Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 29, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
w h m MO L'g
I'n I r tonight, and W1aMoV7
Mv. io sun. m.
'; .aw
Forty-fourth Yar.
Daily Ninth Yrnr.
Berlin Claims Process Despite Pcl
rourntl Assertion of Decisive Result
French Makinn Progress In Al
sace Fluhtlnii Drnns On In Bcl
Ulum With Small Victories for Each
LONDON, ). till, 1 1 a: n. in.
lliitUh (iliHorvcm of the prngre of
the war point lliiit mnuiing to tin
iiilitiinxlon in Din Aiitdi'uii official
iiiiuiiiinceiueiiU Hint ItilHflu is oiiri"
mute uumlcr of tlm paMi'M in (lie
Carpathian iiiiiiiiiliiitiH mill that tin'
1 1 . i j i h along the entire Atmtiiuii Ironl
lioni llio lliuhi tier I" a point niiilli-
t'llMt (if tllO Dlllilll I'll la'CIII til III'
falling Illicit.
Thin menus llio wilhilrnwnl of ir
liiully all tlm fotee which nwipt
lll'IONH III!' IIIOIIIllllillH to I'llllll tin i'-
Heme light in llio eiuiceiled Autio
Herman attack on the KiiUMiau uhiihk
anil it inulon another surprising ir
M'IMll of I'llllll on the pint III' till'
A virion wildicr Iiiii) liiillli' for
tune nilli'ti III!' (iltlhtcub i' lliitilllli'
liavit been coinpieunuly erratic.
Klcwhcrc in llio outcrit menu of
I he war littlo chatijio had been re
corded while nn Hin wo tor it front
Hit' slow mill tedious troiii'li warfare
goes on unhiiprowd with only feliglit
gains on cilhor Mile.
d'oriimiiH I tony Claims
ltussinit niiilimnermcnts of defenl
of llio Herman aro disputed today l
tin Merlin war offioc, which slates
Mint tin nttueks of llio invading
armies in Poland liao made pmgMa
anil Hint strong 'ltiiiau nault
uTVo iM'rii rriM'iii'ii. M iticntion i
iniiilo, however, of lite Hitttatioii in
(lalioia whore Hn Kniiniin nto ik'
M'lilicil iih having innioloil a Mere
tlffcat on llio Aiiitiii-(lounan foreci.
The I'lOiioli rniiipniKn for ie-po-hotxion
of iln lict province of Al-
Mice, olio of llio Jirt objectives of
llio (trillion of tin republic, after Ilia
outbreak of Hie war, npparontly Is progress, 'llio mioffioial ro-
potlN litht night thai llio allien worn
hhclling .Miiolliiumoii are supplemented
loilay I i.v llio Mulcincnt of llio Flench
war ol lice that Hn town of Stein-
hiiith, upper Almice, ha boon iiiil'
Fighting U-ragM
III Kiuueo mnt llelgitiiu llio fight
ing drags oil, with uniall iooiioi for
oaoh xiilo. Tito (It'iinmi official an
noiinoi'iiii'iil tolU of llio oaptnro of a
I'Vi'iuih tii'imh in a liiiint'it fori'nt wol
of Apiomont, 'flio Fronoh hlalcinoiit
admit the lomporary los of tln
lionoh, httt iiiIiIh that it was retaken
later after thin eoiintur attnekK.
1 tot h 1'ariK anil lloilin ineiiHon ininor
tjiiiiiH with iolent fi;hliii; at van
mm poinN, The 1'ionoli Hlatomont
mi.vh that tho nllicH Imvo eaplnred the
llolpan town of St. (Ioiiijjok, tnotind
wliioh heavy eiicoiinlers hao hoen in
ptoxri'MH for Home time.
, ItiixMu ("lalnis Hni'i o
Tlm l'droKt'itil war officii hIiiIih
that Ihn (liirman.i who lias a heen
liii'Nbliii; fonvaid In I'olmul have
lioeit repiilded with heavy Iohm'H. In
(lalioia the Anstiiaim nro leporled
to liuvti Httffert'd a I'ompli'lii
mid to he retieathiK hastily. Their
defeat appaienlly litealiH up llio
iiinneuver iiiinillK t a eomhiiioil Aiik-tro-doriiimi
attack on tho Honthern
for'ei'H of tho KmssIihih, wliioh, if hue
ceMHfnl, jnlht huo iaipertlled llio
It'iisdiiiu loft wlntr. Horilu, hovei-r,
vluH Ih'd filtiilttlon in Ihu cunt with
optimum, inliiimtiiif,' that impoiiant
dovelopnienlH In I'ohiinl limy ho ox
pooled shortly.
FiahlliiK in tho west linn heen inter
rupted 1iy ii violent Htorin. Uotwilli
htandiiig' this hindranuo, fttrtlmr
iioi-Jhh Iins-hoon iiiado hy tho allies,
iiiTlirilii'K to tho Frmnili offieo.
HICATTI.H, "Wii., l"c. 29. Tho
ImttloHlilp OtPBon whh'h lma boon
ovoiiinuloit In proparatlon for lior
pliico nt tlio bond ot tho nuvnl parade,
tlirSiiKh' tHo ruiiuitu fjiuml, Btufllnoit
fioiiTVlio I'fiKot oijml mWy ynrrt tf
a two tltiy'H 'trjul onflHO to Qnvi 'Flftt
lorr niul return. Tho CiloKciii Will
Ho Into, eummltfuiou oxt Sulurduy.
INDIAN'AI'OUH, Intl., Dee. 'Jll.
I'ixo iiiiiio ini'ii, iiiohidin K. I-', Tat
hoi, oily onntiollur of Tone llanle,
and ilt-orgo I'Jironlmnll, a iimniher of
the Ten ii llanlo hoard of palilio
woiIim, wore arroHti'il al Torre llanlo
today hv fedoral nii!liiii!io on an in
dielmont lolnrnod llooomlier LM
i'lmilii( coniipiraoy lo eorinpt the
oli'otiiin of Xovciiilicr II lal. The nr-
roMs loilay Iiiiiik Uio lolal niailn sinim
tho dniKiM't wan xol ('liiitiiiiii nilil,
(o 101.
Hilton Hiihiimid, mi allornoy, mid
unit of L'ironit iiiiiii Mil II, Hodman,
who wiih nirohlrd and loloimoil on
1 1 (1,0(11) liotnl Sitliuiliiy, Hiineniloioil
In llio fodoral aiilhoiitie-4 mid llio
font Hi man takoit into oii.iily wax
I'Viink Kier, a aloonl;ooper, who
wiin rclofiKrd on f'.'dOII homl.
Frank l.oekwood, a politioian, wiih
nrivHli'il the alloniiMin, Ho hum
WASHIMITOS, Die. -Ml. Soore
lary DiuiioU ioiliiv onloiod the hat
lloliii Itlioile Uliiinl fiom Vera
('run, Aloxieo, to Now Orion im to par
ticipate on January H in the cclclim
Hon of Hie centennial of Hie haltle
of Now Orleans. Other tdilpt will lie
ordcici llictc in time to lake part in
I ho oxorciHO. The haltlexhtp Dela
waie at Norfolk, Vit Iiiim heon order
ed to Vela Cm, to loliew the llhode
IM:KIK(I, Doc 'JO. There wii
proinnlatoil in Peking toda a new
ehetion law for the icptthlic contain
f! ooilnin amemhnentH. The most
liolahle elaiike of thcoo loiilalioni. in
thai wlneh lio the toim of oflice
of llio ptcNidont of China to ten
year.. TIiim lonn, however, may con
limic indefinitely if (he -ctiale, hy a
Iwo'HiiiiU otc, ooiiNiiloth thai the
actual political Mtiialion make-. hiioIi
oIoiihihi dc'.itahlc.
SKATTI.B, Wash., Dee. !. The
KxcuiiiK Sun, which wont into the
hands of it tecciver I wo weekrt ao,
and wliioh couliittted publication while
trying to hell its iism'Is, miuouuoed
iU NtiHpensioti today in mi ediiotial
nsMfjnine; lack of ailvetlisiui; patron
Jti iih tlie eauso of failuie, l'uhli
catiou of the Situ was liojjuu Febrti
nry 1, HI 111.
LIMA, Peru, Dee. 120. The Japan
ese itimoreil cruisers Ariiina and Id
xiiino. wliioh hailed front Cnllan bov
oral duyfi ago, put in at Puerto Pi-1
zarro, near the not thorn boundary of f age. His bride-to-be, who is the
Peru. On Sundity Ihey left that poil,'dnughtrr of Thomas (1. Condon of
sailing in a noilheasli'ilv direction. iNewbnrgh, X. V.. i 21.
AURAS, northern Fiance, Sunday,
December 27, 0 p. in,, via Paris, Do
eember 2(1, "11 mo a. in. That pottion
of tho Fietioh army wliioh is holding
tho lines near Arras today attaoked
the (Ioniums on u front twelve miles
long. They curried half u milo of
Goiinim trenehos near l.ons by as
sault, and tonight they atu holding
those positions in force.
Tho way for this nit nek was pro-
pared by violent artillery and ma
ohino gun firo, which swept tho (tor
man positions from n point to tho
north of I.oua to tho suburbs south of
ivvrufl. Tlm fl'U'Mnn Unltoiiort qvory-
whom replied heavily to thin Fronqh
' AVliito tho Uownniis woro .thus on-
Captain Oman of Cruiser North Car
olina at Beirut Cahles That Rus
sian Cruiser and Not One of Uncle
Sam's, Threatened to Bombard
Tripoli If Crews Were Imprisoned.
WASIIINOTON, Doc. 2f. -f'nptiihi
Oiiiiim, oeiiiiiiaiiiliiit: llio aimoreil
enii'or North Carolina at Hoirtit,
Syria, inforiiiod the navy depaitment
today that it wiim a l(iiinn cruiser
and nt mi American o--c which
iccciitly Ihicalcnoil to Immliiitil Trip
oji. Caplain Oimmii'h c.xplminlion wan
inailo in rcMiixn to a tcipictit fiom
Soctclniy DanioU.
Caplnin Omnii tcporled Hint no
Amerioaii inoioluint om'I Iiiih boon
hiiiilh of Alcxmidrotta, Sria, miioo
December 0. An Allien ili-putoli
pnblixlicd lat week oaid the crow of
an Ameiioan Nlcamer had been at
tacked al Tripoli, xotilli of Aloxan
ilicltit, when fmcittn coiimiIh had
thieiitcnod lo lioinbaril Hie town.
Captain OmmiV dfpalch, filed nl
Mount vctcrday, uni hh follew:
"On Di'Ocinbor 'J.'i the ltn-ian
crnicr A"kold xent IiohI with ami
ed men on a rooiiiitiiiU-niioe near
Tridi, Syria, at the village of Man
ia.. Ilofore arrival nt Hie beach the
boat lotuided in -hoal water and
Hie ereWK of the boalf wetc jeered by
the poptihiee. Al the threat of the
lurki-h iinlhorilios to imprison llio
Imnls' clow, thov wore informed that
Hie ltti'o.ian ornisor would bombaid
the ullage in Mich mi ownt, and con
hi'ipti'iill.w itu line wii Hindu. prUonor.
No slmU ttOte llrod.
"The Itiffhiii boat.' crews left the
icinitv when Hie boats woio floated.
Since December 1) no Amorioan titer-
I'hiiiilmati has been miiiHi of Aloxan
dretta, Sytta. The reoonnaissanee of
Heirnt, Sviia, is freipionllv made h
Iltitir-h, rrottch mid Itiissian erniser.
l!ver.thiiiK is nniet al Ileiint.
IX l'ASO, Tov Dee. 2. JiiiIito
1'iniuin I'lieibi. a Mexicnii atitlinr and
jurist, returned here loilay from
Mexioo City, after having been ar
rested and threatened with execution
on his journey north, lie finally was
released by otder of Mexico City of
ficials and after being e-eoiled to the
iuteriiatinual btidge here, was- told
that he was exiled fiom Mexioo.
l'lieda loconlly wrote a book on
picscnt-diiy Mexican history wlneh Is
held ui'i'Oitntiihli for his c.xpeiienoi'.
NF.W YOKIC, Dee. 20.- l'hilip D.
Armour, son of Mrs. l A. Valen
tino, and a grandson of the late
lMtilip Daufoith Armour of Chicago,
obtained a lnariiage license today to
wed Miss flwendolin Condon of this
city. Tho wedding will take plueo on
.lanuary S al the Church of llemenly
Kent here. Mr. Armour is 'JO years
gaged along tho entire lino of this
part of their dofenso works, the
French opposite I.ens arose from
their t reunites and charged tho Oor
man trenches, which were from 100
to 200 yauls distant. A fieteo bay
onet encounter brought victory to tho
French. Tho flermans were routed,
tho French took sonto prisoners and
occupied tho Clcrimm diggings, It
was all over in' twenty minutes. Tho
aitillory firo on both sides died down
and silence fell on tho field of battle.
Hut igilanco was in no &cnso relaxed.
At intervals of two rods in tho
trenches keen eyes peering into
poilbcopes watched tho edges of tho
Uonnaii trenches, tho obhorvorstlioiu
solvos being well protected below tho
loyol of (ho earth. i
LONDON, Dec 2! The announce
tnont (lint the HrltlMi Kovoramoat In
lo npiolnt an cnierKojiry coininlttco
lo conMiler ineamtioii for tho prv'n.
lion of Kiin-iloafncHK umon mildlorc
nail Hnllom calls attention lo mi add'
oil terror of wur which linn heen much
dbictiKKeii recently In military and
nieillenl clrck'H.
"Tlitt oiiviiiy tuny not deprive you of
llfo or limb," wrltoii u tifiUeal cor-rcKpondt-nt,
"but It In fairly certain
that )ottr own nrllllory will nlowly
but Httrcly miikn you dcitf,"
Hmeral offlcem who recently re
turned on furlouKh from the French
front were railed up for examination
nml found to Imvo Buffered more
l ban a fifty iter cent Impairment in
hcarltiK owlriK to tho lucetmant ear
npllttliiK reporU of their own Riinn.
The exact phftlouKk'a reanon was
iiHiiully found In it rupture of the
drum membrane, with occasionally a
MiattorltiK or roncuniilon of the an
rallabyrliilh. Ilotlt the Frcnoh and Amorlrnn
tiavlen have made ipcclal provlnlon
for the prevention of cuii-ilrafncxK.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Dec. 1S.
(Correspondence). Total Ioshch to
Scandinavia uhlpplnn tltrouKu mine
dUantera were a follow, up to mid
December: Sweden, clKhl ahlpft and fiO liven;
Denitiark, nix enol and ulx lives;
Norway, five venselsnnd lx lives. To
thlK total niimt nUv be added Hol
land with three vcsceU nnd .' liven.
Tho total financial Ions for tho 12
Milps nnd their cnrno will reach near
ly SIO.000,000 00
NFAV YORK, Dee. 20. The .situa
tion growing out of Wellington's
protest to F.nghind over the detention
of llii country'., commerce imparted
-onto honunoss to today's market.
Most of the leaders were under yes
terday's best on n small overturn.
Heading, Union Pacific, Amalgamat
ed and several other active issues
fell back a poin or more with frac
tional recessions in other pnrls of
tho list. Baltimore nnd Ohio and
Mexican Petroleum, the hitler with
a one point gain, were the only nota
ble exception, lo the dropping ten
dency which was accompanied by n
small output of stocks. United States
Steel was relatively firmer than other
loaders. A moderate rally followed.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 29. Tho
shooting of two American hunters
by Canadian hohllera on tho Niagara
river near Fort Urlo yesterday, Is
viewed by President Wilson with
deep distress. Ho told callers today
ho had receled no formal report on
tho Incident,
Secretary Ilrynn Instructed tho
Ainetlcan lco consul nt Vort Krlo
to tako possession of tho body of the
man killed niut to do everything pos
sible for tho wounded man. Tho
state dopnrtiuent has reported tho In
cident to Sir Cecil Sprlug-Hlce, tho
Urltlsh ambassador horo.
ALIIANY, N. Y Dec. 29. Tho
body of nn unidentified man with
tho head savored wus found by hunt
ers In tho woods near Altnmont to
day. In tho clothing was a enrd
bearing on ono sldo tho inscription
"August lltviso, llolstoln, Iowa, U, S.
A," and on tho other tho namo "Rich
ard Lawrence." Tho latter was writ
ten In German script, An inspection
seal on a suitcase noarby indicated
that the owner had boon in Liverpool
last September,
m a n
DKCKMBFAl 20, 11) M
Garrison of Seven Thousand Desert
First Chief Villa Gives Guarantees
to Forelyners Declares Nation
Needs Prudence Take Advantage
of President's Sincerity
OX 110 A HI) V. fi. 8. 8 AN D1KOO,
en route to San Diego, Cal., Dec. 29.
(by wlrele8). Seven thoimand
troopx of General Vcnuntlano Car
ranxa'n forces have declared today for
General Franclnco Villa, at Topic, In
the Mat,; of that name, on the west
count of Mexico. KorelRnem at San
Ulan and Topic have taken refiiKe
aboard the United Stated xitpply ship
Glacier. Hear Admiral Howard, in
command of the Pacific fleet, on re
ceipt of the news ordered the gun
boat Annapolln by wlreloxn to San
Wan, hut no trouble la expected.
M i:ICO CITY, Dec. 27, via El
l'ao, Texas,. Dec. 29. When tho
mutter of frequent executions and the
lack of personal guarantees was
brought to the attention of General
Villa today he made the following
"Many foreigners have lately asked
mo for personal guarantees. I ant
disposed to make every effort to
give these. Many of tho requests
have been telegraphed.
"Kegardlug the present chief exe
cutive of tho nation, I regret to say
tliut conspirators are endeavoring to
take advantage of his sincerity and
honesty. What I will have to do Is
to treat this element with severity.
"The country needs prudenew at
the present time. It also needs oner
getlc measures. As soon as these
matters aro attended to f will proceed
to direct the campaign for the cap
ture of Tumplco."
General Villa signed the statement.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 29. Presi
dent Wilson told callers today that
his support of the Jones bill for ul
timate Philippine Independence
would not be altered by tho recent
disturbances in tho Islands. He de
clared accounts of tho uprising had
undoubtedly been exaggerated.
Tho president Intimated ho be
Moved the reports duo to efforts to
defeat the cause of Philippine inde
LONDON, Dee. 20, 3:32 p. m. The
note of tho Washington government
to Great Hritaiti, protesting against
the detention of American cargoes hy
Hritish warships, has not as yet
reached the ltrilUh foteign office, al
though a synopsi of it has been
published in London with the pemiis
which has shown no disposition to
concent tho American grievances in
this direction.
New Views of
Somo of tho finest views of Crater Lake over, taken
wero secured this past' summer hy "Frank II. Kiser, whoso
artistic photographs of Crater Lake have niado him
Mr. Kiser selected those he considered host and sent
them to the Mail Trihuno for tho 191 Now Year's issue.
They fill a pago and show not only tho lake, but tho re
cently completed inn, as well as a section of the $750,000
houlovard being- constructed around the rim of the lake,
destined to bo tho ;nost scomc drive in tho world.
Crator Lnko is but ono of many features superbly il
lustrated in tho Now Year's Annual, which is designed to
attract tho tourist. Tho giant forest trees, Mill Crook
falls and other sconic beauties,
and tho new grade over tho Siskiyous, tho orchards, power
development, irrigation progress and prospects aro among
tho subjects picturod and written about.
Order oxtra copies at onco or it will bo too lato.
DOl'Or.AS, Arizona, nee. 29.
Seven horse taken Saturday night
i from the picket lino of the United
States cavclry were returned today
by Colonel Gomez, commanding the
Carranza garrlnon of Agua l'rlcsta,
who ittatcd that the horncH, an well
as nomo of hi own anlmnU had been
driven away by a party of Villa ym
pathUcrs who had raided the Amer
ican nldc.
An n result of (he agreement
said to have been negotiated by Gen
eral Hugh Ii. Scott, between General
Ilenjaniln Hill and Governor Mayto
renn, Carranza officials at Agua
I'rleta expect tho Sonora war to be
fought out In the Interior of tho
HtatoH. Ives Lellvler, Carranza rep
resentative hero, until today It would
be necessary to leave only small gar
risons at Agua I'rleta and Xaco, as
Ma)torona had agreed not to attack
border points again. General Hill
therefore Is expected to take tho
greater part of his forces Into the
Interior and give battle to Mayto-
rena. If Maytorenn. retire to No
gales, Hill, Lellvler asserted, woulld
not attempt to take the town.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. Philip
pine disturbances were discussed to
day in tho house. Resident Com
missioner Quezon, assailing reports
of an outbreak, declared such dis
turbances as had occurred were of no
Importance and that there was no re
volt In the Islands.
. Representative Miller of Minnesota,
who opposes Philippine Independence
agreed with Mr. Quzon in minimiz
ing rports of a revolution but de
clared that "nevertheless wo should
not close our eyes to these disturb
ances." Ha denounced tho denorted
Filipino, Rlcarte, who Is charged
with conducting anti-American pro
poganda from Hong Kong.
VENTURA, Cal., Dec. 29. Her
bert Lathrop, mountaineer, hunter
and gttldo of the OJal district, died
today as a result of being shot Mon
day by Floyd Perrltt, a pitcher on
the I.on Angeles team of the Pacific
Coast Uuseball League, who was
hunting mountain lions. Lathrop's
body was taken twelve miles to
Nordhoff on horsoback, over a nar
row mountain trail.
Perrltt mistook Lathrop for a
mountain lion, and fired a high-pow
ered rifle bullet into his abdomen.
Perrltt was on a hillsldo. Lathrop,
wearing a gray sweater, was on the
opposite sldo of the canon building
a fence.
BY OVER $88,000,000
WASHINGTON, Dee. 20. Score
tary Ucdfield told President Wilson
and the cabinet today Hint exports
trom the United States during Do-
eember, until December 20, exceeded
the imports by $88,000,000.
Crater Lake
tho paved Pacific highway
NO. 289
President Demands Better Treafmeflt
From Great Britain fw Amkn
Shippers Declares Large Damans
Must Be Paid for Unlawful Deten
tion of American Cargoes. M ,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, Presi
dent Wilson, referring today to thn
American noto to Great Britain, In
sisting on. loiter treatment for
American commerce declared that
large damages eventually -would
have to bo paid by England for un
lawful detention of American car
goes. Shipper Dishonest
The president coupled a confirma
tion of this morning's publication of
tho sanding or tho noto and or Itu
contents with the statement that the
government could deal confidently
with the subject, only If suDoorted br
absolutely honest manifests. Ho
said the great embarrassment to tho
government In dealing with tho whole
matter was that somo shlppors had
concealed contraband In tho cargoes
of non-contraband articles, for ex
ample, under a cargo ot cotton. Son
long as there were Instances of that
kind, the president said, suspicion
was cast on every shipment and all
cargoes were liable to doubt and sus
The president pointed out that
many protests previously had beea
sent In specific cases nnd that If tfaa
contention of tho American govern
ment were correct, as he was firm
ly convinced It was. nlans far In
demnification itlUntatelr "vreuW have
to lie met by Great Britain.. .
Xo ltobte PomIMo ,
Supplementary to nrevlou nrnte!
the new note. President Wilson ex.
plained, represented fully the pol-,
lion of the United States, savin? that
so far as tho theory was concerned.
titer really was no debate on the
point raised because England berseir .
In previous .wars had taken exactly
the American position.
The nrpiililent -urn nsVo.t if u
communication sent to Great Bri
tain was tho result or tho recent
gathering or Pan-American diplomats
here. Ho said It was not, but that
tho position or the United States
would apply to any neutral country.
and that tho contentions advanced
wero not peculiar to this country,
lbi-sctf Upon Ijivr
Tho president added that tho noto
of protest was based on tho generally
accepted principle of International
Foreign diplomat), especially
those from neutral countries, dtu.
cussed tho noto today, and member
or congress, who had protested to
tho state department on behalf of
merchnnts nnd shippers of copper,
flour, xvheat and other nrorturt i
which trade had beeu restricted, er-
pressea satisfaction with thn atu.
tuue or tho government,
Somo odmlnlstratlon officials ex
pressed tho view that when Great
Britain realized the tone or publlo
opinion on tho subjeqt In tho United
States, her attitude would bo modi
fied and American Industry hitherto
halted, would go forward.
The proposition of II. C. Douch, n
rate attornov of Snn Prnnensno' rn
the Medt'ord Merchants' association;
Keeking to secure a reduction in
freight rates, wits rejected Tuesday
at a meeting of the committee named
at n special meeting Monday night.
Mr. Heach agreed to pay all expenses
ot nto case and asked in rotitrn for
.ilO.OOO to he deducted from tlm first
half of the savings nooniing- from se
curing lower freight rates, provided a
suit instituted won, Otherwise there
would bo no expense. It wn acrree!
that Medford was entitled to lower
freight rates, but (hat the. fee asked
was too high. Mr. Hcach'tf fee wan
entirely contingent upon scotirinif
lower rates. The bpccial omiittM
nnmcjl was composed of J, C, Manti."
C. M. Kidd, C. 8, .JIutterfhM, Jfc.ttJ
daddis, A. Ilubbajnl, ' T. StahmMt -
and Ii. B. Brown. ' -
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