Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 02, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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, x
All rommuiilratlnus should lio In
hy Friday, Address noddy odltor,
or Phono 75,
Mix. Hiillldiiy-IliilKhl, an hostess
1'or the next monthly milMenlo to hit
kIvimi l.v t ho Oronlor Medford cful
nl tlio I'uko tlientor Mniiilny nltcr
nooii, January I, Iiiih urran,''il a pro
Ki'Hii which should ai)iiiil tit every
iiiiihIo lover in Modl'nnl, nml there
tint ninny. An uiliHt herself, it was
i'XM'iilril Hint Mrs. MuiuM would iro
unit something I'tijH'cinllv iirtintif,
mi! in Hut hook oycli1, "In u Persian
(lurden," hlii is (,'ivinv iih iniiniu f a
Mry liifh oilier. Tim preiilcl sing
ers Imvo niM'iueil in this work in
nil (lie largest eltieH. It U a work
for aitiHtH ii ml in seldom hoard in
the M;unllcr cities.
Other oonnwjsors have not to musin
the "Itnhaiyat," lint no ncttim: Iiiih
icmdicd the ureal popularity of that
of Lira I.chmniiu. This !h iluo to the
real heanly of tlm mtihie, the tonn
color employed to brinjj out the
ineimliiu; of the wouls, ami the dis
tinct IVrmaii cffeetH rotaineil nil
tliiniiKli hy the nices unit nccomimri
iinent. Lira l.ehiiiami is nn I'iikIIhIi
viiciiIInI n ml eoniiorter. Her work Is
marked hy originality ami osprcsHlon
nml refinement of sentiment, which
hetrajM strongly llio infliienco of
I'rejrriun: i
"Noelett, (Kehiimanii, op. 21,
No. 1), Mix (leneviuM) Wortniiiii.
"Sehero" .t.'hnpin), Miss I.'miiia
Aria, "In Verdure find" (Tim Cro
iitmn), (lliiNilin).
None, ".Sine, Smile, Similiter"
(Ooiinoil), Mihk Mnrpirct .lucks.
Concerto in (1 Minor (.McuiIcIshoIiu,
op, 'S',), 1itt pinno, Mis Hiumu
Drew; second pinno, Minn (lriiovico
Aria, "0 Love, Thy Help" (Kiiin.
miii ami Delilah) (Stiiul-Siiens) ,
noiiH, "DiraniH" (llarilett), Mr. Hal-litlay-llniKht.
lliirtiiliiiii sketch of Omar Khal.
yam ami I.ixa Lchumiiii, Mrs. (Irnruc
T. WilNon.
"In a l'crhliui Harden," a souk
cycle, the Words selected from the
"Kiihai.wit of Omar Khayyaiii." The
musie composed hy I.lza I.ehmann,
direction of Mr. llalliihiy.llaiKlil.
Soleihlh: Miss Margaret .lucks, no
jirnno; Mr. Ilalliday.llaij;ht, eon
tralto; Forrest IMmcudcs, tenor;
William Isaacs, buss. Accompanist,
IVcil Alton MaiKht.
The charily hall pun at the Nata
torinm TiiPHdiiy night under the nil
jiiec'H of the Associated Charities and
(Ireater Bedford elnh, was the het
attended society ovtnt of the season,
over ftflO couples lieing present.
jscvor Iiiih Mcro been in Medford n
happier gathering, for through it all
van a npirlt of good cheer. TJio srenc
wits a very beautiful one, with many
lights gleaming through (ho Christians
greenery. At H o'eloek hiipper wiih
Mined from numerous hiiimII tables
nrriiiiKed in the miiiiII hall, which was
benulifully decorated for tho occas
ion. Too iiftieh credit cannot ho given
tlm (tommitteu in clinrgo of the affair,
whose untiring efforts gnvo to Mud
ford one of its most brilliant gather
iiiKH. Tlm proceeds will go to glad
den many homes. Tlm committee was
iposed of Mrs. A. It. llanley, Mrs.
Delroy (lelehull, Mrs. John M. Hoot,
Mrs. CharlfH Kchieffeliu, Mrs, I K.
Merrick, Mrs. Kd AiulrowH, Mrs. J. 0.
Wertterlund, MrH 0. M. Kidd, Dr. J.
Lawrence, Hill, J. V. W'csterlund. Tho
jtatronesHCH went: Jlrs, Oeoi-go D.
Carpenter, Mrs. r'rank Madden, Mrs.
Hiehard Wlson, MrH. H. ('. Sloddurd,
Jlra. If. U. LuiiiHden, 'MrH. S. Vihrn
Heokwith, Mr. C. K. (IiiIoh, Mk V.
W. HlrectH, Mm, W. L Vawter, Mm.
.1. r Miindy, Alrn. II. L. Walthorri,
Mi-h. Kreil Hopkins, Mr8. Lincoln Mo
Corniaok, Mn. Cliarle Connor.
Mih. V, V. Quiseiiherry of -I'-' I R.
King atreot ontortainud at bridgo on
WeduoHday aftornoon. A vory do
lightful (lino wiih hnd by nil. Tho
following woro ir8ent: Mra. Oordon
hohonriorhorn, Mrs. Jack Hlownrt,
Wis. t, 1 Aullo, MrH. J. y, Wold,
MrH. Kmii Kplimidt, Mm, K. M. Fos
ter, Mrs John llaruehurg, Mrs. W, II.
MoGowun, Mrs. II. P, llargravo, and
JMihh Weeks. Tho ulub will moot
next Wcduosday with Mrs. Gordon
M!ra. A. 0, 'Ilurgess and sou Halph
and Miss Dorothy Wloks, who havo
completed their engagement with tho
Jloston Ideal Opera company, which
recently made u tour of tho middlo
west, returned to. Mvilford Tuesday.!
Mrs. A. C. Allen i;nvo a itniiclng
party nt tlm Nntntorlutu lant Monilny
iivoiiIiik In honor or Imr daiiKhtor,
Minn Mary Allen anil MIkh llonrletto
We I nn of tltiiilitimila, which proveil to
Ito a moot dollKhtrtil affair. Thoxn
prenenl wore! MlmMm Ituth Warner,
Lviioro Vance, Dorothy Thorn, Ia;iiIi
Wnltlmrfi, KriuitoH Knniiy, Vitra 01 in
Htead, Laura I'nKe, Irene Kmltli, l.u
eluita ('oehiiin, Vera .Merrlmau, Juan
AntterMon, Jenn llmltm, Mary (lore.
Catherlno Hwem, MIhh Coffin, Afrct
tn (lariettnon, ami MIhh Canton, Mm,
L. It. Allen, .Mrs, (InrrettHon, Mr.
MitrKtmrlto Allen; MermrM. Carter
llrnnilon, Itolmrt I'eiillue, Cnmrnou.
Merrick, Karl llulibnnl, .lay (lorn,
Krnncln Hennett. Chun. Itny. Lloyd
WllllnniHon, llerliort Alforil, .lamen
Vaiieo, Milton Kchiiehnrd, L)lo Wat
tliern, Italph Pierce, Kreoliorn (!nr
rettHon, Clyilo llaruum, Virile HtrnnK,
Men Plymale, Walter Merrick, (Jrou-r
Corum, llorhort Iiuimpnch, Dr.
Howard Canton, nml A. C. Allen.
Tlm Clirlnllnn Ilmlenvor iioclety of
tho ChrUtlnn church held n liiiHlneitH
meotliiK ond "wutch jinrty" at the
homo of H, II. (Irnhiim, corner Bth
ntut Oakdnlo Thurndny nvnnlnR.
Klcctlon or officer nn held for the
coming jour the following were
elected: Prenldent, Akiich UoIiIiiieii:
first vlco.preililent, Mnrln llnmmond;
neclnd vlccireM(lent, Mr. Fry; trend
uror, Iouoro Uodlove; necrotnry, ltu-
ell Wallnco.
After tho buMneim meering n Hhort
tiroKrnin won rendered an follew:
Hong, Nena Becly.
Hendlng, Mnrle Heely.
Kong Ituth Hchulor.
After tho pioKrnm dainty refrenli.
mentit wero ncred,
There in kooiI attendnnco nt tho
meeting of tho (ircnter Medford club
on Dercmlier 'J8. MImi Allen llnnley,
dniiKhter of a pioneer, rend n paper
on Imllnn wnm In OrcKon, Her paper
hhoued thnt nlm wbh tlioroiiRhly con
ernnut with tho nubjoct under dUcut
bIou. v
Mr. Hon Hheldon talked Inlcrontlug.
ly hut briefly on tho proposed charter,
after which tho meeting adjourned.
Mr. lien Hheldon talked Intercut
Incly hut briefly on tho proposed
charter, alter which tho meeting ad
journed. At tho Jnnunry meeting Mm. Hnr
gent Mill toll about tho Hoguo rhcr
Milley In tho early dn)H.
A dellKhlfol onlartalnineut wan
Klvon Chrlntmnn nisht by John II. He
nault, Jr., for tho children of Ht.
JoHoph'it Catholic church or Jackson
ville at tho residence ot Mr. and Mrn.
HnrbnuRh. Tho room woro bonutl
fully decorated with Christmas .bells
and mlstlotoo nnd a hnndsamu Christ
mas treo had boon prepared for tho
occasion. Tho entertainment wan
opened by Christmas songs Khon by
tho church choir and after tho pres
ents had been distributed tho rest of
tho ovenlng was spent with music nnd
social gnines. Tho children returned
homo with cheers for tho pleasant
evening that hnd been glon thorn.
A very delightful timo was hnd
Now Year's ee, when the building
committee of the Hlks' lodge, conduc
ed of L. II. Haskins, C. K. Hates, T.
K. Daniels, It. It. Khel, L. M. Lyon,
8. 1. llrown and Scott V. Daviw.'eu
Icrtnincd the Klks and their ladies at
their now building on Ninth Central
avenue. Dancing and card ulaying
formed tho evening's entertainment,
nfter which n banquet wiih served in
tho hnnipiet hall. About 5100 were
prohenl. Harelrigg's orchestra, com
posed of fivo pieces, furnished tho
iiiusio for the evening.
A public rocoptlon will bo given
this ovenlng by tho I'hoonlx club for
Miss Marlon Town, Jnckaon county
roprosontutlvo to tho stnto loBlsln-
iiiro. a proBrnm of music nnd
Biioochos will bo glvon. Mlsa Towno
will lonvo tn a fow dnya to attend tho
opening session nt Snlom.
Tho Kpworth Longuo of tho First
Mothodlst church gnvo a holiday so
cial In tho church basement Wednes
day evening. Tho young mon of tho
Loiiruo ontortnlnod in n roynl manner.
CnmoH woro plnyod and a good tlmo
enjoyed by tho largo number of young
pooplo probont.
Tho Paront-Toachor's association of
tho Lincoln school will hold tholr
mooting nt tho boIiooI building noxt
Friday afternoon, January 8th. Mrs.
J. K. Hawkins will load tho dissua
sion. All pnronta aro urgod to nt
toud, Miss Marlon Wnldron of Portland
nnd Wnrd Koliur of this city woro
mnrrlod In Portland last wook, Both
you"B I100"10 ttro well known here
l vory popular,
. V 4.
The upper Trail school cloned for
the holiday titration Fiiduv, Decein
her 18. Tint guests lint Dig arrived
about lirlio o'clock, the IiUimIh ttrrr
drawn, the randies on the treo tieie
lililcd and the following, piogram
wiih icmleied:
Song, "oily SliidentH'; recitalioii,
"A Wish," Vitinii Dow; irritation,
"A Possibility," Loietla Dow; recitn
lion, Itan Hkyniian; cradle hviiiii,
"The llelhlehrhii Habr," Loirta i)aw,
Floris Hkynuiin; "The Coming of the
Chi 1st Child," story told by Miss
Hhoulls; song, '"Tin Christmas"; ree
itation, "Patience,"' Floris Sk.tnuiiii;
recitation, "The' Discoverer," Tor
ancc Dow; recitation, "Falher's Xmiis
llox," Chin lie Cushmaii; irritation,
"Ted's Slocking," Theodore Dow;
song, "Xiiiiih Hound"; dialogue,
''XtuiiH Arithmetic," Dora Cushman,
Torancn Dow, Theodore Dow, Charlie
Ciishinan; reeilalion, "Her Choice,"
Dora CiihIiiiiiiu; rrcilation, "Wouldn't
You," Toriince Daw; song, "Vesjier
Hymn"; resilution, "The Sentinel,"
hy Harry Skyrmnu; song dialogue,
"The Snow Ilrigade," inteniirdiate
boys of school; "Letter of Itcgrct
frojii Santa Clans," lead by Cyril
Daw, After tlm program, games and
purrles were HtihiniltrJ by Miss
Shotilts. Later IIkIiI refrcHhtueuts
were srrted ami prcsciits submitted.
Thus closed four monlhs of whool,
with iniieh credit dim both to Miss
(lertrudc Shoults, the trarher, nnd
also to her pupils, trim so willingly
A very dellRhtful tlmo was had by
about sixty 'who attended the recep
tion Riven by the Auxllllary of tho
First Ilaptlnt church on Frlduy after
noon at tho homo of Dr. Kva Mains
Carlow. Tho following proRram wan
Instrumental duot, Mrs. Kltto and
MIhm Thatcher.
I'lnno solo, Lois Fouls.
Vocnl solo, MyrI Dnrls.
- J'lano nolo, Mrs. Kltto.
Duet, the Mlsiws Meadows.
Piano nolo, MnrRnret Holmes.
Vocnl solo, Fldelas Mornn.
Clnlronet solo, Wesley K. Smith.
Vocal solo, (llndjn I Unman.
Itecltntlon, Ittisolo Hlbbard.
Instrumental duot, tho Misses
Btewarl and lllnckburn.
Quartet, Messrs. Allaway, Smith,
Dennett, Carlow.
Vocal solo, Grace llralney. ,
Iteudlng, Oraco Drown,
Tho ladles of tho Methodist church
met last Wednesday afternoon for the
monthly hlmc coming. A largo num
ber wore In attendance and matters or
much Importanco to tho Aid and to
tho entlro church wero Riven atten
tion. All ladles who miss these meet
ing lose much of Interest nnd help to
Tho Queen Csther circle served
mlnro plo and coffeo after tho busi
ness meetliiR, and tho following pro
Rram wan Riven under their auspices.
Piano duet, Mrs. C. A. Meeker and
Miss Ilcrnn Hoborts.
Heading, Minn ituth Hawkins.
Vocal solo, Mrs. A. S. Hilton.
Heading, MIsb Vera Haiindtroo.
Violin soil, Miss Ituth Campbell
with MIsh Lucllo Kooutx nccompan
lug. Tho C. W, II. M. of the Christian
chin eh will meet nt the home of .Mrs.
A. J. Htinby, 7'2i Welch street, Wed
nesdny afternoon nt 210 o'clock,
January (I. All tho ladies of the
church aro cordially invited. Tho fol
lowing program will be given:
Koug, "A Cbnrgo to Keep," Scrip,
tum lesson; solo, "Mrs. .1. M. (Ircss
loy; paper. "Some Modern Hetela-
thins, Sirs, L. Quigley; reading, Mrs.
A. W. Walker; song, "Work for tho
Night Is Coming"; paper, "How Can
This Society Do More Efficient Work
tho Coming Year," Mrs. Driskel, Jlrs.
Seeley and Jlrs. Drown; roll call nnd
business bession in charge of tho
president, Mrs. A. 11. Drown.
Mr, nnd Mrs, John Rotor of Jack
sonville nt a sumptuous Christinas
dinner entertained tho following rel
atives nnd friends nt tholr Jnckson
vlflo homo; Mr. and Mrs. A. IL.Polloy
and John Poloy ot Medford, Mr. nud
Mrs, John Holand of Wood, Cal., Mr.
nnd Mrs. Clias. Truo of Medford, Mr.
nnd Jlrs. (Jed. H. Millar, of Medford,
Mlsa Fay Lnunspaoh of Jacksonville
Tho Woman's Missionary society of
tho Prosbytorlan church hna changod
tho tlmo ot meeting from January G
to January 13. Tho mooting will bo
hold at tho homo ot Mrs. II. 0. Uoh
ling, 122. South Mlstlotoo. Tho sub
ject la China, and Mrs. F. S. Cnrpon-
tor has chnrgo of the program.
Mrs. Qoo, J, Kumman cntortalnod
nt minpor Monday evonlng for Mlsa
Leola Eubank of Iugeno who Is vis
Itiujj hor sinter, Mrs, J, E, Howl,
Tho Washington nchool I'nront
Tcnchors association will meet nt tho
school house Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock. A report from their dclCRato
to tho stato convention will bo rend
and Mr. Mulkoy will talk on
tho teaching of Cngllnh, as Mr. Mill
key'n talks aro always tery Intrcstlng
wo hopo for a largo crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil .lermsla enter
tained Mr. nml Mis. Ilancn nnd
daughter, Florence, at dinner Christ-'
mas day at their country home near
Among the Orrgonlann who aro
wintering In southern California aro
Mr. nud Mm. J. D. Olwell, or Medford,
who nro nt tlm Maryland, Pasadena.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J (', Murphy and fain
ly left Wednesday for Portland where
they will make their future home.
Minn Isabel Tnpncott, of Yreku,
Cat., Is visiting nt tho homo or II. L.
Wnlther or Siskiyou Heights.
Mr. and Mrs. Illchard I'felffer and
family will lento shortly for Seattlo
to make their future home,
The Wednesday Study club will
inert at the public library next Wed
nesday afternoon, Jnnunry 0.
Mrs. K. 0. Itiddell of I1JI South
Oukdiilu entertained the Nulla Undue
club Tuesday afternoon.
Minn Myrlc Davis and Minn Myrtle
Purkeypllc nro spending tho wook end
with Lorona Strntton.
Mr. nnd Mrs,
are visiting nt
Lynn Hay of Seattle
the home of Charles
(lav in this city.
Judge Win, M. Colvlg spent New
Yearn with Ills daughter, Mrs. Will
Miss llerlha Woolverlon i send
ing the week, the picst of Mis Vera
Mrs. W. A. Hutton Is tlsltlng her
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Wilson.
Miss Vera Jennsta was in Medford
Tuesday visiting friends.
Dr C. It. Hay has returned from n
trip to Porttnnd.
Minn Mny Kobnon who Is to npcar
nt tho Page Jamiary 2nd, is well
known here. It is with pleasure that
her many admirers are looking for
ward to seeing hr In n fitting stago
setting and equipment. In tho old
daa before the building or tho Page,
Miss Hobson appeared hero under de
cided obstacles. Sho Is quoted as say
ing thnt tho Keen appreciation ot tho
audience quite mado up for tho ob
v- -
solete theatrical equipment nnd tho
physical discomfort of a spralnod
ank to,
Tho Drama League wishes to call
npcclnl attention to her prenent piny
"Mnrtlin Uy tlm Day." Tho produc
tion Is a very ndequnto one nnd tho
quaint character of Mnrtlin given Minn
Itobnon wldo scope for hor tinusunl
powern of Interpretation, and Insight
Into the lives of a clnss of women
rarely attempted on the ntngo.
The mission of the theater Is not
one solely of nmuw.-incnt. From tho
beginning of Its earliest Innpnctlon It
has been n reflection nnd Interpreta
tion of the llfo ot Its period, lly
some persons or the present dny, an
evening nl the theater Is regarded an
a means to banish thought, Instead ot
Innplrlng It. Llfo Itseir, In many of
Its phagcRyis grim, relentless and
many plays, reflecting this can not
bo woven through with tho brighter
threads of laughter and facially
amusing situations. Yet these plays
arc, If truthful, an necessary In rc
llectlng lire ns a whole an the ones re
flecting the siirfaco or things. It
must bo remembered that the Drama
Lcnguo can Inly pick the best nmong
tho plays given us. Hn like Hornard
Shaw's epigram, "that the least ugly
of tho sinters Is tho beauty of tho
rnmlly." So too with plnyn. Many
times It's a question of the Icnst ob
jectionable being tho best play. It Is
not tho fault of tho drama league or
or tho local management, It our range
Glasses Hcllevo tho Strain and Give
Com tort
Ho Knows How
Sulto 1-2 Over Deuel's
S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Olvcn
112 South Riverside
Phono 150
' v
Cook With
fire that is clean and flameless
A firo that carries its own fuel
Leaves no ashes or soot, and gives off no
smoke or gas
A fire that is always uniform without watch
ing That cooks evenly and thoroughly
That roasts, where others bake or broils,
where others lost the juice.
A firo that makes cooking automatically
Your kitchen in perfect order, rid of kind
ling wood, coal hods, shovels, dirt and gas
Then cook with electricity.
California -Oregon Power Company
21G West Main Street
ot selection Is not ns great ns wo
would have It. Dr. Page is mont
loyally securing for us tho host pos
nlblo attractions nnd should havo tho
support of all classes. If Medford
nhoud go down on record ns a plnco
Hint merely supported tncdlocro mus
ical comedies, and tho slap-stick vnr
l"ty of farces, It would bo tv distinct
Ions to tho tone or our community.
It In n rcmnrkaJrio thing that a
town tho slro ot Medford should hnvo
nn active Drnmn Ionguo center.
Such n thing would bo Imposslblo In
an ordinary rural town. Hut wo
must remember thnt In tho Hoguo
Liverpool and London and Globe
Hartford Accident and Health
Springfield Fire and Marino
Phoenix of Hartford '
Employers' Liability .
American Surety Co.
Lloyd's Plate Glass ' ,
Queen of America
German Alliance
Koyal Indemnity
Home, New York
Hartford Pi re
Sun of London
Itoyal "i '
Wish to
Thank the Insuring Public
For having given them during the past year the
The Largest Amount of Business
since the establishment of this office in July, 1909.
This record confirms our belief that the public
appyciatcs the security and prompt and satisfactory
settlements which a policy in one of tho big strong
companies, represented by us, guarantees them and
an agent who knows how to write their policies and
care for them in the best possible manner. When you
buy a policy from us you also buy SERCE.
rlvor vnlloy wo hnro n must uulquA
community. Tlievtereat,. universities
nnd coIIcrcs ot AnforJcVare. all rep
resented here, Tctlred men of tiotnbUi
financial standing, womon of beauty
nnd fashion from our largest cltlfr,
nrtlnts, critics nnd pooplo of well
known lltcrnry fnmo, go, to mnko our
conmopolltnn spirit,
Tho Drama Lenguo Is n most ncllvo
factor In larger communities nnd It
Is sincerely to bo hopod that Its mem
bers hern, will not let the tlno fire
ot tholr enthusiasm dto, hut td hum
with renewed vigor In -ihe coming
year. .
" '. . ,-- v
, 1'