fV jL r y . IK'' fc' t ; i u Jtt itt'Jri, i V h V S ff PAGE NEXT MONDAY EVE Mump, l!i iihlcsl J'oiin of iimimo llll'lll I.IIOUIl Id lllllll, Hill OIIJO.V II ) vlvul mI tliu Pngo llii'iiliT Monday niulil, .liiilunrv 'It wllon Lo Hpy, Tllllllll, llhllPO Mllll Cllllipllll.V III' if 1 1 Knuli-li iiiiiulciiiii, fuliem, illusion iN mill viuii'iv nrli-tx come on lliclr loiiml the v, mid Iiiiii. Il Mill bo llmir In ( lii al iilip" ihiiicc. Tin1 4'tlll.liv 'i ill'lli'il Atii'iiia curly flfc Mill-, Tnliiiii i December mill tl tin1 ('ml III imi I it in Sun Prnnei-en, where llu-ir nenliig tllllk pllll'l. tlll'V pill I'll l plll'kl'll lOMMM in- II Intlllll'llt. I .( liny. Ttilnm mill Hoeo pin lieu. Iiuly lUplnil Oriental mngiu nml tin' otsilH'iit !' novelty i tin' oNldiiuil l sl of their I'lili'iliiiiiliii'iit, Tin1 lint dim repo Irii'k will In pieciiliN for tin) rirM limn In tliix city. 'Hut In lf'tm'i lo In niic of lii mot bewil dering illiiHiotiH cvi'r oltcii'd li.v n ninnii'imi. Travelem from India Imvo lolH for many yeum of tin' native filter who throw h'mih into the nit, WJlil'll Wjtn lltlfl' fllllllll'il ll.V II Mllllll hoy, who instantly disappeared into the nlmnp)toio with tlni mpo. For iHfltlv centuries the I liinlo niii' trick ItHa defied t'opy. It nut nut until l.c Hoy Iniil -pent (Mo lull Mill- in liiilin tint lie -iMi.i1 in Iciiiiiinu tin1 ii lit - l-ipli's Hi tilt- II miilkllhlc fl'llt. ASSAULTING JESCKE Tim tun Vmli-riMin bo)s, aw 11 nml 1! eam, will bo given n hearing boforn the JiivuiiIIb rviirt tliU a(lnr noon on n oluirxw of hinliiK moniltiil Curl JoMkx. idh GO )mir, followliiK n Ofliinto Thm-mitny iiIkIiI. TIio Iioj-m urn nllM;' in lmu turuml upon tin old jHMtdvr, ami lifiil lilin. Tim Imyn tiUliu tlmy vniitnriiil Into thu Jrki jhiiI to Ki't tln'lr iIok. wlmn Jj(Dk RcrtiiKM tliuiii of trying to m'iml lit wooil, mnl cluirKixl tliom llli ii oltiti. Tlio Inita are nalil to Imvo mot tlio HMMitilt of tin Teuton, mnl to Jint'o roiulxl It n(tur n uliorl nml vlguiou aklnnUli ATtorwurilH Jonrlio wont nut a roiniliitnt. ltuortiiil by JackNon County Ab tract Co., lilxth uml Kir Ht. ( limit Hrn Bliomly vi i: J Arnnl nml llyllo Armit IiIh ulfc. To ilocliiro n iltti'il n iiiiW;hko nml foroclnnn inin I'rnliuln I4tnt of IC. I'liiliU. AilinlnUtin- tor'ri i I'tn in of hiiIii, Kultito of Win. II. Wi'lili. on rinitl ni count. Onlur liciil Ivxtiilo Trnnifi'iN MlHHiitirl IC. OHiKon nt uv to Win. ItoliurtH, ot iix. y 1.0 1 nori-H In T. HO It. 1 1J.. W. I) .1. W. Alitiott tit uv lo 'Noliiml Davlrt 4)1 uv, NIC ot Nil iu'C. il T. 10 H. i VI, W. I) Clnrn A, MlililUiton to Paul ,. fliiutior, HW of NV mm. '811 T. III! It. I W 2000 10 10 DIED SIMMONS At tin) Siii-iviI Henri lini5illnl, Jmiitnry I, 11)15, Joliiuinu SiijiinoiiH, wifoof AVilliuin II. Sim. minis of lrowy, n ni'ivo of Miclii pin, llrr homo wiih ut Slfiliui; niiui'N. Shu li'nvi'.s it liiihlniml mnl ouo tlmiKlili'i'i Mih. I.izf.in Hnwlinus of Cnliiiiirl, Mich. Sim hits liccn n u'hi ih'iit xlui'i' 1HS8 nml six yenvrt hko went lo Sli'ilinj.' lo ruhiilo, htnoriil Sutiiiihiv ut -:'M p, ui. from lYil m. ilciliil.liiu' pniloiH, Jlminl in I, 0, 0, V. I'l'iiicli'ry. SAIf.MAKSII At Ihdlmimiof Imh niolliui', Dniii SiiIIiiuiihIi, thiuiMnilos I nil 1 1 Umicoin, ,oi Sjillniurr.li, '22 yciirn of jiki'i a mitivn uf Oroson, Shy lunyi'H u inolhi'i' uml omi tjisjor iiijil lVP(linillinw, Mi'". JolnV '('utilntll? Duhiio Ii. uml (Ihniii, I'lincnil ut 'J p. ni.ffSiimliiy. Sorvlcim ut tlio ;rovt'. Jluriul in JnukHuiivillo cemutory, III ijM .4VilJan-a-iirf . t.'W' . ' , - 7'' 'V? COURTHOUSENEWS NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS" - nsBaBaa aw hhh i i unit-i n ! -j-M-ar EAGLE POINT EAGLETS llv A, (!. Ilowlclt, .lolin MIiiIit ictiiriii'il fimu I'ort lnml IliHt H'ccll nitil liioiir.lit IMh hIh li'i', .Mi'H. t'lnlrwntor, with lilm uml thoy two lIitvi'inovMl Inlo lutf place mmr Itvmm urccli. IM Kpumm- iiiimi In on (ho Hiiini' uur nml wont out to IiIh niollinr'H, Mri ClirlM Wonlny. Quito ii miinlicr of our clttiuiH liuvo lnuii liielm: iioulilo with tliulr wntui iioh on iircoiilil of tlio cold Hiiup wo Iihvc liinl in imiiiy Imttiimi'N thu plnH uoutil liuiMt nml lot tlio wul in 'flow ov(r ilm looiim nml In imiornl limliim OM. llm plpim from up no Hint i liny coiilil kiiI no wiir nt nil uml thou limy would Imvo to curry tliulr wutor from tliu cn'ok or iwnr li wi'lU. Our rolilodt wrnthcr wn ho tliul thu tlmruioimitcr roKlxtorod hIx ullovo r.io, hut Hint Irt thu flrnl tlmo for nitM'nt mini) yuiK Hint It lim lii'i'ii no low. 1'iof. C, K. .lohiinon, prlucliml or tlioTiililn Itniic ncliool ruimi ovur Hat iiidny I'vn, Mpi'iit Kumliiy Imri) nml iiltmiilnd rliuri'h uml Humlity kcIiooI, uml Momluy wont up lo hU homo Httuid nloiiK thu I. ft 1. II. It, to iipiiml a ftw duy th"ro, Hpfmlilun nhoilt rllllrrh lirlllRK to my iiiliul l lift fni.l that Itov. I,, h. SlimuoiiM uml family wnro not f(irnl ti'ii hy tln'lr iminy frlnmlN on thu oc ean I on wlifii mi) liml our CIiiIhIiiiiih tii'i' 'Mii:m'h uml wIhIkm inu (IiioiikU tlio KarJutH In thu Mall Trillium, to xprcMM lli'dr lilr.li npiuiilatloii of tholr hlmlmiM. ('. II MiDonal.l mnl H. H MoDonnld hlii Inollicr, ranic lu on Iho wr lant .Momluy uml took tlio 1.'. I', uml I'or nut rttuKu fur their UrothiTH ranrh lu-nr t In inoiith of i:ik uroidt on IIokiio IIHit. Dr. '. K. McDonutd hnx lioi'ii In Alahiimn durliiK thu pant euanou uml hint rnuio hail, huro to clio; mii)n that thin Itor.uo 1th cr Vul loy ,hnH thu flmmt clltiiato of any rountry ho hinv ovnr found uml ho linn truvulud over a very inrfiu por tion of thu t'nllt'd Htnti'M nml Canada. Kuyrt that In Alnhnma tlio wunthur Ih MiiffornlliiK nml thu air M'oiim to ho ho ntlflliiK thnt oiiiTan hardly hn-nthu nml that tlio iiiohiiuKoh nru n frlnhl up to about riirlntuuiH, I to Id nuruly bnoHiliiK .lac)(ioti county, .laini'it CuIIhiiIhou coiiiu out last Monday from IiIh hmuu In thu l.aku crii'l; roiiuliy, nftur hbt dniiRhtur, Ml km Mabel. Mho linn huun HpumllnK ClirlHtimni with frlcuda In .Mudford. I'rank I.umI who In huuplm; n pool room nml confrctlonory ntoru In our town linn tu'im tnklm; nilvontaK"-' or thu rolil Miiip uml liait put iit n luanllty ut leu for tuiiiuiuir unu, but n iw ilaM nito bu hnd thu mtrorliino lo rufi a mill into bin foot, but nt IiihI aiTountK wun KuttliiK nlong wull with It. Mr. nml Mm. Charlua Wlltbur of Spoliaim, Wnnh., nrrlvod buru lout Sat. unlii) thu Jiitli to vIhII bur paruntM Mr. uml Mi IV M. Hluwnrd.- Mm. Wltthur wun formerly Mm. I.lbby Klktuuyur nou J.lliby I'urry, one of tlio kuvou HlHtom. known nt tlio time of tlio luiiulon or thu O. A. It. buru u fuw yearn nun on Hut I'urry lililx that favored dm with hucIi fiuu voint iiiiihIc nml her many frbindu here Kuvu her u warm Kicetlnit. Sliuruinn Wooluy bromjlit In lant TiiuhiIio tin eo irati'H of cblekeim for our local It. It. uuent, V I. Nepoit. Mm. Ired I.uwIh, IiokIi'hh of the I.ewlH llroH, farm near Wullun, who bna bi'itn upcmtltiK n fuw tlaya on tlio farm with her children durln thu liollduyH, went to Medford Tuenduy )i m. Kiu htm biHin xpumlliiK inont o I bo llmu durliiK thu winter In Medfurd ho that bur children could take mlvun tiiKo of thu kooi) hcIiooIh there. She luft tlio two older hoyit on the fiirm, iih thoy wanted to ronialn iih Ioiik uh they rould but will tettirn to their Mtmlb'H by the lib of Jnnmiry, Tuenday wo had iiiiioiik iih Win (tore, (leo. II, Curpenter, S, Stoivy, .1. W. Collins nml I. K. I), lliimlol, who worn out boro in mo intorost pf thu mib'ur beet Imlmitry, uml thuru wiih n company of nbout fifty met thorn In (leo. Drown ft Sour hall nml heard thu nubjert dlncumiod from thu Htunilpolnt or tlio IndURtry. Mr. CI ore wait thu prliu'ltml Hpcnkor nml ho wont Into thu dntallH explaining approsl malely thu cost of production, uml koiiio or tlio iiilvunlnKua tlio fnrmor would derlvu If tlio project would riiu ceed. Tbeio were nix of the fnnnora that rIkuciI up for u little over thlrt) ucieri uml there In qulto n iiumbor who will take nu Intorost In the iiiqvo iiftor they Imvo luul tlmo to think over nml examine Into the matter. Aa tbero nro many of tlio rendoiH of tlio' IJnglotH that were not hero to hem Mr. (latcH talk, uml I would havu been Kind to buvo had ovory furmui lu this roctlou of thu country to havo lidnnl It, 1 will kIvo u row points he presented, In thu flint plneo ho did not try to innko ua bulluvo that wo could go llKht to work nml mltto miliar hcuta on uuy kml or noil but that thu noil imiiit bo panned upon by an oxpurt, for tho conipitny doea not wmtt to Imvo u bin; lot of land nlmied up Hint will not prmluco what thoy wiui I ami thla 101)11111,' in frco of M.ODFOJH) MAIIJ TltimJNP, ' - . . ' ' ';n J- "i " ; ' . ' cliiirijo. Thuii nftur tho noil Iiiim Iiccii nppmvitd II In to bo plowed very deep ami iitlll bellui to mo Mill deeper nml tear up the under atrala or nub. noil and ho rimued that oxpcnmj nt I In en dollarH an acre nml thru the liariowlnu mid loveIln, ute., he plac ed ut two dollar nioio, thou the plimtliiK, wi'i'dliiK, lc, he pluci-d nt pluiilliiK, woeillm;, ute , maklmt a loni; Htory Hhort bo cRtliualuil ut r mi ncru. Thnt Ih mippoH"id to Iticludu nil of (ho expoiiho from flrnt lo lat. Ami theru wan nnothui' dlfririilty up. pun red uml that wiih that mm limn Miiilil not tuml lo u ery larnu tract uml would have thu meumt to blio. and then thu compaby would fiirnlli Ihu m;cnry help uml uliiirKv H unalimt tlm crop, nml thai an aero or laud would product) t', worth or bnitH nml nil or the uxpemio would ummint to only ?:jft an iu.ru ho thai tlio piodurer would renlhru I0 an acio cb'iir for IiIh work. Ilo then told of hoiiik or Iho other buuofllH lo bu derlvud from thu nioyu and one Hum wiih JlK.flOO (onU of wood that ihey woiilil liuii to have mid n vnkt iiuautlty or llmu, mid nil ut tlicxo would reijulro tlio labor or a larKu nuuiber or men uml Hiuh be of hen fit not only to Hioru In Ihu Imuindlrtlo vlelully of Ihu plant hut would help thu hmdnoMfi lu the on tiro valley. lint f neo that I am uettlriK thin letter entirely too Iouk but wil purhapH hnvu moie to Hny on the juibjcct Inter on. EVANS VALLEY BnEEZES iiiu eoniet ueutliei- m eum wns ii. . experieueei) ut Kwiux Mtllev lmt week, 'J'lie, creek wiih frozen over lo lint ileplh of several iuelio. The iuim,' fulU luul plenty of rim ku( iiik'. ,Thi mi'IiiioU lime eueil fur Hie 1ml iiIu.xm. I'iiii (Irovu uml Winter 1i liii'ti luul ChtiittmiH ticcs. The ehil ilren iliil eretlit to their teueherh in npproprinlo exereiM'K. Mi-H Mihlreil .plesnte, teacher of I'iue (hove wliool, in bpemliiK the vuenliuu ul her home in Axhlmid. (Icoikc Cliumller, u t-tmlenl of the O. A. ('., in Iioiiid for tho lioliilnyt. Huriy White, teneher oT Wimer sliool, iiiolnied to his home ut Hold Hill Imtt Weilnexiluy. Will White it u pitvt nl tho honic of William Moine. The l'ollowin yumi-; Imlie-. ulteml iy; liih M'hool in the ulley towuH lime letuniPil for the CliritiunK va va cateon: Mi-.-n l'.vn ('niter. Veil Hiby, Marie llillc, Aguet Seutt. Helen Miuthoiii, Kiluu uml K-ther KielianUon. Mliwf AUu Senll, leneher nt Rone River, is ut Imme for the holiilnv. Mr. mnl Mm. Fred Miuthoni nml ilsmclitiT Helen were kiiuhIh of .Mm. llmiiMioml uf OrmitH l'un Xuuv- tiny. l'rolVf-Mii- nml Mm. Vnn Scoy were jiiuxU of honor ut the reunion tliu ner Kiveii by Mr. uml Mm. S. II, Moore of Cov Corner runeli. Tlioo pit-fcent were: Mr. nml Mm. .1, It. lhl lit nml children, Mr. uml Mrs. .Imuus Siuuinerville uml ehililreu, uml Wis ley lucrum. Mr. uml Mm. Chapel uml sun. I'Vmiklin, spent Sunday ul I'lensunV Vulley furin. I'.llcii fiml l'ri'eimiii Tavlor of (Irmil.s I'n-s are viilin ujth rein tivcK during the Micutioii. Mm. .lolin I'nyne, .Mi-ms .lennio Drul.e, I'tln uml Aimie I'omerov uml MehKi-H, Will I'oineroy, llUwoitii tun! John Druke uttemleil the tluueu ut I'vaiw cieek ('hristuum uiht. Mr. nml Mm. William Moore nml fnniilv were tliuner p;itets of ,1. I. Simtlipcter Chririlimis day. I.iml-uy Keiilliumer i wenriuj; i Inoiiil smile the-e days over the ml eul of u new tlmmhter. A family reunion wut hehl ul (he homo of Mr. nml Mm. Dan Keiilli umer Chri-lmiiH tiny. 1. 1. Smithpeter lias umveil into Iiih new homo uml is nUo euioymt' u vinii with his motlier, Mis. I.uu, of (irunlM Pnirt. Mr. ami Mm. O. 11. Stewnnl enlor taincd Ihu following iicIn ul dinner Cliristiuns tiny: Mr. nml Mm. ,V'rl Homier, Mr. uml Mm. K. I'. (Miami let- uml children, Mi, uml Mm. S. L. Poller uml Mr. uml Mm. Kretl Miller nml huby, lim Owens spcnl Chrislinus tiny with his family nt Hu;iin Htvor. Mr, nml Mm, Kd DinimicK- motoiyil from Mm Pivh.s Clirislnim, tiny to Mieir homo nt Kvmis Vulley, Thu tliuu'o ul the new hall reeontly built hy Jmues Xruthummcr uml Tom Oiliu was u tleeitled sueeess. A nuiu lier of yomif" folks fiom the Meadows nml Grunts Puss were present, dim imiimiiu'fil ttnothei' tlniiee for New Vein's iiiitht, Tom Johnston, who-o fullier was nmiinirer of Pleusunl Vulley fuini, but now living in Wnsliinijlon, is Iho mtest of M"r. ami Mrs. George v'Mem, JuJiu Monro nml fmmly were shoi piiitf in llouu Kiver las) week. Mr, uml Mrs. Va (Vole were. Grunts PnHs visitors lust Weuk. Mr. Ooolt lielon-is to thu f rcstry hervieo in California. I'M Hrownswoith. In nn inimitulde manner, auctioned thu hose.-, at tho Mrci)FOm. -OI.KOOX, HATrifDAY, JANrANY 2, .ill. Hociul iM'li ii'mle)- llir upenlMiuu of ( 'Inn lex OwI'iih mnl I'miiily ut tllu Wi mer Helmollioiiie Tliur-iln,, We un iIi'IhIiiikI thu Hlllll of .') Wiih leulied, lm( liuve mil lenineil In wluil it i to be npplieil, Mr. nml Mr. On- mitc uexN ut KiimiyxiuY 1'uiin, tlie Imme of .Mr. uml .Mm, l-'ieil lloiinei-. .Mm, ,ohii 1!. Illlli- mnl soni were HhoppiiiK in dull Hill Tliiinxliiy, I RIVERSIDE RIPPLES Pi'fiftiHNiir Ifeililie ui the iiiiivemity uml Profeswnr llciheit Mathews mo holiiluy quests ul I In- lloalis iiineh, V, K, Wnhl retunicil to Iiim worh nl Medl'iMil iillei- ii I'm ilitv' vii.it t home, Al Wolveilou nml (lemve Jneolis drove lo GniiltH J'as Tmstliiy after lumber. Cliartcs Cliuuiplaiii uml family spent CliriMlmus tlnv with Mm. Cliiiiiipliiiu'rt mother, Mih. W, A. HI liotl, who haft u family dinner party. Mr. nml Mr. II. I!. N.ve motored ilonu liuiii Mcdfoid Sunday uml were irueU nt the fl, II. Alden honic. They "lid not have u very uiod opinion of our roads lioin Oold Hill out this wny, while from Medlord to Gold Hill the toads weie line fur motor in.'. Mr. uml Mm, J. II. Ifiire were cnll in js- on Riverside friemU Sunduy. Mi.m lleltlni Woolvettoli is ut Phoenix for n couple of weelw, it guest nt the Jetuihtu honic. Miss Murgmiritv Carby of Medford is the ut of hor siler, Mm. I. II. Potter, this week. Mr. ami Mm. II. U. Jones spent Chritiuus tiny with their son llert on Pools creek, nml ulo viiled ut tho Klliutt nml Short liomex, returning to their own Itoimi Sulurdny. The ('hri-tinns parlv ut Hie Mc Diuiald Imimo Saturday evening wits it veiy pleiiMitnl iilfnir. About forty weie iies('iit uml im one vvns sliiilil ed when it cnlue'to tn'.lng llie gifts fiinii the tree. Mr. Ilnwcm, our (luld Hill drugiii-'t, kindly loitm-il hi-. Kdi sou phonograph, which furnished the iiin-ii' for ilmiciug. The Imniu of ('. 1). Woolverlon wns completely destroyed by fire Friday evening, December 'J'), at about 8 o'clock. The, Woolveitnn family, with n few other neighbors, were ut the G. It. Alden li'.dne to spend thu eveping. They had hern nwny from the liuu-e uliout nfteen minutes when I). II. SlemI from his home uw flames coming from the roof, lie gave the ulunn uml nil wen; Micro in it very short time, but tho, flames burnt nil over the inside of the house as i-our us the iloor wn broken in. No one could enter ami not n thing vvns snv oil. Within nn hour the house nml nil the fimii-hinss im-lmlim; u tine I In by Grand piano, were gone. Tho i ne is supposed to have stnrled from the electric wiies. Mr. uml Mm. Woolvettou lire stopping ut the Al lien home, while Ihey fix up thu old hott-c on thu pliiei for a temporary home. Keighbors nml friends are lin ing all they can in the wny of woik or material aid to help them get started uml to show in a small way their deeji sympathy. The house nml contents were in-urcd. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Missus Kale and Minnie Croneinil. lor spent I'liri-liuns day with Mm. (', I,. Grant of Medloid. Profosor uml Mm. P. ( Smith sM'itt several tla,.I in Talent this w eek. Misses Molliu Hay nml Pros. Onlvin were the guests of Mm. M. M. Collins Christmas week. l'iofesor ami Mm. .1. P. Wells hnvu gone to Salem, where Mr, Wells will help mi tho teachers' CMimimt tioil hoiitd. Mrs. Kugeiio Thompson has charge of the siipeiiiitemleut's office timing his absence. Mr. nml Mm. Clyde Miilone of Ash laud wero the guests of Mis. F. J, Pish tho first of the weuk. Jim Fruneis letunied from Applo gato WeilnoMluy, where he has been spending (he holidays vvitli George Hoffman. .Mrs. C. J. Xttnaii cntcilniuctl nt diuhor Christmas in honor of Dr. uml Mm. It. K. Gulden nml Mr. nml Mm. Lewis ririoh. Misses I.anra nml Cora Thonuts vveiu Ashland visitors over Christ inns. Miss Alia Steels of Medford spent a few hours hero 'visiting friends on Tuosdny. Rudolph Ileekel returned to San Franeisoo Sunday after spending Christinas at home. Misses Agnes nml Anna Proud spent Sunday with their mother, Mm. Charles Delhi aeeompniiictl.thoin. Mrs. James Moreoni ami daughters of Ashland nro spending Mm weuk with rplnttves in town, Thoiuns Fulton left for Moutuguo recently, whore hu lias scoured em ployment, Mrs. Ptiltou oxpei'ts to join him Iho first of next week. Mr. mid Mrs. 0. W. Duuford wero recent Aslilnnd isitors, tho guests of the luttoV's sister Mrs, lloyd. P. Hagnn of Kiigno litis hoen vis itlpg friends in tovvii? Mm. J, Rotor oulcituined n few friends Sntuidav t)vening, tliu oeen.s ion being hor birthday, Tliu evening win Hpenl in ciiiil-, ufl'r which u de licious lunch was served, S. S. Randies arrived from Ne vada to rpcml Cliiistimis with his wife, who has been Hpendim- Iho win ter at the home of her sister, Mm. Chii Plrieh. The Kleclrie tlii'iilur, which opened ('lirixlmiis eve, is piovihg rpiile mi nltrnelioii. The films mid uecoimuo tlutiouM are bolli good. lolin Remiult will return home soon,' At pruxoiit he 1 spending the liolida.VH in Sen I lie, ut the Immu of S, P, Da Kolmutn. Mm. V S. Wjlnon held a family re union ut her home CliriHtmris duy, her guets being: Mm. Ilenriutlu lick uml granddaughter. Mr. and Mm. P. J. Pick, Mr. and Mm. John Wilton. Mm. Wilon uml K. W. Wilson ami Peter Pick. r TABLE ROCK TABLETS 1 Mitei Sue nml Helen l.ydianl arc spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. ami Mm. J. II. Ivdhird. W. R. iSynim. S. M. Xoulon ami S. C. Collins uttemleil the citlcns-tuX'-puyers' itifctint' nt JHoksouvillo on Thumdny in the interest of our schbol. The incctinir hold ut (Iil hcIiooJ. house Momlnv afternoon in (he in terest of the Migur beet industry was well at tended. Several of our fiinu em ate deeply intctcsted in the pro ject, while other wMi lo use a little caution in rcynnl In the signing up proposition. However, we re-ent (he term "miwslmckH" applied to us in a recent ini' of the Mail Tribune. Mr. ami Mm. J. ('. Pemlletuu nml son, V. II., visited Mm valley (owns Ttiu'-dny. Rolicri K. Nun Ion loft Momluy on the cxciimiuu for points, in Califor nia. Mm. Lucy Dickey of Salrm accom panied the remains of the late John Diigttiiu In Central Point Tuesilay. She will remain a few days as tin guest uf Mm. Karl Muy. Mr. nml Mm. Clmrlcs Foster, who havu been visiting ut (he home of S. C. Collins, left Tuesday for Agnte, where they will visit Mr. ami Mm. I.oren Gregory. At the recent telephone meeting. I). W. Heche was elected president: .1. f. Pendleton, vice-president, ami M. 11. Clmse, secretary of the eomnniiy. Carl Heche nml Miss Dulcie Caloti attended n birthday parly given in honor of Miss .lo-cphine Kim-aid at the home of her parents, Mr. Mid Mm. It JL Kim-aid of Agate, last Tuosdny eve. They report it one or Iho mot enjojnble events of the season. John Dnggmi. who died December '28 nt the nge of 8.'J yearn, win. a na tive of Ireland, uml nn old and re Mieeled citizen of this valley. Do served in the civil war during the year-. '(KI-'lU, on the northern battle ship Connecticut. Ho leaves, be sides many friends, to mount his loss one brother, Dennis Dtiggan, nml a sou limes, ami a daughter, Mm. Karl Mny, all of this vicinity. , CIjASSIFIKI) ADS. Ono cent per xvord per lssuo. Six insertions for price of flvo. Fifty cents per Hue per month without chango. FOR KENT IIOL'SnivKEPING ROOMS FO It " it ENTFu nilshod housokeep. Ing rooms with light, gas, bath. 345 North Rartlett. 245 FOR RENT llousekeepliiK and sin gle rooms, heat, bath, phono free. 223 W. Main. 267 FOR RENT Furnished and light housckeopinj; rooms reasonable. Gas and bath. 301 S. C. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooniB. 307 E. Sixth St. 2 45 FOR SALE RKATi ESTATE FOR SALE Fho ucres well Im proved, close la, tonus. See own er. P. O. box 2S5. 247 von sale on exchange Roguo River Valloy Fruit Lands. Dairy, stock, poultry ranches nnd Tlntbor. Colonization Tracts. Best all-tlie-yoar-round climate ou coast. Health Resort. Wondorful Medici nal Springs. Heaver lleulty Co., Ashland. Oreuon. WHY? A word to thoFO who aro coming back. Laud for tho past six months has been hanging nt rock bottom prices, a grunt deal ot liquidation has taken place In this time. My bus iness nlono In thu last half ot this year has amounted to nearly $100,000 I bollovo tho last four or flvo deals I ltaov inado represent absolutely the bottom. Land with rentul valuo of $30 nu aero will not long ronialn nt $200 nn aero. Thoro will bo no boom but land values will Improve some. Good roads, irrigation, saw-mill, box factory, cheap powor, sugar boots, canning factory, good prices, satisfied customors, perfect days. Hurry, sou Medford first nnd J. C. BARNES Room 201, Fir a I Ntitluunl Rank Uldg. 101 ) VOU Iin.NT-MOVMCJ" v i-'bit 'llKNT Nicely" f'tunliiii'eiT niott urn hIx room ImnKalov. cloj In. Phone fi.11 or S22-.I. POU ItKNT HIx room modern bun gnlow, rloco In, flnn Hhnd, rnngo connectt-il. Phono 1'!0-X. --. JXUXIJ X' I'OIt HUNT PI'ft.MHHlID IKIO.MS V'OU HKNT Kurnlidii'd "room In modern houno. Phono S72-J. FOR HKNT Large, plenitnnt roomn with lint nml bntli. $2 and $2.00 lior weuk. 15 North Orapo HI. 256 FOIl SAf.IV. T.lrMlt'CK POlY8Ai".BADllt fine cow, JorRuy, Phono RS2-W. 221 FOR 8AI.H Drcil flowa nml r.lltB from prize winning Imroc .fcritoy burd, .lack-on county fair: nlno Itrinni old unoiigH for Hurvlco and weanllngii. I.. If. Ilotmlon, omi mlbj wont of Talent, phono I5-P12. 201 FOR SAI.K bots and pig. Stone, JnekHonvlllo rond. A. W. FOR HAI.K Two good dairy cows. Phonu 117-X. FOR SAI.K Right film row. threo year old hnlfom, rino team of work marus. Nash Livery l'arn. 201 FOR 8AI.K Span work lionton. work 2C00, span work maroH, weight 1700, Holntlon cow glvIuB 40 Ib milk. Cow comlnj; fresh In January, Holxtlcn bulla onu and two yenrs old, threo yearllnK calvcH. 10 fat hogs, 1.1 brood sows, will farrow la December and Jan uary two rows with pig, top I'UBKy. aimoist new. j, t. Raffer ty, Tolo, Ore. 25 8 FOR HAI.K And for service, full blooded Jersey bull. II. A. Gray, Jr., Orchard Home. 247 FOIl SAI.K MISCiriiTiANKOUS FOR SAI.K Wood nt J2.00 per tier nml up ut public market, booth 2.1 FOR SAI.K OR TRAPK-AII Rlns.s top Ravo Incubator, never used. cost $22.50, for hetiH or pullets any breed. Must be good ones. Phone tS0-I. or call U42 South Central. FOR SAI.K OR KXCIIANOK A standard niako automobile, 40 horso power, absolutely good con dition. Phono 25-R5. FOR SALE Extra dry wood, makes quick, hot flro. F. Oscnbruggc. Phono morning 194, Riverside 3. 401. FOR SALE 1914 Hupmobllo demon strator, a flno performer, cheap, 1914 40 h. p. Appcrson In Reed mechanical condition, two E. M. F.s In good order, one extra run about body on ono. For salo by Crater Lake Motor Car Co. FOR SALK Dry wood, under cover, all kinds and lengths. Valley Fuel Co. Phono iC. 252 wanted Mt.sr;rci,L.:a:ous WANTED To buy a surveyor's tran sit. Address C, caro Mall Tri bune. 243 WANTED Property In Rogue river valley, ranch, acreago or city pro perty for lots to $3000.00 In Oak land, Cal., Chas. INtinan, Medford, Ore., R. It. No. 1. WANTED To rent small ranch near town. Must havo some pasture. Phono 3S2-W. 224 WANTED To exchange money for live poultry at full market valuo. and will exchange young cockerels for yours. Medford Poultry & Efig Co., 109 East 8th street, phone 5S3. ' 24 1 HELP WANlnrsOIAIiK WANTED Reliable man for "steady job during winter to do grubbing wood chopping, etc., must bo good teamster. Phono 59, Jacksonville, between 10 and 1 o'clock Sunday. Roudlnot Conner, Central Point. 243 WANTED Miners at Rraden mlno. Gold I III,, Oregon for contruct work, -mti"' -. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work, wood cultlug. P O. Uox 3C2, Medford. 242 WANTED Position as Iiouuokeoper for bachelor or on orchard. Ad dress box ()., earo Mall Trlbuno. 24(1 FOR EXCltA.MJB. FOR TRADE A Colts revolver for a bicycle Phono 201-1M. 215 TO TRADE Ono house and three lots for a second-handed automo bile well equipped und sonio stock. Give details in first letter. Address 125011, earo Mall Trlbuno. 24S TO TRADE $100.00. Kingsbury piano good as now for two good mllcli cows and 50 pullets. Wood Watklns, 309 Graulto St., Ashland. Oregon. 240 EXCHANGE-Wont to soil or buy anything? U O Bailor. 114 N. Front St. Employment offlco and rentals. Phoco 125, Nuft Sod, LOST LOST OR STRAYED From tho An telope range, two big red Durham cows and calves, branded A. B. on left hip. Please notify A. W. Rradslmw, Wollen, Oro. 214 I.OST-tA pearl horsoshoo pin. Re ward If returned to 32 Rosa Court. 214 - -..- SIONEV TO LOAX TO LOAN- On first mortgage secur ity $ 1000,00. J. B, Andrews. 210 Garnctt-Coroy Bldg, phono CGI. .243 vacmrwv: nuhiNiB inurMJ-rtmr Auto huppltm LAHISU AUTO aPJllNO CO. Vft nro oporatfng tho Inrftent, oltlelt and hnt eipilppod plant In tho I' elflo nortliweit. Uio our RPflno jrhnn othora fa.II. Bold under guar ttnteo. 20 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Notary Public IlKLFjN N. Vdc11':V Notary "pinv llc. Ilrlng your work to mo at tha ilin of tho Mall Tribune. Uni..i..ji mm j Trnnhrcnt -'- ---m--'-,h BADS TKANBFBIt & HTORAGK CO. OGIcd 12 North Front St. I'honi 3 IS. I'rlcoa right. Borvlce guar vnteed Attorrwyi PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MBALBI AttorncyH-nt-I.aw, Rooma 8 und 9, MeiRord National Ilnnk hldg, A. K. RRAMKH, LAWYHRUarnutt Corey bldg. Win. M. Colvlf. OcorKo M. nobarta COI.VIO A RORKRTS, LAWYKR8 Medford National Rank Dulldlnst. D. F. MUIiKEY & OEO. W. CHERUT Attornnya at Law, Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. DORDEN Attorney nt law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A,! IL 1IKDOE8, Or, Lou We" B. Hedges Mccbnno-Tlieraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothurnplsts, Turn systems, Including dletetlca, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results la both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Detul & Co., cor ner Main and HartleU. Hours a. rn. to G p. m. Olber bouri by appointment. Phone 170. DR. IL J, LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norvo specialist Roams 20.1-204 206. Garnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mrifsngo given; needle spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advice la dietetics. tnedlca) gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Pnono, office 643, residence 611-R. Employment AReacy We are here to help people Bet re liable, competent help. We tar nish help in almost all linea of business. Wo make a specialty of competent men and wItm for ranches. We solicit your patron ace. Dlttner's Real Batata and Employment Hurcau, Rocma C a4 7 Palm Diilldlng, Medford. PbotM 85S. Mrs, .J. S. Clark, Manager, su9cesser. Ilea tuts DR. W. M. VAN 8COTOQ DR, O. C. VAN 8COYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey Dld., suite Medford, Ore. Phone 866. lit Engineer anil Contrnrtnr FRED N. CL'MMINGS-Englncor and contractor, 404 31. F. & II. Illdg. Surveys, estimates, irrigation, drainage, orchard ami laud Im provement. Gar tinge GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wai;ons for good service. Phouo 274-L. F, Y. Alton. Instruction lu Music HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO 110 So. Lahrel. Frod Alton llalght Piano, Mrs. Florcnco Halllday Halgnt, volco. Telophono 17G-R. Htccogrnpncrs SHOE REPAIRING First class bum repairing, ou modern electric macblnos whllo you wait. E, N. BIdeu, located In Kldd's Snoe Store, Phone 313J. rtiyc.ilclans nnt aurgeoaa DR. P. Q. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN3 CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 41G-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phone 103C-U Ilesidanc 2C South Laurel St, DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteoiiathlo physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-31. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes sclea tlflcally tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Mala St. Hours 8:30 a, m. to 8 p. m. x'uono. K. B. PIC1CEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlca phono 43-R; residence phono 68-11. DR.' MARTIN O. BARBER-r-Physl. clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, l to 4. Phono 110-J. OR R. W CLANCY Physician and iiireon. PUones, offlco 36, real dome 724J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician. and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LQCKWQOD. M. D . Practlco limited to disomies of women. Offices 232 E, Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office 814. R. J, CONROY, M. D. Physician an Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lu ma dun, 216 E. Mala St. Phone 77, Printers ana rtiujlsliem MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tae best oqulpped printing offlee m southoru Oregon; book binding, loose loaf ludgeis, billing system, etc. .PprtlUDd prlcwi. 27 WfWa Kir St, jy ' n 7 ;1 "j c s .ru'9 vnMvtimmumttwim'vt " " . SirM t-r i-fvvsl