PXOE SIX OH MEDFORT) MATTi MEARS DIKES : oil us AT STAR THEATRE Al lim Star theatre lnnl nlnlit In a ten minutes talk In favor of tlio pro tioncd now city charter Attorney P. W, Monro sjtoko ns follews: Tho now charter should ho accept ed or rejected oh lis merit, and not on jirojudlce. Tlio question for the peoplo of Medford to dccldo next Tuotsdoy la whether the now chnrter Is h Mop forward In municipal affairs whether on tho wholo the now char ter la better than tho present ono for Medford. Thcro are three main rontons why I favor tho new charter. First, tho now charter centers responsibility on tho hoard or directors. They nro re sponslhlo for kooiI government and a Reed administration. If then tho ko plo of Medford do not Ret what they want, they know Just exactly who to hold responHlhle, namely the hoard of directors whom they liavo tho right to recall. Under the present charter tho responsibility of Kovernmcnt Is divided. Yoij do not know whether to hold tho mayor responsible or tho various members, of tho city council. Consequently, tho peoplo becomo con fused over tho shifting of responsibil ity from ono person to nnother and as a result no ono Is held responsible and good government suffers. Secondly, under the new charter the people of tho city will be better protected In tho granting of fran chises, tho city's Interests In the mat ter of public utilities will bo much hotter protected In tho new charter thau thoy are under our preient char ter. Thirdly, the new charter is modem, up to date, progressive and In lino with tho best municipal thought or tho day. Tho present charter, on tho other hand, Is a mass of legal patch work containing many features which nro detrimental to good government. Under tho present charter good gov ernment is mado difficult rather than easy. Why not have a charter which makes good municipal government easier to obtain? unry 1, 1SM, a year In advance of the date wlion. statu wide prohibition Is to take effect. On the ground that Mate wldo prohibition net superseded tho local net, a Vancouver brewery fought a restraining order In tho fed eral court at Taconm to prevent offi cers from heroin Interfering with Its business and the order was granted iby Judge Ciialininn, Sheriff C. llc- jap took tho position that this order did not apply to saloons, and so ar retted the saloonkeepers. They woie rcleatcd on ball. TRIBUNE. ' ' - -L-E MEDFORD, OREO ON, 1 j ;.:. ' -Lias SATURDAY. JANUARY !). into PUBLIC SCHOOLS After a strenuous' day's work, tho camera man completed tho pictures of tho different schools Friday, with tho exception of tho Roosevelt school which is scheduled for Monday mor ning. Tho High school and "Washington school wero taken at study, while tho Jackson and North schools wero pho tograyhed outside during tho entering at 1 o'clock and dismissal at three. Tho Parent-Tenchors mooting at both 'Wellington and Jackson schools ramo In also for a sharo In tho series of pictures of LIfo In Medford to bo bltown at the Page theatre Monday and Tuesday and It will be Jolly fun to see thn mother or tho pupils sit llko orderly bcliolura In tho same benches their children occupied only a few minutes before. At Intervals, when tho sun peeked through tho clouds, tho camera man was busy taking whatever was In rango of tho camera on tho main street, and at noon yesterday got somo of our busy citizens homowurd bound for lunch. Tho basket hall gamo at tho Nat was taken while at tho height of tho most Interesting game, and today and tomorrow tho rest of our unsuspect ing cttliens will find tho camora poJnted at thorn wherever thoy may fc'o. GRANTS PASS PROVES EASY FOR MEUFORD FIVE Outweighed and outplayed In overy turn of tho game tho Ordnts Puss high school baskot ball teem, lost to tho locals In Ian night's game by a scoru of 47-7, Tho Urants I'am qiiln jet played open ball. Tho locals cov orod and shot at closo range Fiotn tho first inluuto of play Medford's superiority was evident. The northern hoys shot lepoatcdly but with no suc cess. Doth teams pluyed clean ball itnd Hofereo Hall had occasion to call but few fouls. In u preliminary contest the girls first team won Irom tho second ra torn 2 1-S. Delinquent Tax List Ml.. . ,aII.iiIiU Hot ..T hM.1 Mv.tMttV wit (1(11 lull... I IIIH Mii ir.il h"mv "i unliMl In Jnckon ootinly. slate of Ore run. !i to f-eby ndi'erlDed for Delliio.ite"t ISTO. nsiepweii mr mr j.iii n ..-.. Thli nilierlDehienl It nuthorUed In in net embodied In Chnptrr SOI of the (en nui tarn's of OieKun at paed by the 1S13 Hessian of tho Legislative Assent- The tnxet on tho fobiwlnir advertlsi'd list of real prop.'rlv bioaiim deliiupionl Hcptemnor 1. 1914, nml nro subject to u . ... .. . .. -. . ....... .....t .... ....... ti , pennuy vi i" per eem omi ihumw . the rule of 12 mt rent, tier Milium until the Mtlil tuxes shall hate Iwii tuld. V...!.... ... l..-..li. iiH'i n ttiuf 1V ntt-nthi after the taxes: charged iiirulnsl the following real estiilo first became tiplinqueni I m sneriu uh riiimmi i' ...... .lit I ......lift..,. I..,. ,t itollli. Utieney iiriiIiikI tin mild property for De linquent Taxei. Tho said certificates of dcllnmivnisy will tienr Interest nt the rate or 15 per e.nl per annum until the certificates nro redeemed Anv time nfler thf expiration of three yearn rrom mo iiri uaip ui u'nn'i"- or miy tax Incluilmt lif n ertlfllnte of ilfllimunrcy th liuMrr of ucli certifi cate niny ciiuse niimnioni to ho seryeil nil nil' vm I'.'i v. .ii.- ," . -..-. In tho certificate. notlfylnK tlio owner ... ... ..... lu.iill A.m.l tlllM lie Ulll npill) Itr mo i-iiuui, h'hi . or tho county. In which mich iiroiorlv in nltuntetl for n iletnw forcciHSlnit it lien ntfulnil tho iiroHTty tnentlono,! In such certificate. (Continued from yesterday.) AatKAflK (t.TiNi;i:i. Ool.l liny llivilty Co. NP.'l of NWSi. Roe. 4, twp. 33. It : KoIko, .Mary HK'; or SUM. ec. C. twp. 3K. it rv Vlncont. O. O. Il. NUU of s.-c. (,, twp. 33, H aw Vincent. M. A. HKU of SK, sec. S, twp. 33, II 2V . ., IKnAon. ItenJ. P. NI4 of SKJi. swii or m:. hk rf swu. s-c. . twp :s. sv . -,.. Ciiknatrti Owner NWU ot SK 'i. NH f .NWV4i 3. . lP. Ilnls. (loo. A.IVS. S1-5U iiiul SI lit, fo I, tp. 3J, U 2V Lilttn, It. A. t)op. IID.i.t, sec. J. twp. 3i, It 2 V . Downlttir, John I acre, sec, 2, twp. ST. It :tv ILinil'tt, J S.- IV.-. .IT3, lejm SU nor,-!", seoM. 1 uinl 2, tp. 37, It 2' Muirny. Hum N It ncre of N IS cIik. of Kmi of NKU, rec. S. twp. 3J. H aw . h Klero. .. (Mnt-o I)om. "il-S35 nml SJ.JSJ. noes. 1 tuul 2. twp. 3T, It 2V llos-., T, l. l)e. 69-I2S. 500. 2, twp. .17. It !V Coelirnn. Win. Kd. ivt, t7.33. eo 3. twp. 37. It 2W frtlton. SI. O. Ies. S-as, mocm. 4 ami 5. twp, 37. It 2W . Ilarxev, W. J. De. 73-l0, see. 1. tp. 37. II 2W . . Whitney. Kminn T tV". H3.3I2 lR j)3-3tt, .TO. 3, twp. 37, 11 :v. .. .. DiUln. !, U les. C7-M9, (too. S, twn. 37. It nv Aiken, A U lv. '.U-r.lt, sec. 6, CLOSE BARS YEAR AHEAD DESPITE RULE OF COURT VANCOUVER. Wn., Jan. 0. Sev enteen suloonkcepcrfi wero arrested hero today, cliaruod with the unlaw ful salo of liquor in a city voted "dry" under local option, At the last Konoral election, when tho stato yotwl for prohlblOou, Yunuver also hiM it stfparnte local option election Aid vuUd to closo its taloons Jnn- at. it aw Sweet. Ulnncbt NKU of HKVi. m. 10. Inn. 33. It :V Jiitnmon, Oscar WVi of NUU, NW't of HKU. ve. H. twp. 35. It 2W .- lltchitnliton. J. It- XKM of sec 12. twn. 33. It 2W . .. . SIclMwell, 1. U NKKj of sec. 12. twp. 33. It 2W Itusnell. t). H-SW of sec. 13. twp. 35. 11 !V Illchanlson. J. NCU, ec 12. twp. 35. 11 2W ... -- Narrtsan. !'. A. WH of SW4. sec 18. twp. 35. It 2W Narrcpin. V. A. KKi of fl'.U. sec 16. twp. 35. K 2W .. . Vincent, c. o. i:t. i: 2-3 or w W of SW! sec. 16. twp. 33, It 2W ... . Vincent. SU A. W 1-3 of XVK of Stt', C 16. twp. 35. 11 :V... lllsrton. A. NKU of NBU, sec 16. twp. 35. It 2W . Vincent. SI. A. XUti of NKU. sec 17. twp. 35. It 2V ..... . Unknown Owner H of SU !lt sec 21. twp. 33. It 2W .. Narrcttan. I A NEM of NK' sec 21 twp. 33. It 2W. . . Ovlatt. P. II. NWi of KW'J. iep. 21. twp. 33. It 2W Klwooil. SI. K of NUM. sec. ::. twp. 35. it Xurresan. V A. NWH of NWH. fC. 22. t.wp. 35. It 2V . , Plrst Xatlopal Hank of Sletlfonl NU of NKt; let 10 acres, loc-23, twp. 35. It 2V KrlhtfR. Kroncts Ie. ,1-222. SCC 23. twp. 3S. It :V Itslney. J. T.-V of HWU. HV 'i of SIVi. lefs S acres, ec. 25. twp. 33. It 2W ... Swntih,rir. Nells A '4 Int HV M of HK',i, C 25. twp. 25. It 2W . ... . i -.. riero. A. Conro i- Int. 8WVJ of HVU. sec. J. tup. 33, It 2W . lljymond. Ilenl Oes. 22-H8, tc. 26. twp. 33. It 5tt -. . Vlneept. r O. Jt. HKV. oCHKVi sec. 27, twp. 35, It 2W ...- . ., Vrshour. J. W HK1 of NKV., sec 2. twp. St. It 2V . .. , Johnson. Oscnr 2-3 Int. In H H of NK. KKi of NWi;, SK of SWV SW of HKU. sec 29, twp. 33, It 2W -Ari'cll. John 1-3 Int. In HWU or NI1U, SKti of NWJ, NH of HTi. NWU or HH1J. sec. 2!. Iwp. 3'.. U !ff Sloon, SI. J. Kst. Ies. SC-50J. sec. 30. twp. 35. II 2W . Nlulllicer, ( li Oes. 62-376 b'HH "..J IS nml 5-233. sec 21, twp. 35. It 2W .. ruller. Wm. IX HW'i of HIV'i. sc 32. twp. 35, It 2W ..... Do Konl. W. K. HH Of NI7U, sec. 32. twp. 31. It 2W Knsley. H SB'i of KKU. sec. 32. twp. 35, It JtV ... Conley. Jsrl i:y, of NKIJ, NW U of NH'i, sec. 33, twp. 35, It 2W - ; Co'ilev, JacolNH of NW1,,, RVfVt mnt NWM. sec. 31. twp. I'lorii. A. "Po'iro-I u. 'ji-oii. sec. 36. twii. 35, It 2W Swaniherw'. Nells A. Dos. R5-:u. stc 36. twp. 35. It 2W . llonore. A. .'. Him of f.K. ( 1. twp. 36. It 2V KolilAirir. J. II HW of NWi. sec B. twit, 36, U !W Halshurff. J. l'.-aV of HW'V,. sec. 3. twp. 36. It 8V . SIcClenilon, C r HKti of Ui:i4. see 6. twp. 36. It SIS' Dlekev. C. 1 l.unil lies, id-lli. 10-16. s-c. 10. twp. 36. It : Wsslihurn. It ('. l.nnil lies. 08- 203 anil 52-340 b-Ht fil acres, sec. II, twp. 36. It 2W I'vnilleton, J C I.uml ih-s, s3. 441. sees. 11 und 14, twp. 36. It 2W . .Davis. Hcult V. l.nnil iles P. I SI and 22, hoc 11, twp. .16. It 1W I'rloo. W. K I.oml 69-40S, sees. 2 nml 31. twp. 36. H 2W iii"iut'nil lnc NH; of HW'i, see. 22 Iwp. 36. It 2W . . . C'df -"i Unlpli 1' NBU of NW'. o NWU, sec 23, twp, 36, It 2W Oii.ll. 11 .1 HKU of HWU. ec. 21. twp. 36 II 2W Milliiphrov Don 8"i163, c. 21. iwp, 36. It 8W 1'errv, -iin '. ocrt In sec. 24. two. 36. It 2W . . AP'oit. Merle HVA of HIJ'J, see, I. twp. 36, It 2W IIhiI, Kdwln Hoh, IO0-2K2, Hvc, 26. twp. 36. II 2W Davis. Stllllt Lot 8, h''C 28. twp. 36. It 2W Hniismi, H. .1. Vi Int. In Ml f NKK of 8KU, tc. 29. twp. 3j. It 2W . Slooro. It, II.-NH of NW'J. ec. 30. twp, 3. It 2W . . Dai In J l SWU of NWI. V it of HWi, l.ec. 30, two. 30, It 2W ... ' ." . IIllKRer. Jakn Kit, Dok 3l.3r,l, sec. 32. twn. 3fi, .It 2W -. , Ton Velio r. D I'nrt of ln. .lis 76-581, sec. 32, twp. 36, 11 2W SleKeo, i'iiiiiIc-t-Dos. 96.r.?r,. Horn. 33 nml 31, twp. 36, 11 2V .. KettUwver. H. W.Des. 5S.j7 sec 31. twn. 36. II 2W - . .,, Klnnamore, Dnvjil Dh. le.7, sec. 31, twn. 36. It 2W NlmniH, Nellie i Vm, 112.592, sec. 3, two. 36, U 2W I.sii, M A.-Dss. 'JO.74 uinl 3- 69, sec 35 two. 30 11 2W AV-tiiell, V ir-rlVM 78-227, ('C. 36 two. n, It 2W l.ewl. A, W H i" -oh, 72 590, sec. 1, livi. 37, It 2 v ,..... ..-. 2SS 7.0 36.00 27.00 14.40 11. SS IS.72 24.23 59.35 60.23 SC.22 S4.1S 4.60 1.99 4.12 1.S7 S.43 5.C5 9.12 11.54 S.37 31.50 2.2S 21.CS 9 90 14.77 3.34 3.30 27.03 22.80 6.00 19.95 9.90 2.23 116.55 29.10 16.06 30.15 81.30 30.40 14.25 11.23 9 21.00 4 ' 180.58 3I7.S" 63 ' 183.3 279.00 7.0f 2.62 22.75 3.16 2.6" C' 1.7' 10.0 76.60 51.70 54,53 133.8' f 80.; 40.99 S in 6.30 19 35 '3V00 7.35 45.13 29.40 362.77 20.21 4S.P3 108.25 45.15 101.02 3.36 U05 11.33 3 00 12 60 21 or 2.10 32 97 157 6e n.von 13 so 62.2 3 23 1IS.U3 60 13 1.S5 9 80 10.17 341.' 6 5.00 1.00 j.tr x twp, 37, It 2W . I'himer. J. 1',-N'W'i of Ni:i, KOO. k. twp. 3,. it riv . Ilrtiisen. Slis. HWU of Ni:l. sec. 7. twp. .17. It 2W . .. Wait. Prank W. i:i of HWU. WW of HWU of SIJU, eo. J, tup. 37. It 2W IVmllelon et ul IVs. 59-423 nn.l 60-560, sf. 1, twp. 37, It SW OlH-nehnln. C. li IHs. 100-IS3. siv- 9, twp 37, It 2W Pookoev. tl W. D.s. 14-359. sec 9. tun. 37. It SW Ostfo.nl. T. W. IV, U-47t, sec. 9. twp. 37. 11 2W Jannoy, D N. Pox. xo-sro. sv. 9. twp, 37, It 2W . . Terklns. Oeo. II Dos 67-407, ieo 10, twp. 37. It 2V P.M. Tel Tel. t'o-K 11 iicn-s of 94-U7. sec It. tw 37. It 2W . Ponroy. 11. J lteclstereil title 104(5. sic. 12. twp. 37, It JW Ijiihnm. J. li Tract of D. I. I. 57 ,!o. It. T. 1046. s c 12. twp. 37. 11 2W . .. .. .Monro, W. P. Dei. 82-5 It ami 66. 459. sec 13. twi.. 37, It JW .. . . CowrIII. A. P.-htH. Sa-135, sec 13. twp. 37. It 2W -.. . Sillier, A. II. Des. SS.216. Si-C 13, twp. 37, It IW l.ln.lley. SI. II Dos. M.427, sec. 13. twp. 37. It 2W D.iKKett. Slnry II. I'nrt of limit lies. 70-215. sees. 15 and 16, tW. 27, 11 2W Slalno. SI. SI. WW or SWU of SKU. fee 17. twp. 37. It 2W ... Wheel.r. 1,. N. Ivm S7-3J2. sec. 20. twp. 37. It 2W nitron. K. r, Des 53-3IS. sV. 20, twp. 37, 11 2W Dow man. II II- Ds. 25I. tee. 20. twp, .17, It W . . . . llnntov. li. II. Hi..-. 39 chs. south or N. W. corner or D. I.. . N'v 7. K. 42 cht, south 26 chs. It 1.3 chs south 13 chs, W. 43... chs Th. In U'U sees 21 Ulld 22. twp. 37. It 2W .. . ... 473 7 ll.ipley. K II Tract des 6.52. s.c-.'2l and 22. twp. 3.7 11 2W 97.JC llakrr. HophenU 1 lies. .5 chs V or H. K corner of D I i S8 TIU 40 derreo.l K. 7 cllS S. 10 decrets . I0.OH chs to W. boundary f wild claim. Th. H. IG chs li 21.61 Clis. Ill OOR., sec. 23 anil 24. twp. 37. It 2W .. Kdmond. Clarlo Ds. S7-292. sec. 26. twp. 37. It 2W . I'rldecar. I. It. 10 acres In see. 26. twp. 37. It 2W . . It.-cur. Sirs, SI. H. Des. 72-9 and 54-2!), 23-33, sec 34, twp. 37, It 2W . I'rlddy. O. W Des. 4S-31, Sec 31. iwp. 37. It 2W ... Parker. Staltlo Des. 99-318. sec 31. twp. 37. It 2W .-. Onp Consolidated Sllnes of N. J. NW' of XW'., less SS-tl. S4C 31. twp. 37. It 2W . Anderson. J. It Ds, 37-513, sec. 31. twp. 37. It 2W P.nslev. Peter HKU of HBU of NW',,. soc. 31. twp. 37. It JW. . . Whetstone. Dan Des. 45-390 less 10 ncrrt. sec 35, twp. 37. It 2W . CamptH-11. K. N. Des. 95.627, sec. 35. twp. 37. It 2W -. Oormany. Jas SI. Des 93-49,. see. 33. twp. 37, It 2W . Johnstone, A. W. Des. S3-30. sec 35. twp. 37. It 2W . . Carpenter, Slary I.. Des. 91-5. s.r. SS, twp. 37. It 2WJ . O'Ncll. Slary H Des 93.610. sec 35. 'twp. 37. It 2W . . Wall. Sirs A. De. S6-237, sec. 33. twp. 37. It 3W ., . SWIfli Chas. W. IteftlMorcd title 1136. rec. 36. twp. 37. It 2V . . IV rklns. Vera U IteKlsteriil tltlo 1136, sne "30. twp 37, It 2W Willis. ('. P Des. 70-607, sc. 36, twp. 37. It 2W . . . 0.Vll. Slary 11 Des H3-699. stc. 36, twn 37. It 2W .. . - . Ulnkopt. fhrlfc U Part dot. 93. SM lss 93.599, IfC, 36, twp. 3 1: 2v HprHcue. O. IX Des. SO-345.6, sec. 36, twp. 37. It JW . Palmer. John V. Des 78-36. sec 36. twp. 37. It 2W .- Stewart, J. II. Bat. 10 acres In N. W corner of D. U O. 83. sec. 36. twp. 37. It 2W laul. O. P. Iteulslered tltlo 113,, sec 36, twp, 37. It 2W Hlioldmi. Dili et nl iJind des. rej;- Isteritl tltlo 366, deed recinrds 78-.'.H4, 4CS. 1 and 12, twp. 3S, 11 SW . - - Itool. J. SI. Des bl-324, sec. I, twp 3R. It 2W- a. . - . Ollhert, J. P Des. k3-42, si C. I, twp. 31. H :v Pitntor. IMkoii V 1 8 acres of 73-561 less l7-6 nml 83-4.'. Si-c. 2. twp. 3. It 2W . . . . Ilonar, J. A.-rDes W0.426 less 37 acres M'C. 2. twp. 38. It 2W .Sparks, Wesley It. NIDi of NW i. sec 5, twp. 38. It 2W AppleK.ito, I'.lor HK' of HKM. Vc. 6. twp. 38. It 2W Unknown Owner WH of fract. NWli of NW'.i, sec. 7, twp. 38. It 2W . ...... Corum. J. C NWU of HWU. w-ft 9. twp. 38, It 2W Huklll. A.-HKU of HlVli.mVl of HKU. eo 9. iwp. 38. It 2V lllirRess. 1 1 Des 90-98. wen. lOiind II. twn. S8. It SW - - Hoso, J. A. Dos V-'-6t nml lot I. HOP. II. IWp. SI. It 2W Curhis. It. It. I iicn mi; II. twp, 3D. It 2W I lowers llonloii Dim, 72-483, Sep. 14, twp. 38. It 2W .. . ,. Ilcepwut. J lies. 66-33, sec 14, twp. SR, It 2W flfiiry. P P. ot iix Oov't lots 2. 3 snd t and K',4 of NWU ami NP.U of SWU and part pf D. I.. ('. No. 48, iles 63-281, 24-238. U3-22I. sec. 15, twp. .18, It JW Maker. Alfred A NWU "f NKU of NWU. ec 17, twp. 38. It , Slatllnpfy, Thin. J. Nt4 . NW U. sec. 1. twp. 38. It 2W Wlielstone. D. JI. HH',5 of NWU. sec. 20, twp. 38, It 2W Ilurr, W. Ho NWU of sec. 22, iwp, 31. 11 2W .. Whetstone, D. NUU of NKU. sec. 2! twp. :.k. It 2 Triplet!. O. W. WV4 of HKU. eP. tl. twp. 38, It 2W Orlffln. Jl. It NW".', of HWU. sc. 22. twp. 38. It 2W Jones. W. A. and D. A-Hff'i of NWU. Sep. 23, twp, .18. It 2W Oanlnir. H NKU f HI5U. ec- 24. twp. 38. It 2W . Paue, P. P. 1:4 of NWU of HK "S, sec. 21. twn. 38, It 2W . Sillier, Daniel HKU of HWU, sic 21. twp. 38, It 2W Ilarnes Ploru K KU of NKU. seo 23. two. 38 It 2W nipiiHOM, I.. It.W of NKU, SfC 25. iwp. 38. It 2W llarr. Tlios St. IDA of NKU. N of HKU. cep. 26. twp. 38. II 2W Htorllim Oold OuarU! SI. i SI. f'n-HU of KWU, sip. 28, twp. 38. It 2W - Carnenlor, Huniilel 1J", of NK"., '., of HK',, M-C. 30, twp. 38, It !W Perry, J. T KWU of NWU. W W of HWIJ, illmr of NWU of NK'. of HWU. c. 32, twp. 3, It 2W ... Pk. A. M. 1: of NWW, NWH nf NP'i, sii, 32. iwii. 38, It 2V Tiosk. O HWU of NWU. hoc. 33, Iwp. 38, It 2W . Town, SI. P IDA of HWU, hoc. 33. twp. 38, It 2V Hpnr. P. H.-8WH of HWU. nn K, twp 39 11 2W . . Ollsoi TNWU of HK'. Nl'i; Of KVU ec ! twn S'l 11 2W Ainv, Prank M HU of HWU, eo U. iwp 39, It 2W Uainunr, B, A. U4 ot NUli, sec. 136.26 2t.S7 13.12 467.C 5.62 30.00 69.28 C.25 3.12 3S.00 36.75 70.12 2.4.43 67.27 33 72 5.7t 6 28.1' 35.00 S7.S0 93.76 40.00 75.00 49.87 25.08 116.85 8.36 19.00 31.68 3.13 6.00 2.38 C.08 14.2' 91.77 106.97 4.27 6.46 1.1 137.18 1." 12 G.4I 11.87 7.60 13.60 e.f 7.60 6.28 1.57 e.sr 7.54 7.53 18.32 13" 18.6 85.86 00.95 3.40 13.6f 4,08 9, 11,45 n'U'i 23. twp. 3!l. 11 2W I'nknnwn owner Nj of IIIMl .NKM HI NWI, see .,, twp, .19, it 2W Pnmliest. P'-renltm NWi of NK l and NW or NWU mid HVi hi' NWU, see. i iwp, 39, It 2W VnleiHIno. Pnnihest N of NUM, see. 4. twt. tU. It SW' Kpntilluit W. 11 ml P. NKU ami NWU ami HWU 11 ad SKU, se, 10. twp. 40. It aw Abort, I.nther II. NKU, toe. IS. twp, 40. It 2V HimldltiK. Wm. K'i of W't, see. 15. twp. 40. It :w . l.iiwencnst. Hnureiil l.olt I, 2, 3 and t, see. ti. twp. 40, II rW. Wrde. Sirs N. .1. SWU "f see. 22. ttp. 40, It 2W .Murph.1. Sirs :. .1. NWU, seo. 16. twp 40. It 2W Hpuldlilir. Nellln HKU. ee. 30, twp. 40, It 2W .. AUers. II It. -NWU. see. 32. twp. 40. It 2W Hpnld, Win. HWU, see. 3S, Iwp 40. It 2W . .. HpaldliiK, W. and H -NKU. '' NWU and HWU ami NWU of HKU. see. 36, twp. 40, It 2W . . Onlalmn. Pearl NKU if HKU mid H or HKU. see. 36. twp. 40. It 2W iiANui: 'nniKP. wiwy P. nml K Hniik-N4 of HWU and SWU r PWU. ie l'1. DM". 33. It 3W , . Wstlihlirn and Oiimmi Tlmher Po- HWU. sec. 14. Dip, S3, II 3W . - Aldert.in, It T. -HK1,. se. 14. twp 3t, II 3W .. .. Itiimphiov. P- .1. NWU. see. 34. twp 33. It 3W ... lUiimhfor. Phrls NWU. sie . twp. 33. It 2W IVtderinan. I..--14 Int In HWU. soc IS. twp. 34. It 3V Punfleld. I.'D -Ni or hV. "' IS. twp. 31, It .IW Poster. At. W el ul -HWU. twe. 26. twp, 31, It 3W WIIILims V P. HKU f HWU and HW'i ,, HKU. s.v 29. twp. 34. It 3W . Hotlines, P U K4 of NW U und SV' of NWU and HW'l of w.vt 01 e u. iw'ii. ai. 11 .ii . .. .... .. ijiii l.4, sit' u. llVi. ai, ,, .... Hlvers. U P. 1:4 nf SWU am! HWU of HWl, und HWU "f HKU nml NWU 'r S'KU, s.c 31. twp. :tl, It IW Hlwrs I P.tt. NWU of HKU. s,e 31. twp. 31, It JW tl.1U110.1th. V.illneo NS of NKU and HWU of NKU mid HKU of NWU. see. 31 twp. 34. It 3W Klter. J A I two. S'U of NKU mid NKU of NWU and HKU r NKU. we 2. Iwp 36. It SW .Mtilhiillamt, U--KU of NK'-i of HWU. st 4. twp. 3J. II IW,. Il.lfnor. Hoplilil HWU of HWU. see, 4, twp 35, It 3W... . . Oileii, J. P HW'i or NWH. t.a I. twp. 36. It 3W Saunders. Htoarl Pne. NWU uml twit NKU of HWU. des 83-227. sC t. twp 3 J. It 3W Nrutlullllil. Jest --WW of HWU. nee. 6. twp Ji. II 3W IKlrn, W. tl NWU of HKU "d 27 uer. t In NKU uf HVVU. ' r. ..... nr. 11 fit- H, ,n. , .. . ,, .SWU II. .Nl... ,H. it U Pm'liiii. J. I D1I.11. Knnilllie--M U of NWU. See. . twp, 35, It 3W . Ainm'inii. 1:. r. ivi, or hi; Ol ir ,, sec. , li, 11. m4, i. a,. U........... . II1 - ni.iut iMi-nrr, ami mi-; of HU 3W t,, sec. t, iwp. 25, It 3W her, ,-W'i; if NW1 KU "f NW, and NKU , ',. so. 10, twp. 35, It o 1, Pr.known Owner NKU of NKU of NKU, s.c II. wp 35. It JW Ward. W T.--Ni of NKU and HKU of NKU and NKU of WOl ..... I ..... It It -l ev. '. in, w , . .... Hcotl, Vin.--NVl U of NKU. see 24, twp. 35. It IW . . Ward,. W. T. Drs. 2.22, oc. 21, twp. 33. It 3W Kin-. J. HKU "f NWU, sec 2J, tun 3ft It JIV Sra liiKle Slim 20 ihtn In soil. Ti, Iwp. 35, It IW . . . Van Wmileii-KV, f Kv or HW U nd Wtj of Ml'i of HKU. dec. 29. twp. 3. It 3W Honed, li NH of HID, of NKU. ee 31. twp, 35. It IW .'. Iltiqlikr,. .'.- MI', of HKU, sec 32, twp 34. It 3W . . Ward. SI. T -HWU of KWU. ic 32, two. .18. It 3W Itouch. L K. HW.U of NWU and NKU of HWU, sec 32. ivii itr. 11 5iv Hinltfc It. 41. N or NKU. sec. It 31V ft4 I U ,1 3h llnrretl. II. W NKU lif NWU J see. 33, twp, 35, It SW . Anderson. W II KV4 of NWU, of HWU, rrc. SI. Dip. 95. It 3W Pnknown 4 111 nor-,, H of NWU ..r ULli .,.. "I ..u,i !.'. I, 111' iniiuan. J. II KU of NK. we. 35, twp. 33. It ;tV lliiyiminf, IKa I'.H of NWU. See. 26, twp, 35, It 3W ,'l, I, M, MePliirii U Niilsim 'i urroM. see. 15. iwp. 56. It 3W . ..,,.-. -I Till I. J. W. -31 acres In HK of NKU. sec. IS, twp. 36. It 3W . PI tl Wh llll I PIV - i (In I Kyh ti.SO s u 17.51 9.10 i)V.J0 S7 20 2?.?r 27.20 21 9r Srt.r.C 26 3C 24.56 26.36 86.3: 21 7 11.25 13.00 30 oil 32.00 32 10 25.00 60,00 bO.OO IS Id 63 55 2S.I2 12.50 40.12 sic. 3.1, imp. an, u aW Purler X Nlelmls-HKU or HKU. see ai, iwp. an. it nw .Xlil'. DaWil P- WH of NIDi, NW'lor HKU, see ill, iwp. 36, Hill, P It". HWU of HWU. sir 31. twp, 3. It 3W t'nkmtiiii (lit nor .Mir, nf sku uf Of HKU. me .13. twp, 36. It IW Yont. W P. -HKU of NWU. toe. I. twp. 3, it aw . Hydrniille Mow. Co. -HV4 in HKU or ur;u, see 1 tup. . ., h ;nv. of NWU. se sonlore. JKH of Hl U, see 12, twp. 35. It 3W ...... friier. J. V. NKU of NK. sec. 13. twp 26. It aw r.iyne. wm. u Vj or ,r;s, una HP.U of Nt U and NWU of HKU. fee 13, twp. 34. It 3W. ... Heott, Wm. HKU of iwyt nml HWU of HK',. hoc. II. iwp. 35. It 3W ... Ileffiior. J. Vr HKU of NKU. sec 2J.7D 4 25 4.1U 3.10 16S9S t.2 6.6 6 t.0 544 1. 70 42 00 1.80 50 37 12 00 d.Oil (I J, twp. Sa. K 3V Unknown Owner WH it HW, of HWU. sec 17. twp. 35. It HI' llrlilenstlno. H, J. WH of NKU ard NWU of M:y mid NK' of HWU, 100. IS. twp. 35. It 3W Ilrhlenstlno. D, K. NWU. wc Ham'lin ts'ley.' -Ton--HI of HKU sec. 20, twp St. It 3W I JaeoliM Kc I.itseiiiiilK HKU. see I. twp 36. Jl SW Nelson. A. H. I.ol I, stc. 2, twp. 38. It 3W . .. . Townsond. W. J NK of HWU, sec 2, twp 36, It 3W JUy, Ha ruli K. Dim. J-6''0, stc. 8. twp. 36, It 3W ..J.. . .... Ford. Harry P. HW'i. iirt. 5, twp. 36, It SW Honey. Win. II.--MJ4 of HWU M-e 10. twp 36, It :tW . .. Woltli. John W -Iron Phlof niln- liitt ulillm, siu. in, Iwp. 36, It 3W llruiin Utt I, s-i In, twp. 36, It 3W ... Unknown owner -Part of lulu 5 und 6, hip. II, Dip, 36, It 3W Illlk'OII. J !. Iit 6, sec. 13, twp. 36, It 3W j... (Mid Hill AI. Po-K',4 of NWU. sep. II, tup, JO, It 3W ..- .. Parent A- Hons Ks of HWU uinl HKU. HP. M. Dip. -16. It JW UriKmi t Water tt Power -'j. Lot 6 and purt 6, 7, 8, ware house 11 nd oanal, sec. 16, tup, 1 1, ,i, 'l. , M,, ir. iv. 1.. .10. it 'aw OreKon Water anil Pnwur Po (loV'l lot I, Me 17, tup. 36, It 3W (Sillier!. Win - I'.irt lot I. 6 ueris, sec 19, twp. 36. It 3W lliinimersly, T. H", of HKU, sec. 20. twp. 36, It 3W IIOKUo, .Mrs, J. I.. Des. 65.357. hops 16 und 21. I iv 11. 36, It ,lW I.'iiiiIIn, (leo.-D-s. 4D36, sn". 21, Dip. 36. It 3W dross. W. II -Dim, 32-28, sec. 21, twp. 36, It 3W Parent U Hiri -NKU of NKU. sec. 23. twp. :i6. It 3W .. . lllHKliiholh'im, K. II. HKU or HWU', lo-c. 20, twp. 36. It 3W nay 1 runs lies i.-.ii, see. .,, iwp. 36, It 3W lerr", J. '. ! ueieH oil n'luin e.id of KWU of .NWU, sec. 28, IKI, 4V, II ,111 . lllliior.', ,1. It Des. 83.209, Hi c. 10, twp. 30, It JW . . . rclii'll. If. I.'J.:46, fee, 30, iwp. 36. It 3W IVlon, A. II W f NW'.i or NKU. HW of t NKU. hi-o. 32, in I, ',, I, 1. .. J alls Pi 1 0I1 M & D, Co. K',4 of NKU of NKU. walef rlh 'md ilt'll. seo. J-, iivii. .in, ii '. le. A WU. of KHM Of NK',i. IVa of NW'i of HV.'A. H-e- 32, twp. 36, It 3W . . ... . Tofl, J, K. t'K'J of NWU. W',i of NW',. NWU r HWU. '". i' Hon nn ii nw le, A,IJH of lot 2, WC 33, wp. 36. It 3Y ...... 1 t I i..,i 11I....IAK t (ti ll tUMJt , " " Dlini iiiiiivk '"!' " lir Cl.UlM. uo. .13. twji. -'Mi, U Kyi 1 Tit ;iv Sliihuii, Jl. C.-NWU of tftt'jli 22.SO 12 90 6 00 I. SO 10.00 3.0A 17.20 31.80 3.75 12 00 4.00 12 00 4.00 8 06 5 25 16.00 S.OO 3.60 4 00 4.00 C.00 21.00 21.00 2.93 3.00 2.40 25.40 14 33 1 50 4.32 2.23 11.10 21.60 1 42.0.' 7S.S I 6.0S 8.37 1.12 4.60 18.00 I '.85 8.10 3 II 10.80 12.75 9.00 6 27 9 00 1,80 11.10 24.70 7.00 30.90 3,80 3 80 Larson, A, HWl 11 i. iw n. at. it aw Whitehead. D It, NWU r-r HW U. set). 3, tup. .17, It SW .. Pikes I'riik Mine 311 acres In seo. R. tup. 37, It SW .. , Yellow Jiirhoi .Mine -20 nrri-H In see. 6, tup. 37. It aW- . Pllimix SI I mi 20 noies, no. 5. Ill p. 37. It 3W . .. Itiiiionin llio JO seres, sisi fc, tup. 37, It 3W . Itun Vllet, U P.. ViH or NWU. iiv t. twp. 37. It 3W . Pokimwn owner W of HKUi see. 9. twp 37 It r(W JUdililsiui, It. tftWU of NWU. WV. or HWU. see. 10. Dip Si, It JW , . .. .. Ituirt. II, II. ot lit KU or NKU. see 12, in p. 37.' It 3W ,rt Ptwlor, KdwnHWU of HliU. 15 H of HWU ami fral. NWU nf wu, Iwp. .17. II 3W 1. nit t. i. :i W and it aw of NV.'U. 20 ttii. a'. see. 18 Powior i-'ilwln nml NKU ami Dl4i of m;u. "0 iv, iwp. 3i Powur. I0IMI11 HW NWM of HWU ". It 3W Hmltli. P. A.. NH "f NP.U; HK U or NKU. Me 22, twp. 3.", It 3W , . ..... Tii.ilur, Mis SI P N of NWU. see. 22. tup 37. It .IW... I11W11 Lumlior A Mm Po NH of NWUi sic s.l. twn 17, It 3W Trull l.ilinher Po U. sc 2 1, 1 up, NKU of MW1 37, It 3W U. sie. So. ll. I' 37. It JW A II- WU nf NI5H of NH "f NWU of HWU. Hi nuns, T tl HW of HIJ of HWU. see 2... twp 3,, II 3W. Jiiiiksi'livlllo M M Po.- NH "f iii of HWU. tie 25, twp. 37. I! 3W . . Trull Lumlior P.i.-, NWU. fx. 26. twp 37. It 3W HydraiillP Sll'if I'ii NKU. nf HWU of HW, and HH "f HW U of HWU. s.e. 27. Iiui. 37, It 3W , , Pleiiienl. II.- Ki, of HWU. see, 37. twp. 17, II JW Trull linmtiii' Po- N- of NKU, see :;, twp. .17. It 3W Powhr. IMiiln NKU nf NWU and HWU snd HKUi ft'. 3'.'. tup 37. It 3 ' Punier, IMwIii SU of NKU HK U of NWU and frnt. HW'i "' rtw', I lellil. HW1 k,o. 31. two. Jt. it aw IlldimlllP SI hit I'n Htt'li of NWU. see. si. tup .37. II SW Pl.ineiit. V.- KW "f NWU. so 31. twp, 37. II 3W llowhui.l. Vi tl- NWU "f NWUi see 34. Dip. 37 It IW Sillier, II---IWU f NKU. HKU of NWI, NWI, of I KU. see Ji. twp 37. It 3V Pnknown Dner '1 Int. 111 NH of HW ', . .( .6. two. 37. It JVV Opp Poll AII110- NH of NW,, HW U or NWH. NV, of NKU. HKU if NKU. see. 36. two. 3.'. II 3W1 JiioVsO'i i 'entity llntk--SKU of NKU, NH "f HKU. HWU of NKU. see. 36 Dip 17. It 3W Deinnter. SI Hlt.HP.U. sc I. twp. 38. It 3W Iteiiior. P-HWH of NWU. H, frnet. NW', of NWU. - L twp 38. It SW . Pnk'iown owner NK', of NW',, sec. I, twp, 38, It JW Prolso, A -K'r of N't f NI5U. see. 2, twp 3. II 3W Pnkmmn Owner NWU of KWU mid NH of HWU "f HW',. s e. 2, twp. 38. It 3W . . Hendricks C- Prnol WH nf NW U und frset NWU "f HWU. see. 6. twp. 31. It 3W lltlklll, I HW'i or HWl,, see. , twp, 38. It 3W llroedrii, J. T--KH "f NKU "f NKU. see. 0. Il.p. 2, It 3W Plereo. J D.--HKH "f HID, of HW, and HWU or HWU Of HP.',. NH of 11 "f KKU. K' of NW', of HKU. HW of HH of NKH 'f HKU. sec. I, I up. 2l, II 3W Plcrso, J D. t. HoflhNWJi or HWl; of HWu. HH "f N" ' "' HW!,. HH of N or NWU "f KWU, WH r WH NKU of HW'i, see 12. twp 31. It 3W I'lerso. J I, Holm- 'NKU or NKU t NWU. see II. twp. 3. II JW . ... .... Jerfery. John A WH "f NWU. see 16, twp 38. It SW IKinUter. W P--WW "f HW',. HKU of HW',. hop 21, twp. 38. It 3W Unknown owner NKU. see. 21, Iwp 38, II 3W . .... PJelse. C II P.H of HKU. HOJ 27. tlvp. 3S. It 3W Hmltli. 1- V P KU or D. L. P. 40 Ions 40 tier vs. sees 27 ami Jh, iwp 38, It IW . Ilaiilsler. W. IV Lot 5 iml 6, sec 28, Iwp 3i, II 3W . . Ili.irdMl). Alhert D, I.ol 1 and NKU of NKH. hoc 20. trvp. 38. II 3W ...... Il1lls1.11, J W -HH or NWU of HW!,. sec I, twii. 39, It JW Pnlimiwn owner HWU of NWH and NH or HW", of HWU. "(P. I. iwp. 39. It 3W Kliiruls. A. W lies 86-211. s'O 3. livp 39. II 3 W . . . Wot is H, N--I.nl ii. froel , or NWU, HWU of NWU. NW H of HWU, se. I, Dip, 39, It 3W . Ponlrall. SI -HH of NKU. NKU of HKU, H '' ' 9 "l' 'l!'. It 3W HUTlInK SIiik. Co.--HKU mid HW U "f NKU, see 13, tup. 39, II 3W Unknown owner WH or W', or HWU. see 15. Dip. 39, II 3W Unknown Owner NWU or HKU or NW'i and NH or HWU "f NWU, HWU of KWU nf NWH. s.e 27. tup 39, II 3W Slnloyhlll. H. HH of lot. HH "f NKU or NW'i, NH of HKU of NWU. sp. , Iwp, Hi. II 3f Texier, I'liniiin, i;u or jsw NH of HWU. NW'i uf HK sop. I.', tivn 10. It aw Dal ton. A. .1 -HH of HH, sec I :: twp. 10 It 3W NW HimlilliiB. W A P.--NKU i""l H. SIP. 16, Iwp. 10, It 3W Andrew, II, HWU ami KKU, mo. 16, twp, lu. It 3W Andiow, W, ft P. NKU ami NW U and NH "f HWU and HK',. sop 36. Dip. 40. It 3W Hrnlt, Win. KWU of sec. 2, Dip. 41. It 3W . . . Hanl.v. XV I. -Kits I. !. 3, 14 H of NKU. HKU "f NWU. ("p 2. Dip, II, II 3W Prlllmmi, W I.. HWU. H.-0 12, twp. II. It 3W HANOK POUIt WKHT Klnor, W P- NKU, nee 4. Dip, :'J. 11 tw KV U. l'eliso. (llll. II HWU of Hi'e. III. twp. 33. II UV IVllfto, Untile Af. I,ltH I. 2, 7 ami 8, leu 12, flip, .13. It IW PeilHO, (leu. Jl. -NWU of NWU. Hep. If.. Dtp, Tl, It IW .. HrlKKS K. P. P.H of IJH f NKU, Sic. 21. twp. Ai, It IW I'nnso, (too, II.- NH of NW.U Tl and HWU "t NWH ami NWU of HWU. hop 28,' iwp 33, It IW in N. P. It. It. Co. NKU of NK I'.. HOP. 28. IWII. 33. It III Kclialllii'in, SI. K HI'.' of HWU and WH of WH or HKU. mp. 29, twp. 33, II !W (,'rouacli. K. . HVt of NKH und HH of "I5U of NWU, nee. .10, twp, 33, I, IW Link, A, T NUU t NKH "'ml P.H of HUH. ep. 30, twp, 33, Kiurip-H. L. K. WH of NWH, hip. .12, two. 3.1. It IW . . Pense, (leo, ll,-KWr",, sp. 34, Iwp, 33, It IW . . Poaiio. (leo. II. HH of NWU and NH "f HWU. sec. 4, Dip. 3.1, It IW . . I'easo. 4 leo. II --Des, 05-172, sou. 5, iwn, ill. It IW . . . , I'enw. (leo. II --JJH or HKU and HWU or HP,', and HKU of HW H and lot No 7, fee. 0, Iwp, 34, Jt 4W ... Pe.isc, IIpii. II -NWU, Kef' " ,wl'' 34, It IW Loop Ktac SllnliiK Po. HWU of HWU, hop. 10, lw P. 31, It IW , f-iitur, (liorKe KWU of HKU. sop 14, twp. ill, Jl IW . Ul, Unknown Ownri KU of HLU, hoc I.. Hip ill, It 4W' ,,,, WlcUtftruni, SI, U WJft ot NJJ',l 7.60 7 ft;. 10.12 11 no :i no t.67 2 10 1 20 9 12 7.4 1 ,1 10 .10 3.80 16 10 18 20 22 80 8 40 69.60 278 10 30 40 18.00 13 20 13 2H 5.60 6 00 fi.iiil 22 J" 4 50 12 Oil 7.20 :n 60 il'l CD 6.00 6.0O 12 00 C 60 21 80 SuO 6) HO 40 00 82 60 lo.io 6 00 6.00 4.5') 161 3.00 3.00 19 87 3 75 4.60 16 80 50.10 16 80 8.10 - . ... w I 6. It. 4.96 3 III 6.12 48.79 57 76 8.93 32 30 3,10 8.30 12 60 36,00 26 00 81 Q0 88,80 92.SC 26.56 60 OK 26.51; 26.(0 12 00 r.1.65 12.00 12.00 48.00 12.00 25.20 31 SO J7.S0 25.20 48.00 36.00 10,65 42,00 36.00 3 10 8,10 if. on of NWU and HWU or NWU and HH r NWU nr NWH, sou 13, Iwp. '.II, I) W l.ono Hlnr Million . ISO aei of sie 13. iwp. 31, It 4W Kemp, L. H. -Dos 51-118, sie. 2o, Dip. 34. ll IW . WleUsliiim Mlnlnit Pn. -NKU of NWU. c4' L"J, tup 31, It IW llhilofk, 41. W. llo ,17 .und H ol N. W. eiripoi of H U of NUU lhineo H. till nids, Ihonoo K. 110 nlds, IIii-iiisi N. I Ml iiilds, ihoneo AV. In heir nml HH of HP.U mid NWU r HKU lesn 10 oeies des, 26-ITS, see 22, iwp, 3!, It IW Woirnlk, .Icstn W SWU, son. 20, Dip ill, II IW Tho W'orlein Pi'lelnpnienl I'n NKU. H'O 50. Dip 31. It IW . White. I'liehlei lir.il Until .Mfii. Po NWH of NWU. see. 37. twp II, II IW Wiil.einan. It W.-ll neios in HK lilinei Sep. 28, Hip 34 It IW VWi" Hheiilpi unit limit Mill '. KU of NUU ami NWU or Nl, a il I'H nt NWU and NU U of HWi. se 28, twp. 31, Ke'ndiVil:. .1 It- HWU if NUU oeil WU of HKU. see. 28, wp SI, It 4W Will'iiif. Slnry ;KWU .of HWU. see. J. Dip 4. It 4W , Pnknown Owner -HIJU of HKU. too. .'9, tup 31, II 4W . ThloS I'llies 'rilllhor Pd NWt, or NWH mid KW "f HWU or NW u 'id l:w of wu r hwu sod I'KU of HWU. ".'. .Hi. Dip 31. II IW , HiiHlaiid. .Ida AI. -WH of fi"' of HIVV or HWU. t.e 31. Iwp 31, It 4W Tlil.s Pines Tlllll.er 10- KU "f Die. NWU ot SWU and HWU 1 f HWU. see II. iwp 31. It IW Hmltli, ,15. A. WW 01 fine NWU of hWha oe ,11. twp at. It tvv lillr.nil'o MlnlliK Po.--I'lHP WH nf NWU. np. 31. Hip 31. 11 IW OonllrtSli. A II e at lies. Ml-illJ. sop 32. Iwp. 31. It IW Koniiiloli, J. K WH of NUU mid NWU of HliU. sisi. 3S, iwp 31. II IW Oitolnsin. .. H il nl- WU of NW H and NWU or HW'i, s.e 31, twp 34. It iW Kinnfsiin, J.--NWU of NUU. k'i'. 35, twp Jl. It IW Tho HvkoH 1'ieek .Mlltlltit P.1. HIS U of MM, "lid NKU of HKH, ..,. I, Iwp, 38. It lV J. ms P. W, U "f HUU '"'! HKU of HKU. sep 2. Dip. 38. It IW Jones, SI U-NKh or NKU. s.f 2. Dip 3. It IW Wnkeliiiin.il U. HKU of NW!,, s.e 3. Hip 33. It IW ilriiwiiMwtnth, .Msty. KM -NKU of HKU, s.e. 6, twp tt. Il IW Hr.iwimiiriitth, Marl', Itel NUU and NWU of HKU. sop 9. Dtp. 35, It 4W rioililpiM, U D HH of Hill, mid HKU of XW s.c l, twp 3. It 4W llrt-wiisworth. Slnry. Ksl.- HWl, of NWU. see I". IWl 3t. It 4W Tllplell. p HWU ,.r NWU. wo II. Dtp It. II IW Williams .1 '.- Ili-s II I111, mo, II. Dtp. lo. It IW Psrtnti. II. I. WH "( HWU mid HKU or SU'S, . s.e 12. Htp i. Thompson, K. D. -NW of NWH. ...... 1 mK 11 Iti .11' 1 .. .. M, II ... l.'srlei, Wlllliim NH of lies, no- Idl, seo. in, l , .III, 1 OwoliS Thus HU of Pes. ll., sep. 16. inii. 35, It IW Cilierl, J P-HWH f NI8H. are. It. twp. 3f., It IW HiwIiIIiik. I- AI NK. see I. Htl. t if ,tt 12,00 7 20 I -JO 3 110 11 63 21 00 18.00 4 2.15 27 Hi! 21.50 4 V) 12 00 21 I 3 110 twp, ,17, tl IW 1 i-UJI 14 40 6P.60 00.1)0 32.30 313.60 l IV li i 1 . 11 . PinMer, Kdwlli KH or KHi seo. 23, Dtp. 37. It 4W . .. . . Poiilei. IMolii. HKU of Hot'. 21, M' AW ... k.IW.. I'liin.inan, 1 u nit'i m i'iim. mid III" WU or llie HWU nml Hie HKU or HW'l. see 21. Dvp. 37. It IW ., , . -J I '.Hi lor. Uditln- NIDI Olid WH of NWU rtl'd HWU ami HUUi him'. '. IMP 37, II IW iMcimnii 11, 1, .1 -it n 11 i.i hit, 911, Dtp 1. II 4 W , 33 60 PnnliM. LMtMii. NL'Jl "!" HWU. . tee 111. iwp ii, It IW . 1111,30 Davis NWU of NWU of NWU. see. 30, Dip. a;, II IW, . I 60 Ditildsini, I) - WH "f MU of NWUi see .111 Dtp. 37, It IW , 3.76 DiHlils.in, K.- WW of NK'l of NWH, see So, Twii 37. II 4W it 00 llliiinl. Dlek-HH "f NKU 11 nil NW'i ol HID,, see. ill, nip. 37, . Vnrh, .1 - MWU of HW H. "' :"!. Dip. 37. It IW , , i.nvo. .vi UK e u ii or ivii. nee. HI, Htp. St. II 4W ... 21.00 Pmiinloll. J I. WH of NIDI md Mil, nf NWH and NWU of HKU. see II. twit 37. II IW 26.10 Putt lei KilMl Nl.', nml NWU ami NU', oT HWU and HHU. 6 10 2 70 1 2 no 23 45 -!. 11 III Hailie), W L -NUU "f Sep. 17. iwp ii. It III NKU see. IJ, ,11'. 0, II III lloyor, .Xiidiow--HP.U of NWH. see. 20, Dtp. 15. It IW Sillier. Pred it NWH "f NUU and N'H of NWU and HWU or Plunk J. HWU "f hWH. see. 33, twp. 33. II IW Kirk. J It HH "f NUU of NK U. s.e. 21. Iwp. 36, II IW .. . Phapiniin, U K -HUH, s.e. 30, nil. .., 11 ,1, Pr.-el. A. o -KW of HWH, h"C 30, twp :.. It IW WnKiiir, il W.-HWU of NUU, see 31. Hip. 35. II IW Hlieplurd. A. It-NWVi. h-P. 31, IttJi. If.. It IW Poilins. P KPmlli tiled H liii In NKU ol NKU. sop- 3. Dtp 3. It 4W Piiknowti ownir NWU of NKU, sep. i, twp. 36 It IW H.'jnnn. N J.- loi loin No, I, sic 3, twp. 36. It IW Oman, H, lt-tvs 77-206, sec I, twp 36, H IW .. KIhIiIpv. A W. el al HWL of NU H'. sec. 4, mp 36. it IW . Kiifiiniii'kei. I. Loll 3 and 4. s-e 5. iwp. 16. II 4W lliiieliell. It, .. mid Slnry HW of NUU mid lots I mid 2. sec. i, twp. 36. II IW AtlKle. Win -NWI. nml NUU. it-r. 1, Dtp. 31. Il IW HiH-mt. L. .HWH nt HWU. sop, 9, twp. 36, It 4W lleimor, llarrt KH of NWH and WW of NKU. seo. lo, tup. 36, It 4W . tllhlioro, r'rank 2 lioieM, sec. 13, IWP. it. It IW . .. Hale. LlMte.T.--W' "f NWU. sip 13. Dtp .16, It IW Halo, LISJlo T.-NKH of NKH, hip II, iwp. 36, It IW . . Ptllwell. A. I'. HWU "f HWU, sou. 16, twp. 36, II IW (.'aldwoll. Udnii A -I'. 97I6.', s.e 16, Dtp, 36. It 4W Pnkiiutvii Owner NKU of NK'.', and NH "f HKU of NKU, sn. 17. twp, 36, It IW Stnlionev, W. D. LnlH 3 and I and IJH "f HWU, see. 18. twp, 36. It IW . L'stoll, I'lniH, H. Lots 5 and 6, sep. 20, twp 36, It IW Hall, T K. (lof. lot 3, sec. 20, Dvp 36, It IW lllakelv, K. .1 Dos 86-517 mid 91-211, see. 21, Dtp. 36. It IW HolijIISOII, Ohll Des. 8S'')tf, Sep. 21, Dtp 36, It IW , Piillelt. Julia P NKH of NUU or NKU, sop. 2J, twp. 3, II iti; 4W 22 5n 24.73 too hD 9.3" tl HO 7. J' 3 l0 93.041 18 01) 3i.O 9 IS 3 25 32.50 I5.no w JJ 9 1J 3.60 32 10 10 3 C4 1176 6.O1) iod 32.14 16.00 6 00 35 25 3 3M 9 60 12.15 4.or 3.14 13.11 37.57 76.80 6.72 16.S0 3.00 30,00 7.20 0 61) 207.36 II 65 I8.G0 3.61 1I.O0 '.41 4 80 Hiiellliiif. Plorelipi -NWU of NK U r NKU und HU " NUU "f NIH'i mid HKU "f NK'., nml HWU t NKU nml NW'i of HKU of see 2.', twp 36, It 4W 11,10 Howard, P. J Des. 90.79 ami 96. 26.15 i il ., f 1 'i m, v-i-ww mm I2, SOP. 22, Iwp. 36. II 4W. ... Ilu,,.il II.,.. Mtal Illi. ..9 MtlMl and lots 6 and 7, sec. 21, twp. 36, It IW . ("Impel, P. 51 NWU or NWU. hip. 29, Dtp. 36, It 4W . ., (Impel, r. .M-WH "f NUU ami NKU or NKU, mp. 30, twp, 3)1, It IW , . ,).iniiiliiK, II NUi (if NW'i. see. 31, Dtp 36, it I W (Iniiilnnimii. 11 K HKU. "f. 32, Dip. 36, It IW . . , Hi l el. 1 lire, Nellie A. -Pnillt lileil U Int. In NKU nr HKH, "en, .-;:, twp. 36, Il IW OriK'in (inld I'lulil SllnliiK ('" Pmllililnl H Int. In NKU of HKU. fee 31 Dtp. 36, It 4W Jllli'.r, A.- H l"t. In HWH "f NWU and NH of KWU, sep. 36, Iwp 36, II IW Akers, Pianlt II HUH, of HKU. set). 36, Dtp. 36, It 4V Hole. XV. P. 1 till. In HW'i of HKH, see, 36. Iwp. 36, II IW. ,. Krwln, Amltcr. -'4 Int III HW", of HUH. see. 36. Htp. 30, I IW Slulki v & llmtle NH of HWU of HWH, "'-n. I. IWP. J7. II IW . .Ilillllelimili. W .l-HH of HWH or HWU, sop. I, iwp, 37, II IW Mimrmlnr, Ki II. K!4 of friic. NK U. see. 2, iwp. 37. it IW McDonald, SI, I, I MO. or NKH r NKH. r'P. I, twii 37. H IW Hiivimni. neii Hal -HWU of NW U uinl, NWH, of Hit H. wp. . Iwp. 31 II IW . Th" lllniK Pliniiinl SllnliiK and Dov. (o -Hr of HWU hoc. in, iwp. 37, It 4W Pnkiiotvn Oivnor KH of NKH of NK',(.. hip II, twp. 37. It IW . Ilhipk O'iIi) Plniiiiinl SllnliiK Po Pint tifStt'i of HP.U, mn. 13, Drp. 37. It IW . 'I ho llluck Pliiiiineii MlnlfiK 11ml ll. Pu Pi op, NWU of NWU and HU''. of NWH, hic, IV, twp. .17, II 4W - . Iliilley, II. H. -KH of HWH nf KU i'i, sip, 12. twii, 37, II W ll.illoj'. If H -NWU "f Nlili. sec, 13. IWP. 37, ll IW Hpnos SI HWU of ,NKU J'li'l HK'-, or NWU nml WH "f fK U, wot). II. iwii, :n. 11 iw ,, JWll'"o'l. .I11I111 K, -NH of HU'') ami HWU ot NWU, M. Ti, 18 6 6.76 97.C1 II to M.J I ,1 SO .1.1.0 6, 04 (1.0 1 2.52 3.r. 4.20 4 20 I S.OO 5. 1 it R80 1 11.80 4,20 1.26 28,11 6,25 6,6 1 .'icon 111 - 1 .1.1 -ir. Km.. tf It lL t'. M" IMI It f , 11 t.i'Wiin. Thim I!--I l-i, 87.563, . see. 7, Dtp. 31. II IW llatihon, II I.. S'u nf NKU nml KH of NWU. hrii ill. Hip. 38, It 4W ,liirKeiiin.ii tl NPU or HHU anil ID "f NW Vk of KUU. we 16. Iwp 3V II IW ll.inei'ok, I. iK WW or NWH of HliU and SI-'., or HWU. s-e 16, iwp. 18 It 4W Lcwilift'i, Illolinnt P ilnv lol I, me 17, Itvp a. It IW . Poyn- T I fso NWU or NWU. see l. Iwp 8 II IW Umlnn, latum K KKU or HW l, nod HW f HW'i of KWU. se 28. iwp. IS. It IW . ICniilsee D W NWU "f HW't nml NW of HWU 1 f HWU. sie. 31, Dtp, 3. II IW Kmpin. D W NH "f H4t or KKU. sie IV. Iwp 31, II IW Kni'lr," latum K KU "f HUH or HUH. see I'i. two. 88. II 4W Th'i'tiptili, J. W HWU of NUU sir 33. twp 3, II IW 1'iilllr .Iioms NW of NKU mid HU'V, of NK',, see. 31, Itvp. tl. II IW n.iliuwm. J NWH of NWU. see. 14, Iwp 38. It IW Wrluhl. W W -Den 51-313-. see. I. Iwp. 31. II IW Pnkiiown owiioi -NW "f HH of HWU. sie I, 1 wn Hi. It IW Slmvlu A J NKH of HWU. H.o. 16, Htp 10 H IW lt.iil.u. .1 -WH if KKU iimt NI1H ..f KWi, ami HKH ol NW U. so.. I, iwn, in. ll W . Khoalri. J I! MH of KW "f K' U s"'l HU or HWl, .if KKU. t o i. Htp d H IW MIiImio I'm nk -Sllntiii illlelirs ami t .ilir rlslils. sf. In, ltp in It IW Cties.--l. J U.- I!H "f NWU mid HWu of NWH ml NWU r HWU S"P. 30 Htp Hi. II 4W Id 1 01111011. Slsiv K- Ni U "f s. II tup ID It IW lotiiwlol li J.- N'H or HID, 'if KKU " 3 D'P I" It W Miirlner. P A WW of NW',. sie I, iwp. 1 1 It UV KlKildlmt. Win.- KUt'i. see 3, Iwp II. II I.. . Terry tiros -KKU of KWU. hoe 3, iwp. 41 It I W . KlUht. Marlpl.. NWU nr NKU und NH "f NWU "I'd KWU or Nil U. so, I. iwp II. II iw: kl..ul.i..... II....I VIM. k.. k twp, It. II IW KlMlillliK. Piances J--NWU. set. t, Htp II. II IW Uluipniiin, .tuns -NU I,, sie IQ, twp. 41. It 4W Kpitldlns Win -KW, or NKU and WH of HKU. se 10, twp. II. It W . . . , tlUI'll.lllll TIl.tl-rH PHlt.DHIIH P.KTKHN ADD. Hulltli II. D Lot 11 .,-9 oiwrll. J0I111 D. -Lot 15 mid N'H I'll J" M 3D. llll Plmk, Mis. Win -HU lot S6.. .M 120 Pl.irk .Minnie Lot 37 . .. 13 60 .tniliews. P-. N Lol II ...... .:5 I lll.hllllll'Ml lll.lt,! Itllllncs Jntin- Nl, of NH. Tot 1, .ttii.i. iis.1.111 n 1 lllddle. W. P.- I..HS 3 ill Pnolov. I. I. I. 'Ms 13 1 Herd, K- Lot 19 l'.llr. Ilallio It. -tad 2 llrimiloi . Jsiu.'S lail 3' KH'diUril. D. P. Lot 29 . - .. 7.60 JAPUKO.VH KPIIDIVIKION HoMtio llltor fn us I Pu. Lot I 11.00 llulliitik, W It. Lot 3 . .. I7.5U MAPKK KPIIDIVIKION IllUter. H. I Lol Hi , .... 1.15 SIIDWVV OIH'UAHD TIIACT Vnrk. W. T-I.ols 1 nml 9 5530 D.itlitsiin, J, ll.--l.ol II . . 385 Vnrh. XV. V.- Lots 17, I. 'j and 2't . 131.70 DAK IIIIHVK Nro. 1 --Lot 7 26.13 No. K. A. I'm I nr Iota 9 and II And all of lol 10 .. 84.37 O. ILMIIHIP'III'K HI'IIDIVIHiON Tin II. It I'roMtii and lit up. Pu. Part uf lol I .2 66 OltPILMID I HOIK AKK'M.'IATIDN TUAPT t..i .. Il. I ..... k .... 1 at 136,60 11.26 17 31 7,3 7 93 3 30 6.63 21 21 19 81) 2 20 I 33 3 80 20.16 3.30 10.10 S.0I 3 40 18 60 )II0 90 00 Jl 00 21 III) 5: IS 661 26 56 3 60 12.00 24,00 31.00 :.3 19.92 60 00 TIl.llT Wills. .11, l't toils It mill 1.1, 16 ,.,, , I I? -ill ,.! -.1 I.I....I 1 HollllliHiiif, W A lle. ill H. li puriu'i. IdiH'k 3, N, In KU eur. Int 31. W to KU pur. lol 3.', K lo KH cor ltd II, It In l..)t. Pulton. Akiioh lad 6, l.luek I Pntlielilil, SI I. Pari lot I, lili.ok 5 ... Luke. .i. W I.i.Im I, 2, 3 nml I Luke, D W Luis I, 4, 5, , li, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 31, 31 mid 25, liloelt 6 Paul, P P.- Lois I nml .'.. Pluck I'lKliPK HU1...1V1HION' iiiivio, 11 11. i.uih ; nun a, oiucK 40.00 37.60 10,00 1.81 11.33 77.50 2.14 Pierre. P. II.- I,ul 7. block 2 , .. 1.20 .Miers W, SI - Wt 16 ai'ros nf tut 8, block 2 . 36.80 Kliipiild. Slnry A. -HH of WH lot 2. block 5 2.01 (Is lis, P, H. PH. lol 3. blortl fl 3.20 To lor. J. W. H', of WW. lol I, 1.1....L i 1 '.ft IV. vine I ll1 6. hfoili 6 ' 1.60 ItlVUHHIDK KPIIDIVIKION , I'hiiiiilliu, J,- l.ul 2 .. . 6.63 Wnlll, F K - Lul S 6.61 HOVAL OHPILMID THAPT Slot s.. (I, A, -Luis II nml 12, lil, 14, 16, 16, 17. 18, 19 and 20 . 239.80 Sims?. II. A. -Lois 22 mid 23 .. 16,30 HOVAL OHPIIAKD THAPT NO 8 .Morse Itinlly Po. LoIh I In h llii-lnslt p . 69.32 Hlevilis. P II. Lul 6 1,64 Sli'MO Hlliliy Pu Loin 7, 9, 11, 12, 1.1, II. 16, 16, 18 find 2n .. 39.61 I till'" Mi tin 1 it. fioin 111 tt 1 lllltllllllllll l.,L-tJ "I llllF.,11 11 8) 1 ori'o in mn to. 1,'iih 1 10 at Inclusive, loss 3 ihtom In 31, olsii lull 36 10 51 incliiMlt'ii 670,3." nvliir, W. II - LoIh 62, 6.1, 64 and H , UII.U4 ItlHIPU ItlVUIl HtltltlATUDDHPHAltD LAND ftamlllon. W. II l.olil 1 to IK im nisito 3J7.nr, IHKIPH IIIVKII VAt.r.lJV OHCIIAHD POMI'ANV Pmiielp, J. T. Lot 6 ami pari of 6, block II. . 18.3.1 Amleisoii, A P Lul III, block I). 8,33 Amleison. A, P.--Part lol 13, i.l.n.li I' I. r.n IIIIIPII ii Ill own. Slnry HII011 Pail Int 4, nun 11 i-, , The Oio-Pnl Def. Po, -N. 6 iipii'N lul I. I. loci; (1, T. Dro-P.ll. Hoi', Pi 1, -.I'm I lol .1, block (1 , : lit pkliu-- I'm 1 lot 7. Iilneli tl, SD era, T J, ot iu Ltd II, lilm'K (IlnHir, .1 .-I'm 1 im li bb.ok"i, '. Put lei, It II. Pmt lol 6, block Dt vis, Notmi-IMit lul II, block C'lollos A I'li'rl liil II. Iit'orii L TIIiIiii, -I ill In -Lot IS. blirll I,.. HNOWV HHTTK OltPILMID Love. (I, W, Pint ol A. lies 83-6 III . . . . HTKWAKT APItKH Sloirlflt. P. K Lol 1 limit 11 eV Mfilltlo Lot 7 Holims Kdltb W Lot 11, p.ut 15 , ,, ' . WlliTINO TMAf'T Hlf-'is P. W.-rLolH K mid P, . . (Ip'il lltiy llu illy Co. Lois O iintl (lol, I Hao Ki'tilly Po -Lots Jl, T, w linn v is.;iu I m led nt Hliniirra ol'flpp, JnoHHtiiit'lllo, Hi, .eon, JIiIh Till, llliy lif Jllfltlli P , A 1'! W tl HlNOI.MIL Hlmrirr JtH'kHiiri can nl', 6, CO L7 0.52 3.69 2.37 11.55 2.37 4,00 4,00 184 6.60 2.10 29 It 36.211 18,31 31.61), 10.01 18.31 .