Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAOE tour
irniDiroRD matt.; trtbtote. arEDTroim orkoox. "wrcnNHRDAY. .tanfary o. mm.
SjtSRtJ&ljjKjBJrfa n c TH v
X'um.iHiiKn j:vi:uy aptkiVnoon
Atl'DKUIll) I'ltlNTlNU tt.
Ottlci Moll Tribune JliilliJInc.
North 1'lr street; tcleiUimio 7R.
..Tlio Democratic Times, The Med ford
Mull, Tlio AUuTord Tribune, Tim South
ern Orvgnnlati, The Ashland Trilmtie.
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Saturday only, hy mail, or year. . I.otf
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OrrjelM rnjwr of the nty nf JUdrord.
Offlclnl Paper of .Inckmm County.
Khtfreil ns Fccund-cliis mat lor nt
MnlforO, Oregon, under tlio net or March
3, 1K78.
Hworn Circulation for 1914. Sfits.
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Subscribers falling to receive
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
latlon Manager nt 2R0K.
IT is with rogrot thai wo noto tho opposition of a pro
gressive citizen lilce .1. S. Howard to the new charter.
The opposition of the pessimists is expected, hut a cheerful
old optimist like the father of .Medford ought to he wel
coming any change that moans the progress of the city.
Charter critics will do well to familiarize themselves
with the present charter before assailing tho new charter.
Jii nearly every instance features objected to in tho now
charter are in still more drastic form in the present char
i... i.. i i . ii i i , -.
tec in ins cuiiiiimmcauttii puoiisneu touny, Air. Howard
remarks: ' ,,
All through tho Instrument are the finger marks of n rloh man's charter
ami tho oppression of tho working num who Is trying to mnlntnln his
humble home amongst us Is shown hy imposing a ton anil twelvo ior cent
Interest on his deferred payments on city utilities.
The treatment accorded the poor working man is very
much more lenient in the now charter than in the present
charter. Section SO of tho present eliarter gives the ma
jority of the council the power to order an improvement
and to assess the cost, notwithstanding any protests that
may bo made by tho property owners. Se'etion SI of the
new charter forbids the assessment on any part of the cost
of any improvement on property benefited where a major
ity of the property owners protest, excepting by the unani
mous vote of all the members of the board.
Sec. S4.
Oonoorning the liquor regulation clause, Mr. Howard
There Is it great bin nigger In tlio wood pile In that liquor provision In
tho chat lor, so I will waiter that If tho proposed charter should be adopted,
and a wet council elected for tl'IO, that the saloons will be licensed ugiil,u
as now.
The state prohibition amendment nullifies any city law
not in conformity therewith. No matter what the city
charter reads, no saloons will be licensed after January i,
1!)1(). Hut if it was. intended to violate the state law, the
old charter would furnish a better excuse than the new, as
it contains the clause granting the city liquor regulation,
"irrespective of any general law of the state." Here is a
comparison of the twe:
8ALKM, Jan. C S. 11. Vincent, ex
aminer for tho corporation depart
ment, Is advocating tho early Intro
duction in tho legislature of an ap
propriation hill to provide for an ndc
quato exhibit of Oregon's mineral re
sources at tho Panama Pacific expo
sition. It Ih understood that no
funds from tho S17".,000 appropriated
hy tlu last legislature to provide for
an adequate exhibit of Oregon's re
sources at the exposition are avail
able for a mineral exhibit, and that
unions tho forthcoming legislature
makes suitable provision for such an
exhibit Oregon will not take her place
among tho exhibits of other mining
elates exhibiting at San Francisco.
Xo Kxhlhlt Ptannrtl
"I was aniaied when I learned re
cently that Oregon would not be rep
resented among tho other mining
states at tho exposition," said Mr.
Vincent- "Oregon Is destined to bo
one of the great mining states of the
Union. In a few years her fame will
prcad the world over, and yet for tho
falec of a comparltlvely small sum,
hay $10,000. sho -will not have op
portunity to show tho world what she
can produce in minerals. Her gold,
copper. Iron, silver, lend, coals, clajB
and cement materials ought to be ade
quately exhibited. Such an exhibi
tion undoubtedly would prove one of
tho greatest advertisements the state
ever has had. "Vo want capital to
co i no Into tho state to develop our
mines, hut wo arc too short-sighted
to provlda n small sum for tho ade
quate display of our mineral re
sources to the investors of tho world.
"Oregon, two ears ago appropri
ated $40,000 for a survey of tho
minora! resources of the state, and
tho commission -which has had charge
of that important branch of tho re
search work of the state has made a
splendid beginning. Why spend
4)40,000 to roveal lo the world Ore
gon's splendid resources, and at tho
samo tlmo largely nullify tho work
of tho commission hy failure to make
nn exhibit at tho Panama Pacific ex
position. .
At 10.- KaihihIHoii
"Oregon had a wonderful mineral
exhibit at the Lewis & Clark exposi
tion. I romembor it with n great deal
of pride. I was nlmost a newcomer
in Oregon at that time. I had oJ
wiya takon nn intorest In California
mines hut knew little of Oregon's
mineral resources. What I saw at
tho I.ewiB & Clark exposition amazed
mo, and since that tlmo I have beon
deoply interested In Oregon's mineral
rouourccB. California Is spending n
largo sum for nn exhibit of her min
erals nt the Panama Pacific exposi
tion, and bo Is Idaho. I have proper
ties In Idaho and have furnlRhud
eonio ore for exhibit nt San Kian-clm-o,
I am interested In Oregon
u to, hut Oregon has not sought Ham
plo ores for an exhibit, 1 believe It
Is not too Into for Oregon to bo well
represented at San Kranclsco. I be
lieve if Krcd Mollis of Ilakcr, who
had chargo of tho exhibit at the Lewis
& Clark exposition had $10,000 to
spend for an exhibit at San Fran
cisco, ho could get ono together with
in a' few woegs, porhaps within a few-
days, that would ho a great credit
to the ttnto, mid I hope- some legis
lator early In tho session will Intro
duce hu appropriation bill to provide
for biich exhibit,'!
Provided, how
ever, that If the owners of u major-
Illy in amount of the property subject
to assessment for said improvement
shall protest against the assessment
of any portion of tho cost thereof on
said property, tho board shall not or
der snld Improvement to be mado and
tho cost of any portion thereof to ho
assessed on tho property especially
benefited thereby, except by tho unan
imous vote of all of the members of
the board of directors.
Present Charter
Sec, SO. In the event that the not
ice so given be for the Improvement
of a street or n part thereof, tho
council, after first hearing all pro
tests against snld improvement, may.
notwithstanding said protests, If It
deems the Improvement of material
benefit to tho city, proceed to ascer
tain and determine the probable cost
of making such Improvement, and as
sess upon each lot or part thereof ad
jacent to said Improvement Its pro
portionate share of the cost of said
Both the present charter and the new follow the state
delinquent tax law. charging the usual penalty one per
cent a month. The new charter, however, is much more
lenient. "Under the present charter, sections So and 8(5
provide that if within ten days after notice of the assess
ment is published the assessment is not paid, the council
can order a warrant issued for the collection of the assess
ment and direct the constable to sell the property and then
to proceed according to the state, law as to delinquent
Under the new charter, no sale eairbo made for six
months and no costs are charged. The following is a com
parison of the charters:
Present Charter Xeiv Charter
Sec. So. If within ten days from Sec. 00. At anv tlmo after six
the service of the notice of the final months shall have elapsed from tho
publication thereof tho sum as- date when any assessment became de
sessed upon any lot or parcel thereof, llnqucnt as aforesaid, the lien there
Is not wholly paid to the city record- of against any parcel of property
er, tho council may thereafter, at any shall be assigned by tho city to the
time it may see fit. order a warrant first person who offers to pay and
for tho collection of tho same to be pays the city therefor, tho amount
Issued hy tho recorder and directed of said assessment, together with all
to tho chief of police. accrued Interest. Tho assignment of
Sec. Sfi. Such warrant must ro-'snld assessment shall bo made In
quire tho person to whom It In dl- such form as the board of directors
rectcd to levy forthwith upon the may provide and shall no sufficient
property liable for tno unpaid as- if said assignment Identifies and sets
scssment, and sell the same in the out tho amount paid for such assign
manner provided by law for tho sale ment, the date thereof, the date of
of delinquent state and county tax, the ordinance levying the original as.
and to return the proceeds of such sessnient, and tho particular parcel
sale to the recorder, together with of property upon which said assess-
tho warrant with hts doings endorsed ' ment is a lien, ana tno person to
thereon. (whom the assignment Is made
Present Chin tor
Sec. 19. To lli-utise, tax, rcguluto
or prohibit bar rooms, drinking
shops, billiard rooms, bowling alleys,
dance houcs and all places where
spirituous, malt or vinous liquors are
sold or kept for sale. UtUKHPKC
on hy Tin: pkopi.i; at i.aiuu:.
Xeiv ('haiter
See. II. To license, tax, regulate
or prohibit bar rooms, drinking
shops, hllllai'd rooms, bowling alloys,
dance hoticcs nnd all places whore
spliituous, malt or lnous liquors are
sold or Kept for sale, subject lo the
constitution and general laws of the
state of Oregon, provided that no II
censo for the sale of .spirituous, malt
or vlnmis liquors shall bo grunted for
niuM ninllon uf u $000,000 licet augur
fai'lury tu Urn ulloy, Aller vlsltlnrt
Iho vnrlotiH iivclloiin uf Urn valley Mr.
Slot oy Mules Unit I ho fiuinoiK tieem
limb t ill; the wintig nllliudo, think
hut thai whole iiuum- heels are grown
IniKitllon Ik iiocommiii'V. This condi
tion need nut inImi hi many spots.
Yostordav Mr tUnic found n beet oil
tho Inter in mil on IIo"m Liiiio which
weighed ;K. pounds
provided that no license for the saleinny less nmount than Is or may be
of spirituous, malt or vinous liquors I provided by the general laws of tho
shall be granted Tor any less nmount state In force nt tho time of grant
than Is or may be provided by the ling thereof; and further provided,
general laws of the state in force ntttluit snld city slmD'nut at any time
the tlmo of the grnnttng'thercef: and I license drinking shops, or other
further provided, Hint said city shall 'places whom Intoxicating liquors aro
guril In Hie niH'ilH up the chniltir,
iuH, If not nil, ol' whom have hoii
oi Til i ue wilh their rviciulslilii, I triM
lluVliouoM ililtVreut ol' opinion will
not ilishuli Dm deimuul reliitiniH I lint
liuve lioi-oloi'uro ovi-dinl hot ween un,
Aj to I Urn Sheldon, llic child
lmotcr, I will Miy (hat hW uiuii no
tixitic in behalf of Monthi'in Oioituii
lire tlexorviiijr ol' llio higlto-t iniUc,
(ml lie U mi impulsive Unit I fear lie
litis uiiulo a mUliisi' of llitowiiig his
cnurgio in luor uf he oiimloi' with.
out duo eniikidenitioii, 1IU lii'iui i-ti
nil littht, hul hi linhl i mix iiwuy with
it MiinctiuiO", Hut I will miy Happy!
New Your lo liiin nivcrtlielon. '
1 inui-l mi.v 1 ltit t I inn orv much in i
oiuiHi-t in my efloilx fur u Indict mill
liiogii".-.ii. .Meilfoiil mill that Into
been in liiglumt uiin oim since I
drove I ho lirst nnil Unit slmleil the
tllWIl. I IiiiVii lllil'iii' miiiilitttiiitul mit
m..i ..!....! u.,.,...k.. ii ,vu .,.. II " "I'K' llliipcp-di." KiMn All NtiimiM'li
-.. II i ft f11 W lip-
sold, to
sell Intoxicating liquors on
not any tlmo license drinking shops,
or other places whero Intoxicating li
quors are sold, to sell Intoxicating li
quors on Sunday.
Give the now charter a square deal not an unfair one.
Analyze any and all of the criticisms. Coimmrc it, clause
by clause, with the present charter. The advantage is all
with the new charter a complete instrument, every I fu
ture of which has been tried out in some other community
and proven a success not a quilt work of patches and re
pail's by special elections for ten veal's past, necessitated
to malce the village into the city.
The present charter was sufficient for the unpaved,
unimproved town that adopted it. Hut the city has out
grown it. Bedford is up-to-date in everything else; it
should also be up-to-date in government. The new char
ter will make it.
Let us begin the' year aright by doing things. I .el us
ei out of the mud rut of pessimism leading to the ceme
tery of apathy and depression, and on to the paved high
way of optimism that leads to the land of opportunity and
oardod uny gnml mcn-uiro Iiociiiim it
win old, mill I onine-llv belico lluil
any ono who will inie-liKiito, without
prejudice, tlio pio'ioscd ohmler will
condemn it uud worl,- for it defeat
us limlilv picjodiciiil In the host in
terests of the city. A I have kindly
been eiilleil Hie "I'mlier of Moil foul,"
I feel like ovpiensiut; my scutiuWilts
like this;
b.Mcilfnitl, l) mv Mcilfutil, tho ihuliiiK
of my hen 1 1,
defend wui uud protect ou in
cor, vital purl."
.1. S. I IOWA IN)
lilMivss In 'i Minnies
Tlmo It! Pnpo's DlnpopMlii will d.
ui'Hl mi) thing you on I mid overcome
a Four, gassy or oiil-of-oiilor stom
ach HUtely within the mlnuls.
If jonr moats don't fit coniform
I0y, or what you out Hum like a lump
uf load In nur sloinnch, or If oii
have honilbuiii, that Is a kIhii of in-
Hot from lour pbnrnuicUt a fifty
cent case of Palm's Dliipnpsln and
lake a dose Just as soon n you ran.
Thorn will bo no sour rlsluus, no
belching of uudlKitod food mixed
with acid, no stomach g" "" heart
burn, fullness or heavy fiollng In
the stomach, tuitisoa, dnhllltntlur;
hvadacluvi, dlilnos'i or Intestinal
(lien l.ampmau in (lold Hilt News.) urlplim. Tills will nil go, uud, lie-
C'inio Into the parlor, honey in-"M(, iboro will bo no sour food loft
us n little tuno, with undue lilting In 'over In tho stomneli to polMin jour
I will
The Old Song
Several communications on the city election and char
ter were crowded rut of today's issue, but will appear in
Thursday's issue. While the Mail Tribune desires to print
all sides of the question, it requests that the communica
tions be brief, otherwise they must await turn on account
of limited space.
J. S. Howard on the City Charter I
Xotlco of Sale
I l-Why give notlco that I havo
j tapdl tho Xowiown baKery to llobeer
& Sharp. All outstanding -HccountH
re du: me, and all bills against tho
faker uu fq,.Jn, 1, 101GJ I w!l pay.
All. ttekrte tHUsUttdlug will iho ro.
Uoiiod kt th Ifloyes grocery,
HP -k , o; UBXXJNO.
" . p
Which is the most lenient and best for the poor man?
"Regarding the provision for acquiring city parks and
public amusement grounds, if tho city grows, as we hope
it will, such recreation grounds will be necessary some day,
no matter what the charter reads. They cannot bo pur
chased, however, without a bond issue, for which the con
sent of tic people is essential under the new charter.
Tho people under the present charter trust tho mayor
to select city engineer, chief of police, street commissioner,,
witer superintendent and other officials. II' the mayor
can be trusted to name all these, why cannot the city man
ager, under direction of the board?
.Regarding the recall, Air. J toward says:
The whole recall provision la a farce, an n recall Jttltlon to he effective
must contain 35 per cent of the voters nnd not contain more than 20 per
cent of the voters, so tho limits precisely restrictive to exactly an exact
number, oven one defective name on me petition would nullify It, so in
that way it would be Impossible, to get up a recall petition that would be
Let us see how this statement sqparos with the truth.
Under the present charter there is no provision at all
lor the exercising of the recall. It is an open question
whether or not, if the matter were taken to the supreme
court, a recall could be made effective against any officer
of the city because the constitution, which is the only
means laid down for exercising the recall, provides that
the number of signers shall be - per cent of the vole cast
for supreme justice. Inasmuch as the Bedford precincts
contain part city and parr country, there is no possible
way of determining how many voters inside the city did
vote for supreme justice. Judge Jlanna, in tho case
where it was attempted to recall Mr. Olwell, a member of
the Medford city council, held that recall proceedings
could not be maintained against a Bedford officer and is
sued an injunction.
The new charter removes all doubt on this subject by
providing the machinery for recall. The statement that
exactlv 27) per cent must sign the petition is simply untiire,
The petitions must contain at least 2o per cent, but may
contain as many more as those circulating the petition are
able to secure. This is tho same provision which is con
tained in the state constitution.
Hero is the state constitution and the new charter pro
vision compare the latter Avith Mr. Howard's assertiens:
Xeiv Charter
Sec. 141. Hocall Petition. -A pe
tition, signed by qualified elcctorti of
the city equal In numbor to at least
twenty-five per cent of tho total
number nt votes cast in said city In
tho last preceding municipal election
providing tho required number sha)l
not excood twonty-fivo per cent of tho
electors of said city voting for a jus
tice of tho stato supremo court at tho
last preceding election for such of
ficer, shall bo filed with tho secre
tary of tho city, demanding tho re
call of said incumbent and the elec
tion of a uuct-ctuipr thereto,
Stato Constitution
Art. II., Sec. 18. There may bo re
quired, twenty-flvo por cent, but not
more, of tlio number of electors who
voted In IiIh district at the preceding
election for tho Justice of the supreme
court to file their petition demanding
his recall by tho peoplo.
To the Kditnr:
Tho'tirst (insertion is fnlsrn the
fact of it. The twenty-one eitixeits
to ilni ft the eliarter were not up-
pointed by the city ceuncil: they had
nothing to do with it. l-'uttlienuoro,
they hesitutetl thltillli several ses-siwiH-
before they weie willing for tho
city to incur the openo of pnhlili
iug it nnd placing the stime on the
election ballot.
How ninny of thosolwcnly-one cit
izens weie present nt any one ses.
sion of this ereutive hoard. Were
there even. six f Did any more tliiiu
four of said committee formulate one
.single section of ihi- proposed char
ter;? Did nny more than live of
said committee knot.' nnyttiin id' the
provision when thnv approved it
(low many of the lalioriu; oliis, of
our citizens were represented on the
ehurrer hoanl All through the in
strument nro the linger marks of u
rich mini's elmr ec, and tlio upprcs-
sion of tho working man. who is try
in" to muintiiin hi humble home
nmongst us is huwu hy imposing a
10 and V- per cent interest on his
deferred payments on city utilities.
The constitution of the United
States declares nil men free uud
equal, nnil I might add that one mn'n
is us good us unother nnil many limes
u d n sight belter. W'orkiiigincu,
consider it well, and see how you like
it. Another pioiMon is that the city
mmiuger mid council may order any
improvement, rcgiirdlesK of tho pro
lost of the lopcrty owners, nnd n.
scss tho cost of the siinio to the pi op
crty. It is pi o villi (1 in Aitiele II that
tho city council mnv ueqiiire by pur-
chase or otheiwi-o real estate within
or Milliout I lie cilv lor lurm or
muuscment parks or other purposes
without referring the kuiiio to n vote
of the people. So they may liny
liundrcd-iicre tract for golf link or
n largo tract outside the ctly for n
park and improve it with tenuis coiuts
and fine auto reads: for joy rider,
Xow, golfing is u nice, clean Hpoit,
without hardly any objectionable
features, nnd tennis a nice nnd desir
able spoil for the voting people, and
both nro comineiuliilili for those who
can u fiord to spend their time thai
way, hut what about the lingo inn
joiity of our citizens who must put in
nil tucir available linn to earn enough
to feed nnd clothe themselves and
thoir families. The city should first
and nil time devote its energies lo
establish such industries us will give
employment to Ilioo who must have
such to build their homes and main
lain their families and let those who
want umusements "iv for the acces
Horics out of their unjiro money. VtU
vnto eutorprisn has most generously
provided largely for the amusements
of the public in the shape of tho Nat-
Jiitoiiiiiu nnd the I'ngo theater, The
charter nroidcs that the city council
may invest in mi ci ratio scheme
that strikes their fancy at. the ex
pense of lite city without even tofer-
ring the smiic to the voters of the
city, even to .10ll,000 or more -theie
is u limit in the use of the city's
credit. We d not charge that nny
nnd eery cilv council will do those
things, hut the door is wide open if
they want to, uud such t bines havo
been done before mid are likely to he
done uguiii, so why nro wo not safe
guarded The city manager is appointed by
the oily council.' lie may or ma not
be a resident or tnxpnyer of the city,
lie may he imported from Portland or
from the east. The people nro given
no opportunity to vote or express
their piefercnccs for Ibis most im
portant office of ihc city, lie is
given the power to appoint hi sub
nidiiintes, such us street commis
sioner, wulor MUMriutcndeu4, city en
gineer, building inspector, sidewalk
inspector, plumbing inspector, elciv
trio inspector or nny other office he
sees fit to create, nnd all other em
ployes of fhe oily. No man may have
employment on the streets or in nny
other capacity, and he alone to he llm
judge of their merits or efficiency,
and uny uud nil of which need not he
citizens or residents of the city. I.n
boring men of tho city, how do you
like it Tho city manager b not sub
ject lo i oiii Ii because his' is un up
poiutive office, nn well a his sub
ordinate officers, no matter how dis
tasteful they may he to the citizens;
in fuel, the whole recall provision is
a farce, its u iccnll petition to ho ef
fective must contain "., per cent of
the voters, ami must not contain more
than L'.'i per cent of tho voters, so tho
limit is precisely icstiicthit to exactly
an exact number, I-'veq one defective
name on tho petition would nullify it,
so in that way it would be impossible
to get up u recall petition Hint would
bo ncccplablo. Thcio is a great big
nigger in the woodpile in that liquor
provision in the charter, so I will
wager that if the proposed charter
should ho adopted and u wet council
elected for 11)1(1, that the saloons will
he licensed again, as now.
Say, that election section is n
dream or a wrciiuil
The assertion has been mado (hut
tho charter was wholly copied from
the churters ol other cities. Jf so, I
think there have been many objec
tionable features incorporated in (ho
proposed (thurtoi', conditions that do
not apply to our city, uud I hero are,
also many omissioim pf provisions
which should Hafcgunrd nnd protect
iih, mul in ooiisiilorutioii of its numv
defects I J'ccl it my duly, as ever, lo
onuotio its udontion us inimical to tho
host iutereslH ol our cilv.
It like a hate across tho moon. An
nlry, gannoiuor longing, soft ns the
film of Inc.-, lo summon tho vagrant
memories uud herd Ihom bark to
place. And, If oti nliio my hlcstt
lug. don't spring the tmigo thing;
iluuuji all that trash on ,tlio carpet,
find Just one song and sing! Slug
then as I used to hear It. alt treni-
bloy with tears, till l find again at
evening my ono nnd twenty years.
I never was stingy, honey you've
more than other girls; you'vo wheed
led your darned old daddy with pret
ty pouts mid curls. Once lu a while
some music It Isn't much to request
never n kid In the township Is bet
lor kept or dressed. Once In a while
your daddy, ho lire of tho tango
stuff the tinkling monkey dances
and music that's mostly bluff. Ome
lu n while at owning, when there
ain't no dates to fill, ho bankers a lilt
for music that somehow fills tho bill
I'ndor the gundy raffle a (allured
sheet or two--".Miixwoii's braes
are boniilo"--dear Lord, her oyos
wero blue; her eyes were blue as
heather "Whero early fa's tho dow"
-dew on Iho green homo valley
'Cave me her promfso true" never
to bo forgotten 'Which no'er forgot
will be" Pity thf old man. Annie!
"I'd lay mo doon mid dee.'" 'Her
brow Is like the snaw-drlft" O, but
her throat was white . . . Don't
Play no tango, honey- kiss yonr old
dad goodnight.
l.-..ltllt ..III. ....I.J.41U ,..!..
Cape's DUpepslli Is a roilnln euro
for out of-ordi'i- stoiunHiN, bocauso It
I a sen hold of jour food mid dlgosta
It Just Iho wtnio ns If ,our stomach
wasn't I hero.
Holler in fvo nilniilos from all
rlomach misery is waiting for )ou at
any drug store.
These tin co flfly-ront cnios con
tain ouoiikIi "Pnp'y IMnpopsln" to
keep the entire family fro from
stomach disorders and Indigestion
for many months. It belongs In otir
home A dr.
Don't nay gray I Sage Tea and Sul
phur darkens hair so naturally
that nobody can tclL
"There Is no sentiment nmong
landowners of the vnlley against tho
sugar beet proposition but It Ih essen
Hal that they nro thoroughly famil
iarized with beet growing before tho
required acreage can bo signed up"
was tho statement mado by Samuel
Storey, tho beet Hiigar expert who Is
here In tho Interest of n Utah firm
endeavoring to mako posslblo tho
I'ully (JoiTohoralcil mul I'uslly In
vcsllgaO'd Do you need a good kidney medi
cine. Then read the reports In these
very columns of Medford persons
cured or benefited with Donn'rt Kid
ney Pills. You won't havo to go far
to find out ir (liny are true. This
Medford case Ik nn example. Others
will follow,
S. Colbert, farmer, 002 X. Central
Ave,, Med ford, 'Ore., Hays: "A short
tlmo ago kidney trouble ciimo on mo
Hiiddonly. I had terrlblu pains nnd
wonltnoHH acrosii my back. I could
hardly Btoop or Htrnlghten. In a fow
days I was knocked nut completely
and I thought I wits done for. The
kidney HccrotloiiH were unnatural and
I had to get up often t night'. I
lost much sleep, Somcouo ndvlsod
mo to'try Donn'H Kldnoy PIIIh nnd I
did, They brought mo wonderful
benefit. I can now do my work with
out pain mul weakness nnd I got my
proper rest at night. Tho kldnoy ho-
crettons n-o natural, too."
Price 50c, at all doalors. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy got
Doan'B Kidney Pills -the samo Hint
Co., Props., Iluffalo, N, V. -Adv.
You cn turn grny, fsded hair lssu.
tlfully tUtk and Itu turn nlmoat nrvr
nlitlil if you'll gvi a 60 mil UUI of
"Wjctl.'s Sag,- and Sulphur Hilr Itwnrdy"
nt niiy drug lorr. Million of bnttlisi nf
till old, turnout Sagit Tivi Itwlfw nro sold
snmully, tuji a well-known drugjfUt
hero, IxvAUio it diuUrim tlia Imlr so
niturnllr and evenly that no ono C4n
tell It hm hen uppllvil.
Thio whoa lialr U turning gray, be
coming faded, diy, SifAggly and Itilri
have u surprlio awnltlii; tlicin, Ikvuum
nftrr oan or two application Uio gray,
hair tiud'tliea nnd your locks Ivwimn
luxuriantly dark and Uaullful nil due
dnitr gwi, scalp Itching and .falling Ulc
toiia. k
'I Ida la Hie nr of youth. Orny-hairod,
nnnwrnriiru miks nrcn i wanttil around,
o get Iiihv- with Wyeth'n Sace and Hul
Idiur tonlglit nnil you'll Ui dollchUl
with yniir dark, lmndnnino Imlr and your
pliur tonlglit nnil you'll bo dollghUl
youthful apixNirunco wltldu n few days.
Tho most economical, cleansing nml
t'ormlcldal of all BntlsoptlcH la A.
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved Jn water at needed.
As a medicinal nntlsontlo for douches
In troatlnn catarrh, Inllammatlon or
ulceration ol nose, throat, and that
caused hy femlnltio llUllhiiHnocqiiul.
For ton yoam tho Lydlu B. Plnklmm
Medlclno CoJioh recoiunmndod Paxtlno
in uioir private correspondence wltti
women, which provea Its imiiorlorlty.
Women who havo been cured say
II Is "worth Its weight lu koIiI," At
drugglstn, GOo, largo box, or by inall.
Tho Paxton Toilet (Jo., Moston, idiius
For Reliable
Stylish Tailoring
128 East
Mother's New Year's
John A. Perl
Lady Aiitiunt
PbOBM M. 47 an 47JB
To those who tliffor with tncjn i'o- iwlMtUaM iok Uttf Ooto i
The White Velvet Ice
Cream Co.