Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    PAGI3 BlfiVfa
AWII.ANM), .hill. (I. "Mri-I IIH' nil
No. til Aril li ii linl liuln'. "tipper."
VtllK llll' ll'Hl IIII'MHIIge wllll'll Ml.
lleiyl Knunei' iceriwil Tiieihi,v
iiiiniiin(f from Hniimuiiir. Tin1 wlie
wild ii'iilly ent liy flfiii'm' Kramer,
UllO llllll lll'l'll liter II I III' IIH llllill'N
Hill mill iiIiiIih, llii ilny previou on
Noiilhrrn I'll r ll'ii' Iiiihiiii'km, linl whit
iiiuiiiti'il Hill Kiikhuul, ehiel' di
luili'lior, In Ki'tnl llii' hunger dixtrrnv
Hlgniil I mhii Hiiiihiniiii'. When Hic pii
viilit fin "SImhIh" iiilli'il inlii Ilic
union depot, liiiilnv I'M'iiinvr. mil
rolli'il Supeiinlenili'iil .Mi'tenlf, Ma
In' Meelmnie Mimill, It. V. Cuvelllei
ami KirMmnl liiunelf, Kramer hitting
nirlvcil on the iic kiiis Nil, I I in or
der In iimlri'rtN tli turkey. Cuwllier,
liy tin' way, in mini foreman nf en
gluer mill general ull-iouiid dining
tmr epieure. Aiimui their lovnl
gin!, IihxI Mini IiiiIi'hh iiIhh itivili'il
Dr. mnl Mi". HoHlough, the I oriniT
being llii iMimpnny'H rolib'iil mirgi'on,
mnl the M1sim l.omine .IiiIiiihiiii mnl
lli'illui KliiiHon, I "'ii of AililmnlV
young mnl vivneioiiH leiichei. Tin'
illnni'r proved mil only it hot liirl
affair, lint wait MipplciiH'iitcd with nil
the nllii'r 'linl thing, lint for the
pri'Hi ni'i of Dr. Iliihlough, Mime of the
lmioIm might have dnni' tin rcpiiNt
Fiijiihlirp. Ah Imm'iimu'k the typii'nl
host, Agent Kramer's iiiiecilolrn with
in tinier (evrrbttriv ItnnwH that
(leorgc tell Morir.) It heini; in'ar
llio approach of .thi' Lenten m-iihuii,
duneing wan nut rniwlilrii'il good
fiiini. ho iiiumo mnl Kiinirs were nub
ititnlril iiixti'inl. Superintendent Met
onlf lint tin- ri'pntiition or being thi
In I I'riMmge phtver mi tin' Soiitln'rii
I'm-ifii' nyMem, while Small ami
Cuvi'llirr I'M'i'l nl llinrli ami mithoiw.
Dixpnti'lnr Kiiklmiri l n gifted tan
nieiun, both voi'nl mnl iiiNlniiiH'iiltil,
ami wir il I'nnicH to humming "Tip
ponirv,'1 In ran ilincniinl tin inniir1
proilnilH of any gntfntiohi. Moie
over, In i a i'nniioiHcur in preeimth
gem, mnl tin' HpurKling hrillimil worn
hy inn' of tln young Indie prem'iit
wan tin eynomno of hi admiring
hi. Tin milwnv nifii were ltlirIit -i'il
with ihi'ir hoxpilahli' reeeption
here mnl nr eager to repeal Ihn itl.
('. A. Weler, ilix ixiuii engineer, nar
lowly imiim'iI Inking parage on Ihe
ilUfiili'il t'lini'h. Iitivitiu hern iti'tniiii'il
niirgi'nl huineH at hi'tiilmiartcrn.
i.ixUIiium- u nrr
I'h'iI Wagner, loKiilalixt' n'prwt'ii
tallvi' from llii" I'oiinly, l.'fl for Sn
Inn on Tlnirmhiv to lake up lite ilu-
lloti Of tll M'fcilll.
Two Ahlaiiil Iioxh Iiiim' I'ntfii'il
into patluiTnhip ami will pi into I lit
lianlwnri' Imiiiich at Spntih'fii'lil. in
thiti htati. They nro Ahln'tl HraviT,
who iiulil ri'ri'iitly has hi'i'n an unto
Hulitoiumi in I'oitlmul, ami Wulli't
lli'iuilou, laic uli'ik at NiuiH - Sana
iIit' Hrocury, in thirt city. They llat
li'r thvuixclvi'i Hint a idohI i'mtIIimiI
ci('iiin awaits them in IliN liiHim'fh
I1. T, Kohiiwou, aHHixlaat illvixjoii
I'UKiui'or of Hit' Soulhi'iu I'ai'ilic
.toi'Ktou iliirieu: wax vinitnit; Ihti
Tliuixlay mnl ua lifiiic hIiowii
iirouml town hy lux i'iiiimii, 0. I Car
t'iii. Allhouch (hi1 i"ilor hax pukm'iI
through Axhlaml fri'iiuntly, lliix ivw
llni liixt oppoiliuut of MnnpiiiK oft
mnl iiispi'i'litii; llii Intvu othi'r than
llimnli u iiir uiiulow. lit was ih1
IikIiIi'iI with Ilic Hi'i'iiii outlook Iiimo
iiiiiI hnpi't. to ii'tiiru at aunthi'r en
tun, I'Kpt't'iully in tin I'nin! old "niiiii
iiiit tiiai'."
Klaiualli SIimI. ItaKcr
Spiatl W'i'lU is lu'iii viMitiii,' lu.
family, who -i'iiitiiIIv rvMilo in thi-1
loi'iilily iluiinj; llio winter hCiiMin, He
!h one of the liij; xtoeloaiHers of
Klamath eoiiuly, in the ui'ij'hhorhonil
of Illy, ami makes a hpeeinlty of ruin
iiiK lauh'H, IHm ivi'u naiae ot
"Sprall" was a lej-aev hmuh'il down
hy his manilfatlier, (liles Wells, one
of Ihn oil iiioneerK of this M'rtinu.
AiiKiiht Sehiii'immi is home from
Mi't.'louil, Cal., where he has heen em
ployed for inuntliH past with the Inn
llimheriui' eiiui'iiru of lluil heetiou. He
iv'itl t,iiintilii tun.. iii.IiiI'iiiiIi.K'
" .....I mm ,n
III ruhuililii'i; the locnl siih-slalioi)
of the Oregon. (.ulifnriiiu l'ower ('o.
recently ilostroyml hv fire, it is plan
ned to erect it not unlv this hide ot
Hear crook, hut also much ucarci
Inun. A sila on Oak street is con
Hy way of cntupnrixnli amiiii)- first
claK Hi'lioiil districts in Oiognn, the
liilicst levy is nl Neuhurg, where n
l'J-iailltax yiolds,fl0. Tho low.
iiijt is at I'mtland, ."i mills, yiuldin
.fl,Hi;i,ll(l(i, Ashland with a 7-niill
ftvy collects .fJIl.tlT?, and Medford,
levy llmllls, inises "f.'iT.IIU."). flrauts
Vass realizes .f'jr.llil on a levv,
IJiilliiK gets njouj.' on the least
niuouu't, .f7:!0l., the law heiiiK mills.
Kohi'lmrf" raihos .ill 1,(101) on 8 uills.
Klamnlli Fulls (imires are not kivcii.
Kiiilmuiuueiit laslallallon
1 'I lot I .'. eiu'iiliipuii'iit iihlnlU'd
the following cli'i'llvt 'I'fieci'H on
TiichiIiiv evening, (I. (I. Ojig peil'orui
liig the ecicineny: ('hicl' piiliiaieh,
.1. I. I'l'lz; IiIkIi tnii'sl, At V. Klorevi
ni'lllor waiden, V. A. Coiuier; m'lilic,
(I. V. Tiel'iciii lii'iihiiicr, .1. .1. .Mill'
phy, junior wanlcn, It. It. Htevetif.
Tni ceri'inoiiy was n Mcmi pnhlic our,
wives mid ilaughtei'M of inemlierH and
oilier ins lied uni'Mx hcing piei'iil, all
of whom weie loyally culi'iliiiiieil liy
Mil- higher lirmieli of Odd I'ellow dun,
I'ailiex me iiKilaling the needs of
a icl'uuc lor hoaifli"H wooicti Ituil
eliililreii, and oil the l-'lli Mi-it , a meet
lux will he held nl llm lihrnrv hi Him
Hv In lalk over thn ihKmiIiiIiI v of
iiililiilliig Miieh u Inline.
The Houlhi'in I'ucitic Iiiim adoolcd
a new plan In hmulllug lis In nl
Miii'IiviiiiIn. Ilids uru'to he accented
lor the eoiiliacl, the same to he op
eiii'd .lanuarv H. This Joh m edn care-
fill Miipcrviniiili, mid the purlv Hccur
ing it Iiiim to put up u Mihstauti il
liniid. Kur scernl eoilrK pant Dave
(lood has haiulled the husineKM.
I'Vuils mnl grnius will not he the
only 'iroduets on exhihitioii fmin thin
section at Nun Work
iloue hy Ilic heveral Kchool depart
iiieutM will leeeiva u hharo of atten
lion. The uimiual training elasi of
the local hiiih school Iiiim iiimhi
Hpeelmens of its hmuliwork on exhi
hitioii at Hodi'c's furuituie mums
preliminary to shipment south.
The Star theater, which has heuu
uiiili'igniiig lepniis for some lime
pat, has heen reopened hv Mmutuer
Whipple from Mt'dfonl. This innkes
three movie mIiow ,linii.e in this city.
I'llltllllg I.llCIIM'l
The rily council it eaiefalU inxes
ligaliiig the mutter of liceiiHf, par
tieulnriy thoo applying to nmuNciucul
pliiiHs-. An ordiniinee has
heen drawn up mid punned to n sec
ond leading, ntti'r its proM"ions had
heen siihmitteil (o I'xan Kennies of
Mnl ford for nppiovul. The new edict
covers u wide innge as to elassifica
turn and character. Physical r
ipiireinent-j also are not overlooked
as to Hour space, etc. As t' fees,
there will he u sliding tfoulc, ilepi-nd-ing
upon wluihi-r the playhouse is of
elephantine or lilliputian proportion".
Hlephauts, liuucwr. will he haired.
V. II. .Me.Vuir leH for l'orllnud on
Wediienlay on a husinc.s trip.
Mrs. KieliariN, wife of the fpreinan
of the section crew at SteinniMii, wh
hrought heie on train 111 Thurdav
aftetnoou, sviioiisly ill, mid taken to
the Minitimiiin.
MAIUJIO, Spain, Jim. l. Tohm
sent (o (leriaaiiy for French pii-onerH
of unr will he admitted free of eus
touih duly. The Spanish emhassy in
lleiliu, looking after French inter-ot-ts,
iiieeived wold to this effect to
dny from the (leruiau nuthorilies.
Notlro I hcrcliy given thnt tho un
ilerhlgneil will apply to tho city rotin
rll of Ilia city of .Meilforil, nt Km uiixt
regular meeting January ItMh, lOin,
for n tranHfer of that certnln llrunno
No. SSti, Iwueit October 10. 1911. hy
tho city or Meilforil. Oregon, to O.
M. SoIhIiv, trusteo, aulliorUlug him
to Hell MplrltuniiH, vIiiouh nuit limit. II
iiiorn In nuantltluN Icxh thnu a gal
Ion, nt his I'laro of IiiihIiichh nt No.
Cliiirli'H I'utnev ot California U pre
pari hi; to intiuufnrturc a patent win
dow ventilator nt Kugeue.
Mr and Mrs, l.eujiiniln Tliuw, of
IMttHhurg, have miuouncnl the cugagy
ineiit of their daughter, MNs Henrietta
Tlmw, to Mr. I.iiwiviicv Bhutif, of Now
Mldii Thaw Ih a granililaugliler of
Mrs. William Tlmw. Her lirotliers (ire
Mr. Stephun 1). Thaw, Mr. lionjnmln
Tlmw, Jr.; Mr. William Thaw, r.M, an
aviator, who offered IiIh dcrvlvos to the
French government when tho war In
ICuropo started, and Mr, Alexmnler It,
Tlmw, "d. Mrs. llenjamlii 't'haw was
Miss I'luim Dows. Mix. Tlmw and her
ilaughter returned from Kurois In Sep
tember, Mr. Hlnde'a homo Is In Now Yorlc. llo
Ih tho rarls rcprosealallvo of the Kitut
tit bio TniHt Company and Is now In
I'ltiis, Un la a member of un old Now
Vork family,. k. . . ,
Walls Of Jericho At Page
Theatre This Evening
rT. ry "'"" "" I
ii" ar ;w V
The (iroilurtlcn of Alfrnl fjjtro'n
ilraiun of Hnrlety lntrlguo and the
flKht of it grctit-hcnrted innn ngalunt
wlmt ho feoU to ho n htracturo of
HlutniB ami follloH. Tho Walls of Jer
icho, a feature film rolcnxuil hy WIN
Ham Fox, and which will bo nhov.'n nt
tho I'agtt theatre, Hnturilay matlnci
and evening, h.iri vnllBted the nervkeH
of nn umiNtinlly iowerful cant, headed
The iiia.MirV muiual report shows that city affairs were administered
under tho pn-Miit nilmiiin-t ration, w here Olen Aruspigcr is virtually city
inaiisgur, for -r 1S.H70.71 le-n than the year previous - n sming ocens.
Imnil hy th hu(liuic down of inipro vcment work. Tho resnt nl-o xhows
Hint $111,000 of imprnmni'iit IhukIk, which nro not it cily inilehtcdiiws,
were redeemed hy property iwimr in meeting iisi'in'ntf as agttiiist
$07,000 the pietiotts yenr.
Tho follow Iuk tahlea ahow tho Having In each dqpartnvant. The Inrgott
kavliiK was iniiilo In the street and road fund, tho oxpomc bolug cut down
ouo-hnlf from oxer twenty thoitannd to Iwh than ton theusand:
Park fund paid In 1113 for rnlitrluR $ l.OSU.iO Saving
Park fund paid in UMS for mippllus -. U$:it
Total ..$ l,l!S.iif.
Park fund paid In ID It for anlRrUs i. fjJ.OO
Park fund pslil In lUtt for aupptli "
TuImI - ..'. .....f t .''
(?eneml ho war fund paid In 11MS for HMktrton ...... t SIS.'!
Cmuiral (Her fund imlil In 1113 Ht ttiilltm Sps.OTi
(Jencrnl miwr fund will In llMtt for HinlJuK 2SQ.Sr
(iunenil hwnr fund pnld In 1.1M I for
(oiiorat xowor fund iald lit It 1 1 for
(ieneral fund psld In 1 1 13 for go no nil tmlarltw J10.00B.1S
(enorHt fund imld In HM3 for flnmn imlitrlctrt$!i,l8
(lenernl fund mld In UU3 for polk'c salarltw 4.HU.G2
(icimral fund psld lu KM 3 for aupplltsj I.XT&fcti
(eueral fund paid in 11)13 for tirtntlug l.lOf.ll
(iDlitinil fund iiitltl In 11' 1 1 for gunornl mlnrla.,.
(lenoral hind paid In 1DH for pollen mihulo.
(eiimal fund Ktld lu It'll for wippllo
fleuernl fund pnld In llfl I for inlniltig
Total . .
Flro fund IncludiMt In gonernl fund for
Paid In Hill for ftrsiuan anlarlw
Paid In mil for atipplloa
Total $ 7.aiU.''6 Sl.Tti0.T5
Water rund pnld lu ID 1 3 for wtlarln. ...$ S,nRr!.SJ!!
Wator fund paid In 1013 lor auppllou..... R,ySQ(l
Wntor fund paid In 1U 18 for printing S30,.7U
Total ....$ i , ss-1. uo
Water fund paid In 1014 for snhtrlcs ........? (,SI00
Wutor fund paid lu 1011 for aupiillaH '-I,170,"47
Wator fund paid in l'JII Tor rohatus on wator runt.. BI.SO
1 1, j
Total iio.i:;:',lio ?:i,s5L',ao
Stioet and road fund paid In 1013 for r.alnrios
euglneur'H dopattiuent ? 2,373,'JO
.Street and iond fund pnld lu lUCt for falarliw
street dopartinont 10,iuri,4(i
Htreet anil rond fund paid In 1013 for mippllos S,:t7K,BU
Htreqt and rond fund paid In 10 13 for printing 750.9JJ
Streot and road fund paid In 1013 uialntonunco, otc. R, 015,31
Total T2l.T23.ll
Street and rond fund paid In 101 1 ror snlnrlos 5 T,3.'i3lpT
Street and road fund paid In 1011 Tor supplloB 1,101.07
Stroot mid road fund paid In 101 1 for printing USQ,70
HI roe t and road fund paid In 1911 robnto mutoiHiu'ta 000,33
Streot and road fund paid lu 101 1 for orflco rent '-'00,00
Stroot and road fund paid In 1011 for Sago park euro ,00.50
Total , ? it.y iy.r,7 $l 1,773.37
Total saving .....7: 0.040.57 $IS,S70.71
13 South Front ntreot, lu Haiti city,
for it bnliiuco of tho period of nl
montliH front tsuld Octolior 10, 1911.
Onto of first publication .limitary
0, 1015.
In the county court of Oregon, for
.IncliMin county.
lu tho mattor of IV.? ctnto of T. J,
Trillion, (IccotiHtMl,
N'otlco la heroby given that tii n-
dot-signed dun Newbury, adtnlnlRtra -
lor of tho OHtato of T, ,1. Trlplett, tlo-
coitHotl, uiulor mnl by virtue of an or-
h the ijotfti.-i lidos' IMniund Hrccw.
In mnuy ways It l.i tho grcntcBt of tho
Jlox Offleo Attrnctlon C'o.'h fcaturos
o far produced. Supporting Air.
Hroenc, aro nucli famous players an
Clair Whltiioy, Tlicrciin Mlchnlcna,
Stuurt HolmcH, Walter Hitchcock, Kd
want Jono and ltohert Vaughn. ICach
ono of tliofo playom was hoIctcd with
a rpeclnl eye to III or her fitness for
I th" part for which thoy were cant.
.........$ l,
i 1, 150.SU
...$ S.S82,lti
. l.lS'lill
US 1.01
111 1 3,
$ R,a0l,3l!
dor of tho county court of Oregon,
for Jackson county, nutria on tho 1 3 tit
dny of Juno, 1911. will on or after
tho 12th dny of January, 1915, nt tho
offleo of smld administrator In tho
Philips building In Mcdford, Jackson
county, Oregon sell at privato Hnlc. for
cauli lu hand the northeast quarter of
section eighteen (IS) In towntritlp
thirty-four (3D. couth, range threo
1 3) enrt of tho Willamette Meridian,
for tho purpose of paying tho clnlnta
ngntnst tho snid estitto and tho costs
mid oxpoiutea of uiliuliiiatratlon,
Decombor 10. 1014.
i . , , , .
'V'"" 9,"""r
i"l'iott, uc
of tho ostntrt of T. J
Ono ficnt por word per Ihbuo.
Blx InRortloim for prim of flvo.
Fifty contn por Hue per month
without change.
FOIl IllJVr Olt HAI.K Nino room
inodiTii liniirc cloxo In. 33 Morlh
Pencil St. lniilro phono 103-1(2.
FOIt ntiST -Furnlnhud liimiu and
storci biilldlnK, on .Inchfon Mt., be
tween Kront and Fir atntita. W.
II Kterlmrd, 1013 Wont Xlntlt.
phono 007-J.
FOIt HUNT Furnlnhod flvo room
hnuMo cheap. Ecu Chan. II, (Jay,
or phono 200-.I, 210
FOIt HUNT Threo room furnlnhcd
bungalow cIoho In, pleanant loca
tion. Phono 770-J or call 527 S.
FOIMIKNT Six room modern bun
galow, cloro In, fine rhndc, rnngo
connctoil. Phono 030-X.
FOIt HUNT PiirnUhnd room reason
able. 134 8o. Ivy. 252
FOIt HF.NT I.argo. plenaanl room
with heat and bnth. 12 nnd 2.50
per week. 15 North Grnpo St. 25C
ForilKN7"-ThrVroom "furnliihcd
flnt. 322 South Central.
FOIt IIBNT llotiKekccping and aln
gln room, boat, bath, phono free.
223 W. Main. 257
FOIl It KNTFo7rn7Jvory cheap. 100
acre.-, liog proof fenced no agents.
Ilox F. J. 0., caro Mull Tribune.
FOIl SAI.K A good bualnesa propo
sition. Heat money maker in town
for tho capital Invented. Wrlto
for price and terms and bo con
vinced. AddrcM box X., caro Mall
Tribune. 250
srr.yr" --' i i - - -
foh saia: nr.Aij hstate
FOIl SALK My ranch on lions Lane.
Will concldcr residence in Mcdford
as jtort pay. O. Alldor. 251
lOirs.l7K-320 acres fine land in
eastern Colorado, Improved, for
land hero. U. Alldcr. 251
FOIl SAI.U -12 head of draft horaea
and innrc weighing front 2100 to
320(1 11)8. a span and elKht head
young tilulea, all broke to work. I
bought this stock In northern Cali
fornia and they arc tho best lot of
horses over fchlppcd to Medford. It
you arc In need of nny work atock
call and tco those before you buy.
Dr. Helms vcterluary, Mcdford.
2 10
FOIl SAl.K Full blood Duroc Jersey
hoar, cows, ami pigs. Phono 403
112. 251
FOH BALK Six registered Poland
China sows; also thoroughbred
weaned pig. Jna. Campbell, phone
311-11. 253
FOIl SAI.B First class faatlly
Phone T-F12.
FOIl SAI.K Hrcd sows and gilts
front prize winning Duroc Jersey
herd, Jackson county fair; nlio
hoiira old enough for service nnd
wounllnga. L. 11. Houston, ono
mllu west of Talent, phono 3-F12.
FOIt SALK Shoats and pigs.
Stone, Jacksonville rouil,
A. W.
FOIl SAl.K Klght fine cows. thrc
year old holfors, flno team of work
mares. Nash Livery Parn. 201
FOIl SALK Span work horses,
work 2000, span work mnres,
weight 1700, Ilolstlen cow giving
40 lbs milk. Cow coming fresh in
Jnnunry, Ilolstlen bulla ono and
two years old, threo yearling
calves, 10 fat hogs. 13 brood sows,
will farrow In December nnd Jan
uary, two rows with pigs, top
buggy, almost now. J. T. llaffer
ty. Tolo, Ore. 25S
Iloguo Hlvor Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, Btock, poultry ranches nnd
Ttmbor. Colonization Tracts, nesi
all-t ho-) ear-round cllmato on coast.
Health llesort, Wondorlul Modlcl
unl Springs.
Heaver llcalty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
A word to thoso who nro coming
bnck. Laud for tho past six months
has bcon hanging nt rock bottom
prices. A great deal of liquidation
has taken placo In this tlmo. My bus
laesa nlono in tho last half of this
year hns amounted to nearly $100,000
I bollovo tho lnst four or flvo denls
I haov mado represent absolutely tho
bottom. Land with rental valuo of
$30 nu ncro will not long remain at
J200 nn ncro. Thoro will bo no boom
but land values will improve some.
Hood roads, Irrigation, saw-mill,
box factory, chenp npwir sugar
beets, canning factory, good prices,
satisfied customers, porfoct days.
Hurry, sue Medford first aud
Itoom 201, First National Hank Hide
I'Olt 8AM--MlHfR1,ti.1Ni:0U8
FOIl HAI,U-Ono dozen Whlto Leg
horn hens, two yearn old; also ono
dozen of tho heavier hlacka, f0 cU.
etch, It taken nt once. Phono 353.
FOIt SAM-:- Klglil horro power port
nblo onglno. Would conaldor
trade, luqiilro M. V. Truo, Aah
lanil, Ore, phone I3-FI2. 251
FOIl AIJ-J At a bargain, it oouplo ot
xecoiid hand nuloiuobllott In fine condition. C'rntcr Lake
Molor Car Co. 210
FOIt HA LH--Household goods, first
clnwi wheal. 1021 N. Control. 2 10
FOIl HA I.K ?KoToof)'rgatr foTf25.
If Ukon nt one;. 129 S. Holly.
FOIl RALK Six cyllndpr Stvcns
Duryon, fully e(illppcil, up-to-dntn
in every respoct nnd In flrat-clnrs
condition. Prlco 12000.00. Ad
dress box C. C, enro Mali Tribune.
FOIl SALl-Uo-m nlfnlfn fiavritlso
two hitirgli'K nnd two hacks In
qulro Nash Livery Ham. 271
FOH BALK Dry fir nnd plno wood
for Kale cheap, wrlto box 05, Iloguo
IMvcr, Ore. 250
FOIt SALK Cord wood, aensonod
block onk. Prlcpit right. J. Frank
Carson, Hutto Falls, Ore. 219
FOH SALK Extra dry wood, makes
quick, hot flro. F. OacnhrugRe,
Phono morning 194, Itlversldo 8.
FOH SALK Dry wood, under cover,
all kinds and lengtha. Valloy Fuel
Co. Phono 76. , . 253
FOP.' SALE Wo havo tho nanics of
parties who have hlgh-grado cock
erels and pullets for sale. Now Is
the time to Improve your flockn.
Wo need tho broilers later. Med
ford Poultry & Egg Co. 248
FOH SALE Good bicycle cheap, call
144 South Central. 248
FOR SALE 32 acres, all cleared,
closo In, $5000 quick sale. Clark
llcalty Co.
waxtkd snscntiLA.Tnous
WANTED Persons to wrlto and copy
letters nt home, all or spare time;
will pay 10 to $25 weekly; send
stamp for particulars,
lumbln Copy Co., box
The co-
4S$, San
WANTED 1250.00 to examine a
tailing pit In California, said to
contain 50,000 tons. Azray valuo
J 10 to $12 per ton, gold. One
half Interest given. Address box
102, Englo Point, Oregon. 250
WANTED Uelglum hares highest
cash price. Ucrt Johnson, 211 Js.
Ivy. 249
WANTED Miners at Hradon mine.
Gold IIIH. Oregon, for contract
WANTED Agents, gut particulars of
ono of tho best paying propositions
over put on tho market. Some
thing no ono else rclls. Mako
$1000 yearly. Address E. M. Felt
man, sales mgr., 1G22 Third St..
Cincinnati, O. 24S
WANTED Mnn to run small saw
mill, state wages, send references.
Address O., caro Mall Tribune.
WANTED Hy young married man.
orchard or general farm work, ex
perience, references. Box IL, caro
Mall Tribune. 253
WANTED Position on ranch, com
petent to tako charge of orchard
or stock ranch of any kind. Five
years experience In Iloguo river or
chards. Hood references. A. C.
Huson, Mcdford, Ore. 252
WANTED Hy married man with 15
year's cxpcrle'nce, position on ranch
or orchard. Hox A., caro .Man
Tribune. 240
FOIl EXCHANGE rncomo business
property $30,000, 20 acres $4000,
Portland property, $10,000, for
close In acreage, any or till. Clark
Hoalty Co.
EXCHANGE Want to sell or buy
anything? U C nador, 114 N.
Front St. Employment offleo nnd
rentols. Phoco 125. Nuff Scd.
FOIl EXCHANGE 100 acres corn
land producing 80 and 90 bushels
per ncro, eastern Iowa, tor tut
proved land hero or good equity,
It. H. McCttrdy.
TAKEN FP Ono sow and 13 pigs,
marked split In right cur, undor
half crop, loft ear, uwnor may
hnvo samo by paying for keop and
advertising. Phono 571-111, 250
TVK'tv PP Off tho rani:o. nart
Jersoy cow with culf, branded bur
A on left nip. uwnor may nave
samo by paying for advertising
nnd keep. J. H. Plyntlro, phono
597-113. 260
At service. Seven noarost female
rolatlvcs nvcrago 25 lbs. buttor
on sovon-dny official test. P. Jl,
Jannoy, II. F. D. No. 2, Medford.
Notary I'ublio
HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub
lie. Drlng your work to mo at tbi
Elm of the Mall Tribune.
Offleo 12 North Front St. Phom
315. Prices right, tlarvicb guar
TWfllXRflH 1IKftCtt,
Antn nnppfte
aro operating tho largost, oldest
and host equipped plant In Uio Pa
cific northWost. Uin our spring
when othnrs fall. Sold unrinr guar
nnteo. 30 North Fifteenth Mt.,
Portland, Or.
- -.-eff-e fJ-.3irt:
Atlnrnoys-at-Lnw, Hooms 8 and
9. Medford Hank: Mdg.
A. HTlfKAMKaTTiUvTiaVOnrnott
Corey bldg.
Wm M Colvlg, Oeoiga M. Hohnrt
Modrord National Hank Hulldlng.
fH'TlriULKK Y & OKoTlcTllJHilT
Attoruoya nt.Lnw. Jackson Conn
ty Hank Hulldlng,
N R WTO nF "ViioiT DKN A ttorney at
taw, room 7, Sparta bulldln. Med
ford. OniKon.
DR. A. It HEDGES. Dr. Loulso K.
Hedges Mechnno-ThrnpIsts, Chiro
practors, Spondylothcrnpletfl. Thcfw
sysloms, Including dietetics, curs.
tlvo gymnastics bydro-llierapby,
etc.. produco results In both acuta
and chronic rilfennes. Consulta
tion (reo. Over Doual & Co., tor
nor Main and DartloU. Hours 9
. m to 6 p, m. Other boars by
nppolntmont. Phono 170.
DR. II. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist iioomg ju.i-jui-205.
Carnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor
baths and scIodIIHc maasago glvea;
noodlo spray, head and shouldor
shower lu connection; advico la
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydropthflrapy. Lady attendant.
Phono, office 543. msldanc 511-R.
Eraploymcat Aascy
We are here to holp people Kt re
liable, competent help. M rur
nlsh help In almost all .lines of
business. We make a specialty of
comr.otcnt men and wives for
ranches. Wo solicit your patron
are. BIttner'a Heal Estate and
Employment Huroftu, Rooms 0 and
7 Palm Uulldtn. Medford. Pboaa
853. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Garnett-Corey Olds;., suite- lit
Medford, Ore. rbone 860.
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINGS Englncor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Hldg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,, orchard nnd land Im
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good service. Phono 274-L. P.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Halgut Piano,
Mrs. Florence Halllday Height,
voice. Telcphono 176-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First class she
repairing, on modern electrto
machines while you wait. E. N.
Biden, located In Kldd'a Shoe Store.
Phono 313J.
1'liycsliimin awe surgeons
physicians, 41C-417 Garuett-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. lUmlduuce
26 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathle
physlclaus, 303 Gurnett-Curey
building. Phouo 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician ana
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
oar, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested aud glasses sup
plied. Offleo 223 East Main Hi.
Hours 8:30 a. m, to 8 p. ui.
E. D. P1CKBL, M. . Ofltce Jack
son Comity Bank bldg. Offlct
phono 43-R; residence phono 53-lt.
DrTmaRTIN 6" UAlinER Physl
clan and surguon. Offleo Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
DR. R. W, CLANCY Physlclau and!
surgeon. Phoues, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Offleo huurs 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlciai
and surgeon.
Practlco limited to diseases of
women. Offices 233 E. Main.
Phones, residence, 814-J2; 'office
It, J. CONROY, M. I). Physician and
durgoun. 0or Hutchison & Luihs
dea, 215 E Muln St. Phoue 77.
DR. LYDIA S. DOW Osteopathia
physician, practice limited to ob
stetrics and diseases of worn on and
children. Offices 3 and 4, HL
Marks block, hours 1 to 6 p. m,
Phono 160. Res, the Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW -Physician and
surgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phono 100. Resi
dence, tho l)dw Hospital, Central
Printer ud rabtislien
best equipped printing 0tfle4'Ift
southern Oregon; book Wadlag, '
loose leaf ledgers, billing system,
etc. Portland prkiw. ZT NotUi
t'lr et, .
t I