Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Councilman Medynski Assails Charter
To tlio Kdllor and the peopto ol
Med ferd:
Much vnltlnblo tlmo la beltiK wasted
by dwelling on tlio ways of ppcndlnK
money, Instead of dlscuBHlnj; as wo
should, lioW (o produce It.
The pnut few yours here, In bolh
city and valley 1ms been u continual
opondlnR for things that do not pro
duce nnythlitR. They hnvo filled Home
dlnnor prillH hero It la true, but only
a tomporary fllllnR, tho Brcntest
amount hnti gono out away from us
Into tlio capacious pockets of thono
at a dlstnnco, never to come back un
til now we have at last arrived nt the
tlmo when our own pockets nro prac
tically depleted and our day of reck
oning Is near.
Vhat Is tho sensible thing to do,
go on expending until our last dollar
is gono, and wo havo no means of
getting another? Or eonscrvo that
last dollar, make It do tho work that
two years ago It took two dollars to
do; and In tho meantime put our
nhouldor to tho wheel and work for
tho opportunity that Is waiting at our
door for admittance the opportunity
to produce something that is In con
stant demand, "beet sugar," tho sale
of which sugar will provldo a per
manent payroll. Then when our din
ner palls aro full and our pockets
likewise, and we nro on the high road
to success wo can go on with further
Two Millions Expended
Citizens of tho community, arc you
awake to tho cold facts that this llt
tlo city and valley has spent over two
millions of dollars within the last few
years for what nro called necessities
nnd luxuries, In tho way of paved
streets, Pacific Highways and auto
mobiles Vet today, whero is thero
n pieco of property that will bring
nny moro on tho market, or oven ns
much as It would three years ago?
Ono of tho great inducements held
out to this city and vnllcy was, that
property values would bo doubled by
theso same so-called improvements.
Now I am ready to admit that all
of theso things nro nlco things to
havo and every progressive commu
nity is entitled to and should havo
them, but. If you put nil of your
money Into your clothes what havo
you left to fill your stomachs? That
is just what has been dono hero and
by and by comes tho day when you
must pay tho principal on these
It Is truo that tho expenditure for
theso things filled tho dinner palla
for tho time being, but what wo most
need is something that will fill these
dinner palls permanently, bring
money in, instead of send It out, nnd
unless you wake up and develop your
natural resources you will find your
bonded indebtedness duo and nothing
in tho treasury to meet theso obliga
tions and your credit nil.
Develop Natural Jtcsourco
Aro you aware that wo havo many
natural resources undeveloped, await
ing dovelopment, sandstone, granite
marblo, coal, Iron ore, copper, llmo
rock, cement rock, and last but by no
means least, over thirty billion feet
of timber in Jackson county? Do
you know what this timber alone
when dovcloped means for this coun
ty? It would tako forty mills of one
hundred fifty 'thousand feet dally
capacity, twenty yenrs to exhaust this
timber In Jackson county nnd vicin
ity. llnllrond to tho Hen
Also It would tako six railroads in
continual operation betwean hero and
tho coast at least twenty years to
haul it out. If one-halt of that money
which has been spent, had been put
Into n railroad to deep water, some
thing which would make an outlet
for our products, It would bring us
posltlvo returns by utilizing eohio of
our resources, and tho poor man
would havo a source of continuous
inll-filllng and tho city, tho county,
would now bo In tho position to pro
ceed with highways, paving nnd other
improvements without going deejver
Into debt. And for God's sake citiz
ens, when wo get factories hero let us
'patronize them when all thingn are
equal, not Bend thousands of dollars
outtddo for Houiethlug actually Infer
ior whon It comes to durability.
Why Not I'utmiilc fcicnl Industrie?
We havo a tilo works hero that
makes n good cement tlio oqual to
any In tho country. Why wcro they
not patronized by tho county for cul
verts, Instead of sending thousands
nnd thousands of dollar outside for
something that Is Inferior?
Now, with all duo respect to our
honorablo mayor. It Is truo that ho
bus given his tlmo and given It freely,
tho samo an the rest of us, and Is do
wning of much credit. As ho is a
btrong advocate- of tho new "city
charter" I would say, tho "board of
directors" aro expected to do likewise.
Tho "now charter" provides for no
compensation to theso directors, but
they shall be held absolutely respon
sible to tho people for results I
would like to asl: him if ho thinks
his time would bo less occupied or
his. pay more munificent should ho
be ono of those same directors? Tho
mayor sajB "the (juostlon Is frequent
ly asked, xvhnt has the city govern
ment dono to kill tho town?" He
knows full well that we found It ab
solutely dead financially, nnd wo havo
revived It to the uxtent of thu
nmounth I lmvo already stated In my
previous communications. Did ho ex
pect going deeper Into debt by mak
ing unnecessary public Improvements
nt this time would help tho town or
relieve tho taxpnora? Docs ho think
tbnt keeping men on tho city payroll,
men that could be dispensed with nnd
not cripple the sen Ice, would make
good times
How Almnt thu Mivyor?
The honorable mayor also speaks
of tho reduction In tho police forco ns
crippling It. Ho knows that this
decrease In the forco was becnuso or
the demand made by numbers of tax
pajors, and with the complaint that
two men wero unnecessary during tho
day. Ho further speaks of "seeing
three fragrant violations of tho city
speed laws." I hope that ho as our
highest city official, did not forgot
to perform his duty of taking the
numbers of tho violators' cars, nnd
handing them to tho proper officials
to be acted upon. for that is tho
duty of both mayor and councllmen
who are all city officers and should
work together with other city offic
ials toward the enforcement of all
city laws.
He hopes to see things going again
soon "In tho good old way," which
as I take it means for tho city to be
gin to spend money again freely as
we did somo two or three years ago.
How is that to be done? J see only
two ways to do It to ralso taxes,
tho other to bond the city still further
for tho required funds. Do tho ma
jority of the people want to do either
of theso things?
My knowlcdgo of business is, that
whenever your expenditures exceed
your income, It is tlmo to change
your methods, or a day of reckoning
will surely como and you will bo a
sadder and a wiser man. Remember
there Is a limit to the credit of a city,
as well as that of a private Individ
ual. Now In answer to tho "Sun's" edi
torial of January Sth, I will say: I
never at any time favored tho adop
tion of a new charter now. Hut 1
do favor at this tlmo many things,
thnt are of much moro vital Import
There are I admit, somo good
things In tho new charter; thcro nro
also somo things as I have also stated,
that I cannot endorse.
Thero aro good things in the old
charter as well, things that havo been
recognized to bo sound by tho best of
legal authority in the country, tho ef
ficiency of this authority enabling us
to borrow ono and one-half millions
of dollars. Now that wo aro cross
ing a deep nnd swift stream and havo
just begun to gain a foothold on tho
other side, (as our annual reports
show,) why should wo "stop to swap
charters" and endanger the loss of
that foothold, and ' so perhaps be
swept down stream again?
Now, I nm not condemning the
commission form of government,
nelthor am I condemning a city man
ager, when ho is under a board of
directors who are held responsible in
the truo sense of tho word to tho peo
ple. Artlclo 3, section 8, says that "all
powers of the city shall be vested In
the 'board of directors' ". Now these
directors nro no moro and no less
than n city council under another
name, except that they have more
power, but no bonds In cither case;
and furthermore remember tho "now
charter" gives them unlimited power
to create new offices and contract
new dobts. Hut, whero is tho peo
ple's security In caso they go too
far? They glvo no bonds, and
should thero be sufficient reasons to
recall them it would tako six months
to do it, nnd then what just this, it
might not be possible to do it at all
whon governed by tho new ballot sys
tem. Furthermore, section -IS of article
3 says: "Tho board of directors may
(instead of must) require of any city
officer, etc., a surety bond," thus
leaving It optional with tho board us
to whether nny employee, secretary or
treasurer Included will give bonds.
Under our present charter tho
treasurer gives $25,000 bonds, and
our recorder or hecrotary $2500
Now take the manager, his term
and salary aro subject to tho board
of directors, he Is their creature, ab
solutely subservient to their every
dictation. Hli term and salary are
beyond the peoples control, see sec
tion 25 of article 3. Tho secretary
and treasurer aro both nppolnteos of
the board or directors and under
their full control, their terms and sal
aries aro also fixed by- board. The
people have no part in the selection
of men to fill theso offices, to fix
their balarics, to demand bonds, or to
remove them from ofico, seo article
3, sections 37 and 42. Do you call
this democratic?
Once more I will call your atten
tion to artlclo 3, sertlon 47, A pur
chasing agent and storekeeper ex-of-,
' ' I
Mr. Hnywnnl has rrcfhcJ the appo'ni
ment of counsel to I'limlet A Whitman
(5ornor elect of New York. Mr liny
nr) has luJ considerable experlen In
politics as "ell a In law, und It Is expertol
that will prove a valuable ul,l to urn
of tho new Governor's frlenils ns hope ti
ee tho New York State delegation to the
next Itepubllcan National Conxentloit ml
xoc.ito the nom. "nation of Mr. Whltnnn
Uorn In Nebraska In 1S7S. Mr ItnyMnrt
was educated In the University of Neb
ro.'Vs. and In Germany and was admitted
to the practice or law In ISJ7. llenencil in
the Spanish War ns a captain of volunteer
and auhseqi.aiy nas majoi and cclonel ot
J. W. Watson of Oxnard, Cnl., who
has been visiting friends In the
Rogue river valley, worked for 11
years on the sugar beet farms at Ox
nard. Cal. He says:
"Tho Rogue river valley will miss
its greatest opportunity If It falls to
secure the beet sugar factory, for It
spells prosjerlty Tor the community.
Tho best towns In California today
are tho beet sugar towns times aro
always good In them. Tho work Is
so arranged that by tho tlmo tho fnc
ory releases Its employes, tho fnrmcrs
employ them In planting the now crop
so there Is work the year around,
tho men go from tho fnctory to the
fields and from the fields to the fac
tory. "Thero Is no town but that tho
sugar beet Industry has nut built up
and Improved. Villages havo been
transformed into improved cities,
and the entlro region profits thereby.
"A farmer named Kdwards at
Huoreac, four miles from Oxnard, has
the beet record for California, pro
ducing $300 of beets in a slnglo
LONDON, Jan. 9, 2.03 a. m. The
Dally Telegraph's Athens correspon
dent reports that the Greek govern
ment is grnvcly concerned over the
Increasingly strained (Jracco-Turklsh
relations. Tho Greek diplomatic and
consular representatives In Turkey,
tho correspondent snyn, arc receiving
intolerant treatment, being shadowed
by tho police nnd spies, and that tho
official protests by tho Greek minister
nro Ignored.
flclo tho manager, may appoint an
assistant. Two fine fat Jobs.
Let us go on to artlclo 4, sections
53 and 54. Affix responsibility nnd
management of city affairs upon
"board ot directors" with unlimited
opwer to create offices and fix tul
arles. Section CI gives board of directors
$1000 timergency fund to spend. (
Section 03 says: Library board
shall havo power to levy not less than
$3000 per annum und spend It at
their pleasure.
Section Ot says: Park board may
appoint a park commissioner to servo
without pay until salary may be fixed
by majority vote of city electors.
Question Then why not let tho pco
plo fix the salaries of tho other moro
Important officials, say tho manager,
iccrctarytrcasuror, judgo, etc.?
Section 65. Here is richness City
planning commissioner. Duties pos
sible and Impossible, dlvido duties
with the "board" meddles and takes
Read section 07 carefully, fellow
townsmen and seo what unlimited
powers uro Incorporated within it.
Now we como to debts. Artlclo 5,
Eoctclon 71. "Hoard of directors"
may IstJuo cortlflrates of Indebtedness
to cOvor any deficiency, but, there is
no limit to power to create a defi
ciency. And so I might go on ad finem, but
I am tired und you must be too,
1 am not taking issuo with our
mayor and our two editors, from a
sense of personality, but wholly from
a sense of duty.
MedynsWs Attack, Answered
Councilman Med.vtwM favor tho
people of Hie city with another
lengthy epi-tlo ailing lil view on
thiui! vtuintH n ml varied.
There are Mttne things hi his loiter
with which the people will ngtee. His
picture of the ic-ourec of the val
ley ami the need of their development
i true. Hut will Mr. Medynski or
anv one oNo point out a lime since
Noah lauded on ' Mount A mini t,
whew, m nnv section of nnv country
any progress was made in the devel
opment of meh re-source by the pol
icy of stnnd-Mill-tilUy-oH-go-baek for
which Mr. Medytwki stand -poiurf
lias thi valley ever taken u tcp for
ward by the policy he advocate 1 lla
any of the progre through which
tin community ha parsed been
wrought by the men who are now op
nomine; a forward step in civic nf
fatrst Mr. Medynski again vail again!
tho new charter n follews:
'The new charter provides for no
compenation to thee directors, hut
they shall be held absolutely respon
sible to the twople for results."
It ha been publiclv stated many
lime that nnv provision ol the pte
ent charter adopted hv special vote
of the people a an amendment ha
been retained hv the charter commis
sion as an expression of the people'
wish. Thev voted the salaries away
from the council; so in the new char
ter the hoard can have no salary saw
by having1 it ngnin restored by vote
of the people. The charier commis
sion felt that public-spirited citirens
could he found who would serve the
city without pny; anil they can.
"1 never at any time favored the
adoption of a new charter now."
Does Mr. Medynski deny that ho
was one of the prime movers for the
npiKuntmcnt of the charter commis
sion; that he helped select the list of
members nnd that it met with hw
hearty npproval; that it was he who
suggested Mr. l'urdin as chairman
and Mr. Sheldon ns secretary; nnd
that his enthusiasm for a new char
ter continued warm till, in tho recent
discussions before the city council,
hi request that the election plan he
"stricken out entirely" was turned
down I
Again: Mr. Medynski approves the
old charter because it enabled the
city to borrow about I.:.I0,000. Why
doesn't he add that every item of ex
travagance Mcdford ever saw was
under the old charier Al. that
absolutely every 'itv in the United
States having adopted one of these
modern charters has shown a lower
ing of running expenses with more
efficient service to the people.
Mr. Medynski refer to bonds for
officer. Does he not know that the
provisions of both new and old char
ter are, in effect, identical :
Old charter "Sec. ,7J. The re
corder and treasurer shall each furn
ish an undertaking in favor of the
city with such security and in such
amount as the council may require.
Officers by appointment must give
such official bond as the council may
New Charter "See. 18. Tho hoard
of directors may require of nny city
officer or employe a surety bond in
favor of the city in such sum as it
mny determine."
In both cases it is left to the busi
ness judgment of the hoard. I'nder
the old charter the council need not
demand and secure a bond from nny
officer. Mr. Medynski furthor snys:
"The new charter gives them un
limited power to create new offices
and contract debts."
As to tho second patt of the state
ment, it is simply not true. As to the
first part, the now chatter provides
thnt the hoard of seven can do what,
under tho present charter the mayor,
with tho consent of the council, can
doT See section !), old charter:
"Tho mayor shall appoint, subject
to the approval of the council, ono
city attorney, one city engineer, niiir
chief of police, one street commis
sioner, one market master, and such
other police officors and other city
employes as are required."
Whero is the difference'
Says Mr. Medynski: "They give no
bonds." Neither do the coiiiicilnien
under tho present charter. This is
right in both cases, for they do not
uctunlly handle any money. Ho adds:
"Should there ho sufficient reason
to recall them it would tako six
months to do it, and then what?
just this: It might not be possible to
do it at all when governed by tho now
ballot system."
Fol-de-rol! Mr. Medynski prob
ably docs not mean that "it would
tako six months to do it," as wo all
know hotter, but refers to tho fact
that the state constitution provides
(hat an officer cannot be recalled till
ho lias held offico for at least six
months. He complains that the char
ter does not fly in tlio faco of tho
constitution, which is above all city
charters and state laws. Again, thp
folly of a suggestion that unythini,'
this charter contains or could contain
takes away or abridges in tho slight
est degree tlio right of the people of
the city to recall its ofticers. It is
guaranteed, iu &culioii 18 of nrticlo
II of tho constitution, loguidiilg tho
oily malinger :
"Hi term nnd salary are subject to
tho hoard of directors, lie i their
creature absolutely, subset vicul to
their every dictation."
Mr. MedvitHki's nicinotv is shot I.
Only five days ntfo he addressed a
letter to the ciliren of Mcdfoid, pub
lished in this paper, iu which ho said:
"City manager is a higher souhd
itig name than political boss, hill
when I he cloak i teinoicd il will be
found thai the city luauugct', if be
desitc to he a boss, will have little
The first of the week "loo mm h
power." Hv Saturday- "too Mih-tir-vient."
Mr. Medvnski object to plaelni;
full wsponsibilitv on the boittd. That
i one of the main thing the new
charter does, it J the one purpose
that ha caused over Hit! Auietican
eitii'H to adopt new charters; to put
the responsibility up in the spotlight
where it can be located and held ae
Regarding putehasing agent, Mr.
Medynski says: "Two fine, fat job."
The charter provide that the city
mnnngcr shall act a storekeeper and
purchasing agent. Ho cannot have
an assistant unless the boittd pro
ides it. No "nice, fat job." In
fad, no new jobs nt nil. This section
of the charter was drawn by Colonel
Sargent, than whom there bus not
been a more rigidly economical coun
cilman in the history of Mcdfoid.
Regarding the library hoard. If
Mr. Medynski knew our city affairs
he would know that the charier com
mission has simply kept faith iu the
agreement made with the man who
gave Mcdford the public library
building. Is 10111111011 honesty to he
criticized f
Answering Medyiiski's refoienco to
the park beard: For the same reason
that tho pooplo under our present
charter do not fix the salary of our
eity officers it is not businesslike.
It would mnke an ordinnry man
blush to be caught mnkh'g such n
statement ns .Mr. Medyuski's regard
ing the city planning commission
when confronted with tho statement
of one of the drafter of the I'ortland
city charter, that "it was the best
provision on that most important
point ever brought to his knowledge."
Rut to .Mr. Medynski "here 1 nh
Section 07 simply n that the cilv
government shall assume the leader
ship in genuine civic affair.-. To the
hnmmcr brigade on Main trcot, the
"health, intelligence, efficiency and
welfare of the community and it"
eitiri'iis" are of no concetti. Hut
the charter commission assumed thai
(liev were to the people of Mcdford.
"Now we come to debts," etc. More
misrepresentation. See iu ecction (II
the follewing: "All expenditure for
the ensuing vonr SHALL bo made
from such budget appropriation and
shall not exceed the amount thoicof
except when made neci'ssaiy by any
casualty, judgment against the cily,
or unforsceti contingency nrisiug nt
tct the passage of the annual appro
priation ordinance."
"And so I might go on ad finim, but
I nm tired and you must be, too." No
wonder. If a desperate, brain-racking
effort Jo dig out some valid ob
jection to the new charter can onl.v
result in the hodge-podge of misrep
resentation listed above, it's time to
enll a halt.
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For further prirllculnra rcpirrtMK (heno low prices and prnflt-ihar-
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