w OTiDFOrd mait; tribune. Mrcm?QK.n. oukooy, Friday, January 8, torn, r vsm tctgitf FIFTEENM1LLI0N IN SUGAR BEETS IN CALIFORNIA Seventy Thousand Acres In Southern California Alone Yield Over Nine Millions Sugar in Addition to By products Favorite Crop With the Farmers of All Sections. LOS ANGELKS, Jan. S. The fol lowing facts show tho importance to California of tho sugar beet Industry: Sugar boots tiring into tho state an nually on an average of $1.000,000. Seventy thousand acres in South ern California, in 10H, yielded 700, 000 tons of KUgarlects. or 200,500, 000 pounds of sugar, netting nhoiil JD.SUL'.riOO. There are ten factories in the state which have an average total capacity of about .ir.,000 bags of 100 pounds onch. Operating during the season of JHH, beginning July and closing In Is'oveinbtT or December, there wore ten beet sugar mills, tho following of -which aro located in Southern Cal Cal ieornia: Anaheim Sugar company, at Anaheim; American Uoet Sugar com pany, at Oxnartl and ul China; Holly Sugar Company at Huntington Heach; I.os Alnmltos factory at t.as Alniiil tos; Santa Ana Co-oporatlvu Sugar company at Santa Ana; and tho Southern California Sugar company at Santa Ana. 1(10,000 Tons of Sugar. Tho combined ten mills of tho State have a capacity for slicing over 12, 000 tons of beets and producing about Sfi.000 bags of sugar dally. The prod uct of these mills annually will amount to about 160,000 tons of sugar, this being over one-fourth of the entire amount of beet sugar pro duced in tho United States and which at a fair average price of 4 1-2 cents per pound would amount to 1 14,100, 000. Of this production about one-fourth j is consumed In the state of Califor nia, the remainder being hhlppcd to the Middle Western states. The area planted to beets In the state Is estimated at 115,000 acres, of which about 70.000 acres are In Southern California. Tho letter's 1914 crop, though as yet the official figures have not been prepared, is estimated at about 700,000 tons. J'opulnr With Farmers. The raising of sugar beets has grown popular with the farmers for many reasons, among them being the knowledge in advanco of just how much a ton of beets is going to bring; and In addition to this, the farmers have found that, on account of tho intensive cultivation, required for growing beets, when grown in rotation with other crops tho lat ter show an increase In yield ns high as 50 per cent. Another reason is tho fact that the b(ct sugar companies usually ad vance money on a growing crop to enable tho farmer to pay for the work of producing and they also liavo cuuutantly among them agriculturists who aro experts In tho handling of this crop, lo instruct them not only to get a good quality of ht-cts hut ali;o a good tonuago per a.cre. Six Dollars u Ton. Tho prico paid by tho sugar com panies to tho farmers for beets thfs year Is ut the rato of $4.50 per ton for beets containing 15 per cent of sugar with 30 cents added for each additional 1 r cent of sugar. Or In other words, beets containing 20 per cent of sugar would net tho farmer ft", per ton. Though n smaller acreage ivas planted this year than in 11)1.1, tho tonnage per aero woh higher. Tho Southern California licet (Irowera As sociation estimated that the aver ago production was ten tons per nero for which the average prlco was $! per ton or ?CQ per aero. This means $1,200,000 that tho growers received for their product. OoM 1'cr Aero of 1'roriiiclntf. Tho estimated cost of growing beets is $35 per acre. During tho year tho growers therefore mndo n clear profit, of $25 per aero. The sugar beet required from flyo to six months to acqulro its normal sugar content. This Is taken from tho air through tho demluui of the leaves and not from tho soil. Tho seeding time starts In Decem ber and continues to tho following March or April. Tho beots aro us ually ready for harvesting from tho middle to tho latter part of July, and Uio harvesting continues until tho middle or latter part of November. Another Lie Is Nailed SUGAR MEET AT ROGUE RIVER TODAY To the People of lUedferd: There lias been i lot of foolishness sprung on a suffer ing public respecting the new charter. To eap it all is a report recently started that my activity in its behalf is with the city managership in view. Xeednes's to saw such a report was born in a mind in capable of understanding why a citizen should enjoy aiuo ,..! ctficfWHrni frmn nn liniiesf. earnest effort to brill!! I "ei .tout a MUm- condition in olvte m,ta. wpcotally woiijJ3 'Sir"":;''! ho can see the example ot scores ot cities elsewhere en- wh Bb0Ht -00 npr08 tu. M, joying the benefits of these modern, businesslike charters. for m,,,t culture For tlie benefit of these nervous souls, may 1 trespass 'n meeting nt a? A hoot sugar meeting Is being held nt Koguo Ulver this afternoon and us the Interest In the now factory Is a keen In that section it substantial In- aso In tho signed acreage U e- ne.t , strict, liable , riiorv w III nlso bo : shland tievt wHk to i vouri)atieiice long enough to state that 1 am not and, mouse enthusiasm m that section. Jot l,o m.Hll.be for .;' n.njwcr. for three very! a. reasens: (O The position will not he ottered nie;illlllrlcti wh0 nro hl,micnpped ,. ,,, upon will not mod j- . : .. . ... . ii i (2) I am wholly unqualilied to I ill it: ana (..i; l wouki noi j0B lmM. A list of answers and luiVC it if it Were Offered. (questions on why a beet sucor factory 131'jNtJ". 0. SlllOLDOX. should be established In tho valley ... . iii !-' linvn It.. mi iiriiimtsnt lit llin rmmnlt- THREE GOOD REASONS Why you should give us a portion of your trade during MM".: "Good Shoos" built our businoss. "Right Pricos" hold our customers. "Oour toous Troatmont" gains your confidonco. "Try us and soo." At tho Sign of JteifcldtM Opposite 'isl office "Good Shoes' $n$h:3 IMS ON CHARTER At tho Uutterflold grocery West nicventh street, there will be a char ter talk this evening and the public Is requested to come and ask ques tions. Ilrlef talks upon the eha-tor and Its value to the city of MeiUord will bo given from the stage ot the Slnr Theater Friday, Saturday and -Monday evenings at S:4.i tTclock. To night Attorney Fred Mears will talk for five minutes, tomorrow Attor ney 11. F. Mulkey and Monday night lien Sheldon. Thursday night lien Sheldon addressed a fair hired crowd at the Catholic church. Though the election Is but four days away little flit rest is shown either In the charter or the candidates In the business district, there being no outward manifestations and argil ments. There, however, is much quiet campaigning going on. During (toe In chnrge and nro being sent out A THIRTY-EIGHT STYLES OF the Inst week thero has boon a steady to the farmers and landowners, l.ur- growth In faor of the charter, many 'lug the last week there has been a formerly opposed now holding It I noticeable change of sentiment in would bo unnrocresslve to defeat It. ' favor of tho growing of ueeis, i LOCAL BELGIAN AID FUND AMOUNTS TO $200 r ? Y Y ? y a BY SOUTHERN PACIFHM: A Citizens of tho llogue Hlver valley thus far have contributed over $200 to the MelKlnn relief fund. Food pro ducts have been contributed liberally and thero seems to be no hesllatl mi llu. ti.irl nf tli. I'tllzi.nn In linlntiiir ' I I'll.", fair: I - : . . . .. ... .. ' ;! the unfortunate, it n.is neon siiuou I'lom Mt'iuoni to s.ui rraneisco, ; j that comparatively this valley has account I'nnnma exposition "BUDD" $2.00 HATS $2.00 WE OFFER FOR YOUR INSPECTION ALL NEW SPRING SHAPES AND COLORS. EVERY HAT GUARANTEED. illy The following rales have been nn-. Ion nouuit'd by the Southern r.iclfle for J JUST RECEIVED Shirts at, each Another lot of thoso Extra Fino $1.50 j22.no. I Y Sinn, i Y V Y A BIG HIT Oso pupIi For tho Best Men's Ncckwcur Ever Offered OJirll 2Sr LDKj CdUl See the Big Assortment tflt" LADIES, ATTENTION liavo you inspected our lino of Ladies' Silk Hose? Honost Dollar Silk Hoso, pair, $1.00. Black and colors. Every pair is guaranteed HEILBRONNER'S 206 WEST MAIN STREET t been more liberal than any other sec- uo-day limit; JI'J, lliMluy limit tton of tho slate. ouis both direutinus. Tickets on A rather unique system has been sale February in to November Hit. inaugurated In the nutbtng dhtrlets. i Tho S. I'. wilt ulso name for spochil Farmers lirlnj, their contrlhutloiiH to'ocrnslonH from time to time a rato a centralized plncu where a man Is 'of JIT going limit two iltin, final r in charge. Alter securing the pro- tuin limit 1.". tin), stopovor on i ducts this man p.its them all together turn trip oul). To San Dlcgo, Mi ami solids them to headquarters. ,tl:i ticket, Jin, htnpovers un point. en, sah IV'iruary !" to November 30 Smoke llome-.Mado Cigars. The special occasion fare will Jltn.T. Governor Johnson, Alt. l'Itt and I.a three-day going limit, 2 May return -MAVVVAIAA4! Vista are tho best. .limit, stopovers on return trip only ;-- ;xm: A Good TtCMoliitlon. To help build up M.odford payrolls (by Binoklng Oovernor Johnson or J f t t t t t t t f Y t Y t t ? ? Y t Y Y f Y r t Y t Y Y Y f t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y I, MANN'S Annual Inventory Sale MANN'S CKNTRAL AVENUE- OPENS SATURDAY MORNING NKAU VOSTOKKKM'! February 1st we take our Annual Inventory. We are anxious to clean up all winter stock before that time. We are offering some very strong inducements in the way of prices. It will pay you to take advantage of this sale, WINTER COATS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE 10 "Women's Heavy up to $12.o0 values-each Winter Coats, all now stvlcs, -this sale, H C 10 Women's Jirand New Winter foals, up-to-tho-miinite styles, up to 16.50 values, this (H T A !J7 J " sale, each 10 Women's exclusive Winter Coats, made of the very host materials, up to $25,000 val ues, this sale $10 WINTER SUITS $io AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE JUST 30 LEFT HURRY LOT 1 10 Snils. nil this sciison's styles, i-ckuIih' l-ivc 20.00 mill $5.00, tins sale, LOT 2 10 Suits, heaulirul new st vies, sold all season at $30.00 and H.j30 this sale only, (DJ 1 C each tH) JL J LOTJJ lOSuils, exclusive new st vies, sold all season at ijfl.'i.OO, .f:J7..")0 and $ 10.00 this sale 17 TA ... tJ X J j each OPENING SALE of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Made in America for Americans Fancy Checks, in all col ors, !1.S inches wide, for this sale, per CQ- vn rd l''aucy Plaids, in the dull shades for skirts and drosses, Id in. QQr wide, this sale, yd.. J O l-'ancy Invisihle Plaids for Coats and Skirts, HI inches wide, this JJ QQ sale, yard tJ)lyO YaxYax Cloth, one of the lat est weaves for coats and dresses, .")( in. (1? f C wide, this snhw. J ,BUY MADE IN U. S. A. DRESS GOODS SNAPPY BARGAINS for SATURDAY ONLY Clark's O.N.T. 7Snr9C;r Spot.l Cotton U1 'Jw Pest Cotton Challies, 5c (lood Dress Prints, C yard U vj lest Colored Oil- 1 Q cloth, yard 17 CJootl Path Towels, H each "Blankets and (V)inforters at Great Jieductions 9Da3PiTSR lfHW&vcwE "liS,vH.--r 'ipX''x'?iH'itBi IBwBFJfjr l-jtr -1 1 y ) Tf. '- r Kvy" C i- r I 1 9 m MMM M fli m m A VB kJVw 7 I J V. 41 r '1 I nnmRr H"s "&mi EL. "" 4P " (M w ' Vi L vVv',vJ. ai299M-'v 'timitKKKltBt -w ttk WX'.CL . t ti!iti HEilr I ' I W ' . -J5P i F Bt7vI ir. d it r'llii"Iilr7lnt r ' w l im7' K f " Buil vr x. I HEz t 11 "111 H v. l LMi W yv Vvll K,490 W lV 'II m SL .. Ht .---- L. ,. sjr s aak-i 500 BRAND NEW SPRING WAISTS ON SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES AVoinon's Lingerie and Tailored Waists, beautiful styles, well made, all sixes, up to tfl.fiO val ues, (his sale at, each 98c Beautiful new Voile and Bolted Swiss Waists, all new stylos, also a few fancy stripes, up to $2.00 values, this sale, each $1.19 Exclusive new si vies in Wom en's 1uiL'orio and Tailored Waists, up to $2..r0 values, go in this sale at, oavh $1.39 r tir Beautiful New Voile Waisis, niadtrin the very latest styles, nicely I rimmed with fino lace,' up to $! values, (his sale, each ... $2.19 OUR ANNUAL SALE OF UNDERMUSLIN NOW GOING ON GROUP A Women's Corset Covers, Drawers and Gowns, up to 7f)e, values, this S sale, each ...Id J GPOUP B Women's Skirts, Gowns, Drawers and Corset Covers, up to $1 values, C(n this sale, ea.. O J GROUP C Women's Combina tion Suits, Skirls anl Gowns, up to $ 1 .HO values, 7Qr this sale Jj GROUP D Women's Gowns, Combinations and Princess Slips, up io $2 val., (J1 1Q each tJP 1 JL J Children's Waisis and Drawers, made of good muslin, worth 20c, sale, each 10c Children's Waisis, Drawers and Skirls, all si.es, up lo 2.r)c t - values, this sale, each ... 15c V T t T ? Y t T T T t f t Y ? ? ? Y f T ? ? . T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 Y Y Y T T Y . i i $ww'iw$'w Hi, I'M clems,