Eft iUaairt'MHfcZw 'jKWAm murvt c t i f I 1 I ; . I i! ilH t!" PS J( X t ( f p 1 r K If ' TAGI3 FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an "iNnKi'i:SPi:ST NnvHi'Xi'Kf ri Mt.iMMKi' i;vi:y aitknnuhn i;.ii:fT wnhav hv tui: Muui'oitn 1'itiNfiNQ t'u nrf7ci- Mnil Tribune lliillilliyr, 25-2 :! North rir nircet, triiiiiuno Tfi. The Deniocrnlle Time. Tho MeiHord Mall. Tho Moiironl Tribune, Tho South ern OroKonlftn, Thn AMitawl Tribune. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Ono yonr, by tnnll -$0 Ono month, by. mail .... ,0 Per month. ullcid by carrier In MciUnnl, l'hncnlx. Jacksonville nml Central Iolnl .60 Saturday only, by mall, por year.... S.00 Weekly, per year .. . --- i-" Official Paper of the City of Mcdford. Ufflolnt Taper or .luckron County. Entered nn tiecim.l-elnwn matter at Medfonl, OrcKon. uinlir tho act of March 3, 1870. Sworn Circulation for 19U. 25SS. riill lonwd wire Associated Tresn dl- r!tehes oSBVA'Sifcr Vttltf ILL TO GE NANCY, via Paris, JaJn. 12. Tho French troops were ordered to tako tlio offenMvo between tho Metiso nntl tho Moselle- on January S and tliu fighting that followed resulted In n distinct French gain. "Whllo on tho wings tho Infantry attacked Lo Prctrlo wood and the for est of Aprcmont, the artillery massed behind I'llroy awaited tho right moment to open fire. Tho batteries tuid !-( n !efi' ponit-ato'l 1Mli,ir I'l.-'ii bai novorthulesu as soon as the morning mists floated away, German shells began to fnll unions tho gun ncrs. Twlco tho positions were changed, but still tho shells fell thickly. It was then noticed that tho sails of a dilapidate windmill moved In an unaccountablo way .slnco thcro was not a breath of wind and fivo men were sent to investigate. As soon as they reached the building a man Jumped from tho window nnd fled towards the German lines, but ho was soon brought down by a French bul let. Dy the end of tho day tho Germans had been driven well Into tho wood of Saint Daussant and tho French had gained an adjantago of Half n mile. WILSON TO VETO IT WASHINGTON, .l.in. 12. -Presi-1eut WjIs-oii intimated today to call ers that he will veto Hie immigration bill beeuiibo of the literacy to-t. In advance or the final imrMigo of the bill lie coiifirufK. he mill ho would not announce his intention, but added that hi callers could form a shrewd pueHH of what his position will lie. Speaking of the reference in his Indianapolis Mieoch to the di-hivr oi LD WiNDM AILS DEI RWIAN BULLETS IB BLL j court jinieeses, l'reMilent WiUon I told callers today lie had definite l ideas on 'the subject, hut wan not M ready to outline a comprehensive ulan g for leniedvinj conditions. lie mid 3 there was a real need for action. ! ITALY PAYS HOMAGE 10 TUHIK, via Home, Jan. VI, 8:30 p. m. Tho body of Constantino Gnrl baldl, who fell in tho Argonno region in Franco while leading a chargo of tho Italian volunteers, was met nt tho frontier hero today by tho samo railway van which recently transport ed tho body of his brother llruno. Although4 General Itlcclottl Gari baldi had expressed tho doslro that tho transportation of his son klllod in battlo should he conducted prl vatel. many v'tarn, former Garl liuldluiiH and sympathizers met tho train at points along Its passage to this city and demonstrations of lioin ago wore given frciiuently. CANCELS CONCERTS CI1.1CJAGO, Jan. 12.- Iloiuulnlng datoa of her concert tour woro can collod today by Mndaino Krncstlno Bchu'mnnn-llolnk, seriously 111 at her lioino hero with bronchial pneumo nia. Physicians paid alio would bo obliged to rest for many weeks boforo again attempting to sluR. Madaino Schumaun-IIeink plans to go to Ban Diego, Cai as soon as alio Js strong enough to travel. J T TELLS OF PROGRESS SALEM, Jan. 12. Governor West's final message to tho legislature sum marizes the administration of state affairs and recommends consolida tions to effect economy nnd tax re duction. Gentlemen: In keeping with tho tiMtnl eiitom and wjth the hope of iiriiifTimv in viiiir niinniiiiii liiiiiniin GOVERNOR WES FADiNISTRAIN r. -p. .. - tot the it'- ". turn and Migges-tions which will "'ad;.. -,,, ),, , to Mien governmental reionus a make for reduced expenses and in created effieieney, I urn pleased to submit for the consideration of your honorable body this, my Inst messnie as governor of Oregon. The four years just past lme giv en ns much constructive legislation. While other periods have brought great fundamental changes in our governmental system, none has pro duced legislation which has covered such n broad field nnd yielded sneh splendid results. Constitutional Changes The long-fought battle of the peo ple for uiuendinents to our federal constitution which would jtennit the imposition of nn income tux mil the election of senators bv a direct vote of the people has been won. Our legislative bodies were prompt to rat ify these amendments and Oregon is thereforo listed in the group of pro gressive state1? claiming credit for 'lie rit r'fnrns ihe fight for ' Mitfr 'dr-'' state hns been successful. Ad ditional safeguards have been thrown around the ballot through extending the non-voting period of the newlv arrived alien and the old barbarous svstem of ennitul punishment has been abolished. ConMriictlve Jmwh Xunierous laws hnve been jtasoed whHi create u broad olicv making for the conservation nnd development of our resources. TliC!c laws have aided the investigation of numerous irrigation and ower ttosMbilities nnd the construe'ion of the Tumnlo Irri cation Svstem: have mnde provihions for n state forester and the protec tion of our t ember nirninbt fire: have led to a thorough studv of our min eral resources; have mnde liberal pro- iions for the Totnntion nnd -ro-teetion of our fish nnd pime: nnd hnve provided for Ihe publication of i booklet "ivii" unvnmiched iufonnn- tion as to opportunities in Oregon. A budget system which enrries to the public the needs of the different departments of state has been "ro- vitleil for, also the nttditing of tlte account of state nml couutv offi cials lintullinir public funds. lecinosynnry Institution All nennl and eleemosynary insti tutions have been placed under n single board of control nnd n splen did system adopted in reference to the purchase of supplies. The fee the state printing office ibolished and tho printer system in Ima liei'tt nhnlixlipil nnd the limit w i.o.n .,!..,..,! ,,., n flnt snlnrv. tioon n flat snlnrv Tho state now owns the printing g $.'10,000.00 n year. iilnnt nml is kiivint' Our tducnlional institutions have been placed upoil n millagc tax basis, which iiuures liberal support and jc- .....v..., H.m ,.u n r..,.in.. ;. ln.Mwlniivn ..ivr.... ...v... .. .. ...... u. ... .-..,.-,..-. log-rolling. " t Practically all public service cor- pora'ions hnve been placed under the jurisdiction of the railroad commis hion nml a blue-hky law is driving bogus corporations from our Mute; splendid banking laws are in effect and steps have been taken towards the regulation of loan sharks. Needy mothers have been given aid through the widows' pension net. The workmen's compensation net and minimum wage law have been passed in the interest of tho working clashes; shorter hours of labor have been ob tained; tlio prison contract system has been abolished and prison labor taken out of competition with free labor. Good llouils Imwh The transfer of the Oregon City U from piiMite to public control has taken place ami tho recovery of tho Jeffeison street levee (Portland, Oregon) is nu accomplished fact. Good roads legislation has enabled the stato to co-operate with tlio coun ties in road building and to work its convicts upon tho public highways. Tho ocean beach has been reserved to the public for a highway. Laws aimed at tho regulation of the liquor traffic Imvo been passed and progress made in tho direction of lim iting the sale of habit-forming drugs. An effective abatement law is in force; also u law pioventing white slavery ami one limiting the sale of revolvers. A long-needed industrial school for girln has been established and all chnriiahlo institutions receiving statu aid ai'd placed under statu supervis ion. Tho creation of a parole hoard and an amendment to tho indeter minate sentence law liuve made pos- lUTTOFORD MAIL TTlIRUm sible great progress in tlie direction of ptison veronn. These and manv nlliei splendid measures are the products of the past four years. Cost of Government Our slate government for the years 10T.M-1 has cost in round numbers Sr.BOO.OOO. Of this amount $i),'J87, 000 was met by direct taxation, and tho balance by fees and unused ap propriations. The average annual amount raised by diiect luxation dur ing tho said period wns .f'J.O i:t,."U)0. The total population of the penal and eleemosynarv institutions on Sep tember HO, 101 1, was HOT'-', being an increase of rtliont -100, or nesrlv l"t per cent ttiiritig the biennium. The greatest increase of oopnliitton ai- (pears to hix . In n r n ("p1' in .. ; . ii ie 'turn tor I, it ' l . eonibined population of lli - to institutioiiM shows an increne of 17 per cent. This growth of population is nhn'ming nnd drives home t us the neeesi(v tP giving earnet thought and study to the causes which nroduee this great army of dependents. Oar uuuual exoenditure for main lenance runs about O'Jo.OOO and for ordinary improvements $220,000: taken together it means that when a charge is committed to our state in stitutions the taxpayers must contri bute $1000 to provide shelter nnd, annually thereafter. ."" for improve ments and repairs and $2115 for main tenance. The.se growing expenditures piescnl questions of deep concern to the tax payers of the state and to society in general. Problems bearing upon the enre of these unfortunates nre being met by the officials of our institu tions, but those having- to do wi h the removal of the causes which pro duce tllfP dependents nrn Itre'v for your solution. A cry for relief went up from the overburdened taxpayer and you an swered thnt you would como to his aid. The time for action is at hand. Appropriations must bo held to the lowest level consistent with good bus iness, every useless board nnd com mission should be abolished and, where possible, others consolidated. UEUUN. Jnn. 12, (by wireless.) Severe fighting is in progress today for the possession of positions now In tho hands of tho Germans on tho heights to tho south of Ccrnay (Senn Helm) in Upper Alsace, according to tho German official communication issued at army headquarters today, French attacks, which wero begun laBt night nro reported to have been repulsed with heavy losses but tho French returned to tho nttack at dawn today. In tho fighting on tho eastern part of tho Argonnc forest during tho last fivo days, tho Germans claim to have taken prisoner seven officers and 1C00 fen. Tho repulse of French at- cka 'n t reKlon Perthes and at Allly and tho capture of a French po- sltJon along tlio ancient uomnn nign- "ition along tho ancient Roman high wa'. w"'rh r"n" "'r"Rh "" Argonne are l,l(! u,'' '""'' lUtlos In tho , western arena mentioned in tho ro- !Pr'. I I" northern Poland tho Germans .claim a forward" movement of tho Russians was checked. OF L IIAVHK, via Paris, aJnuary 32.- King Albert of Helgium has tlio graphed Pope Uenetlicl .expressing great admiration of tho conduct of Cardinal Meruier, whoso arrest, he says, must Imvo given pain to the heart of His Holiness. "Tlio cardinul," tho king's telegram goes on to sny, "liko tho glorious pro lates of the past, has not feared to proclaim tho truth in tho face of er- i or and to maintain tho imprcscrip i- hle rights of a just cause in tho sight of thu ituivcrsiil conscience." GOV. WILLIS RECOMMENDS COUNTY LICENSE SYSTEM COLUMIiUH, Ohio, Jan. PJ.Dp ccntrnlmitiou of thu taxing ami sa loon licensing systems and placing thu issuance of saloon licenses in tho hands of county officials already elected, instead of appointed bonrds, was lecommeudcd by Governor Wil lis in his first message to the general asscnbly today. John A. Perl UNDERTAKE Lady Assistant H B, HAnTMCnr Phone M. 47 u 47-J lmbulc 8nrU OtlJ GorOM' GERMANS CLAIM NC REPULSE MEDFORP, OKl'IOON. TUKSnAY. .lANlTAltV lli. A Talk to Parents Upon Youth at Adolescence At tho Parent-Teachers monthly meeting Dr. I-J. It. Plckel of tho Stato Hoard of Health, delivered tho fol lowing lecture: Adolescence Is tho birth of the higher human traits. Certnlu ipiall ties of tho body and soul now emerge and hark back to a remote past, old moorings are broken loose and de velopment of acquisitions gradual, slow and more salutary takes place. Individual differences In physical ill- menslons and physical touts become more marked. Youth Is now arming for tho battle of life In the fullest ensc, bono nnd muscle with speed and power for tho man while prepar ing woman for maternity. All func tions are reconstructed, tho voice changes, sex aserts Itself and may work havoc In the way of secret vices, disease, and enfeebled heredity, sending thousands of youths to quacks every year because of tho lg- nornnco of parents nnd teachers lit knowing how to deal with Its prob lems. Tho boy and girl at this ago cravo knowledge, tho world seems strange ; place them on their own response and mystery looms on every hand audibility to the greatest extent possible tcmptntlons beset the plastic mind at every turn In Ilfes highway. Social Instincts unfold, sentiment and roll- glou hold sway In fluctuating moods jcompaulons even In their llltlo "pup like sudden changes of lctora and .py loo" affairs. Do not deer) them vanquished. ( but take them Into jour confidence Is Migratory Ago This Is tho migratory age, tho per iod when tho wander lust In tho boy Is npt to lo strong, tho truant In stinct most marked, tho homo seems narrow and lonely, the confines the school room Irksome nnd Intoler able. Rooks nro uninteresting, les sons nre tedious and monotonous, Impatience nnd resentment 'against ..!, ., authority and restraint, tho earning to test their powers In the freedom of tho outside world Is greatly In tensified. Thoy long for adventure, to start In llfo nnd bo Independent. Aoleseenco Is thn ngo when tho girl craves moro freedom In her so- clal life. As spoken above thn mya-l tery of n new world is thrust upon her nnd a careful Inventory Is kept of every stage of her development. Her points of beauty, accomplishments, likes nnd dislikes arc items of much interest. Home life Is restless and solitary; sho yearns for tho faclna Hon of tho dance: Imagination runs riot In fairies, Incantations, omens, symbols, mths and fancies; Jealousy becomes moro accentuated; friend ships are moro Intimately created with tho passing of secrets nnd con fidences. Jewelry, especially rings and bracelets aro much coveted. Prvtniiratloii Prevalent At this ago of all tho bad habits of both sexes lying Is the most prevalent nnd tho most difficult to overcomo for tho reason that all wrong nets pro dlsposo to tho Ilo of concealment while tho worst Is that of solflshness. Youths consider that lies often time caso them over tho rough places, thoy look upon them as a source of convenience rather than very wrong hence Ilea aro apt to rauklu but little and nre soon forgotten. Tow to properly mnnngo tho adol- COULD NOT SLEEP OR DO HOUSEWORK The Grippe U-tt .Mrs. I'lnilley In Kuril n U'cnk, .Venous Condition That Her Cimo Wns Serious, Sovory, Knns, "Tho Grlppo left mo In a very weak, norvous, run down condition. I was too weak to do my houso-work nnd touTd not sleep, I tried different medicines without benefit unci finally ono dny read about Vlnol, nnd decided to try lt.,ln a very Hhort tlmo I could see an Improvement and after tnklng two bottles I have a good appctlto and my health and strength was restored. "I think Vlnol Is a grand modlclno and ovory wenk, norvous, run-down woman should tako It." Mrs. George Findloy, Sovory, Kans. Vlnol crentoH strength because It contains all tho medicinal tlssuo building elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh, healthy cods' livers. To this Is ndded pop tonuto of Iron, n iiiohL essentia) ele ment for tho blood, all dls-solvcd In a delicious tonic nutlva wlno. Vlnol creates an uppotlto, aids dl gostlon, makes pure healthy blood, in this natural mannor It builds up tho run-down, weak nnd norvoim sys torn, replaces weakness with strength, If Vlnol falls to crcato strength after sickness wo will return your money. Mcdford Pharmacy, Medford, Oro,, and nil loading drug uteres ovory whoro. Adv. For Reliable Stylish Tailoring EE KLEIN 128 East Main. Unstalrs csccut In ono of tho most important iltivstioiiR of parents and tuitchoiH of every age. Shakespeare tnukoN Por tia say that "If to do weio its easy as to know what were good lo do, cha pels had been cruehes, pour men's cottngoH princes' palaces, I can eas ier teach 20 what Wto good to be done than to be one of the 20 to fol low mine own teaching." Then again, "It Is a good dlvlno that fol lows his own Instructions. In this ill- vImIou I 'the list i would place at the head of sympathy and appreciation Treat them with respect and above aP talk to them as equals, at no time of life will n human being so readily respond to wiser and older people If treated as equals or superiors or so obdurate If (routed ns Inferiors ns at thu ago of adolescence, I'aults of Pan-iit i It Is hard for parents to renllxo or to think of their own In any way ox- -copl that they nre more children and demand a more sttlct compllauro with their own wIhIics when It would bo much bettor to loosen thu rein and .Make them feel you believe In them, thnt you are deeply Interested In their lessons, In their sports, In their ntul you will bo able to lead them and direct them without their knowledge. Ill this wny the truth of reproduction, Isox relations and tho laws of health 'and eugenics mny be taught In a b- . pothetlc way as to equip them for tho Kroni prouiem or lire Itseit. 1 Aults nre prone to treat the youth I (I III. Iltll.. f rlii.iitMtil.. .... .wt..al.lj..i. i " .-....- v ...- i lion. learners nro apt lo nonce and magnify all their bad points , recognizing how loose Jointed all I students nre at this age. Teat lier'.H Ris.mnslily. Tho responsibility of tho teacher Is beyond our ken. Small hiih of tho tcarhor, "Kvery acront, gesture, au tomatism, like and dislike Is caught consciously and unconsciously. Hvory Intellectual Interest of the teacher permeates tho clnss, liars If trusted become honest; thore treated as Indict and gentlemen net so; those told by favorite IrnclicrB of tho good things they nre capable of feel a strong Im pulse to do them. Tho skill of n teacher to handle the. adolescent In my opinion demon strates the ability of tho teacher Tho quality to Inspire purpose and ambition to do something or he some- 1 thing, to overcome difficulties, ac quire holf confidence, stability and Independence, frnnkuess and honesty prove tho genuine teacher THE PAGE TONIGHT 150 New Scenes of Medford including The Men and Women Voters at the Polls and other scenes taken at tlic diuretics and streets. With this 5000 Feet of Motion Pictures See Yourself as Others See You and Enjoy a Big Laugh ADMISSION 5G, I0G AND 15c WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Street Mcdford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time oi place hy appointmont Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. 1lfl. b ri"-" . w"'' " C.nunh & !Hnp kr Thlnir (tint Cnti II W B nml thr t'niiali tollt O S Mop Kuril M riWmwwmuxo.oftw A cough W rcalle one of our lient frlciiilK. It uimi us (lint llioie Is In llaummtlnn or olnltiictluii In n tlutup'r imis place, iln'iefore, ulien miu ut u b.td couuh don't proceed lo done ouii'lf with a lot of drugs tlmt uieielv "slop" the couuli ti'tiipoiarllv bv ilciideuluu tlio throat times. Tien I the twine -hnil tint llilliiliu'd iiii'IiiIm nut'. Mere l it lioimi. Iiiuile rilnnlv tlmt ectH right tit tlieenumt and Mill iniike all olmtltmtc roiigli iiiiIhIi mote iptlokly tliitu )on eer thought po slide. Pill l!4 ounce of Phicc.. (nil centi worth) in a pint Ixittle nml rill tint holtle with plain gritnuliited nugur swup. iliU glti'rt ou a full pint of (lie inoKt phitaiit and itTivtlMi cough remedy ou er ;uel, at a font of onlv 51 cents. .So lour to prepare. I'ull direction with linex. It heal the Inllitmed incinliriiw'M mi eentlv and primu'tlv that on wonder how It doc It. AUo Ioom'im i drv, liourmi or tli.Mil couch mid nlop the formation of phlegm In the throat mid hroiuiilitl tulim, thu cndliiK the petUteut looo couuli, Pliiex I it IiIkIiIv eoncrntrnlcd eom pound of Norwnv pine extract, rliii In uuitlncol, mid I faiiiou the world out for It licnlliu; cllect on thn niemlirmicii. To avoid dlitppolnlmont, itW vour IriiiruUt for "2W ounce of Plaex," mid don t rtrcept atnflilior rle. A uuarmiten nf ithtohiti) mit Irifaot Ion, or money prompt, tv refuniletl. kin' with tlil preparation. The Plncx Co., It. Wayne, Iml. THE PAGE - MetKortl's Lentllnn Tlicatcr ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY The Spoilers In Nine Paris The manarjcmcnt Is pleased lo announce that they have been able to secure this wonderful plioto-mastcrplccc (or exhibition Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 18 and 19 Afternoon and Evening PRICES Lower Floor, 25c; Balcony, 15c; Children, 15c. IMPORTANT Remember the dates, Monday and Tuesday, Jan uary 18th and 19th, Afternoon and Evening. STAR TONIGHT MAN IN THE VAULT Ono Part ERNEST MALTRAVERS Tvo Parts HEARST-SELIG Ono Part In the Land of Arcadia Two Parts Too Much Burglar Ono Part e Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Car Efftctlvo from AuKtmt 1, 1914, to Augunt 1, 191C, nnd guaran.Md gainst any reduction during tlmt tlme: Touring Cur -,...... ..f IOO Itiiiuilioiit . ........... 440 Toun Cur 000 V, O. n. Dotrolt. All cars fully oqulpnotl. (In tlio Unltod Statca of Amorlca Only.) Kurthor, wo will bo ahlo to obtain tlio mnxlinum efficiency In our factory production, and tlio minimum cost In our purchasing and galea departments if wo can rouch nu output of 300,000 can be tween tbo abovo daton. And eliould wo reach tbls production wo nnroo to pay aa tbo buyer's bare from J10 to ICO por car (on or about August 1 101C) to every rotull buyer who purcuRioa a now Ford car botwoon August t 10M, and AugiiBt t, i31b. For further particulars regarding tboao low prl cos and proflt-sbar-Ing plan, boo tho noaront Ford Uranch or Doalor, Ford Motor Car Company C. E. GATES, Agent Sparta Uulldlng ModfoN, Orego. J Theatre TONHIHT Our Mutual Girl Itellaueo Was She Right In Forgiving Him? Two Pail Piohleni Htory Willi Miuidu Kim I y In n ThnnhoiiHor Ciut Footprints of Mozart Tun Pint Aineikan Aller.orlrnl .Man torpleco When Hazel Met the Villain A Kuniiy KetHtono Comedy ID, ,NV HI'.AT Itlc TWO DAYS MONDAY AND TUESDAY imir.ry I Bill nntl I Dili