Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 11, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rAOE rotnz
iti:uKom) rniNTiNa co.
Offlro J Trlliuiio Itullillnif, 15-27.
krtli Mr nsreot, Hcnliime 76.
Ttic Dnmocrntlo Times. The Mnlfortl
Mall. Tli Mctlfonl Tribune, Tim Houtli
ern Orrifonlan. Tlio Ahlnntl Tribune.
uuaoanPTiOK satis
WI1U jrnh u; iiiuii.
niu ntnnth. hv niAtl..
r,... 1A ... Hinll
Tor mmith, Orllvcrnl by currier In
Alriirnru, i-nomix, oncKKonvuia
nml renlral Point .... -r. .60
rtaturtay only. liy rrtnll, per yeah- S.oo
Wekly per yenr.. .. .. . . 160
Official I'n.icr of Hie City of Meilfnnl.
OfClolal lnper of Jnekson County.
Eiilured nd meltnl-clnii matter nt
Mertfortt, Orenon. under the net ot Alnrch
, 1479.
Htvorn Olrontntkm for 1014. SSS8.
Kull leaneit wlro Amoclntoil Prcnn ills
patchew, PAYS A VII TO
LONDON, .Inn. 11. For three .toys
flic operations of tlir llritMi tinny in
llnmlcrrt wore directed hy telegraph
from tlio Inline or Sir Joint French,
ttenr Hytle 1'nrk, London, dnrinj; the
Kenenil's recent viit here. While it
took Wellington three days alone to
KCt n ine.isnKO to Whitehall nnd ns
loiip to receive n reply dnrin the
Waterloo cnmiai?n, General French
Avns iihlo to commnnicntc directly
with Sir John Archibald Murray nt
the hno headquarters at St. Oincr,
From a mnu who was in close touch
with Sir John, during his recent visit
to England, the following details urn
learned :
General "Frenelt arrived nt Folke
stone, wearing the overcoat and
rather soiled cap of nn enlisted wan.
lie made no attempt to disguise, him
self otherwise, nnd on the channel
hont attracted no notice whatever.
At Folkestone ho wiih met by Lord
Kitchener and both proceeded by mo
tor to Wllnier Castle, near Deal,
where Premier Asquith resides. There"!
h council of war was held, attended
nlso by the leaders of the two pol
itical partieH.
To the Editer:
Mayor 1'itrdin in his spiel on the
new charter says: "Let us go back
to tho good- old times of our Inte ac
tivities," or words to that effect.
Xow what were those good old times f
"Ve paved about twenty-one miles of
.streets nt u cot of 'about $125,000;
the contractors brought their help
nnd teams from nuolhcr state and
even boarded their hands and were
careful not to leave a dollar hero of
that largo amount, and the house
holder whoo property was assessed
to pay for the hame did not have an
opportunity to put in n day's labor
to help pay for thobc improvements
that boro so heavily upon him, nnd n
dead town today is tho result of those
heavy expenditures thut took so much
nway and left no available means in
return. It was good times for the
"gang" in Miver who created offices
without number as inK;ctors nnd
various other offices and inntnllctl
their relatives and iets therein, and
tlm effect was to paralyze the condi
tion of tho common people, but the
uncommon people had their rake-off
when they wero able to purclutue lien
certificates hearing 23 per cent in
terest (the new charter ullow 12 per
cent interest when it should not be
111010 than 0, if at nil). The uncom
mon people havo unwittingly shown
their hand too mioii in their anxiety
to tcntorti tho regime of "good old
times" with its multiplicity of of
.flee and opportunity to purchase
more If" pep cent liens. Lincoln snid
that flod iniiwt love tho common pco
jilo hecauso ho mndo ho many of
them, hut ho did not say nnything of
tho uncommon people who nre self
I'lcated in their own conceit.
The, common people hove an opjior
tunity to relievo themselves of the ad
dilionnl burdens sought to be import
ed upon them hv tho uncommon ieo
pie hy voting against tho new char
ter. That ehnngo in tliO'iiuw- charter re
gnrditi" tho Honor truffle disguised
to c'lleh men and women who are un
familiar with pnli tics leads ns fol
lows :
"... subject to tho consli
tution and general laws of the htute
of Oregon." Now four or six years
ago the legislature passed a sneeiul
law cnubling tho-city of Medford to
pass tniy miusures for its govern
ment, irrespective of uny general laws
of tho state, leaving tho license of sa
loons entirely with tho city council;
so if in 101(1 tho council wishes to li
cense saloons they may do so, irre
spedtivo of the prohibition act.
J. 8. IIOWA1U).
.Editor's Nuto-i-Iii tho above p.
pcnl'lo prejudioo nnd betrayal of ig
iiortuiec( Jdr, Jloward hi his wires
jiadly crowed .vyhen he asseits thnt
city r legislative action can nullify
ho vtnlu constitution,
DESPITK proof to the contrary, lies are still in circu
lation regarding the new chiirtmv Among these, the
most persistent is the assertion that the hoard has undue
power in the ordering of street improvements. As a mat
ter of fact, the new charter gives Jess power than the old.
Section 80 of (he present charter gives the majority
of the council the power to order an improvement, and to
assess the cost, notwithstanding any protests that may he
made hy the property owners. Section 81 of the new char
ter forbids the assessment on anv part of the cost of any
improvement on property benefited where a majority of
the, property owners protest, excepting by the unanimous
vote of all the members of the board.
Iroont Clintoi
Sec. SO. In the event that the not
ice so plven be for tbo Improvement
of a street or a part thereof, tbo
council, after first bearing all pro
tests against said Improvement, may.
notwithstanding said protests, If It
deems tho Improvement of material
benefit to tbo city, proceed to ascer
tain and determine tbo probable cost
of making such Improvement, and as
sess upon each lot or part thereof ad
jacent to said Improvement Its pro
portionate share, of the cost of said
The old charter provides delinquency after ten days'
notice after assessment notice is published. The new char
ter six months' time, as follews:
Prvent Charter I Xeiv dinner
Sec. S5. If within ten days from I Sec. 00. At any tlmo nfler six
the service of the notice of the final months shall have elapsed from the
publication thereof tho sum as- date when nny assessment became de
sessed upon nny lot or parcel thereof, llnquent ns aforesaid, the Hen there
Is not wholly paid to the city record-1 of against any parcel of property
er, tho council mar thereafter, at any .shall bo assigned by the city to the
time It may seo fit, order a warrant ! first person who offers to pay and
for the collection of the same to bo pays tins city thorofor, the amount
(. .no,i hv tlm recorder and directed, of said assessment, together with all
to tho chief of police.
rUi. .- -.. -
Sec. SC. Such warrant must re
quire the person to whom It Is di
rected to levy forthwith upon the
property liaoic tor tne unpaiu as-(
........nt nml sll tlm !t:inii In the
manner provided by law for tbo salejmeut. the dato thereof, tbo datq ot
of delinquent state and county tax, the ordinance levying the orgtnal ns
and to return the proceeds of such sessment. and the particular parcel
sale to tho recorder, together with of property upon 'which Bald asseis-
h. warrant with Ida dolnir endorsed I nifnt I1 a Hen, and tho person to
Regarding control of the liquor traffic, although any
provision is invalidated by the prohibition constitutional
amendment after .January 1, li)lu the old charter con
tained the famous joker that enabled Medford to have
home rule until the home rule amendment nullified it four
years age:
Present duirter New Clwrtcr
Sec 19. To license, tar, regulato Sec. 11. To license, tax, regulate
nr Tirniitiiit bar ranmx. ilrlnVlnir . or prohibit bar rooms, drinking
shops, billiard rooms, bowling alleys,
danco nouso ana an piaces wnere
spirituous, mat or vinous liquors aro
sold or kept for sale. IIUIKSPEC
provided that no license for tho sale
ot spirituous, malt or vinous liquors
shall bo granted for any less amount
than Is or may be provided by the
general laws of the state In forco at
tbc tlmo or the granting thereof; and
further provided, that fcald city shall
not any time license drinking shops,
or other places whero intoxicating li
quors arc sold, to sell Intoxicating li
quors on bunuay
The recall is assured by
omitted trom the present charter:
New Omrter
Sec. HI. Recall Petition. A po-
tltlon, signed by qualified electors ot
tho city equal In number to at least
twenty-five, per cent of tho total
number of votes cast in said city In
the last preceding municipal election
providing tho required number shall
not exceed twenty-five per cent of tho
electors of said city voting for a Jus
tice of the state supremo court at the
last preceding election for such of
ficer, shall be f led wltli tlio secre
tary of tho city, demanding the re
call ot said Incumbent and the elec
tion of a successor thereto.
AS the seat ot lie great uxnaru sugar iaciory, u
of Oxnard is necessarilv the business center
f Oxnnrd is nocessari
siiornr beet iiidustrv. onlv recently established.
The growing of sugar beets in tlie valloy has proved
highly successful; the farmers were quick to realize the
numerous benefits to be derived from this wonderful prod
uct. It meant progressive, intensive farming and the wop
ping of much theretofore idle land, and resulted in great
prosperity to beet growei-s, and the influence which the
beet crop'assumed in the agriculture of tho community was
at once commanding.
The acreage planted yearly varies between 10,000 and
18,000 acres, this being regulated by meteorological condi
tions and the market price of other competing staple crops
of tho county. The faetory is equipped with the latest
modern machinery and a daily slicing capacity of 2000 tons
of beets. The factory opens as soon as a sufficient quan
tity of beets have attained maturity, and that depends on
the weather conditions during May and June. Generally
harvesting starts in .July and is finished in November.
The sugar beet, lowiy ,as it grows in the ground, has
done much for the Santa Clara valley. 1 1 has brought into
existence the thriving town of Oxnard, where before wis
only a great farmstead.
When tho American Heet Sugar company began the
erection of its plant at Oxnard, or rather when the man
agement picked out the site, there was no dweller on the
present townsito. Tho factory became at once the nucleus
of a settlement. Today Oxnard has IJ500 people.
The valley farmers receive for their beets every year
approximately $1,000,000. The intensive farming neces
sary to makebeet growing successful also made good and
wealthy farmers of men who farmed their land but poorly
and with little profit to the eounty or to thomsclves before,
In a word, the sugar beet was largely instrumental in
giving to the farmers comforts and luxuries. Merchants,
really men, bankers, professional uicu, mechanics and day
medfotcd matt; ttotunk
New Charter
Sec. St. Provided, how.
over, that It the owners of a major
ity in amount of the property subject
to assessment for snld Improvement
shall protest against the assessment
of any portion of the cost thereof on
said property, the board shall not or
der tmlil Improvement to be made and
the cost of any portion thereof to lx
asscsscd on the property especially
benefited thereby, except hy the unan
imous vote of all of the members of
tlio board of directors.
. -.. 1 h.. .
'neerneii intrroM. 1 nr nssicnmcni ui
said assessment shall be made In
such form as the board of directors
may provide and shall be sufficient
If said assignment Identifies and sets
out the amount paid for suclt assign
I whom tho assignment Is made.
shops, billiard rooms, bowling alleys,
unnc i.uuac . ... i"mn- .t
snlrituous. malt or vinous Iquors aro
sold or kept for sale, subject to tho
constitution and general laws ot the
state of regon, provided that no II
censo for the salo of spirituous, malt
or vinous liquors shall be granted for
any less amount than Is or may bo
provided by tho Kcncral laws of the
state In forco nt the time of grant
ing thereef: aud further provided,
that said city shall not at any time
license drinking shops, d other
places where intoxicating liquors nrc
sold, to sell Intoxicatlug liquors on
the state constitution, although
State CouMltutlon
Art. II., Sec. IS. There may be re
quired twenty-five per cent, but not
more, of the number of electors who
voted in his district at the preceding
election for the Justice of the supreme
court to fllo their petition demanding
his recall by tho people.
the town
v the business center lor tne
TODroim omwoy.. monday, January
laborers the sugar beet, has helped, and to the whole county
of Ventura it has meant putting the laud in touch with tho
best methods of production known to farm life. It u
brought farming in the Santa (Mara valley up to. date, and
as a shipping point by rail it easily leads the county, and
all lines of business flourish and practically every farmer
lias money in the banks.
LrrTLl' remains to be said upon the new charter. Its
pros and cons have been- thoVoughly discussed. ' It iR
up to the voters themselves to say whether Medford will
begin the New Year by taking a long stride forward in
municipal affairs, and hence start off with a progressive
Great advance has been made in recent years in the
science of city government. The old system of city man
agement b.v divided responsibility and multiplicity o
officers is passing away. Business methods and efficiency
are replacing politics. The commission form has proved
successful over the old spoils system. Ir Is only a (pies
tion of time until the commission form becomes the uni
versal rule the waste and inefficiency of the old system
proving too expensive for taxpayers.
The best features of the commission form, as proven by
the experience of some four hundred cities, aiAv embodied
in the new charter. While not perfect, it isf a long step in
advance over the present charter, written for a small town
and patched up by many amendnients to fit growing con
ditions. The new charter, or substantially the same charter, will
be adopted at some future day if rejected tomorrow, for
ledford is bound to progress. Why delay? Why not
sustain the city's reputation as a progressive city, at this
opportunity? and show that while reactionaries arc in noisy
evidence and the anvil chorus is ringing, it has not killed
the old Medford spirit of doing things.
A vote for the new charter is a vote for efficiency in
city affairs and a vote for progress.
Jackson County Leads State in
Highways Says Samuel Hill
To the. Editer:
1 did not ef your letter in time
for jour New. Year's edition, hut I
suppose yon will be i-Miing the tegu
lar daily unit weekly during. the year
19J.i, nml t Jntst'lji your iidvuntage
I know, to thcipuhlirV. .
I would liKe to miv to the Mail
Tribune, in my opinion Jackson coun
ty has done more for the improve
ment of highways than any single
county in the stue of Oregou.
In England today they nre placing
a nine-inch concrete base under all
their roads, and us n rule thev nre
putting on top of, this a tar miii'inlntn
The True
(Hen Lnmpman in Oold Hill New.)
11U faith was matchlos; if a wight
might sy, ''Christ, tho reformer,
eo'mcth hack today," then would h
fix his vision on the hills, and pay
his rent and struightcu up his hills;
nnd chnugo hi-, raiment and anoint
his hnir, and how his head and wait,
the Christ in prayer. So all the who
hovs of the village school made sport
of him, and oft-times niimfd him
Ilisjnith was umtchk"s; cntne nn
evil Itonr when o'er the range the sul
len clouds did lower, when sages
viewed tho lightning with nffright,
then would he make acclaim that all
was right. For, so he reasoned, it
was very plain thnt all was needed
was a little nun. And wheil the llnni-
der sprang from erng to peak he lis
tened rnptly, anil they culled mm
Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy,
thick with a mixture ot Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
Tte old-time mixture of Sago Tea od
Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked
aiul faded hair Is grandmother'a treat
ment, awl folks are again uIng it to
keep their hair a gwd, even color, which
is quit sensible, aa we aro living' in in
age when a youthful appearance 1 ot tba
greatest, advantage.
Nowadays, tlteugb, we don't have tU
trouMeiwuio Uak of gathering the eag
and tlie tmiuy mixiug ot borne. All
drug utorea acll the ready-to-uee product
called "Wyeth'a Sajfl and Sulphur Huir
Itemed' for about 80 centa a bottle.
It la rery popular bocauaa nobody can
dlacovcr it luu Un applied. Simply
molitcn your eoinb or a.aoft bruih with It
nnd draw tills through your hair, taking
oru iinall atrand at a timet by morning
tlie gray hair dUapara, but what de
light tlio ladle with Wyeth'a Sag and
Sulphur la that, beildee beautifully
darkening the hair aiUr a few appllca
tlona, It alto produce that oft lustre
ami appearance ot abundance which U ao
attractive) beside, preventa daaduJf,
Itiphlpg acalp and falling hair, i
John A. Perl
Lady AMlauat
PfaoiMM M. 47 m 4Tra
wWlMI gOTl I? OMratM
surface, which pmctienlly conforms
to the MniybiU silrfuiv.
.Medford, Ashland and all .lack-on
county will derive great bciiofiN from
these roads, in my opinion, as people
lioiu California will find it a pleas
ant run next season. The improve
ment of the road to ('niter lake will
he another great asset to Jackson
I wish nUo to extend In the eo
pie of Jackson county, nnd Medford
especially, my cordial greetings for
the Now enr, and the hope thnt each
year will be more prosperous thnn the
last. Yours trulv.
Portland, .luuunry 10.
His faith wns matchless; when thc.v
took his fnnn, men nnned themselves
K-st he might do them liimn. Hut
smiled he gently aud as softly said:
"He found no place uhcrroii to rest
His head"; nml as one gladdened by
a wondrous gift, worked on the sec
tion and somehow made shift. Ott us
he tamped tho tie or wrenched the
holt, the village lounger lolled and
dubbed him "dolt."
His faith was matcjdess; dolt and
freak and fool beyond instruction in
tho wothl's crude school untight
could they tench him hut he would
forget, nor could they pai'ley, for his
course wns net. And men who dnneed
with Tolly ns n maid, and lads who
laughed when tho last card wni
played, aud counter dorks who blow
their pay for beer, were wont In won.
der and proclaim him "queer."
150 Views of
Medford Streets
and People?
- lihtlrthlS'
5000 Feet of
Motion Pictures
Coplete.Clnnge.of Local
Scenes Tuesday
See Others As They
See You and Enjoy
to Big Laugh
.1 lM!Ml
.TKKI'HIIKON (MTV, Mo., Jim, 11.
-A suit oliiuglifg the American Hal
ing company of St, l.oiiU of being u
trust In rcsliuiiil of hade was filed
today with the supreme coin I, Tho
suit asks that the charier of the com
pany he forfeited nml that u line ho
Tin Atnoiloitu llakeiy eiuiipiiny
wiih orgiuiircd inv tilt)", Altotnov
General Hit titer ehurgei thnl lliu
Ameilenli eontpanv and seven oilier
baking tirms In St. I.ouis aro mem
bers of u combination formed hv the
Ameiicnn Hnkory company, nml Hull
under an agtccment among them tho
sire of a loaf of bicad has been re
duced from sixteen to thiilccu
A (JimhI Itesoliitlou.
To help build up Medford payroll
by smoking Governor Johimon or
Mt. I'llt clgnra. "
Ornnt county tux lov reduced four
Two Parts
Ono Part
In the Land of Arcadia
Two Parts
Too Much Burglar
Ono Part
K. L. Bernard, Manager
The Famous
Friday and Saturday
January 15 and 16t 1915
Miss Nary Pickf ord
America's Sweetheart In
The Eagle's
A Thrilling Story
Souvenir Postcards with each Admission Ticket
Admission Always Five and Ten Cents
IT Theatre
tiVvhiiit And ttksiuv
Our Mutual Girl
Was She Right In
Forgiving Him?
Two Part I'lobloiii Htury Vllh,Miunlo
Piml) In n Tlianhoilncr Cast
Footprints of
Two I'nit Ameiicnn Allegorical Man
lorplcro When Hazel Met
the Villain
A Kliniiv lvyntnnn Comedy
Hlo-AW Sl.'.VT I lie
Player Films
i i
of the Mountains