Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Dr. mill Mm, i:, II, nmoiiiun loft
lliiturday for their lioiim near Unite
! Falls lifter ti wiuplu of weeks' vlnll
to Moilfonl fileiulH, Wlillu hero Dr.
Mnlheis of M I'd To nl tin mire to
incut Dr I'll hel nl llm Wintry club
ionium tit II o'clock .Muiiiliiy afternoon.
Mrs. K. Ilnldrldgo, of F.ugeno,
who lumi I"'"" In Medford for the
Jiusl (no weeks vIhUImi; lnr alMer.
Mih, I., Windy unit ruiiilly, ictuiiii'd
to her lioinn Htittiiilay morning,
hiHtrtirtloiiN In iliiiirliiit, small linll
Nntalorlum, ovrry night, 7 to 10 i.
in. 2I-
I", I.. Weill of Spokane, ii'ltirni'il
lo that city Hiiturdnv morning after
ti vlnll In Medfoid to his hrnlhcr-lu-law,
('. W. McDonald mill family.
'iiiloiii in Ming mill play nl llii! It
Theater today.
J, V. Dromder of tlin I'ago-Droioi
Jor nul estate eonipnii), was In (IrmilN
I'iihh and (lolil Saturday on IiiiiiIihiki,
Hie Dave Wood ntiiut that Mro In
mirniico policy. Officii Mall Tilbuno
Mih. A. I'lulil mid mjii iclurncd to
rorlluuil Hat in iluv morning "((it a
IkII In Medfnnt to her ulster, Mr.
J. M. Fleming.
Notlcii to ScunillnuWan society, All
Members of tin1 Hraiidliuivlmi iiocli'ty
mo tviiichl.'il to iitleiid a meeting ut
4:t!i N. I'ront aiieot, .lanuary HH li, at
2 i. in, for tin' purpiinn of electing
'I'hu Medford Concrete Coiiiitriictlon
rotiipnny linn a large form of men at
Murk ut their cement plant mnuufac
'luring miwoiago and culvert cement
piping for next wmson's demands,
Thin company anticipates an excep.
tloimlly brink demand for cement plo
next your, especially U thU trim as to
. farm and orchnrd drainage pipe.
.udorn In song nnd play at tlm It
Theater today.
Mr. Nettle ration returned to
her homo In F.ugeno thin week after
n Inlt to her parentn In tills city.
I'lnco your msgazlno rltiti sub
crlptlom with Sparta Clear Store.
Hoport from CreHcent City an
noiini'eM that Judge John I.. Chlldii
had Ix'en successful In the content
which had been liiMtltnted against
Mm In mi effort lo deprive him of
tho office of miperlor Judge to which
he wan reelected In November. Chllds
van i)efeated for tlm nouilitatlou at
the primary eleitlou hy a narrow
margtu, lut ut tho"gcneral election
enough votern wrote his name upon
the ballot to elect him over hi op
popeiit, The election wan contented
upon the ground that the wrlttetcln
ballots were not legal, hut tho con
tention of llii) Judge Iiiin now been
Von had hetter Ret busy If yon
vant your friend to win ouo of the
pianos, only a few more weeks left,
Don't fall to net your vole.i. 2I
Cracks appeared In tho paveinont
on North Holly between fourth and
3 '1 ft It MtieetH Friday night. There
liuut huvo been an earthquake In
flwcel cldor at D Voe's.
John (iix'lvo and wife of Primped,
Mho have spent the last six weekn
Jicre. return homo Monday,
.itdora In BonK and play at tho It
Theater today,
llurvey Walker of Itoiut nrev
tho Klant :ir. pound licet now on x
lilbltlon at the Nunli Hotel, He linn
Krowu many of equal Mm, Hhewhu:
JIokh Lane soil fine for ki owing hiik
a r hentN.
Kodak flnlihltiR and luppllog at
Wcaton'a Cainora Shop. Ovtr Ills
(.', II, Herman returnoil Thurxday
from a weeU'H vInII to rortluud and
uImi a IiiihIiichh vlnll to oaHtern Ore
Why walk when you can rldo for
ICo to any part of tho city. Kord
Taxi. Call Alco 88211.
I. II. Morrison, of (Inum Valley,
Oregon, l In Med ford. Mr. Morri
son In looking tlm valley over with n
view to Invent Inn In farm or oichard
Tho finest oimlpment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Moil ford Print
ing Co.
AV. W. UsHher of Ashland, wuh In
Modfnrd Saturday,
V. A, MHnnr roturned Thursday
from a wonk'H IiuhIiiohh trip to north
oaHtern OrcKon.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Canioro Shop, Ovor Ills Thea
ter, Tho now 19ir. Ilulolc truck, with n
capacity of 2000 pouiulH, bo hit; ahowu
by .tho Powell Auto Co., Ih thq latest
from the llulck factory nnd Ih Indod
a beauty, I. O. Hayes, reprouonta
tlvn of tlm Howard Auto Co,, In hero
Kviik demonstrations,
I)r.,Plcke! will lvo a talk to
inothei'H Monday at il p. m. In tho li
brary, Kvflry tnothor In Mod ford Is
urged to bo prosont.
Soveral chicken coopn In tho
floiithorn part of tho city were raid
ed tlm last week, nnd tlm work. Ih
th'oilRht to huvo boon performed by
trumps. A number of clothcsjlno In
tlm Hamo district wore looted, pro
fliimalily by witHilororH, who noedod
moro elotliluir,
qet. It t Dn Voo'a,
I'miii"! Kn wax called to Cottage
I II. ,.... i, ti.,i.l .1... r .1 ..r
..,..; , ilk, ill, I ,111) (intuitu in inn
I biother, a liraliiuumi on the Houtlieni
' Pacific, who wan accidentally killed,
While In Meilford Mr. ICiueriion
j piirehiiK'd a dden read of dairy cowh
for bin Unite I'n 1 1 it much! llu In
In) In;,' plaiiM to eti;iie In dalryltiK
iiilln exteimhely and will milk at
leiiHt 20 i own. He Iiihi rented the
iVawtcr Ntoclt ranch about kIx mlleu
from llutte Kails, where he will carry
'out rln daliylni; and stock rnlsluK
pliuiH, Dr. Kincrnoii Is one of the
few lioiiK'Hli'iiili'rh on the "uiiMir-
vcytd" laud north fiom llutte rails
twhn won out In a contest with the
' Kovuuuieiit. I'oiirleen ycum uko he
j milled on the hind iih a "Hiiiatter"
It'll not until a few moutliH uko was a
patent IniiiiihI to him.
Palm rnotiin, new tnanagemrnt,
' llcht, nlry rooiiin, reiisoiiablo rate.
1 (leorKln Klrlii'r 2T. 1
Acceiilltii: to fort In tut pnpiTH Ilml
Anderson, Medfoid made IlKhtwelKlit
cliiiiiiplon, will i el Ire fur three
months and leciiperate before re
euterlui: the r I m. He Is hceltlnr; a
leliiiu match with 1'iutilt llarrleau
who gave him an artistic trimming
Christ iiiiim day at Wallace, Idaho.
There Ik a general sentiment In the
northern part of ihe state and llml'it
home town, that he Is through, but
Mud does not H-eui to think mi.
Try a quart of our guaranteed
pure sanitary milk. Phono 082-W.
II. I., HobliiMiu and wife of this
city have returned from a with
their son at l'orl Jones, C'ul,
We are headquarters for real first
quality cut hear. Mnrlimllo Hair
Shop, 107 Oartiett-Corey building.
The M. II. S alumni will hold a
Dueling Monday evening, January 1 1
for the purpose of forming a perma
nent organlratlou. Officers will be
elected, various plans discussed for
the giving of a number of social af
fairs during the present reason and
the date set for an Informal dance
which will occur sometime within
the next two wcel.s. The meeting
will take place on the mezzanine
floor or the Hotel Medford at Trail
p. m. All alumni are cordially In
vited to attend.
J, O. Oerldng. the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives nindo any-
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 330-J.
The MIsm'h Vera Merrlman and
Mldreil lllnck have completed walstH
for Ihe Domestic Science department
of the local high school, and their
products will bo placed In exhibition
at the Itil.'i fair. The two young
ladles were chosen by their class
mates lo do the work, and It will he
on display at the llanllrraft Khop
Thursday of ne.vt week,
Oct your tniltor, cream, milk and
butlcr-inllk, nl Do Voe'n.
The Medford high school defeated
the (Irauts Push high school basket
ball team at the Nat Friday night be
fore a good slzeil crowd 17 to 5 In
u loose and one-sided game. As a
preliminary the gills (irjt team beat
the second team 'J I to .".,
Cora i:. I'tlcy, chiropodist, 407
(iarnctt-Corey hiilldglu, phone ii.7-lt.
k 271
i:, Marker of Cold Hill was a busi
ness visitor In the city I'rlday ufter-
The paved street were a glare of
Ico this morning, and horses hud dif
ficulty keeping their footing. After
the ruin of Friday ulgrt. It turned
suddenly cold, freezing and giving n
near silver frost, More snow fell In
the foothills.
(eorgo .Nelson of Derby Is spend
ing n few days In the city unending
to business matters.
Cleorge Tetherow of (liauts PasH
spent Friday afternoon In Medford
transacting business,
Walter Merrick .will leave Ihe
first of the week on it business (rip
to Kan Francisco,
Charles Prim and Italph llalcnm
leave today for the University of Cal
ifornia, after spending tho holiday
vacation visiting In the city and val
ley. Friday night Ihero was not a wnn
derer quartered In tho city Jail, Thn
Ih Ihe bccond time In the last . ten
days the city bundle bus had no oc
cupants. Wlnnom of weekly prizes In big
piano contest are: Fredn Davis, ut
Schloffellu'H; draco Hurrls, at
Moun'Hj Mario Seely, nt KIiIiI'h;
Laura Oault, nt M. F. & II. Co. 2IU
In contradiction of u statement
published tho first of tho week, Sher
iff Slngler stntoH that sugar Ih oii the
regular hill of fare nt the county Jail
and cannot ho classed an a delicacy.
Ho also dcnlcH that ho took any un
due Intercut In the case of Mih. Kan
nlo McKulty recently granted n con
ditional pardon by Governor West,
telling her nil along she woud have
to prove her innoconco,
MIhh Kdim Crawford of Talonl
spent Friday In Medford visiting
friends mul relatives,
J, Ij, Whipple formor manager of
tho IhIs Theater, in thin city, Una
opened tho Star Theater lu Ashlimd,
V ...
To the Editer:
Poriult me space to say n few words, 1 am n resident of Medford, very
heartily In favor of anything that would better our condition anil belloVe
the people should adopt the new e.hnrter. I have studied It carefully and
bellevo It to be very much bettor thnn the old one, ns It seems to me thin
under Its provisions the directors could give us a very much morn business
like administration than In possible under tho old one.
Wo should commend tho good work and the great anVlng to tho city
accomplished by the present city council, but would It not havo been pos
sible for thorn to hnv rendered n better service and a greater snvlng
under tho new charter?
I hnve heard a great deal said In condemnation of the charter hecauso
of the fact that the city manager need not he a resident nor taxpayer of
tho city, and a great many seem to tnko It for granted that that ho wilt
bo a non-resident. I think we should have moro confidence In tho mon
we might choose to servo on thli board. I am sure thero are very many
competent men for this position In our own city, such being the case, lu It
reasonable to suppose that one would be Imported?
In conclusion, I want to say a word In criticism of the Mall Tribune.
I ndmlre Its spirit of boosting for the things that would better Medford
and her citizens, but In Its zeal, I often think It says too much agiunit those
It opporca and In too sarcastic a manner. I refer In particular to tlm
term "Kent Hog Ticket." which. It says, would bo moro appropriate than
"Home Owners Ticket." J think such things tend lo prejudice a number
of the readers against the paper nnd cause them to vole against any
measure the paper may champion and causing Its many good Articles to
have less Influence.
300 Olson St., Medford, Jan. 8, 1013.
To the Killter:
Having had experience both as mayor and councilman, I take pleasurn
In recommending to the Medford voters tho new city charter. I sincerely
think the city manager system to be the only system of tho present age.
It has met with sutcess wherover II has bad a fair trial ami I .rust ttin
! good-thlnklng people of Medford will not turn It down.
P. If. OAH,Y.
The middle weight uetlon In pugilistic circles li In it mrt of put pie. The championship U lu the dUh, as It
w.. i.ui I.. uii..iii H belongs Is another matter. The standing nl the prevent lime Indicates that "Al" McCoy U the
bidder of Ibu title. It vmv Into hi sseliiii praetlcn'ly by mvldeiit. It was this way: While Clnbby. Gibbons
and Mclioorty were not eager to get out of the welterweight class lb hMlewelfht championship was floating
around between Klaus and Paple. The former was kuppo-cil to iioi.i uie line, iraiiu iviaiu uau uo noouer ion
tened (he Inurel wrenth Ukiu his forehead than It was looked upon with rny by !eorge Chip. Arrangements were
made or n meeting between the two, and Chip put ICInu to the mat. That gne him the title. Klaus was not satis
fled, and he begged for another meeting. H was grauted. The reult tvas much the same. Chip won again, which -itatw
hi m a double NvImjii oii the title. Chip was elated and held on to the honor for some lime, until he struck "Al" ,
McCoy. In llnoM)u. There was a chance blow atruek that Is. all who aw II belletvd It was a chance blow, but It
put Chip to the floor, and -ter since then .McCoy has considered he Is the real ehuiuplou. Some folk agree with
Idiii. There n iv three men who do notdabby, McOooriy and "Mlk.-" iDlibou -us well as etery follower of boxing
who l.iiiiws how "Al" compares with this trio. All these are now auxlou- to gel a eh.iuee for the middle weight chain- !
plotisblp. mid as 1 1 iey me mighty good imu and true tlm public hu au bleu soiinitiln- nlmuld be done by which tho
host uilddh wultfbl should bi kvlvctiAl fruui lhc tuplrauU. ..
Dr. I. I-. Sprlncer has returned! J. M. Kllgoro of Itogue Klver Is'Orla, Oa mid Kdna and Lawrence,
from u trip lo Huge Point where he spending the week's end visiting with Charlie, Luther and Harvey, all ofj
attended to professional matters, j his family In this city. j Phoenix. Mr. Wilson came to Med-,
I . .... At .. t. ... a -. iitini !-. ..! .. ...Ill I
The Medford lodge of Kagles at a isignui graue examinauons win no mm in iuu-. runcrai lenicra iu
.,,... .ih,,. i,.wi TU..K.I.H- niiiiit iiikiuii..ii held lu the grammar schools of the be held at the Phoenix Presbyterian
the following officers for the year: county January 22-27.
M. Adams, president; L. J. Ilrown. The Parent-Teachers' associations
lre-presldent; J. M. Ilerry, chaplain; ' t'" Jackson, Lincoln nnd Wash
W M Kennedy, treasurer; F. C. !'" sehools held their regular
Lewis, londiietor; Paul Krutzler, In-1 meetings Kilday afternoon, the sub
Mile guard, and C. P. Danlelson. oiil.i-c" "'"l dlrcusslon being matters
side guard. 1 "l,lt,laI Interest to teachers and
li. r. .MWKey, i.
Mrs. Alan llrachlnreed operated
upon at Sacred Heart hospital the
first of the week, Is leported as In n
serious condition.
J. P. Dodso of Ashland was a
business lsitor In the city Friday af
ternoon attending to buslnnss mat
ters. Aulolsts are again growing enre
less about no lighting of rear lights
urn! Die ituihoiiilcrt are planning
nnother campaign for vlolatuia.
Joe Kelly of the (.tiffin creek dis
trict Is attending to business In
the city today.
C. L, 1 1 nil no rd of Albany Is among
the out of town visitors lu the city
this week.
Attorney II. F. Mulkey will give a
five minute talk at the Star Theater
tonight nt s- lo o'clock on the morlttt
of the pi opened new city charter.
'a ijTT".r. ' 5jgr j,, are" " "
' parents. Attorney
(.'. Dalley, nnd other educators ad
j dressed the meetings.
Andrew Jeldnesh Is In the city from
his mining claims lu the Illue Ledgo
district, lie reports an unusually
severe winter In that district, with
plenty of water for mining opera
lions In the spring.
The work of transcribing tho evi
dence In the suit of tho California
Oregon Power company against tho
city of Medford Is Wing transcribed
and will be ready for Federal Judgo
Wolverlon of Portland for decision
early next week.
Medfoid students nt California col
leges will return to their classrooms
today and tomorrow after spending
tho Christmas holidays In this city.
W. J. Miner nnd wife of San Jose,
Cal., are spending a few dayB In tho
city ihltlng friends and rolntlvcs.
The bjlly h'iishion Hint.
ft . w $
I.Vt. l M. ".'
Velvet evening gowns are seen even
In the mod(,i Unit have no trains, ThU
youthful gown Is of coral pink velvet
Hdorued with tuviallle lace nnd rhlne
stouu unimiK'nls. A flower U poaed ut
Uie kuttu,
church. Kundny January 10th, at -p.
m.. Itcv. Malllle officiating. Ser
vices will be held at the gravo un
der the auspices of the W. O. W.
Oregon Camp, No. r.s. Interment In
the Phoenix cemetery.
FOIt SAI.i:--Spnn of mares, weight
about '.'000, wagon and harness, j
327 West 2nd St. 2.11
stop at tho in
comparable Hotel
Benson. Modern,
fireproof, central
Rates Moderate. Send for
free booklet
Hotel Benson
Portland, Or. Ctrl ItamJey, Mfr.
Frank Marshall arrested Friday
upon complaint of Tyler Hannn of
Merlin, who alleges Marshall robbed
him of $20 while posing iih a friend
was bound over to the grand Jury
this morning by Justice Dox of Jnck
fconvlllo on $2r0, which ho was un
able to furnish. It Ih asserted that
llaiiua and Marshall went on a "good
llnio together,'' and It wuh while
thiiH engaged that tho money was
taken, Marshall, according to his
story, took the $20 to keep for
llanna, until ho recovered from too
much hilarity.
(Cnnttlnued fiom Page 1.)
A flenevn report miys Hint im Aus
Irian army lias been tiiipped in Uul
iein hy the Kii-miiiih, who, hy an un
expected movement eiiuglit the Aus
trian at n dNiulvuntngo on ilifrieull
groumi mul plneed, theni in n preenr
ions piiNilton. TliernAvns no eoullrni
ii t inn, however, of (his ivnort.
lit contrast with tho heavy fighting
in (lie east, the urnmw in llm vet,
so fur ns was revealed, reninineil
eoinpavnlively iunelive.
Died, at his late1 resldonco on Colo
man creek, Saturday, January i)th,
Joseph Leo Wilson, aged fiO yearn,
a months and 28 dayB. Natlvo of
Missouri, Ho loavos to mourn his
loss, hln wife, four sons mul four
daughters, Mrs, Dora Zlmmormuu,
The 1915 Buick Truck
Has Arrived
Now On Display In Our Salesroom
A Buick built for business purposes a 1915 Commercial Car Triumph. Handsome in appearance. Easy
to operate. Inexpensive in upkeep. Equipped with the Buick Valve-In-Head Motor, which insures fuel
economy, more power and greater flexibility. This Buick Truck has ample loadlnrj space, is electric
ally lighted and correct in principle, embodying all the time-tried and proven Buick cnglnctrinq successes.
(UIUCITV Two thousand pounds.
IIODV- Open express.
flouting type:
llyntt high duty
UKAIt AXLK Threo-nuarler
nickel Htoel main Bhafts.
TIKLS :i.'x3 pnoiiinallc.
WHIIF.L ll.XSi: 122 Inches.
MOTOU Four cyllndor, four cyclo, . valvc-In-head
type: duvelops 37 II. P. on brake test.
Motor and trauHiulnsion mounted on nub
frame which Is suspended from three points
on main frame.
CVI.l.i)HltS Scmi-stWl, cast in pairs.
CltAN'K SHAFT Three bearing, with bronze,
backed bushings having die cast babbitt lin
ings; VALVFS Tungsten steol.
ICMTIOX Jump spark, current supplied by
Dolco generator, which ulso furnishes cur
rent for lights. Spark advance, combina
tion hand and automatic. Reserve set of
dry cells.
CLl'TCH Aluminum cone, leather faced;
springs under leather to give easy engage
ment. THAXSMISSIOX Sliding gear. Kolectlvo type:
Ihreo speeds focward, ouo reverse. Trans
mission gears heat-treated nickel steel.
Hearings, duublo row nunulur ball on clutch
gear and sliding gear shafts. Jlionzo bear
lugs on counter gear shaft.
S'lMXDAItl) i:Ql'IP.Mi:XT Klectrlc head lights
with dimmer. Combination oil nnd electric
tail light: combination electric Instrument
mid trouble lamp with extension. Oil sldo
lights. Electric lights controlled from
switchboard on dash. Current supplied hy
Delco generator lu connection with storage
batteries. Klectrlu horn, with push button
on steering column, Kxtru demountable
rim: tiro pump; complete set of tools.
PRICE Including Express Body with Wing Boards,
F. O. B. Medford $1475
Buick Trucks arc exactly suited for merchants and manufacturers, also for municipal, state and pub
lic uses. Solve your transportation problems with a Buick Truck it costs less to maintain than 4
team and will do four times as much work. Send for literature.
1 1