, n, it iw i. iimiii). v i. nuia ir m;i, HIT. I'J. t1Vl Mi It IW lliom, Anilmvi "HI1V. iif NWM. hit 10, tup, , It lV Mlll.-l, l'lM II- NW'l iif Nlt'i nml NVt nf NWM nml HWy, ur NWI,,ihh 10, wn ,U, It IW I i mill ,i, HWM "I HWYi, m :i, iu.. sn, it iv Kith. .1. II-MV nf .Villi nr MS It, "' l'l. -t. It IW lliuiniiiin. Ii K HKVi. su 3ii, I iv ii, Ji, It IW IVi-i-l. A. 'I H 'if HWM. M'f an, ihii r.. It lV . 3 nu OD.'JO IK DO no v it, J, IT, 2S.A0 I 'i.UU 4 30 way :i.co s: 10 H.IU .140 M Ti COO 3 i) 32.10 13.01) COO 31 :i 3 so II 40 13 16 O.07 3. HI 13 44 37 JJ WnMii' I. M. W,- MV' nf Nl l.i "i; r.vi i, me. SI. Iwii. 'it, II IW Mhi'iili'Ml. A It-- NWl. IWi 38, II IW I'l.llll.. I1 1! If.,.tlul.l..l u .'. II, Cnllllm. I1 U- I'llillvliliM llll. Ill M'. nr M!V. mi-. 3D, Im. 3ft, It IW I'nloiunn iimikii. -NWfe uf Ni:1.. Ml' t, MI, l'i. II (IV H.-HM1II.I N J-UtV ItttH Nil. I. ihh- 3, Iwii. 38, It IW iiihhii. It I1.-Ii.-ii TT-3'Mi. we i. in m, u iw ,, . . Hl..lil.-, A, W ! l KM'll nr ni: I,, Hv- I, u.l. lit, It IW Hrliitiiii-Ni-i. I. - Iritis 1 Hlnl I, t . tun. HI. It nv liiui-ii.'il. i: .. mill .Mud -ni;v, ii ii. i I'M- I mi.i 1. Im-i, Jrt, It IW Aiiki.-, Win NW'i mill 0 , iwp. 14. II IW K..KHN. u ..-H'ii or -HW nf wp 0, Nit I.. HW' 74. mi 4 7: K.MI 3 00 30.10 mm- (I, IW jr. nv It.iin.r. Ili.rir UK. nf NWI', nml wu i.r nku. hm- id. tii. h:, It Milium.' I iwiik- I liriiK w-i' I., l. Jit, II IW llnli-. I.UkIo T-W, nf Ntt'U. nv II, lup -1- It 'W IIkIh. I.iitali- T.-Nm, f NUM. miv H. IW. 3, It W rwlw.ll. A t'-HWil nf HH'li, rr l. li. 3i), ItlW I'hIiIh.II, It.lmt A Uri, Ht-IC.', f l. l. IC. It IW I'liHn-Mn iiv.iiri-.Nm. iif UVAt ..ml NVi of HlCM nf Nlt'i, m-- I?. Ii l. It IW Mmmfti-v. W. I IiIn 3 Mini I Uli.l UK nr HWM. Hie 11. M J It IW IXi-ll, i'Iih. H- Mm ( ami C, ... in wi 34. It in' IImII. T II-(Im hit i, iw. JH, HI it. It IW UlHHrlv, H. J -IIih 14-M7 nml SI ill. mm- 11. . ir,. It V Itlll.lllMiH. Ulill ll.-M. MM0tt. rrr. 11. IHp 14. II IW I'diirii .luiiii i--ni:m i.r nu'i if MUt. Hi-. 11, twi. 34, It IW Hnrlllim. I'loirmv -NVt, nr MI '. r ni;i, mi.i H', nr niji, nr NKM mnl HUM nr NUM mnl HWM if NUM Mini NWM nr mm r nr.- :;. tn 14. it iw llnHnr.1. r. .1 ii-H 9ii.lv mnl II4 ll wHI 31. IW. 14, It Uf, llHVKMHi.l. fi. Ilt,-H'4 nf HWM Mini lnl A Ntnl 7. Hr'. 31. Ii 14, It IW . . 'lmil. I' At -NWM "f NWM. M-l- IV. IHp Hi. It IW i'Iihim-i. r ,m -wifc nr nkm mnl NKS nf NKM. 3D. tup. .in. 7 10 0 40 307 34 7 30 II CI 14 CO it.) t: no 7 11 iw II 40 2C Ii i.: -7C 97.CJ II. HI til 21 30 11 iw 1 if 1. .lulu if. II -NISM nf NWM. (--a. 31. Iwii 3K. It IW i.fi.oiH:li, II K -HUM. mm' ---.,."..,., .-. - v, ," mm tVMI 111. t IW Hi'Vi riiix-r. N.-lll A. IIii-IIvI-ImI H Inl lu NK',. n f t)UM. "' i. ti 14. 11 iw Or. Klin 1I11I1I Clrlil .MIiiIiik IN I'nillvl.lnl H Inl In NKV. nf HUM n' 33, IWi 34. It IW ItlliH-r A. -'4 Inl In HWM nf NWM mnl NW nr HWM. " it 34. iwii 1. It IW AhrrM, I'lMiik II - HKM nf HUM. m.-i 31.. Iwii 34, II IW I I11I1-. W I' -', llll. In HWM nf MIM,. mm' 34. twi 3ii, II IW I Irwin. An.lt.'W - H Inl In HWU nf HIC. Hit'. 14, twp 14. II IW .Mnlk-y A llnxli- N nf HU'l, nf HWft. mr I I up 37, It IW Xlinin.'ti.iMii, W J - KM uf HUM. i.r HWM. t I- lw. -' It W lmruil. i. H II. US i.r fiM.- NU ,. h.-.- 1. iwii. 37. It IW Mi-i'iimhi.i. .i i, i'ini'. .f ni:v, i.r NUM. M.M- I. I hii. IT. II IW llnvnwil, I i-ii IJ-I--HWM nr NW M hihI NW'-. "t K'M. M.T. 4, Iv-p 17. II IW Till' lllNI'k I'llMHIII-l Mlnllllt HNil lr. IVKU llf HWM MW. IU. Iwp. 37. II iv . i'iiUihihii oiiimr uu i.r Nmi i.r NU'v, i-rv II. iwp 31. II IW lllMik Oiil.l I'liHiiiii-l .MIiiIiik f.i- - I'nrl nr NW'i ur HUM. Mm. 12, tv. 37. It IW .. 'I li llliiuk CIihiiim-I Mlillnr nml II r.i- I'nir NWM nf NWM nml HUM '( NWM. "T- 13. Iwi. i7. ii nv ... ll(ill.-, II H -IIM nf HWM nr HV. . hii- I.. Iwii. 37. It 4W .110 SOI f-.l'l 4 20 120 ill 90 S.ll fi.N0 1CMI 4.20 1.24 2S.1I C2S SOI 34.00 ll.Ul. y. II. H NWM .of NUM, mi- 13. lu. 37. It IW HIIII.M. Al HW'i ur .MCI, mnl MICI uf NWM nml WU nf HU ,. .... ii .. .. i? it nt :twinM.. Johii ii -NM uf HU!U mnl HWM nf NWM, -'. S3, li 37. It IW I'm Wit. IMwIh lU uf I'.H. . 2.1. iwp. 37. II IW ... I'uwli-r. UiltUn. HUM nf '. 21. ttvp 37. II IW Cnriiiilmn. . 41 -HWM nr NWM, mnl llu-.WM nf tin- HWM mnl tin. Hill, uf HWM. hit 21, Iwp 37, It 4W InwIiT, IMwIii-NI'.V, nml W'4 uf NWM mnl HW.li mnl HUM, "'' ;!, umi, 37, It 4W Alilinniilil, I' A -NWM nr Mviv 2". Iwp 3i, It IW l-'uuli'i'. Kiln III, NUM mnl HUM. him' 24, iwp, 37. It IW .. I).iIm NWM ur NW',, uf NWM. mi-o. 30. tup 37, It IW liulilnii. U WM nr NU'i uf NWM. H.-r .11 Iwp 37. It IW liiitlilMiin, U. WM r NUM nr NW'I. h.-i. .10. iwp. 37. H IW llliiml. Illili -HVj uf NUM mnl NWM nr HUM. hit .12. Iwp. 37, It IW Vulk. 4.--HWM nr HWM. mim'. .13. Iwp 37. It IW ,- l.nvi'. .MiitfKl" WM nr WVi, wu. .11, iwp, 37. It IW ,, I'miipliill. 4 I.. -WM pf NUM mnl NUM nf NWM nml NWM nf HUM. mt 31. iwp, 37. II IW KiiwIit, Kilwin Nllli nml NWM nml NKM nf HWM mnl HUM, hit, 30, Iwp, 37, It IW l.i-wmi, TIhim. U D.-H. U7-MI3. hii- 7, iwji. 3S. II IW .. IIiiiihiiii. II. I.. NV4 uf NUM mnl HII uf NWM. him'. 0, iwp. 3N, .Ilirxi'iiM.-n' M.--NU'm nr HUMiinil UM ur NWM ur HUM, H.-c. Hi. iwp. 38. It UV . ..... Ilmii'iick, I. I!.-Wli iif NWM nf HUM mnl NUM ot HW!i. wu. HI. iwp. 3S. It IW . . . 1,i-miiiiii, Itli'lim-il !. tlnv. lot 1, hit 17. iwii. .IK. It IW .. .. IMyiii'. T.--IW NWM uf NWJii hit IS. Iwp, IIR. It IW . . KiiiilKiMi, I.HIIH1 IC HI-JM nl HW ',i nml HM nf HWM iif KWM, hio 2S, iwp. 38, It 4W. ICiiiil.-n. I. W -NWM nf HWM mnl NVj nr HWM nf HWVi, tn-o. 2S. twp. IU, It 4W KimlKi-li. I'- W -NM4 iif HUM nf HUM, hit'. 29, Iwp. 3K. It IW kiiuui-ii. Lliilili !:.- Mi,r ,ji;-U nf HUM. hit 29, Iwii, 3S, It IW TliimiliNiiii. 4. W -HWM uf NUM him) 33, twp. as. it iw Km Hi;. .liin.iK N14 iif NUM mnl HWM "I" NUM. Hi-i'. 31, twp. 3N. l! IW , ... Itiilinmiii, 4. NWM nl NWM, Hi-o. .14. iwp. 3B. II IW wiiHiii. Nv. w. I'i'H. r.H.:isa., hit. I. twp, 19. It IW . .. riiktinivil llwiHT N'4 nf t"4 'if HWM. hit. I. iwii. Id, II IW Marvin, A. 4.-NICM "t HW',1. 11.10 49.40 49.40 22.20 213. CO 33 40 139.20 I. SO 3 75 3.00 4K.00 4.80 21.00 24.10 230,00 II.2S 17.31 7.92 7.92 U.30 o.r.s 21.21 19. SO 2,20 1.32 3.S0 20.10 3.20 10.40 0.01 .1,40 HOC 1100 90.00 24.00 L'4.00 2 32 4,44 24.r,4 3 40 I.iiiim ny, U. J. NU nf HUM nr HHli. MM' .in, iwu, vi. II lV .MiTrlnrr, I'. A --WJ6 nr NWM. M.-.' I. I ni. II, It IW H..i I.IIuk. Wm. HUM. hit 2, lwi. Tiny llnii" HU's nr HWM. him'. 3, iwp 41, It 4W HIImIiv. .Mm Ii Ii -NVVV. nr NI!". nml N'i nr NWM mnl HWV, nf NW'i, hit 4. iwp II, It 4W .. 12 00 Mlmlilliiif. IIi-iiI - NKU. hii-. H. Inn II, II IW . 24.00 HiihIiIIiik. I'iiiiii'i-m J, NWM. hit, 1. Imi II, It IW . 2100 ('IiiiIhiiiim, Aiiiiii -NWM. Hi-i'. in. Ii II, It IW 24.CC Kiiiililliir. Win HWM nr NU'.i 'nml nf HUM. Mir 10. Iwi 41. II 4W . 19 02 MIK'IIAItli TflAI'TH CIIII.UUIIH UAHTUIIN ADD. Hinllli. II ll-l.nl 1.1 . . .. 9 40 iilKilt, JiiIiii Ii -l.iil 3. mnl N't Int da ... 2-o I'ImiII. .MlN. Will HU, Inl 34 ... 12RU I'lillK. Mllllili- I .il 3f . 1. B0 AmlM-MM. IC. U -l,.H 41 . . 4 2. I'HUHIHliHIK TltAfT IIHIIliKM. .Inlill- N!4 nt N'i. Inl 0 0 01 UAIli.U IIUKIin'H I'ltUIT I'Alt.M lllilill.', W. I". l.nlN 3 mill I .. 14 00 I'niili-y, U U LiilH 13 mnl II 2 72 Mini. U -l.ol IU . II 2" Ullry, lliilili- IC l.nt in 3 in llnmili'V, JninM l.nt 27 9 Ii0 HIiHlilmil, II. I' l.ut 2!l 7 40 .I.M'Krlll.WH Ml HIHVIHIII.N llnuilr Itlni I'iIIImI I'll - -1.(11 I Hull. mM. W. II I...I 1 , m.m:i:m hiiiiuVihuin iiiui. i, i: ) urn in AllllWAV (ll(('IIAItl THAI" VmU W. T - I.hIm n mnl 'J IihIiI.iii, J H, l.nl II VnlW. W. T. LiilM 17, II, l mnl M.vic inievi: Nyf. H A l.m 7 Ny.-. H A IVut i.r I.iIm V mnl 11 nml nil nf Inl III 1100 17.10 i.m r.&fto 31 hi 124 70 24 3 HI. 27 (I IIAIIIIIir'lll'H HI'IIIIIVIHID.N Til." It. II I'trilin nml IHlip I'll. I'nit i.r lot I .2 4C (llirilAllli llll.MU AHKfiCIATIoN Tit AIT Will fin. I'. !. I...IM IX nml 13, 14 mnl 17, 20 mnl 21, Much 3 rU'lilllli.K, W A. M.-K. nl H. It iHirin-r, liliM-k 3. N. in HI! cnr Int 31. W. In Hii cor. Int 32. 40.00 H In HU rnr lilt 41, U In lirr,. Hilll'in, AKlirM I...I 4, Mil.-k 4 Cnri-'iilrr. Al. I.- -I'm I lot I, lilni'k 1 Lull... 1 1. W.- LiiIm I. 2. 3 mill 4 I.UHr. (I W - I.IIlM I, 4. S, Ii. M, 12. 13. 14. 17. 20. 71', 21 mnl IS. tlM'k 4 I 'flu I. I' I'- l.uln 4 mnl S, I'I.m'K .. .. IMUIIi'U MHli..lVIHI(lN Hoy I .'. 1 1 It. UitN 2 mnl 3, tilix-k 1'irri-f. I. II l.nl i, Mm'k 2 Alii-rn. W Al ---Wt 14 nrr. m tit Int h. Iilm-k 2 Kliionlit. Alary A. H4 uf WV- lot 37 SO 10 00 1 M 11.32 10.24 1 20 34,10 7. l.lpOK r. 201 3 20 )llt,-M. ( II K :u. In Inl 3, l.tork T.ivlur. .1 w.- HM nr WM. Inl I. l.l.vfk ft T.iylnr. 4 W 1.(0 LCD 4 S3 -NV4 (if W'i, Int ., i.iueK . . IIIVIillHIM! Hl'lllllVIHKlN I'I.iumIiiic, 4 -l.ut 3 Wnlil. I It l.ul 1 ... imvAi. niii'iiAiin tiiait Mnrir. l. A. I.oIm II Mini 12, 13, II. II, 14. 17. II. 19 uiul 20 229 tO Min-M-. 41 A. IHm 22 unit 23 l 30 IHIVAI. OltrilAllll TIIACT NO 2 AlniMr lli-iilly I'll. l.ulM I In & Itu'ltiMvo HIi'triiN I' II - l.ul 4 Mitmi- Itriilty Co I.iiIh 7, V, 11. 12. 13. II. IS. 14, IK im.l 2i .Mi.ll-.- ItiMilty I'M. Lulu I In 31 Iiii'IiimIvi-. 1,-mm 3 nrirM III 31, iiImii IiiIm 3ft to SI IiioIiinIvi Tnvlur. W II - I.oIm S3, S3, SI nml 11 4U.1 1 K.C4 S S4 70 3 i S4.43 ItOllt'l ItlVI'.U lltltlllATUlMlllOIIAItH I.A.NII llonillli.n. W. III.uIn I tu IN InrliiHlv.- . . 227 OS UOdl'U IllVUIt VAI.I.UV OIIC'IIAltD fOMI'ANV f'liini'lu. 4 T l.ut S mnl Nirt of 4. Muck II. Au.lrrM.iti, A. I'I.l I", lilm-k U. Ami. 'I Mill. A. K. I'nrl Inl 13, i.iiM-k u lltiiwn, Alnry Ull.-n I'mt lut I, lilmk K Tin Ori'-rnl Hi-v. I'ii N 4 nrtiM lut I. Iilurk ll. Tin' (lti-('iil lli'V. C. I'art Inl 3, lil.ii'U (1 HipWIiiM Hurl lut 7. lilm-k 41 Mirtn. T 4. x ux -l.ol II, I. lock 11 . (llmH-i'. 4 I'nrl Inl 1. I.lm'k II I'nrtrr, IC. II. Purl Inl t. Munk I . IIiiiIm. Nutmi -Hurt lut II. Iilurk I I'milliiN, A I'nrl lul II, l.luok I. TIIO.Ii, .lutln l.ul IX. Milk I HNOWV IIUTTi: lUtC'IIAIll) l,.Vi. ll W. I'nrl lul A. ili'M. M-SHl - . . HTKW.MIT Al'IIUM Mirrlnk. K U l.ut I ... Hrnwn At.'lkl.- l.ut 7 Hi. Inn ii. IMHIi WI.ul II, pnrl IS WIIITINd TIIAIT HlfirM. I'. W.l.utM K mnl I' llulil liny lli'iilly t.i -l.nlM l mnl I' llul.l llnv lli-iilly I'n - LiilM H. T, W nml V ... 1X33 8.32 S CO 4.74 4.S2 3 4? 2.37 11.23 2S7 4.00 4.0ft IM &.40 2 10 29.14 3S.20 1K.3I 21 40 10.0S 18.34 iMli'il nt Hlii-rlffH tiff It-f. .liii-kN.invllli', Oii-iEuu, IIiIh 7lli. iln v ur .In nun ry. A. I). It'll. Tlio Inxi'M il,-llniiionl on Urn nlmvi' ili-Nrrllii-.l imiI pinily, nl tin. rln. uf IiiihIiii'kh nn Jiiniiiiry I, 19 IS, mnnnnti-.l In IIM.VS3 ll. illvlil.-.l milium Hi" fiilluw Imr i-uiiiily fmiilN, hcIiiiiiI iliNirlriM, nui nl.'lp.il IhxIiik iiKfiicli'M. flrn I'liluil, mnl I'll)' ll.-IIH. Aim. mil nf Tux ffiS.Ml SID .. S.77S.&i . 3.SNS.3N . 11,473.17 .. 2,151.19 , 6,734, 40 . 1. 125.lt 407,21 KS.02 291.13 ,. I..141.97 413.19 I.SS 39 71 2S.1.S4 r.s.i7 40.78 11. SO SS.2.1 H4.42 27,0.1 97.4U .110.411 &I9.32 39.22 fiT.ils 2SI.40 70.70 4SK.07 79.30 37.01 .. .. 011.7.1 370.00 109.45 17 ill 407.43 17S.0IS lit'..:irt isi.rii , 29,40 IS4.78 . 7,049.72 38.9S 14I.74 81.19 2.15.07 791.27 219.24 . GX2..S7 SI 9.0.1 S.lil 431.00 119.94 33.77 41. SS 8.83 sr,9.r.i 243.32 53,40 251. 76 IK. I 119.04 I'llllllM Oi-ii.-riil I'uii.l ItllUllM 11 till lllMpl-OllirM Holiuul mnl l.ltirnry I Huh Hdinul lllll-IOHl mi lllKliiiy liuinli.. Holiuul DUIilct f ... 2 n 4 r. i; , ..., MIT 10, WI, 411, It 4W Kmilf-n, ,1 I'.-Wli nf HUM nml NKM nf HWM mnl HUM or NW M, Hi-r. If. Uyii. Hi. II 4W HIii'iiH-i. .1. IJ rf'.i nr H'4 nf HU' M mnl H',4 nr HWM nr HUM, hit 3H, tttl. 40. II HV , .Mlxliit.-, Pimili MlnliiK illlfli.-H mnl iiiiti-r iImIiIh, hii', 311, I v 11, in, it nv HIii-iiiM-c. .1, U," i nr NWM mnl HWM nf NWM nml NWM uf HWM. Hi-il, 3". twp, HI, ( 4W lli-illliHliin. Mmy I: N.-M nf Hi'i'. 31. Iwii. 10, II 4W x i to 11 12 1.1 11 1.1 HI a. 2.1 21 27 2K 29 32 .13 31 3ft 34 3K 3 40 43 41 4S 17 IN 19 SO SI S3 S3 SI sr. so r.7 so no . 01 A3 44 r.s mi AN fi'J 71 7il 71 , .t...m. tmSn I,M .... .'W..,WI,J.,....... ...i.w-iwH.f, ......to... ........ ...... M- .H..U..M.I.- ...MM..1..M.. .H., ;i.l.2 2H 3'i 27 73 I97.H7 R!I.N I!l.!i7 . . .170 I ft .10,77 ,. ... 24.1.11' 1.1 1. 35 2M , 24.08 72.10 H3D Ift N!,77 24,40 244. 2N , HU 77 79 49.41 (IN 1.20 . I.NI2.N0 .1,I!N40 7.S7I.H.1 I, I.1H, HI 2N.4f . . .. 4f.iJ.44 3,101 44 IOH.4r. 24H r.s 7N0.2K I4llf, 240 44 131 fit. 3R2.76 11-4.93,71 II HINDI, Kit, Hli-rlrf. ..MmhhM,-.h--i, ...imit'tii.' IMil,,N4MnM ...M. ,.....,M.,.Ai.4.l,......... .HH",..rt4M..M. ........ ,.. ...A., ....... .H4W llll Ahlilmiil ''Hi' .... AhIiIiiiiiI I. It'll .. .M.-.irnnl Mf.iri.nl llii .. Ilillln I'iiIIm M, ... I'll y-nlinl 1'uliit (Villi nl I'ulnt I 'Int-iil t . . . Umilii I'ulnt .ImiiIimomvIII.. Tnli'lit llmiii.- HlM-r flnlil Mill I'll.. r 1 1 ..I . Tulnl I.I'MI v Itoiiortoil by Jackwon County Ab- trnct Co., Blxth and Kir BU. CIll'lllL Tlicm. Itnnillr-H vit. II, O, McCon. S'otlco of motloii. Itur.M'll (Imliniii, 1iy Kimnllnu vk. K. W. Cliuicy. Ailloii to rocovi-r iiioiicy, Jldl Xlrki'll vm. C. K. Miner, Vic tor IC. Ilciiii. Order. .Motion nnd ufll.linlt. Dohln .MmtNlo vs. ICd ward .Mnsnlc Hiiininonn. CJiiih. A. -Wurri'ii vm. I.iiIIo V. War ren. Affidavit of ninllliiK. .1. I. llmmen vh. A. II. Itoliblnn. Ik-rnn of ronflrmntlun. Ilnnk of Jiukiionvllld vh. J. I. 01 ron t nl, HiiiiitnoiiH. ('. It. Iliinroth vk. (.Vila 1. Drown 1 1 nl. Decri'u of conflrinntlon. J, (). lnnnctton vh. Cio. II. Hokh nt nl. Afflduilt for inibllcatlon of Htiinnionii, llcli'n A. Law vh. it. W, Zlinuicr. Ik'fnult nnd JinlKini-nt. HiuiiucI McCllnlock vh. vV. C. Mur pliy ot nl. Default. Htalo Hank of Talent vh. C. W. Hlicrinnn, Default nnd JudRinent. Stnto of OreKon vh. K. J. Nedd. Nollrc of niiii. II. Y. OnteH vh. TIio Arthur P. Coul tr I.nnd and Orchard Co. Conflr inntlon of nnlc, I'xInKtnn Itenlty Co. vh. Sara A. l'rlre et nl. Cohi bill. I.exliiRton Itenlty Co. vh. Clnronco V. I'nrnonK et nl. CoHt bill. I.nxtnKton ltvally Co. vh. A. S. Ilamblln et nl. Com bill. Haniunl MarCIIntock vh. fSoorRo K. ClinmbnrlAln et nl. ('out bill. Siiiiiuol MncCllntork vs. . C. Mur lili v 't nl. Cost bill. Hnintiel MncCllntork vh. W. K. Mnler H nl. Coni bill. Samuel .MacCllutock vh. Cnrrlo M. Joih-h et nl. Cost bill. Sniniiel MacCllutock vs. C. IC. Hen dricks et nl. CoHt bill. Haiiim-I MncCllntecl: vs. J. C. Ktnor Irk et nl. ('out bill. V. K. HoiiKor vh. sr. I. rcllott ol nl. Affidavit or HiiininniiH. W. K. HoiiKur vs. SI. I.. I't-llctt et nl. Affidavit of m-rvlro by mall. 1K fnult. I.. A. Diamond vn. llortha J. Dia mond, AffMavli for publication of Hiiiuiuonri, I.. A. Dlnmond vh. llurth.i J. Din nionil. Order for imbllcatlun of HlinilllOUH. ltoKiio Itlver Fruit nnd Produce A8Koclatlon vh. Oellcn-CluiuibcrH Co. ltoturn uf Siiiiiihohh. 1'ntlintn ICHtnto of Knnnlo U. Smith. Final Htntouieut. Khtulo of Win. C. Mnrlk'tt. Flnnl report. (lunrdlaiiHlilii of UushoII (liahnin. Order. Itwil ICstnlo Trmisfors (leo, A. 1 lover ut ux to John I. JohuKon ft nl, HO acres In nee. 17 T. 3S It 1 V W. 1)...I.",000 FrnuclB C. KoIIokk to Wnltor .1. Murpoo, r0 acri'rt lu hoc. 2.i t. an 2 v w. n II. J. Rtawart et ux to W. IC. Knhlor, SO acros In hoc. 21 T as H 2 W., W. I) J, l.oulso Walling ct vlr to John F. Porter, land In sec. II, T. .10 H 2W, 00 acres. W. D Slnry A. FowIiibb ct vlr to W, C. WutkluH. 90.41 acres In sec a 4 t. ar. it 4W, w. n. 10 10 10 10 XOTIOIC. Notice Is horeby rIvou that the un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil ot tho city of Modlord, ut Its linxt roRulnr meotlnK January 10th, loir., for a trnnsfor of that certain license No. 880, Issued October 10, 1911, by tho city or SI oil fori, Oregon, to O. M. SelHby, trustee, nuthorlzluK him to soil spliituous, vluuus and mult li quors In (luantltlcs loss tlian u gal lon, nt his place of business at No, la South Front shoot, in said city, for n balance of tho porlod ot sis months from unld Octobor 10, 191-1, Date pf first niibljcatlon Jnuunry 0, I91C. C, J, CARSTICNS. w 1H 7!l Hi) NI K2 NI KH N7 NH HO HO III 11.1 VI ii r. UN 9(1 IIHI COURTHOUSEN EW J .liiHpor KoilitiTM, llm i'IIiiIp hut' cliiiiil, uiiN (lulling in llm alley Iiiwiim llii. week, V. V. Miirrison lm muIiI IiIh Imh1i. rniicli 11(1(1 will u liiillii-r Houtli for Imm hi'iillli. Mr. Norn-inn of Alheiln, I'miiuJit, who recently (rmlcd for tins t'liim hIiiiw nineli, Iiiim nrnved nml tukfn niiM.HMioii of the riiiii'Ii. V ('Ixi'ikI tin- luiiiil of welcomi' in Mr, N'mrntiii mill wihh linn mieecnH in hii new iioiiii'. Mr. nml Mr. .li-"-ic (Jlnin liuvc rc lunicil from their iit In fiii-ndH in ('itlifnriiiii. ,i'-m tliinkn that the Ifojjiit' river vnllev i iiIhiohI iih jrnml nn nnylliiii"; li conlii t-ee on liis unit nml that it would lake junt tin tniieii to j.'1't it (,'onil hoine llii'tii iih it would lion- nml tuxcH nre jit iih tiiait. MinM Myrn Ankew win u (.Yiilnil I'uiiit i"itor .Moiiilny. .Mr. U'yliuiil of the cMikIowk mnf-eil tliiuiiyli our liiligli .Miiinlny. Uiivi' Cotterill of the eMndows wiii llcuijle visitor Snturiliiy. 1. W. Davis Ik KruMiinj; nml cut tini; wood nml tuiikiri ntlie r iiiijirovii iiu'IiIh on his llenuli- ruiieli. Mr. .Moore of Antioeh wiih (rmlitiir in Mod ford W'(liu-iliiy. Vour correHiionilciil wim in ii.Iek Honilli' WedueHilny to deliver hi IiihiKh mid piipers to tin' eoiintv elcrl: for the dm) of the nt't Mipcriior of ilislrii'l No. 12. I.o-ter KoiIfiiTH is i-learini: the liiml iiroimil liiw fnther'rt ntore at elln'le. It is a ".rent improvement to the stine. .Mr. Wifii of the Hiumi'II ranch was a Meilfonl visitor Thursday. Ilt-rt Cliapinaii of cllale hurt hw hii liflintr u li'K Iml N now able tn work asain. .li-Hrc (IIiikh lilul the uiisfortiiue to loie a valuahle fotir-yrnr-old steer this week. Katiiiu too iniu-li t-hnii-iiu'l was the eniiHe of its ileatli. This iniikes tliree licnd Mr. (llnvs lias lost this winter. Sum Marshall of Meilfonl wim n ii-itor nt the I,. M. Sweet raiieli near Heade Sattinluy. KANES CREEK ITEMS Mi-s Pauline OImiii, wlio has been (iiite nick is hetlcr. Dr. ChMiohn of (lold Hill is in attendance. Mis Simons, who tins been the picst of her cousin, the Misses Fol c.vh, luis returiieil to her home nt Knule Point. Mrs. Murdoii Hprnt n day recently the pii'M of Miss Olson. Mrs. llojji spent Monday in Gold Hill lhe pied of Slrjt. flnm-tt. The recent rains iro piitc benefi cial and iniich m-cilod nt present ns the pacer mines ure prently in need of water. (Icorue Iliptiuhotliniu and wife were Central Point business visitors on Thursday. An epidemic of i-hiekenpox is po ine; the rounds in (lold Hill nnd vi cinity. Several children are nbsent from school on that account. Mrs. Miirdnu will niniiu take clinrp' of the Hradcu cook about a.lii nary l.ri on ncciiiinl of the illnes of Mrs. Stcelmau. (lanes Creel; bus'iues visitors to Gold Hill: Mr. nml Mrs. Murdou, Mr. and Mrs. Fennell, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Hixinl'uthnm Mr. Olson, Mrs. Sliimn, Fred Straube, F.. Hhotcn, Mr. llo-.'i'is, llm Missf Kuttie and Mnfjcie Foley nnd Weather Prophet Foster. Dr. Murker and George Taylor were Mcdford business visitors on Friday. Prophet Foster forecasts rain for sovontl ilnys. Mr. nnd Mrs. Huiirlit of Garden Kow were Sunday visitors at Mr. Lewis.' Mrs. Taylor and children will leave on Tuesday I'veiiiuuV train fur Ko-e-liui,'. Mr. Taylor will i cumin for some time. Mrs. Householder, who has been on lite sick list for several weeks, is ect tine; better. Smoke. Iloiue-SIndo Clears. Governor Johnson, Sit. Pitt and Ln A'lsta nro tho best. Lime Treatment in Tuberculosis lu Ihr Sin) U.1. 10IJ, lur ..f the Juurual uf llir Auirrli-uu .llrilliiil .In mivlMllun B..rml lhl antriiivul i-oui-rriiliiK t-nli'luin (llnir) inrilUii llun In Ihr Irrnlmrnt if i.uli.ioiiMry lul.i-ri ul.ola ( rullHii million ll "I mlrr llir lri.i(lc. vuutlnuril mnl iirrNlalriil rrKliiie of i-nlcluni xll.lllutloli. Vnu lllr.uu hl ftf-ru a uiinilirr nf Ills .iitlrnt li.ii.rmr, 1111-ili-run mu -iiillliiii ur I'lirllnl vuu nullitiilliiii In llir limit. Mlilcli then rr miUliiit nuulil i.vnr l rim tribute In Hie mpIIIiik ulT nuil t'lukhiK n( llir Irslniia. limit! In linuil villi Hit riinrkc uf rtriil.. llir kiutuin i-lriira tin ur lulirri'lr lini-llll, hli'li llimll ilUii.rHr, nml llir imllrnlH nrr iltn rliurKril ullli lirnlrtl imliiiiiiiurr lu-Iirriulu-M." .... , , , r.lUUul inoillcill jnurn-ilu golilnm np.-uU no luniltlvvly nliuut ii rcnirillnl ni;i!iit, yet till testimony euliielilvs with tluit fioin uuuiy cunsiiinptlvca who Imvo svcilieil llkr lemitls IIiioukIv llm uno of Koluniui'a Altera tlvc. Knu-0 fuloluin Is n. coiiHtltuenl of Hits remedy for pulmonary tiiticreu lavls nml ulllnl tin mil nml lunncliinl arrt'clliiiis. Its litnlliiK imwcr limy fn koniu inensuir lie ntlVlliUleil lo tin-inniiiivi- In wlilch tliU I'U'intfiU Is hu eomlilncil with other Ingredients ns to lie r.iillv anslinllnU'il oy tliu n vil li Ke pcruon nml It duos not Irritate tux monuali. , llolcimui'k Alterntlvo i-untnlus no oiilnt'tiH, mireulli-s nr linlitt-foniihiK iIi-uk. - It '- -f . '''-, U, '"ur iliut'Klst Is out ur It. iihU IiIiii to iirilm-, nr nU direct m I'.i-kiuiiii l.slM.inti.ry. I'lillmlrliililH. Pilco $1 mill ?U n Mottle. ANTI0CH ITEMS E E. (let a Ifl-rrnt box Take n Cnscoret toiil!it to clcnnw your Mver. Htoinnth and llowels, and you will surely fid ureal by morn ing. You men and women who have headache, coated tonue, a bad cold. urr bilious, iiervoiis, upset, bothered with a sick, r.uss)-, dlHordered storn arh, or have backache and feet all worn out. Are you keeidiiK our bowels clean with Cnscarcts or merely forcing a passanoway .every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets Immediately cleanse nnd regulate, the Htomnch, remove the sour, iindlKested and fermcntlnK food and foul Kases; take the ex ecus bllu from the liver and carry off the con stipated wust'j mutter and poison from tho bowels. Itemember, a Cnscarct tonight will utrnlKhten you out by mornlnK. A 10-cent box from your dmxKlst means healthy bowel action; a clear head and cheerfulness for months, Don't forget the children. Adv. cras.sii'iKi) ads. ! One cent per word per Issue. Six Insertions for prlco of flvo. Fifty cents per line per month without change. 'FUH HR.'V'i Ktii'fllS KOIt IlKXT- Furnished houi-e. clos' In. Inaulre of Dr. Helms. -'" FOlt HKNT--Fonr room cottage on paved street, cheap. Water rent puld. I'honu 1--X. 2CG roil HKN'T Six room house, mod ern, lari;e barn, l'lione K. J. Stewart or 531. 254 FOlt IlKNT OR SALK -Nino room modern houso close In. 33 Xorth Peach St. Inquire phono -I03-R2. 251 FOlt It EXT-Furnished houso nnd store building, on Jackson St., be tween Front and Fir streets. W. II. Evcrhnrd, 1013 West Ninth, phone CCT-J. FOR RENT Three room furnished bungalow close In, pleasant loca tion. Phone 779-J or call 527 S. Holly. FOR REXT Six room modorn bun galow, close In, fine shade, range connectod. Phone 930-X. FOR HUNT FUIIM-SIIKI) ROOMS FOR REXT Furnished room reason able. 131 So. Ivy. 252 FOR REXT Large, pleasant rooms with heat and bath. 12 and 12.50 per week. 15 Xorth Ornpo St. 25C FOR ItEXT IIOt'SniCEKPINO ROOSIS FOR REXT Threo room furnished flat. 322 South Central. 251 FOR REXT Housekeeping nnd sin gla rooms, heat, bath, phono frc-c. 223 W. SInln. 257 FOR ItE.Vr SIISCELLAXEOUS i'bit REXT Six" and one-half acres of land with four room house, barn, chicken house and trees. F. Christ man, Siskiyou Heights, on car line. FOR SALK REAL KSTATE FOR SA1 .EOR"TILl)E---Forro mobile, 40 acres timber on good road near Talent, Oregou. Sln chlnu must bo In first-class condi tion. Address box 57S, Ashland, Ore., or see It. Kliim, 4 4 South Cen tral, Medford. 255 FOR SALK Sly ranch on Ross I.nne. Will consider resldenco In Medford ns part pay. (1. Alldcr. 251 FOR SALE 320 acres fine land In eastern Colorado, Improved, for land here. 0. Alldor. 251 FOR SALE Ono of tho best ranches In tho valley on Pacific highway. C. K. Dtirgan, Talent. 251 FOR SALK OR EXCHAXOK Rogtto Rlvor Vnlley Fruit Lands. Dairy, Btock, poultry ranchea nud Timber. Colonization Tracts. Rest all-tho-year-round climate on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. Reaver Realty Co., Ashland. Oregon. WHY? A word to thoso who are coming lmck. I.nnd for the past six months tins been hanging ut rock bottom prlccB. A groat deal of liquidation has takon place in this tlmo. Sly bus iness alono In tho last halt of this year has ninountod to nearly 1100,000 I beliovo tlio'last four or flvo deals I haev mado represont absolutely tho bottom. Land with rontal value ot 1.10 nn aero will not long remain at 1200 an aoro. There will bo no boom but land values will Improvo somo. Good roads, irrigation, suw-mlll, box factory, cheap power, sugar beets, canning factory, good prices, satisfied customers, porfect days. Hurry, boo Medford first and J. C. BARNES Room 201,, First National Uuuk Uldg, CASCARETS H u CONSTIPATION i FOlt HAf.P-fcnrisanroCJC KOH SAM-: Very cheap, matched sorrel team. 90" South Central. KOIt HAMC- Two fine heifers, If, months old, prlco $ao.OO rnch, alo J 8 Indian Itunncr ducks, GO cents each. Inquire of J. C. Ilrown Hirnrta Hldj?., or SI. ll. (Jlover, Iloss I.nnn. 2 SO FOlt HAMC Two brood sows, thor oiiKhbred Duroc Jersey, will far row February 1 and 19. Sirs. C'lirlstinon, Siskiyou HelKhtn, on street car line. 253 FOlt SAM: 12 head of draft horro and mares weighing from 2-100 to 2200 n span and eight It end young mules, all broke to work. I bought this stock In northern California and they are the bst lot of horses over shipped to .Mcdford. If you nre In need of any work stock call nnd see theso bofoni you buy. Dr. Helms veterinary, Stcdford. 251 FOR SALE-Span of mares, weight nbout 2000, wagon and harness. 327 West 2nd St. 254 FOR SALE Poland China hoar, reg istered, 14 months old, good Indi vidual. WIII trade for registered Poland China September pig. S. I. Wilson, Talent. 252 FOR SALE Pigs of all ages, from 11. CO to 110.00 each. Dreed Duroc Jersey, Chester White, Poland China and Rcrkshlres. Phone 80-JI. 252 FOR SALE -Full blood Duroc Jersey boar, cows, and pigs. Phono 403 It2. 251 FOR SALE Six registered Poland China sows; also thoroughbred weaned pigs. Jns, Campbell, phone 311-R. I5S FOR SALE Hred sows and gilts from prize winning Duroc Jersey herd, Jackson county fair; also boars old enough for servlco and weanlings. L. II. Houston, ono mile west of Talent, phono 3-F12. 264 FOR SALE Shoals and pigs. A. W. Stone, Jacksonville road. " FOR SALE Eight fine cows, throe year old heifers, fine team of work marcs. Nash Livery Parn. '2C1 FOR SALE Span work horses, work 2600, span work mares, weight 1700. Holstlcn cow giving 40 lbs milk. Cow coming fresh in January, Holstlcn bulls ono and two years old, threo yearling calves. 10 fat hogs, 13 brood sows, will farrow in December and Jan uary, two sows with pigs, top buggy, almost new. J. T. Raffer ty, Tolo, Ore. 25S FOR SALE SIISCHLiUWEOUS FOR SALE Single buggy and har ness. C10 S. Oakdale Ave. 253 FOR SALE Ten thousand Dartlctt, IVAnjou and Hose pears, nursery stock, "yearlings," 5c each. Ad dress box 14, Rex, Ore. 251 FOR SALE Eight horse power port able engine. Would consider trade. Inquire SI. P. True, Ash land, Ore., phone 13-F12. 251 FOR SALE Six cylinder Stevens Duryea, fully equipped, up-to-dato In every respect and In first-class condition. Price 12000.00. Ad dress box C. C, care .Mail Tribune. 252 FOR SALE Loose alfalfa hay; also two buggies and two hacks. In quire Nash Livery Uarti. 271 FOR SALE Extra dry wood, makes quick, hot fire. F. Osenbrugge, Phono morning 194, Rtversido S. 401. FOR SALE Dry wood, under cover, all kinds and lengths. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. 252 WAXTK1) SltSCEl.LA.XEOCS WAXTED llentleiunn 40, wishes to correspond with widow or old maid. Address Salem, R. F. D. Xo. 7, box 97, J. II. Schoonover. WANTED Agents, SIOXEY selling LITTLE NECK AND 11UTTER CLASl .MEATS to consumers and dealers in your homo town. Agents wanted. Laiig Conroy, Alaska Rldg., Seattle, Wash. 25C WANTKI SITUATIONS WANTED Work Wanted by luiiot homo. Will go out by day. Phono 392-Y. 256 WANTED Uy young married man, orennru or general rami wont, ex perience, references. Rex !!., caro Mall Tribune. 253 WANTED Position on ranch, com petent to take charge of orchard or stock ranch ot any kind. Five years oxporlenco In Rogue rlvor or chords. Good references, A. 0. Huson, Medford, Ore. 252 FOR KXOIlAMlri. FOR EXCHANGE 150 aero stock ranch lu Idaho, 10000, for small close In ranch. Clark Realty Co. - EXCHANGE Want to aoll or bu anything? V C Rnder, 114 N Front St. Employment office and routals. Phoce 125. Nuft Sed. LOST STRAYED Ono red und white Dur ham cow, dehorned, holo and spilt In each oar und branded A, H, on right 111 p. Notify SI. J. Pllcher. Wollon, Oi'o. 253 BUSINESS niRlCOTOUY Notary I'ahllo HELL'N N. YOCKEY Notary Dub He. Rrlng your work to me at th slyn of the Mull Tribune. TransTrrs BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Phoni 316, Prices right. Service guar tut'eed. HUHiNKM) niHr.mtm Anto UnfiWre LAHER AUTO BPniNO CO. W sre operating tho larftetl, olibMt nd best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our spring, when others fall. Sold tinder guarantee-. 20 North Fifteenth at, Portland, Ore. tiZH Attorney PORTER J. NEFF. WM, P. MEAl.HT Altornoys-nt-I.aw, Rooms 8 nnd 9, Mcdford National llnnk bldg. A. E. REAMI.H, LAWYER -aaruott-Corey bldg. Wm, M. Colvtg, Cloorga M. Roberts COLVIO ft ROUERTH, LAWYHRM Medford National Dank HulldlnK. U. F. MULKEY & QEO. W. CIIERRT Attorneys nt Law. Jackson Court' ty Dank Building. 1 NEWTON W. HORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta tiuildlntc. Mod I ford. Oregon. i-, ... -.. i . i ' ", ' Chiropractor DR? A. R. IfEDOES, Dr. Loiilso" , Hedges .Mochnr.o-Thorapl.Htrt, Chiro practors, 8pondyiothornptnts, Thosa syitchis, Including dietetics, cu ra ti to gymnastics, hydro-thornyhy, etc., produce results In both acuta and chronic dlsenacs. Consulta tion freo. Over Doujl & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours i a. tn to 5 p. m. Other hours b appointment. Phone 170. DR'. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor nnrvo specialist Rooms 20r.-a04 203. Uarnett-Cnroy bldg. Vnpor baths and scientific massage given; needle spray, bead and shoulder shower Id connection; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hvdropthernpy Lady attendant Phone, office 543, residence 5U-K, Employment Agency Wo are here to helf. people get re liable competent help. We tar nish help In nlmokt all llnea o( business. We tnako a specialty ot comr.otont men and wire for ranches. Wo solicit your patro age. BUtner's Real Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Dulldinr, Mcdford. PboM 858. Sirs. J. S. Clark, Manager accessor. DenUuts DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN 8COYOC Dentists Oarnott-Coroy Dldg., inlu lit Medford, Ore. Phone 866. Engineer ami Contractor FJIKD N. CUSISHNOS Englnoor and contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Illdp. Surveys, estimates, irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premise cleaned up for the summer. Call ou the city garbage wagona for good servlco. Phono 274-L. V. Y. Alton. Iastract4oB la Sluslo HAIOIIT SIUSIC STUDIO 110 So. Laurel. Fred Alton Halgbt Piano. Sirs. Florence Halllday rialght, voice. Telephone 176-R. Stceograpner SHOE REPAIRiNQFIrsrMshci repairing, on modern electric mnchlnos while you watt E. N. Blden, located In Kldd'a Shoe Store. Phono 3 13 J. Pliyestclaas wid erargeoa DR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 tlaruett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Residence 2G South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians, 203 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. ESISIENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 328 East Main St, Hours 8:30 a, m, to 8 p. . Phono. E. D. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son Couuty Rank bldg. Office' phone 43-R; resldonco phone 58-U. DR. MARTIN C. UARD1CR Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pain block, opposite Nosh Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physlclau and uurgoon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to C. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD PhysiataB and surgeon. MYHTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. V Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 B. Mala. Phones, residence, 814-JJ5J office 814. R. J. CONROY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison. & Lum iIdii, 215 E Malu St. Phone 77, DR.LYDIA S, DOW Osteopathic physician, practice limited to ob stetrics und diseases of women aud. children. Offices 3 and 4, St. Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m, . Phono 160. Res, the Dow Hospi tal, Central Pojnt, DR. SIOM. SI. DOW Physipian and surgeon, obstetrics and surgery, offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block. Hours 9 to 12. Phone 160. Resi dence, tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. - ,1 77-- ':., ' 1' , I, .Wiri-lg-X Irlutcrs nnd Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO, hw the best equipped printing office Ik southern Oregen: book blurt), loose leaf ledgers, billing ?(,, etc. Portland ptrOee. T Fir Hi, .. ,v ..