" f "TT?! tf PAGE TWO MEDFOUD MAIL TRTBUN10, MRDFORD, OK KM ON, WMDNKSDAY, .TANUAKY 0, H)in. v ii LI, j,k. & V IOCAL AND L PERSONAL IJorl R. Oroor, editor of the. Ash-! land Tidings, In spending tlio dny In Mcdfonl attending to business mat ters. Bill Hrown linn returned rrom n week upcnt In Josephine county nt- tondlni; to mining business. 11. G. Worthlngton, who had his fnco anil hntr badly burned In nn ex plosion In tlto Mcdfonl Sheet nntl Iron chop lnat Saturday nftcrnoon, la ablo to bo on tho street again. Got your butter, cream, milk and buttor-mllk, nt Do Voo. A wild looking cltlxen wis brought to tho pollco station thla noon by Arthur AVolls, who found him begging for food In tho west part of town, frightening mnny housewives. He wore a mud bespattered overeat and was unshared and unshod. Tho gen tleman gavo the namo of Johns. Tho polico gave him a meal and orders to get out of town. Seo Davo Wood about that flro in surance policy. Office Mall Tribune The basketball teams of tho high &chool, bo)B and girl.", are making ar. rangoments for a trip through north em California, and a set of rules has been compiled on conduct during tho trip, which each must sign before permission Is given. Tho rules pro hibit "dates" and late hours. Coach Mooro will have chargo of tho boys, and a chaperono will bo appointed for tlto girls. Tho Star theater tonight will offer a local tnlcn vaudeville bill as an ex tra to n largo picture bill. Cousin Mlttclburgcr and Miss lono Flynn, Earl Honncr and Jack Barry will ap pear. Placo your magazlno club sub scriptions with Sparta Cigar Store. 2G9 Wilfred Scott of Yroka, Cal., is among, tho out of town visitors in the city this week. Herbert Alford has returned to his studies at tho University of Califor nia after spending the holidays In this city. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho county court was hold nt Jacksonville this morning, and a batch of bills al lowed. Frank II. Madden was sworn In aB county commissioner, and as sumed tho duties of his office Sweet cider at De Voo's. John M. Itoot who has been attend ing to butlness matters in San Fran cisco tho last month is expected to return to Mcdford this week. Justico of tho Pence Glenn O. Tay lor Is visiting friends and relatives at Lodl, Cat., and is expected to return this week. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. Samuel Thompson of Glcndalc, is spending a few days in tho city at tending to business matters. The Medford school district has Issued a call for bids for the supply of wood for tho next term of school, tho samo to bo opened at tho regular meeting January 16th. Wh walk when you can rido for ICo to any part of tho city. Ford Taxi. Call Alco 88211. Tho city council nt its regular meet ing Tuesday night issued liquor licenses for six months to tho Nash, Holland and O. M. Selsby. Mrs. Alan Dracklnreed was oper ated upon at Sacred Heart hospital Tuesday night for appendicitis. Her condition is reported as highly fav orable this morning. Louis Ulrich of Jacksonville spent a few hours in tho city Monday on business. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Horn Mc Coy, Tuesday, January Gtb, a daugh ter. Attorney Porter J. Noff has return ed from a business trip to Ran Fran cisco and othor California points. H. H. Klrby loft Tuesday night on n business trip to Portland, and will return tho end of tho week. TJio Juvcnilo authorities nro con templating action against n number of boys and girls, who nro in tho hab It of violating, tho curfew law, by aluying out lato of nights. Tho finost equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Mcdford Print ing Co. Attorney Newton V. Ilordon un derwent on operation for appendicitis Tuosday nftornoon, and Is resting easy. Tho Nntlonul Ouard will hold Its regular moetlng at tho Natatorlum this evening, wJion tho list of non commliislonod office will bo an nounced. Tho company In planning on tho formation of n baskot ball, football, and baseball teams, and will bo contenders In nil athletic ovonts in this Hoctlon. ' Kodnk finishing tlto best, at Wes ton's Camero Shop. Over Isls Thoa ter, County Superintendent of Schools, J, Poroy Wells, spent Tuesday in Medford otlondlng to business mat ters. Giwtav Poppas has returned from a, buHlnM trip through tho northern part ef tho elate. Tho ra'im of tho last week, along with the melting snows In tho moun tains, has bi-cn a source of joy to pla cer minors who. are sluicing their pro perties. Got It nt Do Voo's. The Grants Pass high school basket ball team will play tho local high school In this city Friday night. A girl's game will likely bo arranged with clthor tho Ashland or Phocnk tenm. Palm rooms, new management, light, airy rooms, reasonable rates. Georgia Etcher. 269 James Whitney of Corvallls Is a business visitor In tho ctty this week. Try a quart of our guaranteed puro sanitary milk. Phono 5S2-W. 250 Tho bull tractor will demonstrate plowing nlfalfn stubble at Minear ranch on King's Highway, tomorrow nftornoon, 4 mllo south of town. 240 Tho first 100 adults at box offlco wlndor Page Theater, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, will bo given a free ticket. J. O. Gcrking, tho best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any. where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. Tho first 100 adults at box offlco window Page Theater, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, will be given a free ticket. The first 100 adults at box offlco window Page Theater, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, will bo given a freo ticket. Miss Sadlo Van Dyke is seriously ill with heart disrate complicated by other troubles. Sho has been 111 for the past two weeks. Miss Van Dyko Is the dnnghtor of the late J. G. Van Dyke and the family are pioneers In the valley. Portland papers contain tho an nouncement that Judgo W. S. Crowell of Medford. who is spending the week thcro, has given $15 to tho Uolglnn rcllof fund. Ilogue Hivor has forwarded $50 worth of foodstuffs for Belgian relief. Tho relief fund for tho state, In cash and merchandise now exceeds $30,- 000. Deglnning tonight, tho Mcdford Christian Assembly -will hold regu larly a public meeting each Wednes day evening, as well as on Sunday af ternoons, In St. Mark's hall, 21S west Main street. Meeting hour, 5:30 o'clock. The meetings of tho Assem bly have been growing In Interest and power for several weeks. Some have been converted and some bap tlxcd. A most cordial Invitation to come and see and hear, is extended to all in tbo closing hours of this dis pensation. Mr. Dodge, who conducted evangelistic meetings In St. Mark's hall in November, is acting pastor of tho Assembly. A rousing charter meeting was held at tho regular meeting and banquet of tho Men's club of the Presbyterian churcli last night. Over 200 wero in attendance, and a thorough discussion of the charter given. Much favor able interest In tho new charter was shown. ALLEGE PENROSE T T WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Allega tions that more than a million dol lars was spent on behalf of Senator Penrose in his recent successful cam paign for ro-clcctlon wero mado be fore the senato elections committee today by Itopruscntatlvcs Palmer and Ruploy of Pennsylvania. Tho committee resumed considera tion of tho Norria resolution to direct an inquiry into senatorial campaign oxponditures in Pennsylvania nnd Illi nois. On request of Senator Oliver tho commltteo deferred action until Mr. Penroso could bo asked if ho wishes to appear. "Wo charge that both Pennsylvania and federal laws wero violated in tbo expenditure of vast sums in behalf of Senator Penrose," said Representative Huploy, "and that proper returnB of the expenditures never havo been filed." HINMAN 10 PROBE Tlio proposition of tho lloguo Itlver Public Service corporation to furnish electricity to tho city at wholesalo rates to be rotalled to users, was re ferred for further Investigation at tho regular meeting of tho council last night, Inspector Hinman was or dered to Investigate and report on tho matter, and the council will likely go to Ashland to study the operation of the municipal plant In that city and gather data thereon. SPEN MILLION RECEN ELECTON PURDIN ADVOCATES TO MORE (Contllnucd from Page 1.) ii ii i , -i. ii i i $011 lfl.f7. Placing of this depnitinont in the Imuds of the eit , engineer anil eliminating the .street commissioner ,,n "' ,l wvi"? in hl" department, but tile figures have not been I'm ii Miod me and will have to bo luul from the report of the city engineer. Street Lighting Thw is n subject that will requite much at lout ion from tlio incoming city council, ns the bills- now run about $775 per month mut this seems to me to be far in excess of what the city should be required to pay. The matter of the old contract nnd fran chise with the electric company is now in the United States court ior decision, and when decided muv .shed some light for their guidance, but tutroly some cheaper way of street lighting must he found or the city will go bankrupt, nnd this the council well knew nnd nro anxious to nrrangc, hut as to how is n matter for grate consideration. The proposition mnde by the competing electric compnny to fnruish current to he distributed by tho city to the too pie and for use in lighting the streets may prove u so lution of this mutter; hut great cure should he used in entering into any further contracts with cleetriu com panies, ns our experience in the mat ter has been neither pleasant nor profitable. Street Hallways The completion nnd operation of nearly two miles of elcctrio street railway in the city has passed with little comment in tho city, nnd tho ex tension of the system to the western portion of tho city is now nwniting the permission of the railroad com mission permitting the street railwnv to cross thu Southern I'ncific tracks on Main street, when it is hoped the svstcm muv he extended in such u manner us to reach well westward on Maui street, and likely on other streets. Police Korco Tho police force has been reduced to one mnn in daytime and two nt night to further extend the iden of economy. This idea carried ti little further would get us hack to the time when John S. Miller was city marshal and William Churclunnn was night watchman, nnd would likely suit some of our great olitical economists of street fame; hut why have police- nt all unless sufficient to police the city ns it should he January 'J, 101.1, uftcr tho fire ulnnn, I saw three flagrant violations of tho speed reg ulations on Main street, near the bridge, nnd not a police officer in tight, as it was tho duty of the mnn on duty to he near tho fire, nnd hp could not ho nt Hear creek and the firo too. Flro Department There hnvc heen a number of changes in the fire department during tho year, hut, ns n whole, tho effic iency of tho forco is -nod. The tuir chuso of an old automobile that has been made over hv the men at the de partment into first-clnss fire-fighting machine, wns, m niv opinion, n wise thing to do, ns it incicasos the efficiency of the department nnd Hikes possible- a Inrvu saving in "as olino nnd tires, by lcs use of tin large machine. Ikilnquent AKscsiinents Under prevailing rotulilions, some of our people have been unable to puj nil their assessments nnd interest us they enmu duu; hut, considciing the times mid the lack of employment by some of our people, the city can hard ly complain, nt least in the case ot )cople nnnblo to pay; hut for those who are able to pny and will not, the feeling of the city council is not of the best, n tho council are supposed to enforce the laws nnd obligations due the city, and when they nre in formed that "they must go to h1" when trying to carry out their oath of office, it is hard for n member of the council to turn the other cheek. Notwithstanding tho scarcity of money, I urn informed by the city treasurer that wo havo redeemed im provement bonds of tho city in tho sum o 01,001) tho present year. Public .Market The city seems to Jmvo reason to bo satisfied with the publio innrkcl, ns it has brought producer and con sumer together to an extent that Is surprising, and has enabled thu sur rounding farmers mid producers to sell a lot of produce for tho monoy, much of which bus been spent with our merchants, and has thus been a benefit to nil concerned. Public Library The public library has tun on about the same lines as for tlio previous year, and while it bus been forced to ecnnouiizo in some ways that Jmvo been aghinst its progression in n manner desirable, it hns kept tip n RETURN PROGRESSIVE WAYS standard of excellence that wu should be proud ol Kconnmy In Administration Tile city council for tho your ID 1 1 has reason to ho proud of reduction in expenses of uilmiiiMruliun along u number of Hues, but whether n ponn splitting method of doing business is n good thing for the city is u quos. Hon. Mcdford has hcretol'tno been considered n "live town'' by people generally, nnd now the question is frequently asked, "What has tho oit government done to kill the town?" While this is hardly the one, Vet the fact that u complete- shut-down in improvements by tho oily has doubt less had something to do in tho mut ter, and I believe that n return to pro gressive methods by the city council would bo u good thing .for the city. Ponds ltcdccturtt During the year l'.MJl the people paid in sufficient assessments uud in terest to allow the treasurer to re deem $ti7,f00 street improvement and water main bonds, nnd for the year 1!M the tliuount of these bonds re deemed from the payment 'of nssos ments mid interest the sum of $01, 000, n fnlliuir off of sueh redemp tions for the present venr of sfftoOO. During 1UM the oil- has redeemed outstanding warrants in the sum of $lU,:t4i..i(l. and has issued such war rants to the extent ir 11(11.10. re ducing the amount of this floating debt diirmir tho year in this manner $tr,8S:.t(l. There has been paid in interest on the several impioVcmont bond issues tlnd other bonds of tin; citv n sum of $70,700.71. Detailed reports of the several de partments will furnish the details of nil such payments, it not being pos- soldo to include them in. this ivxrt. IlccomnicMlatlon I would recommend to your honor nblc body that the portion of the sinking fund not now placed nt inter est be so placed, there being soveral thousand dollars of this fund lying idle. From the survey mnde by Profes sor Don Sowers of the Oregon uni versity, it nppenrs that an entirely different sy.it tin of hooks should he provided for keeping the records of the city, uud this mutter should re ceive your attention. From the fact that a decree of the circuit court of Jackson county, Ore gon, wns obtained some two years or more since, in which it was decreed that n moitgage on pnqiort.v. vwis su perior to (he lien or tho . vit.V for street- improvement, notwithstanding the law says the lien of tho city is su perior, it "wmild 1i " well to keep projier w:nt'h on till .ueh suits where the interest of tho pity may he nl tacked.' That proper iittcnlion hn paid to the overflow from the city reservoir in winter months, ns the city has been threatened with a damage suit on this account recently. During heavy rainstorms there is more or less damage to propeity on account of flood waters, and some provision should he made to care for this water, ns tho present storm sew ers are not sufficient for the pur pose. ProioMsl New Clutter Should the proposed new charier he adopted by the people, it will sim plify a grent many matters in the city government, nnd will pluee the re sensibility where it can be ascertain ed who is to hlninn for mistakes. I will also place Mcdford with other progressive cities throughout tho country who have abandoned (he old worn-out systems nud adopted n modern system of "overnment. Conclusion In conclusion I wish to thank tho officials of the city and the council for their courtesy during thn time I have held tho office of mayor. To those of the council who hold over I offer my sympathy, us well as to my successor in office nnd now members of the council. Do not think you will receive nnv rewnrd for duty well done, either in remuneration or np prcciation, for wo htivo the knocker with his little hummer always with us, and he will find you out. Medford is a good old town. Not dead yet, but hndly jolted hv some of our peshimistio friends, I.et us hope that 1015 will seo us again pull ing together for the interests of tho city, mid that wo nuiyget things go ing ngnin in the goo'd old way, While wo do not need ti boom, wo do need men of business qualifications on tho city council, who 'will give in a pro ercssivo administration and work for the best interest of the city. Respcctfull" submitted, MAHLOK PURDIN. Mcdford, Or., January fi, JOlo. LONDON, Jan. C, 12:2C a. m. A wlrolcss dispatch recolvod horo from Uerlln gives a report received In tho Gorman capital from Athens thut tho ardunellos fortresses havo commence ed a bombardment of the blockading Anglo-Kronen fleets and that ono torpedo boat hag beon slightly dam aged, Portland Livestock Market P0RTLANI)0r., Jan. 0. Cattle Receipts f0; steady. Hogs Receipts 1081; unchanged. Sheer Receipts, 27$ steady, WOMAN FORGER 'GIVEN CONDITIONAL PARDON BY WEST . Mra. Kan n lo McNully, convicted at tho hint term ot (ho circuit court ot forging the Inline of Mrs. Snrnh K. Colllnu to n certificate of deposit for JIlSO on tho JackMon County ttank has been granted n conditional pnrdoh by Governor Oswald West, tho same now being In tho hands of Circuit Judgo CalMiiR. Mrs. McNulty's release will eomo when preliminary arrangements liuvo been completed. It Is the desire or Mrs. McNulty lo it turn to ltolre, Idaho, but sho Is without funds, Thu county court has been asked to provide transpor tation to this point, nnd has tho mat ter under consideration. Mis, McNulty was arrested at llohui last summer through the efforts of tbo Plnl-erton detective agency. Sho war brought from Poise by Sheriff dlimlur, waiving extradition. I'rom tbo start tho sheriff's offlco has main tained that Mrs, McNulty was Inno cent. Mrs. McNulty offered nn alibi that ut tbo lime she won alleged to havo secured the money, sho will III In bed. It failed to clear her howator, either at the preliminary hearing or tbo trial. The $:iS0 represented the savings nnd sole support of Mrs, Col lins. Tho enso attracted considerable at tention at tho time, as Mrs, McNulty hns relatives living near Knglo Polut. Tho council at ItH meeting Tuesday night took stops towards curbing "buttinskis" nt fires, who shout or ders to tho city firemen, nnd to stop the crowds from collecting in tho mid dle of Main and Front nvcnuo when thu flro trucks nro making n run to tho fires. City Attorney II. It. Mc Cabo wns instructed lo draw up a city ordlnnnro cmcrlng thesu points.. The contemplated action s the re sult of conditions growing out of the recont gutting of the Medford Kgg & Poultry company storehouse- on tho H. P. tracks, when about half tho crowd that gathered esMayed Chief I.awtnu'n Job, and shouted nrdera until they were squelched by the pollco and tho fire bend. Complaint wan made by Chief Kitt son that H. P. flagmen wero not tend ing to buslnens nt (hit Main nvcnuo crossing, being only on tho Job for pnsspnger trnlns. nnd not guarding when freight trains were switching, etc. Tho matter will bo referred to tbo local 8. P. official!! for adjust ment. DEALS CRUSHING BLOW (Conttinuod from Page 1.) rule of Austria and unite with Rus sia. Itumunlit Jtcnily Rumania hns not yet abandoned her neutrality but a warning has goilo out to her reservists to hold them selvflH In readiness for sorvlco nud developments which soon mny bo ex. pected, Tlio advance guard of Rus sians along tho Rumanian frontier has been selected of men who spealt the Rumanlnn language nud havo Rumanian s)mpathlcs. According (o advices retching London these sold iers evorywhoro aro being received with friendliness, A dlspntch from Paris states that developments "of tho' highest I'm portunco," aro Imminent in Kiimnulu. A dozen Kronen nnd Ilrltlsh nowspap. er correspondents left Pnrls today for Ruinnnlu by way of Ilulgaria. A ff'ood KoNolutlon, To Iiolp build up Medford payrolls by smoking Governor Johnson or Mt. Pitt clgnrs. TOO LATH TO CUIKHIVX WANTHD Ily married mnn with If. year's nxporleiico, position on tanch or orchard. Ilox A., caro Mall Tribune 240 FOR SAM3 112 acres, all cleared, cIoho in, ?5000 quick sale. Clark Realty Co, FOR SAMS flood blcycio chcun, call HI Houth Central. 218 FOR HAMS Wo havo tho names or parties who havo hlgh-grado rock orols and pullets for sale. Now Is tho tlmo to Improve your flocks. "Wo need tho broilers later. Mod ford Poultry & Krb Co. 248 8TKAYBU Ilrown horso, weight 000 lbs., clipped forelock, star on forehead. One whlto hind foot. West Bldo Unrn. 247 FOIt BXCHANaiS 100 ncros corn land producing 80 and DO bushols pur aero, eastern Iowa, for im proved land horo or good equity, R. II, McCurdy. PRESENT MEDALS TOTHIRTEEN HEROES AT NIJW YOltIC, Jan II Thirteen en listed men of tho I'ultod Htutox uav Who won Hpcclal mention for tllh lliiKutHlicd conduit at Iho occupation of Vera ('run wero pieiionted with uidnlti of honor by Hocretai) Daniels today on the deck of tho battlo ship Florida ut tho lliooklyn navy jnnl. Hear Admit al Fletcher, now coin-mnnder-lu-chtof of the Atlantic fleet, who commanded tbo Ammlcau naval forces at Vein Crux, and othor high officers of tho navy participated In the formal ceremony, Secretary Daitlols also read n long list carrying uumes of officers bonded by Hear Admiral I'totchor mid blue jackets nnd marines who luul re ceived spoclal mention for heiolsm and brnxery at Vera t'rnx. Iloforo profontlng the iuciIiiIh, Sec rotary Daniels referred to tho battlo of Vera Crux and declared that tho outstanding naval event or (ho last year was the courage, sacrifice and solf-resetraliit displumed by tho offi cers and men of the nuvj and marine corps nt that time. RUSSIANS ROUT INVADERS: CAPTURE TEUTONIC OIL LONDON, Jan R, 1 1 05 p. in - Two of llirco Turkish columns which last week invnded tho Huisiau Caucasus havo met with dlxaster and tho troops not killed or captured nro In disorder ly retrent pursued by thn Russian. Tho column which took Ardnhan two dnys ago has boon driven out of town, according to tho Potrograd official dispatches and is almost surrounded by tho Russians who hold tho main roads. Another column which crossed thn frontier near Harl Kam)sh, on tlio road to Kars, has suffered an even worse defeat, ono of thn two army cort which composed it belus: cap tured In Its entirety, Tho ItitsslniiH iilno report another victory over thn Austrian, In the t'xok i'ass of tho Carpathians. Km peror Krnnrta Joreph's army In this roclon i declared to lx? In full retreat In n moiinlnlii pass deep In snow, white a violent mimvstoriii tagns ami the IttiKsInu cmalry Is attaching on the flank nnd rear. RUMANIANS GIVE AID TO MUSCOVITE TROOPS I LONDON. Jnn , :t.05 n. lit - Tho i London morning iiewspniier rorros- pondeuts in tho eimlern wnr theatre lay ompliHsU on tbo ndvauro of tho Russians In llukowliin, A nutria's ens-' tern province, where, It Is said, only thn most feeble roslstntfto was en countered, llul.owlna In tho border land of Rumania and the correspon ilcntn speak of the excellent feeling I ...I.I..1. !.... .. .......... 1 1.. 1... .1.. which thoy say prevails between tlio Russian outposts and tho Rumanian j frontier guards Itussla having astute. , ly assigned soldiers of tbo Rumanian ! . . . rnco to patrol illlty, , According to the correspondents, tho feeling In favor of Rumania en tering thu war has been augmented In all sections of tho country by tbo oc cuiintlon hv tho Itimduns of Suczawn and Kliupolung, clt.es which are full j of historic .......... nu iu uiu mi- mnulaiis. r Tho School of Modern Methods. ERA C MEDFORD famtMaa (?&& Collcgo IlulltViig. 31 HAV AND NKJIIT school Ilusliioss, Hhortband, Pcnmuiishlp ami L'liKtlsh Courses, Hund for Collcgo Journal, Telephone 1 !, Owing to tlio lower pdea ot lumber ami ment ol kreixng cur men employed timing the winter monlhi, we mlte the lolluwi'nQ itnuikaLlo reduction in tlooru No.l,$1.30S-PnoIDoor No.2,?l.lOG.pnnelDoor Reduced tfc 1 1 ( (for Painting) f t -to pl.XU Reduced to ZfVC Quality Jut as Good as Ever Our cuflometi ie ilwsyi utiifiol. Wo own ml ojula tlio Iu3ei direta-lo-coniuiner Sadi, Dour and Mill Woik (acloiy in Noithwcit, You will find lirie (lie Liiirft values in interior him. Wo sell anyone; iliip anywhere, Adt for Catalog-No. 3 OBREGON VICTOR IN BATTLE OVER VILLA'S EORCES WANIIINUTON, dim. 0. DolulU of Iho Imtllo of iVhla, wiipplomoiit ing nous dispatches of lust uiuhl fiom Writ I'nu, woio given today in dispalolios doled, Jununry C lo Hie Ciiiimira iikciiov hoio, "(lunoriil ObiCK'm I in omnpli'lo coiilrnl or Iho oily and it oiiviton," Iho disputed" Hiiid. "Forlv liotd pieces woio used in the shelling nnd the withering lire soon hud tho de fender uhaiidoiiiug their position. The cuvalry plunged the defender, oorraliiig I hem in tbo center f the city, The entire uurrixoii was mado prisoners. "Six well-directed shell almost tlc"lin.vcd tbo pinliodml or (luuib'lupo, ono of tlio inol bountiful ill nil .Mex ico. The toactioiiiiiio were oiinrlor cl in tho otlilioe under a Rod ('to ting, which wn lespoctnl until it wns Icuiiicd thai soldioix were pooling a heavy machine gun firo fiulit Iho roof mid upM'r tower. Manv oilier prom inent building woio taxed hv Hie in tillcry nro. "Dead mid wounded filled tho streets when the IohIiI entered tin city mid tho number wn grenlly aug mented hv slimp street fighting, Iho fighters in manv iiiMnneo coining lo hnyouct point. It i holiiM'it tho reb els lost scleral tliounud in kilhd and oiilidcd. Five thoiisuiitl or more wore lal.en pilsner with nil itiuntf lions, nuns nnd provision. EXHUME D00Y OF WEALTHY OREGON FARMER IIAKHIt. Oic, Jan. fi. Circuit Judgo Anderson today ordered v hunted Iho body of James IC. Waited, wmiHIiv Oregon tntirhcr found dead 111 MllKiKe Ok It, totter 27. Itollt thi Imre domain!' d -jiliniiou lot i 'lie-. I Wo poison Tin' fn t Hist tbo iindv was rubbed and fixe hours later found are soiuc of tlu rtnua - - . i , ' . i STOP BUYING tXPENSIVE COUGH REMEDIES Mako iho Dcst ot Home Money pmit fur tbo ohl-style, rondv uiftdo longli svnipi In boll Irs heMim: only 2 to 2'j m'.iiuim M very largely ivpil, be anno mott of thrill ato coiiihmi pniiiipntly of NUg-ir anil water. Yet ou liuvu to pay tlsi mime pi wont If It w;inll mt'dlritiv. Stop wiling thu money You cm iti.ika a better cough mcillclna nt home nt onc-ntth tho cote lrvly go to the drug store named below mid aitti lor 2 oilmen (.MA: worth) ofKhliiiTinnnu'sCou tent rnte l Rxpcii-irnnt. Mix the with ono pint ot granulated mignr and one half pint of boiling water, whkh mskei n (nil pint ( IU on net) , Tluniiow, slmiilr, plwiH.int remedy U gumaiiticil to relieve tlio worst conp.n orenxt. Alto cm client forHniiicblslAtbnia,HnitHbltls.Cniiip, lllMICliCIWI lillll M lltlllltK WIIMKJI. WIIW , w, wUd ,., fc i,,,,.,,,,,,!,, totighmedk-lnotoprnlmblvtut the whole (aniTlythocntlro winter, Children like It, lt 'I' 1''?'" ?"Wo "l " loltlvly conLilnttiocliloriifoim, opium, morpbluo r rthuriinrc.citlt.ii.nitihnitiU'otii'limlx. tutoi. Keep It on Imnd In cam) of cniur- geticy and Mop twich cough before It gets n linn bold. Thin storo Inn been authorized to return tho money Incviry nlnglo cum where it docs not glvo pe'- tcct satlMnctlon or I not foutui thu ft X" JSJWr put positive guarantee, l-t.r sale Hero hy t .Mcdfonl I'linrinncy 8. II. IIAPMAN It. I. VANOILIlim North Orapu at. I'ltlVATi: AMI Cl.s8 (lie adilnl induce !llvivJ in 'III v vWv tfte.,