page two oUSDirOUU MAIL TIMUUNIO, MMIWOMK OUK(H)NT. TUUIiSDAY, IVTCCMMmM 'J'l, 1!)M . i 10CAL AND I L PERSONAL i Heavy receipt of ChrtstiuttB mnl from tlio cast nnd mldllo west on Wednesday and thlo morning flooded tlio locnl postofflco, nml delayed tlio distribution Yulctllo pncfcnROp nnd letters belnR fclvcu tlio rlRlit of way. Papers nml, periodicals nro being lioltl lmek, n delivery or so, to clear tlio' tubloH of Cbrlatinns packages. ThpuRh ISM has been n lcnn year, tho BondliiK nml receipt of gift? has shown no appreciable falling off. Experienced man wishes position ns foreman on orchard or ranch. Kof cronccs. Addross It., enre Mali Tri bune. 210 Dob-cats nro more plentiful tlinn usual In the bills this season, two or threo dozen being presented to tho county clerk this week or tho collec tion of bounty. No danco at St. Mark's Wall for two week. Next danco will bo Sat urday, January !)th, 1915 The county court has ordered tho construction ot a wire bridge across Dear creek near tho Marshall road, for tho benefit of children attending the Morrlmnn school. This will al low tho pupils to attend without ford ing tho creek, or going along way around. Cars stored for 12.00 at Iyer23G Tho next road attraction at the Page Thoatcr will bo May Kobson in , "Martha Uy tho Day," a dramatiza tion of Julio Mi- Llppmann's book, January 2. Miss Hobson's last visit to this city was over two years ago, when sho appeared In tho old theater on Eighth street. At that time she slipped down a flight of stairs In tho theater, and sprained her ankle. Another barrel of Houston's gen ulno sorghum nt Hutchison & Lutns den's. 23S Mrs. Jcsslo Raymond of Hollanl, Oregon, Is upending tho Christmas holidays In this cjty visiting friends and relatives. Itom and boaYdat 145 South Ivy. Mrs. C. L. Grant; 243 Tho hearing of tho testimony In tho suit of tho California-Oregon Tower company was completed on Wednesday afternoon. Palm rooms, now management, light, airy roomB, reasonable rates. Georgia KIchor. 250 Al Pankoy of Central Point lo a business visitor In the city today. If you wnnt quality I have it. Storo open evenings tljl Christmas. Martin J Iteddy, tho Jeweler. T. II. Harrison of Grants Pass at tended to business matters in this city and Jacksonville Wednesday. Get your butter, cream, milk and butter-milk, at Do Voo's. Mrs. F. II. Fnrrar of Kay Gold epent Wednesday In this city shop ping and visiting frloiuls. Upper Crust, best hard -wncat flour mado. At Urownlco & Ltndlcy, phono 027. 236 Ulrlch and Ryan this morning contributed to tho Associated Chari ties for distribution among tho needy, a trunkful of children's un derwear, brand new. Houston's homo made eorghum at Hutchison & Lumsdcn's 23S Mrs. U. H. Knynrt and Miss Ircno Plotner left Wednesday evening for Giendalo to spend Christmas with friends and relatives. Order your Christmas vrcathes ow from PIcrco, tlio florist, real Eng lish holly upod in wreaths, also cut flowers. Order early and avoid dis appointment. Pierce, tho floriest. lhono 374. Clarcnco Freeman of tho Antclopo district spent Wednesday In Medford on business. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Over Isls Thea ter. Prisoners In the county jail will recolvo a llttlo extra on their regular faro tomorrow, consisting of delica cies nnd fowl. Thoy will be allowed to buy extra food, but tho most of thorn huvu lid money. Remember the Iteddy bnv Is a guar antee, of quality. Martin J- Iteddy, tho Jowolor. Tho funeral services of A. N. Clark who died nt the Sticrud Heart hospital were held Wednesday, In tho presence of u few frioiids. Ho was 72 years old, and had two tons living in Now York and Missouri. Ho had been n rosldont or this city for seven years, "Insurnnco'1 moans "Holmes'' and "Holmes" means "Insurance." Sco Holmes "Tho Insurance Man." Weather Indications point to a bright and sunny 01rlntmui with tho mercury near 30. Snow is earnestly dosirod by scores. Tho fall of n week ago has till molted except in tbo fiholtered pluoos. - Host, sorghum to bo had at Hutchi son & I.unisdon'B. 238 James '"Collins of Hosehurg is mnoim t'.ie out ot town visitors In tho city this week. Tho man who eats apples lias llt tlo tiiuo to drink. Hugloy'a apple juleo should he more widely known. 23G Tom Fuson and A. 0. Ilitrgess ppeut Wednesday evening in Ashland Jransactlng busluesa matters. Kogcr Dennett returned Wedncfw tiny" nTtcruoun from a threo week's, business trip to Eugene nnd other Wlllnmctto valley points. Misses Ethel nnd Marie Elfcrt left Wednesday morning for ltosobiirg when thoy will attend n party given by Mips Mildred Wilson DcYoo Is going to sell 500 pounds of chocolate creams nt thirty cents tier pound. Get a pound today, tf Mrs. Fred Lewis nnd children will lenvo tomorrow to spend tho Christ- man holldnyn on their ranch lomo at Wellen, returning with the re-open-Ing of school. Mrs. G. W, Howard nnd children of Hornbrook, wore In Medford Wed nesday doing Christmas shopping. Try n quart of our guaranteed puro sanitary milk. Phono 5S2-W. 250 Two Intoxicated gentlemen were landed in tlio city jail this morning, being tho first arrest for drunkenness In ten days. Chas. Oppol and family returned to Portland Wednesday after a few days business stay in Medford. Mr. Oppel Is erecting foreman for the O. W. It. & X. Co., and his mllsslon hero was that of looking up n small tract of land near Medford suitable tor tho cultivation ot fruit and tor raising poultry. Both Mr. and Mrs Oppel were well pleased with the val ley and will return Inter to mako their homo here. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isls Theater. Harry Coffccn and "wife of Slsson, Cnl arrived Wednesday afternoon to spend tho Christmas season with friends nnd relatives in this city. Mrs. Everett Ends lert Wednesday morning for Cottngo Grove, where sho will Bpend Christmas with her parents. Why walk when you can rldo for 15c to any part of the city. Ford Taxi. Call Alco SS2R. Tho high school basketball team defeated the Aulmnl team by tho lop sided score of 40 to 15 at tho Xat Wednesday night, before n fair sized towd. Lack of training handicapped tho Alumni team. F. E. Redden and family will leave tonight for Grants Pass where they will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson. Get It nt Do Voo's. H. C. Stoddard ot the California Oregon Power returned Wednesday from a business trip to Grants Pass. Tho Southern Pacific gasollno mo tor which handles tho local passen ger travel between Grants Pass aud Ashland has been sent to Portland for extonslvo repairs. Steam cars I aro now doing the local work between the above named towns. J. O. Gcrking, the best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S Main St. Phono 320-J. F. E. Merrick attended to business matters in Ashland Wednesday after noon. A. R. Parker of Ccntrn"l Point at tended to business matters in this city Wednesday afternoon Walter Sims, n prominent stock man of the Klamath district Is spending a few days in the city at tending to business matters. Tho finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print ing Co. Miss Enid Hamilton has returned from a visit with friends nnd rela tives in Senttlo and Portland. One of tho largest houses In tho history of tho Page theater attended tho opening of tho serial "Tho Mas tor Key," Wednesday night. Swcot cider at Do Voo's. U. S. Collins, superintendent of tho Medford school is nttending tho sessions of tho Oregon State Teachers association at Kug-no this week, and will arrive homo today. Hon Shotdon addressed tho Wocd pion's lodge last night on tho advan tages of the new city charter. Joe Rader of Phoenix spent Wednesday In Medford attending to business matters. UNIVERSITY CLUB'S J CHRISMS IS HUGE E UB B A B T OFSTATEWARDENS The University club hold their 'feurth: , annual Christina1) Jinks Wednesday! evening following Christ- dinner with plates for Co nnd It wn8 tho most successful of any yet held. Tho songs and Jokes won much ap plause and were thoroughly enjoyed by nu audience that complete!) filled the dining room of the Hol land Hotel. Tho program was divided Into two parts betweon which S. Vilas llack wlth rendered two solos. The pro pre gram: Number Three A Romantic Fantasy Scene Interior of Pullman car, 2 a. in., on the Mod ford A: Crescent City railroad. Cast of Character's Porter A. S. V, Carpenter Rosenbaum, brnkeman .. .V. Vawtor H. W. Ulnghutmcr Wm. Morgan Trony (! 11 Carpenter Old Woman . W. Ruhl Young Woman A. C. Flero Drummer 11 C. Kuan , To CimkI To Ho True A Drama In Uuo Act Scene Hoard of Governor' Meet ing Room, Roguo River Valley Uni versity Club, 1050. Catt ot Characters Papa McCormuck, president Commit tee of One Hundred 11. C. Egan Evan lleamcs, dry governor of Ore gon Win. Morgan Fred Hopkins, athletic Instructor Central Point Y. M. C. A., alias the "Pen-nut" Klng..R. H. McCurdy S. Vilas Rcckwith, astrologer .... It. W. Ruhl P. Guthrie, man about town A. C. Flero Tronson, president of Hnuicy Club G. 11. Carpenter Mrs. Tronson, colored nurse In charge of lleckwlth A. S. V. Carpenter W. V. II. Campbell, club orator y Wm. Vawtor Perhaps tho song" that won most applause was Honey's Joy-rldlng auto song- entitled "Won't You Take Hack," sung by Vernon Vawtor, the chorus of which was: t Rweburg Kuvicv ) Tint Deputy 6uiuo Warden Ar thur Hubbard, who was lulu Thurs day shot and killed hv l.oils Martin, on Trail creek, In .luck sou county, was one of tho most efficient ml fearless officers In the state, was the statement miUto horn thin, morning by District Attorney (lehrgo t. Drown. "If I woie to ehoso two game wardens, Mr. Hubbard would haw been one 'of my setcotlutii." said tho district uUoine.v. "lie was quiet, fearless hud believed In en forcing tho laws, t have hud con siderable experience with rninio war dens during in) career ns district attorney, nnd 1 nlvvavs found Mr. Hubbard a man In whom you could Impute trust. In his death th state of Dropon bttH lost one of Its best officials.-' "District Attorney Drown had known Mr. lluuVuld personally fdr a number of yonrs. and through biislnoMrt dtxilluitu they had been biouglit close logothcr upon ua num ber of occasions. N. one In Oregon regrets the death of Mr. Ilublmrd more than does Dr-Ulct Attorney llrown, LODZ CAPTURE TURNING POINT (Coiittluiicd from Hugo I ) O Wont you take back. O Won't you tnko back, ', O Won't you tako bacft that. ca boose. With a broken arm Joy-rldlng has no charm. And when sho starts she Jams my parts Thrbugb a fenco so I can't get loose. I'd like to crunk that tartar. If I could start hor, Nevertheless, 1 won't be behind bo cause I find That It's safer there by far And it would save mo pain If you'd take back ngalu Your darned old car. trouchci wore enfiladed b shrapnel from one direction or another, but tho Russians clung to their positions obstinately. When the Girumni finally captured the trenchon, S7S Russian corpsen were found In a space about 80 yards square. It was resistance of this nature which tho Germans had to overcome to capture l.odx. The Russians nro again offering obstinate resistance ns was learned today from German staff oflccrs along thu Htiirn and Ruwku Rivers, on their positions riintili; north mid south nlnug u line 30 lo 35 nillrs woet of Warsaw. Prussian 'AiipntU'' A captured Russian offlcor who speaks good German wild Hint what Impressed him aud his men most greatly was tho Prussian "nuprnll' the silent ndvAnce of tho German troops, the assault by lino after lino of dark figures moving inward the a Instantly by olhtirn fiom .tlm.iretm lino and. thojvJ ujvo, UJu. f.;i.Jl this gave tho effect of cuiiiothHig lr roHNIblo tho Itusnlnii ofHi'orHald To seo tho silent lines of Germans como on nml on, doiiplto nil their if foi'ln, tried them terribly, causing nerves to suae Evacuation (,nilct Tbo Russian evncuutlou, of l.odx was effected so iUletly And vviVti cov ered I'd well that tho (Ionium did not learn Mf.Jt until tjjiuil morn ing wlum (jioy found that tWiHus slan troops'lud disappeared nHllough. thoy had vanished from tlio f.'uV of tho earth. Tho usuitl u'cvmiui night patrols had bcmi jtcnt out to keep In contact with the enemy, but tljo Rim shins throw u thin but Impenetrable screen befoio "their front. Major HoltcheifK battalion lost four or Its most capable patrol loader. Gorman officers say that volley firing lii still cusU'niiii'J with the Rus sians, whcreus flu' Germain have eliminated It In favor of Individual firing. Heavy Fighting In I'logie-t Heavy fighting occurred at the town or ICoKiistantluow, ten miles MuitliwoKt tif IjhU. It suffered most ly frof nrtlller Pie, tho town In Ing boiubnrdiid by both sldii. Kittle was left but nakud whIIs The oth er nuburbs of l.ods suffered Iom m crely and the city ltKlf. as far a-. could be uMerrtuliiPil. has not been diutiiigod. An efficient iituitiinl iiifmliilstrtttlnn has boen'sei iiii, bv the mlll(nr nutlinrllio, who have In augiUitted much needed sanliar.v mctiHitres, lurliiillug compulsory housi -cleaning. si ' rR. J UWT U rpn.-,r1CJ, V1 for the Christmas j$ Candy assures not only K the best, but its purity and food m Rvalue protects the" children's Russian poslttoiiliko vvuvelots of rising tide, their utter heedlessness ot tho Russian fire, which nppcared to bu wasted an them. They saw inuii fall, bin tho gaiH were filled up Your Holiday Baking oadllv nnd succ full doiio with CRESCENT BAKING POWDER IT RAISES THE DOUGH .. 1 U.1J i4ti illf-M. 1.11. si ' .. w . AM "7 iry it Aaic your grocer .y W Pacific Coast ffi5r s V Syrup Co. .g p $i Portland, Oregon j'jEJJtejp A Mnkctt light, tender and delicious rnkotf nnd pastry Cojts only ii ,li AA, OROCKRS SENSIBLE A Pacific Cedar Clicst Is n sanslblw Chrlstiuns gift, fur wife, daugh ter orswcctheart. It Is useful, ornamental, convenient, durable, moth proof.' 4 Let us show you our Una "Many sizes nnd stlcs. Prices rnugo from ?S 50 to ?1C00. Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory ll.'l Koutli Holly .St. Useful Christinas Presents Robes, Gloves, Coats, Flashlights and Electric Lanterns . A FORD CAR Would Be Very Acceptable Opru Evenings Until Christmas G. E. GATES Motor Cars nml Supplies Sparta Uiilldlng FAMOUS NATURALIST DEAD (Conttlnuod from Paso 1.) given, nml us u member of tlio lie Lou;; relief expedition lie miulo fur ther vnluublo polar reports. Litter, IiIh irnvulh, pnrtiy in coin, puny with John burroughs took him to llonolulu, Russia, Hiboria, Shin churin, India and Aimtruliihia, but his life work wur in the mountuiiiu of weKtern Amoricn, wliero lie mnilo an clnboruto clnRsifieatiou of fuunul and floral life, supplemented by niiicli de scriptive writing, both in hook form and in the periodical jireux unci tlio newspapers. Ah his wojk became more anil more widely known, Harvard, Yule, Wis consin nnd other universities granted him honorary degrees and ho wiik elected to membership in many bcicn (ific societies. Of recent yearn his (.iynutnie was more rarely seen, lint lie hail remained sturdy nml active tmtil his biulilcn seizure by pneu monia. OIIHISTMAB (7IGARB Get Qovornor Johnson aud Mt. Pitt cigars In Christmas boxes. Home made ami the bent. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied In Nustrils Relieved Head-Colds at Once. If your nMriU ure cleggcd uiid your head is stuffol nml you can't breath" freely iKf.'iun' of . iiiM nr oKi.irili J gtt n mmll Ixdtle of Uly's Cronui Ilolpi at any dru torc. Ap.l . liitjf '-I ! this fragrant, ntlti- cniu lulu i jour notfriN and lt-t It iwnMrati' through evtry'air usae of jiiur !iad. soiithing nnd bc-illiig the Inlluincd fvvop I en niiicoiis iw-nibraiiu mid you get in stant relief. All I how gwil It feels. Your iim triW ure oK'i, your It clear, no mora hauklug, rnuflllng, blowing, no tnoro beailiii'lie, dr.MicM or Mrugxliiig for bresth. Kly'n Cream llalru it jimt iv hat siiffrrrr Irnia hesil nilU nin ca .arrh need. It's u ilcUglit. Hotel Medford Christmas Dinner 11: J0 to 2 and o lo D 75 Cents Giymplu Cocktail with Ureu I'epii'eiH Urnun Sea Turtlo, Au Mudoro, CoiiKomo a La SovIkho Suited AlmondH ' Celmy Heart California Olives .Modalllon of Uaby Salmon, .Vantua Small PattteB of Lobster, KowberR llraleed Calves Pwcet Dread a la Clamo Pineapple Fritters, Wine 8auco Punch, a la Medford Hoast Y6"uriK Turkey, Oyster DresslUK Cranberry Banco KoiiKt BuckllnK Pig, Uaked Apple (toast Prime ItlbH of Hoof, Au Juh Slashed Potuto Candled Sweat Potuto Frcucnh Huccatasli Kalad u la I'rascatl Miiii'O I'lo (ot or Cold) Pumpkin Pie Fruit Cake Kngliuli Plum Puddiu;,', with Hard and Draudy Huuco Assorted N'utH and HalKlns loiiufort Cheese, Willf Uent'fl Water Crackers , " ' Cafo-Nolr' Different From Many Presents l nlli.o most IhliiKS for ChrlslmuH, it l!:iuK Account with the .Inckson County Hank iiirronseH in vniuo In- stead of decreaslni;. This is n wlso Kift mother, daiiKhtor or son. I' I'licrnst Paid on Kavhig" Accounts. for father, OVER 22 YEARS UWDEPONC MANAGEMENT M nsp-ss-s i i ian !iJiLlWIII.-;MIMIIII-fr TF- Ijgjj rrrr CITY PASSENGER SERVICE Moglnqlni; Thursday mornlnjj, Deeeniber llh, and every niorit Int; thereafter except Sundays and Ijolldiiys vvu will mako tho follow Ing schedule trips: l;avo West .Main 7::S0 A.M. 8:0 A.M. 1U:20 P.M. 1:05 P.M. 5:20 P.M. I.KAVK STAND AT PAItKKlt AND KTANCf.ll'I"S: 7:;0 A. M. for West Main und North Central. i. lA-nvo l.ouvii I.eavo West Tun Hi South Ninth Struct Oukdulo Cuulial S:0llA.M. U0p,A.M. .7; A. , 1 1 :r,0 A. M. K!2fiA M. it 1:50 A. M. 12: 10 P. M. 12t20tP.M. H2M0 P. At. v; i:pc,iM, I 0: 1 C I'.'m. 5 : - p Mi I : ' r ' A'. 7.r.ri 4 If llnu. Ti-tnlli nml U.11II1 n..l.l..1. 8:10 A.M. for West Main and South Oakdale) 1 1: 10 A. M. for West Tenth and North .Central. 12:10 P. M. for W"Ht Main and South Oakdale, n for Woat Tonth und North, i'untral. for Woat Main and Houtli Onkdulo, 12:30 P M 12:R0 P.M. 5:10 P. M. for West Mulu and South Oakdulo. 0:05 p. M. for West Tenth and North Central. Kor tbo abovg trips u furo of 10c for each' each purHon will bo charged. Kor cull trips nnywhero In the city a faro of I5n for each poison wll ho chaiged. Stand For Call '!. PAItKHIt A- STANCMFF Phono H7H.L IUI CAST MAIN ' livery day, Vouch for scrvlro u( all hours, PEIR30N & FOSTER Patronize Oregon Industry To hlp dhurt a uuurlur of u mllllou dollam evry moHth lulu luwil,fii0 tory chaunuls and uueordlimt)' halp to eiiiilo (Ji. Ron's titmiiipinvojl, al wiivs remember to auk for und Rlvu proforanoo to tlvv artlol implii In (r ton. and vPultlly minmubur tho following eontwitii who) hiiIhhuIii Hon iiiado Hit eMwpHliti puMlblu. T7. Mill LAMPS, .lAltlMMlilttW Pol Hand Auto Lamp Co., Main 72. MO Alder Kt. HANKS, Tho Pulled Hliites Nalloiuil Itnuk, 7i Third St., PmtlHiid, Or. A -- wooun hiuuk (MNHV VOHAN'SrilOCOLATliS, Minleru ('oiifeclli)iiury Co. Portland, OruKOii. CIJIIKAI.S "(JOLIHiN ItOD," (loldeu Hod MlllliiK Co,, Purlluiid, Oroitoii, CKIII4ALH "(iOLHKN IMHl" (ioldnu Hod MHIIni; Co. Portland, Oidkoii. COLU.MIIIA HAMS, IIACON, LAItl), And Puro Pork Siiiiuiiko, Union Meat Company, ' Portland, OroRou, CHAOKHHS "HPPiniMi: HHANIL F, F, Harudon & Son, Poitlaud. Orofion. :av'A". -'.., r' MArl'mi-lf 'Y-7,iiaiiO'iu mtki" l'ortluiicl Huliway, LiK"t a- rower Co., Portlund, OreKon. fihi: jNsuitA.N'tn:, I'uclflc States Fire Insurance Co. Cham, of Com, illdi;., Portland, Or. FIXTPHUS I'JLHCI'HICAI AND IAS. ,1, C. KiiKlliill Co., Ill Ti rulou uvo., N, Poitlaud, Or, FrKMTI'ltl' HANIMIAPK, ;. , n ytm.m wh . (.AMIIItlNI'S Itiowlug Co., I'OllllUMl. i AS AI'I'LIANCItSANU IMIIINACIW, Hum MfK. Co., 51 Wllllmns ur., Portland, Or. IMI'LlfMIC.NT.S PALM. , It. II. Wndu A Co.. , U22 HiiKthoinu avo., I'oillDd, Or. UNIT i.'imim, Portlauit KiiltlliiK Co., 150 Third HI., Poitlaud, Or. ' MUX'S MAIH.'.TO.OimCIl CLOTH I NO, Chin Ioh CooMiy & Sons ' 5IM lloyul DhU;., Poitlaud, Or. MONIWIICXTSMAHJILU, CIIAXlTF, lllnesliiK Uraiiltu Co., 207 Third, Portland and Halom, Or, NHCUWHAIt LADIIW ANH .MHN'H And BhlrlH to ordur, Cnlumhla Co. Phonu Main I0!7. Portloim, Or. Or$S$)Jiji insurance Company nCLuiiivckV micaoN" Homc OrpicK. CoriHKTr Uuoo , Pohi-ahii ltl'lllll;i( IIHIJLS, MFCHANIOAli (KKH)H, Portland Ituhher Mills, :i(18 Hast Ninth St., Portland, Or. K TO SPITS, OVI'llH'OATrl MAIK OHDKIt Vay llarlthiirst, BlNih mid Alder. f(Ji7liuitl( Or, J V 'ft ' - 1 VI tf