2tr $' "' . ! F Medfx)rd Mail Tribune Mssm SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mv. -1ft: Mln. !M. Ilnln tonight And tomorrow i vl .e Forty.fourtli Tor. Unity Ninth Ynr. MJ3DF0RD, OHMCJON, JMONDAV, .TANtJAKY 11,15)15. NO. 250 v FRENCH CAPTURE MORE TRENCHES NEAR SOISSflNS Comparative Quiet Prevails Alonn Doth Battle Fronts mill Confllctlnn Reports Place Results In Doubt Dad Weather Hinders Operations Llllc In Possession of British. LONDON, Jan. 1 1. orflclnl nc- roiiulH of thu (IcIttliiK In tliu went from 1 tor lilt ami 1'nrlH Imlny show tluil ciiinpiiriitlvi) calm provitllM x rnpt ul it few points. Kvuii In Up per Alsace ii ml In Mm Argonim whoro tlioio linvu been violent encounter recently, acllvlty linn Mlnrkeued. Near HolrnonH nml In tlm vicinity of Perthes, however, hplrlted oiiKngu- llielltA nio III proKH'KH, Tlio (Ionium war office ntltult m Hint tliti French hnvo captured trenches north of HoIhhoiih, toward tint wentern nml of tlio battlo lino, but Mitten Hint (nrtliur oimlaiiKht with repulMtit. Tlio Frunch nil unuucuiiicnt snyii two more linen ol trenches, covering fiUO yards of tlio mint, hnvo been occupied. There In it Nlnilhir ilUpnrlty of rttaomonts run NccriiliiR thu pro a ret" of thu fighting ni'itr Perthes, which has nwiiimed Importance becauno the print nt stnko In control of rnllrouilit or hlKh strat egic value. Tlio French roniiniinlcit. lion Mates Hint 200 yards of (ler iiihii tri'iirhcK wero urizttd whllo th (lurmnii nnthorltlim say Hint iiomIHoiih won by their opponents worn re (ikon. ' Itail Weather Checks AlthniiKh further ptogrcsH U hie lug mndi) fh tho adtniuo townnl War saw front tho wont, according to tho Herman announcement thu movement In Mow on ncrotint of bad weather, London kukkosIh tluil thu Inactivity of thu allli'it'ln both Oio cant anil tho went In due to tho fuel that Hit)) nr awaiting thu entrance of now mum hcrs Into tint ronihlnntlon against tho Teuton nations, It Is said Hi Itiiiiinnln with (100,000 soldiers In virtually ready to enter tho wnr. Farther south simultaneously with tho ItiiMdlnn progress In llukowlua, tin itilvitni'o on Crncow once nioru ap pears to bo Imminent. Herman to Hungary Doubt lit exprenKOd In somo quart )tH whether tho Hermans who nru re ported to hnvo gono south supposed ly to rihtiUt Atislrln In tho campaign ngnluM Bcrvln, nro nctnitlly destined for Hint service. It Is suggested Hint their ohjurt In Hungary, which Ih represented tin much tipitut hy thu Itnimlan advance against Trnnsylvn ula nml the uctlvltlen of Uitinnnln, llopo lit expressed on nil sides hero Hint Sir Edward drey's reply to tho Ainurlcnn shipping unto will provo nrroplablo to tlio United Stilton. There Ih some illHpoititloit to regard thu HlntlHllcM In tho roply nit nn In dication thnt tho Ilrltlnh govern ment tint hoot derelict In Kh duty, In porinlltlnit lurgo quantities or commodities required by tho belUger oittH to reach IiohUIo tuitions. WHEAT TUMBLES 10 CUIC'AllO, .Inn. II, Whent ntniu down today with u cranh. Prlcim hroltu r d contH n Inmliol under Ken era I huIIIiik duo to rumorH thnt onu of tho fortH KtiunllnK tho DardanolUm hud hoop tluiuolUhoil hy tliu,vnrnlilim Of HlU ItlllOH, DUE RUMORS Governor West Commends Charter To thu F.ditnr: Ijiiiiiu onu sent mo it copy of Iho (imposed Medfonl tilmrtor, which, a oiiu who i rnlufiil to tlio city for it mippoit in time past, Lam miieh iutoieteil in. I tntt I will tint bu neetiKVit of "hiitliii; in" hy uxpro liij,' my approval of thu many excel lent provision the new charier con litiiiH, . Thu now eliaitcf, in niv opinion, '(ive Medfonl an opportunity to load tho statu in municipal pivenunoiit, iih it Iiiin led it in municipal improve- iiienla niid gooit liialiwayH, It hIhmiUI POLLS TO OPEN 7 AM 7 PI ATCITYELECTION Polllnii Places, Sparta Dulldltuj, Mocrc Hotel, City Hall Three Freeholders Necessary to Swear Rrtjlstratlon In at City Hall Three Tickets In Field. Till) lllltt lot' the ell.v eli'i'lioll lo iiioriow will ho tM'ii lioin 7 o'clock ii, h. to 7 o'clock p. in., mill Hie poll hitf jiliiccH nml officer "f flectioiis will ho (ih follew: First waul -Sparta liuililiii (mil' mum) litiljit'fi, Wt II. Iluinilirc,v, .1. V. Khiilcy nml W. K. N'enix: clviU, one of tht jiiiIki'h in t'ttcli wnnl itlhti Helium dm it clerk. Seconil until, Moore hotel I1. I'.. V,viiKimii, II, N, l.olliiinl, juilt'M, nml ('. II. Miincy, clerk. Tliinl waul, ellv hull .lolm I.. Ileminer nml ('. V. Aitxtin, juiIkc; W. I.. Miller, clctk. The leniKtriitioii hoiinl, compoii'il of V. T. York, I. II. Until font nml Mr. T. A. Unwell, will hit at the citv hull for nil wnnl. All iion-rcjjiMt'r-eil voter, lo eenre election riuhl, tun! he ntvorn in, three frctfliohlor heiiij; reiiiireil iih NiKiiittiire. Ticket lo Hell Voted On The mnyornlty cnmliilnte are: ('. I!, (lute nml V, .1, I'mcrick, liidepcn dent; counelliniin front the litxt wnnl, .1. I). Skinner nml J. ('. Miiiin; fee. nml wnnl, Frank Antv nml F. I. Sehieffelin, nml third wnnl. (I. 1.. Scliennerliorn nml Dr. llitrfjreiivc. iiiemnlieiit. In ench of Hie eonneil men eiimliilule ulmve, the fnt nam cd i riinnint; npott the independent or stitmNtill ticket. The oopoiicnls not clitHilfied, me nil htirecftit IniMiiehK inen of the city. The Moriiilint tleket i: Fjr. it(ii,vor." ,h (', Hnrtios; eonneihnen, first wnnl, i:. .1. Klein; Kccoml, (1. It. Sittcltwell, nml tliinl, .1. A. Smith. The weather forecast for election day is ehimlv, prolmlite rain. I.lttle Ontttnnl lnteivht N'eerlefore in the political hitorv of Meilfonl Iiiih .o little interest been shown upon the etc of n city election, n far n the Inisine ilislriet is eon. eerneil. Neither eumliilale nor pro Misei eitv charter are receivtnjr more than iiainir nttention. No bet Imve been made, opponents of the chtutcr ileimimliiiK prohibitive odds. In the icsjdcnco ilistriet niiioii!; the i mil; nml file of the voter interest is keen, nml indications point to a heavy vote, itarlieiilarlv women, rain or shine. The citv ivcottlor' office wits kept busy answering iilmnc palls' bear iiiji iitest!on upon the election, Sen timent in the resilience district is slroit; for the charter, ami against thu standstill ticket. The last ten (lay there has been a decided switch injr of public approval for the char ter, and prospect point to a sitbstnn tint majority imnint its opponent. The usttiil amount of pro-election Kosip, uppcaliiiK' to rejndiee, wits sown (lii innrniu;;. edinbOrghcrazy from german fear NF.W YOltK, Jim. II.-Tho inlttih ititttlH of Hiliuhiiit;li "have koiiu entity" throiinh four of a Hcniinn at taekj aeeonlinj; to Gottfried Delitseh, one of fifteen UritUh Httbjeots of (lor. man bit tit who arrived hero from Knijliiinl today. Delileh'u homo was in Mdiuliiii'. place Medfonl in thu front rank of howl governed eitie. Siucoielv, OSWALD WKfiT. SiiK'iii, Jttn, 0, 1015, og2?A I lMedfords Society Vaudeville Attracts Metropolitan Attention S ! i "ST?- iiii nmwiiin i ! tmmtmmm i ltd' I Jifcl. , t r H. 4H - - - fSSJ pic-1 -Crv NbBCv f (P ' llllBHKkFM seiitcd for the benefit of the Medfonl ' SlX KM. t&&$$'; J N "' ''Vi 'liiBBWPB' y ll Itose soeiety bus attracted o imich teJE &!'' Is wi- i2tB'5Hr5'' attention ihioiixhout the stnto that XjiH!' L -IKS' ' "' 'VC lPr;,"jk' 'J the I'orilaud .loiinial in hist Sun- QQ H ' ifeil V J9P.K$?"' IP "'" Hlk'v day's isiie printed this layout of tiic- Ifi tOlPl vv 'jHEjT Jtil' Hl tore, which by courtesy i presented PLt b ' n' vC ' & BRlJ',i3flFC 1 JhHHBT ROAD MASTER BY , W M?LW COUNTL COURT ' IHL PI9 - A ehanue in the method of roa work over that of thu past year w iuaiiK'iiratcd .Monday by the conn court when Joe ('. Siui.h, form county commissioner, was appoint county road inastqr at u salary .12."i per month, ineludtn expense nml trniisportatioti. Duiinc the past year tho eomniissionei have dis tricted the county, each member of the court titknu; it district. Under the new order, which is u return to for mer method, the road master will have chartfe of all the supervisors. All former sitpervior were reap pointed except W. ( Chapmaii in the Table Itoek-lteale district, who was not a candidate, Leo Vim ' named Instead. Fruit inspection, bv nrrnnceinont with Ilorticulltiral Fouunissioncr Al len, vu out down to three inspect ors tit fll per dav, with two of them limited to .'-' u dav ami one at .f'J.oO for the oiitlvitti! distrtelK. SELLING" ELECTED E ON RRSLBALLOT SAI.KM, Or., .Ian. 11. - Lair Thompson of l.ukeview wa elected president ol' tho senate anil Hen Selling of I'ottlatid wit chosen speaker of the house at the opmiiiif,' of thu twenty-eighth biennial sessioit of the OtOKoii leijisltitiiiv hero today, llotli are republican. Interest centered in the contest for hpenkership between Selling and Al len F.iiton of Nugent1, both hides lutv ing waged a spirited eauipaitt with in the republican party. Selling re ceived !I7 vote to Hilton's 'J'J. Thompson had practically no op position in the senate, V. I). Wood of llillshoro receiving three votes to twenty-hix. Portland Livestock Market FOllTLANI), Or., Jan. tl. Cattle -Iteeolpt 111; lower. Frime light steer, .ii7.ft0(rT.8r ; choice, .1!7.'J.')((? (..It); iiriiuu now, .ftl((0tl.8t); eltoiee, ii.VH.'itlt priiiio lieifer, .fliOiMl.riO; prime bull, iHfJM.filT; prime htag, .f.),."i()((Ci(l', prime ealve, .f7..")0, Hogs HoceiptK f078; steadv. Prime light, !7((7.t."i; choice lit;lit, !!(l.r0(if.7.'; light,' ."rO.'J.Xiril.nUj rough, iftf.S.-irJiMUO. , Sheep Iteceipts 2."i8(l; strong. Host yearling wether, .fr..)00tl(i o0 ; hoht ewe, .fXuNViO, mixed slt'icp, l,7fl3; nrhno lambs, ifr.WfJSOO, t v . .v ih . hv -. m m ..vh. m m SPEAKER VILLA VICTORIOUS ' AT SALTILLO BY T I.AIJKDO, Tex., Jan. ll.-Tninpieo is icported here to be still in the hiimls of Ocncral Pablo Oonzalc, a Farranzii suppoiter, hut i said to be seriously thteateued. Ituilroad pas senger repent tho leport of last niuht that Victoria, eapilal of Tain iiulipas wa eaitured by Villa troops early Sunday. Villaival's forces today destroyetl part of the railroad leatlim:' from Monterey to .Mutatiioro. Kefugee nrriviub hero said it appeared that Vtllareal wits preparing to retreat to Matamoro from .Monterey, ami wa destroying the nad to prevent rapid pursuit. Detail of the battle of Saltillo, which ended yesterday in defeat of 1. "MMO Farranza troops, who were nt tacking about 10,000 Villa troops, in dicalu the trick of one. man was largely responsible for the fnrranzn ivtreat. lie was a bugler, who, by proiirniiigeinent, desetted the Villa forces, joining the Carrnnxa troops. At a signal after he had joined tho besiegers, this bugler sounded ealls indicating that the enemy wa on all sides ofThe Curranza troop. Other bugleis look tip hi call, believing it wns onlen-d front headipiarters. The Farranza troop retreated in disoi der, l.os of life is reported to have been uevero. HALMlilN FAVORABLY REPORIED WASIIINOTON, an. 11.- President Wilson's renoinination of llettrv Flay Hall of Colorado Springs, Colo., to tho interstate commerce commission wa ordered favorably repotted tod ty by the senate iutorslato cmumorJO commission. It had been held up at tho retpiest of republican senators who wanted to intpiiro into tho vote on which tho commission recently ap proved higher freight vales. J r iiiiBHHEK IHiiiiV B r lv. YMflflflflflflflflflflflBWBflBVki vMflflLl bVAVmB? KEY mwm. Some of the participants in the re .ford and Ashland. Top Tho Yam Caroline Andrews, Mis Dorothy Conner, Mi Done), Mis Josephine Hoot. Uoltom-Left, Miss Caroline Andrews in a Oreel. dance; right, Walter Sferriek and Mis F.ifert in the fox. tmt. I0NAL BALLOT LEAGUE One of the national organizations devoted to improving municipal atid civic condition in American cities, of which Woodrow Wilson is president and numbers on its board such toon a Lawrence P. Abbott, Winston Churchill, Judge lien Lindsay, Will iam Allen White and others of like .standing', is the National Short Bal lot organization. The following let ter from it executive secretary should bo of interest to Medfonl peo ple : "New inrk, Jan. ., lOI.i. "Mr. Uenjaiuin C. Sheldon, Medfonl, Ore. "Dear Mr. Shelden: "1 hnvo gone over thu charter which has just been prepared , for Medfonl, and I oomratulato you upon it. There is no question in my mind but that tho plan of. government which it proposes, providing for a small board and city manager, will before long be practically the ttnl versitl type in this eoui-try. 'our charter will be one of the very jiest of its kind on he Pacific coast, and I have no doubt its iiiflueneo will he very effective. 1 sincerely hope f lint it will be aodpted at the coming elec tion. Yours very truly, "1L S. (ULUi:itTSONT, "Executive bcerotary," NAT RT FAVORS CHARTER p - cf nt society yandex tlio given nt Med- n Yatna Girls, Mrs. Kdgar I Infer, Miss LAFOLLETTE ASKS J RATE INCREASES BE WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Senator l.a Folletto introduced a resolution to prohibit tho eastern railroads from putting Into efiect tho Increased freight rates recently authorized by tho luter-stato commerce commis sion. In a long preamble to tlio resolu tion Senator l.a Folletto set forth that no show lag was nmdo. or at tempted by the Carriers to Bhow that tho old rates wero tinreasonuhlo and that tho commission In granting In croupes, did not, In accord with tho law. consider their unreasonableness, but granted thorn on tho ground tho railroads needed monoy to meet ex traordinary conditions duo to tho Ku ropean war. Senator I .a Folletto asked that tho resolution lie on-the table and await further action. Provision was made In the resolu tion, however, that roads affected, doslrlng to advance rates, may file now tariffs with tho commission for hcntiims at which tho burden of proof to tdiaw that Increases aro just and reasonablo shall be upon the railroads. Mitrshfleld- -The .Noble estato will erect a business building 50 by 100, SUSPENDED GOLD SHE AT UOILLEIN OLD CHANNEL What Is Believed to De Lonn Lest and Much Sought Original 6etd Bcaring Channel Located 43 Feet Under Surface East of JacksenvHIe Pans $30 to Pan and $35 Nugget. What i believed to be tho long-sought-for lost channel of Jackson ville creek hn been located, after years of fruitiest tunneling and pms pecting by A. 11. Enycart of Jackson ville, n placer miner,' engaged in pro pect work upon the Humor place, n quarter of n mile cast of Jackson ville, nnd adjoining the right of way of the Uarntim railroad. Saturday afternoon he stnick the old creek bed nt n depth of -13 feet, and it it thought to he the lost channel thnt yielded forty million in gold in pio neer day. A nugget worth .35 wan taken from the pan Saturday, and nccording to report the other pun washed netted $30 each in gold. If early expectation increase, a gold strike can be expected. In his development work Knyenrt progressed upon the theory that tho original bed, or one of the fork of Jackson creek, wax to tho Hottth of it present location. He also believed that n landslide a century or bo ago buried this channel nnd rich gold bearing enrth. The development of tho last week justify in a measure this theory. Saturday Knyenrt cut through, the stone capping covering the channel and folind bedrock, nnd is now pre paring to pierce this section. Yellow htone wa first found under the re cent (geologically speaking) soil cov ering. Then came, streajc .-qjbluu gravel, similar to the pay dirt, at Yrckn, that linn for year yielded a golden revenue every month. For years prospectors hnvo worked upon the theory that the lost channel iviid to tho west. It was this channel that in early times made Jacksonville oue of the world's greatest gold ramp. The trend of tho Enycart findiugc- J in n northeasterly direction When interviewed this morning, Mr. Knyenrt refused to divulge any infor mation on hi discovery, saying that he was not ready to jive any details. Uefore beginning work on the prccnt dump he sank a shaft on the north side of the Uarntim road. This morn ing ho was engaged in putting ju a casing nnd has installed a gasoline engine, Three men arc at work. The report of the find created hut little excitement in the county sent. A half dozen old miners wero out this morning surveying the ground adja cent to the Knyenrt work. Knyenrt hn a contract for tho mineral rights to the land he is working. JOHN BULL'S REPLY TO UNCLE SAM NT SATISFACTORY WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Tho United States government, It becamo known today, Is not altogether sat isfied with tho note of Sir Edward Grey, giving Grent Hrltatn's prelimi nary reply to President Wilson's pro test concerning tho treatment of American commerce by tho Urltlsh fleet. Whllo gratified that Great nrltulu admits the Juatlco of practically all the principles of International law cited In tho American noto, officially reiterated today that tho chief dif ficulty had boon England's neglect to ttiako her actual practice square with tho previously accepted rules of In ternational law, it Is realized by officials hero that a long diplomatic correspondence conceding tho principles of the Amorlciiti caso, but not actually car rying them Into practice, wU not meet tho complaints of American ex porters and shippers and although England's supplementary answer I expected to glvo a more detailed statement of her position, offlelaU Plan to take up vigorously all indi vidual cases which may wwtawhUe arise. 4 . - - -rjt, u J ! ) 4'fi .1 1 '.h 9 1 b 1 1 1 ,. ' ' 'V IN ,tf ,m