Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 02, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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207 Second Slrtet
Medford Mail Tribune
tiiict(lol, probably rnln
.Mav. Kfj Mlu. 27.
Forty.fourth Yr.
IJnlly NlMlliYimr.
i ion ford, oumox, satitday, .jantarv 2, mi.-)
NO. 213
, s
fc -
i .
Lllllc Proyrcss Belli", Mnilr Jnffro
Still Avclillnn Gc11cr.1l Allnck ami
Plnyinii Walling fiamc ritisslans
Drlvo Aiislrinns Furllicr South
Brigade Bomhardrd.
LONDON, J11.I11. 2 -Tim latest
news avnllublo from tlin western but
tlo unit mIiowh (lint little progroM
Ik lifting minlo It)' llin allied forces,
mill rut her Indicates n miomdlo io
nownl nf (ho llcniiuu nffeiilvo, Willi
ifniillniit nliKlit iuiIiih In tlio Anconno
11ml I'n'iiili Flanders. Tlnmo oirti
llnim Pan linnll) bo classed iik a gen
mul Uoriiinu nffoiiilvo movement In
the viit, such mm k m t 111 being con
dueled In Poland, lint tlio slrniKlli
which ilii Onrmnim mo showing seems
to mrtkt It iilaln Hint limy lni not
weakened appreciably (lii'lr western
wriny liy tiiinsftirs of troop In tin
iiml( nor bus Hi" pinwmnw of tlio nl
m broken llmlr grip on Mrlr.liini
mill Franco, fiom the Ninth Sou Io
A Waiting (,'iimo
Conors! Joffru apparently still Ik
avoiding n general attack. Kxcopt
fur their turtle of fooling nut tlio
(lirtiinn lino by nttnolH hero and
thoro, tlio allies nro pliolng n wait
lug game, ponding tlio tlmo when,
with tin nwdMunco of reinforcements,
tin')- deliver it roncontrntod blow itt
fount slniloitlo point.
Tho tli'rinnriH tiro Ht til attempting
to promt forward In Poland, but to
tlin south tbi Russians "re peurlm:
nrroMi I ho Carpathians Into llunipiry,
rnunltig tlio Inhabitants to flee.
Drlvouoiit of Kortlii. Hid Auslrlnns,
novorthnli'M. nro again nnttokliiK Del
grudo. According to dlnpatelrV-H from
Hint city, four inoultoin havu bom
lmideil It.
.Sultan to I'leo Capital
It In still exceedingly illfflcult to
iilitiiln nn' cltmr litwi of tlin Turkish
operation, but according to nn Ath
oiik dispatch, tlio sultan and bin court
mo preparing to lenvo Constantino,
pic, fearing tlio .mrly fall of that city.
Tim attack on Kgypt booiuh to bao
lufii abandoned Imloflultt'ly.
VarlmiH reports concerning tlio con
illt Ion of Mmporor William's throat
am 11 ii 1 11 In cilrt'iilntlon. According
to mm version, tlio emperor must
non return to Merlin to undergo nn
Awaiting N'i'u Anny
With full knowledge Hint vast num.
bcrM of 111011 now nro bctni; tralncit
In KurIiuiiI, (lenunny, It Ik roroKnlzvil
Imro, inimt bo proparhiK to moot lliolr
outi-y lulu tlio war. It l nr.rcoil that
mui'li ilopomlH upon dm iiiallty of
Mm now formation on both sIiIoh.
Tim KiirIIhIi vlow In that lliltuln'H
now troom will bo tho cream of tlio
country whllo (loriunny hnvtui; nont In
bnr fluent fon-OK at thn outtiot, uiuhI
iiioml for tolnforcouioutri upon tholm
I.'mh fit pliytilcally.
Thoro nro nKaln roporlH " of tho
lnovoniont of (Ionium troopH from
tlio wont Io tlio oiiHt. Ailvlccfl froin
Ammonium Hlalo that I wo hunilioil
thmiHiiuil (lormaiiH piikhihI tbrounh
ColoKim on tlio way van(, nml It Ih
HUKK08tcd that thoy aro bolni; Hont
to (lonoral von Jlliulonburff, projinm
tory to nuothor rrnt effort to bnttor
l)iri)iiRh tho ItUHHlnn Hnoa to War-
NUW YORK, Jan. 2. Tho flmt
day or ID in on tho Htork oxcluuiRO
wiih iiiurkt'il by (ho BiimlloBt overturn
of" any two-hour bchbIoh In nomo
joarii. Altomlnnco of bwltars nml
(lUHlomoni wnH In loopliiK with tho
nltlKKlsli inovoniontB. I.onilliiK ulinroB
Hhowoil no pionouncoil ohnnco olthor
way, nml boiiio of tho appoulatlvo
fuvorltoH fnlloil of n lKlo transno
Hon. AmoiiK (ho Bpoclnltlos woro
Hitch varlablo cbaiiKOB an a six point
loim In Now York Alr-nrnlco tmtl ft
flvo.polnt ndvniico In Sonra Hoohuclc.
Nowh from. London yvhora tho innrltot
Ih to 10 ojion Monday, acted ih n do
torrent to nny trndlnB on tho bull
Bldo. Jlouda woro steady,
oiioDQioinM nr iauio
ouoruioun ur lhiio
m AnwiiT mmm
WNHIIINdTO.V, Jan. 2. -Hiimtor
Itool minlo an (ilo(U()iil Pica to tho
M'tialo imlny to amniiil (bo IniiiilKni
Hon bill to oxompl fiom roMtrlctlmiK
tho rofiiKumi fmm llnliclum. Ho nr
Kiioil It could In ilouo wltbout violat
ing any troatlon, bocauiio of tho npo
ilflo conilltloiiH il nit Io tho war.
"Wo Hhoiilil opuii tho door to Ilol'
Kltim." bo xiilil. "Ili'ciumo tlio pcopln
Iiiivii no country. It Iiiik been taken
away fiom Ibcui. HxIIcm thoy nr
wanilorliiR mar tlio faco of tho mirth
without homo and thoro Iri'room for
tlioiu Imro.
"Thorn In no othor pcoplo In tho
world wltbouL n r,ooiniui'iit, wlth
otit a country. Two tullllouH of
tbi'iii mo oxlli'il In forolKii ImiiiIk
wltbout uioiitiM of oarnlm; u llvull
Imod. It In I'xci'ptlounl ami filmulil
bo oulllli'il Io except inmil trentiimut
In llilK bill.
WASIIIM.TO.V, Jan. 2 -'Tho
ireeiit conflict bitwecn tfio proMdoiit
and tho rnlted HtatoH Houatu over
iipiiolutmeiil of federal otnployen In
Mirloim Minion Itidlcntrii u xery Rrnvo
v In our form of Rowrnmont," iih
MirlM Joniitbiiu lloiirno, Jr.
"'Tho ipailnl ( upon tlio roc
omumndntloua of bin political frllomlH
and Ii'kUIiUUp Mupporter, whllo tho
Hiniiite imiially iicIh upon tho rocnm
inomlntlon or the inomberH from tho
titatu In which tho nppolnteo Ik to
Horvo, If mm or both of tho moiiilwr
from Mich tito bo of tho majority
imrty. Honco, proKldontK UKunlly
favor lenntorK and conisniKKinen who
iiiport tliWr pollcloK, and reject tho
nrlvlie of thorn- who do not.
"i'atrommo, tlmroforo. ban hecomo
a tnoaiiK b) which tho oxecutlvo ro
wanU thoim who nnroo with him on
loRiklntlon nml piiiiIkIuih tboio who
dlffor and bavo couniKo to oxorclno
the luhoroiit rlnht and nworn duty of
iudopoiidont tbouiibt and action.
"Such a proccciluro Ikji monaco to
popular and roproMontntUo Kovorn
iiionl. It Ih tho bocluijItiK of dlctn
(iirnbli. "Hlnco wo no lmiKor live iindor con
dltloim' puniillltiis' at (ho tlmo tho
coiiHtltullou wiih adoptod, tho wIho
rou mo Ih to mako tho coiiKtltutlon
moot dm ukoiIm of thin day nud Kon
orntlon. I'tiipiiM'il llemeily
"Tho romody, It booiiih to mo, Ik
tlin mloptlon of a coiiRtltulounl
niuondiiiont ilhcntiiK tho piOMldont of
IiIh powor Io linmlnato pOHttuiiHterK,
colloctorH of ciiHtoniH nud Intornnl
rovouuo, nmlKtorri and rccelvora of
land ofikeH, dUtrlct nltoineya nml
I'ultoil States inarKhalK, and provide
that they Khali bo elected by the pco
plo In their Boveral JurlHillctloiiR.
Tnlio from tho jircHldont tho powor of
their removal. kIvo lilm only tho pow
er of BUHpeiiBlon, with tho lluht of
a p ion 1 by Iho BUHpemled eniplnyo to
(ho civil Kcrvlcn coiiiiiiIhhIiiii, which
wonlil bavo tho powor .of rolnHtato-
mont or romoval. This would In no
manner Interfere with proper nil
inlnlRtrntlon of Kovornmont. Fedora!
offlro holdora would Htlll vo bondH,
be KiibJect (o oxecutlvo BUBpouslon,
but would not bo politically subser
vient (o tho executive
"Thus only can wo dostroy tho ovll
power of patronnRo, free congroBS
from Bubflorvleiicy to the whllo Iioubo,
and mnKo coiiKiens a co-ordtnnto
branch of unvorninont In tho boiibo In
which It wau Intended to bo and
Hhoiilil bo.
1IAVKUH, Krnnco, Jnn. 1, vln
1'arlH, 11:10 u. in. Tho municipal
council of Ilnvro adopted today a
resolution urging that nil Kreiicbinen
who hnvo not Joined tho coloro iio
taxed. It Ih biirkosIoiI that tho pro
ccoiIh bo iihod for tho bonoflt of tho
wounded and ulno for the widows and
orphnna of tho victims of tho war.
. r
One Generation, Perhaps Two, Rc
quired to Prepare Islantldrs for In
dependence, Stales Former Prcsl-dr-nt
People Lack Character
Otitlircak Result of Aultallon.
WAHIIlS'nTfiN', .inn. . It will
I n lie nmie tliini one generation, nml
lirobnlily more limn two, to prepare
I In I'illplnon or Kolf-Kovormnonl, in
Hie opinion of William II. Tun, lor
hut pieiili'iil. wlm tmlny K'm' '"
view'H on Hie mliriiuiliiilion hill for
illliuiNlo imli'pomlenee of the I'lnlip
piiiex liefoie Hie Keimle liomuiilli'
nil,iHK on Hint iiicumiic,
"I'm nt Inht in u ilmu wlicie I
eiiu Hiiy jnt wluit I tliiul.," mi id Mr
Tnfl. "You omIIhiI me bete. I'm p
uiif Io loll you jnt wluit I know uhout
"We eiitiuol," the foimer r.i(It'llt
.ml, "(inc Hie l'ilipimr wir-joverii
Nil III, lieeuii'-e it eHliliol lie KlU'll. We
emiiiol iii'M'iil the I'iliplno people
with a elinrneier. It tmi-tl he neipilr
eil. One wny In neiiuiie it in HiroiiKli
haul l.iiuel.-, hm tlio AiikIo-Sumiu
race neipiired it.
1'iliiratloii Nredcil
"WHimi we went Io Hie I'liilippineH
we llieil to five il Io them by lilian
tniiiiiiU' a eniiNtitiitiiiiial form of ov
orumi'iit iik mi object !omui, nml bv
iiliicalini; the people in the Inniinc
of free iiititiilioiix. We liie.l to liae
tin- iivenimeiit pHrtieipntcii in, but
eoutrollcil by the native. l'.en now
it eauini; trouble.
"Now whut time do I think will he
noooHKury to tmin the Filipino for
if pivMiuueiil f Tho time that
five In lline tiooplo nn opporiunity
to lour n F.iijiIUIi so Hint they 'hall
he nn Knplili -penliin people f Thnl
will dike more than ouo -eneration,
nml probably mote than two, if vou
county thirty your iik n penenilion.
You enti't edueute nil of Hie people
yon hnven't eot the money.
"When I're-idenl MoKiulov hen! me
Io the Philippine I loil him Hint I
HmucliLwe mmhl not to ho in the
island. He aiil to me Hint we had
the hear by Hie (nil ami that we had
to May. Hut Hie iden then was Hint
we would net out ju( h- moh iik e
eoulil. (lur firl purpose in lieinjf in
there in In et out."
Oppose-, Independence
Mr. Tuft opposed in detnil the mi.
ininist ration hill for urcutor liicasine
of nclf'Koieinmeut for tho islands,
deeluriiii; Hint "no measure could he
framed belter enleulaled to stir up
trouble in Hie Philippine."
The Filipino people don't under
xlnuil republican Kclf-uovenuneut in
the em-o Hint wo know it, the fouuer
president said.
"Wluit would be the lesiill if Ihey
were Riven self-f;overiuneiit at onee"
iisKed Chnirinuii lliteheoel.'.
"A Filipino in whom ,1 have jjronl
eonlldenee," mi id .rr. Tnft, "unid to
mo; 'Yolir .slenmers would not bo
nrouiiil Correjjidor island before llm
lliiimt-eiiliitiK would lie-in.' I verily
believe thai i-i true. Wo find the
Kiuiie eoAditiou in Mexico. The mini
who loses u political fiht has his
bend for (' forfeit. That's whut de
veloped when ARiiiiiuldo was iu
'I'm ileWibinj: nn nelual eondi
tiou Hint exists there. I'd he jjliul to
hnvo tho yiiited Slnles et out of the
Philippine, nud I hnvo n ttretil io
pud for llie ptmr iieoplo out there.
They don't like me heeuiise I've (old
them the truth."
SAX FltAN'CISCO, Cnl., Jan. 2
After nearly a month of Idleness,
fiouthorn Pacific shops nt Sncramonto,
Cnl.; IlnUorsriold, Cnl., Sparks, Nuw,
Oaklund, Portland, Oregon, Duna-
m ii I r, Cnl., OKdon, Utah, San Frnn-
clsco nud Tucson, Arizona, opened to
day on n fivo dny, olRht-hour basis.
Full tlmo Is six days to tlio wook, of
nlno hours each,
This resumption moans tho re
employment of hotweon fivo and six-
thouBaml moil,
II - - I '
i mii i m ' t
Tojh Completer; House ("enter,
I'lnnie, lloltom, Sawing I.o for
In the fall of 1!M3 I whs IIvIur Iu
a little cubln built entirely of 1x12
bonrdH. A cr) cocv hack, but en
tirely too hrihII. My bank nccount
beltiK lumloiiiHtc to allow my build
iiiR n fraiiio hoiuo nmdo it nocumiury
to build n Io protontloiiH dwolllne,
o decided to construct ouo of polo
and Bhnkos. t waa n two-year ap
prentice enr pouter, so my plans for
a ll'x! 1-foot homo wore noon drawn
up, mid thmiRh crudu and lacking In
minor dstall, wore suffluluut for my
My first labor was foiling and
hewliiR two Bide of 2.Sx$x2t and
?kX!xl2 foot (Ir blinks for the foun
dation lramework (sills mid joists.
Iu framluK this foundation I coun
ter-sunk tho joists Iu tho sills so the
flooring would root on sills as well
us joUts. Next made an old-fashioned
shaving hoio to use iu facing
BtuddliiK, rafters mid sheathing
polos. This done, two 7x"x27-foot
fir treos woro hewn down to noarly
a 2x1 and laid those aside to bo used
as plates.
Studding Mj lottor of crodlt waa
uccoptod by "nuturo'H consolidated
thlckut" of Binall Hr treoe, fifty
yards from the building site, so upon
It 1 began to heavily. First,
2ti :tx3x'J fir poles for sldo BtuddliiK.
10 n.3xl5 fir poles for Kablo end
BtuddliiK: 30 Sxaxt) for ratters. I
faced two sides of the above listed
with a draw knlfo. thereby making
them uearl) as nicely to haudlu as
milled material.
For sheathlns polos I out and sur
faced two sides of 110 2U24xl2
tlr snplliiKS, nalllni; them ton Inches
apart, thereby kIvIiik tho framowork
tho appearance of n cross-barred
After framing In windows mid
doors, thus completing the skeleton
of building, my task was but half
finished. One bundled and fifty
yards away was un excellent shako
trco which I bad previously felled
and sawed Into 2t-lnch lengths, mid
the ground being slightly down
grade from this tree to the house, 1
rolled blocks down to workshod
rather than cavry tho shakes this
distance. I then barked eight of
tiicso, making thum ready for tho
froo, Although this wood uiadn ex
ceptionally oyen shakes, I taperod
thum nlf with tho draw knife, using
shaving hprso, Uotico, rnthor than
shakes, 1 had 24-Inch shingles,
Slinking ' (shingling) Having
nailed sheathing strips 10 Inches
apart, I laid tho shakes ten Inches
to tho weather, fourteen Inches cov-
(Coutluued on pago two)
iinnro nAioiMn PRISONER
URGES RAISING By villa forces
C. Carey of North Talent Tells of Ex
perienceGrows Easily 25 or 30
Tons Per Acre Willi Little Work
Says Factor.' Is Greatest Oppor
tunity Ever Offered to Valley.
To tho Kdlter:
Ah there bavo boon Bovernl com
munications regarding the sugar beet
factory which It Is proposed to erect
Iu the valley, I have become Inter
cKtcd and feel like adding a word.
I have been talking with a number
of farmers and buslm-ps men who
kcoiii willing to lend their support.
I have been In tho truck garden
ihuslnchfi In this valley for the last 2.,
tears nml have raised sugar beets for
feeding stock, acres of them, and
inve found them profitable because of
the largo amount that could be raised
upon an acre.
Of course I am not saying that It Is
In set rich quick proposition but sugar
beets nre n sure crop, with littlo risk,
i ami small outlay for seed, machinery.
' TKaa la Mn ntnAA tt'linr. 1iaa4i mm M
111 V in I lJ nniJ n uviv uvuia (.Mil
bo rnUo with loss work than in this
vnlley. As thoro are fewer pests
and soil and climatic clndltlons arc
more favorable than In most places.
I have raised from 25 to 20 tons
per acre with but very little water,
nml I did find It any more work to
ralw; nn acre of bcots, than an acre
If potatoes or corn.
1 am sure there Is no enterprlso be
fore the farmers at tho present time
that would be if greater benefit than
the building of the beet sugar factory
ns that would insure a cash market
for tho beets after tliey aro- -grown,
and Micro will ba no gamblo ns to
prices or a demand for tho crop.
It has been shown that beets
raised here, tost tho highest of any
grown elsawhere on tho western const,
thus making n sure demand for tho
I ntn sure the farmers will make
no mistake in raising tho sugar beet
as there is nothing to looso on the
partvOf the farmer, as there will )e
somo ono to show those how to ralso
them, if they do not know blw, seed
will be furnished, so thoro will bo no
risk of not getting the right variety.
Proper methods will be explained In
inlslng mid In caring for the crop.
lleut raising will put our land into
tho highest stnto of cultivation.
Hoots aro a fine crop to ralso between
young trees.
There seems to bo no troublo to In
terest tho man who has over rnlsed ,
beets, only those who have not tried
It seem afraid to sign up.
Now tho beet factory Is Just llko '
tho public market. Many kicked in
our midst on tho market because
they had never seen ono in oporation.
Hut they would not lot that go now
because It is a sure way to dispose of
nny thing rnlsed. I worked hard for
that also because I knew Its benefits
to tho farmer. Likewise our two can
neries which nro of greatest beuefit
to tho orchardlst mid gnrdnor.
I.ct us nil pull for tlio sugar beet
factory.' It will benefit tho farmor.
tho day laborer, tho wood chopper,
in fact. It Is hard to find any person
whom It will not benefit. "Wo need
something to crento labor on our
land, payrolls In tho factory work for
our Idle nion. Wo must grasp such
opportunttes as these, they do not
como to us every day, may never como
again, tf wo turn this down.
Tho fnctory wllf bo built somo
whore, hut wo cannot nfford to bavo
to ship our product out of this val
ley. Keep tho enterprlso hero. "Wo
need It.
Yours tnily,
Talent, Ore., Dec. 31.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. - Secretary
Luna hns signed tho regulations by
which Ahihknu coal lands oulsido tho
Hehring river nnd Mnliiiiusku fields
nro oiieiiod in tcn-nero trnols to
AlnsKuns. Tho government makes no
royalty or other ohm-yes.
WASHIN'OTO.V, Jan. 2. Tho
.Mexican national convention nt noon
yosterday in Mxvloo City and nd
joureml until Monday, according to
advice to tho state department.
Notwithstanding the continuance of
hostilities between tho Vllla-Zapata
forces and those under control of
Carrnnzn, tho assembly hopes to re
construct tho central government and
form mi administration to bo pre
sented to the United States and other
nations for recognition.
General J. Carranza, brother of
(ienoral Ycnustlano Carranza, has
been taken a prisoner at Sallna Cruz,
Mexico, according to nn undated dis
patch to the state department today,
which also told of a revcu at San
A Vera Cruz dispatch dnted De
cember 30 and received at the stato
department today, said: "Severe
fighting was in progress southeast of
Tinted States district court iiere to
day handed down un opinion refus
ing tho government' petition to
break up the Keystone 'Watch fuse
company on the ground Hint it is n
trust in violation of tho Sherman
anti-trust law.
The court in its decision said:
"Tho defendant declares that Hie
policy of boycott had been given up
before tlio bill of complaint was fil
ed, nnd there i .flmic testimony to
this effect, hut the eirculnr hns ncvor
been withdrawn or negatived, mul Hie
company's resolution of January,
1010, hns novor been rescinded. We
have no doubt Hint nn injunction
should be granted; but we ee no
sufficient evidence that public inter
est requires us- to break up the ex
istinjr corporate entity."
The suit iviii brought three years
ngo against the Keystone Watch Case
company, which is n combination of
several wntehmukint; concerns in
vnrious part of the eonntry, nnd al
leged by the government to control SO
per cent of the business. The gov
ernment charged that the company
rcstniincil trade by forcing dealers
to use its goods exclusively under n
threat of boycott if they dealt with
riwil manufacturing concerns.
PKTltOC.RAn. via London, Jnn. 2.
Inactivity of tho Germans In tho
neighborhood of Warsaw for somo
days pnst Is explained in roports re
ceived hero by tho claim that thoy
have employed this tlmo In fortifying
tho territory already takon up to tho
Hzura river, ami along tho loft bank
of tho lower and nilddlo Vistula river.
According to rellnblo Information
reaching hero. Lodz, Lowlcz, Skler
nlewelco and Plotrkow nro now as
strongly fortified as Kaltsz and Czen
stochown. Tho Germans liavo at
tempted to mako this territory ns dif
ficult to Invade ns is Gormnn soil.
Residents of West Poland reaching
Potrograd say hundreds of factories
bavo boon blown up by tho Germans
and that all avnllablo building mater
ial, especially bricks and metals,
hnvo bcon used in tho construction
of tho now fortifications, ltecent
Gorman attacks botweon Skleriilowlco
nnd AVnrsaw hnvo their base nt Lowlcz
and Plotrkow, which nro said to bo
equipped with railroads, telegraph
mid all tho necessary accessories of
WASHINGTON", Jan. 'J. A voto in
tlio house on tlio woman Mtffmgo
constitutional iimeiidmeiit on Jiinunry
12 wa, finnlb; agreed on today bv
hoilSQ k'Utll' I'd.
F. S. Carpenter Tells What Sugar
Beets Mean to Farmers and Orclt
ardlsts and Says It Is Most Prof
liable and Surest of Crops Pays
Growers Wherever Tried.
To the Kdlter:
I wlh to say a word In regard to
the eitatillshment of a boot sugar fnc
tory In tho Itoguo rivor valley. I
bavo heard much discussion about
the advisability of such a thing and I
wont to say Hint any farmer who In
not willing to devoto all tho acreage
ho can spare to this object, Is work
ing against his own interest ns welt
ns against tho development of tho val
ley. I know from nctunl experience
that a beet sugar factory Is tho best
thing that has como this way from n
financial standpoint, as the farmer
will find out after the first season.
Tho tops mako tho finest kind of fod
der for dairy cows. Tho dried pulp
l highly benclaclal.
Profit Per Aero
I feel that It would bo a great mis.
take to pass thjs proposition up, ns
tho farmer can clear from $30 to
SI 00 per acre, from land that at pres
ent ho Is getting scarcely anything
If you go into this beet raising bus
iness, you know beforo hand what
you aro going"' to get. as tho beets are
already sold, tho price per ton Is es
tablished, and you can't loso. If you
farmers pass this opportunity up, you
'should forcTcr after hold your peaco
and never grnmblo about not being
ablo to make raonoy, on your land
whllo your trees nro growing, or not
being able to break-even. at tbo end
of the'eeajon at least.
Mils for J'lwfc Sugar
I am going to put nil tho acreage
In beets that I can sparo, and wilt
glvo $10 for tho first sack of sugar
produced, and Jf there Is any ono
that wants It more than I do thoy will
liavo to bid moro. I can further say
that Mr. Ilromley's statement In re
gard to tho expenso of raising beets
Is practically truo. Farmers who
have families ran very materially re
duce tho expenso by doing tho work
It makes no dlffercnco what valuo
you place on your land, it comes back,
to the old saw, what will It produco?
Orange county. Cat,, has a beet acre
age of 40.00Q (teres and fivo sugar
beet factories. Do you think thoy
would ralso beets there If it did not
pay, whero land values nro ns high
as they aro hero. I want tho sugar
companies checks, I havo had them
before and they look good to mo.
Yours very truly,
HKJ.XHAM, iWon, Knglnnd, Jnn.
2, in London, 6:13 p. m. Snrvivoiri
of the ltritioh huttloship Formidable,
which went down iu tho English chan
nel yesterday nftor hnvipg struck a
uiino or been torpedoed by n German
Mibiimrine, hnvo been brought iihhnro
They rolnte Hint tho warship wan
htruek nhnl't tho magazine The '.n
Illusion was terrifio, but tho magazine
was not renohed. llud this also
blown up, tho shi'i would have foun
dered without thoro buing imo to
save nujbody.
As the water rushed in Urn nion mi
the Formidable hurried to the ilcek,
Thev found that tho vessel nl ready
had n heavy list to Blnrhoiud. Tho
small bouts woro sent out. A cutter
foundered and tho men in hr were
drowned, A launch nud it pimmce
succeeded in gfltling nwny, Almost
all. tho oars wore broken in trying trt
prevent the Hiiull boats from being
dished to pieces against (he hide, of
tho ship by tlio tremendous bohs run
ning. Captain Loxloy nml his nijilini
man were still on the bridge w-licn tljn
battleship heeled oyer nd went o
tliq bottom.