w 'K i i. (V ntrfoo u , ! SVrtu ; 2Q7 Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mux. HIM .Mln. fl, Tiilr tonight mid Wcdncsdny. ii o Korty-foiirlh Yr. DnllrNliith Viinr. imWQXIW ORKflON, TlllTWSDAY, DEOJCMBICIt 21, 3914 NO. 200 v SILL GAINS HEREAND THERE ON BATTLE LINE Intense Nature of Fllillii Revealed liy Reports Tlrcncli Captured, Lost, Recaptured, Abandoned, Af ter Dclnu Levelled by Fire Ger mans Also Upon Offensive LONDON', Dec. iL Today's nfli I'inl slali'inriilH iocnl Ihu intense nut urn of tlai fighting now in pro gloss Imlli east mill west, lint imli rnlo llinll, with t tin possible oxeep linn of Knsl Prussia, there bus been mi significant change in tint iilign incut of lint opposing forces, Till) (Icrillllll HtllteUlt'lltH tl-ll 111' it light fur possession of trench in r'nincc which was wiui liv tlin French, iccuptturcd I iv tlin Germans, iiml fin ally abandoned. So fierce wiih tin struggle llint tlin trcncli wiih almost levelled liy urlillery fire, No lin I 1 1 1 it ii t niuM'ini'iitH nrc reported in II lie German communication. Hi. Hi Hide Attacking Tin' French statement, while saying I hut small gains have lii'i'ii made hero ntiil thoree, mentions Gorman attacks nl hii ninny points Hint it npjm r cut lliii ulliiM Iiumi nut been jnrniit-ti-il solely to tukii tint offensive into (lnt r own hands. Suelj ground iim they liuo won recently in nut to In lii'ltl without liiinl fighting. 'ttt l( miiim KtiMiti Trout Cliritiiiu i'M finds littlit change in tin' uiidcixiouml arfiint now being conducted in tin western tlu'iitcr of tin' wnr, .where (Iviirriil .It iff if, tint I'liiiiiMiinilnr in chief of tin French iinuioH, htill appears to lie cautiously feeling for mi opening in tin si long ly entrenched Gctmuu line across France iiml llclgium. In tin' cast n supreme German ef fort continues to In) made before Warsaw, tlio I'npilul of Ittissiuu Pol iiml, where the force of (he (Icriiiini center mnl of the Uii'-shins seeking to elii'ek them, swnv hack mnl forth along the bank of the river, burring the way to the I'iiIjhIi enpilal. Tlie KiiHtiiitiH claim micconsom in Hie lute-it cnonunlers, hat (luring the In t ten days the Genitalis have ad vanced appreeiahly ami it is said they now are bringing no their !- eentinieter gun preparatory to siege operations, IttivOnus on Offenihi' In (ialieia tint Austrn-Gcrmnn foreet, seem to liuc nimle no fmther prugieH mnl in (he north the Kus. sinus are reporleil to have pushed the invmlurti fatther haek into east I'm, hia. The Gciuiuu taclicH in the mareh Inward Warsaw, military observers in London point out, arc beginning In have snipe of the chnraeteriHtirH of I he rush toward Oulnis and Dunkirk which tho allies slcinincd, tlioiiiimlH being sacrificed and nlhorn being Inn led forward in fill tho gaps with tint Hiiimt prodigality that wiih hhown h tho Germans in Flanders. Military uxporlH here are tumble to ngreo on thu number of tho Austro- German troops in the east, estimates uirying from 1,000,(100 to 1,500,000, lint il is pointed nut that Hussiu, un less exaggerating her resources, should ho eaHily ahlo to top this fij; nre, now that hor cnnfiontralion of fnrcori in Hearing oiiniplolion. ChilstiimH Olfls All thu ariaicH nre pliiniiinir to Hpeml (JhrisliniiH an hest they may. Hnxi'H and reetiiiKS from homo havu heen, or aro hcinj,') diHtrihntod in tho tiencluiH, at tho liosiiitals and in tho caniiiH, lutndredfl of tlioiiHaiuln of )oKtoard to tho RoldioiH and nailorn from King OoorRW and Qnocn Mary IieiiiK onu featuro of tho HritMi (,'it'lH. Tho AiiHlriaiiH' nttotnptH to onihh Snrvia, wliloh Home predioted would Im ahandoni'd in view of tho reeent turn of event liy which tho Sorvimm reoi'oiipicd llelRiado, aro soon to ho " renewed in tho form of a ''final hlow," according to ditmutohon from Hilda Text. f NO ISSUE MAIL TRIBUNE UPON CHRISTMAS DAY In conrornimu'o with ostiili lished ohhIoiii, thorn will ho no isKiio of tho Mail Trihuiio upon ChiisluiiiH day, MttHH tt SERIES OF SMALL SUCCESSESCLAIMED BY FRENCH WEST I'AHIN,, Dec. 'J I, 'J:,'il p. in. The I'leiich iiflicinl Htnli'iiient ;iven out Huh al'lermton icpoiln a hcHch of I'Veaeh hiicccHHCM of apparently minor impoitnnco from the m'r on lint iioi Hi to the frontier of Alhitcc on the hiiiiIIi. The liteatiniiK where French t loops have (mined the ad vnntiiKO me (jiven aH nlom; the I ah; In tho ri'Kiou of thu AIhiih; In f.'hiim. pacne, near I'erthex; in (ho Ar Koune; in the forenl of Apremoul, and near St. Die. l'o prevented finhtin near ArraH ami Veriliin, ami there Iiiik heen ar litllury activity HimtheiiHt of AiiiIciih, near Villa Ntir Tonrhu ami in' the forest of Apremont. "JtiiKKiu On the llznrn rier, Ihe OonaaiiN have mniutaiiied theaixelvew in two poKJtioiiK. On the cuntraiy, at a point not Hi of Sochncxi'W they went driven hack to tint liver, which flowH to the Mintlnvest uf thm town. Their efforlH to dchoiich from Moli inow rexullcd in failure. At the prcMcnt time the (lenaaiiH are i""ny ini; to croHH the river Itawlai to tho HonlheiiNt of Sklerniewice. "To the Hotith of Itiiwn the (!er mniiH are rcHitnit,' htuhhornly a pro lioiiiK'i'd ItiiHHian offeiihivu move incut, hiinc delivered along the uorlliern hank of the river Filifa." hf DR Bi DOVER LONDON, Dee. -J I. 1 ;:,1) p. m. A l''",'- l'" "'"" - i. n I...... .1 i .. i i.icurinln ikjIiiIh on tho iron!, ycl liwrmin lu I'l'Mli IU illi''J f tf.-iiPir over Diimt tliiK moimng ami then disappeared, accordiai; to a htate ment made this aftenmon by tho of ficial prenti bureau. The text of the htatement .folio wh: "An aeroplane. of Hie enemy ilrop Md a homh while pushing over Do er this morning. The missile fell in a garden ami exploded, hut no dam iico.wiik done. The aeroplane wax seen for a few seconds only. It left immediately, passing oat over tho sea. A Mnl mi mrerait Meat up, mil did not see Hie enemy again. Tho weather wiih cloudy and foggy." This (Icrmnu raid from the air on I the itilv of Dover is the tiit uewi. of an authentic character of any hostile aireraft visitiui; (ireat llritaiu. The murium' iimiiiv cuiimi imiiii iiii- uui-i !.!.... I. ..I r !... .1:-.... " IUMI oi Ileal llllll nun ll.MIl uiu. ii wax not sihteil from Dover until it Hiiildciily emerged from the clomlri. Appaicutly Dover ensile was the objective of the raid, for the homh thrown from the aeroplane fell in the garden in the rear of St. .lames' rec tory, which in located in front of the castle. The window's in Ihe rectory and some in tlio houses immediately Niirroumliug tho rectory wero Inn ken. Fog inndo easy tho escape of tho hostile airship. Immediately ho had dropped hi homh tho pilot started straight across thu channel. Two Uritish aeroplane); went up in an en deavor to catch thu raider, hut tho hostile ship had too much of a start and could not ho overtaken. Portland Livestock Market 1'OKTIiAND, Or., Ik-o. a I, Cattlo WeoeiptK li7; Kleady. Hogs Itcui'iptH IIM; lower. I'rimo light, .ii7.'Jr)Ci)7.:i.r); medium, .f7.0.)((i) 7.15; snioolh heavy, !rU70(iMUOJ rough heavy, .ftl.:iri(iiMl.fil). Sheep KfciMjj h15 I ; unchanged. SCENE OF FIGHTING SHIFTS IN EAST LONDON, Dee. 2 L Although ao eountrt vary as to Hut present status of military affairs in Poland, it is evident that tho scenu of heaviest fighling has shifted southward from Soehaezew, tho town on tho llzura rlvor, thirty miles from Warsaw, to ward whioh thu (lermans for several days directed their principal efforts. Austro-flerman forces operating from tho Urneow base aro attempt ing to push northward into Poland, hi this effort, however, they aro meeting with determined resistance from tho HiissliiuH, A HOini-offit'ial statement from Petrograd nays that Kussian sue cesses in (Ialieia eoutiuuo and Hint in Ihu Carpathians (ho A'jMrilUltf liuve CHBAS DAY TO BE OBSERVED BATTLE LINE Unofficial Traces Proliahlc, With Lit tle Flflbtlr Presents for Men Sent Forward Mldnlojit Open-AIr Masses to Be Celebrated at Many Places Prisoners Remembered. PAUIH, Dee. t. Holdlom la thu tieni'licM will niiilio the hunt of ChriMtmiiH day, with tilt lu or no flr.htliiK. King Alhert or IIuImIuiii lian neat a box or - eluarn to cucli or llm IlelKliia noldlern. All thu IicihiiiiIn Inivo nrrntiKi'd roncertii, recltiitlomi it nil Ktereoptlcun hIiowh for convnleHcInK nolillern. Tlio American hoMpltnl n bright with Holly nnd mlKtlutoe, Mndanic l'olucnrc, wire or tho preiddont or France, Iiiih neat 2000 imclfnccn or loyH, candy ami clothliiK to nooo Al- nuv.u I.orrnlne clillureu who llvo In tlio territories rccomiiierod by Franco. The French Kovornmunt In deliver- Iiik Kreiit iiinntlte or pnckiiKOH, from Cermany to prIiiont'rH or wnr. For t Ijj inoiit part they are nneful thliiKR, lllio blnnketH, umlorwenr nnd woolen MOckM. Similar dellvorlcfi, It Ih nmlemtnod will bo inndo by the I f ltrtiifi ti rtlitlifkilf Iim lk l.ritilt W lutlMWIIIlin J iviikM onvtr. Utile I'IkIiIIiik rrolmblo While tho men actually In trenchuM will hnvu to maintain Knmo Htralnctl nlortneitH that prlH thu the thy tliore obitorve every day nnd whllo from 1500 to 1!000 ynnU bark or tho Infantry rirlng lino arrangementa have been iinida for plenty or jollity, which will Include n chicken dinner nnd chAmpngno to drink with It. New Venr'ii Day la n Rrenter holiday In Franco than in Christians and If tho military situation pormltH It, (lenerni Joffro, the French commandor-in-chief, will glvo ordom Hint tho sold iers sorvliiK In tho trenches tomorrow will not have to Im thcro on thu flritt day or tho now year. t'liorrlrlnl Truces Whoru tho French and German trcuchcH nru closu toKothor, thcro ..may Do brief unofficial truces by common agreement for short periods or time. Theiio uudcnituiullngs havo not been unknown on other ,i....fl mill they may bo moro fre quent on ChrUtmaH day. It U likely that at midnight open air niassefl will bo celebrated at many plnccH bnck or tho lines upon rough altars. In Paris tho gny midnight uupper party will not bo eeu; Instead tho peoplo will ho In church nt mldulKht amen. Thu churches never before have been mo full within tho memory or tho city. Nowndiia at every aerv Ico, early or late, tho sacred edifices aro crowded. LLOYDS INSURES AGAINST AN ITALIAN WAR LONDON, Dee. 'Jl, 2:'J25 p. in.- Lloyd's is eharging thirty guineas per cent to insure against war between Italy and Germany, Austria nud Turkey, within ono month, and fifty guineas per cent that war between those countries will not ho declared within six months. Five guineas per cent is asked to insure against war breaking out between Great lintiuu nnd Norway within twelve months. heen thrown haek. Another sortiu by tho garrison at Pm'mysl, whioh has long heen under attauk by tho ltussiaas, is said to havo resulted disastrously for tho Austrians. Tlio fighting in Poland fins heeouio most severe and at points along the lino west of Warsaw Hto issue is ho ing fought out with bayonets. Tho Herlin war office states that the Ittissian advance in east Prussia has heen cheeked and that tho Hussiaus at Mluwa, in Poland, near tho Prus sian border, havo heen defeated. A French cruiser in tho Straits of Otranto, near tlio southern end of Italy, was torpedoed by an Austrian submarine It is slated that tho damage wu" slight and that no men wero iuJuiTili N LODZ CAPTURE TURNING POINT OF CAMPAIGN General Von Hlndcnliurn Considers Takliin of Polish City of Supreme Importance Russians Offered Deadly Resistance Unnerved by Steady Advance of Germans. L LODZ, Kussian Poland, Monday, Dec, IM, by automobile courier to Po sen, I'nissia, Dec. .''.'!, via London, Dec. 21, II a. in.-t-The ciiptuie of Loilx, according to a declaration made today by Oeniial Von 1 linden hurt:, the Herman foimunnder, to u emrespoiident of the Associated Press, was the tiiniim; point of Hie campaign in Polanll. The Kussian lines in northern Poland rested on this city, for the pit.iiiii of whieli there occurred tho iiut hitter stnig gle of Hie entire wnr on this front. After the ltus-inn, fullowiiic a most oh-iiimle rcsistnni'i' on their part, were forced to evacuate the town, a general Kiismiiu retirement in thu di lection of Warsaw became necessary. I'nder the guidance of Major Von llolli'hcu, a cousin of the late Huron Von llollebcu, who was at one time Herman ambassador to thu United States, ihe Associated Pre-.s corre spondent today visited wmie of the battlefield- in tho vicinity of Lodz. am gained an idea of the nature of the operations which led to the cap ture of the city. I.Ike Pitchfork Tines Aeeoiding to the general alignment of the Aii-tro-ffcruinu force-, they might have been expected to advance from the west. As n matter of fact, the attack was made largely from the north ami northwesj. They drove their columns iitto-flib Hussions in the form of a huge pitchfork, with another large force between tines of the fork. It looked for a time us if the Kus--inns would lie forced to retreat if retreat were at all pos-ihlc in the face of tho gigantio enveloping movement hy the Germans in the direction of their Warsaw hnse. The intention was to drive thu Kus. sinus into tho anas of large Austro German forces mnssed to cut off their retreat, hut the timely arrival of Kussian reserves from Warsaw resulted in the breaking of tho eas ternmost tino of tho fork, relieving the situation for the Kussiuus. Scone of Cutting Off In one of tlio operations around Lod occurred tho celebrated "cut ting off" of two German corps, which, nftcr being entirely surround ed hy tho rapid advnneo of tho War saw reserves, turned ami cut their way out nud brought with them 12, 000 of their would-ho captors. Tho scene of this exploit, which n mem ber of ttho general staff, character ir.ed as one of tho most brilliant of tho wnr, was Stryko, ten inilob to tho northeast of Lodx. About thu same distance west of Lodr. is located tho little churchyard of lleschici, where tho Russians, in ono of tho finnl phases of tho strug gle for Lodz, showed that in spito of their defeats and discouragements, they knew how to fight and die. This churchyard lies on a small eminenco which formed a salient into tlio Ger man lines. IK'adly llcslstanrc Tho (lermans wero nble to mnko an attack from thrco sldos with in fantry and artillery. -All tho Russian (Coutlnuod on page two.) . KILLED, MO WREGK KVKKKTT, Wn., Dee. 21.- In an automohilo wreck n few miles from Kverett early this morning Miss Kou yon, a young woman residing in Kv erett, was killed, and her sister slightly injured. Thomas Precious of Gold Har was seriously injured, his left leg being broken. Floyd Trem ble, also of F.verctt, tho chauffeur, was cut and bruised. Tlio ear ap parently went over u high embank ment on a curve whilo moving at high speed, Tho wreck was discovered liy another autontohilist and relief brought to tho injured about an hour after I liv Occident, MOST FAMOUS OF NATURALISTS, JOHNMUIR.DEAD Noted Philosopher, Artist, Geologist and Botanist Passes Away With Pneumonia Discovered Great Gla cier in Alaska Classified Flora of Western Coast. LOS ANOF.LF.S. Oil., Dec. 2L John Mitir, the iuruous naturalist uf California, died at a hospital liere to day from pneumonia. jo wnx 70 years of age. He was brought here from .Martinez, Cat., ariiving at mid night, and died at 1U o'clock this morning. Mr. Muir was vi-iang his daughter Mrs. Helen Muir Frnnk at Daggett, a town in the desert of San Ilernar diuo county, lie was stricken with peuumoiiia last week. Doctors from Los Angeles were called into con-ult-ution Tuesday, ami it was determined tto bring him to this city for treat ment. Wlien he arrived lust night Mr. Muir was in a critical condition. From midnight, when he reached the ho-pitnl, until the end. the doctors worked with restoratives and stimu lants in an effort to keep him alive but he sank rapidly, death coming at 10 o'clock. His daughter was with him when he died. lohn Muir. like .John Iliirrough, with whom hi- mime often has been linked, belonged to that tradition of Uritish naturalists whose work was so fu-ed with the writer's H'r-onal-ily and so penetrated hy individual feeling that their output was as much literature as science. I'hllospher and ArtUt Philosopher and artist, as well as observer, he took iferealivo delight in hi- work, which no mere classifi cation of details could have brought. Horn in Dunbar, Scotland, in 183S, Muir came to this country at the ago of 11 and after graduating from the University of Wisconsin with the class of 18(51, plunged immediately into his life work of geologist, ex plorer nud naturalist. Muir's description of thu Vo-cinitc valley first brought it into national fame, and hi visit there left him with n love of the west which remained through all his travels nnd led him to make his homo at Martinez in his la ter years. He ohoso n site in tho Contra Costa valley, sheltered on ono side liv a wooded hill and surrounded on three others by vineyards, orchards and streams', confronted by the tow ering outline of Mount Diablo. Wilt in, the furnishings were in massive simplicity. Wtihout wero pines, palms, cacti and exotic vegetation, for botany, too, was one of John Muir's delights. Deep Iove of Nature "Hut this isn't my home," ho once said. "My homo is in tho mountains and the wilds. I am here merely for the rest my body demands. 1 am getting old and what oneo was exer cise is now fatiguing exertion." With this deep love of naturo part of his very being, il was fitting Hint John Muir should bo almost as well known for his labors in behalf of for est preservation and tho establish ment of national reserves and parks as by his writings. To tho great glacior ho discovered in Alaska in 1881, his name was (Continued on paxs Z.I PAKIS, Dec. 21, 12:20 p. in. General Joffro, tho Fronch commander-in-chief, said to Colonols Igna Hoff and Yarde-Huller, tho TUisslau and Uritish nillitnry attaches at tho lold hcadquartors of the French a.rmy th'reo or four days age: "Como with mo nnd you will seo something novor seon beforo in war." Tho military attaches accompanied tho general to a placo near tho lines not rar from Arras. There, six hund red pieces or heavy artlllory woro placed In a position so as to bear upon a comparatively short plexus of Gor man ontrenchmonts. Tho rangos al ready had heen found, I'pou a word from General Joftro, repeated by his aides tflloplinnlrnlly, Ill CANNONS RAPID PROGRESS I RESTORING PEACE IN OLD MEXICO WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 I Provl Hlonnl Preiddont (jutlnrrez and Gen eral Villa had a long conferenco last night in Mexico City, according lo ad vices' today from male department ngonU there. An no mention was mndo or any street fighting or fric tion between tho follower of the two lenders, Htato department offi cials regarded their despatches as evidence agalnet reports that Gut ierrez had been made a prisoner and that his forces had been engaged with Villa troops. Tho dispatch, dated late last night, referred In optimistic terms to the progress being mndo In rehabil itating tlio central government. Apparently confirming tho state department vlow, the minister of for eign affairs in Gutierrez's cabinet, telegraphed tho Washington repre sentatives of Gutcrrez today that there was absolutely nothing new In the situation In Mcylco City. General Carranra hns no inten tion of leaving .Mexico, according to a telegram dated yesterday, received at tlio Carranra agency hero from Aplznco, a small town northeast of I'uebla. MILLION A YEAR CHICAGO. Dec. 21. A huge gam bling "trust" which makes n profit of $1,000,000 a year and which pays S 15,000 protection money every week to members or tho Chicago police de partment exists In Chicago, it was charged today before the Merrlam crime commission. .Monte Tonnes, known for years as the gambling king of tho city, was declared to bo tho head of tho ring py Edwin W. Altz, nn Investigator who testified regard ing gambling conditions In tho city. Ho testified that policemen rc- celvo $50 for each handbook operat ed, and that 300 of these nro scat tered throuhout tho city. Somo of tho books aro "square," he said, and others "crooked." Ho said only books controlled by Tenncs wero al lowed by the police. Altz 8a Id that his investigators had headquarters in a vacant West Side store and that telephone lines were tapped to get information. NEW YORK POLICE JCKW YOHK, Dec. '21. Santa Clans, disguised us a fur-elad pas- senger in u motor runabout, whizzed down tit In iivenuo today, slowing up at every crossing to hand over $." gold pieces to traffic policemen. There was a chauffeur to run thu ear for Santa, so that ho had both hands free to fish tho gold pieces out of a white canvas bag that appeared to hold about two quarters. Not only on the avenue, but up and down side streets tho oar ran to. visit police men that Santa appeared to have particularly in mind. Tho runabout bore a number which is licensed in tlio uamu of Hubert Godot. AT tho bk hundred pieces opened a sus tained tiro upon tho German works and tho spaces Just behind them. After a quarter ot an hour tho French Infantry charged. Not a hos tile shot met them. Not a bayonet gleamed over tho edge or tho woi;s. Tho trenches actually woro torn to pieces as though by gigantic plough shares. Dead and wounded men, half bur led, littered tho lino where former ly had been tho trenches. Tho fow allvo woro atrugsllag to froo them selves from heaps ot enrth. Those who had tried to run woro caught by tho horrlblo spray of bursting shells In tho rear ot tho Gorman trenches. Probably not a mau do endlng that part of tho lino escaped, MUG PROFITS A ON AHA DRY LAW UPHELD BY I FEDERAL COURT Decision One of Shortest on Record Interference With Static Law Refused Injunctions Prayed For Denied Priest Amonrj Those Wlw Sof-slit to Stay Prohibition LOS AXOBLKR, Ciil., Doc. 21. The Arizona prohibition Inw will go into effect Jnnunry 1. Tho xpeoiat United Stales tribunal from which injunctions- wero sought to prevent iln enforcement, refused lo issue such injunctions in a brief decision ren dered today. Appeal to tho United States supreme court will be taken alt once, it was announced. Short Derision Itcndcrctl ,. The decision contained less than a dozen sentences. It read: "Wo have listened to the ablo ar guments in this ease with euro ami attention and would like to review nml discuss them fully, but lime will not permit. In cases like this, where a court is asked to interfere with u state law, the evidence should bo par ticularly clear and convincing. This wns not tho ease in tho present in stance, nnd tho injunctions prayed for thcrcforo arc in each and every case denied." Pour Injunctions Sought There were four applications for injunctions. One was filed by Itov. M. Connolly, who nsscrled that tho prohibition law infringed upon con stitutional religious rights, in that it would prohibit tho importation of wino for sacramental purjx.ses. Tim other thrco petitions were filed by druggists and liquor dealers, who held that the law. was confiscatory, and violated tho foiirlecnUr amend ment of the constitution of Iho United,, States. In defense of the law, representa tives of tho state's ntlnruoy general contended that no court could rule that tho statute adopted in tho. fonu of a constitutional amendment tit tho. election November 3 would intcrfero with the uso of wino iu established religious ceremonials. Immediately nftct tho decision, attornoya for Itov. Thomas M. Con nolly, a Catholic priest of Tucson, and for other petitioners, inada a motion to stay tho oxoctition of tho law, pending tho outcome of 1!k ap peal to tho United States supremo court, but this motion was donlod, thus clearing tho way for tho law to beebmo cffectlvo on tho duto tot, January 1. Tlio doclslon wns ono of tho short est written documents over handed down by a Judicial tribunal hero. WIITE PREDICTS ROMK, Dec. 11. Itonorta having been circulated that Count KorgtuH Witto, tho Husslan statesman, was leading a pacific party at tho Kussian court, tho count has tolographed to this city denying tho statements. Iu his telegram ho says: "At tho beginning I deplored thu wnr, thinking it was not inovltablo or indispensable, but since tho war Is In prugross any discussion regard ing it would bo futile. "Now that tho was baa nsauined In Russia a popular character, It' can only end with a declslvo victory for Itussla." HIE CHRISTMAS PREDICTED IN EAST WASHINGTON', Dee. 24. A white, Christmas from New England to (ho Great Lakes is indicated in wcuthur bureau reports for tomorrow which say unsettled -wenthorv and probably snow will provail through that region. Klsowhoro gcnornlly colder weather will mark Christmas Day with unus ual low temperatures along the norllu eern border from Now. Knglaud t North Dakota. : Tho South Atlantic, and Gulf. hUtw may expect a rainy CkrUtHiHs, hm, report adds, t VICIORYFORRUSSIA 1