Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    t.-. 4. ,y4yXfoifliirMu wtlfcT'
Medford Mail Tribune
Mat. m: Mln. II. Kulr
tonight mid WetfnuWir.
mntt -- On.- -,-
Forty-fourth Tr.
IlRllvNlnlh Yrnr.
Nil Cessation of Military Activity,
But No Decisive Action Russians
Resume Offensive French Claim
Prourcss, But Emphasize Repeated
Attacks of Germans.
LONDON', Dee. 20, 1:1," . in. -(
lu ihIiiiiim Iiiih coiiio nml kiih uitli
nul 11 truce 011 lliii pint ol' nny of tint
twining tint iK of lluiopo, W'liilo
thorn Iiiih boon mi cessation or mlli
tiny uollvily, 1111 deeisivo action Iiiih
occurred along cither of tlm great
lilt t tK 1'lOlllN.
A Hiri'tiiiMiliir oloinonl of tlm !'
'lit news was supplied liy 1111 ni'rinl
duel, between a (Ionium aircraft ami
two Kllgllnll hiphlllCS over tho
Thainiw. TIiIk noouwed CIiiMiuuh
ilny ninl wiw vvitnonsod liy Hovernl
lliiiiiKiuiil K'Dili'. Tlm Herman es
caped. I'roni I'olrograd comes news Hint
tin- llinwiitim have ri'Nttiiinl tin- nf
foimivo ut kovoiiiI point! in I'olnml
nml that limy havo i'iiitini'il mi
fewer tlinn 11,000 prisoners. To
of fuel thin, however, Merlin reports
inactivity along Hut Polish front. An
Austrian army is Mill making a cour
ageous i-l'foit o Mriko down the
valley of tln Nioa in the direction of
Cracow, Ilritish observers uro of the
oiiiiiiii (hat tliix movement "ill be
Ion Into if it in a fai't that tlm Ann-lin-dcimuu
nttni'k in tin- center bus
renlly received its iriorli'il chock.
Fiench rinlni I'mrrti
Although slating that further
progress Iiiik boon mndo, today's
t'oinmiinii'iitinn I'nnii the French war
office lus chief emphasis 011 tlm re
peated attacks by tlm (Ioniums, who
niiiirciilly luivn undertaken a scries
of vigorous onslaughts in response In
the offensive movement of the allies,
Kniuo of IIiono (Ionium iiIIhcUh ex
tended over considerable sections of
ground, involving largo bodies of
troop, lint the assertion is iniylc
that all wore checked. Perceptible
lirnnri'-h in Alsnoe in claimed liy the
Reviewing conditions in tin1 oast
itin arena, tlm French war office ns
to ti 1 1 i that tin1 (Ioniums have boon
thrust hank along tin' linn before
Warsaw, ami that in llu fighting in
Hit region lil' Cracow tint Russians
luiMt won tho advantage.
(.Vriimin Contradict
Tho (Ionium slntomout onnlniiis
the sti iking aiiuoiiui'i'inrnl Hint tlm
(li'iinan attack on the ll.iim river
have censed. It claims successes on
Ihc right hank of tlm I'ilica ami tic
scribes tho situation elsewhere its
iinchaiigcil. ('liming to the western
aiemi of tho fighting, Merlin i clitic
Hint (Iciiimn troops havo heen nut,
eossful. They havo repulsed English
ami French nltiioks near Niouport
ami minor enggenieiitn in tho Vo-gos
nml upper AlMitco Iiiim not allereil
the Hitnatlnn.
Other cneoinitoix in l'raucu aro
mciitiiiueil, hut nothing i sniil iih to
Hie outcome.
Italy Occupies Al-mv
Italy's oeeupulion of tho Alhuninn
putt of Avlona wan beliovotl tn open
up poMublluMcrt of coniplieationK
which might niako it difficult for tho
Koine' government In maintain itw
ncuutrality. Tlm ullitudo of Hit
mania nlno was umro limn epr u
mailer of ilouhl, on account of re
purlh from Paris that tlm only oli.
slnelo that jnovenlcd her from join
ing with llm ttiplu oiitonto had heen
removed. IltilKiiriit wnfl reprchcntcd
iih hiiviug given tiHHuram'oH that hIui
would louuiiu neutral, relieving llu
mania from tlm fear of in attack
f i urn llial ipmrtor hhoiild Him enter
llio war.
NKW YOIUC, Doc. 'Jll. 0ieniug
witli tlm lightest trading ami lower
prices, foilay'ri hriul HOHhion hoim ro
covtuod to a level well almvo Tiich
day'n i'Ioko. lmpiiry from tho Hain't
Int'oicHt wan tlm most poloul 1'uotor
in hriiigiug ahoiit a rondjiiHlinont of
values. Rending, Lehigh Valley, h
ion Pacific, New York Central and
Hnltinmro & Ohio weio lenturox ol
(lio rvonvery. )vwh wcro ati'atly.
Tlm Jiipnni'Mi oiiilinmiy io
! t'dlvuil official mlvlroM from
'I'o lilo Hint KuhhIii Iiiih '.mIciI to
.Inpiin Its linir of llm lilatid of
Haklinlln for Hoinit lieitvv gutiM,
Tlm Ifilaml wiih officially Kiih-
riliin until Heptciiilier 1 U 0 5 .
Tlm iioulliern half wan coiled
tn Jupiui liy ttm term of tlm
treaty of I'ortHiuoiitli.
INDIANAPOLIS, liul.. lice. 'JO.
Tho arrexlN of foil MX ini'ii at
Terre llaiilo Into laxt mghl, who wcio
imliclcd hv the federal grand jury
Dcccmhcr "J.'l, charged with ennpir
aoy In violate the election law, has
created a Hciihation in political cir
cIch ihroiiKhout tlm Hlate. More nr
rcxlH were cvpeelcd today ami it wiih
Haul tho iiuuilior might reach imne
than 100.
Frank C. Dailcy, United States
district atloiuoy, who conducted llm
iuvofttigntioii heforo the federal grand
jury, Hind today he would take up at
once tho ludiauiipnli election cum',
where it is claimed frauds were com
u.illed at the N'ovemhcr election.
t'uitcil Slater courlH hae juridic'
tiou in the proposed investigation lie
cmihO a I'nitcd Status senator ami
memher of emigres wero elerteil at
the last gociiral t'lvi'tton.
INDIANAI'OLIS, Intl.. Dee. 'Jll.
Charged in indictment with attempts
to corrupt tlm election of N'nwiulicr
:i last in Term Haute, Don M. Holi
er!, mavor of Torre Haute, an an
nounced candidate for tlm demo
oratio nomination for governor in
HUH, was taken in culody liy I'uit
ed States .Mai-shal Mark K. Storeu at
Tone Haute today.
ltohcit, aecoinpauied liy .ludge Kli
II. Kediuan of Hie Vio circuit court,
answered a Miummus and soimlit tho
marshul jit his hotel. At first Rob
erts, Redman and Storeu would not
talk, hut later tho mavor admitted
that hoth ho and Redman had heen
placed under airosl. F.urly this aft
ernoon neither had heen utile tn fur
nish Imml.
County Sheiiff Dennis Sheak, who
surrendered voluntarily early in the
morning, emerged from Marshal Sin
roa lemporary offico in a hotel this
afternoon mid annuuiieed that he had
heen aide to furnish Imml.
With tlm arniht of Kdward Diis
I'nll, M'oretary of tho denmorntii) oily
commit Ice, and mi employe in tlm city
lecnrder'H nl'fioo; Ruheit Lloyd, a
nieuiher of tlm police dopailnieiit, mid
hoven others, tho total ntimlicr of ar
rests wan brought up to sovoiity-foiir
this afternoon out of the nmio than
100 men iudiccted iih tlm result of
probing tho recent oily election at
Terru lluutc.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 'Jll. Tho
Carranza ngenoy hero announced to
day tho receipt of tlm following eom
niunicalioii front Carrana'H agent at
Vera Cruz: "(lenoral Villareal at
Monterey infonus us that ho recent
ly had a eouforenco at HuUillo with
(lonoral Alvnro, tho (lutierrez gov
ornor of tlm stuto of San Luis Po
tusi, who iufoimod hi nitluit Knlalio
(Intiorrex had'Hont hi into inform
Vilhtrenl that ho had deiiiamled from
Villa that ho eliminato hiiitsoll' fiom
politioal activities, hut that Villa had
not munplied and that Uutiorrex was
disposed to enroll himself and his
troop.4 oiil'u again under tho banner
of tho first cliiof ami tho plan of
The Weather .
Oregon - Rain tonight and Sun
day bpiitliensterly winds,
Austrian-German Campaign Pro
nounced Failure Lack of Cohes
ion, Doyrjctl Pcrsevefancc and De
moralization Rcsultlnii From Lack
of Success Characterizes Efforts.
PKTROORAD, Dec. 'JO, xia Lou
don. -Tho war expoil of the Ninoo
Vicmyn, in a summaiv f Hie war
published toiluv. refers to what ho
calls tlm "collapse of the Austrian
campaign in (lalicin, the lack of co
hesion on the part of the (loriiiau ar
mies In tho mirth of Cracow and tho
dogged persowraneo. but with wan
ing spirit of llio (iormnn at Sochac
row," which ho mi.vh desoiibcd the
situation in Poland.
doing into detail, this ob-crver
"Tho lack of miccc oT the Aus
trian armv in the Smiok-Liskn front
deutalied all the Austrian o' ra
tion in (lalieia. The fate of I'ro
mysl has been a weighty factor with
tho Austrian giytoral staff, which
placid gtent importance on tho co
operation of the garrioou in this
fortress with tlm anny ndvauciui;
through the I'e.laboretr. Pass. Tlm
iiiisuecessliil sotlioH of llio garrison
of tho forlresH ami llio failure tn ef
fect a junction with the field aniiV
caused the collap-c of the entire
Austrian plan. The Preinysl sorties
were the lat feverish effort of tho
garrison's expiring energy.
Campnlgii Weakens
"Following tho failure of tho Aus
trian army on the Saiiok-Lisko line,"
tho writer goes on, "their entire cam
paign weakened so that our counter
Mltnok"broniim mom ami mom ef
fective. Finally the Russian unities
took the offensive along the .entire
front. The Austrian lost all inter
est in their third (laliciau campaign
when they failed In relieve Pivcmysl.
They began with high spirits mid
largo hopes, based on the cfi-opcra-linn
of fresh (lenaaii troop, which
had nut as yet fought in Russia: re
liance was placed also on a siiuul
taneoti attack on a largo scale by
tlm (loriiiau army before Warsaw. At
the present time there i fighting go
ing on in the Mzura, near Holimuw;
in the valley of tho Pihca; on the
banks of the Nida; along tho river
Diiuujeo in (lalieia ami in the foot
hills of tho Carpathian. There is no
cohesion oilier tlian that resulting
from isolated episodes. Although
largo forces aro engaged on hoth
sides, there is no fundamental unity
to tlm strategy of llm ejieniy. F.ven
tlm dailv struggle about Sochacrevtr
show Hint tho (Senium iicrsovoraiioo
is merely tho breaking through the
Russian right.
Slego of I'rcmysl
"Russian control of the riuht battle
of tho Vistula," h ewrites, "for a
distance of fortv miles below Row
has been a decided stop to tho deliv
ery of food mid ammunition to the
(Ioniums by boat from Thorn.
"A soldier who has been invalid
ed from tho forces besieging l'rzo
ntysl says that tho garrison within
tho fortrosH is short ,if ammunition
mid is" in its uo of
shells, ami cartridges. Tho fuel sup
ply, however, evidently is good, since
(Contlnuod on page two.)
. . i
LONDON. Dec. 'Jll. l n. m.Gen-
cVnl Sir Thonins Kelly-Kenny, form
erly adjutant general of the Ilritish
forces, is dead. Hi homo was at
Doolough Lodge, in County Clare,
whore ho had lived biueo his retire
ment in 1007.
(loiioral Kelly-Kenny was n distin
guished bohlior and had been aotivo
service in many foreign fields.
In 1110.1 (loneral Kelly-Kenny by
appointment accompanied Primus .Ar
thur of Comiaiight on a special mis
sion to tho emperor of ilapiui. Ho
visited (ho Furled States in 11)01) af
ter ho had retired from aotivo sorv
ico. (loiioral Kelly-Kenny was nearly
7(1 years Of ngc, liming been horn in
County (la ro, ireimui, t'cnnutry "Ji,
4 NO,
bRKfioy, Saturday,
ATIIKNB, Dec, 2. Uoni
luirilinenl by nn American
emitter of Hie Tnrkluli port of
Tripoli, Hyrlii, In nnld to havo
been threatened on iu count of
nn tittnrk by tlm TtirM on the
erew of nn Auierlniin mer
eliiint mini on which HrltlHh
ami French nolUlurii L'eslred
to do part. Inciiuilet report!)
mate Hint the threat of the
warnhlp'i couitnnndcr ipiolleil
the attack. The emitter
TeuucHiteo tins been in the
cunt .Mediterranean KCYernl
iiiontlm uml wtiH lattt reported
not far from Tripoli.
PARIS, Dee. 'J(i, (5:1.-, u. m. -The
only obstacle to RuiiiHiiia joining tin
forces of the triple entente, accord
ing to the Figaro, was the lack of
gi.arantcots. from llulgaria regarding
the eountr.vV, neutrality. The Figaro
learns fiom u good vmrt'c, it snys to
day, that these guarantees have now
been obtained ns it result of the joint
action of the triple entente povvern
at Sofia with the further under
staudiuu' that in tho event of llul
garia deciding to intervene in the
war it would be against the enemies
of the entente.
eightIStby -airship
in russia
PKTKCKSItAI), Dec. L'U via London,
C:20 p. in. Klght perrons wero
killed and over 100 wero wounded
In the town of Socliaczcvv, Itithslnn
Poland, today by bombn thrown down
from five (Iormnn aeroplane. Ono
bomb dropped in the mli'dlo of a
crowd which wan watching tho avia
tors and iu exploding, it killed or
wounded vlrtunlly tho entire gnth
erliiK. The market pi a co in Sochnczew and
n number of wooden houses wero
set aflro and dcntroyod.
Sochaczow Is on tho lUurn, ao
miles west of Warsaw.
WASHINGTON, Dee. Jtl.-Pix-lnii-iuary
estimates hy postoffico offio
ials place the number of pared po-t
packages handled during the Christ
mas rush at 100,000,000 and indicat
ed that the total volume of parcel
post traffio for 11UI will total near
ly l,000,00l),000 paokage.
New Year's Issue
Tho Mail Tribune 'a annual Now Year's issue will be
finer than ever this year. Special attontion will bo paid to
tho tourist attractions of southern Oregon, including tho
scenic beauties, world wonders and paved highways. Tho
issuo will bo better illustrated than any of our provious
New Year's issues and that is going sonio.
It is necessary to know in advanco how many papers
will bo required, so placo your order now. Last year tho
issuo comprised thirty-oight pages and oxceeded 10,000
copies. Help make tho edition 15,000 this year. Price o
couts per issuo. Mailed to any address by tho offico for
10 conts.
Mail Tribune, 4
Medford, Oregon.
Pleaso reservb mo copies of 1915 Now
Year's issue.
Nanio : .
VKcmnmi 20, 3914
Filipino;; R1S
Eight Natives Arrested on Char. of
Sedition Plot of Secret Order for
Uprlsinu Betrayed hy Constabulary
and American Forces Prepared
Effort Poorly Organized.
MANILA, Dec. (i. Fight Filip
ino have been arrested in n charge
of sedition a u lestilt of an abortive
rising in .Manila mid its immediate
environs Thursday niht. Further
arrests are probable.
From army sources it is learned
that a general warning was sent to
all officers on Thursday afternoon,
slating that fully 10,000 Filipinos iu
Manila alone wero ready for u eon-'
eerted attack on Port .Santiago, the
oiiartel cspmm, the emirtel Infmtterm
nml the medical dcp-it. The military
units were immediately prepared and
a street patrol was started at dusk.
Uprising ltetni)il
Constabulary agents who are mem
ber of the secret societies disclosed
the plans for an upri-iiig, thus enabl
ing a force of oon-tiibulnry and po
lice to disperse gatherings nt Ilaguin
baan, Paoo mid Navotas, near Mai
ntain. At Caloocau a squad of
American sailor seized chairs when
a force of Filipino approached a
dance hall in which they were gath
ered, ami using the chairs as weapon-,
routed the Filipino, of whom
quite a number were injured.
The rising was evidently poorly or
ganized and lacked leaders. It was
composed for the most part of per
sons implicitly trusting the word of
Artcinio Riearte, a revolutionary who
conducts n continual propaganda
'"from Hong Kong', to which, place he
was banished by the Ameneau au
thorities Home lime ago. Riearte, it
is stated, advi-od that the anti-Amer
ican attempt be made on Christmas
eve. when the American officers
would be expected to celebrate the
Well Under Control
Reports from the province tell of
minor rNings mid occasional vio
lence, but detail.- from those bcctions
aro lucking.
The situation today from all np
pearanee.s mid according to official
statements, is well under control of
the military authorities.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2C Manuel
Quezon, resident commissioner gen
eral of tho Philippines in congress
declared today that conditions of tho
Philippines wero being exaggerated
by Interests opposed to tho pending
bill for a greater measure of self
government and ultimate Independ
ence for tho Islands.
"1 know nothing of the reported
nrronta for Insurrectionist plots," bo
said. "I am satisfied that when in
vestigated they will dlscloso nothing
moro serious than what hero would
bo arrests for violations of police
regulations Tho Philippine people
know n revolutionary movement
would Interfere with independence.
They will be much disappointed If tho
bill does not pass at this session of
this congress. Hut failure to pass
it will not mean Insurrection."
LONDON, Dec. 20 -Tho
Ilritish authorities havo boen
advised of Germany's notlfl-
cation lo neutral governments 4
that It will no longer rccog-
nl?? the exequaturo crediting
their consuls to Helium. a
preliminary step to tho offl-
clal taking over of Itolrlum by
the Germans, it will mean tho 4
refusal to recognize Hrand
? vvitiuocK tno American minis-
PAItlS, Dec. 2C, 3:53 p. m. A
dispatch received hero from Nancy
says that a Zeppelin airship flew
over this city early this morning and
dropped a total of 14 bombs
Two persons wero killed and two
others wounded.
Several houses In Nn.icy wero
slightly damaged but nono of tho pub
lic buildings wero Injured
This is the first report of any
hostile activity on tho part of any
Zopitolln against any French city.
Tho last notable exploit o! a Zeppe
lin was over Antwerp, when such a
ship flew over that licIlleJan seaport
in tho first weeks of the war and
throw down bombs.
Nancy has a population of about
100,000 It Is duo east from Paris
and about ten miles from tho Ger
man frontier.
Tho Ilcrlln official announcement
of today said that German airmen
bad thrown medium sized bombs
into tho outskirts of Nancy in re
taliation for tho throwing of bombs
by a French airmen Into an unnamed
German village.
VALPARAISO. Chile, Dec. 2C
No new sea-fight has occurred off tho
Chilean coast, so far as c.nn bo ascer
tained today nt Valparaiso.
Tho cannonading reported last
night IS miles off this port by tho
Chilean torpedo gunboat Tonio and
which was supposed to be an en
gagement between tho Ilritish cruis
er Newcastle and tho German cruis
er Dresden and converted cruiser
Prlnz Kltel Frederlch, Is now be
lieved to havo been tho Newcastle
saluting the ilng of Vice Admiral Sir
Frederick Sturdeo, commander of
tho Ilritish squadron which sank the
German squadron off tho Falkland
Tho Australian battle cruiser Aus
tralia anchored in tho bay this
morning. Vlco Admiral Sir George
Patoy, commander of tho Australia.
came nshoro and patd hU roapectB to
tho Chilean authorities Ho suld bo
had not met tho cruiser Newcastle
whllo on his way to Vnlparulso and
assorted ho was unablo to explain tho
origin or tho firing roportod off tho
coast. Tho Australia has been cruls
Ing along tho Pacific coaat of South
uncrica lor sovoral wooks A fow
dttys ago sho paid a visit to Callo,
VALPARAISO, C'hilo, Dec. 20.
Tho Australian battle cruiser Aus
t rutin camo into this port today. She
had been on tho Facifiq coast of
South Amorien for several weeks. A
wcek ago sho put into Callno, Peru.
Portland Livestock Market
PORTLAND, Or., Dee. iu.-Cnltlo
-Receipts 28; steady.
Hogs Receipts (JO.'); higher". Primo
light, $7.2r(o7.-10; medium, $7.07i(
7.1.1; fiinootlt lipnvy, .$(1.70((1.00;
rough heavy, $G.'10(7iG,f)5.
Shcojv Roecitt8 581; btendy.
NO. 237
Below Zero Weather Breaks Records
From Mississippi to Atlantic 52
Below in Vermont, 18 Below In lllh
nols, 40 Below In Adh"&ndaks
Florida Also Suffers. .
From Omaha, Neb., to tho AtlanHo
coast zero weather prevailed today in
the wnke of n cold wave which orig
inated in Manitoba, Can., nnd swept
Moiithward and eiiNtwnrd. Cold
wenther records wero Hhattered in
mnny point where official weather
reports nre maintained.
Among tho coldest places were J
Charles City, la., 24 below; Lu
croiKC, Wis., 24 below; Pnorin, III.,
18 below; I)nvcnxirt mid Den Moines,
In., 14 below; Devil' Lake, N. D.f 18
below; St. Paul, 22 below; Orecu
Hay, Wis., 18 below.
Telegraph nml telephone compan
ies reported many "cold wenlbor
breaks' due to tho contraction oC
w ircM.
Chicago fared better than its out
lying fttiburlw, beemiso of n protect
ing curtain of fog, but nono the Ichs
experienced its coldest morning with
tho mercury nt -I below, though it,
quickly went up to 0 above.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 2C A cold
wave held the country from the Mis
sissippi river to the Atlantic const in
its grip today and broko December
tcmjierutiire records in many places.
Fifty-tvyo degrees below zero was.
(he temperature nt I Jarre, Vt., while
Albany, X. Y., reported 10 degrees,
below zero; Hartford, Conn., 4 de
grees below; Synu'use, N,..Y.r12 de
grees below, mid Peorin, III., 18 de
grees below.
Tho extremely cold wenther ex
tended southward as far ns Florida,
peninsula, nnd below zero tempera
tures were recorded in New Knglmid,
interior of New York, West Virginm,
Michigan, Illinois, Northern Missouri,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, mid
North Dakota.
Lower temperature were promised
for tonight iu the ninth Atlmituj
NEW YORK, Dee. 20. New York'
shivered today in the grip oC tho
coldest weather of the season. Tho
temperature dropped to 4 degrees
nbovo zero. Tho wind blew thirty
miles nn hour
New cold weather records for De
cember were reported up slate, Og
densburg reporting 32 below anil
Uticn 25 below.
S. ALIIANS, Vt., Dee. 2.'.. TJio
lowest temHraturc in Vermont, ,r"
degrees below zero, was reported in
Hurro today. This shattered all pre
vious records for December. Horn
it was 20 below; nt Rutland, 22; lib
Montpclicr, !10, mid ut Darlington 10,
WATKRTOWX, N. Y., Dee. 20.
Northcru New York is experiencing
today tho coldest weather of tho win
ter. Tho official thermometer regis
tered 24 below zero during tho night
in this city. Temperntures from !I0
to 40 below have been reported from
various points iu the Adiromlal
COR FY, Pa., Dee. 20. December
records for cold iu northern Penn
sylvania weiu broken hero today
when thermometers registered 21 to
110 degrees below zero.
PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 2(1. This
was tho coldest December 20 in Phil
adelphia since the weather burcuu
begun keeping records forty years
ago. At 7 a. m. tho temperature wau
! degrees nbovo zero.
PARIS, Dee. 20, 0;10 a. m. The
Italiuu press stales, according to ud '
vices to tho Matin, that a Frunok
submarine belonging- to the fleet of
Yieo-Admiral Lnpuyrere has bi
sunk whilo attempting to twrpvdo
Austrian battleship jn tho Austria 7?
naval base of Polit. The orew, it in
stated, wore rcsoued nd ttken fri
oners. . , '