Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 01, 1915, NEW YEAR'S ISSUE, THIRD SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 20

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    PA'GE 3T0TJK
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Harvest Scenes in Orchards in Medf ord District
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Chlclly becaiiBo of tho largo
ncrcago planted to pears in tho
Roguo niver valley, tho 1910 census
ranked Oregon second among all tho
states of tho Union in tho number of
young pear trees planted being ex
celled only by tho utato of New York.
Tho same figures give Oregon sixth
rank In tho quantity of pears pro
duced In 1909; and fourth rank for
tho valuo of this production.
Tho incrcaso in fruit production
elnco 1908, a period of flvo years,
has been almost 1000 per cent. In
the year 1914, Just closed, tho total
output of fruit, principally apples and
pears, Including express shipments,
has been about 1150 cars. Thcso
figures do not Includo berries, dried,
canned or processed fruits. Compar
ed with California, Jackson county
shipped in 1913 moro than ono-slxth
as many cars of pears and almost
ono-slxth as much deciduous troo
fruits. Tho not returns for tho 1913
fruit crop reached well aboo tho
11,000,000 mark. Jackson county
alono of all tho fruit districts of tho
Pacific coast exceeded in output tho
spring cstlmato mado on tho fruit
crop, showing that climatic condi
tions aro 'such that estimates may bo
depended upon. To show what tho
JackBon county fruit output for 1913
would look liko if assembled, it has
hoen estimated that It would require
a solid train of refrlgorator cars ten
miles long to move tho crop.
HNHlaliAutl()ll in IViii-m
Among tho many varieties of fruits
that havo boon and can bo succebu
fully grown In tho ltoguo ltlvor val
ley, thoro Is n decided tendency to
ward a specialization In pears. Now
orchardluts aro advised by tho resi
dent fruit-growing expert to plant at
least 80 per cent pearH tho remain
der apples, Cortnln sections of the
valley, notably In tho vicinity of
Ashland, huvo specialized moro or
less in peachos but tho greater
number of peach trees uio moruly
considered as quickly maturing "fill
ers," planted between tho rows of
pplo and pour troes, tho pouch trees
to help in providing running ex
penses and to bo removed when they
begiu to crowd tho pormauent trees
e the orchard,
iVkV flCiiHiK y 1 kkkkkkkT iBrkkkkkW tKfJHS rv ig
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IBBB'MiBBBHilMBBBlktiABMBrzw nkff J5waMiftBBPTSr.BrjoCry
kGkrllkSBNiv r -jKtBj MPnf ..''.J JiWyn rV.Hw T"
Tho production of pears, liko tho
production of fruit in general In tho
Roguo Itlvcr valloy, has had a grad
ual evolution. In the original family
orchards and tho first commercial or
chards of tho valley uro from thirty
to fifty different varieties of pear
trees. Theso different trees havo
been observed, tho unfits sifted out,
and today popular approval seems to
center on tho following soven differ
ent varieties Uartlett, Jlouell, An
ion, Cornice, nose, Winter Nells nnd
P. Harry, uhlch uro hero arranged In
tho order in which they ripen.
This specialization In pears, and
this sifting down to best varlotles
was brought nbout by many differ
ent factors. Pear troes, whoro tho
variety and tho soil and tho cllmato
aro specially aduptcd, aro cry easily
cared for, comparatively. Vigorous
pear trees require much less atten
tion and return a relatively much
larger and moro consistent yield than
do npplo trees. It was early proved
that tho Roguo River valloy was
splendidly aduptcd to tho production
of an exceptional quality of pears
proved by many market records and
competitive itwanlH.
Largo yields and record prices
from a few orchards no not necessar
ily establish tho future of any cx
tcnslvo orchard district or provo nv
erago jloldB nud acrago profits
but they do afford an Intonating In
dex as to compotltio possibilities,
other factors being equal. With theso
reservations, records may bo men
tioned tho fact that fancy Cornice
poars received in tho London mar
kets what Is credited to bo tho high
est prlco ovor paid for green fruit;
tho fact that ono JJnrtlett pear or
chard of soven and one-hulf acres In
tho Roguo River valloy has jlelded
approximately C000 boxes of pours
every year for several years past
and Rartlott pears havo averaged ap
proximately $1.35 per box f. o. b.
for tho past six years, llartlott
pears havo been tho heaviest yield
ers, but other varlotles hnvo good
high records to their favor "winter
Nolls yielding as high us 135 boxes
to tho ncro, for example.
Applo lt orris Mini Vnrirtlra
The chief varlotles of npplcH grown
In tho Roguo Rher alloy uro New
town and Hpltzeuberg. Hot ween tho
two varieties tho Now town hcciiih tho
decided favorite, slnro It Is moro
nduptablo to tho wirlotm soils of tho
valloy, and since tho quantity and
quality of jlold Is moro regular and
certain; this notwithstanding tho fact
that several much covotod prizes
havo been captured by Roguo llher
valloy Hpltzenborg Including thu
Hwpopstnkcs prize at tho National
npplo show In Hpokano In 1909, In
competition with other npplo-grow-lug
districts of tho Pacific northwest.
On tho other hand, a carload of (New
town apples wero awarded first prlzo
in their cluss at tho Cunndlnn inter
national npplo show nt Vancouver,
11. C In 1910. Tho npplo acreage
In tho Roguo River valloy In about
one-fourth that of pears, ami large
applo yloldu huvo been reported,
Hpltzenbnrgn having high records nf
520 Iioxoh to tho ncro, nud Now (owns
592 boxes to the acre. Tho planting
of apples, us In the planting of pears,
demands a careful selection of soil
In order to set uro maximum results,
nspoilully In this true for thu .Spitz
iiuborg. Organization for Orrluutl Protection
Ono of tho chief factors In tho ex
ceptional huccchh of tho Roguo River
valley as a fruit section Is tho organ
ized protection of tho valloy from or
chard posts. And tho prosenco of this
organization, and Its iinuiilmous pub
lic support, Is tho strongest posslblo
assuranco that tho district will al
ways maintain Its world reputation
for quality production, it n nxlom
atlc among horticulturists that any
section cHpoiIully adapted to tho pro
duction of fruit Ih for tho sumo rea
sons especially favorublo to fruit
posts, Hoiiro oory orchard section
must sooner or later moot tho fruit
WKm9l&iiMMlMii9m a rgSBBHIIBl r mtmsS igBBggBBBBBl
tSZriSc-dKyBlBBBPnrwSS- ' iSSBmm w&RkSm&stt
BbBBBmBbBBmLc!WBJBiJ iS51ff,.'!!SBEieBB-
SnoMy lltitto OhJiuuI, Typical Oiclinnl llomp in Ceiduil Point PIliMi Fumotis In Woili Fruit Mnrets (tr Wlnlor Nells Penis
pest fight. Tho Roguo ltlvor valley
has already met this fight nnd tins
wuii. And (he winning of this fight
Is ono of tint decided strength of tho
ltoguo Itltor nlloy orchard district
for there has resulted a fruit pro
tective organization which la unique.
As has been said, oun of tho
strengths of the ltogue Rlr nlloy
ns an orchard dlntrtct Is its separa
tion from other orchaul dlntrlcta.
Tho alloy Is nlinom entirely sur
rounded und protictceii by moiin
taliiH. exrcitlouiilly favorably located
as to rllmnlic iiiUnnttiKes for fruit
production. Public sentiment in
Jackson county rca'lzcs thu nocoiully
of hiring nud puylug for thu best of
practical and scientific rum for the
preservation of the orchards and for
tho mnlutennuro of the high quality
of the fruit product nn n whole.
Why 1 1 Igli PrlrcK Itocrlicl
The acreage dootod to pears, In
tho west us n whole and In the Unit
ed Mates as a whole, has decidedly
decrenwsl during tho past few oars,
liecnurie nf blight, Ho critical has
the situation become, In general, that
practically all stnto agricultural ex
periment stations huo iwhlned thnt
no additional pear tres bu plnntod
until blight control hns been secured.
Many penr districts have been prac
tically wiped out; others badly dis
eased, nnd belated fights uro being
waged, This Is ono of tho reasons
why tho ltoguo River valley whore
tho nrchurdlsts hnn gained control
over tho penr blight situation re
ceived for tho 1913 crop of pears tho
highest prices received for sovornl
past jfiirs. And this Is ono of tho
reasons why it Is confidently expect
ed that tho pear acreage of tho val
ley may ho Increasod several times
without risk In overstocking tho
coast, tho national and thn world
market for high quality fruit, year
after your.
Orchard Protection by County
A county organization Is maintain
ed for tho protection of tho orchard
districts, Tho horticultural laws for
tho stuto of Oregon aro strlngont and
community sentiment In Jackson
county permits and demands their
strict onforiomont. An ubsoluto
quarantine Is maintained against
seed, trooH or fruit from certain dis
tricts whoro orchard pests nro espe
cially prevalent. And all orchard
supplied Imported Into tho valloy aro
rigidly luspectced, Also, all fruit to
ho shipped from tho county or of
fered for sulo In the county Is sub
ject to Inspection, and tho law pro
vides a hoavy ponuity for violations.
Pear lillghl Controlled
A central office Is maintained In
Medford', In tho heuit of tho main
valloy, whlcji offlco Is a genoral
clearing house for orchard Idous and
gonoinl free Information for both thn
now und tho estubllshed orchardlstn.
Several deputies dovoto their tlmo to
Jiispoctlng tho fruit Iroos nnd fruit
products or tho valley, and dlsenso
tendencies aro closoly watched and
summarily uttondod to. This work
of dlsoaso prevention and tho up
holding of tho quality of tho product
Is further nldod by n Inrgo group of
voluntoor "socrot sotvlco" Inspectors
penttered throughout tho valloy,