Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 22, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
May. Dili .Mln. fl. Fair
tonight nnil Wcdnciitoy.
Forty-fourth Yr.
Dully Ninth Vi-nr.
MimbVUW OKKflON, TnfflDAV. UljriSAIHKIt 22, MM
NO. 2,'U
1 rf
Holison Declares Six Million Petition
for Amendment anil That Liquor Is
an Interstate Nuisance Under
wood Contends That Prohibition Is
Net a Moral Issue.
WASHINGTON, Pee, 22.' Pinter
special rule, which was adopted with
out ii rollcnll, tho hoiiNii began Just
afternoon today nil eight-hour iliibnto
on tlm IIoIimmi rcHuliitlun In submit
' In tho Male it coiiMlttitlnnul iitiiuiiil
nii'iit fur national prohibition. An
ii) unit iiuy vote will Itu reached to
Tim imimiiKij of thu ruin wim pro
ci'iIimI liy n iitntoimiiit by Democratic
Lender Underwood and senttorlng !
halo on both shies. Mr Underwood
iiiiulo It clear thul tho democratic
leadership In tho Ikmiho watt In favor
of meeting thu lux no mHIi a vole,
I'lllllTUIMXl'M Sfjltl'IIIVIll
"Thin In not n temperance quos
linn," ho unlit. "It never linn been.
I'lohlhltlon linn not produced tni
ornnoi In tho Intiilri whom It Iiiih
ii tried. regard thin question
iin nil attack on thu fundamental
principles of our government. If It
Ih allowed to go on, without being
mot It Mill mislead ninny of tho poo
pie. If allow oil to proceed without
Ix'liiK rnmbnttcd, thu day may romo
when It mny ho a serious umuacu to
tint irluclilQH of government which
)ou nml I believe In. WlK'ii Hid tlnio
come to fan) ii groat quciUlon thoro
In hut olio way to faro It. That In
In tho oon. You cannot imimIi It
"If oii nro right ou should hnvo
(ho rouniKo ofoiir rouvlctloiiN ami
ntnnd for tlm right. Tlnintfoio I cay
to tho inoinliers who llko invholf am
opposed to thU rcmiliitloii, It In not
only our right, hut our iluty to
fact! till iii ittloit In tho omn anil
Klvo thu riiiiMoiiH why wo liollov'o It
hIioiiIiI not ho written Into tho fund
nmcntnl law of tho lanil "
IIoIk.uh Ih-uiIh llclmto
Thu ilnliato on tho rule hail been
a i mining desultory fire, hut with
lousldorntloh of (ho roNoliitlou Itself,
tho i on I hoiiv) artillery wan uulliu
bored. Mr. Ilohfion lod off with nit earn
oit nml tlrnuiatli) ilninauit for Us
pnHHago. Mo declared it Ntnlo hail n
right to ho "ilry," that tho Ihiuor
luminous was nu "Inter-ntato nuts
iinro," nml t hut thero hail never boon
u miiIoiih conflict between federal
ami Mate Ikwh for protection of tho
morals oft ho people. Ho portrayed
tho ilovnilutliiK effect of Ilipior. n
"hnhlt forniliiK ilrtiK. whoso shackled
vli'tluiM," ho hiiIiI today tiumhcicd
fhn iiillUon people,
"It shortens llfn unit blights tho
off-sprlng," ho Haiti, "anil brings
liiinilriiilH of thoumtmlH of pcoplu to
tliunldtnlH' graves oach year. It
blights tho Uvch of pcoplo before they
uro horn."
KjmmtIii'n for Amendment
ItopioHontallvo IIoIihoii roforrod to
tho grnphhi oliartH portraying I ho
ovIIh of tlm lliiior truffle and after
HpcakliiK only tun minutes himself,
Iidriiii to lold 1 1 mo (o oilier mem
bers who Mpoko In Htipport of his
ItoprosontullvoH Pockor, Trlbblo,
Lungloy, Logtto mid Hell (California)
French Claim Gtrmans Now on De
fensive Everywhere No Marked
Changes In Position, Thotirjh Allies
Claim They Captured Mile of En
trenched Positions.
LONDON, Dec. 22. Tin- battle in
I'm nee ami llclgjtim has become inoio
violi'til, liotli tho (JeiiimiiH ami tlm ul
lii'K making I'lin'oim atluokM. At
HioiikIi it wiih hii ill in an offieiul
l-'ri'iii'li ui'i'ount of recent Hj-litiiiK
tliat llm' OeitumiM were now on llio
ilelViifivi' eiervulieie, tmlavV Kreneli
war orfico hliiti'iuent refer to (ier
iiiiiii allaelK at four pointM. The
(leniiati hluteiiienl iii tuni iluHcriliex
M'veral itlluekK hy Hie allien.
So fr ns ciiii he learned from
lliet-o hlnli'iuenlK, Untie liiae lieen no
murlieil cliiuiK'eK in itinii, nltlmtivli
Hie Kreneli iiHMTt that in ono in.
hIiiiico tTiey enpturcil uearlv n milo
of eiilri'iielieil (leiman pusilioiiM.
IN'fcienecH to IrenelicK taken ami rc
lukeii, to violent liayonet cuinuc-
iiiciiIm nml to lieaw Iihck inflieti'eilj
hlmw the (lehpenile undue of the
I'lKlitliiK In I'oliuiil
Coiieeiiiin hi sit nut inn in Pol
and, there uh little iiil'onnalion. The
(lermiiu war olfiee mini that Hen'e
fighting wan in prouress I here ami
Hint at Home pninU (lermnn troops
liad erosM'il the ll.uru river on thuir
wav towanl WnrMiw.
In the opinion of the French uiili-
tan mitlioritictf, the (lennann are lie.
cinniiiir to lose their t;rip on I'm nee
nml llelitiui, An official siitniuaiv
of the Mieccshcn uehicvcil hy tlie ill
Iii'n in their ofl't'ii-ive moMiiient te
coiihIk pioiehs ut many imrnlK
which "m'ciiih In line dir-liirhnl the
enemy." It i aweitid thai the (lor
minis urc now fearful of nllaeks and
ore everywhere on the ilefciiHivc. The
latest comuiuniciiliouK from Merlin,
however, tell of spirited offensive
iiioxemeutH, with icMilting oiiin-, and
make it appear that the (lei mini nr
miiv are t it inly holding the con.
ipiered ground.
Confllit of Siiitciiicnti
There h a himihir eonlhcl of
hlutciuciilx eoiiceiiiiii the campaign
in the ciihI. The I(iisIiiii war office
challcuKCK recent iiccntiutM of a reat
(Icrman victory in I'oland hy deny
iin "iiiiilevolcnl irporth" of the hint
few tiny. While it is iiihuittcil at
I'ctroriul that the repent ictiiemenl
of the ItiiShiau forces to new ponj.
tions wiih not eulirelv oluntary, the
claim is made Hint tho armies me
now in hiifer ami Mronxcr- positions
sa..B mmammmmmma-
Agreement Reached Without Pres
sure From Either Germany or Al
liesBalkan Nations to Remain
Neutral Neither Greece Nor Ser
via Intend to Revise Treaty.
Former President Leaves for Isthmus
of Tehuantepec Zapata Reperts
Upon Capture of Pueblo Mexlca
City Commercial Interests Co-op-era
tin n with Government.
Mtd - tLjWtB
The iiuwil haltle off llic lliht of Heligoland, which was the lirt rcall ilccisive u.ixal ciiviiKeinciit lie
tween the llnti-h licet nml tho tier num. A iiuval inmi present wrete: "It was a fine si-lit to m'c the Lion
ilemolish one cruiser. We could see her (Ihc crui-er's) hhots falling short, hut still the Lion did not fire. For
fully ten mmiitcs the cruixcr lieltcil u way without yottinx u "ingle Int. Then the Lion, who was leading tho
line, hoislcil 'open fire,' tuincil slowly and inajestieally rouiul, ami fircil her hroailsiilo once. It was ipiitc hiif.
tieieiil. I p went a cloml of smoke n ml steam from 'the turret,' anil when it cleared off her aft fiiiinul was
at a rakish alible ami u liue rent appealed the length of her Mile. After n few more salvos lio was rapidly
sinkinc hy the Mem. Shortly aflcrwnnl slie half hauloil ilown her ensign, and ns wo wcro stcmninj; up to
filuntl h.V nml rescue her survivors slio hoisted it again mid opened fire. It was n dirty trick, hut thoy got
their desett. Once again tlie Lion t uracil ami this time fired hut five shots from her huge turrets. Amidst a
shower of splinter-!, smoke nml fire she ilisappcarcil."
It'Mis me hemg sent to thu Polish
A second attempt made hv the
NmA l-N UIIIU UINI'V lAitNirimih to pierco tho Kiissian lines
IHIlLnlLli UU III lllllUU ! racing tho Carpathian mountains ut
(Cotlnuoil on Pngo Four.)
I'OltTLAXI), Ore, Dot. Vi, Port.
Imut'H kiii In market oliot skyward
agnlti today, all hldB on Hpnt and fit
turn traiiHuctloiiH boliiK from n half
lo two contH hlKhor than yestorduy.-
In tho wheat market, 10,000' hush,
els or February hlticatoui no Id at
SI, mi per IpiHliul, On pocomhor 11,
Fourunry hltioutom Hold at J1.2U,
Other hiiIub Included 5000 huaholH of
Fohruary cllib ut Sl.37 nnil r.000
htiHhelH of January Itcil Hunnlnn nt
SALK.M, Or., Dee. '..- Cities pos
sens ithsoliilo sovereign powers in tho
cnacluiunt of all municipal legislation
mul can enact hot h civil ami ciiminal
laws pertaining to municipal affairs
without tho slightest iiiterlenuico by
Ilia legislature, aecoiding to a ilocis
ion rendcicil today hy tlm' Oregon u
picmo court in tlio ciiho of l'ctcr
Kitlieli vs. R ('. Jviiupp. Knupp
Inoiiglit tlm action to recover ilani
iigcs for injiirivs sustnineil in u col
lisiou willi mi automobile driven hy
tho ilolcmlaut in I'ortlauil, couteuil
ing that tho defendant wiih driving; at
mi unlawful ralo of speed. To prove
negligent1!) in that respect, tho plain
tiff offered sonic ordinances of tlie
oity of Portland limiting thn Bpecd of
vehicles. Stuto Circuit .luilgo Henry
I'. Mudinu sustained an objection to
llio introiluolion of these ordinances
on tho ground (hat they hail hecu su
perseded by nu act of tho legislature
known us tho Oregon motor vehicle
law. i,ast Juno htipronio Court Jus
tieo JI'uNury reversed, (his defisiou on a rehearing today innjority
members of the court upheld tlm
I'KTIKMIIJAI), iu London, Dec.
'J'J. Tlm heavy (leriuan column
which has been iliivcu aeriws tho
cast I'russimi frontier from Mlavvit, incident with tho Austrian attacks;,
Sauok mid Lisko, failed vesterdav, in
spite of a fierco night attack on tlm
liiissau tirnehes near Lisko.
Prcni)sl Soitlo .Made
The gnrrixou of tho Austrian fort
ies of l'rxcm.vsl, seemingly infotiu
cil of the inovcntents of tlm Austriai.
Carpathian itrniy, mmle a sortie co-
Itussimi Poland, hy tho ltitssimis-, is
spreading out to tho cast anil west,
nccoriling to repoits icccivcil here
from tlm fiont. Tlm purpose of tho
(lermiiu movement is to debouch to
ilm light, of tlm cutrcncheil Mu.ur
lake jiositioii ami to reinforce the
troops in tlm vicinitv of Thorn for
protection against the, continued Kits
Nian inlvmieo on Ilm Thoiu-Allen-
btein-luslerbiirg' railroad, which is J
tho main strategic lino paralleling the
North Poland frontier.
Tlie Russian successes hero not
only threaten tlm right of tlm (ler
mnn Maxtir lake position, hut also
threaten tlm left wing of tho nrmy
operating before Wiirsuw,
Shift, of Troops to llclgium
The lloorso (Inzi'lto calls attention
to tho shifting; of tho weight of Clcr
umu tioo)s from llolgiuin tottlm Pol
ish front, hut tlm newspaper is of the
opinion that this action means no
lightening of tlm task of tho allies,
since tho withdrawals of llorninns
from tho western battle front are
from parts of the lino where elabo
rate entrenchments provido sufficient
o withhold the Pieueh ami Uritish
It is slateil that tlm heavy draft
on the seasoned German troops of
the fiijst line is being filled with tlm
pick of tho Nswists ml Umt ny
though separated by thiity-fivo miles
from Lisko. It is assumed that mi
Austrian officer, an aviator, shot
down at llircha, fourteen miles
southwest of Prrenijsl, was carrying
messages between the two Austrian
The Austrian operations are ren
dered difficult hy the fact that val
leys north ami south of this region
cut tho troops into sepnrato columns
mid made a massed front impossible.
The chief bcene of the recent oper
ations is about the mouth of thu
MeMtlulioretz Pass, which is trav
ersed by a double track railroad from
liotuuun, with the nearest railroad to
tlm west fifty miles away. The near
est pass to the east is about the
same distance and is held by the
PKTUOGHAU, via London, Dec. 22.
-Tho Hulgnrlan minister announced
todny that-an agreement had been
reached between Rumania and Bul
garia under which Itumanla will res
tore to Bulgaria the. province of dob
rudja and most of thu other territory
which alio acquired from Bulgaria
ns a result of tho second Balkan war.
"This agreement has been reached
without pressure from cither Ger
many or the allies," said an official
connected with tho Bulgarian minis
try "We shall continue to be neutral
and believe that Humanla. although
slio lias no can so to fear us, also will
remain neutral."
SccIj Permanent Pence
It has been asserted hero that the
fear of Bulgaria alone had prevented
Itumanla from Invading Austria and
entering the war on the side of the
"If Greece would return Kalava
and tho Macedonian territory she an
nexed (hiring tho second Balkan war
and Servla would restore to us tho
Macedonian provinces she occupied,
despite her agreement of 1912, tho
Balkan union could bo re-construct
ed," said tho Bulgarian official. "Un
der those circumstances a lasting
peace would bo established In tho
Balkans. But unfortunately neither
Greece nor Servla has shown an In
tention to revise tho treaty of Buch
arest. "The heir to tho Servian throne,
Prlnco Alexander, on receiving Prlnco
Troubetskoy, when tho prlnco deliv
ered his credentials from Emperor
Nicholas nt Xlsh yestorday said:
Sort hi Arts ItiiIcKniIi'ntly
"Servla guides her own national
Interest, " meaning J:hat Servla was
not ready to return tho Macedonia
"A reconstructed Balkan union
would favor neither tho allies nor
Germany, nor would it hnvo nny ag
gressive Intentions. Ilunianln's Trail
sylvnnlnti aspirations, Greece's elating
to Turkish islands, Servla's difficul
ties with Austria, bring about such a
conflict of Interests that it would bo
Impossible to throw the union, as a
whole, one way or tho other. Our
relations with Turkey will remain
"Wo do not deslro Adrlanople."
WASHINGTON', Dec. 22. General
Carranza and his party, on route from
Vera Cruz to the Isthmus of Tehaun
tepec, narrowly cscapod death whon
n wild locomotive waa sent crashing
Into his train by hostile troops, ac
cording to prlvnto udvlcc8 received
hero lato todny.
Tho advices further stuto that Car
ranza's trip to the Isthmus wan
checked by opposition troops which
captured Solcdud. Carranza prob
ably will go to Merlda In southern
WASHINGTON, Dee. '.-Diplomatic
dispatches today reMrt the de
parture of General Carranza from
Vera Cruz for the isthmus of Telm
nntcjec. Factions opposed to Car
ranza were inclineir to regard it hk a.
flight after the defeat of his army at
Puehla, hut Carrnnzu officinls jioinU
cd out that some time ago he had an
nounced his intention of visiting (hu
WASHINGTON', Dec. i -Piesi-dent
Wilson said today lie was still
coiMileriii whether tlm safety at
sea convention was nullified hy the
senate's reservation of the right 16
fix higher standaids for safety than
were contained in the convention.
1'nlil lie has reached a decision it is
expected no steps toward reconsid
ering the ratification will he taken
hv tlm senate.
NKW YORK", Dec. 22. Thero will
he no general i eduction in wages by
the United Stales Steel corporation
ut the present time, according lo an
announcement mado today hy Judge
Klhert II. Gary, chairman of the cor
poration, after a meeting of the cor
poration's finance committee. Thero
will,-however, he some readjustments
in thu nav of ''skilled labor and
I piece-work" on a lower basis.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 22. General
Zapata's rejHjrt on tho buttle of Pu
ehln wnK received here today hy Kn
riquc C. Idorente, the Outierrcs
Capture of Pueblo
"In the attack nnd capture of Pu
ehla more than 20,000 of my force
were engaged against a largo force of
Carranza troops," it said. "Tlm re
mainder of the enemy'H force, taking1
advantage of night and Ilm tired con
dition of my men, retreated in tlm
direction of Orizaba. A column 10,
000 strong pursued them."
The Mexican city chamber of com
merce, according to another dispatch,
is co-operating with Villarcal, min
ister of finance, to unify tho nolo is
sues. New hills will he engraved and
printed in tlm United States.
Heavy fighting is reported near
Torreou, hut dispatches to thu Car
niuzn agency gave no indication of a
Bitterness Dying Out
The state department issued this
"A dispatch just received from
Sau Luis Poloni states that the gov
ernor of San Litis Potosi has an
nounced that an' agreement has been
reached with Ilm military authorities
nt Saltillo and Monterey hy which
those capitals will remain neutral
and suspend all movements of troops,
also all passenger trains from tho
City of Mexico to Laredo. It is re
ported that this action would appear
to indicato that there is no much dis
position to carry on hostilities in thu
territory in question and that there is
not much hitter feeling."
Last Day to Register
It is important that oitizons should register. Un
der our present charter it is required for every elec
tion. Under the now charter, this unnecessary bother
is dono away -with.
Tomorrow afternoon is the lasi registration day.
Tho hoard will meet at tho City Hall from 1 to7
o'clock. Register.
BKRLIN, Dec. 22, (by wireless),
Tho German official report given out
this afternoon reads us follews:
"At Nlouport and In tho region
around Ypres, the situation yesterday
was generally quiet.
"In order to ro-capturo tho posi
tions lost by them December 20 ut
St. Hubert and Glveuchy, tho Kngllsh
foreos, reinforced by French terri
torials, made deaporato attacks dur
ing tho day of yestorday and last
night, nil of which however, wore re
pulsed. In the region around Itlcho
liourg tho enemy micccoded in obtain
ing n firm foothold In his old posi
tion. "French attacks yestorday In tho
neighborhood of Albert, to tho north
east of Complegno nt Soiiaiu nnd nt
Perthes wore repulsed with heavy
losses to tho French,
In the wostorn part of tho Ar-
gonno, to tho north and northwest of
Verdun, Froiicli attacks were repulsed
vlth heavy losses to tho French,
MANCIIKSTKlt, N. H., Dec, 22.-1
Harry K. Thaw soon will muko an
other fight to establish bis sanity,
on the opinion of several acquaint
ances'. The oppoit unity, it is ex
pected, will ho affordod when Tlmiv
is returned to Now York state to an
swer tho indictment charKtufr con
spiracy to escape from the insane
asylum nt Muttonwnn.
The plans of tho fugitive's coiuiBtd
nro closely guarded, hut it was inti-,
mated today that the effort of the
New York authorities to prove Tlww
was competent to commit an jlloftul
act might bo forced by thu defense
to a point where tho evidence could
ho lined to prove that he whu au
lately 6nn,p, ''