Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    , ,rrf
wicnrroitn ti a n; 'ViimuHrc, mawoui), oimiox, twiday, .ianitai?y b, iom.
PORTLWM. .Inn 1 To gel
homing before lli'i puiplc of I'lillhtllil
denied 111 in h) tlin pii'Nfi of tilt city,
liKpi 'iiiiiatl F.ntou or Eugene, eiin
illiluln lor tipouhor. In delivering pub
tin uddi-emiim. In which he ex"""'H
tlln innuectlnil hut w cell big business,
Hmdiliig icKlNliitluti. t hi I'orlliuiit On).
Honlitil, whoso vdllorJJ. ! I'tjMT Ih
Seeking t llU MlUlUmlllp, unit 11111 H'lll-
ItiK, whom tin) Oicgouluii In ciiiliinv
oilng l make KpimK'tr.
Oiegoiiliiii 'I lie Dldnttir,
Mr, Eaton shows how tlm Oregiiii
luit has set lli't'lf up u illi tutor In
OlDROII llllllllcM, Iinh irillil to Kit"
III aide of tin lonlest, iiml In on
ilixivurliiK to force the urxiiiiMiitlon
of III Inxlshiliiio i hs to Itiiln 'hi
tiol of Mliitu ulfalrs.
"Mr I'lpor. through the nieiionlmi,
HiiiMirll lir. Wllhyniiuliu Tor kov
ernor, ttinl In mltu or (lint hundliap
Wtlhyroiulm wu elmitnd," continued
Mr. Union. "Thin wits wiry gratify
ItiK to Mr. Piper. Then Mr. Piper
tillil Dr. Wltliyionihn Hint ho hud only
one miinll rintieM to iimse of hint nnil
Hint whs that Dr. Wllloeombn should
iiiioliit W. E. HtitU im hln private
"Dr. Wltliycninln retimed. Then
Mr. liper tliiiiiitoiMiil Hint if lm iliil
nut mnkn the appointment he enuld
nut liuvn the auppnrl of Hie Oregon
li.u for hla iiilinlnifttriidoti. Ho Mill
if lined.
Piper Oegiiiillng ll"tl"e.
Mr Union wild that Plpm hnd al
ready organled tin senate, uwMirliig
Hie elitilun of W. I. air Tiioiupnon
of ltkn county lis priwlileiil, Iiud
tie n he understood hu wiih nnl to
litivo lontrol of thn executive officii
Iih llllliieilln(ely begun to organize
the lunik hy forcing tlm election of
Mr. Belling " sp nkor. Ho mild Piper
)iul lliirkn fm wind im campaign man
ager for Moiling.
"The people of tlm (Into limy not
I A concerned In my opinion nf Mr
Uitrke, lint here In mi opinion that
Hhonlit Ik tkiithnrltntlu," mild Mr.
lton, who then lend tin cdlloilnl
published In Hit (iri'Konliin, Februaiy
I, sue, when llnrke was n iiiuiber
of tlm legislature.
Mr Kiitoii allowed how the Oregou
lau bd infused lilin anneo In Kit col
iimiiih, how It gum to force the elec
tion of foiling was n game of hlnff
fiom the atari, unit declared Hint C.
M. Ilurltiurt. who was discredited be
fore the election by the Itupiilillcnn
organlsatlona In Multnomah nnil
liRrkamua roimtlna. In which Joint
dlstiht he mii it cnnillilulo for rep
HMcututlve, would lm seated In the
house of rcpreKcntnllvc If ho glviw
hln mipport to HcIIIiik, nnd If not hU
deal will In (onteMeit
I'OUTI.WM, .Inn S llcllcvliu:
Hint hotil guiHtf art entitled In thn
MMiue prlvllcp-ri ni pii'HOiiH In their
own homex, the hotel men ihrnlre Hie
prlll'o of Hiippblni: llnior to
i'.iuwIm. Tin liotel men nay they do
not wltih In i cm in" the million and
tlioy do not want ham; they are will
ItiK to Miiliinll to tlKhl ruKUlntloitH,
pioslded they 'iii fnrnUli lliiunr to
mich khwIh iih nmy iliwln to drlnlt.
Tin Miihject wax dlxcuwed formal
ly liiHt iiIkIiI hy repienenlatlNeH of
Hu hutelH, with Hu KovurnliiK hoaidH
of Hid vitrloiiH civic ornanUatloim.
DlMCilmlntitlon iu;ali)Ht tlm trnvnl
liiK puhllc Ih held to ho niliuiim to Hid
legltlmnlu hotelm. Ah hotel men, they
ihmlre im complete renulallou iih can
lm inlncil for tin piidccllon of pat
i onii mid liquor would only lm nerved
with mcalH,
The hotel men hukkoM Hint piopcr
ty upon which n lintel In nltuuted ho
held re8poiinlho for tin olniorvancn
of all luKiilatlomi nnil that tlm llceiibo
of tho hotul ho rovolicd wlicn iittemptH
nr nmdu to oviulo tho rcKulnlloim,
Hitch n plan would opurato iiRnlnHt
IHoKltlinuto hutttlit nnd will protect
law ahldliiK hotolH,
IMITUOdUAl). Jan. K, via London.
HiihhIii Ih colohratlUK OlirlntmnH to
day, Wnr'u idmdnw him fulled to
dm Knn tlm cutitomury Chrlntmns
nplill, which Ik inoro varlotiHly nnd
lutemudy manifolded In tho HuhhIiih
capital than ohmwlicro In tlm world,
Tho ClirlHtniUH colchrutlon Ih nny
thliiK hut a brief coromouy. Official
ly liiHtluj; thrcii dnyH, It In often pro
IuiikoiI hy ruitttvltltm woll heyond Now
YontH, dm Inn which tlino hUHlnoati Ih
HunpondiMl and tho iiloron aro cloned
whllo tho current In ulvou up to nuo
of fontlvo Huaeon which brenlta tho
lonu purlud of Inter.
- - - f
lly A. (J. Ilowlctt
I have noticed durlm; Hm pant few
iIii.vh Hint tlm pioplo urn iIIkciiioiIui;
the poHMlhllllv, pioliahlllly anil nilvl
nhlllty of uiilm: Into Hu IiumIiichm
mini UK iiiinar hectn In Hokum Itlv
allny. Hoinn of Iheiii of thu mo
coiiiicloiiH hind cay tlmy think that
would ho It flno IhliiK '' the vail.
If osurythliiK workn o. IC, hut wliot
er wu ciin mako II u imtcftw or not
In I liU nectlmi Ih tho iuMtloii. Hlnce
I litKt wrote for tho Mall Tilhuin
huve, on a uly w'. heeii noting whnl
Iiiih hceii Niihl on the nuhject and flu
that nulto ii nuuilicr of our tltlen
luii) hcutt not experimenting Imi t
Hiowlnx Dm HiiKnr heel In tlmlr uar-
iIciim ami onm u a hciiIh fi
ktock feed nud Home claim that Hu
liave iiiIkciI them tm ItiiKo iih u Htov
pipe, hlx IiicIidm In diameter, whll
oi hem claim that they ran lm rnUi
to piofll Hlnid to fed to tlmlr cowh
nud we all know who have hud any
uxpcileiiio with nheep Hint the heel Ik
on., of the Imul plant xrowu for
nhimp. When I cull attetillou to Hie
nrlleliH In Urn two leadliiK imperM,
In tho county, tho Medford Mali
Ti Inline and tlm Medfnrtl Sun, noum
of the wIhh acreH will Hoy, oh, that
1n only iiowMimpiir talk, hut when It
come to tnlliltiK with limn who limn
hint a tirai ileal iiorlcneo of ten or
fifteen )aiK and thut have made
Huod liiouey out of II, tllU HllOUld lm
conidilnred pohIHvh toldiiiicn In tlm
cIimi. nnil If Hm loinpany Ih wIIHiik
to Invent a Imlf n million dollnrn In
the venture I can't we how the farm
er In tnhlur. very renl rink In plant
ItiK a ftiw ncre for even If the hukot
plant prove to lie n fulluie Hu beet
can lm utIIUed iih food for Htocl., hut
there M-entH to tm no croiiiuln for
fear nn our noil will produce almoht
uiiythlux that we put Into the ground,
lu concludliiK lltli port of my letter I
will MiiKKiwt that tlm uutliorllloH offr
n peclnl prim to the hoy or y.lrl who
v. Ill lalHo ay the bent one hundred
iioundH of HUKar lectH to be exhibited
at the hcIiooI fair next fnll.
MIhm llnttle Hll'). Uvlnr; tmnr tho
lower Aneloim hrldiie on tlm K. I.
Medrord road, tout n laitltm' natchcl
rnniiiluluK 27 and a riiIiI rlni; with
an old fahhloued lCnKllnh W on It,
Hhv. I.. I. SlniinonH nnnounced la
3unday nlttht that Itev. DoimliiH of
(triintit Pima would coiniuenre n ncrlen
of nicelliiKH here III the llnptlHl church
on .Momliiy. January IS, at 7 p. in.
Welden K.ik'0 who ha been cnRaKcd
with Mr. Dodwe In the well borliiR
liiiHluixtft came lu Monday inornliiK
for breiikfiut.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Nuinan of
JncliHiiinllle, were the KiicHtH of Mr.
mid Mm. Hco. Von tier Mullen lnnt
T. I'. McCabo, one or thn wld
awako faiumr unit orchnrdlntH, who
owim a fiirin on ItoKiio river about
five iiiIIoh nlmvu here wan hero for
dinner Monday and took the V. & K.
for Medford,
l.iut Hundny wo had nervlcen lu
thu futhollc cliurch, Ituv. Win. J.
MeaKher offlclatlllK.
Him .Smith who Iiiih bcou working
over lu California for poiiio time,
c.wno In and Mptitit n fow dayH lit tho
.Sunny Hide and on Monday went out
to the country.
Henry I'rench. one of our huMIIng
fnrniei h, orcliardlHtH and KardenerH.
wan In town liint Momlny, nd while
hero renewed IiIh Hub to the Weekly
Mall Tilhune.
Huh ItonenhuiK. tho KnKlo I'olnt
well dlKltcr, biu tue hln nub to the
Dully Mall Tilhune laid Mondiiy. Me
wantH to Html tlm your right, no bo
lilun with rending tho leading news
paper of Soul hem Oregon.
(Ireen and (Srnnt MathowH, who
have farniH on tho routes between
here and Tiall were In town laid Mon
day. '
V. 13. llaltnon who Uvea on tho
Vatcbl fut ni on lloguo liver, wan In
town trlng to Hell souio IiIiIch to
our local buyer, .lake Joiiuh, lust Mon-
Wig .lack, Htm-ln-lnw of our mayor,
John NIcIioIh, wh doing bunlncis with
our luerclinulH IiihI Monday,
W. M. Cramlall lirouglit lu a lot
of uppleH lust Monday nud trnded
thein to Mr. Kchciiburg for a flno fat
Tlm lunsk ball proved to bo a grand
HiicccHrt 1 am Informed. Thoio wore
over n hundred ttckota notd and ovory
(iiii), ho fnr UK 1 can learn, vuh Hatln
fled uuIchh It would ho that tho hall
Ih too Hinnll for tho crowdu thut at
tend, there Ih complaint thut they
were ho crowded that they trod on
one another,
MIhb Cora Cramlall Is tho guost of
Mm. Win, llrown at thta writing.
Mm, ThoniiiH Clngcado wiih doing
buHlnotiH laHt Monday with our iner-
Word Iiiih Just conio TiicHdny 11
o'clock a. in. that Win, Manall little
hoy had IiIh arm broken. It Ih not
tho una who wiih bore bo long getting
ovtir un operation for nppondteltlH,
lint an oldor one. It doon Heein hh
though tholr tioublcn do not 901110
L "lz "rock tablets" t
Willi I he cniniiig- of Hie new yeiti'
llllMIMC-M ill tlll'M' 1 mi t ( m hecniM to he
pieltine; ii). t'oiixiilciuhlc uililitimiiil
men luMe liccn nilileil to uenily nil
the ilill'creiil win kill"; foircn nnd 0111
citiciiM me limkiiie; for u .yenr ol
iiiiuIi pH)Mienly.
Wicn llyruin lm i-ctiii mil lo .Slur
(litleli, wlieie lie uorkiil u iniuiiiir
I.liwii'iiee Kiliiiltleli Wim lu Mci)
fnnl Wcdnewilnv iiilerviewiiiB 11 cine
for in reirnitl to 11 oie Itiitnl tlmt lum
In eu nnx-HiK him imicli trouble Hie
uifcl week.
I. ('. I'emlli-ton iitliimli'il tin; tele
phone ineeliiijr nl Cnnlnil Point Tuck
iliiy. itur wliiMil liounl wu nt .fnckxou
ilh Sut in ilny, meeting with (lie
iiiiiiily court in legnnl to the county
("I'linol lu levy.
Seen lieie of lliie trcet HI'IO
tiil.en out IuhI weeli mi tlm Kccmc
Willium .Mnvfield of Central Point
purehiiMCil n hunch of entile nt the
Neulnii 1 lined Wcdiicxiluv.
Colonel Wnolihurii mix 11 visitor in
Meilfolil tllix Week.
...Illei' Hull, fiitellillll of tile .Muilne
oieliuiil, ! viiliiifr 1'iicmU in Tn
eiililll, Wnxli.
I'rolexMir ('. I). .Inliiiiiou of thi
pliiee linn the honor of heinif eelil(l
to drink in Hi' new tioul nt the I. ).
t). P. hull nt Cnnle Point.
A willed paitv wiih licld nt the
M'hoiilhouf la-t 'fliumiluy uilil In
bid luiewell to the IKIhmiiv elir mill
to welcome the new. At miilniiiht the
tnmuiiioth dell in holeuin tmiex pro
I'lniiiieil the elmiige, u InnM wiih
(It mil. to tde new yinr, the deverage
iinciI being Mcct enter.
No new eimeM of Img eliolorn have
liccn rcpnrted iu1 it i-ecnm Hint the
Ncure in nliiml over,
Tndle Hock hcIiooJ lenclicrs dave
relurucil to their kcIiooIh niter t"unl
ing Hie lmliiluy vucatinn witli dome
A. I.. Sendrook Iiiih eernl tciuii
nt work leveling land mill getting it
in Hdupe to irtigute.
Severnl of our eiti.ciw wcie imlig
(in 11I over tde term of "inodaek" up
plieil to tlieui in 11 recent ine of Hie
Mull Tiiluine. Our ncople ure not
iiinhhaekh dv uliv iiicuu", hut they
do wnnt to Ihiiiouuhlv umleotniiil n
irnpiisitiiiii defnre goiiii' into it. In
other wokN, tdey do not liny gold
.liliekx r eiifcd wortdlens edecU1 like
tdey do in smmi pliiee.
Iiimcs d'etre rHit t - Hint the over
coat lie lliiiiiflil wux tolcn nt the
Itcagle dunce dim deeii retunied to
runners in thi hcclioii nre not
tti'jniug 1111 hiignr dect uereage us fiinl
nn tdey xlimidl, eoiiHiilciiug wliut it
nieniw tn the nlley. The two thing
iuot needed in thi- vulley todny lire
fuetoiieN wild payroll nud u elienper
way to get our products out than the
one now provided by tde Southern
I'neilie. If we eiin get the timt tdey
will help it gel tde hceond. The icn
ton Mime are hcdtuling ix decnusu
tdey ciin hce the plain fuel not
overdruwu. If miiiic one wcie to u-k
im to emit met our produce for tde
ue.l ten yen i tor the netunl net
piotit it hu brought it for Hie lut
ten years dow innnv of ux would
sign up Yet we will continue to
ruie thctc huuii enw. Tlien muuc
of us mi' ufrnid of the etiu woik it
would iiieiiii, Net tdii i the very thing
we need. Alimy of 11 nn Inking
things too eny. We hhoiild get into
Roinctdiug like this where wo would
he compelled to "tick to it. Work
never hurt nnyoiie. Let's duekle up
out' hells another notch nud dike it
. -
l.cp Pnilow went to Cnlifornin lnl
week to viil friend.
It. II. lli-uiNliuw and es Allen huve
rented Frnnl; Kurlow'- !iwiuill nud
will degiu lo aw this week,
0. Tyrrell of Uornbrook, Cnl., is
visiting Ins drotlier, .loliu Tyrivll.
The dunce nt the Smith Hutte hall
wiih nttended hy a dirge erowd.
Mike Siilley wns nt Kugle Point
lust Tueduy.
fins N'ygren went lo Knglo oinl on
duHiuchs Inst Tuedny.
A. It. Cluihc, accompanied dy Mr.
Pitniun of the Stnte N'onunl, will
visit the schools of thi vicinity dur
ing the hitter pint of the week.
Theodore Hoc ft hauled n load of
wood to Med ford lust Monday.
Mis Kvn Kinney uncut CliriMnius
wild Miss llhincli lliiilcson.
Miss Fuy.Rlingcr of Medfoid lit
tended the dunce nt tlm South Butte
hull New Yenr'rt eve.
Mr. Coldy of Lake Creek went to
.Med I'o id Inst Monday on liUsiucH,
Floyd Chin ley, Mill llolinun, Tom
Stanley .and Helen Siilley nttended
the duueo nt Fugle Point New Year's,
Miss Margin ft Scdell stnrlcd to
high school Monday.
Miss Muiie Newslroin nnd fMlicr
went lo Medfoid lust Tuesdnv.
Suuiucl 1! a miles, nu old ictiiduuter
of Ihittc en'cl.', nfler lining uwuv Jul
luiiiiy veal's Iiiih ii'liiiuci! oil 11 vi-it,"
The oldect son or Willie Meulls
while pluyiug, fell iiml htoke lii urni.
He wiih IiiIicii to .Miilfoid to huve it
The. iicigliljoi'H of till- riniiuiuiiilv
gol together Kiitnrdnv evening, He
ccinhcr 'J(l, iiml wenl nnd Hiiriricd
Tom 1'nrlow nud fiunilv. Tin- pnrly
wns 11 grcnl sucicf nnd everyli'idy
fut (I 11 very ciijo,Midle tune.
Mrs (llciiu Iiiih decu up vixiting
her sistei', MtH. Hutlcsoii,
Frit, Killer Inu been workiii" for
.Martin Xiiinui of Cciitinl Point.
Mih rjvu Kiuni'V of .South Feil:
Iiiih dceii over vinliu .Mi llliuielu
Itiiiletioii the lu"t few iliivn.
'i'hcie wn 11 Hinprise puity given
on Tom Furlow'n family Inxl Sntur
iluy night. A lurge crowd nttended
nud nil dud it iuot cnjo.vudle time.
Floru nud Fiilx IMIcr lelt for
Klninnld county, On under 'M. Tdev
epeet to htny III lee or four weeks
Augiit Filler lin droiiudt 11 line
lot of hi fum down from his moun
tain raneli.
Kvu I'urlow wa over l Ihe sur
piixe parly nl Karlnw' mid trt.ved
until Mliiuliiv iiiormng.
Tom Farlow i feeding omo of lii
cuttle down at Mr. Daley'-.
Mrs ('nil von der llelleii nnd
daughter of Wellcn hnve rutiirncd
home front a Jew wicks visit with
her pnienls, Mr. nnd Mrs W. C.
'file sIocIiiikii ol Ide upper Mntte
el eel; eoillitrv have hern holding
meeting for tlm purineo of organis
ing to put till their cattle tinicthcr on
the ieeivc. J here will lie 11 meet
ing next Sunday nt tde South Mntte
dunce h:ill itid nil stockmen nre in
vited to attend.
It. II. Mrudtlfnvv of MrnwtuJioro
nnd his cousin, Mr. Allen, of Port
land, dnve leaned Frank FnilowV
snwuiill. Tdey expect lo start the
mill up soon.
C. W Fruit of Cnlifornin made a
flying trip to the city recently.
II. HalHinan and II. McKco went to
Much to do Home shopping.
Anion McKco purchased sotno cat
tle recently.
Ilert Mnrr took hln slater Maude
bnck to Central Point where nhv l
teaching school. She came homo dur
ing Iter Christmas Vacation.
Muriltt Down roturiieil homo last
Friday from Applecnte. o lllttc .APpIokhv"
died nt IiIh Iioii)c IhhI Friday morn
ing. Me leavoi n tnothur nnd ulster
and two brothers and a largo circle
of frleudu to mourn IiIh loci.
rioil McKej'and Katie Hyrno unit
ed In niurrlaRe lost Wednesday. They
wore cltarlvnrletl by a largo number
of people. Afterward candy nnd
nuts were served. Tlio party lasted
until 2 lu the morning. Fvorybody
had a fine time.
I.C8tor Flnley of Mtincoin trans
acted luminous In town Tuesday.
Mnsel Hwayno of Watklna cut her
foot very seriously Friday whllo cut
ting pitch. Iter axe glanced nnd
caught her two toes She wna taken
to the hospital lu Medford for treat
ment. The IiiHt report Ih that she Ih
getting along nicely.
Henry Stephenson made n flying
trip up Applegate Tuesday.
Mm. Henry Stephenson and son
Homer were nt Much recently.
Fort McKco Ih nt W. O. Culy'u help
ing Cnry Culy mine.
I.uella McKet; da been on the sick
lint for days but Ih much but
ter now.
Tho Southern Pacific has announc
ed tho following oxposltlon rates,
through Local Agent A. S. Moson
baiiin: From Medford to San Francisco
account I'auatim exposition, fS2.3S,
t0 day limit, $19, tlO day limit, stop
overs both directions, tickets on sale
February IStli to Nov. r.Qlli. Will
nlfo name for Hpcclal occasions fiom
tliuo to tlmo rato 17. going limit 2
dnyH, final return limit, IS days, Rtop
over return trip only. To San lllego
.10 day ticket $40, stopovers any
points, on nulo Feb. 15th to Nov.
ISuth. On special occasions faro will
hu $:ir..7u, three days going limit, i
dnvs return limit, Btopovers return
trip only.
Notlco Is hereby given Hint tho un
domlciicd will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, at Us next
icgular meeting January 19th, 1915,
for a trunsior of that certain license
No. SS9, Issued October 10, 1911, by
tho city of Medfoid, Oregon, to O.
M. Solsby, trustee, authorizing him
to sell spltltuuuB, vinous and malt li
quors tn (iiiuiitltlo.i loss than a gal
lon, at his place of business at No.
Ml South Front street, In said city,
for a bftlnnco of tho period of sis
months from Bald October 10, tOl I,
Da to of first publication January
it inir.
Itoportcd tiy JackHoti County Atc
trnct Co,, fllxth nnd Fir Bts
Clicnll Colli I.
TliomnH M F. Kngln vs. Androw
WVIiIIt, MO day extensloii to file bill
of exreptlonH.
KutH MeAndrewM vA. Snlllc C. Fil
ch er, 11 oil co.
TIioh. It.'indlus vs. II. O. McOoCe,
et ul, notice of affidavit mid answer.
Meal Mitnte Trnnsfcrs
Carroll Mc.Mlllen to Mary M.
Mc.Mlllen, land In 38-2W and
In sec. 1-3X-2W ... . $ 10.00
IltiltD Falls Lumber Co. to Ala
N. Mills lot blk VI Ituttu
Fulls 10.00
Win. Hampton t al to Calvin
A. Mcl.emore, mining claim
In H.'CH. 7-S t37 .1W 1.00
I'mtiin Stttvons to David llrown
trncU In .1U.3W A tOO.OO
The F. S. to Andrew Cornish
SiOn In 33-3CIW Patent
C. C. TaclilrRl to .loceph A.
Newell ot xl, pt. .I.I-SC-IW ... 10.00
Cyril i:. IJ. Yeatort et al to Chns
Mrnest Webb, pi. 20-2W. . . 1.00
Iliiujmnln F. Itlddle to Mary K.
Ailnmx, pt. 38-2W 10.00
Milium A. Male et vlr to Dowd
Jeffers lot 2 blk 75 MedfonH 75.00
Win. Wright von der Mellen et
nx to Kdward L. Worthing-
ton, right of way 1,00
Corvallii O. A. C. Ih proud of tho
$100,00 giNiinHluiu with mint com
pletely equipped boxing and wrestling
rooms on the coast.
One ci-nt per word per Issue.
Six luvertlons for price of five.
Fifty cents per line per month
without change.
FOU HMNT Furnished five room
house, cheap. Seo Chns. I). (Jay,
or phono 290-J. 219
FOIt KENT Three room furnished
bungalow close In, pleasant loca
tion. Phone 779-J or call 527 S.
FOIt KENT Six room modern bun
galow, close in, fine rhat'.o, range
connected. Phone 930-X.
FOIt KENT Furnished room reason
able. 1.14 So. Ivy. 252
FOIt KENT Large, pleasant rooms
with heat and bath. $2 and $2.50
per week. 15 North Grape St. 2iC
FOIt KENT Housekeeping and sin
gle rooms, heat, hath, phono free.
223 W. Maiu. 257
FoTTsunslxrgleTeTed Poland
China sows; ntuo thoroughbred
weaned pigs. Jns. Campbell, phone
.Til-It. 253
FOIt SALE -First cluss family cow.
Phone 7-F12. 249
FOU SALE llred sows nnd gilts
from prize winning Muroc Jersey
herd, Jackson county fair: ulto
boars old enough for service and
weanlings. L. M. Houston, one
utile west of Talent, phone 3-F12.
FOU SALE Shouts and pigs. A. W.
Stone, Jacksonville road.
FOU SALE Eight flno cows, three
year old heifers, flno team of work
mares. Nash Livery Parn. Sill
FOU SALE Span work horses,
work 2C00, span work wares,
weight 1700, Molstlen cow giving
40 lbs milk. Cow coming fresh lu
January, Molstlen bulla ono and
two years old, three jearling
calves. 10 fat hogs, 13 brood sows,
will farrow in Docombor and Jan
uary, two lows with pigs, top
buggy, almost now. J. T. Katfer
ty. Toto, Oic. 25S
Itoguo Ulver Vnlloy Fruit Lnnds.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches nud
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Desi
all-the-ycar-round ell mute on' cohsL
Health Kesort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Beaver Itenlty Co., Ashlnuil. Oregon.
A word to thoso who nro coming
bnok. Land for tho past six months
has been hanging at rock bottom
prices. A great denl o( liquidation
hns taken place lu this tlmo. My bus
lness nlono In tho last half of this
year has amounted to nearly $100,000
I beltovo Hie Inst four or five ik'als
I haov made represent absolutely tho
bottom. Land with routal valuo of
$30 an aero will not long remain ut
$200 nu aero. Thera will bo no boom
but laud values will Improve some.
Good roads, litigation, saw-will,
box factory, cheap power, sugar
beets, canning factory, good prices
satlsflod customers, perfect days.
Hurry, seo Medford first and
Uooiu 201, First National Uaul; Uldg.
FOU HUNT Fnrm, very cheap. 100
ncrcs bog proof fenced no ngcntn.
Ilox F. .1. (1 , enro Mnll Tribune.
- r-..-trrit-ss.'ra ascr""rsrrirs .
roit ham: i:aij i:htatk
FOIt SALEA splendid olfar. I will
mall for cash, exchange for drulrnhle
Improved vnlley property, or sell
on long time contract small pay
ment down- or would leano. my
place of about 20 acres, the most
doxlrcble part or Prospect, Oregon,
n grand location for summer ro
sort buiilncss or a beautiful home,
a rnl gem of nature, If you wnnt a
money making proposition of the
famous upper Itogtie river coun
try liettel Investigate. Addrefs S :
S. Aiken, care Mnll Tribune. 248
FOK SALE- My rnnch on Uoss Lane.
WIM consider residence in Mcdford
as part pay. O. Allder. 251
F 6 1 f SAL E- 32 oTcTes fTno ia'nd I n
eastern Colorado, improved, for
land here. O. Allder. 25
FOIt SALE- -At n bargain, a couplf of
second hand autonioblleH in fine
inectiuiilral condition. Crater Luke
Motor Car Co. 249
FOIt SALE Mom-hold goods, first
class wheel. 1021 N. Central. 2 49
FOIt SALE $100.00 organ for $25,
If taken nt oncn. 129 S. Molly.
FOU SALE Six cylinder Stevens
Dnryea, fully equipped, iii-to-dnle
in every respect and In firfct-cla8
condition. Price $2000.00. Ad
diess box C. C, care Mnll Tribune.
FOU SALE-- Loose alfalfa liny; also
two buggies and two hacks. In
quire Nnsh Livery Hum. 271
FOIt SALE Will bo at the public
market Saturday, Jnuuury 9. with
tomo fine Plymouth Hock. Ithode
Island fled and White Leghorn
cockerels. (I, Allder, phone 732
J4. . 248
FOU SALE Alfnlfa hay. O. Allder.
phone 732-J4. 251
FOU SALE Dry fir and pine wood
for sale cheap, write box 05, Itoguo
ntver. Ore. 250
FOU 8ALE Cord wood, seasoned
block oak. Prlcci right. J. Frank
Carson, Hutte Falls, Ore. 249
FOIt SALE Extra dry wood, makes
quick, hot fire. F. Oscnbrugge,
Phono morning 194, Hlvcrsldo S.
FOU SALE DTy wood, under cover,
all kinds and lengths. Valley Fuel
Co. Phonoi7C. 252
FOU SALE Wo have tho names of
partlci who have hlgh-grado cock
erels and pullets for sale. Now is
the tlmo to improve your flocks.
Wo need the broilers later. Med
ford Poultry & Egg Co. 248
FOU SALE Good bicycle cheap, call
144 South Central. 24S
FOU SALE 32 acres, all cleared,
close in, $5000 quick sale. Clark
Uealty Co.
ri'jjrt ..- zn
FOU SALE A good business propo
citlon. Dest money maker In town
for tho capital invested. Wrlto
for price and terms and bo con
vinced. Address box X., care Mall
Tribune. 250
WANTED Ilelglum hares highest
cabh price. Ilert Johnson, 211 X.
Ivy. 249
WANTED Man to run small saw
mill, state wages, send references.
Address 15., care Mall Tribune.
WANTED Position on rauch, com
petent to take charge of orchard
or stock ranch of any kind. Five
years experience In lloguo river or
chards. Good references. A. C.
Mitbon. Medford, Ore. 252
WANTED Married wan wants posi
tion on farm, capable to act ns
foreman, have had two years exper
ience In eastern orchards, llefer
euces given. L. N. Firestone,
Medford, Ore. 24S
WANTED My married man with 15
year's experience, position on ranch
or orchard. Ilox A., care Mall
Tribune. 249
TO TRADE Ono houso and three
lots for a second-handed automo
btlo woll equipped and eoiuo stock.
Give details in first letter. Address
1250-M, caro Mall Tribune. 248
EXCHANGE Want 10 soil or buj
anytUlugT U C Rador. 114 N.
Front St. Employment offtco and
rontals. Phoco 125. Nuff Sed.
FOR EXCHANGE 100 acreo corn
land produclug SO and 90 bushels
per ncre, eastern Iowa, for Im
proved hind horo or good equity
It. M. McChrdy.
TAKEN UP Off tho rango. part
Jersoy cow with calf, branded bar
A on left hip. Owner way have
same by paying for advertising
and keep. J. 1. Plymlro, phono
597-R3. 250
Notary Public
iiri.f.N N Ynf'.ICMY Notary nub
He. Bring your work to me t tb
sl;n of thu Mail Tribune.
Office 42 North Front St. Phoni
815, Prices right. Service guar
Auto Bnpptlea
ro operating tho Inrgoat, oldeit
nnd host equlppod plant tn the Pacific-
northwest, Uso our springs
when others fall, Bold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro,
lnTH5ll 7. NUt.'!.'. IV M P. M PALMY
Attorncyo-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
U, Medrord National think bid.
A. H. UEAMES, LAWYER (larnett-
corfcy Mug.
Win. M. Colvlr. Oeoteo M. Roberts
Medford National Dnnk llulldlng.
Attorneys nt Lnw. Jackson Coun
ty Dank llulldlitg.
inw, room 1, nparia utniiiing, Aieu
ford. Oregon.
DrTaIl MEDOES.Dr. Loulso B.
Hedges Mechntio-Thcrnplits, Chlro
prnctors, Stinndylotheraplsts. These
systems. Including dietetics, curs
tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy,
etc., produce results In both acuta
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Detial & Co., cor
ner Main and Rartlctt. Hours 9
a. tn to 5 p. tn. Other hours by
nppolntiuent. Phone 170.
OR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist Rooms 203-204
205. Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor
baths and iclontlflc massage given;
ticedlo spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice la
dietetics, medlcsl gymnnstlca,
hydroptberapy. Lady attendant.
Pbono, office 543, residence 511-R.
EmpIorracBl Agency
Wo are here to help people get re
liable, competent help, we rur-
nlsh help In almost all lines ot
business. We make a specialty el
competent men and wires tot
ranches. We solicit your patron
age, manor's Real Estato and
Employment tlureau. Rooms 0 aad
7 Palm Dtilldlng. Medford. Phoaa
858. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Manager,
Oarnett-Corey Bldg., aalt Sit
Medford, Ore. Phone 856.
Engineer ami Contractor
FRED X. CUM MINOS- Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garl3K
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good service. Phono 274-L. V.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Malght Piano,
Mrs. Florence Malliday Malght,
voice. Telephone 170-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First class alio-
repairing, on wodern electrla
machines while you wall. E. N.
Blden, located In KIdd'a SUoe Store,
Phouo 313J.
t'liycstiluns one. rnirgoons
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41G-417 Guruutt-Corey
bldg., phone 103C-L. Residence
20 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Oarnott-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR, J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practico limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyoa scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Offico 223 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to I p, &
B. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jaclc
sou County Bank bldg. Otftta
phono 43-R; resldonce pbono 58-R.
clan and surgeon. Offico Paca
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phouo 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANOY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, offico 311, resi
dence 724-J. Oftlco hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclax
and surgeon,
Practice limited to . diseases of
women. Ofiiccb 232 E. Main.
Phones, residence, 814-J2; offlca
R. J. CONROY, M. D. PhyBlctan aad
Surgeon. Over HutchUuu & Luma
deu, 215 E Main St. Phone 77.
IHt. IA'7)IA S. DOW Osteopathlo
physician, practico limited to ob
stetrics and disomies ot women and
children. Offices 3 and 4, St.
Marks block, hours 1 to 5 p. m.
Phouo. 100. Res, tho Dow Hospi
tal, Central Point.
DR. MCM. M. DOW Physician and
surgeon, obstetrics and surgery,
offices 3 and 4 St. Marks block.
Hours 9 to 12. Phone 100. Resi
dence, the Dow Hospital, Central
Pi inters and PtiltUMiem
best equipped printing offle la
southern Orocen: book blHdlag.
InosQ leaf tfldgors, hilling systeiM,
etc. rortiaud yiWM- '
Fir HU
r 1
ilj jj