Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'rolmldy rnln tonlKlit mhI Uh
momm- Max, fllj Min, M.
Purly.foiirth Yr.
IMIly Nlnlh Yrnr
(tout of Moslems In Caucasus With
Defeat of Plan to Seize Knrs Makes
Invasion of Eypt Impossible En
tire Corns Annihilated Heavy
Blow at Hunuary,
LONDON, Jim. fl, IS: 32 p. in
Tlio cniHliliiK Mow llio ItiiNHlmin iip
penm in liiivu ilimlt tliu Turks In tlm
Caucasus, ami tint fuitlwr advance or
tho I'loueli In Alsncu on lint road (o
MiudhniiHon coiillnui) lo hold tliu font
ground In I tut war'now toilii)' In llio
nPrcntc cf any other Important do
wdnpmciilH i'(itl or wimt.
It in Ml In niiKlnml that tlio re
ported tout of tint Turkish Invaders
of tlio Caiicitinin, a llh tliu dufent ol
llntlr plan to sclio llio Russian for
tress at KiirH, gives tlio Ottoinitii
forms hucIi ii setback Hint (ho much
illm'tihut'il IiivuhIoii of KK'it U now
Itully out of llio iK'ntlon; at tin?
in nio tlnio tlio pi oiixu ro on tlio Kim
sinus from tlio east ha been mo far
relieved iih (o preclude any necessity
of withdrawing Russian forces rrom
tin Polish ami (lallrlun fronts for
service In llio Caucasus.
UofcHt nt Anlalmn
I'ctrogrud roiiortM that tlio Turkish
nrtiiy defeated at Anlahan (40 miles
southwest or Kara), which In distinct
from tliu forces reported to have been
crushed or captured at Knrl Knmysli,
was toility completely surrounded and
being hurnsMcd by Russian ravntr)
and "doomed to Inevitable extermina
tion." It mux added that the Turku
were lighting with groat Urn very nnd
determination, hut against hopeless
oddn an tlio nlong which thoy
sought In retreat were blocked by
deep snows.
Thin In tlio defeat or n Ttirklnh
in my corps which Grand Diiko Nleh
ohm refiirriul to yesterday In III
message to (Ivneral Joffre, command
or-ln-rlilof of tlio French forcen. Thin
dispatch announced a I no tlio capitu
lation or tlio entire Turkish Ninth
A i my Corps at Karl Kaui)h, and tlio
fact that hiicIi n communication bus
been oxchntiKcd between the allied
leaders In tliu cost nnd In tlio went
m taken In London to Indicate that
llio Russian claim Ih neither exag
gerated nor premature.
Slille nt Hungary
While there him been lrtuiilly no
change to the west of Wnmuvv, It Ih
llio opinion of llrlllHh observers of
ovonts that tho'ltuHMtan general staff
In giving many Indications of an In
tendon lo Htrlke a heavy blow In Hun
gary, With llukowlna occupied, tlio
tluiii Is rlpu for an IiivuhIoii of Trim
H) tvutitn, an eastern province of Hun
gary bordqrliiK on Itoiimauln, Near
ly a, 000,000 or the population of this
territory are of Itoumnulan Htoclc,
A ceo nil hk' lo a contention of the al
lien these people may bo expected to
seize the opportunity to throw off tlio
(Contlnuod oo priRO two.)
i:L I'ARO, Tomih, .Inn. O.-don-mil
Villa Imih iHHiied an older, at
reetlvo today, prohlbltlUK tlio expor
tation or nil cattlo ft oui territory con
trolled hy tlio convention foreon, TIiIh
iictiou wiih tnlton, It wan mild, for foar
of a meat fiimlno In northern and con
trnl Mexico,'
It Ih bullovod that tlio 8000 Villa
troops on their way to Ho no in to an
Hint In the Nnco cnmpalKii huvo
croHHod rrom Clitliiinlmu City by way
or Mndora, Ohlliuahiiu and thonco
ovoi'laud, liiHtead of via Juaroz and
CiiHnH OraniloB.
(lonural Villa Ih oxpected hero to
day to confer with General Scott,
IJrovlHlonul l'reHltlcnt Gutierrez or
tlio convention, linn repeated IiIh or
der to Governor Muytoronn, to do
hIbI from further uttiicKn on border
towns until complotlou of tlio Hcott
Villa conrerenco lioro, Villa him ro
imiliiod iillQiit on tlio mutter.
One Person Killed, Two Hundred Sent
to Hospitals ,nml Transportation
System of City Demoralized In the
Worst Suhway Disaster Yet Re
corded. NKW YOUK, Jan. 0 Now York's
Htibway wan visited by flro and panic
today which sent '.'00 persons to hos
pltaU, canned the death of one wom
an and demoralized the trnnsportn
tlou system of the city. The flro wan
mild to have been an electrical explo
sion In a conduit between the I'iftiotli
and I'lliy-nlntli street htutlonti. The
uolie, flame, nnd icmoku terrified 700
pnssciiKorn or life downtown traliiH
Dialled. In their efforts to esrapi
scores wero badly hruliied, many
knocked unconscious and other
overcome hy smoke.
Tlio Hiihwny service, accordlni; lo
Commlioiloner McCall or llio public
her vice commission may bo tied up
iteveral da) it an a result of the acci
dent. If It proven truo It will mean
that tlio inoro tlinu a million persons
a day carried hy Midway trains will
bo diverted to llio surface and ele
vated s) stems and cauno n congestion
without parallel In the hlntory ot llio
At first It wan believed there had
been a terrible catastrophe and re
porta reached police headquarters
that at lenst a score had been killed.
Tlio entire department, all niitbu
lauren In llio city anil llio piilmotor
squad, were runlied to tlio scone.
Hmnke poured out of the nubway en
trance, uianliolon and ventllntorn and
screams for help could be heard. It
turned out that early report had
been exaggerated. An It wan, how
ever, llio accident wan dencrlheil by
the police nn the jworst subway din
iinter that ban occurred hero.
LONDON, .Inn. (I. A (lenmiii
trenoh iieuily u hull' mile lon in the
Aruonne K'Kiou wiih blown up h.v the
ullies, ueeorilin to toilnv's olfieiut
hliileiiient I'ioiii Puiix. The Kieueh
then ninile nn infuutiv nttiiek mill
eiiilureil half of tlio trench, Uuiinj;
thU eliurp) u cnindson of the Ituliiiu
patt tot, (luiihiilili, was killed. The
recent death, in action ol' another
KriiniUon wiik mi id In Home to have
reawakened the war spirit in Italy.
Ahide I'rom (he liylitiny iu Hie Ar
K'onne, iietivit.v U limited chiefly to
uinier AImico, wheie the (lermaiiH
M'l'ni to huvo 'lieeked tin Fieneh nil
vnuee. Tliu only eliiim innde in the
French statement i Hint the ;roiiud
won Iiuh been held. The lo-rf of one
poHiiliini o the (leimnns in admitted.
The lleilin war office stairs that
Hid French are liouihurdiu town to
the ivur of (ho (lermnti lines, and
"m'oiu iiulifl'eienl to tlm killiiitr of
theii own eoiinlrymrn and to (he do-
htruelion of French liomo.." The can
turn of Miveral trenehes from the til
HeH in ieiorcd.
CHICAGO, Jan. C. Chemical do
termination that pnlnon cnimud the
death or Mm. Alice ItonaldH Friday In
her homo at Mnttoou, 111,, waa an
nounced today In tlio coroner's ro
port, Mrs, llanolds was found uncon
scious and died without inaltliiK
statement. Her husband, Or. 11, 13.
Konalds and C, O, IMircoll and his
wire, round In tho houso at tlio tlmo,
have boon hold under Burvelllitnco,
Tho houso was In great dlsordor.
TJioro woro ovldonces or n wild cole-
brat Ion, Mrs, lloualds' faro was
hnilsoil and scratched,
British War Secretary Reviews De
cember Campalfjn Noteworthy
Protjress Made Servians Praised
Allies Dally Incrcaslny Resources
to Prosecute War to End.
LONDON, .Inn. (I. -War Secretary
Lord Kitchener xoiy.ed the occanou
thin iifternooti at the meeting of the
lioiixc of lonU to inform the uutloii
of llie prorcfh of the war and of Ihe
military Mtuutinu ho far iih military
exhjciieiei neniiittcd. The limine of
lord had icnHsemhlcd for n brief
Hellion. Aildrehsinj; it, Lord Kitch
ener said:
"During the mouth of December the
allied I'orccH ninile prorchH nt villi
oiik poiulu, hut the lido of battle
ebbed and flowed with varying Hue-
"In M'ite of the iinfnvorabl
weather, Ihe French uimv made note
woilliy projrcs to the cant of
ItlieiuiM mid in houlheni ANnec.
Siiiiih l'i Situation
"Xnlwithxtnudiuj! the Imiifer of
fli'iiimn troops lo Ihe eastern theater
of the wur, thi'v left Hiiffieient
xlreii(fth to hold their tl cliches in the
"(lermuii aspirations in Poland
huve sulfered u severe check, and it
is evident that Ihcv realire Ihe in
finite difficulty of winter operations
in Kiismu.
"One of Ihe hnhlest spots in the
tuilitnrv opcnilions during Dccemhcr
bus been the extraordinary nehievc
incntK of the '.'nllant Serxiuu army.
"Last niulit wp received news,"
Lord Kitchener declined, "of n Hun
siai) lelnrv in Ihe fnucasiix which
should hnvc a fur-rcnchii- effect on
till the Turkish oHrnlioiiK."
To Trliiiuphaiit ICnd
"The ureal ndvuiituues which fter
iniiny enjoved hv icusoii of her nn
periolily of numbers and extensive
war preparations have eeitaiuly di
minished, while the allies dailv are
incrensiiiL' their resoureeK in sueh a
way as to enable them to prosecute
(lie war to ii triumphant end.
"The Irainiuy of ihe Caiiudian con
tiuueut of Ihe new unities has been
earned on under the worst weather
conditions, iut in spite of this u
srent deaf of extremely j;ond work
has been done during the last month.
Diseomfoits nnd hardships due to Ihe
storm mid mud have been cheerfully
met and both officers and men me
imbued with one common thutichl
piepnriii'j themselves lis thnniuglily
uud rapidlv as possible lo lake pari
in thn field where, I urn sure, (hey
will worthily suppoii (heir comnidcs
in nnns."
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklo., Jnn. fi.
Ono huudrod former stato banks,
which, It Is said, soiiKUt to nvald pay-
tiiK bank depositors Kiiarantoo fund
asHCRsmentH hy securing national
charters prior to 191.1, today faced
tlio necessity of paytttK inoro than
StiOO.000 to tho statu as u result of
u dcctHlon yestorday hy tho Okla
homa supremo court that tho amount
mentioned as duo tho Kiiarantoo fund
is n Just debt, Tho court hold that
nationalization did not free stato
hanks from liability to tho bank fund
Incurred wbllo thoy oporatod under
stato laws, j.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. C.
Tho railroad circling tho Gulf of
llothnln, thn northern extension ot
the Ilaltlu Sen, was vlituully com
pleted today. Up to tho present tlmo
thero has been a gap ot ten miles
ovor wnlcn passengers noin Stock
holm to 1'elrograd had to drlvo.
Now this h reduced to halt a mn.
0 D K C
HSFHpKLiRHi i v.stw
hppppppIpBpSI lr "2& .
KRRRRrHIRErW iw - -te&W&.
vRRRRRbRn ' " ' Js f&k'i- :$
XRRRRRRRr - "?- WJvli-Sk,
"I see that a fanner in offered
ill) for the first sack of suar made
by the projxised beet -mptr fuetory
to be located in the Itoue Kiver val
ley," stated Mine Host Kmil .Mohr of
the Hotel .Mi-dford, Wednesday.
"Now, if that sack of Mijrur s sold
locally, it is worth mote than Jrld to
me. Once I paid u hundred dollars
for a 100-pound sank of, Miynr, dur
ing the K'dd rush in the Klondyke,
and once npiin I am willing to pay
f 100 for n similar sank.
"I'lcase put me on record as offer
iuc one hundred dollar for the first
sack of siipir mado iu the Itouc
Kiver valley."
t'LKVr.LANI), 0 Jan. 11. Knslein
Oluo coal opeiators nt n meetiu.' de
cided today to open their mines un
der llio "open shop" plan. Strikinj;
miners who have been idle since Ap
ril 1 will be liixen first opportunity
to till Ihe jobs under the scale of
feicd hy Ihe opeiators.
A Business Arrangement
To tho Public:
Diffwnt pt'oplt' find diftVivnt thinis in the now
olini'tor to commend it. To tho property owner who
finds it hard to pay his improvement assessments
tlio provisions making it easier to pay and that makes
it almost impossible to niakosuch improvements ovor
the head of ai protest of a majority of property-owners,
is of special interest.
To the citizen that is tired of registering every
time he wants to vote, the fact that the new charter
wipes out'this nuisance makes it look good to him.
To the man who studies all items of public ex
pense and keeps tab of what public officials are doing
with the taxpayers' money, the most excellent book
keeping requirements and report to the public that
a child could understand, count rtuVmost. '
Hut above all that, it seems to mo .that tho average
business man should look nt the fact that the new
charter, following the demonstrations made in nmny
other American cities where thoy have made good,
has adopted for handling tho city's affairs just the
methods of administration that have made all big
business enterprises successful. It is a strictly bus
iness arrangement, and that moans good and cheap
management. It has so resulted in ovory city that
has tried it. It will do the same in Mod ford.
JANITAKV (5, 1910.
The Mctl ford Commercial club v'
hold Its annual ntcctlnK and clccttci
of directors In tho public library on
Wednesday evening, January 6, at
7;30, It was thought advisable not
to have tho usual banquet and enter
tainment nt this time, but to thor
oughly discuss nnd outline efficient
management and intensity of action
In tho Commercial club work for
191.. Como and offer soma good
ALIJANY. N. Y Jan. C Thad
dons C, Sweet of Oswego was selected
today as speaker of tho assembly, and
Klton R. Drown of Watortown, presl
pro tern or tho Fcenatc. Doth aro
republicans. Thcro aro only thrco
progressives In tho Now York stato
legislature which convened today but
In vlow of tho course taken by tho
Illinois progressives last night In Join
ing tho republicans, tho nttltudo of
tho Now York legislator belonging
to that party was awaited with great
Interest. -
Mayor In Annual Message Questions Wisdom of "Pcnny-Spllttlnrj Meth
ods of Doln.;- Business" Declares No Reward for Duty Well Done far
Knocker With His Little Hammer Always With Us City Not Dead,
But Badly Jolted by Curbstone Pessimists Favors New Charter, as It
Simplifies Government and Places Responsibility Where It Belongs.
Questioning the uUdom of n
"pcnny-hplittin method of doing bu
ineW for the city, uilvocntine n re
turn to prorc-i-ive methods declar
ing that Medford is 'n good old
town, not dead yet, but badly jolted
by home of our pcnMinNtic rricnoV";
championing the new charter and the
election of men of IjiiMiicfi qualifica
tions on the city eouiK'il. "who will
jiivc u progressive ndminiatnition,"
Mayor l'urdin Tuesday evening pre
sented his meshnpe concerning the
ndminiMrution of city business dur
ing the pa-t year. His nienge
reads n follows :
IVrnuincnt Improvements
"For the year lll-l there is little
to report in the wav of cnniincnt im
provements. What Iiiik been done in
this line is dimply a clo-in up of
home (.mull puvin; job-., nnd the luy
inj: of n few lateral sewers, and the
construction "f some concrete sidc
wulkx, a number of which have been
ordered iu prior to this year, but not
constructed until 1014. While there
have been n number of repairs on the
different propertie of the city, none
of them can be properly called new,
and have been only of such n nature
as to try nnd keep the property in us
jond condition n could be done with
out greut expense.
CHy Water S)lem
TteceipN of the city water system
show n slight falling off for the year
1914 from tho-e of 1913. The receipts
for 1913, ns shown hv my Inst annual
report, were ..12,80(U:i, nnd for the
year 1911, from figure obtained
from the city recorder, thev npnear to
he ..fl2,G97.4". nnd the disbursements
for 1914 nre flO.lIVJ.ntl. ns nprainst
disbursements for 1913 of $13,984.00,
a savin? of some considerable sum.
In addition to the receipts shown for
1914. there have been n number of
certificates redeemed from wntcr-iis-ers.
the amount of which will hnvc
to be ascertained from the report of
the proper dcpnitment, nnd which
have not been furnished me.
The City Court
In February, 1914, the city coun
cil appointed Charles II. flay as judjro
of tho city court, and he has been
paid in salarv the sum of $$'JflO, nnd
the receipts of the court for the year
1914 nre shown to bo the sum of
rll'JS.".", lenxinjr n bnlance of
.f928.7."i to the credit of this fund, nnd
iu addition the city has had the ben
efit, if it was n benefit, of l."2 ' davs
work on tho streets hv persons eu-
teneed not bavin? money to pay fines.
N.VC0, Arizona, Jan. G--Goiicrul
Follpo Ansoles, Villa's chlot subordi
nate and said to bo Ills cuotco for
provisional president ot Mexico, was
cajiiured yesterday when General Al
varo ObrcBon drove tho VUla-X.apata
army out of Puobla, according to mes
saKes from Vera Cruz received today
hy General Hill, commanding the
Carrniun garrison ot Noco, Bonora.
Tho capturo ot Angeles caused much
rejoicing among tho Carranzn sold
iers. Angeles was In command of the
'rirftiy defeated by Obregou,
VKKA CUlTZ, Jan. C Wbllo Gen-
oral Alvaro Obregou, commanding tho
Cnrranza forces, Is driving tho troops
ot Villa and Zapata from tho city of
I'uolila. u still larger force at IIlpo
llto In tho north under tho personal
command of General Villa mid Ango
les, is being pushod hack by General
Vasquez, according to a statement
glvon out today at General Vonus
tlnno Cnrraiua's headquarters here.
Htpolttu Is northwest ot SnltlHo on
the railroad Una to Torreon,
NO. 246
nnd who were directed to work out
their fines.
Sewer J)Mrkt No. 13
It seems that this bono u conten
tion must bo handed down from each
outcome administration to tho next,
ns the mnttcr h as fnr from settle
ment ns ever. Another suit in tho
circuit court bavin" been decided
nu'uinst the city. Let iih hope that
the year 191"i may sec this mnttcr
settled nnd settled right. Ar it now
i, the warrants issued iu payment
for this work, when it was completed,
nre yet unpaid, nnd likely the eity
will be called on nt nny lime to take
them up. Sewer District No. 13 1ms
surely been a source of trouble to
scxcral cit- councils, nnd the end H
not yet; though it would seem likely,
from the talk of our political manag
ers that orate on the streets, this was
n matter they could hnvc easily wet
tied. Sinking Funds
My annual report for 1913 showed
the sum of .fo010.G2 ns being: in ihu
sinking funds tit that time, nnd to this
there has been added, ns shown hv the
figures from tho office of the city -corder,
tho sum of $0492.80, ranking
n total of $12,103.48, which is some
thing like $2.-1,000 less than it should
be, but it seems as each year rolls
b that the cry. for lu tuxes gro
more insistent, and that it is not pos
sible to have n proper sum set nprli
for this fund. This matter rises cncM
year to confront the new city council,!
which must blame tho ones -receding '
for not doing their duty in this mit-
tor, nnd so it runs on, and when tho
tinio for payment of tho bonds nr
rives, then something will have to Im
done. One thing is sure, nnd that
is the water fund could lake euro of
a large amount of this fund each year
if it was used for tho purpose mid
not diverted to other funds, hut ns
money must be had to carry on the,
work provided to bo putd for from
other funds and no appropriation is
made to keep such funds intact for
their purposes, then transfers from
the water fund will follow uz in Ihu
Street and Ituail DciMirtiiicut
The street nnd road department has
been crippled tho putt year for the
reason that it was short some $12,000
from the county on rond tax. Figure
from the office showing receipts in
the .sum of $l2,9.i4.72 nnd part of
this was transfers from other funds.
and disbursements in tho sum of
(Contiuued on Page 2.)
rirrilOGKAD, via London, Jnn. 0,
3; 09 p. ru. Tho .Vovoo Vrontya Bnyn
that a recent sortie by tho Austrian
garrison which Is dcfondlng I'rzomysl,
tho duto of which Is not given, ro-
suited In tho complete annihilation
ot tho Austrian force. ,
The sortlo was preceeded by e"xten-
blva reconnolsanco. The Austrian
Infantry advanced In torco In the.dl-
loction ot u forest near the city. Tip
Russians opened flro, but tlio Aum
trtans rushed forward and gulneit
tho coer of tho woods, They con
tinued to push forward and tho Rus
sians peni'lited them to advance clone
to their positions before making 'a
serious effort to halt them, With the
fighting thus at close range tb Kn
slans opened up a terrlflo fire from
rifles and machine gups.
It Is said that not one of the furc
which mado tho sortie regain t
fortress, thoso who ware Not killed or
wounded bpuif captured,, tin Una
pnrnturp at I'rMmysl Is cUw Uf mcI.