mrmntm lttlrtfHHW 207 ScRWHlWrtti" Medtord Mail Tribune m SECOND EDITION WEATHER Unlit Mnv. .T Mln. 7 Precipitation, .lii. Forly-fniirlli Yr. IMIIv-.NInlli Yrnr MIDDFORD, OUKCION", 8,VITMAr, .LNtAIY 0, 1015 NO. 249 PROGRESSIVE CITIZENS UNITE 10 ADVOCATE PASSAGE OF NEW CHARTER v;l l If li ' DOCTORS LAW M ANIS.OUNILM II E Mctlfortl Association Joins W. C.T. U.ln Urulrtg Adoption (or Moral Influence on Community Professional anil Business Men and Lculslators Commend It tor Its In Administration Good Points Brou-zt Out From Many Sources Physicians of City Favor It Good Points Set Forth In Brief Communications. To Hie People of Mudferd: Having Mtnlled tlin old CUy Charter, mul the Now Charier proponed In (ho people fur tli"lr iiiloilliiii, u enn miy frankly (lint In our Judgment (Ini Now Charter lit a nnt Improvement over lint old one. II prnildcit for a iiiiirn liunlnnn lllut uilmlnlMrntlon of thu clty'a nffitlrii; It mine fully gu.trdii III" Intercut of the lux payer mul tint ordinary citizen, nnit provide fur u mom trul) representative council In tint preferential otlui'.. Tint City Manager, and tint required book keeping In Hko iiito iluttt huMiuiaa. Without iH'Mlnu lint New Charter m III tend to anil tnnku pnmtllilit tint proiiiotlou or tint tuornl Intcri-at of tint city n tlio old did not, iiml wo holil Hint morula uro worth morn to thin city Hi tin dollars, Knell ahotilil Mody tint Now Charter and (Im old without prejudice and Mill hilt lli'ht Judgment, MINIHTKItl L ASSOCIATION 01' MKDI'Oltl). PHYSICIANS OP MEDFORD To tin IMItnr' I'luMiinn uro not KUppom'il to Im HperlitllMH In ilty nffalra. hut any proposal lending to 11111I.0 .Medford a letter city, with a moro efficient and ticonouilcal gntcrmncut, with a wide-flung reputation for progreaalvenoaa, ulll hi'lp any biiMnoMi or profwMon an Midi an all our ix-oplo. Itcgnrdlng tint now ihnit'-r, mil It not boat Ini eniiMdcrcd an nn entirety InMciid or In niluiiUi acctlonaT No ono pretends It Ik istrfccl. hut In It not far better Jlinn our proaenl oint; and If, If nereanury. ho eaally chunKcd? Docs It not Introduce, atrlctly hualncas iiM'thinU Into city affairs? U It not a fact that In every city whoru hiicIi a charter liua boon adopted, a de cided Improvement Iiiih followed? Can wn imt. therefore, iih Reed cIiUkiih with tint beat Intervals of tint ell) at heart. lonlly iiupport UiIh plan for Improving our city government? It W. UTKAIINH. M I). F. U. THAYKIl. M. I) It. J. CONItOY, M. I). It. W. CLANCY. M. I), i:. it i'iuki:i.. m. i). i:. it, hi:i:li:y. m. n i: II I'OllTKIt. M . J J. HMMONH. M D H A I.OCKWOOI), M. I). ALWAYS PROVED To tho IMHnr In Kntrntii'titM an In nature, tln aamo canae product's tint biiiiio of fcctH. Tho HiluitM which have heen put to aotero leal ant lint UiIukh Mlovn and advocate. Tim couiinlititlou form of gncrnmul hait long alnco passed tint experimental atnge. It In hero to May, and wherever It has Ih-oii given a fair Minw It hint proved niurejwful, and won tint confldt'iicn of Its lilttmoat opponents. That It lit tho wry boat form of city guM-miiicul gocn without HiiyliiK A compiirltlvo itl inly of tint old ami tntv form of Kow-rnuient Iour no convluct'd mo Hint It In tint chcnpoM. Hut hfHt, the HafcM, Iohh compllcntod mid uiont ntlnfactnry to nil conccrncil than any otlnr form. Tim fact that title which hitvtt adopted It for ninny carn, throiiKh y,ood and II report, Mick to It. Muiuld couvlnco overy uuhlaited mind thai It In worth IoIiik hettt. 1'olllltat couomlMtM, politicians of autliorlt). utati'Miiit'ii of reptile, and our leadliiK perlodlcnlH and nnwupiipcrH vndoryM It. i I'mler It the condition of Imlli Ylch and poor Ih hettur. and owrythltiK pcilalnlnn to the clty'it lient IntercMH lion it Miner IiiihIh, l.ot .Med ford fall Into line To live idle iiiumI ho pnimt'bHiNe The arKumeiilH of Mn)or I'nrdln, ntul tint majority of our city council, fnor II, and thin ithotild hu nufflclcnt to gho ll it itplendld majority at tho coiuIiik ck'illoii. nu j. i.Avm:.sTi-: iiu.u COUNCILMAN P To (ho l.'dltor: May I iiHo )our paper to voice my prottmt imnlnM the campnlKn of idIh repieKeiitatlou which hcoiiih to charnctorlxo tho efforts of IIioko opponed to tint now charter. Not mitlHfled with crlllclxliiK the new charter ItHelf, which thoy find pretty haul to do; nor with willful inlM-HialeinentK coucurultiK It; thoy muM npread uutrulliH coucoiiiliit; tho men who have had to do with II. Ono of tho latent oxhlhltloiiH of thin policy Ih the report, IndiiMrloiiHly circulated, that I am opponlnK tho charter. I'reclnoly tho oppoMto In true. 1 favor tho charter hccitUHit I am convinced, from my twoyenr'B work on tho city council whole I have, neon tho hnndlcapn wo have hcen undor with tho old charter, that It will help produce moro orrtclout, economical and lioueHt Hovenuiiont. It In a Iouk Mop In tho rldht direction, and I earn tiHtly rticomiiieud to nil fi lends or K"d Kovornniont that thoy kIvo thin chailur tltolr hearty mippoit. OKOIUli: W. POUTKIl, Councilman Firat Wnrd. STATE LEGISLATOR DISCUSSES LEGAL MERIT To tho Kdlter: I'ioiii a IokiiI Hlitndpolnt tho proponed mnnasor form of city Kovornmont Ih not now. It Ih hut tho twin hIMoi- or tho piivnto corporation which him xo larKoly thtown old wnya or conducting huHlnomi eiiterprlHea Into tho discard. Continental i: uro no and ohpocIiiIIv (lermany havo had their hur. HouutHtorH ror ynniH and no lawyer who Iiiih ntttdlod thewo hut will nay their city Iniial machinery Iiiih iiiatlo ror efficiency and economy. Hud tho com mittee not Hcou fit to call the now council, director, tho recorder, necro tury and tho city eni;luoor, maniiKor, It would tako a microncopo to toll tho imw from what wo now actually enjoy, which 1 uottco haa uavod hoiuo $'-'0,01)0 over liiHt year. Tho local mtroKuardH or tho old chartor nro In tho now with n pront many now oiioh itddod, anil while hoiuo or tho pliraneolony Ih not altoethor happy and poHHlhly piovIhIoiih front tho chnrtorH or othor btattm mlKht huvn been it llttlo hotter adapted to our Mate lawn, Hioho uro minor con HldoratloiiH and to a lawyer fanilllnr with tho old putchwoti; thero la no conipaiinou whatever. Many uro ohJoctltiK to provlHloua iih now which havo boon In tho laws of Oregon for yearn or aro IioIiik piopoKod liy tho 1915 IcKlalature to lcinedy uuuilHliikiihlu ovIIh, hiicIi iih city budnot, accountlnK, recall, rola tratlou, Ihiuor lobulation, dolliniuontmHsesHmont provlHloua, park law, etc 1 can think of no bettor wIhIi for Medford (oxcopt boot uukui factory) than to oloct efficient men and utve them tho modern legal machinery of tho now chin tor to work wltji. JOHN H. PAH KIN. (Continued, on CLERGYMEN E E I N.CZENS COMMENDING CHARTER NDORSECHARTER M SUCCESSFUL NA CAMPAIGN LIE I'ngo C), DOVE OF PEACE F Gutierrez Announces to Convention in Mexico City That Problem of Paci fication Practically Solved De tails Withheld Until Arrangements Completed. WASHINGTON, Jan. Jl. I'lore ol' iieolialionx between the waning riniioiH in .Mexico hv whicli "tlui pmhlcin of piieilieatioii of Mexico Iiiih iiaelifiill.v been hiilteil," were nn uounecil InM nilit to the convention in .Me.Mco City by (Iciieial (luticricx. TIiih wiih rt'iiorlcil in a iliipatch to the Mute ileiaituieut totlay lioiu Amerii'ini 'ihihuI Sillimau. "It would not be opportune at (hi, time," Miid (leueinl (iiitierrex, "H (.ne tltinilh, but their publieatioii will be iniitlc in due time." He nildcil li hint been in touch with all uriucf roiip- in mi I mil- paiN f the tepul -lie, iniitnliiiu' foiccw in the htute ci Cliibuila, mid two pinnp-aU hail hcrv inittle to him whicli M'cmcil Mitifue tory. Hi'iieial (lutieriey. nunle no jeffr euee to (ieiieiul ('urraua, but hi Muti'inent enverini: "armeil miup," taken to mean that a leeoneiliation between the wniriui; fiietiou- oT the once uuileil e(iiiiitiilnniiiliM anny witx in tin1 milking, (iutierie. ulo Miid tlclcati'M titiin some anuctl (.roup- bitbcitti not reiiescuteil were evpeelctl to attend lite eouveutioii. The eon vent ion elected new pretiil ill; officer iiud ileeitlcil to hold tlnily eHionM. Apliui"e areeti'il Outieiier.' titl lueut Unit the contention would not be dominated by "unv chief or per- Mill. ti L IIAHI:1j. Switzerland, Jan. 9, vln I'ailn. Gennan martial law In de ncrllHtd by Alnatlann In Hanoi iih "welKhlnt? heally" upon their countrymen at homo. Thoy declare that tho speaking of I'renrh Is climalflcd ns nn offenso un der tho ordern Issued by tho com- mandltiR Kenernla or tho fourteenth, fifteenth, Mxtccutli and twonty-flrst Herman nrmy corpa. who clto tho Imporlal lawa or 1S7S and 1SS2 to support their contention. The testi mony or tho children and aorvanta la taken before court mnrtlnl na proof of guilt of tnlkliiR French. 1'oraonal fooling between pro- BRITISH BATTI.B TAe. LOST LUTTERS OV BLOODY MEXICO MARTIA W I HEAVILY PON ALSATIANS i BK Herein h Mmwn Ciiitlmul h fifteen ton drea.luouKht the roimld.ible. which was sunk throuKl. ' 0JPOT' f mine oV throiiBli the li iinclilm: of a loriuitlo from a ilium; ( eriuap Mibmuiine which entered tho hnsllsli Channel. The battle "hip. l,lJh "!mi ! lii cat Itrltiiln .YIkMkm. tar.led e.ew of ell.t hui.drcd. and It U believed that so.uo .ovn litiuttr of her 8HlloM porUhwl when tho ship went u the bottom of tho UtujlUU Umtuiul, , , M ACT It 1CSS WIFK OF GUV ASKS FOIt AXXUUfl'JNT OF MARRIAGE ( JANC J SU .r . , , . lZ-L PEVTON Stg jHtwSiHH Wile o (Juv lliitct l'ot, the act or, who was m'imi hi Mcdlonl lu-t miiuiiiit in "Omar, the Tent Milker." She a ertn lu iiiiwittirv om mittcil biKiimv when in ltlll" f lit be a mo Mrs. 1'oM, IicIicmiik he had been Icptllv divorced from her fonuer hu i-bniid, the Into Arthur I ceil Uonlon Weld, ninr-iemn. She wif Mi-x .leu me nu Noriuuu, (laughter ot u Chi enpo brokiT. Her tltce name i I'ojton. FATHER ELOPES WIIH BRIDE OF HIS SON f-f-f-f r-ft-f-f NKW YOIMC, Jim. . Fnnik liu I). Wootl, it ytmii ho-pitiil iutei ne, named bis father its en-re-pontlcnt in a suit for divorce from his wife, brought to trial in the supreme court. It wits alleged thai I ho .viiiij niiin's father eloped with his bride on the uiht of the wedding and took her to Chiciiizn. Yoiintr Wood's mother testified in tho suit that she hint found her husband mid her Mill's wife oe cup.iii iipaitincnts together in Chicago. French and iroHermnn Alstitlons Is running IiIkIi, vlnltlng Alaittlons de clare. Tho lhcal cotirtH lino Krnnted divorces recently to huahiiuda and wlvea unahlo to llvo hariuonlously tiecauae of their oppoalug national aympathteH. SftlP HLOrX UP IX EXGLTSII CHANNEL. BRITISH BATTLE SHIP rORMIDABU BATES POST BY PoUIiik plucoa for the city ohtctlon to ho hold next Tues day hnvo been named by tho city recorder as follews: First Ward Sparta build in k, rear room. Second W a r A M o o r o Hotel. Third Wnrd City Hall. Arrangements aro being formulated whereby tho rei; lMrntlon board will set In tho lobby of tho Nash Hotel. CHICAGO, tin. !). Tlmt the federal reserve bank law iuveMs too vu-t a power in the hands of ono man, the seeietnry of tho treasury, mul thus pvosi'iiU nu element of dauber which should be dealt with Iv vtuijrrt', wit-, the iistrtiou ininle toitnv hv Charles CI. Dawes former comptroller of the currency, at u meeting of Chi eimo financiers and bu-uit'ss men. vO t Hill AS 0 BLANKET PARDON 50 IV 5 Governor of South Carolina Grants Full Pardon to 1500 Convicted of All Crimes Breaks Pardon Rec ordTotal of Pardons Reaches 3165 Dwir,2 His Term. COMMMIA, S. (., Jan. 0. Full pardon to about l.'iOO persons con victed in South Carolina of various cnincs ntul paroled since January 1, 1111 1, were rantc! today by Governor Hlcase. In addition to a number who were included in n blanket pardon, and none of whom i- now in the peniten tiary or in prison cninp-i, the gover nor also grunted clemency to thirty four convicts in state prisons or en gaged in public work. High teen were pardoned, ten parol ed and six were given commutations of sentence; seven had been convict ed of murder and ten of manslaugh ter. The governor had prepared n spe cial decree granting full pardons to tlio-e paroled since Jmiiiarv, ll'll, ami with one sweep of his pen he restored citizenship to approximately l.'iOIJ men mid women, who collective ly had been found guilty of violating virtually every law of the state. Governor Hlcase signed the blanket pardon in red ink. He accepted as correct the cstimute of his oftice ut tnchei that his action today would increase to 3105 the total number of pardons, paroles mid commutations of sentence which he has granted since he became governor four years ngo. According to information obtain able here that places Governor HleaseV record for grunting pardons above that of an state executive. He will retire from oftice on Jaiiii nn 13. Tho following tetter, from tho edi tor ot tho leading magazine in Amer ica on Munlclpla afnlrs, la aol( ex planatory. It indicates tho Immense valeu to Medford tho now charter will be, from the standpoint of ad vertising alene: "HenJ. C. Sheldon, "MftiHord, Oro. "Dear Sir: "1 havo read with uch Interest the copy or tho Medford Mall Tribune o Dec. 20 containing tho proposed now charter for Medford. It bo hap pens that tho current Issue of Ameri can City contains nn editorial rof- erenco to this most important stop forward In American municipal gov ernment. I very much hope, as jon no doubt do also, that the proposed charter for Medford will bo adopted at the election Jan. U'tli. If It Ih, Medford will receive a great deal of favorable publicity tluoiighout tho Pnlted Stntea. It occurs to me that this fact, If It was undoratood, would havo aonio favorahlo weight among your townspeople as a reason for a favorahlo vote on tho charter In ad dition to the great Inherent merits of tho work Itself. "I'leaso notify mo promptly H tho chartor is adopted us wo wish to havo an article thereon In tho American City. It ia not at all unlikoiy that wo will havo an editorial moutlon thereon also. "Awaiting with Interest advice rrom you as to the result of tho elec tion. I am. Yours very truly, HAROLD S. nUTTBNIIKIM, "Editor." J m CHARTER BIG ADVERTISMENT MEDFORD GERMANS AGA N HACKING AWAY AT Kaiser's Army Resumes Attack Upon Warsaw in Several "Places Rus sians Sweep Through Bukowlna Unchecked French Advance in Alsace Checked. LONDON, Jan. 0. Coincident with their new movement from tho north, the Germans have resumed their vio lent offensive operations to tho west of Warsnw. They are hncking their wny forward at some pointa, only to he in turn driven out from their po sitions by Hiis-ian bayonet nttnek. This leaves the situation in Poland a whole about what it wiih u fort night ngo. Meanwhile the Itusaian sweep through the Austrian crownlnnd of Ilukowina continues unchecked, ac cording to news dispatches reaching Loudon, mid this nrtnv is expected by Itriti-li observers soon to be well over the mountains fonnin-r tho boundary into Hungary. Serviu with her nrmy more ir less rehabilitated i- described in London as attacking the dual monarchy from the south with renewed vigor. Aus tria declares that the latest Servian attempts luive been rcoulscd. Frenih Checked in Alsaco The French ndvunco in Alsace np purcntly bus been checked. Both the French mid German official state ments of today tell of the recapture by the Germans of Ihir'nlinupt hi limit, the town south of Stcinbach, capture of which by the French was announced yesterduv. In the Argonnc violent fighting is again in progress. In ono charge thu French lost n number of men ns tho result of n trail set by the Germans, who permitted them to occupy ft trench and then blew it up. Fighting has hcen resumed in tho Aisiio re gion, where tho allies claim to havo captured three lines of Germuii trenches, covering 0U0 metres of tho front. The German statement, however, says that French nttucks in this re gion were repulsed. lliiiitanlii to MobllUo Coincident with tho Russian sweep through the Austrian province of Hu kowinn, plans are tinder way in tho adjacent country of Itumaiiia for mobilization of the tinny. Unofficial ndicc state that tho entrance, of llunmiiin into the war is expected. (Continued on Page Five.) Charles Drake, wanted by thu au thorities for over it year on n war rant charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, was limited by Constable A. II. Hammond Wed nesday and now lies In tho county jail awaiting tho action of the grand jury. Drako for over n year hns bemi hiding in the upper reuohes of Kvmis creek, n district almost impenetrable, particularly in the winter time. All last Tuesday night tho officer of thu law lay in tho woods waiting; for tho etnuing of Drake. In tho morning smoke wits seen to arise from the chimney of the cabin under surveil lance. The officer entered mid found Drake cooking breiikfuat. At first he refused to rotum, but reconsidered, Tho case of Drako is iinupiQ, About u year ago he went into tho goat bus iness, purchasing a number of gouts from it man hv tho nuino of Taylor. Ho bought what gouts he could, un cording to the allegation. Then, it is asserted, ho mnrtgiigcd tho entire lot to llirmn V. Meudor for $:."(). t'pou seeming tho money, it is nllegt oil, ho departed, and eluded defMiea until h week. FTJilSH UN DRAKE ARRESTED SWINDLING AFTER HIDING YEAR :