Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I V
Tim fiillnwlnc Intnrvlnw with MIhh
Mm Inn 'I'(pwih) of I'liouitlx, mprt'iioii
I nihil (tli'i'l from .liirknini county,
written by tliu mili-nlHtor artist or
Portland Ori'Roiilaii, iippmuit In tlio
Wodiwsdny Iwiilo of tliul paptir:
"Ami illil you Id hi all llm buhlns of
possllilo votnni " I nsliod Dm only
woman nloctml loid'lator In Oregon.
"I illil not," nlio calmly said.
"Unities cnu'l volo,"
"Woll, you ituioly pnilxint tho rook
liiK of their ninthi'm?" I Insisted, tot ti
to not, tumtilliiK all my Illusions of
(tin vuto-Ki'ttor,
"I illil not." Tlio only unman Iok
Inlntor rlmplt'd (no, nlio Iiiih n rim
pli) ninl niulluil widely. "I illil not
lirnlnj tlirlr fooil, for I wasn't iihIuhI
to stay for illumir. Instead, tlio
liounowlfo iiHtinlly latched tlio screen
door itml I tolil liur thimiKh Itit mosh
tia that 1 unit sookliiK officii. The
only piomlnn I nmilo In my enllro
rnmpnlnn In n dnnrbell for every
home where I calloused my Knuckles
iiipplius on the iloor, Other than thin
1 innilo no pioniiiU'H, hut hnlanceil
myself no nicely on the foure that I
became afraid 'Id never ho able to
express an opinion attain. "
Itntli Delay Interview,
Him Imil boon Into for the Interview,
had tliM pocket edition of law and
order. Over the telephone n cool,
tiupcrturtied voire with n ilrllcloun
note of )oiiTttii-rtin-ntvnylfyoitwant
toldon'trnro hod told ran that even
If The OivKonlrm didn't go to press
Marlon II. Towne wait having n ipliiHh
In her lull and tlio affairs of ntnto
could ko hani; until sho wait finished,
Kn I cooled my heels In the Itonson
I Intel lobby and waited for tlio great,
IiIk, hunk)', maiirullue, short-haired,
hobnail-booted, khakl-clad hrutu to
cotiio on down,
And out of tlio elevator, In Just
:xactly the fho iiiluuten Rhe had said
nhe'd lie, there floated the dearest
rrnrt of a little Klrl, one of the cuddly
kind who retime to he cuddled, with
rinnrl clicking IiooIh that tried to add
an Inch to her exact five feet height,
and a frock that would make the
when of nome of thono li'KlHlntom
turn aiound twice to view. Whatever
nlio may have InMdo her head I had
jet to find out, hut the outnldu of
It plrnwd mo mightily. Irish oyos,
an horltaKe, has Marian Towne, bin,
dunky r.recn unafraid ec, with thick
up'curled lashes that look like
nmudKo. And loads of hnlr, worn
Mmply In thick tolls ahout her well
poised little head, and matting n soft
frnmo for her plijunnt fact). From
her Houthern mother alio hait n soft,
enressliiK voice and h fascination
itinlln to help It out. r.ven at tlio
mlnutu I Haw her, before nlio nlionk
hands llko n man with all her 103
pound strength back of It, I Haw all
of her liltlit heltiK pnhNed with nil tlio
other nil legislators doing (ho AN
She Hat No IVt 11111m.
Hho han tin pat' projrrttt or bill
of her own, hIio says, but mIio Is In
tcnucly Interested In all tlio leKlsin
lion alone inornl and cducatlonnl
"Thorn oro certain things miioiik
them," hIio nays, "which will never
ho doun unless womon do them. Our
oduratlonal Hyslotn Ik no poor In Ore
kou, Wo rank Just nbovo (ho South
era states, and thoro tlto percentage
of Illiteracy Ih very Kreat. It kooiiis
titraiiKo that our lawmakers will re
fnso to aeo that u splendid school
iiyslom will he one of tlio Krontest
uttrnctloim to hrliiK peoplo to Oregon
to locate piirmaueutly.
"Ono of tlio funniest phnHos that
ban doNolopcd In this campaign Ih
that nftor all tlioso yoam of mau'a
legislation, they think that onu
'woman will royolutlonlxii tlio ciitiro
lawmnklni' machinery, No ono woman
ran do what la oxpuctod of her, but
hIio ran ht) an nptmliiR wedgo. I want
to bo n weiH'e."
Minn Towno niadi) n hoiiHo-to-hoiiHo
campaign, vlsltlnu; threo-rmirthn of
tlio homoH In the Itouuo Itlvor valley.
"I worked with womon, and thoy
helped mo moHt. Naturally, If I mot
a man, I recognized that ho also had
a vote. 1'vo anaoclntod with ntoii u
groat iloal all my life, and In uplto of
It I Ht 111 have qulto a profound rou
pect for thorn."
Political Ambitions,
"1 don't want people to not tlio
Idea that I think I hnvo a political
future," went on the only latly log
Inlator, "but woll I llko to look for
ward. Tho tloslro to havo n hand In
making; the lawH camo to mo junt as
It ilooH to men offlcO'HOokoro. 1 had
nlwnyH been Helf-oupportlm?, and III
tho yonm I worked n tlio courtbouRp
I Raw a reat many doforta In tlio law
and tho lawmaking Hyutom.
"Aftor I had completed my lnw
coiiiho at tho University of MIolilKan
I heard the call utronRor than over.
And now I Hhnll not rout until I roaU
Jzo ono of nip two blu, doflnlto (-
Ex-Councilman Mitchell
Discusses New Charter
o tlio I'lihlic:
I doii'l prclcud lo know ('vcrytliinaljoul city clinrlcrH.
.So fur iih I cnii hcc, however, Hie new charier in not only
Jill I'Mif, hill decidedly good. I can nee place al'ler place,
I'or e.Miinple, where Iho poor iiian and properly owner is
henel'ifed. h'or inslance, if deliiiiiienl in his aKseHSiiienls,
he caimol. have a ecrlil'ieale of deliii(iiency issued against
him milil six nionlhs (under (he present charier he can
in len days,), and if it is issued he does not havo lo pay 10
per cent, as under f lie old charter, hut 12. Also, under on
present charier a majority oi' lite council can order pave
ment or water or sewer into a street against the protest
of a majority or all of the property owners. Under (he
new charter, if a hare majority of tho property owners
protest it can only he ordered by the unanimous vole of
all seven direcloi's.
Then look at those excellent provisions about fran
ehi.Mes and see how (hu people of the city are protected all
along the Hue.
furthermore, I think any sensible business man ought
lo h salisfied with the fact, which cannot be disputed,
that every city in the United Stales that has adopted such
a charter has found it works first class and with a real
saving in expenses. That's enough for me.
hltloiiH, to bu either a proNC-cutlng at
torney or a Juvenile court JuiIko."
Minn Towno unyn that durluu her
cnmpalKi) nlio talked montly about un
ueceHMary Inwn and freak IvKlilatlou,
"I told tho people I would coino up
horo ami prevent all I rould of It.
And a few lawt will find mu on tho
ncloutlflc bookit until hu Iiiih con
pulsory education law Ih not nuffl
rliuitly utrlctly enforced. I Hhnll put
In my weo oar there durliiK my 10
day In tho npotll:ht."
The Honorable Marian Towno bar;
a mIxHi M'Iim. It U bur rare "lllunil
uatliiK" nennu of humor. She readn
ncloutlflc hook until nuh haH con
ccntratotl, till nbo'it ciniy, he uny.i,
and then Kotm on a fiction Hprco, with
worm than l.auro Jean l.lbbya worst.
Her youiiKtmt ambition waa to bo a
bareback circuit rider, and even now
lllackHtouo koch cnrvnnliiK out of her
I'orlla-llko head when tho fan fare of
tho circuit IiukIom round. Khu In her
own itlonnsrapbtir, but nayn nho can
never hope to be really famoun be
caumi nowhere In her bloKraphy can
nho write, "At tho ago of bo-anil-no
she laiiRbt tho vHlae nrhool."
.Vol it HouHektvei"
J)hn can danr, but Ihlnktt Ih'n leK
Ixlaturo ran worry alone without kco.
Iiik her tin It, nnd nho can mako won
tlcrful mayonnnlFo dremiltiK. Her
culinary nccompllnbmcntH bruin nnd
end with the mayonnalne. Neither
can alio npln. Her nolo piece do ro
nlnlnucit with tho nevdlo Is a pair of
pillow nllpn,
"llouKckecptni; nnd hnmumakltiK
rlKbtly performed Ih one of tho great
ml fltdda for women," opine the lady
k'Klnlator, "but no women can bo ft
Mliw Towno linn made her own way
and ban financed her own ventured.
"Oh, tho nthico that catun In after
my election," Mm laiiKbed, bh iho rc-
calld It. "Do thin," nayn Homeouo,
hecaiuo Homoonu cdxo tlocn It.' "1
won't' nayn I, 'The portion who uoeu
forward In the ono who docs thliiK"
nomenuo olo hnau't done.' 1 will
need a lot of uihlco nlotiK tho lino of
procedure, but when It comcit to how
I'll volo or my attitude on different
bllln, I'll net uloni? by myself, and
nicely, thank you."
Harati Margaret Stuckey who died
nt tho resldeuro of Iter daughter, Mm.
8. C, Oeorne near Medford Dec. tl wuh
Interred at her former homo, I.athrop,
Mo, She wnn the daughter of Sam
uul H. anil Anna Silver Stuckey, waa
born at Xnplur, iledford county, l'a.,
March 7tb, 1S33, where hIio lived
until her murrlaKo on March I Ht.
18R.1, to Ilryant Wolnlt of Wyandotte,
Ohio. They lived In Ohio two years
and then moved to Altoona, 111,, and
from (bat placo wont to f.nthrop, Mo,
w thoy nrrlvod March 30th, 18t?7,
and whoro tho greater part of tholr
niaturo liven wan apent.
In November, 1901, thoy establish.,
oil a now homo nt Apacho, Okln
whoro her husband tllod April 19,
I90G. HIio romaluod In Apncho until
April 1911, when hIio camo with hor
daughter, Margarot, and family to
Hho Is survived by ono brother,
Samuel Clay Stuckoy, now living In
Dnyton, Ore,, and by hovoh of hor
eight children, Mm, Allco llollor of
Apacho, Okla,,'Mrs. .Innnlo W, Thomp
son, of Ilagormnn, N, M., Mrs, Anna
W. Ilrowno of Kansan City, Ooorgo S.
WoIhIi of I.nwtou, Okla,, Harry M.
Welsh of I.nwtou, Okla., Albert 0
Welsh of Uthrop, Mo., Mrs. S. 0.&ft$rL1&
(loot-go of Medford, Oro. you sy Jack Koblnson out cornea tho
I . urn v la AHII I
I'mdiyteiiau Chinch
Tho mooting tonight at tho Pres
bytorlan church Is led by tho Y, P,
8. 0. 13, Thp subject, Colleges, Unl
vcrnltloB and tho Young People. Thin
ts tho wook of prayor, All aro tuvitod,
Kncoiirago tho young poopla by bo
ing nut to this Rorvieo, Communion
Sunday tit 11 it, m.
-- i -z t-
Tho high school intent wero given
out to tin? membern of tho football
Imuii Thursday morning. All tho
boys but ono made nimw.-cIioh and
when ho wuh called upon to mako his
ho Hindu a lino plunge off tho plat
form. All of tho boys but two woro
thero to receive them.
Walter Ilrowu has returned to
,Tho line-up for tho Grants Pass
Medford banket ball game Ik an fol fel fol
eows: llimrom, center; Thomas
Williamson, foi wards; lelouzoCow
glll, guards. Hotli teams aro strong
and n fast gamo Is expected, npeclnl
care will bo taken to have tho build
ing warm. ,
A number of northern basket ball
teams will play tho high school In
the near future.
Chnrlori Prim, n grndunto of 1913,
visited the high school Wednesday.
The bo) n basket ball team will play
Talent a week from l'rltlay.
IIItl'.SHKI.S, Jan. S, via London,
10;03 p. m.- "If the United States
had not romo to our aid, It would
havo meant starvation for most of
un," said Alfred Xerlnex, provisional
burgomaster of l.ouvnln, to tho Asso
ciated Press today. "Wo aro willing
to work, but wo cannot when tho
doom are cloned to exports. Wo can
not buy food, oven If wo havo tho
money, when tho doors nro closed to
Imports. It Is no fault of ours It wo
starve, heed us now nnd wo shall
pay you back In Industry when tho
war Is over.
"Wo aro paying back now In grati
tude for tho lives America hns saved
gratitude which will endure as
proof that human affection la stron
ger thnu any treaty alliance.
"Hero In tho midst of tho ruins of
my town, I do not lose heart. I know
wo shall rebuild It all It only wo can
havo footl to keep us ullvo. Tho
most powerful army In tlio world
cannot tuutonlro Ilolglum, but Amer
ica nrtned with broad, la Americaniz
ing Ilolglum. My worst fount nro
that thoro will bo bread riots It tho
rollof stops."
IMixitiiti! - t....
fltt n sninll psckngo of llamhurf
TUrnst Ten, or n the Grrtnsn folks
call It, "Hamburger limit Tliee'al any
pharmacy. T.iko a tAblrspoonfttl of tho
(ca, put a cup of Killing water upon
it, pour through a alcvo and drink n
teitciip lull at any time during tho
day or before retiring. It is tho most
tUectlvo way to break u cold and euro
(Trip, its it opens tlio pores of tho skin,
rcllovlng congrstlon. Alio loosens tho
bowels, thus brooking up a cold,
'l'rv it tlio next time you suffer from
n rold or tho grip. It is inoxpctiilvo
and entirely vegetable, therefore en fa
and hanuUtM.
Rub SoreneM from jolnU and mosclea
with a small trial bottle or
old St. Jacobs Oil
Btop "dosing'' Itlirumntisin.
It's pain onlyi not ono man in fifty
requires internal treatment. iuto aooin
rbcumatio n!n. "St. Jacob's Oil" U
a harmless rhcumatUm cure which never
disappoints-and doesn't burn tlio skin. It
take iain, sorenrus and atltTnoM from
nolilng" Joints, musoles and bones stops
sciatica, lumbsgo, backaebe, neuralgia,
1 Limber up I Oct iv 25 cent bottlo
of old-tlmo, honret "St, Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and in a moment
you'll bo freo from pains, uckes and
stlffncBS. Don't sulTcrl Hub r!iouiim
Um away,
To Tho I'Jtlller:
Tho ,11m Hill method of coining
Southwestern Minnesota, Northwost
orn Iowa nnd southeast corner of
Houth Dakota was to grant to settlor
tho iio of 1C0 acres of land. The
railroad would build a little house,
barn and n shed with a nmnll granary,
dig a woll nnd put In a wheel and
bucket, nnd fence the houso and barn.
Tho house nnd buildings wore group
ed nuar tho center of tho section,
malting four hours In each group.
Tlio Iden of this wan to have neigh
borH near nnd lo create rivalry be
tween carli group, thug securing bet
ter resuItB. Tho terms of tho grant
of the laud to these (ononis was tho
free uso with an option to purchase
within five years at not to exceed a
certain price set nt tho beginning of
tho lease, Tho total terms of tho
leaso and option being eight yearn,
Tho price being net at tho beginning
of tho term thun giving tho tenant
tho benefit of his Improvements nnd
tho benefit of tho increment on the
If some of our largo land owners
would adopt romo such plan with
their unused laudn permitting tho use
of tho Innd for beets as tho monoy
crop, It would help greatly In getting
the needed acreage for the beet fac
tory. Tho ditch company could forward
their water sales by n similar plnn.
This plan settled three stntcs In n
very few years with a contented
people. It will do tho sntno here,
provided a suro money crop llko beets
aro grown. Thono men grow gralu
hs their money crop.
Don't scold jour fretful, peovlsh
child. Keo If tongue is coated; thin
Is a sure sign Its stomnch, liver and
bowels aro clogged with sour waste,
When listless, palo, fovcrlsh, full
of cold, breath bad, throat tore,
doesn't eat, sleep or net naturally,
has stomnch-acho, indigestion, diarr
hoea, glvo a teaspoonful of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs," and In n few
hours nil tho foul waste, tho Four bllo
ami formented food passes out of tho
bowels nnd jou havo n well and play
ful child again. Children love this
harmless "fruit laxative," and moth
era can rest ensy after giving It, be
cauco It never fails to mako their
little "insides" clean nnd sweet.
Keep It hnndy, Mother! A Uttlo
given today saves a sick child tomor
row, but get tho genuine Ask your
drugglht for a 50-cont bottlo of "Cal
ifornia Syrup of Figs," which has di
rections for babies, children of all
ages and for grown ups plainly on
tho bottlo. Uomombor there aro coun
terfeits sqld hero, so surely look and
seo that youra Is mado by tho "Cal
ifornia Fin Syrup Company." Hand
back with contempt any other fig
syrup. Adv
TMtj iwtvl ! if In i Qn I it vtl n n.rtt Itirv
dnnco nt St. Mark's Halt will bo given
Next Saturay Evening,
January 9th
To provo to you tbnt wo hellevo
tn tho princtplo of Uvo and lot Iho
wo nro going to glvo you a dnnco
nt Go por miuibor nnd this with throo
first clnsa orehestrn players, violin,
cornot nnd piano.
Largo llrown Tuxl or llupmobllos.
Direct trips any plnco on pnvomont,
2 Bo onch for ono or two pastiongers,
lfo for each additional passougor.
Sovon Pnssongor Cars
Ono passenger CO cents
No clmrgo for socond pnssen'gijr,
IPc for each additional pnssongor.
Spoctnl rates for aliopplug or when
standing tlmo is roqulrod,
1'Mnoly equipped cnr3. Kxporloncod
$1,250,000 PI
(llllllngH, Mont Tribune.)
Ono million, (hroo liundrcd nnd
slxtyflvo thousand dollars in round
figured wan paid out In tho Hillings
district by the Hillings Kugar com
pany this nenson, according to nn an
nouncement mado by President W. 8.
Oarnsey last n'ght at the close of tho
l!iH cnmpnlRU
Order Sunkist Lemons, too. Use
their juice for snlads and in otlicr difehes
that usually call for vinegar.
Lemon juice is more healthful more
of it should bo used ntthis season of the
year. Note the added delicacy of flavor.
Send coupon For Premium Litt thowing thU
and 45 othtr Win. Roger Siloer Premium
W entrant
y & to
Tho company flnlsliod Iho (dicing
of boetK nt ";30 Friday morning, and
romfdrtcd lis campnlRn by runnliiK
the lant sugar into Iho sacks nt mid
night lant night.
ileet pnymonla accounto for np
proxlmatoly fl, 200,000 of tho total
paid out by tho company during tho
K"nson, and tho wtlnry Hit for tlio re
mainder. It wns iiittiounred that tho compnny
will keep about 120 man nt work,
overhauling the plant and pittttnK it
In shnpo for next year's cam pit Inn.
Thfo men will work straight through
until tho factory resumos active
operations In th fall of 191." About
"00 men will be laid off. but at most
of them havo saved n snug share of
their wages they nro nb!e to face Iho
wlntrr with equanimity. Many of
Famous California
Seedless Navel Oranges
Fully Ripe and Delicious
Now you can have these famou3 seedless
navel oranges at any first-class grocer's or fruit
dealer's store. An abundant supply fresh from
the trees has just arrived from California.)
Telephone your dealer now order today. jf
Frce-peelintr, seedless, firm and tender healthful y
food for every day. "
Sunkist Lemons
Sunkist Lemons taste best and look cilicACO
best on the table. Serve sliced or , wiin.uiicOTroa.iw.wtii
quartered with fish, meats or tea.m.E KSif.U7n7'i5u3
When buying either fralt iusltt S v1X X$fl&?23& VS
en iuntist and savo both K s"Xli?l?&&
orange and lemon wrappers for ii uu juiMwuluMntwa.
beautiful silver preraluras. .,
n I Mm Sllctr. Wm wfaitJ trill
wilt if nt latiifmtory in tvmry vy.
The First Two Cars
Large, Sweet, Juicy
Sunkist Oranges
Have Just Arrived
them nro ranchora and fnrm-hnnds of
the IlIHIngH district.
The Jillllngft Suear company has nit
tho seed stored hero now that will bo
needed for tho 101C plnntlnffV no
cordlnjt to Presldont OarnaoV.
Mr. Otirnnoy sold tho IIIIHnRH plant
Iirk not received nny of tho 80,000
seeks of sugar boot Boed which wnn
rrmntly purchased In Kuropo nnd
brotiqht ovor to Amorlru by Vlco
Prwldent Ptrl!(4n of tho-tircnt Won-
tern Sugar oompnny.
Attention A. I & A. M.
thte ovonlng nt 8 p. m. Work
i 7 V
in the F, C, degree. 1M8"
Special communication
With Medford trntio ts Mrdford mado
f Cllfonl
J? Fruit Crwl
jr ElCftMt.