Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 29, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Kramroim matt) tktbtor mtcdwrd, otjtccion, tttesday, iwEMrrcr?, an, im-r t
,i i
1 1
Tlio homo of C. I). Wolverton on
Illvcrstdo drlvo near Gold 11 111 wns
destroyed by flro Christinas night
whllo tho family was out to neigh
bors (o n ChrlstiuaH party. It wns
fully .covered with Insurnnce.
Kxporlonccd man whites position
nn toromnn on ot chard or ranch. Kof
crcnccB. Address lit, enro Mall Tri
bune. 240
A Now War's reception will lie
given nt Iho homo ot Dr. Kvn Manls
Cnrlow on Friday, jnnunry 1, from
2 to P o'clock p..m., by tho cxeeu
tlvo board of tho Ladles' Auxilllnry
of tho First Ilapttat cluirch. All
members of tho church nnd congre
gation nro Invited.
Itom nnd board nt 145 South Ivy.
Mrs. 0. I,, Ornnl. 243
J. M. Kllgoro of Roguo River Is
spending a few dnys In the city at
tending to business Interests nnd vis
iting lits family.
lalco n bid beforo January 1st.
William lleverldgo of Spokane Is
spending tho holidays in this city vis
iting with friends nnd relatives.
A few of thoBO big oak trees on
South Onkdalo will bo sold to tho
highest bidder beforo January 1st
Tho lots 75x175 will be thrown In.
AH assessments paid to date. W. II.
Kverhnrd, 1013 West nth, phone
(1(5 7-J.
(). It. Davis of Wood. Cnl., has re
turned to that city after spending n
few dnys visiting in this city. Mrs.
Davis will remain until after New
Reserve your table for Now Year's
Kvc's doing nt Hotel Mcdford.
Dud Anderson, ex-prido ot Mcd
ford has come- forth with his nllbi
for tho beating ho received nt tho
hands or Frank Darrleau nt Wallace,
Idaho, Christmas day. Thcro was
Homethlng tho matter with his foot
nnd stomach and besides ho had no
place to train except in a barn. Dud
mado such a poor showing that the
managers of . tho Pendleton fight
where Dud was scheduled to meet
Sammy Good Now Years day called
off tho fight. Local friends aro of
the opinion that Anderson Is through
as a pugilist.
ling, rng, rag, at the Musicians' big
(lnnce, Nat, Friday, January 1st. Ad
mission free, dancing 10 cents.
Frank Johnson ot Central Point
sjtcnt Monday afternoon in Medford
on business.
Get your butter, cream, milk and
butter-milk, at Do Voo's.
Ilattlcsnako Jim who Is walking
around tho world in his barcfect will
hold forth on Medford streets today,
with Swiss yodels and Sioux Indian
Seo Davo Wood abont that firo in
surance policy. Office Mall Tribuno
A. A. Flynn of Gold Hill Is at
tending to business matters in tho
city this week.
Red Crown gasoline 20c nt Crater
Lake Motor Car Co.
Six wandgrcrs wcro housed in tho
city Jail Monday night, and sent
upon their way this morning. Dur
ing tho last month tho average num
ber ot homeless quartered has been
six, much less than last year.
Thcro will bo nothing but fun at
tho Hotel Medford New Year's Eve.
l'nge Theater orchestra.
Councilman V. J. Emerick who re
turned tho first of tho week from n
hunting trip in tho Elk creek district
reports that ho counted ten deer on
ono trip that had been slain by cou
gars. Tho door wero driven down to
tho low lands by tho heavy snow. Ho
said that In his opinion the slaughter
in tho canyons was probably twlco as
I shall sell to tho highest bidder
beforo January 1st, lot three Oak
lawn addition on South Oakdnlo. This
lot is Just north of tho Trelchler
houso nnd Is covered with thoso big
onlc trees. It Is 75x175 feet, all as
sessments paid to dato. Make a bid.
W. H. Evorhnrd, 1013 West 9th,
phono CC7-J.
Churches or tho city will hold
watch services Now Year's Evo, and
thoro will bo a numbor of social
gatherings in tho city to seo 1?14 dlo,
Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Elwood died Monday, December
28, ago ton days. Tho services wero
held Monday, interment Jn Phoenix
Musicians' dnnco at tho Nat Friday
January 1st. Come- and hear tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. Linn Gay of Seattlo
nro visiting in this city with Mr.
Gay's brother, Police Judgo Charles
. Gay.
Mid-winter opening January A,
day nnd night school. 1'rivato In
struction In shorthand. New clnssos
Jn bookkeeping, penmanship, type
writing. Medford Commercial Col
lege Thomas Wendt of Salem Is visiting
frlonds nnd relatives In thla city nnd
Jnrksoavlllo this week,
y if ,w4t'- tfdta- t . Voe's.
Musicians' dnnco nt tho Nat Fridny
January Int. Cqnio nnd henr tho
Andrew .Teldiicss nnd Axel Lund
grcn of tho Pine Ledge district have
returned after spending n tow days
In the city on business.
llrlng your poultry to Medford
Poultry & Kgg Co., new location 10!
Enst Slh. Telephone 5S3 242
Rudolph Ashton returned .Monday
night from n trip to tho Slsklyous
nnd reports u henvy fall of snow in
the mountains.
Kodak finishing tho best, nt Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Over IsIs Thea
ter. Grants Pass, ns a result ot tho
vote nt the November election goes
dry December 31st at midnight, n
year nhcad ot tho rest of the state.
The Grants Pass peoplo "doublo shot"
the- turn, not thinking the state would
go dry.
F, W. Dartlett, of the former firm
ot Dartlett & Netherland. taxiderm
ists nnd furriers, will contlnuo the
business nt the same place. Ewlng's
Gun Store. Anyono Indebted tc
Dartlett & Netherland please settle
with F. W. Dartlett. 241
Horn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern Van
Dyke, Saturday,- December 2G, n
seven nnd one-hnlf pound bnby girl
christened, Vein.
Reduced rates on fur repairing.
Ewlng's Gun Store. 241
Robert Gordon has returned to tho
Trail district nfter spending ten days
In the city visiting friends nnd rela
tives through tho holidays.
Dig danco at tho Nat Friday even
ing, Jnnunry 1st, orchestra 15 pieces.
Dancing 10 cents.
Most of tho college students spend
ing tho Christmas vacation In this
city will return to their studies Sat
urday nnd Sunday.
There will bo n home coming of
tho Ladles' Aid of tho Methodist
church in the church Wednesday af
ternoon at 2:30. The president
urges n largo attendance and requests
that all ladles bring note book nnd
pencil. A good program has !een
prepared by the Queen Esther Circle
and refreshments will bo servd.
Palm rooms, new management,
light, nlry rooms, rensonnblo rates.
Georgia Elcher. 259
Mrs. A. C. Durgess and son Ralph
returned this morning from a six
months' stay in the middle west.
"Insurance means "Holmes" and
"Holmes" means "Insurance." Seo
Holmes "The Insurance Man."
Carl Houbq of Portland returned
to that city this morning. Mrs.
House, nee Gcrnldinc Rukes will re
main until after New Year's.
DeVoo Is going to sell 500 pounds
of chocolate creams at thirty cents
per pound. Get a pound today, tf
Harold Waltermero, a 15-year-old
boy, while handling hay with a pitch
fork Saturday night, Jabbed a sharp
tine through his foot, causing a pain
ful, but not serious injury.
Try a quart of our guaranteed
puro sanitary milk. Phono 582-W.
Miss Lctha Wilson of Glendale is
visiting friends and relatives in this
city this week.
Dig danco at tho Nat Friday even
ing, January 1st, orchestra 15 pieces.
Dancing 10 cents.
The police have a boy's bicycle
awaiting identification, that was
picked up on tho street Saturday
uring your poultry to Medford
Poultry & Egg Co., now location 109
East Sth. Telephone 5S.1. 242
Tho funeral services of Michael
Drown, a veteran or the Civil war,
aged 74 years, will bo held rroni tho
Perl undertaking chapel this after
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over IsIs
According to reports received from
tho Rluo Ledg'o district four foot of
snow fell In that district tho last of
tho week, nnd ten foot of the beauti
ful covers tho ground nt the mlno.
Why walk when you can rido for
lGc to any part of tho city. Ford
Taxi. Call Alco 882R.
Jnck Goan of tho Applegate dis
trict spent Monday In Medford at
tending to business matters.
Get It at Do Voo's.
C. C. Johnson, whoso left arm was
mangled in an elevator accident In
tho Garnett-Coroy building last week,
la resting easy at tho Sacred Heart
hospital, nnd it is not believed ampu
tntion will bo necessary ns first
Drlng your poultry to .Medford
Poultry & Egg Co., new location 109
East Sth. Telephono GS3 242
Wolborn Deeson of Talent spont
Monday in Medford attending to bus
iness matters.
Tho finest equipment in Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
A iniiubor of out of town peoplo
will attend tho Charity ball to bo
given nt the Natntoiium this cven
lug. J. O. Gerklng, tho best nil around
photographer In southern OreRun.
Alwnys reliable. Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
A wanderer appeared before tho
police Monday night, who had but ono
shoe, nnd wns using a gunny sack to
protect tho unshod member. Ho
gave the nnmc of James ,Koeguii,
nnd said someone stole his shoos
while sleeping in a box car nt Ash
land. Red Crown gnsollno 20c nt Crater
Lake Motor Car Co.
S. n. Holmes of Eagle Point at
tended to business mntters In tho
city Monday.
Frank Dybee of JJacksonvlllo was
n business lsltor lu the city for a
few hours Mondny.
Rng, rng, rag, nt tho Musicians' big
dance, Nat, Fridny, January 1st. Ad
mission free, dnnclng 10 cents. '
Engineer Frank Klttredgo of tho
Pacific highway is visiting relatives
in Seattle.
Llewelyn Davles of tho Pacific
highway garage Is spending tho holi
days with his parents In Colorado.
Medford will dance tonight nt tho
Nntatorlum for tho sake of aweet
charity, under tho auspices of tho
Greater Medford club nnd tho Asso-
elated Charities. Tickets aro SI,
and supper will be served free. Late
and fancy society dances will bo
given. Tho danco promises to bo
one of the largest of tho reason
with many out or town people In at
tendance. O. C. Loiter, former city editor of
the Portland Oregonlnn, afterwards
campaign manager for William Han
ley, left with his wlfo Monday eve
ning for Portland after n week's
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pel
ton nt their Sam's Valley ranch. Mrs.
Loiter has spent tho last month in
tho valley and been cxtenslvelly en
tertained, appearing as "tho widow"
In tho Rose society vaudeville.
I'RINVI'.TON, N. .1., Dee. ffl). - Co
oiiliiintion iu dftithutitig commodities
will do much towuid reducing Iho
cot of living nnd bring prciitcr
profit" to tho former, Dr. Uoynl
Mocker, Tinted State oomiiiN-iouer
mi labor slntUtiijrt. told tho member
of tho American Economic tirocin
ium in convention -hero today.
While Mr. .Meeker admitted that
runners doubtlcs hud lot money
through dealing with un.criiuiloii
market men, losses were attributable
to failure to neipmint theuwclw
with mnrkel condition bcfoic ship
ping. "('nnlnloupcs were hinped his
Augut into Washington in such
iuantitics that commission merchant
refused to handle thorn. On one day
fifty-eight carload of ponchos were
dumped into St. l.oun, which oidi-
nurilv can nhsoih uhout fourteen or
fifteen ouiloail n day during the
pencil season. Ono hundred and m
toon eniloads of apple struck New
York t'itv one duv last mouth. The
market wns so glutted that apples
from North Huston, I'll., netted onl.v
about 17 cents per bushel. At thi
time the consumer wu paying f 1.110
to $'J per bushel forbad apple, while
tho producer was receiving from
1 1 to I" cent per bushel for good ap
ples. "The differential i enormous lint
it represents wnte rather than
profit. The fault i due mostly to a
laok of co-iirdiiiiitiiui in our cootioiiiic
system, and scarcely nt all to the dis
honesty of individuals. The solution
can ho ai'hicvcd neither by prosecu
tion of commission nieu nor by dim
inution of tlicm, hat by organization
of the market, but tho law eau ef
fect some improvement by licensing
and bonding couuniiou merchants
and subjecting them to federal in
"A more important step i to or-
gauiro the fanners into local co-op
crativo sasooiutiou."
K. W. liiljcgiam, inventor of the
patented tieo protector, has on exhi
bition at the Exhibit building a model
of his proposition for Iho benefit oT
finilgroHors. Tho model consols of
a canvas covoiing for Iho tree, op
crated somewhat on tlio principle of
an umbrella, nnd uccordiiig to .Mr.
I.iljcgram, tests show that six de
gree of cold can bo kept out, and m
degree of heat tctaiucd, iinih'r lienvv
frost condition, Hcsido being a pro
lection from frot, tie protector can
also bo ued against wind, Electric
ity or oil furnishes the heat.
Several commendable ailicle upon
the protector have appeared in sci
entific mitgnnuo upon tho feasibil
ity of the invention, nnd it i likely
several local otchutdist will iso the
protector as an c.vpciimcnt dining the
noM smudging sensou.
said former Piosldcut William II,
Tall, speaking before Iho liar asnocla
Hon ot tlonton at Its seventeenth tri
ennial linuiiiiet last night,
roiccablo; II Is a confession mi Iho
part of state uovornmoutH of Inability
to control ami logulalo their own spe
cial business and dutvi If the matter
"It would involution! tlio national i'io placed uudor federal control It
would icsull In cieatlou of a nmrliln-
oi. v of government officials largo en
ough to nominate any picMldout, and
would offer too ureal nu opportunity
to poisons seeking to porpotuatu their
DORTON, Doc ail ' National pro.
hlbltlou I a dangerous proposition"
government It would put on Iho
shoulders of tho government tlio duty
of sweeping the doorstops of every
homo In tho land, If national ptohthl
Hon Is nnsHod. local unvoruitiont
would bo dcHlioyod. And If you !. Itwtr In Washington."
stroy local yovorumenl you destroy
ono of tho things that go to iiiako for-. , In dUliiel I nt' jhc, forest service,
a healthy condition of tho national rith hcadipirii torsi, pi' tlgdcii.j I'tnli,
government, lightning cutiscd ,'hl pof. conl of this
"National prohibition Is iinuou- ivcar's liie mid camper 'J 7 per cent.
How To Get Rid of al
Dad Cough
LONDON, Dee. ra, f05 a. m.
Tho Dally Skutch publishes tho report
that Commander Francis K. Hewlett,
According to tho nccount of the
Sketch, Hewlett's machine wns dam
nged by tho shell fire nnd came down
In tho sea. v
The campaign for beet sugar nero
ngo in tho Rogue River alley inei
dont to the establishment of a boot
sugar factory received a poor tart
at Table Rook Mmnlnv n I'd. rrwum .lm
.7 "---. , ..... , .... ..... ... .
to the presence of that bugaboo of wno nllol,-'" "o " nio nriusii sea
mossbackism, "somebody is trying to P'nnes In tho raid on Cuxhavcn. Is n
put something over on us." Tho chief ,,r,8"I,t?r '" u,t "u"8 ' " i'"'
query was, "Who will get the most
benefit if we sign up?" The com
mittee i now hiiy knocking this idea
in the head. Five men made pooolios
and twenty nores were signed up. An
other visit will he paid to the Table
Rock district.
A meeting is being held tit Eagle
Point this alternoon, and the senti
ment in that district is said to be
more iu favor of planting idle acres
to some sort of produce. Wcdno.sdny
afternoon a meeting will bo held in
the Willow Spring district, and on
Thursday afternoon in Central Point
nnd Talent. '
The committee in charge nro work
ing for the enterprise, and nil good
citizens having tho future of the
Rogue River valley nt heart nro urged
to take to the fields in the campaign.
The Mall Tribuno asks you
to phono or write or call at
tho olflce and give lu tho pro-
ductlon each of you has mado
this year.
5- AVc will get un nn e'Mmato
ror the Now Year's edition.
- Lot us mako It as completo as r
FOR " R BNTFTirnTshed roonPTn
modern houso. Phono 372-J.
LOST Fraternity pin, golden key
with Greek letters, with namo of
owner on back, between Peach
street and St. Mark's hall. Re
ward If returned to Mall Ttlbuno.
Tho Ifoyi Rosarinns of Portland,
visiting the San Diego and San Fran
cisco fnirs, in tho commercial inter
ests of Oregon, nnd advertising the
Portland rose cnrniviil, will arrive
tliis afternoon nt -1 o'clock nnd will
ho taken for nu auto trip over tlio
new Pacific highway between tins
city and Ashland by local uutoisK
There are sixty-seven RoBiiriuns iu
the party. Secretary Streets and
Hon Sheldon have charge of the auto
Only one modern sawmill is oper
ated in the territory of Hawaii.
Tender Bread
Delicious Biscuits
Dainty Cakes
nro mado with
You may depend on Its perfect
work and wholesoineness in
your holiday baking
Line a Lb
A Ilnmf-Mmlc llrmrtlr thai Will
lu l (lulrkl). t'farap mJ
i:llr Vlaiir
If jiiu liuvc a bad rough or client cold
wiilcli reltiocK lo vielil to ordinary tome
dicij, Ket (muii any dnmalxt UW ihiiuvn
f.f I'.,.... .Ml ......... ......... .. ..." .... I
lillil Uittlo ami till tlio l-Jltle with plum !
KMimlutiil Miunr svfiip. Murt tukinu J
it tcniuiiiiiil ovrtv Imiir or tuu. In 11 ,
liimnt Jimr wiugli will U- rnii'iui'lnl or
verj iinirlv so, Kvi-n vvliooiinu euiiuli l
gieutly it'lioved in Huh way,
'J lie uUive liiixtllio liukct a full pint1
a liiaiily Mipply of tlio llnenl couli
rimo "i nn'in-v muni liny Ul it eonl
of only nt wnt. Kiully prepared in a
lalnutf. lull illrivtloiiit ultli l'im-x.
1 Ids I'lnox nii.l Miuur Svtup prrp.v
ration take rlijlit hold of a voiiuli umt
give almost imiiHihuto relief, ft loot,
in tlie drj, lioutM or tight tniugli lu u
WUV tllUt i Il'llllv ri-lllillLnlil.. Al...
ipiicKiy nea i mo iiiiiauietl tueinbrutir- !
xvlilch nrmmpsnv pulnfnl rough, nnd'
stupn in iiiriiinlinu oi piilrgui In the
throat ami brmioliial tiiU-f, tlm viidlng
tlio iKTMlM'rnt Iimm rougli. Lxrelh-nt for
liroiifliitl. m,iiikiiixIIc croup uml wlntrr
"Hip is. Koih K'rfx-tly and tattos good
rlillilrpn like it.
I'inex i u ht!oI and lilghlv conwn
I rated compound of uciiiiiuo Norway plno
extrart, rlrli In gunlanil, which in o
lirallng to tho inoinliriini-.
'io avoid iliMipiHiintuieiit, nk your
drugglut for "g4 ounce of I'ln.-v," o
not unept niivtfiliig !. A guuriuitw
in iiifxiiiiir utmiuciioii,or munev prompt.
'. refuinlrd gi' ttitli thin prepurulluii.
The I'lucx '"., It. Wiono, I nd.
The entire stock of the
Will H. Wilson store at
134 N. Front St. to be
sold at auction Saturday,
January 2nd.
(Slasses Relieve tho Strain nnd (ilvo
Ho Kiiovvh How
Sulto 1-2 Over Dcuors
8. & II. Croon Trading Stamps fllven
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Car
Kfftctlvo from Aur.ust I, AiiKust 1, 1U1G, nnd Kusrnn.Md
BKnlnst any reduction during that tlme:
TouriiiK Car -................ .f IDO
ItiiiintHiut M..........-n... ....... -4 10
F. O. R. Detroit. All cars fully equipped. "T '
(In tho United States of America Only.)
Furthor, wo will bo nblo to obtain tho maximum efficiency In our
factory production, nnd tho minimum coat In our purchasing and
ales departments If wo enn roach nn output of 300,000 cars bs-
twoon tho nbovo dates.
And should wo reach this production wo ngrco to pay ns tho buyer's
sharo from f 10 to C0 per car (on or about August 1, 191C) to
every retail buyor who purchases a now Ford car botweon August 1
10H, and August T, IDIB.
For further pnrtlculara regarding theso low prices and proflt-shur
ng plan, seo tho nearest Ford ilranch or Dcalor.
Ford Motor Cur Company
C. E. GATES, Acrent
Rpurta RaUdlng Medford, Oregoa,
WANT130 Horso, harness and light
jIk for food of horso. Phono 710
JM. 211
Private Delivery All Hours Botweon 7:30 and 5 P. M.
Let us know your wants in the Grocery
Line. We have it or will get it
for you at once.
E. C, SCHULTZ, Prop.
i r 'J(
njJ v
Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
Men's r.()0 SIioph r( $3.85
Women's $!.;"() Shoes al $2.05
Women's $1.00 Shoes al $2.85
Women's :i.f0 Shoes a $2.05
Misses' fJ.HO High Cnl Shoes at $1.00
These are all good shoes, hut short liyos
and odds and ends
Come and see for yourself. v
fiooo Sliocs"
AVcnrliiK dlamonilH glvos an air of prosperity that brings greater ,
success. Kveryono knows that diamonds aro high, and that no ono
can wear thorn who has not considerable menus or first-class credit.
If, then, ou wear them you aro showing positively that you uro at'
least on tlio road to prosperity, and It is human mil uro to pay trlbuto to success by
helping It to further success. U Is business for a business man lo show that ho Is
successful, for It will bring lilin more and better customers, and thoro is no better
way to show that you aro successful tlian by wearing well chosen diamonds. All
our diamonds nro connctly graded by exports, with oxact weights, qualities and
lowest prices marked la plain figures.
iX 1.
.A-. . . .
,-, ufer 'a