Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tim UrnntH Pnic nut! Moilfonl high
gelioc-l banket "nil teams will may n
j-niuontthc Valutoriiini Friday nlnht.
Contests between two ulrl's tcnpis lo
also boln$ nrrnnKrd. .Tnnunry 27tli
the Mull school team will Journey to
Klamath Fails to piny In Hint city.
"The Master Key," In Its second
Installment drew n Reed crowd nt tlio
Page Theater Wednesday night. Tlio
first 100 adults wore Admitted free,
and llila proved a pood drawing card,
over L'OO lining tip In front of tlio
box office. The serial number will
be repented Mils evening.
A. 8. Amos of Tnlont wns a busi
ness visitor In tlio city Wednesday uf
tornoon. The'ro will bo a public meeting nt
tlio Parish ball of the Catholic church
tonfglit to dinettes tlio new charter.
The public Is Invited. All qucsttons.
Instructions In dancing, smalt ball
Natatorlum, every night, 7 to 10 p.
m. 249
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Itadcr of Talent
spent 'WcUnesdny afternoon In Mod
ford attending to business matters
and visiting friends.
James Henry of Grants Pass was
n business visitor In Medford on
Wednesday nftcrnoon.
J, C. Grubb of tho Applegnto spent
Wednesday In Medford attending to
buslnecH mutton.
Sco Davo Wood about that flro In
nuranco policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno
8. S. Itullis. owner at several pro
motion propositions In the Roguo riv
er valley will return this week from
a business trip to. Xcw York and oth
er eastern points.
By keeping everlastingly at It
brings success This applies to
everything, more especially to poultry
raising. Wo need It. We have, the
market for It. Medford Poultry &
KggCo. 2 IS
Ralph Balcom, n etudent of the
University, of California who Is
pending tho holldnys in this city vis
iting friends and rolntlvcs will re
turn to bis studies the end of the
Fresh fish, oysters and clams at
Medford Fish and Puoltry Market
It, Roberta of tho Central Point dis
trict spent Wednesday nftcrnoon in
Medford nttouding to business mat
tors. Pldro your mngazlno club sub
scriptions with Sparta Cigar Store.
A. n. William and family who
havo btMjn in Reno, Nevada, for the
last six months returned to Medford
Wednesday, and will mako their homo
In this city in tho future Mr. Wil
liams soya that taken up ono sido and
down tho other Medford is better off
ban any city of Its size on the Pa
cific coast.
Sweet elder at Do Voo's.
Attorney Gus Newbury attended lo
professional matters in Jacksonville
Kodak finishing nnd supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
J. C. Pendleton of Tnblo Rock at
tended to business matters in the
city Wednesday afternoon.
Relglnn hares and dressed poultry
nt tho Medford Fish nnd Poultry
Tho Rov. W. 1). Hamilton was a
Grants Paso visitor Wednesday.
Why walk when you can rldo for
lDc to any part of tho city. Ford
Taxi. Call AIco S82R.
Carl Mordorff has returned from
tho Who Lndgo district whero ho did
assessment work on mining claims ho
Tho finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
Tho Komi-annual examinations for
tho eighth grndo will bo hold, under
tho supervision of County Superin
tendent Wells next week. Kvory
grammar school In tho county will
take tho examinations, and will last
for n couplo of days.
Kodak finishing tho best, nt Wes
ton's Cnmcio Shop, Over IeIs Thea
ter. Tho local talent vaudeville at the
Star Thentor Wednesday night mot
with hoarty approval, and was above
tho average In merit. Miss Ione
FJynn appeared In sovernl violin
number, Cousin Mlttloburgor In
songs and Karl Runner and Jack
Barry In character work.
Got It at Uo Voo's.
J. H. Kgau of Salem is among tho
o.ut of town visitors in tho city this
palm rooms, now management,
light, airy rooms, rcusounblo rates.
Goorgla Klchor. sco
Tho condition of Mrs. Alan Brack
Inrocd, well known In social circles
who was operated upon for appendi
citis, shows a stoady Improvement.
Try a quart of. our guaranteed
puro sanitary milk, Phono 582-W,
A charier muoting will bo held nt
the Catholic- church this evening
wheu explanation or tho workings of
(he proposed new charter will be
HubmUjod by J)oi Sheldon and
Attorney II, It. McCnbo was a pro
resRlonal visitor In Jacksonville
Vcdnesday. '
W, T. Kinney of Lake, creek spent
Wednesday In" Medford attending to
business mntters.
J. 0. Gerklng, tho best all around
photographer In southern Orccon.
Always reliable. Negatives mado any-
wnerc, tlmo or place. Studio 528
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Tho annual meeting or the stock
holders or tho Hoke cannery will bo
held next Monday, when dividends
amounting to jnoo will bo paid to
stockholder. Tho report of Mann
gor R. IK Hoka will also bo rend.
Tho cannery mado a good showing
upon Its first year's operation. When
first started It received tho dlsnp.
proval' of many or tho city's most
sterling knockers ns being Impracti
cal. Tho report ot Police Judge Charles
Gay, for December, shows that but
$1.30 vnsVatd out by tho city for
meals to transients, but that many
were given shelter for tho night.
Monday night but ono man asked for
shelter In tho city Jail, the lowest in
months. Three applied Wednesdny
night. North nnd southbound travel
of transients has shown n decided
falling off slnco tho holldnys.
Tho city intake Is full to the flood
point duo to tho heavy rains and
snows In the mountains the last ten
daysr nnd much water Is going to
waste, which will, bo needed next
summer. Mayor Piirdin, In bis an
nual report, recommends that somo
step bo taken to conserve tho supply.
A. A. Flynn of the Roguo River
Public Service corporation at Gold
Hill, has returned to that city after
spending a few days In this city on
Get your butter, cream, milk nnd
butter-milk, nt Do Voo'.
Last fall a man and woman passed
through this city and left n trail or
bad cbecka behind them. Tho man
In this case, who had many aliases,
but whoso real name Is believed to
havo been Anderson, was killed in an
auto accident near San Francisco
during tho Christinas week, and the
local authorities lol!ove ho operated
In this city. Ills Identity was clouded
In mystery tor a few days, but letters
found In his trunk revealed his life.
They showed that he had. with his fe
male companion, been In southern
Oregon and northern California.
Arthur Rose, concrete inspector for
tho Siskiyou division or tho PacUlc
highway, nnd wlfo havo returned . to
construction headquarters after vis
iting friends and relatives In this city
for a few dnys.
Mrs. h. E. Enyart and niece, Miss
Ireno Plotner, have returned from a
visit with friends and relatives at
Roguo river valley celery Is bolng
sold on tho local market for 75 cents
per dozen bunches. California grown
celery, much Inferior In quality, is
not finding a ready market.
Tuesday Superintendent Stoddard
of tho CalKornla-Oregon Power com
pany acted as host to a party of Med
ford citizens Including several mem
bers of tho city council in a visit
to tho power plant of tho Rogue River
Public Service corporation ,at Gold
Hill, Superintendent Dodge, who has
charge of tho work, showing tho vis
itors, except tho host who remained
with his automobile, over tho works,
and explained to tbem -the character
of tho work under way and what
would be necessary to Install an addi
tional unit of 2000 horsepower to
take care or the Mcdtord contract foi
furnishing current to tho city at
wholesale rates, the city to becomo
tho distributing agont, should tho
contract bo awarded to tho new co'm
pany. Rain, that means dollars to the
farmers und fruitgrowers Is falling
over the valley today, nnd tho weath
er forecast is for a continued wet
spoil. Tho ground was dry for tho
wlntor tlmo, nnd tho present precip
itation will bo a boon to fall planted
grain, and pavo the way for Ideal
spring plowing conditions.
County Commissioner Frnnk II.
Mnddou this morning sold by wire lo
Chicago firms, 10,000 cases of sal
mon packed by the Hanloy &. Maddon
Alaska canneries In which ho Is In
terested. Tho salo amounts lo 20
carloads. Some of the shipment in
tho course or tlmo will rind Its way
Into tho armed camps and war bound
countries or Europe,
A transient giving the name or I.o
Clair was arrested by tho pollco on
Wednesday afternoon on a charge or
stealing a hoso und a lawn mower
from tho residence district. Accord
ing to tho pollco Lo Clair disponed or
tho articles to a second hand storo,
and vas arrested through records
kept by Kadi brotlioi. Ho will bo
given a trial thli afternoon.
A lingo boot Ik on display In tho
Nash Hotel, Tho tuber was raised
in tho Ross Lane district. Accord
ing to W. It. Coleman, when ho wns
a boy sugar beets wore raised in this
section as cow teed, and that they
will grow profusely in any section,
but particularly on Dear creek bot
tom land.
A (Jowl Rcsoliltloit,
To help build up Medford payrolls
by smoking Governor Johnson or
Mt, Pitt cigars,
Mr. l'niinic McN'ulty, convicted oi
forgery in signing the numo ot Mr.
Snrnli Collins to n certificate ot tie
ioit on tlie .liiekhim I'niinh b.uik for
?:tS0 lat July, wns iolcu.od lroin
tho enmity jail litis ntorniinr b Or-,
cnit Judge 1'. M. Calkin, b uttuci
of n conditional pardon granted bv
Governor Wet. .Mr. McXullv left I
this moiuing for the north.
The ease wns one of the most pc
ctilmr in the iniimls of ,liickoii
county, nnd aside from the mine it
belt', was featured by the deep inter, mnniriMcd bv ilie sheriffs of
fice in their feminine prisoner, their
effort, instead of bcitur or
for the prosecution, being dim ted
towards creating sentiment for the
The recorder's office Is preparing
the ballots for tho city election, Tues
day, January 12. There will bo two
party designations thcieou. The so
cialist candidates will be known by
that named. Tho ticket headed by
Councilman V. J. Emerick tor mayor,
and unofficially called the stand-still
ticket, will appear ns "Independent."
Tho ticket headed by C. E. Gntes ror
mayor, will bo undesignated.
The chlct Interest to date has been
centered in the city charter ami sen
timent in Its favor Is steadily grow
ing particularly in tlio residence dis
trict. Lieutenants or tho lending
toes or tho charter nro busy on street
corners campaigning.
( Con t Untied from Page 1.)
ror even n few weeks will carry' pigs
through in nee shape and they will
be ready to run off the following fall
just when the price ranges tho high
est, n very Important consideration.
A mill Together
All ot us take prido in tho way tho
Roguo River valley hns always pull
ed together, accomplishing moro.thnn
any part ot the stato in develop
ment, nnd now the only way to keep
things moving nnd to uaintnln tho
land values which our ellmato and
general conditions warrant Is to di
versify the output nnd avoid tho re
sults or a single crop condition. Tile
sugar beet will get us all out ot Gio
wilderness In my opinion. It wo n.s
stst these gentlemen In establishing
themselves hero by signing up enough
land to Justify them in making tho
investment in factory, etc. It is very
different from some bonus proposi
tion which would enrich somo pro
moter, and will do moro to bring
about diversified fanning and glvo tho
cow, the chicken and pig a show in
schomo of farming economy than any
one dreams of who has not given tho
matter attention. I. W. THOMAS.
(Continued from I'nae 1.)
by Persians, they have
d ' !i
Russians. (
fi'crmnus Xonr Wnrau
In Poland tho (Icrmiifis
lire near Warsaw and tliuic in little
alteration in (he battle front extend
ing from tlio Ilaltie to the O'nrputh
ius. The tisinns t-ccin to be still
concentrating their main effort in the
Cnrimthiaii pusses. At the sitme time
1 1 1 e me continuing a vigorous of
fensive in Riikowiiia. Tho occupation
of this Austrian territory, poiiulated
jib it is largely by ItiimiiuiaiiH, mav
soon exert, in tho opinion of Ilritinb
observers, u powerful influence
throughout Kurope its bringing the
Imlkun situation to a head.
KOU 8AI.K 8x cylinder " Slovens.
Uuryea, fully equipped, up-to-date
In every respect and In first-class
condition. Price J2000.00. Ad
drebB box C. C, earo Mall Trlbuno
. 252
Glasses Rollovo tho Strain and
Ho Knows Ho iv
Suite 1-2 Over Deuel's
8, & II, Grcon Trading Slumps nivon
1 mK"1 iB
in nritKXO m x 5 v" im
M,rutt!tSnow 7tilr In ZoJwa.
1 lunhoutcr't ClcMnt i'holorlar
The laue audience nt the Page Inst
evening wore especially well pleased
with tlio program. Seven reels of
pictures were given and of siuili it,
character wflh such prominent actors
ns to give univerKtil satisfaction, The
mit thrilling and inleiv-tiiig part of
the program wns the third episode of
the ".Muster Key." This gtcat serial
has certainly caiijjht the crowd, n
was well attested hist evening. This
fascinating story enrric with iis
thrill mid excitement a clean hiiiiuiu
interest pleasing to all. Clco .Madi
son mid Geoigu l.arkiu, the uelj
known "Trey o lleurtsv Mars, tip
jH'ared in a clever vomudy, "The Ad
ventures of tho Nimble Dollar," a
pleasing fable of pio.seut Ibv business
activity. Also a splendid Geld Seal
two-part story with Grace Citunrd
nnd l'mneU Ford, entitled. "The Dis
trict Attorney's Urotlier," nud two
other good one-reel pictures.
The I'ttgc theater orchestra pre
sented its usual fine program. Peo
ple vtho are fond of, musk- always en
joy the splendid musical program ut
the I'nge. ,
SALK.M", .Jim. 7. - Governor Wil
this nftciuoou revoked tlo appoint
iiiiuit of MisK lCntlieriiic llhrk of
fllcuduic wr- state M'iMlor ' fill a
vacancy in. )oi;pki w.imiv,"uid call
ed a spcrlriLciiiionor-, January -"
A majority '.ot lv' lui'inbqm of ibo
state seimc lind l,fi;l Hint they
would iin. uoiti ihntlif dtHiiul'tient.
, i ' I,.,
Poultry llufscnC
ir vou are Interested in poultry
raising write to Jos. A Arnold, edi
tor nud elder or Division or Publica
tion, WahliiKtou, I). (' . who will
Kcnd you pamphlet m poultry rais
ing rreo.
(Jot a 1 0-cent box.
Colds wMiother In tho hem! or nny
part of tho bod are quickly over
come by urglnK the, lfver to action
and Keeping the bowels tree or poison.
Tnko Cnscarots tonight nnd you will
wako up with a clear head and no
doubt you will wonder what became
ot your cold. Cascarots work whllo
you sleep; thev cleanse and regulato
tho stomach, n-movo the sour, undi
gested rood and foul gnsos; tnko tho
oxcosh bllo from the liver and carry
off the constipated waste matter and
poison from the bowels.
Remember the quickest way to get
rid or colds Is ono or two CascaiotH
at night to cloanso tho system, (let
a 10-cont box nt any drug store.
Don't forget the children. They rel
ish this Candy Cathartic ami It is
often all that Is needed to drlvo u
cold from .their little systems.
Paid Adv.
Done by
Expert Workman
Anil Guaranteed
212 East Main St. Phone 10
lail life and jail line is agreeing
with I.oih Mm tin, held in the cil
jail licensed of the ln,iug of lliiuiO
Warden A. S. lliiblmiil, lusl iVetnn
her. lie is gitining weight. This is
not siirpilsiig, for uioM of his life
ha heeii spent in the ioioun ever
eiso of trnnlpiiii; over siinw-elnd hills
attending lo ItiH widely senlteicd
tups. His detention is a lost. Ap
parently Mnrlln is not worrying over
the outcome i' his trial. His plea
will be self-defense. Aim tin is u
great favorile with his fellow pris
oners, lie has u bank account und
is able to buy tidbits not on the jail
bill of fme, such ns sugiti;.
(Conttlnued riom Page 1.)
to this depot (incut bv Hie company,
it appears that instead of 8.00(1,(1(111
caitiidges having been sold, onlv n
little over 117,000 were nianulnc
luicl nud 1011,000 were sold. The
letter further asserts that lliesc carl,
riducs weie miule to siipplv u demand
for a better spoiling cartridge with
soft noses Hum had been niaiiiifuc
tnicd heretofore, olid that such cart
ridges cannot be used in the military
rifle of any foieigu power. The com
pany adds that its statement can be
substantiated and that it is ready to
give you any evidence that you niitv
reunite on these points,
"The dcpnituu'iit ii now in receinl
The Potior Sny 'Lm MtistoroIiV'
So ninny sufferers have found ro
ller In Musterolo that ou ought to
buy n small Jar and try It.
Just spread It on with the fingers.
Rub It In. First you feel a gentle
Klow, then it delicious, cooling com
fort., Musterolo routs tho twinges,
loosens up stiffened Joints and mus
cles. Musterolo Is n clean, whlto oint
ment, mado with oil or mustnrd. It
penetrates to tho scat or pain and
drives It away, hut dors not blhttor
the tomlorcst skin.
It takes tho place or tho miiMy, old
fashioned mustard plaster.
MtiMerolo Is recommended for
itronchllis, Croup, Asthma, l'lotiilio,
I.iimbiiKo, .Veiir.tlKla. Sprains, llriihv
es, Ktirr .NecK. iioaiHtciie ami roins or
the (It often prevents I'neii
At your druKulsts In 2"c and .0c
Jars, and a special largo hospital size
for 12. .10.
' lie sure ion git the genuine .YIiih
tcrole Refine Imitation get what
you ask tor The .Musterolo Com
panv Cleveland, Ohio,
Paid Adv.
W- tub iTSauu.vii iiiunii, x.
Vrttmrnltt. All f-lll. IIKs-Tn
ll,MUlt, lllllhll ,.. - u
Mother's New Year's
The White Velvet Ice
Creqm Co.
208 East Main Stroo
Tho Only Exclusive
Commerchil Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Mode any time or
place by appointment
Phono 147-J
We'll do tho rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop. ..
'mi ia lira n.i t,ia muiikw
I ill. wt. villi lilg KIM. V
i'loui I he eompnu.v of it compUle de
tailed list of (he peixon to whom
Ihese (ititlldgoM wore nold, IVoiu
thin list it iippeiirs Hint tlm curl
ridgcH were sold lo liuio- In lids ol
Your lutlr becomcH light, wavy,
fluffy, abiiudaut and appearu an soft,
lustrous and bountiful as a ouug
girl's aftni' a 'Diinilerllio bull- eleiuiso.'
.lust try this moisten a cloth with a
little Maiiderlno and carefully draw
It thtotigh jour hair, tailing one small
strand at a tlmo. Thin will eleiuiso
the hair of dust; dirt ami excessive
o ami In Just u few moments you
htto doubled the beauty of our lutlr.
Ilesldes houu(irlng the lutlr at
once, Dantleiitio iIIhkoIvoh tivery por-
The Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank
at .Medford, In the State or Oregon, at the close ol biiidnotw Dee. .11, I HI I.
r.oiui and dlHcounts ?lJ l.nOl.dfi
Oterdrafts, secui,'d ami unsecured noiio
Itoitds and warrants v,...m............. ''''Iji'l"
Stocks and other securities ....- ............. 100,00
Kurullitre ami fixtures w..... . S,oii0.oit
Other real cstntn owned ,....,..... ..., S.OOO.On
Hue from banku tnot reserve hnnks) ....., .- JH'S'i
Due from approved reserve banks M.M.....un. .i.. !M,t)lii.SS
Checks and other cash Items Sn,7I
Kxchiinges lor clearing house ...,....... I.SO JM u
Cash on hand ...,," 1iI,!IUK.i I
Total IUR.llS.Sft
l.btldlltlcM '
Capital stock paid In - - " m Ro.oiiO.uo
I'mlhlitcd prollts, less expenses nud tnxes paid . .Us l.x I
Due to bankH nnd baiiKers - - .- ....,... tt,S!7. J I
Individual deposits subject to check ... 1 's,!,8''
Deiuaiid certificates ol deposit ......... .... y... StSS.II
Certified checks . Jii''11"
Cashier checks oiitslnndlug ..
Tlmo certltlcates of deiHisIt - rJ.UO.tlJ
Notes nnd bills rodlseotiutcil mm none
Hills payable for money borrowed uu
Total IKB,ll.sft
STATU OP ORKOON, County or Jarkson. W.
I, U. I,. Jncobs. cashier of tho abovc-nained Imnk, do wilomiily swonr thnl
the above statcmeut Is true to tho bust or my kiiowleilMe and belief.
Subscribed nud sworn to befort nic this Ot It dn) of .Innunrv. ID IS.
.N'oinry Public,
COKUKCT- Allest:
.lASIKrf CAMI'lliei.l..
-r- ;- " t- ri - - -
CLOSE fitting, graceful styles with
smartly cut curved fronts, that admit
of easy cravat ticing.
I U'ISTT, PBAIIODV & CO., Inc. Makers, Troy, N. V.
A Good Resolution for the New Year
Resolve to pay all bills by Check this mifcgiiurils jour
funds iiKiilnst less ami saves much 1 u:o and expense,
Vou nro cordially Invited to stint a checking account
with us.
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Car
Effective from August 1, 1014, to AuKiist 1, l'J 15, nud Ijuaran.eod
against any reduction durlntf thnt tlme:
TourliiB qar - .... IDO
Runabout . - .- I IU
Toiyn Car 000
V, O. II, pptrolt. All earn fully equipped.
(In tho United States or Amorlca Only.)
Kurthor, wo will bo ablo to obtain tho maximum efficiency in our
factory production, and tho minimum cost lu oir purchasing nud
saloj dopartmonts if wo can roach an output of .100,000 cars be
tween tho abovo dates.
And should wo reach tuls production wo aj;rco to pay us tho imyor's
sliaro from $40 to $00 per car (on or about Aurtust 1, lDlfi) to
cvory retail buyer who purchaser a now FoVd car botweeu August t
1914, and August i, iDl&.
Tor further partlculara reeardtni; thoso low prices and proflt-alinr-Ing
plan, soo tho nearest FordDranch or Dealer,
Ford Motor Cur Company
C. E. GATES, Agent
Sparta niilldln Medford, OreKOn.
Iweul.V lo 'JIIOO, nud one lol eneh of
Illlim.lllllO mid ollllll. Or IhoHc onlv
(III enrliidtit's ueiil lo Hi It inti Not III
America mill 100 In lliilidi KiIhI Al'
i leu H
tlelo or dliiiitliiff, cIciiiihiih, putirloH
ami liivlnoiatoii the scalp, foriiter
stopping Itching und railing Kali'.
lint whin will pleiKo iiii most will
he nfter it few weeks' use when you
will iicluallj ee new lutlr fluo ami
downy at 1 1 rst --)' - but icnlly new
hnlr growliiB nil over tlio scalp. If
joit citio ror pretty, soft hulr mid
lots of It surely act a 'JiVeont bottle
of Knowlion'ii Hauderliie fiom nny
driiKHbit or toilet counter, nud Just
trv It. I'nbl Adv.
2.Js inches hih
2' inches high