Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 23, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
May, HIM Mix. it. Kalr
t'onlKlit mihI WwtewdUjr,'
Forty-fourth Tear.
Dully Ninth ynr.
NO. 2115
Further Proucss Made by Allies, Out
Germans as a Whole Starullnn Fast
French Claim Capture Trenches
and Gain ot 000 Yards Germans
Issue Denial.
LONDON, Dee. 'J.'l. Fuithor prog
ic mihii tntly hits been iiimiIii liy
I ln nllii'H in their general offensive
movement. Tim (Ionium armies us a
whole urn Hlutitlitifr fiiMt mill mi fur
as in known Imvit lost no iiiiiorlaiil
sections of tin long linn mi which
thoy settled low ti after tint rut rent
which followed tho buttle of tin)
Mm no curly in tlm war.
Today's official eoiiiiiiuuientloiis
indicate that each niU Iiiih IiiuI its
victories ami it defeats. Tin French
unity chiefs Miilo that tlify ouptutcd
the Inst section of u lino of German
licuohos near Poilhos Ick lltirlus,
whom fighting has boon scent for
sevcrn" days, anil hau miido an av
erage gain of 800 yard. Tin- (ler
tint it statement, speaking "f '' en
gagement, says thnl tho French at
tack was "mrllv re-telled." French
ehiiuis to prognwK in Itolglutii am do
nii'il in Berlin, whoro it In said that
tlm British have suffered reverses at
the hatidri of the Gentium'.
Ccriimni Mmi Now Arm)
Again there oomos trickling
tlnoiili from Holland repot ts of vast
laovi'ini'iilH of German forces from
Iho I'ant iiinl the wont. A dispatch
leaching hem from Aiuslonlum wiyH
Unit thousands of German troops
havu passed Itironili Aix I.a Chap
jm'IIh toward northern Franco. Thin
ai'tivity may bo thn forerunner of n
icucnod Gorman offensive in tin
western aronii, under thn eyes of
Fmtx'ror William or it ninv simply bo
iutedded to offset leinforoomont
(Irt'at Itrilaiu Iiiih been throw in-;
lately into tin French field of lins
tilities. An thn situation appears to
stand today tint allies in France mid
llclgittm continue mom on thn of
lensive than on tlm dcfi'tiM, and ev
ery day shows slight gains to their
CIiiMiimh Truce
It h believed that notwillisluiidiiig
lint failnin of the plan for fin arini
slice over Chrisuints, some t-ort of
n lull will sol In on Christmas tiny
Itself. Christmas sentiment is deep
in thn men's heart.
The London newspners have tie
eideil iiuuuimuuslv not In publish on
FhrihlmiiH ilay and tint offieial press
Iniman will misprint its activities
flout tho aflornonn of December 'J I
until tho evening of December 2."t.
IIHItLIN, Dec. 23, (liy wireless.) -A
roimit from thn (iormnu uraiy
liciiili-uurtorH In tlto field statoH t lint
a Gorman attack Iiuh boon mndo In
tint eastern war nrona, Inn wltothor
tho operations wore dlrortod iiKuliiBt
tho Itumdiin rear or utiitn llnu Ih nut
"Tito Hltiinllou In Clnllcla." tho re
port utiyH, "Iiiih cleared, Tho Uiih
xlanK aru holdlnt; tho oanl bunk or
tlto Dtiiinjuti rlvur to Tuchow (a
town JtiHt Houth of Turnow.) Annthor
IttiHHlnn lino oxtondH to tho mxith
niHt ot KroHtio (on tlto railroad lin
tweon JuhIo and Sanolc.) Heavy
flKhtlUK Ih KoInK on at both Tuchow
and Kiohiio and aluo at lliiilio Pane."
AMSTIWOAM, I)oo. S!l.-Tlio Vos
bvw Zeituii'pr of Ikulin prints an ap
peal Hiynod by IfiidiiiR Qoriimu pro
j'usRorrt of political economy whioh
iirKoa Oonnans to live on voKotahloH
and rye broad, leaving moat, white
broad and deliciioicH for the siuk and
'Kngland wnntH to Btarvo iih and
wo miiHt thoioforo do ovorytliinjr poH
hlble to edimuiiiizo in the usts of our
food' tho hjmmI Biiya,
I'l'TKOmtAI', via London, Dec
'JII - Tint official iiuiiotincoiaitnt of
ItuiiMlau hiiccokmoh In (lullt'ltt Ih lit'
tcrprotnd horn iih iiioiiiiIiik a doflnltu
defeat of thn third AiiHlrliin ailvnnco
Tho ItiihHhuiM claim lo liuvti takon tho
offetinlvc, attaekliiK HtlcrortKfulty tlto
eiitlrn itouthntit froutlor forcoH of thn
AiiMtilaiiH under Cotteial Von llochrn
Krmolll. Tho attack uxtonded nlont? thn
river Dutiajcc mi far im tho upper
valley of thn Han. Tho AtiHtrluitn
who advanced over tho .MnxoluborcU
I'ltiiH In tho CnrimtliltiiiH toward Duk
la, worn attackud alotiK a front from
Llttkl to Hanak. Tit i-Ainttrluim ut
tenipled (o tiiiltii forcoH with thn Kar
rUon ut Prriiitiynl. A norlen of ut
tniniitH In that direction It reported
to linvo failed. Thn 1'rermynl Rtirrl
Hon on lK'M'itiher IK mado a tleHpcr
uto nortle, hut wnH driven back on
tho fortlflcntloiiH with heavy lottitc.
HlmultaiieouNly tint Aurtlrlnn iIIvIhIoii
which wiih iidvmirliit; toward Dtikla
wiih attacked with luiyoiivttt and
forced to fleo, lenvliiK an euoriuouH
number of dead. Tho Ituimluntt cap
lit rod 1000 prlMonorn, Includlni; ten
To lint went on Ilia roml leading to
Haltfold, an Auntrlnn corps wiib at
tacked by UiiimlaiiH at Ityollntxl, on a
front doMcondltiK from Ityn to Yod
lov. Tlto AiiHtrlntiR wore thrown
back. k-nvliiK about 1500 dead on
tho field.
WASHINGTON, Doc. .M.-Juuiph
1). l'ltolan, Honator-ploot from Cali
fnriitn, reeeiod bin iippointment to
day iih a 8ooial oouiuiiHinnor to in
vcNtipito oharp'H aniitiit-t Amoriean
MiniKtcr .Sullivan in tho Dominican
republic. Prchiilcnt Wilhoi; ami See
rutury Hryim have (,'ivou Mr! riiolan
full uulhority to eoudiicl tho iuvosti
(nlmu without further onloru. llo
will wink lirnt in tlto iiiMtlnr bureau
of tho war department, and later
make an inxoxttpitlon in San Do
S'At'O, Anyoitn, Dee. 2,'l. Iiriu
dior (louoral HiikIi L. Keutt, chief of
Muff of the United Slate unity, t-uo-ooHKl'tilly
completed today the firM
step in hi offor for poaeo on tho
.Mexican border, lie conferred with
(lonerul llenjiimiu Hill, tho t'urrmixa
dofoudor of Nitco, Siiinirit, ituil said
that ,"it MK a very MttiM'aotory in
torviow." A conforonoo with Maytorona is
now hciti-; arrati(;rd by (louoral Sootl.
Prior to tho oonfereneo Hill re
poitod that l'J(J of Maytoremi'H Yai
uh throw down thoir antiu mid oross
cd to tho Amoricmt side curly.
PIIOKNIX, Aiisr.., Dee. 211. Sov
oral hundred head of oattlo worn
drowned last niejit in floods caused
by tint heaviest rains in tho history
of this suction of Arizona.
Traffio in Phoenix and Florence
was suspended today 011 aooount of
washed-out roads mid hridp,os. The
canal of tho Salt Hivor Valley Irris'u
tion workfl lmvo boon soriously ilam
itKod. Tho Salt river, Gila and Santa
Crur. rivers have vouched tho highest
levels over recorded. Tho prospects
today 11 ro for nioro rain.
Nogales, a town on tho border, was
isolated today by tho heavy vaius.
Wirofl wore down several hours.
Tho United States army forces at
Nnco buffered considerably. A
cavalry trooper also waa reported
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Dee. 23. Fivo
iuuhoH of rainfall in four days huvo
caused tho u;roatoBt flood danuiRO re
corded in this sootlon in recent years.
JlallrondB on thin Hide of tho border
Hid. in Sgnorn Ipwy suffered consid
scottTn conference
Desperate Flfjulln.-j. Continues In Pol
and Czar's Army Retreats at
Warsaw, But Advances Rapidly in
East Prussia Conflictiiirj State
merits Regarding Struggle.
LONDON, Dec. 'J.'l, 12 noon. Tho
eighty-mile linn) ill Idix-inn I'ulaud
to tho wi'Mt of Wiimnw, whero tin
(lerimiiiH and HtiHhimiM ant ut ytipn
on tho baitkK of tho Hr.nrn, Itawka
ami Pilioia rivcrn, eoutiiiuoa to he
tho hceiio of the most do-tpornte
ficlititi-; in either tho oitKtoni or won
torn areiuiN of the war.
When the uoalhor ponditioitM under
which tho I loop arc fip-htinj: urn re
called the Miffcrinc; ot the nien in
the Douche may to homo extent be
appiechttcd. Tho country i experi
oiieint; tlto full force of winter. Laeh
stile Iiiih stiHtained treiuomlotih Io-nch
in tlitK battle of the rivers, and al
tlionuh the (lormaiiH claim to have
forced the IiiHian line at a uumlier
of MMiit, it ii nevorlheloHH a fact,
according to tcpottK renchtiij; Lon
don, tluit tin1 IttiHMitii front has boon
Htraiuht'eitod out ami it ix diflletilt
to viMialirc which contender Iiiih the
Mratcpjo advauta'jo.
Tho (lennmi war office roportH no
dexelopmonts in hto oant, sayiiti;
inondy that tho fighting h eouliuuiuc
Tlto French Muteuiont, liowovor, aw-
sorts that tho KuKHians an jtrossinp;
forward their invasion of Ocnnany
aoro-iK tho cant PniKsian frontier, hut
admits that the (Jcnnatm have made
pro'tcHs in tho ficjitinj; al Poland to
tho wont of Warsaw.
Tho latest official oommunioation
from Potroirnul in the name breath
admits that the Hiis-danK have boon
compelled (t relrcnt from some ikisi
tiotiH mid Mates that tho (lenium at
tacks have boon repuNod overywhoro
with heavy losses In tho invadors.
(lonuany and Austria conlinuo to as
sort that important hiiooomok am he
luu;,aehiovod. Otto of the prcat bat
tles of tho war is in profross thirty
miles west of Warsaw, and nionn
wlnlo tho Kussiau forces to the north
nro ptishin-r into (Jormnny, jirosmitiue;
tho jtoss'tluhty of a fliiukine; movo
mont which will nioitaco the main
army of Marshal Von Hindi'iiliurK-
NKW YOllK, Doc. 2.'!. Mrs. John
I lays Hammond, cliairtiian of tho
war children's Chrislnias fund, which
collected in this country I'hrislinas
presents for tho children of the bel
ligerent nations of F.umpo, unnouno
od today Hint appreciative aceop
tauoos had boon received from the
(lorniau, Austro-lluiiKiiriau, French
ami Kussiau umhiissadors to tho
I'nili-il States. The funds and pfts
donated to tho children of Hol(;iimi
wore distributed through tho Amori
ean minister to Tho Netherlands.
Contributions to Sorvia wore ac
knowledged by M. Pupin, tho Servian
consiil jrcncraHii this oily.
erable iu track and bridges ltaxin-;
been washed out. The Kl Paso &
Southwostora railroad was amonjj the
rouds whoo fiorvioo8 Ajoru hadly
crippled todays Several 'ltindred feel
of truok and sovoral bridges ol tho
Naoojuui railroad of Soaora wuro
destroyed by tho floods.
Fort lluaoha, mi Amerieau army
poM, was completely out off from
rail and wiro uoimnunication.
From llisbeo oamo reports of seri
ous damage, duo to the flooding of
business houses minuted in tho low
lyiujr districts between the hills.
TUCSON, Ariz., Dee. 23. Tor
rents of rain ftilline; almost continu
ously sineo Saturday last have
flooded vast areas in this section of
Arizona. Tho Sunta Cruz river was
more than a mile mid a half wide to
day. Many houses and stores along
its hanks were wrecked or washed
away, although no lives wore lost, no.
cording lo reports up to noon,
The desert country between this
city and Pimento is under water,
MFItLIN, Die. 23. That tho at
tacks launched ve-deidav by the al
lies in llelpum were easily repulsed
by thn (leninum mid that the French
tumps arc showing creator activity
in the vicinity of Camp do CIiiiIoiim
iiml that the French forward move
ment in the vicinity of Siltcrie,
Ithoims, Koiiaiu anil Perthes, have
been partly repelled, were the feat
ures of the announcement issued to
day by the Oennan army headipiar
ters. "Attacks in the region of Loin
bnertr.yde mid to the south of Mix
sehoote have been easily repulsed by
us, At Ificheboitrg I'Avouo the Hug
lisli again were driven from their po
sitions yesterday.
"Notwithstanding desperate coun
ter attacks we have retained all the
positions which we captured from tlto
F.uglish on the Richchourg eanal from
Aiie to La Bassoc. Since Doeemher
20, 7 .'ill llritish and colored soldiers
have been captured by us ami five
machine guns and four mine-throwers
"lit the neighborhood of Camp
Chalons the enemy is showing greater
"Attacks to the north of Sillorio,
southeast of Ithoims, ut Souain and
nt Perthes have been partly lo-telled
by u with heavy losses to tho
"The situation in easl mid west
Prussia is unchanged.
"Matties for jmcschmoii of the
branches or the Dzurn river, west of
Warsaw, continue.
"The situation on tho right bank of
the river Pilicn remains unchanged."
PKTKOGKAD, via butdon, Dee.
23. Largo bodies of Russian troops
are moving toward Cracow, the Gal
ioiau stronghold, from the north and
oast. An important battlo apparent
ly is developing in southwestern Po
land, near Cracow.
While the Germans are not relax
ing their efforts along tho lino from
Soohaerow to Skiorniewico, in the
movement toward Warsaw, the great
est activity yesterday was iu tho vi
cinity of Misohow and Amlrejow,
iituuediatcly northeast of Cracow.
Tlto ltussiaus havo tnoyed back to
Htsitious along tho lott bank of tho
Nida river near its junction with the
Vistula, thirty miles east of Cracow.
The objective of tho Aiislro-Gormnn
forces in this vicinity appears to bo
Kielco. Their front extends about
seventy miles from the right bank of
tho Nida. Their strength is estimat
ed at eight to ton army corps 320,
000 to -100,000 men.
Tho Teutonic allies on December
IK attacked tho outskirts of Pino
zow, twenty-fivo miles oast of Nio
ehow, mid wore successful iu eross
ing the river. Subsequently, how
over, they worn thrown back with
heavy losses, after a desperate fight.
SAN ANTONIO, Toxus, Dec. 23.
Thnt Provisional President Kulallo
Gutierrez had unit Mexico City, duo
to differences between htm and Kollp
AngcloB and followers ot Xupatn was
reported today to T. It. lloltrant,
local constitutional qonsul, Tho
ntCHsngo tmld tho capital was gov
erned by a cotnmlttco composod eo,m"d-
ly of Villa and Zapata adherents and
that anotbor provisional president
would bo selected January 10.
"WASIUNOTON, T)oc, 23. No ro
port that General Gutierrez bud left
Mexico City and that tho capital was
being govornod by a commission hud
reuchod horo lata toduy. Tho Gut
ierrez agtiiit declared ho hud talked
over tho (olograph wire lute list night
with (lutlotTO. himself Iu tho national
Four Men Arrested r.t New Orleans
One Confesses to Preparing Bomb
of 75 Pounds of Dynamite With
Clock to Explode Six Days Out at
Sea Discovered in Time.
NKW OltLKANS, Im., Dee. 23.--Two
of four men detained by the po
lice 'after a bomb had been found in
the rooms of Hans Halle iu a hotel,
were arraigned today iu the criminal
district court. Ilalle and George
Summers, proprietor of the hotel,
were charged with prcparin" a bomb
with the intention of blowing up a
ship. The other two men had been
The indice say that after Halle
was confronted with evidence appar
ently proiing that he constructed the
bomb, be told his story iu detail. Ho
said iu open court today lie wished
to plead guilty, hut it was not ac
cepted, becausu Halle had no law
yer. He was remanded in default of
lioitd, and .Summers was imprisoned.
The seventy-five pounds of dyna
mite wiih mechanical attachment,
which was to have exploded it, six
and one-half days dating from last
tight, fills a box about three mid n
half feet siptare. Ilalle said he cx
M'eted to express it to New York last
night, consigned to a French vessel.
He said he conceived the idea him
self, but later took Summers into his
confidence. That Summers admits,
the police say.
Dr. P. Holt, German consul gen
eral here, gave out a statement de
claring the mcu had no official con
nection with the Gorman government.
NKW YOItK, Dec. 23. Existence
of an alleged conspiracy iu Xew Or
leans to blow up a French or Knglish
passenger ship on the sea by placing
mi infernal machine in her cargo be
fore she should sail from Now York
was known twelvo days ago lo Paul
Faguet, general agent of n French
line, according to announcement to
day. ,
rivcautlons Taken
Detectives were employed to pre
vent fruition of tho scheme, every bit
of baggage and cargo going into the
French Lino ship was closely exam
ined, and the proper authorities, Mr.
Faguet suid, were promptly notified.
It was believed here that this notifi
cation was what resulted iu tho nr
rost of four men iu Now Orleans last
night. Tlto Ctinard Line and tho Iu
tornatioual Mercantile Marine linos
havcstrengtheiu'd their forces of
guards. Xo visitors may go to any
of their docks and when vessels leave
no otto is allowed aboard who is un-
.known to the officials. Passengers
have to furnish proot of their identi
ty before they 'are permitted to go
aboard. All baggage is sorutinizod
carefully and the cargo is thoroughly
inspected before it is taken on.
To prevent tho possibility of au
attempt by longshoremen to place
aboard explosives or to damage, the
ships, detectives disguised as long
shoremen havo been working with
real longshoremen 011 the docks.
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 23. Appllca
tlons for writs ot habeas corpus for
Victor K. Innos and his wlfo, Ida
May innos, wanted by tho Georgia
authorities on u charge of lnrceny afe
tor trust, wero submitted to tho court
of criminal appeals horo today.
PHK1N. Dec. 23. President Yuan
Shi Kal at sunrlso todiy appoared
boforo tho Altar ot Heaven in too
Chinese city and revived tho wor
ship ol Heaven at tho winter Solstlco,
an obsorvartco noglectod slnco tho
passing ot tho Muncliu dynasty In
1911. In this tho presldont of the
republic took upon himself a fuue-
tlon and rlto which in tuo past al
ways has been rosorved to tho em
peror ot Chtna la his capacity of
Tlontsz," or Son of Heaven.
Tho uresldout today worshipped at
tho famous circular altar, tho most
Imnortant ot all Chlneso religious
structures, It Is located, In a sacred
park, three miles from tlto rutuce 01
tho KiniHMors, and Is surrounded by
a,cred buildings. This alttir former.
COUrMllt'S, Ohio. Dec 23. Tho
Horiler-ColumhuK i'rewerlc company,
a $12,000,000 corporation, went Into
the hands of receiver today on order
of the t til ted States district court.
"Decreawid demand for beer, advemo
legislation nnil the voting 'dry' of
1 many ntntcs and counties In the laxl
eight years," wan given as tho cause.
The iippointment of rcccixcrs wni
made by Judge John K. Sitter upon
a showing that the company had de
faulted payment upon n judgment of
3'1S in favor of Samuel mid Victor
Steiner of New York.
The court named C Christian Horn
and Carl J. Hosttor, huge stock
holders of the company, a Hrcceiv-
Iu its statement the company do
! dared tthc voting dry of West Vir
ginia was the "lnst straw" in n scries
of legislative acts which reduced ser
iously the sale of its product. In
crease of the saloon license feo to
.fl0l)l) by tho Ohio legislature eight
years ago, a county local option law
and the more recent license system
by which the number of saloons was
gradually cut down were mentioned
as other causes.
NKW YOrtK. Dec. 23. The steam
ship Lusltanln arrlvea today after a
stormy passage with 4000 sacks of
Christmas mall and a number ot
well-known Americans returning for
the holidays. The heavy seas, en
countered during tho voyage battered
one of her lifeboats to pieces.
Among tho passengers was Charles
M. Schwab, president ot tho Uethle-
hent steel corporation, returning
from his second visit to London since
tho wnr began. Ho left here less
than a month ago after making a
nutck trln to Canada where it was
rumored ho discussed with cortuin
questions ot building In Canada sub
marines for tho Hritlsh navy ot steel
mado In tho United States
Attaches of the Amerlcun embassy
In London, Mrs. Walter H. Page,
wlfo of tho American ambassador to
Great Drltaln; Baron Do Kcvlllo and
Paul Lefalvre, French minister to
Mexico, also were aboard.
LONDON, Dec. 23. Tho Hrilish
government has decided to indemnify
from tho imperial funds those who
suffered bodily or property losses as
a result of tho recent German naval
raid on tho coast towns of Scarbor
ough, Whitby, Hartlepool and West
A German cruiser squadron ap
peared off tho east coast of England
on ttho morning of December Hi and
011 running down tho eoast shelled
Hartlepool and West Hartlepool and
Whitby and Scarborough. Upwards
of 100 people wero killed and from
200 to 300 injured. Great property
ihimage was done
ly was regarded in China as tho cen
ter ot tho universe
Yuan Shi Kal submitted a bill to
tho Chinese administrative council in
January of this year, prescribing tho
worship of Hoaven and ot Confucius
for tho piesldent ot China and the
measuro was passed by tho council.
This act was regarded as tantamount
to establishing a stato religion for
China. During tho deliberations of
tho council It was sot forth that tho
presldont of the ropublio should wor
ship at the Templo ot Confucius and
at the Templo of Heaven annually us
had been tho custom of tho Chinese
einitoror. Today's function appears
to bo a carrying out of the purposoa
then set fprta,
Under Decent Order of I. C. C, Med
ford Is Entitled to Terminal Rates
Such as Weed and SIsson Receive,
But Railroad Has Apparently
Closed Portland Gateway.
That Medford mid other southern
Oregon cities arc ltcing overcharged
and discriminated against in tho mat
ter of freight Yntc- is hIiowii by a
comparison of schedules now in ef
fect between Dunsmuir, Sisnoti and
eastern points, and those from ttio
same canteni points to Medford.
While tho California points arc given
the benefit of tcrminnl rntes, the Or
egon points arc not, but are forced
to pny the terminal rates to Portland
plus tiic local freight rate here, which
is contrary to recent decisions by tho
interstate commerce commission in
the Intermountnin and other cases. In
other words, the railroad has closed
the Portland gateway withput being
authorized to do so.
Portland (Jntcwny Closed
These inequalities nro being called
to tho attention of Mfedford shiperH
by II. C. Beach, a rate attorney of
San Francisco, who is here for a few
days to seo if ho cannot interest
Medford nnd other towns along tho
lino in securing a reduction in tho
rates now charged by tho railroad.
Mr. Ilcnch is an nssociato with John
K. Alexander, another rnto attorney
of San Francisco, who has recently
argued before tho interstate com
merce commission in Washington, D.
C, against tho abolition by the rail
roads of many tcnninal points in
Mr. BcncliS' says thai pursuant to
the decision of tho United States su
preme court in the enso of United
States of America iuterstnto corn'
merco commission et al vs. Atchison,
Topcka & Santa Fo railway et al.,
wherein tho supremo court upheld tho
interstate commerce commission in
its decision governing tho rates on
shipments to tho Pacific coast from
eastern points, tho Southern Pacific
company on October 1 published in
"Transcontinental Freight Hureau
West Bound Tariff No. 4 L," its
rates on shipments to tho Pacifio
coast from tho east (effective No
vember 15, 1014).
Alxdlshed Old I tides
Under tho decision nbovo referred
to, says Mr. Pencil, tho interstate
commerce commission put nnj.'tid to
the exorbitant rates theretofore ex
tracted by the railroads for ship
ments to intermediate points, and
provided that on nil shipments to iu
termedtnto points (such ns Medford)
which shipments originate at or west
of the Missouri river, that tho term
inal rate should bo charged; that on
shipments originating between tho
Missouri river and 11 liuu drawn
north mid south through Chicago, a
rate not exceeding tho sum of tho
terminal rato ami 7 per cent thereof
should bo ehnrged; that between tho
liuu drawn through Chicago mid a
lino drawn north nnd south through
Buffalo, N. Y and Pittsburg, Pa., l.p
per cent should bo added to the term
inal rate; from this last lino to tlto
Atlantic coast that 2," per cent
should lirt added to tho terminal rato
on all shipments originating iu tluit
Knt It led to Itcductlnrt
In tho published tariff, due to itri
desire to oloso the northern gateway
of Portland, tho Southern Pneifiu
company does not givo Medford ami
other towns iu Oregon from Portland
south to the lino, tho rates which, un
der tho decision nbovo noted, Med
ford and Iheso other towns arc eu
Continued on Last Page.)
WASHINGTON, Dee. 22. Gover
nor Hodges of Kansas anil farmer
Oovornor M. A. Ansel of South, Cr
olina wore reoommerided 0 pfiidHtv,
Wilson today for membership la tho
now federal trade aowwiMtWM. Th
ocratia eongrowint'ti frow KuDM ii
dorsed Governor JTwlgw and '''
tentative Aftpn 8rU4 Mr. AmM.
.' t
j t
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