A TUTClWWr) MATT! TmfiUNTC, MEDFOTtT), OKTWOX. WKT)XRT)AV, TWMMBKtt 2.1. 101 f TORE TTTTtTJU I s :i e A. h. fty w rm ;, ; v ALFRED H LEWIS WRITER 55 9 AUTHOR DEAD AGED GERMANS AGAIN VD Rl ES NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPOND E NTS - . - WILLOW SPRINGS TWIOLETS N'i:V YOIIIC, Dec. '-'.'I. All'icd Henry I.i'wiM, iiOvhimm!i' mini mnl wilier of lioolfN, died Imliiy lit tin' hiimcnMilM hinthcr bcio of nn IiiIoh tinnl (IImiiiiIl')4. lie Iiiih been HI (inly n lew dn.v's. Mr. l.un'U vviih Immii in t'levoliiinl iflyfivn yi'iiiH huh. 'I'IimiiuIi a liiw. yer, Ini cnloied iunuiiiir win); in Kiiiiniih City In I HIM ami hiiIikii- iiiiiilly heenme n u liter of political , ntlielei, iiv which ln I'HUililiilii'il n lepuliitinu ax nun of tin' I'iiii'iiihhI political writers of the count rv. lie wmh dcneribcil iin i piodiious worker nun In filli'i'it jenrn produced I'lulili'i'ii ImmiI.h, iiiiiiiv r whiHi oh tiilncd n wide mill iujiilfir circulti- linn, iii wns well known nlsn iik ii writer of western Morten, in which eowbnvH nml inineiH wrie il'niiinnnt lljfHn, IIH Well im nT iillielen nn liri ilei win lil life in tills eity. I nr everui enrH lie wnx tin Wiisliinjiliin iMirreHMinilenl of the ('lilefiKft Time, which lie left ill 1HIIII In nerve in the hihiic enpneity for two years with (lie llenrsl uois iimmk. He then lieennie Hie eilifor of "The Venllel," n humoinus weekly, lint Minn tinneil his ullenlinn nimin tn fiction mnl political writing. Of lute yems he Imd heen einpln,ei1 lis it political wiiler li the llcnrt pnM'r, Annum hi he-t known hooks me "WnlMllr." "The Snii-el Tr..il" mnl "The Miii." SEND RICAN E AID TO JERUSALEM WASHINGTON, Dee. IM. -tlient lliiliiin Iiiih consented tn the propositi nf Americans tn send relief to .lent Milrm, Turkey has nppnfi! it nml wnul now is being awaited i'lom Kronen. TJie erniner Teniien-ee icportcil her urriviil loilny nt .liil'fn. bht nimle no invntlnn of rioting or ill tientinent of Jithh ly Turl.w. The overflow of the Djilu in Arabia hurt miido l'.'.OOO pernoiiM hoinclexs mnl without fund, according to n.miuiMigp to the wtnte depart inent today from Ainhumhr Mor Hculhuu lit Coiistmiliiiople, who nil eil that the infnnniition he cnmmuiii enteil In the Kid Cross mnl the Ameriemi ,lcvih eniumitN'e in New York. .Mr. .MniKcnthiiu Mini loenl as Mslnnee in MiikiIiiiI wns entitely in Mlffieient to meet the ileiiiiniil which n Muiving, hhelleiless pnpultiee I'neeK. IN WFST AFRICA! I.ISIION, mm I'm is, Dee. 'Jil. The (teiiumiH iifjiiin Jm invmleil Angola, I'intliKiteHe West Allien. Thf fnet wiik iiminuiieeil in the ehuuiher of deputies hv the minlsler of colonies, who Niiiil the (lenuniH hud made a I'lesli iillai'l; nn the niililniv pust ul Nililliln, in the pioMiiee nf Angola. The eoiiiiuiimtnr, Colonel Itoniilns, the miuiMcr Milled, hail only a hoiiII I'oli'C ut Ms ilispnsiil mnl i e rented III older to obtain iciiil'oiecmcnlH with which to drive out the (Icriiiiiux. Kitither details nf the nffiiir, the minister mini, were lucking The first invasion o' Angnlu.oiv eurieil lute in Oelnher, iiceoidiiig to repoilH I'roiii I.Miiiciieo Mnripies, Allien, when n small puity of - DUTTE CHEEK ITEMS Hast Ocmian enviiliv miived at N'nulilu mnl uskeil lor mi interview uith the eoiniiiiiniler. A fmlil inTed, lie eordiiiK to lepoils, duiiiiu which llnee (lermmiH wete killed lie fore the parly ictiieil. Iteiliu, hnwever, Iiiih denied that such mi incident m' ciiried. ItepoltH from l,ilion show that ,'IOll(l men were sent fioin I'lirtiiciil to its West African colon v in Septcin her and Oetoher mid that in Novem ber the eountiv was prepaiiiiK to send lllllll nilililioual I loon tlieie. The l'ortiiKiiee activity wits eansed hv icpoils that (Icnnuny had nniied Hi cut nuinhcrs nf the nalivcH mid had placed theiii under the tiainiiiK' of Herman ollners fur nn una-ion o Angola William MeKee visited in Ashland I the hitler part of the week. t nhl Law limiMicleil husines in Cent l u) Point .Monday. .Mr. and .Mr. Hoy Niehol weie in Central I'nhi't dolni,' C'luiKtmas huy Int:. . Heihcrt Clarke left Wednesday for I'm (land to spend the holidays with his parent. It. I!. .MeNiiMer wiih n hi'sinet. nhoppT in .Medfmd .Monday, Mser hnventy-fivc liukeyn have heen shipped from thi neiiilihorlwrnd to the California markets for the ChiistmitH trade. Kw'ictt .MeKeo attenilnl the hasket hall K'1"1" .Medford Salitnla- ev eulm,' mid huosted for the Central I'olnt team. l.asU Tliiiisdnv C'liiiles Terrill went ini to J-'iniik KailouV sawmill on Kouth Hutte after a load of lum ber. Last Thtirsila .lames Ciilbcitsou went to Kule Point on hiisineM. .Mr. Thuinbhr, an Adventist triin isler at (irauls Cass, delivered mi interesting- scnmni at the I tut t c eieek nehoiilhoiise hist Thursday ewninjj coiiccniiuir the Knropeau war. William Daley was at liable I'oinl Inst Thulsday on husiness. Chtiilu Hcefield and .Mike Hanley, .Jr., dime, a lnin hand of entile down fn the talley last Knday. an iiKcni i nr ine ur. ioien ejje table lea company was up the creek Helling remedies last week. ...i.ii. in v ... '! llllfT . . ji i.iiiii', i with a blond poisoned hand, caused h a hai bed wile cut. ) Mike Hidley. Sr., went (0 .Medford . to attend Mrs, .1, Rndcr'n funeral. i One of the gii'iitNt iiecesiiies of I Hutte enek in a hih fchoof, Lake I Creek ix beyond all question the ideal mention for it. It is connected with the Hurroiiiidiiiff country by about four different highways and is the central point of about six different schools. At the piosent time all the Hohonls of higher learning am in towns name distance away, mid ns a rcMiilt girls mid boys of this commu nity have to get nn education the nest way nicy can or else 90 Willi out. They generally do the latter for these iciiheiis: I"irit, because their paienls haxeu't the means; hci; ond, because must people hale to send their cbildieu away from home, and, third, because most children don'l take an intercut in sountliinn that is so far away. A hiRli school would also do a great deal toward building up this community. Where ug cattle and taking them to Ciiaile ehildicn have to go away from home school they are likely tn get nt- 1 n. ti xf.i'in 1 '" " : - v........ .mi-, im 1 .urn. i'. .ucivni.p ............ 'ivrnil's ranch, where the will he fed ' to in ut i'n iii' uiiee nn1 1 115 a vrnr ...... .1 .i.. 1 JEWS EJECTED KASER ENROUTE WESTERN FRONT LONDON, Dee. 'Jit, 3i7 p. m.-ln a dispatch from Cologno the eorre spoiideiit of the Central Niiwh nays that I'uipcror Ullliatn with his en tile stall' 1 cached Cologne today from Heiiiu on his way to the wes. tern battle front. SENATOR WEST OF lAFi VAl.DOSTA, On., Dee. L'rt I'onnor' Hiiltoil RtntoH Keuator William K. Went wiih found dend In lied at his liouin hero enrly today, llo It ml ro tired npimiontly In good lienlth, I'liyHlolaiiH Htiitml denth nppnrently wan duo tn apoplexy. Mr. Wont wnH apiolnted to tho Honato March a, 101 1, to fill tho vnc nucy cniiHcd by the death nf Ponntnr A. O. Iliicou. IIIh term expired ltiKt Noonilior, when TIioiiiiih W. Hard wink wnH oUictod. THIEF TAKES POISON IN PRISON CELL TOIITMXl), Or., Dec. 23. Jos npli Wagnor, who aeoordiiif, to tho police, eonfoHHcd that ho hnd robbed liiii former employer at Sacramento, Cnl., .took poison in hi coll today and is not expected to recover, llo had tho poison hidden in his clothing when ho was arrested as ho stepped off n train from California Inst nigM. Wnknor offered to divido (ho poison with his nullum I n, Cleorgo Haldwin, ami wlion tho latter refused to take tho jiftwiUirn, Wnjfnnr Hwnlluwed all of thorn. FROM JAFFA CIIICAtSO, Dee. I'n -Tim expiil hIoii of Hebrew from Jaffa wim pc, romimiiled by ninny acts of barbur tum ami robliery, ncrordluK to n Mpe rlut millennial today from Cairo, liKH't, to tho Chlrngn Dully News. Tim story hiih Hint 000 refugee He brew from Jaffa have Junt arrived at Alexandria 011 the Itnllnn ntvnmcr VI cenrlu I'lorlo, and addn: "ThurKilny afternoon Hodniiln po IIik raided Dm (ihetto (at Jaffa), ar rested torn) perxon and drove them at tho point nf the ba)nnet to tho ipiny. Here the I'loilo was forced to receive an many of them rin rould tin rrowded aboard. Kceneit attend liiK this operation were heart mini Inc. "It Ih feared that this U only the beKliiulm; of Turkish atrocltlcH. Thnro are 25,000 or morn peaceful IttiMlnn JnwH In I'nlcNlliie." In Canada mid nt present are isit iug I'romik ThompkiiiH mid wife, F. M. Palmer and. wife were din ner guests of Mr, mid Mrs. John Hum 1 Sunday. There will be a nieelinj; of the tele phone ounces of lines font teen and eighteen at the school hoe. e Satur day at 1 p. m. The Piesbjterian choir met at the home or Mrs. It. W. KJilmi Kiiday evening. A Jolly time was enjoyed after bttsincKH nml delicate lefiesh incuts weie scned. Miss Mirgaret Davissuu tetitiiicd from O. A. C. 4o visit her paients ilanug the holidays. Mr. and .Mm. I.auen.inn are isit fug their dmighter, Mr, IVrgus-on of Ashland. The grange postponed the regular Meeting to December .'II ami a busi ness mid wad h paity will be held. '.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thnmp'mis and Mr. and Mrs. ). .MeKillop will .ciiil Chiivtmas with .Mr. Hull and family of drouth Pass. The Willow Springn -eliool and the Parent-Tem hers eluii will gie 11 pin gram at the school home Christmas Christina tine will hn the featnies 'of the evening and all are invi ct! to iittteml. T TO PLAY SANTA FOR NEICE WASfTINOTON, Dee. ail. IWi dent Wilson will play "Santa Clans" Chrisliniirt day for his small grand niece, Anno Cothrmi, who will spend the holidays at tho while house with her mother mid grandmother, .Mrs. 1 1 . .. .I 1 j , . . anno nowe, me picsiueurs hlsiei. A large Christum treo was deliyeivd today at tho while house. "Tho president, with his three danghlers, .Mrs. F. H. Sayrn, Mi1. W, (I. MeAdno mid Miss Margaret Wil son mid other iclntivcs, plans to go to chinch Chtistmas morning, to take an luitmnohihi ride in the jiltcninnn mid tnkn dinner ut the white houso in tho evening, llo will attend only to ahsolulrly necessary business during the day. I' FLOUNCE ROCK FRILLS Miss Margaret Mansfield came Saturday to spMid the ludi.lr.Ns. Mrs. itvrlhn Cobley speiiL -overal dy.s of, lust wee): at Duetto Falls. .la-. Peyton made a business trip to Derby Saturday. eelor & llhuieharil are buihrinj? a new chicken house ami I'mming a chicken Int. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mooney and son have gone to Medford to slry a week or two with Mrs. Ilollenbeak. Monday night came, within half a degree of being lis cold as any night in the last five ,ears or longer. The mercury registeied Hi 1-- above zero. Hngiio Hiver is tho lowest it has been for several ears. Thine, has been very little rain this fall, nml al most no snow as yet. Pearl and Paul Pnjtou went to Trail Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, who have been visiting icln tivcs there,. l-'OIl OHMSTMAS Nothing nlcor for Christmas than Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt ci gars In Chrlntmos boxes. 1 for the winter. The city linemen v.eie up the creek iusM'ctiug the telephone line and wa ter system last Friday. T. I- Farlow was at Medl'oril last Fiiilay. The entertainment mid Christmas tree nt the Itinwiisborn Mdinolhoitsc last Friday evening wns attended by a large crowd. Tlmtn wns mi nhnn- taeheil t city life, ami that way the eouirry loses a great many ni us most valuable citizens. The commu nity would also be more attractive because M'oplo would think that if it could suppoit n high school it must he pmsMTous. Many others would he likely t move into a community where hcir children could fcct'n hiyji LADIES) LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN GRAY HI Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sul phur Recipe and nobody can telL Bruin it through hair. school education. It would also en- ... ,i... ... nance 01 ennn.v ami nuts ami every-1 nlile lioys and Kins to Inkn up in one had a good time, ' dustrial trtin-ug. Itmlolph Pech's little bov, Ainel,i has been very ill for some time. Dr. I w, Medford Iran is Aiuforrt mndn William W. P. Holt was calico last Friday. i The Itutte Cnek Industrial elabi mid Literary society will hold a went- ing Friday. Them will be n progiam, and they will elect new officers. They will also elect a health officer. The Climax posloftiee, which was formerly ut Will:nm Holman's, has recently been removed to Matthew Thompson's place. it. II. ItnuUhaw has just retunicd I home from P01 timid, where he has been for some time. He was accom panied by .less Allen of that eity. Koy Stanlny ami Herb Cat lion have just went to the 'mountains to bring out some more of their cattle. Anion Tyrell was in Medford last Saturday. Frank Nyprcn ami Knlph Dniher stcidt brought 11 large hand of cat tle out nf the mountains Monday. Oeorge Nichols has bought some hay out on the deert, where ho will feed his cattle lor the winter. William Nickel oMuiko Cieek was in I logic Point last .Saturday on bus iness. Mr. Colby mid son, l.loyd, were in MVdfnrd last Satutilay. While them Mr. Colby purchased n new hack. Miss Ahna Oould. the Lake Creek school teacher, returned to her home in Medford to speud the holidays. A. 11. Chase, K. It. Peteison and J. Percy Well- have went to Kugenn. Audlev A. Mcer was in Medford Ins) Saturday. He accompanied his; mother to F.nglo Point Saturday nve ..: ,.i,.k..i... .. :n ., ..1 .. .'..... .1 I iiiii, iiiirii-ui' tlll Sii nil 11 lin ll.lair before returning home. Miss Ilia lube Iturh'Min of Lake Creek was visiting Miss Alice Nygren last Satniday. Thomas Stanley went o Kagle Point Monday on business C. K. Moore' of. South Hutte is building n new house. Len Farlovy and mother were at Medford last week. Floyd Charley has been laid up Gray hair, lwwtTcr handsome, dcrwUs ailvMicIng age. We all know tbo ailvan-tagi-4 cf a youthful aparance. Your hiiir U your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fade, turns gray and looks dry, wispy and scraggfy, just few applications of Sigo Tea and Sulphur enlianivs its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay grayj Iik young t Kither pri'paic the tonic at home or get from any drug store a SO ceut bottle' of Wyetli's Sage and Sulphur Hair Hn isiy." 'lliouwnds of folks recommend thU rctdy-to-uc preparation, bccaus (t Jail: ens thu hair beautifully and remores dandrutr, Uips scalp Itching and falling hair; U-nides, no one can powibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You nioUtrn a sponge or soft brush vritli it, drawing this through the hair, tilling one smsli utrand n't a time lly morning .the gray liair disappears; afur anotiier application or two. Its natural color is restored and it U.-comw thick. glosy and lustrous, and you appear vcars younger. QUALITY In name menus nothing on levs we turk tho nnmo with thn kmm1n uml service Wo arc trjlng to make (be name n icallty. ' The Quality Dairy .7. I'. Hboads, I-rp. Thono 732-.TI Js a. T ! t T ? T ? ? r t T THE XMAS SHOP THE MOST VARIED, NOVEL AND USEFUL ASSORTMENT OF XMAS GIFTS IN THE CITY .x. H Till TVSIIIH SISHD H X H 1 CIGARETTES m . jLKJtotijn i -ssss-s-sas-Sfls-MBjsaiHHSiBiaslSH - It will pay you Xmas shop pers to take a stroll through our big Xmas Shop before buy ing elsewhere. a ' Erector For structural hlecl design in;;. Kvery boy likes it sec. them. - GAMES We have largo lino of all kinds, of games. Xmas Tree Decorations of all kinds. Deunisoii paper' gar lands, orcpo nml iissuo papers In thu beautiful shades of Xmas colors. P0CKETB00KS BRASS WARE FANCY STATIONERY POST CARDS POST CARD ALBUMS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS DIARIES FANCY CALENDARS DICTIONARIES FOUNTAIN PENS FANCY PLAYING CARDS PRAYER BOOKS BIBLES LEATHER CARD HOLDERS CRIBBAGE SETS In Leather PHOTO HOLDERS KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Why not put an Kastumn Ko dak on the ttccT Price 7.")0 and upwaids. Our stock from the F.ustmnn factories includes Kodaks, llrownics, Hawkeycs and Pre mos. BOOKS 2000 Popular Copy, lislttr. .. . 65c inrttl liny.-,' Hooks, clolh hound, .- ..AII Prices Henutiful gift hooks in nil styles of binding--books in sets and children's books a special ly. LEATHER THINGS Flasks, Card Sets, Traveling Sets, Memos, Date Hooks, 5 Ycar Diaries, Kill Hooks. XMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS e Some are printed, some engraved, some steel die embossed and some hand painted. Then, too, we have all the Depnlson line of Stickers, seals, card s, tags and paper ribbon. "f ? ? T f T t ? ? ? ? T T t f f t t ? X X t MEDFORD BOOK STORE Js Jsv -s -s s -s - s Js 5 J 4ts $$$ $ $ $ $ r $$'5 "5! The School of .Modern .Methods. 1LlirTirMT h. h. iiAVMAx 1TJsJCSV VIVAS II. I. f. VANCHMIHK x jMtzes Colleen Dulldtnir. 31 North drnpc 81. Day and Night School Now l'upll Moy Kntcr nt nny TIma Hu&lnesH, Shorthand and English Courixss Nlgllt SchOOl hv TIIK .MONTH $5.00 CoU.ssJoawal HAVE QUIT After working for J. W. Mitchell about four yearn, 1 havo openod a shop at tho corner nf South Illvcrsldo and Eighth Btreot and am ohlo to do anything In tho lino of body or wheel work and;RUarantce thn best of workmanship. JOHN BILLINGS P. 8. Also put on Firestone Demountable Rims. SENSIBLE A Pacific Cedar Chest Is a sensible Christmas nlft, for wlfo, daugh ter or sweetheart. It la useful, ornamental, convenient, durable, moth proof. Let us nhow you our line. Many sizes and styles. Prlcos ranee from $8.50 to $16.00. Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory J IR South Holly St. Nothing Nicer or More Appropriate for Xmas Presents Than ictures We have up-to-date linn of framed pictures and mottos, from 2Ce up; also sheet pictures, and do all kinds of plcturo framing. Waters' Paint & Wall Paper Store We Give S. & II. Green Stamps FOR YOUR Christmas Gifts Call at the Alco Cigar Store "We Tarry a Complete Line of CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES AND CANDIES Tn Speeial Christmas Packages Also giving Extra Piano Coupons until Chrjstmas. Holiday Fares following usual custom tho Southern Pacific will havo tn effect from nil points, .Main" Lino and 11 ranches Special Christmas and New Year Holi day Round Trip Fares saw: iati:s in oiikgon TlcUets between all points In Oregon will bo sold December 18. 10, L'0, lia. IM, 25 and 31. 1914, and .lanuiiry 1. 1915; also between all C. & R.. 1 It. & N I. K. & K. and S. V. C. & V. nolnta. I'lnul re- I turn limit Junuary 4, 191S, sai.r n.vncs to camfounia December 21 to -'.', to January 1, inclusive from nil, points In OrcKon to any point In California; also to , Klamath Falls via Weed. Final return limit Jan uary 4, 1915. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Cull on our nearest Agent for full particular, faro to specific polntM, reservations, train schedules, etc.. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, (Jonoral PnwonRcr Asfont, Portland, OroKon, 'ft -,'-" 1 I