WEPFOTtD MflTE TRIBUNE, MEDtfORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 10M ktob BKvrar i f." PROPOSED NEW OHM FOR THE CITY OF MEDFORD Drafted by a Charter Commission of Twenty-one Citizens Appointed by the City Council Referred to the People by the City Council ELECTION NOTICE I'Oll CIIAHTEIt AMENDMENT NOT It' 10 IH 1 1 10 It 10 II V OIVEN thtit thu following In it full and correct copy of tliu tlllu nnd text of Unit cortnln proposed net of municipal legislation ninuiidliig the Chnrtor or Hut City of Mud fori!, Ori'KiHi, to bu submitted to Urn legal voters of milil City for their adoption or rejection lit thu nnutiiil election to hu hold In Mint for hiiIiI City on tho 12th tiny of Jnnuiiry, 1U16, toguthiir wltl. Hid numbers unil form In which thu ballot tlllu thereof will hu pilntt'il on thu official Imllot. ELM Ell T. KOHH, Itocorder of thu City of Mudford. Dated December I Mil, ll'H. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CIIAHTEIt OK THE CITY OK MKDKOIID providing tint powers or milil Municipal (lovcrniiiunl; thu manner of election or npliolnlmunt or Kit officers; defining thnlr duties; provlilliiK for tholr runiovnl nml provlilliiK thu man nor or conducting thu business anil attaint of said Municipal Cor poration, ami repealing nil provisions or said Charter In conflict herewith, whether unacted hy thu people or Legislative Assembly or thin stnlu. THIS PEOPLE OK THE CITY OF MEDKOIU) 1)0 OIIDAIN AH FOLLOWS: Section t. That thu Charter of the City of Medford hu nml thu muni! In liuruby amended no as to road iik follows; CHAHTEU . of 111,, i city or .Mi:inmi A I (TIC I 1 I INCOHPOHATION ilOI'NDAItlEM. Hoe I. Corporate NmiM1. All that turrllory In tlm Count or Jackson contained within thu houndarleH horclunrtor described, hlmll lm n city; and thu people now or hereafter InhahltntliiK said ti'rrllory shall rnustltuto it Imdy politic and corpornti', under the iiniuo "City or Muiirord," with power nml authority to change It.i boundaries In manner herein provided; nnd hy such naiuu said tuunlclpnl corporation Khali have porputual succession. Hoc. 2, lloumbirlcs. - Thu KooKrnphlcal Hindu urn! bouudnriuH of mild City Hlmll lm ok follew: Commencing at Urn southwest corner or 1), 1, C, No. 4 4, Township 37 iiouth, ltannu 1 wont, Wll Iniiinttfl .Murldlnii, nml running thencu went alonK tho center line or Ktuwnrt nvcnuo to tho renter Hue of Hum street; thonco north along tlm center llnu of I'luiii street to thu center line of Dakota avenue: thencu wont on tlm center llnu of Dakota nvcnuu to thu winter llnu or Columbus avenue, extended; thencu north on thu center Hun or CoIiiiiiIiiih iiveuuu intended to tlm south llnu f Highland Park Addition, thunrn went on thu south llnu of High land Park Addltlun and Walnut Park Addition to thu went margin or Louis iiveuuu; theucii north on the went margin of l.ouls live i.ue to thp north line of Went Main street; thencu east on the north 1 Jim of Weal Mnlu ntreet to the went line of Western nvontio; theuni north on tlm went im f Western avenue to tho north llnu "i i.iciiiii rnm, iiienw enst on tlm north llnu of locust street to . .".m.1 ." of l,, n,,c' " " wc"' "Wo "t hlock a Kenwood Addition; thencu north on thu went line of said alley to tlm center llnu of the street on Urn north or Mitld hltick .1; thencu oust on tho i.'..nr . "V.. nl,' ",rtM,t ,,,.!,, con,"r """ of folMMilHW niuiiuo; honcn north on Urn center lino or CoIiiiIiuh avenue to Urn center ir!!., . ,i" ",,rpp.t.! ,,",nr" "t "" "l" r,,""r lino or Jackson Mreet to Uw center linn of thu county road or MrAndrew c!Xr I!"rl",;'?.",r,.y " ," C!'"",r '"" "f McAnilrow Ki io i An roJ iSUrl ""V1, ,,'l,ro " tlm c-nter lino of Mc JvLb. .. r " ,0.? ,,olnl ,,C f"cl ""1 r ! va.t Imnk or Hear L .U; 'n- omiiwnr.l. parallel with nml fifi reel eat of u,0"n"l lank oMk.nr Creek to tlm wp.twnril projection of tho north ffi of thu alley north or hlock I. Huiirlm, lloum Pnrk Ad I lion- t encu io, h'nn'"! ' ""V ,V' C""'"r "" of "lVn encu rout i mi thu center Hue or Kooncvelt nvenuo to thu north linn nt on tm naorl.M Wl,Ha7,r,HlhV,taBM ! "" theiZ1'.!,! Kir", A,i(U "Zii'I"" "",,ftl!',l!'Ann ,. ,i "ii," iu cuiiior nun oi lllllcreit . ........, ,11111111,1 huiiiii ii iie, IT, liiln. went lGti'J K ,. . . ' l ,U8.-U ,l',,,! "'""co north XI, iIok. 30 mln. wet 63 S fiet Uionrii north tt deK. 04 mln. we.t, Ml. 89 reel t honro lotiih ; -3A "l1"; w,, 3":3 ': Ihonro aouth .. deK 05 ml . ...i .,: f?'t! VlT,,ry l,or,h 73 ,,, "9 ,nl" wrm 217 feet; Uiencu UH. eniit fJU8.2t rit; thencu aouth 72 dej;. 10 mln. wont 10(12 .reel, i honro noiith 2rt deK. 27 mln. ennt 1 00 reel: 1 1 unci, Voutli T jli'K. I mln w,,, B37.5 reel to tho cast .liloor itlvowWo Snui." illo'r n" hT$!y?anf th" ,"",t,.M,, of K,vo",,,u """'"' mm or n. li. C No. il, nhovo men oned; thenco wenlwitrd alone county road or Htewnrt ftV,uo to plncu or iMRlnnlnV ...-B i .'. ,',l"r,"K "oiin.Uirlr-.. Tlm houndnrleii of thu City o ld',rKrT m"vvvM t7r,"0r,: ,,C",,,,', l,,or" '" nnlr provnied ii) Tltlo X.WI of Kord'a OreRnn Lawn: nrovlillnir how. uver hnt In any m.ih proceedlnKH. prior to tlm orderl. K o Sy Sc lire HVJnT, ':? '! 2J5? ?'-V"?5 -r SJM-ttr"- i'mVi.. - - . . ... ' ' "M ur ,,ni """" "" rererreil to tho City Szz i '? 'sra:s sss : propoiiM now territory, ir uxtonded on uu orderly nlnn to tin J;;";:""' Hty contlKiioua to M, now turrit y. h Id i.Bii " f. '.' ,)0 UlBl Bnl'1 '''KhwnyH do not no conform, then It nhnll hu Minatory upon tlm accrutary or thu City. In kIvIiik noHco P urno e-'oVft; cuTIVJ?1 ",Cl ,h?,ro,n ?n" "l ' " ten" and 'i i . i . ' ,Clt V1 nr,or "'"PcctlnB Um imno would bu vlo hied by IncludiiK within thu city aald proponed territory Z Pla ed, and nilvlan, In thu naniu of thu peoplo of tho City, purauant o Hh Clinrtor, that thu naum bu not ho Included until any I r wnyH runnliiK throuKh tho mum, or any purl hereof, "hull bo iiiiido to mibMnntliilly qonfor... to tho coullgiioiu I ilrooU nml nl" iu)d oj I flu City, I AIITICI.K II. ItKJHTH, MAItll.lTIICS, POWMItK oe. i, (Jeimrnl. It U thu Intent of this Charter that tho nnmliiK of powera In any purl thereof Hlmll not bo count rum! to limit thu powera of thin City to thonu o uuiiied. See. 6. Under Ita corporntu namu tho City or Medford bIiiiII hu known In Jaw ami bu capable- of contracting nml being ron tracled wllh, nuIiik uml IioIiik mind, linplendliiK and belni; lm pleaded, In nil rourta and plucun nml In all umttern. Hep. 0, It may udopt and uho ii corporato uual nml alter thu uu mo ut pleiiHiiro. Hnc. 7. Hahl City ahall havu pewer: 1, I'miiorty IIIkIiIn. To reculvu, tuku, purchnBo, nc inlre, hold, uho, maniiKo, loaBo, Kraut, convoy or otherwlHo dls I'iiho or proporty or any kind, real, poraouul or mixed, within or without tho corporntu llmlta or tho City. 2, To recolvo Kiriu. donatloim nml heUPBtn of property of nny Hind, In foo or In trimt; and may do nil things and untH nncowiary or convonlont n earryliiK out tho purposed of audi Rlfta, donutlons, boquuHtiMind trtiHts. 3, To upproprlato uml condemn, for tho purposo of carry iuk out any of tho powera heroin Rruntud, any rent uHiato, within or witiiout tho City, In tho mannor provided, by statute for thu up. piopriutlon uml condemnation of prlvuto proporty for corporato oi public purpoBua. i. AIiiiilcli ltiiNlnoNN. To oxorrlso all powers nocosBary to tlm compicto and offlclont mannKoinent uml control of tho Clly'a property, uml for tho offlclont administration of tho municipal Kuvornmont, whothor audi powers bo oxproasly ouuinuratod horeln o I n o 1 1 ,i B ,.T?,,0V?,'UX0" Lniul """OHsmoiitB as provided heroin; onforco ho collection thoroor, nnd provldo for tho repayment of any bucIi tnxoH or iiBBOBBinentB orromioualy or tllogally collectod. 0. To provldo for tho collodion of tlm Clty'H monuy, to appro prlnto thp biuiio for purpogoB of admlulstrntlon of tho City's nfrnlrs, Hh advortlBomont, tho protodlon of Kb InhabltniitB. and hucIi pur Pobob us nro authorized by this Charter. 7. To borrow monoy, Incur Indebtedness, Ibbuo bonds, war rants or other ovldoncos of Indobtodnoss, In tho mannor and to tho extent provided In thin Charter and not othorwUo 8. Public Wi'lfNii'. To Bocnio by construction, purchase leaso, condemnation or oUioiwIbo; nnd to establish. orRnnlie no ill ti. own nml cnnmiet llliriirlnH rnmllm. nn. -l .. muuoums, iissombly halls, schools of all kinds, parks, play-Kroiinds KymnnsltiniB, baths, puhlio comfort stiitlons, markets, aluiiulitor houses munldpnl IoiIkIur and tenement Iiouhoh, dlBpeusurleH In flrmurluH, hospltalB, ehnrllnhlo InstltutloiiB, ttinployuidiit bureuus, utiiiHhoiiBeH, JiiIIh, Iioiihoh of correction, work farms, detention Iiomk'h, Lunietcrlen, crematorleB, morKUns, RarhaRu collection, tll PohiiI and reduction works, street clentiluR, HprlnktliiR and pnvlnR plniitn, (iiarrlis, works or plants for the preparation, manufacture or hnmllliiK of maturlaln or line In the constructtun, maintenance or rupalr or hilllilliiRs; ami nny nml nit works, constructions, plants or orRunlxtitloiis necessary or useful In promoting the health, morals, education or welfare or tlm Inhabitants of tho City or for tliulr iimusnuient, recreation, outurtnlunient or bonofit, !. To ordnlu ami ustahllsh such luws, rCRiilutlons, ordinances nnd provisions, not Inconsistent with tho constitution or tlm crimi nal laws or the Htato or OreRon, or with this Charter, ns It may ill oiii uecvstiiiry or proper for thu Rovernment, Reed order, health, prosperity, peam and Ruuernt welfare or thu City. 10. Public Pfiico.- To provide for tlm establishment, equip ment and maintenance or a pollen department 11. To license, tax, reRiilato or prohibit bar rooms, drliiklnR nhops, Millard rooms, bowlliiR alleys, dance housen and all places where spirituous, malt or vinous llouora nro sold or kept for sate, Bubjoci to the constitution uml the Ronornl laws or the state or Oregon, provided that no license for tho sale of spirituous, malt or vinous liquors shall Ixj Kruntud for any less amount than Is or may be provided by tlm general laws or the state In forco nt tho tlinii of tho RrantliiR thereof; and further provided, that suld City shall not at nny time license drinking shops, or other places where IntoxIcatliiR liquors are sold, to sell Intoxicating liquors on Bun day. 12. To define and prohibit nil forms of gambling. Raines or chance uml fraudulent prartlces, thu keeping or operating of any innchliiu or contrivance used or Intended to hu used In conduct ing n riiiiiu of rhitueo; the maintenance or houses or places used or Intended to bu used for Unit purimsn; the nulling of pools on races, prize fights, contests or any kind or happenings or uncer tain termination; and to autnorlzu the destruction or nil mater ials, contrivances and machines used, or Intended to be used for any such purpose, 13. To restrain, prevent or prohibit any drunkenness, dis orderly conduct, disorderly aseniblaRes, riots, or any offensive, Immoral or disorderly conduct or practice In thu City. II. To define vagrancy, pauperism and begging and to pro vldo for the restraint, employment, support nnd punishment of Migrants, paupers and beggars, 16. To regulate or prohibit tho driving of live stock through' nny part or thu City, thu running at large or any animal; to pro hibit cruelty to animals, to provldo lor a pound and for tho sale, destruction or other disposition or animals picked up while run ning nt large without a license; nnd to provide for the licensing or luMmala. 10. Pobllr Health. -To provide for the regulation and In spection or all meat, poultry, fish, butter, eggs, milk, vegetables, meat products and any and nil other forms of food und food pro ducts offered for sale or Intended to bu offered for sale, within tlm City; to provide for thu seizing nml summary destruction of any such products as aro adulterated, unwholesome, spoiled or diseased food products; nml for tlm Inspection und regulation of any slaughter houses or dairies either within or without thu City that offer for sale or sell any of their products In tlm City; and provide for thu exclusion from thu City or any such slaughter house or dairy. 17. To establish hospitals, adopt quarantine regulations, rc ii'DVo or quarantine Krsons afflicted with contnglotis, Infectious or malignant diseases and to adopt such regulations ns may be deemed exiedlcnt or necessary to prevent thu Introduction or spread or disease. ' 18. To provide lor thu collection and disposal or garbage, refiiHo, rubbish, nsltes, dead animals nnd wasto malter both on streets und highways and on private property. ID. To regulate the construction, location and usof sowers, glitters, wells, vaults, privies and cesspools, and tho annncctlng, emptying nml cleaning or the same, nml to provide t Inf. time and mannor In which the same shall bo done. 20. To require the drnlnngo or filling up of lands on which pools or witter stand and to prevent the pollution or any water running through ur within tho city. 21, To regulate or prohibit tho sale or other disposition o tlm usu ot opium, coculiiu and othur drugs and uurcotlcn of n Ilk or similar nature, nnd to regulate thu snlu or use of tobacco and cloarettes. 1 22. To declare what shall constitute a nuisance; regulate, ohnte or prohibit tho sumo nnd to make nny expense ot abating tho snniu n Hon iiihiii the property where It existed. 23. Public Safety. -To provldo for the establishment, equip ment and maintenance of n fire department. ' 21, To regulate, license or prohibit thu carrying ami uso of weapons and the discharge of firearms. c 26. To regulate the uso of steam engines, gas engines, steam boilers and electric motors nnd other machines for tho gen eration or transmission of power and heat. 20, To reguhito thu speed of nil trains, cars, locomotives and streol cars within tho city limits; of nil automoollcs, bicycles, motorcycles, wagons or other vehicles nnd horses on any street or highway of tho City; to require railroad or street car compa nies to station flngnien, plnco gates or viaducts at such street crossings as may bo deemed necessary; to prohibit the stopping of trains on nny street crossing or Intersection of tho city, or tho blockading of tho same In nny manner; and to require street cars or trains to ho equipped with fenders or other appliances for the better protection of Um public. 27. To regulate, control or prohibit Um erection or mainten ance of telephone, telegraph or electric light poles or wires any where within tlm City or nny designated portion thereof; and to require Um removal or placing underground or nny thereof. 28. To establish flro limits, to regulate tho character, height nnd architecture of buildings that may bo erected within said limits, prohibit tho erection of now or repair or alteration or old buildings therein without having first obtained a permit, to de termine tho nature of tho materials to be used therein, und to condemn nnd remove, therefrom dangerous or unsure buildings. 29. To regulate tlm construction of und tho materials used In all buildings, walls, foundations, stacks and other structures; to prevont the erection und maintenance of Insecuro or unsa,fo buildings, wnlls, or other structures nnd to provide for tho sum mary destruction of any such; to reguhito tho manner of construc tion and location of drains and sewers; tho materials used and tho methods employed in wiring buildings or other structures for elec tric light, power, heat or other purposes; nnd In piping build ings or other structures for supplying the sumo with wntcr or i;as; und to prohibit tho construction ot buildings and structures which do not conform to theso regulations. 30. To regulate tho stzo nml construction of entrances. oxIIb. aisles and open places In theaters, lecture rooms, halts, schools, entireties nnu oilier places for publlo gatherings of every kind; and to prevent tho pluclng of seats or othor obstructions therein. 31. To regulate hotels, lodging, tenement nnd npurtmont houses; prevent tho overcrowding of tho same, and provldo for tholr being kept In a healthful and sanitary manner. 32. To regulate, license or prohibit tho mnnuraeture, stor age, keeping nml uso of powder, dynamlto, gun-cotton, nltro-gly-cerlue, oil, gasollim, fireworks or othor oxplnslvo, Inflammable or coiubiiBtlblo materials or compounds. 33. To regulate, license or prohibit tho storuge, keeping or allowing to colloet of hay, straw, shavings, rubbish or other easily burned materials, !H. Service Utilities, -To ucqulro, purchaso, appropriate, add to, construct, maintain, conduct, opornto and own works and systems for tho Impounding, diverting, convoying and distribution pf water; for thu gouornl or distribution or bolh of gns or elec tricity; transportation systoms, telephone, telegraph or other ays teniB for Intor-communlcatlon: boating plants; und any und nil othor public or soml-publlc utilities, workB, Hyatoms or ways which may, In wholo or In part, hu used by or bo serviceable to snld City or tho Inhabitants thoroor; and It shall have all tho foregoing rights uml powors, respecting any contracting In rotation to or In connection with any bucIi systom, plant, work or way; and, bill jeet to tho provisions of this Chnrtor, to Issuo bonds or othor evi dences of Indolitednesa In mi amount necessary to curry out any at Bald powers and purposes, 3D, To grant, umoiiil or rovoko franchises for public or soml publlo utlllttos nml to reguluto nil acts, constructions and opera tions thereunder, subjoct to tho provisions of this Chnrtor. 30, To havo and exorcise nil powers nocessary or conven ient for tho comploto supervision, control und regulation or alt public utilities and public utility sorvlco In tho city, tneludlng tho right to rix rates to ho chnrgod und collected hy any person, firm or corporation for wutor, gas, olodrlclty, hout, light, power, refri geration, storage, telephones, tolophono sorvlco, tho convoynnco of passengers or freight by moans of street or lntorurbun cars, backs, cabs, automobiles or curs or vohtcles of nny kind; to desig nate streets and places which may and which may not bo used by tho same, and places which any of such vehicles may uso us pub lic stands. 37, Public Iinpioieinenth. To establish, open, niter, extend, grade, pave, Improve stroots, nlleyst sldowulks, purks and other publlo ways and vacate tho samo, and regulate the uso and pro vent tho uliusp thoropfi to regulate or prohibit the pasBitgo of slcnrn, gun or other tractors or motors upon any of said streets or ways, or of any bicycle or other vehicle on any sidewalk; to mimu and number any such streets, alloys or ways, or parks and to change snld names and numbers. 38, To cause any street, alley or public way within the City, ot nny part thereof, to bo paved, parked or otherwise Improved, or to bo sprinkled, nnd to ussess against the proporty benefited thereby tho cost thereof. Ill, To provldo for sowers, water mains and other local Im provements nnd to levy assessments against the proporty bene fited thereby fur tlm cost thereof and to pay to tho owners of any property damaged thereby the amount or such damage. 40. To regulate encroachments upon or over any street or alley In the City. 41. To regulate, llccnsn or prohibit thu construction nnd usu of billboards, signs and advertising placards, banners and awnings. 4 2, To provldu for tho Inspection and certification of all weights, measures nml scales used In tho city and to enforce thu use by merchants and dealers of proper weights, measures nnd scales duly fortified, 43. To regulate, license or prohibit all exhibitions, circuses, nliows, games, parades, processions and public nmusonionts. 4 4, To license, tux and regulate auctioneers, peddlers, street venders, brokers, pawnbrokers, dealers In second-hand goods, com mercial travelers; and to license and tax mercantile and business houses, hotels, livery stables, restaurants, barber shops and all other branches or business that It may be deemed right and pro-IK-r to license, or tax. 46. To order censuses of the Inhabitants of the City and pro vide thu manner of taking the same. !;. To provide punishment for the violation of any provi sion hereof or any ordinance or regulation of the City, but no fine shall exceed $100, nnd no term of Imprisonment or hard labor hlmll exceed fifty days; and where a fine and costs arc Imposed, the person adjudged to pay the samo may be Imprisoned or kept at hard labor one day for each two dollars fine nnd costs If he falls or refuses to pay the same. 47. To provide for un emergency fund, not exceeding $600, to he expended under the direction of the President of the Hoard. 48. To do all things and nets necessary or convenient to carry out any of the provisions of this Chnrtor. AltTICLK III. OWlCltftK UOAItl) OK DIHKCTOKH Sec. K. VYMlug of Powers. All powers ot the City and the general management and control ot Its affairs, shall bo vested In a Hoard of Directors subject to such delegation thereof as Is au thorized by this charter. Sec. '.. .i.einlxThlp. The Hoard of Directors shall consist of seven members who shall be elected at large from among tho qualified electors of the city. They shall servo without com pensation. Hec. 10. Titiiih. The three member! of City Council of the Cty of Mcdford acting as such at tho time this charter Is adopted ami whose terms expire In January, 1U1C, are hereby made mem hrra of tho first Hoard of Directors hereunder with terms expir ing on tho third Tuesday of January, 191G. Tho three persons elected as mombcrs of said City Council nt tho election at which this Charter Is adopted, are hereby made members of the first Hoard or Directors hereunder with terms expiring on the third Tuesday of January, 1917. Tho person elected ns Mayor of the City of Mcdford ut tho election at which this charter Is adopted Is hereby made tho seventh member of said Hoard of Directors and President thereof, with term expiring on the third Tuesday of January, 1917. The successors to all said members of tho first Hoard or Directors shall bo elected for terms or four years. Hcglnnlng with tho year 1917 and thereafter, four directors shall be elected at each biennial municipal election and, In addition, any necessary to fill vacancies. Tho terms ot tho thrco first declared elected shall be for four years and until their successors are elected and qualified, and tho term of tho other Director or Directors elected shall bo tor two years and until tholr succes sors arc elected nnd qualified. Sec. 11. Vacancy. A vacancy In tho Hoard shall bo caused by tho death, resignation, removal from office, conviction of a felony, removal from tho City or failure to qualify of any mem ber. If a. vacancy occurs, n majority ot the remaining mombcrs of the Hoard shall appoint a qualified person to sorvo until the next municipal election when a successor shall bo elected to fill tnc un expired term If nny. Sec. 12. Quorum. A majority of the members shall consti tute u quorum but a less number may adjourn ur compel the at tendance of absent members. Sec. 13, Ordinance. All legislative acts of the Hoard shall bu by ordlnnnco and no ordlnnnce or section thereof shall bo re peated or amended except by ordlnnnco. All ordinances shall be retid three times before passage except that tho second or third rending or both may be dlsDcnsed with by tho unanimous vote ;m tho members present. The ayes and nays shall bo taken upon the passage of all ordinances and recorded In the Journal, and slyUI. pu the domand of any member, be taken and recorded uyon nny roolutlon or motion. Sec. 14. Tlm enacting clause of all ordinances shall be, "Tho City or rfedford doth ordnlu as follows:" Sec. 16. Iteconl of Ordinances, A true copy ot every ordln nnco ndoufod for the City shall be kept In a special Ordlnanco ltcrord Hook In tho office ot tho Secretary, duly attested by tho Socrctary with tho data of its passage. In the caso of ordinances adopted by vote ot the electors, tho proclamation declaring the same adopted, shall bo recorded. Such Ordlnanco Itecord Hook shall be open to tho public. Sec. 16. President Shall Attest Tho ndoptlon of all ordin ances shall l)o attested by tho President of tho Hoard and the Becrctary of the City, but tho falluro ot such officers to attest any ordinance shall not affect tho validity thereof. Sec. 17. Publication. Kvery ordinance adopted for the City shall bo printed or published, cither in full or by a digest thoreof fairly and accurately giving its purposes, provisions and results. In such mannor as this Charter or Hoard ot Directors pursuant nerctu may provide bee. 18. Compile OrtUnniice. The Hoard shall nt such times ua It deems It advisable cause all city ordinances at that time In force to bo published in book form cither together with or without mo city Charter as then constituted. Hec. 19. Kctrulitto Own Meetings. Tho Hoard may adopt rules, not Inconsistent with this Charter, governing Its own pro ceedings, may compel tho attendance of members nt meetings and may punish any member or other person for disorderly conduct during any ot Its meotings. It may prcscrtbo tho time and place of its meetings and tho manner In which uny thereof may bo called, but at least two regular meetings shall bo held during each r.ontli. .No member of tho Hoard shall bo excused from votlu excepi upon questions involving a consideration ot his official conduct. All meetings of tho Hoard shall be open to tho public All Its proceedings, and those of any committee to which power is given to act tor tho Hoard, Bliall bo kept in a Journal wblcn Biiai; be a public record. PHKSlDKNT OK THE liOAltl) OK DIHKCTOIIS Sec. 20. Klcctlim. At Its first meeting after the Directors elected at each biennial municipal election havo taken offlco. the Hoard ot Directors shall select one of their number as President and another ns Vice-President ot tho Hoard for terms of two years, and tho Hoard may at any time declare vacant and again roriil Mien orricos for tno unexpired term. Sec. 21. Duties The President shall preside at all meetings of tho Hoard; ho shall sign all ordinances and resolutions; he slmll havo a vote In nil proceedings of tho Hoard but no veto; and he anall perform such othor duties and havo such other powors as are conferred upon him hy this Chartor and ns said Hoard may doom proper and expedient not Inconsistent with this Charter. Hec. 22., Official Head of City: Mo shall bo recognized as -ho official head ot tho City for all purposes not Inconsistent with this Charter. Sec. 23. Title of .Mayor. Ho may assume tho tltlo of Mayor nt tho City In nny cnto where the language of tho Constitution or any law of tho Stato makes nocessary, but this right shall not bo conatruod to confer upon him any power or function Inconsistent with tho provisions of this Chnrtor. Soc. 24. Vice-President. In tho temporary abBonco or dls r.blllty of tho President, his duties shall bo performed by tho Vlcc-l'rostdcnt during such absence or disability. In tho absonco or disability of both President and Vice-President, tho remaining members of tho Hoard shall select ono of their number to perform such duties. CITY MAXAUEK Sec. 25. Appoliitment.-J-Tho office or City Manager of Mod ford Is hereby created. Said City .Manager sliill bo appointed by tho Hoard ot Directors -without regard to his political beliefs or iif filiations; ho shall hold office at tho plousuro ot said Hoar I, nml slmll recolvo such salary as It muy from Unto to tlino deter mine. Sec. 2G, General Supcrvlidoii, Responsibility for tho gouorul mauugomont und control of tho municipal government shall rest upon tho Hoard of Directors but, excopt as otherwlso herein pro vided, tho duties ot a gonoral administration of city affairs shall bo delegated to tho City Manager subject to the direction ami supervision ot tho Hoard. Sec, 27, Appoint SulxmlliintcN. Except as otherwlso heroin provldod ho shall appoint all ofUcers and employees ot the City. Mich appointments to bo based upon merit and fitness alone; and lie may remove at pleasure uny so appointed, subject to such civil servico rules as the Hoard of Directors may adopt hereunder, Sec. 28. Control Over Subordinates, Ho shall prcscrtbo such rules for tho conduct ot tho offices and work of tho City undor his supervision, not Inconsistent with this Charter or regulations made hy tho Hoard ot Directors, us ho may doem necessary or proper, Ho may himself perforin thu duties of any othor city offi cer or officers. Ho may nt nny time call together such effleers nnd employees ot tlm City ns ho may soo fit for a discussion and consideration of administrative matters. Ho may cause the f fairs or any department or branch of the city administration or of nny officer or employee appointed by himself to bn Investigated, and to that end shall hnve tho snmo power to compel tho giving und production of evidence as this Charter confors upon tho Hoard or Directors. Sec. 29. Enforce f.iiivs.- -It Hlmll ho tho duty of the City Man ager to enforco the laws, ordinances and regulations applicable; to tho City or any part thereof. Sec, 30, Itepreient City In Contract. Ho slinll roprcsont tho City In the carrying out of any contract to which It Is a party un less otherwlso therein provided, and shall enforco tho duo per formance of any term nnd condition Imposed In publlo utility franchises In favor of tho City or its Inhabitants. Sec. 31, Sign Document. Ho shall sign on behalf of tho City such contracts, licenses nnd othor documents ns tho Hoard ot Directors shall require Sec. 32. .Not Interested In City Transaction. Ho slinll not bo Interested directly or Indirectly In nny contract, purchaso or transaction to which tho City Is a party. Hec. 33. Attend MrftlnKi of Directors -Ho may attend any meeting of the Hoard of Directors and shall attend whenuvor tho Hoard requires, with tho right to participate In discussions but with no vote. Sec. 31. Iteixirt In Directors. Ho shall recommend to Um Hoard ot Directors tor adoption such measures as he deems ncccs snry or expedient. At least onco n month ho shall submit to thu Hoard a statement ot tho progress of routlno administrative nf rnlrs. of public Improvement work nnd or the financial condition and needs of the City. Hu shall submit such othor reports nnd In formation as tlm Hoard may require. Sec. 35. Additional Untie Ho shall perform such othor duties nnd hnve such othor powors as this Chartor provides or tho Hoard of Directors may from time to tlmo order, not Inconsistent herewith. Sec. 36. Absence or Disability. During the absonco or dis ability of the City Mannger tho Hoard may appoint aomo qualified person to perform tho duties of tho office, HKCItCTAUY OK THE CITY Sec. 37. Selection. The Hoard of Directors shall nppulnt. from among tho qualified electors ot tho City, an officer to bo Known as the secretary of tho City. He shall hold office at tho pleasure of the Hoard and shnll receive such compensation an tho Hoard may determine. Ho shnll bo under the direct orders of the Manager and be ex-otricio clerk of the Hoard of Directors; shall attend all Its meetings; shall keep a record of all Its proceedings, nnd perform such other duties as tho snld Hoard may require. Sec. 38. Keep Onllnnnro Itecord. Ho shall record, In books to bo kept for that purpose, all ordinances adopted for tho City and all resolutions of tho Hoard of Directors; nnd such record, when signed by the Secretary of tho City with tho dato ot tho adoption of any such ordlnanco or resolution, nnd tho date when It becomes operative, shall be competent nnd prima facie evidence of the due adoption thereof. In pleading any ordlnnnce of the City, It shall be sufficient to stato tho title of such ordinance and the date when It was signed by tho President of the Hoard or be came operative. Sec. 39. Flnanclnl DuUe.s. Tho Secretary shall draw all war i ants on tho Treasurer when tho samo shall have been ordered by the Hoard of Directors; ho shall Issuo such licenses as tho Hoard of Directors shall authorlzo or require: ho shall collect such foes or fines ns tho Hoard may requlro of htm; and all moneys com ing Into his hands as Secretary shall bo forthwith turned over to tho Treasurer with a statement of from whom and for what pur pose received; and ho shall niako a monthly report of all such moneys, In writing, to the Manager In such form as tho lattor may require. Sec. 40. Hooks f Account. Ho shall keep books ot account showing all warrants drawn by him, with dato, amount, nnmo ot payee, nnd tho fund against which tho samo Is drawn. He shall keep, In proper books for that purpose, a tabulated and alpha betical record of all taxes, assessments and levies made by the city, other than tho annual tax levy provided for In section 02 hereof, showing namo of person Hablo for tho payment thereof amount, whether paid or unpaid, and property assessed If any. Sec. 41. Other Duties. Ho shall perform such other duties as tho Board of Directors or Manager may, from tlmo to time, require. THEAHUItEK Sec. 42. ApiMilntincnt. The Doard of Directors shall appoint, from among tho qualified electors of tho City, a City Treasurer, who shall, subject to tlm direction of the Hoard, receive and safely keep all moneys belonging to the City, and shall pay out the same only on warrants ot tho Hoard of Directors, attested by tho Presi dent of tho Doard and tho Secretary of the City. Ho shall hold otflco at the pleasure ot tho Doard. Sec. 43. l)eHltorlr. City funds coming Into the Treas urer's hands shall bo deposited In such banks as the Hoard ot Directors may from tlmo to time direct, and he shall not be held personally liable for any loss duo to a compliance with such direc tions. Such depositories shnll bo required to gtvo tho City Indem nity bonds In such sums as tho Hoard may proscribe Interest on such deposits shall accrue to tho general treasury ot tho City. Sec. 44. Fund Accounts. Promptly upon Us adoption, the, Secretary of tho City shall transmit to tho City Treasurer a cop of the Annual Appropriation Ordlnanco. The City Treasurer's books shall contain an account with each fund provided for there in. Moneys coming Into his hands shall bo apportioned anions' tho several funds pro rata as tho appropriation for each Is to tlm tctal ot appropriations; and ho shall not honor n warrant on any fund unless there bo monoy therein to meet said warrant. Sec. 45. Approval of Claims. No warrant shall bo Issued 1'iitll the claim against tho City to bo met therewith shall havo been audited, allowed and ordered paid by tho Hoard ot Directors. Sec. 46. Other Duties. Tho Treasurer shall keep such books of accounts and records, shall niako such reports and perform such other duties as tho Hoard ot Directors may from tlmo to tlmo require. Sec. 47. Purchasing Agent and Storekeeper. Tho Manager shall be tho Purchasing Agent nnd Store Kcopcr and no supplies, materials or tools for tho City shall bo bought or Issued to any ono excopt undor his direction and approval and In accordance with any rules or regulations which may bo provided by ordlnanco or otherwlso by tho Hoard of Directors. Tho records of his office, shall show tho unit cost of all supplies, materials and tools pur chased and a return shall bo rendered to the Hoard of Directors on March 31st of each year showing tho amount or number on l.nnd at tho beginning of tho fiscal year and tho amount received, lfbtied or disposed ot during tho year. Supplies or inatorialu acci dentally destroyed by tire or otherwlso. and tools accidentally de. stroyed or worn out, may bo dropped from the return on u certifi cate of tho Manngor setting forth tho facts and approved by thu President ot tho Hoard ot Directors, Tho Manager inny, with tho approval of tho Doard of Directors appoint nn assistant purchasing agent and storo keeper to assist him In theso duties and to perform such othor duties us ho may direct. Sec. 48. Iloiids of Officers. Tho Hoard of Directors may re quire of any city officer or employee n surety bond In favor ot tho City In such sum as It may determine, premiums thereon to bu paid by tho City. Such bonds shall bo subject to upproval bj the Hoard ami. when approved shall bu deposited with tho President of tho Hoard ot Dlroctors who shall keep them in u safety box within tho vault of somo bunk ot tho City. MUMCUMI, COUHT Soc. 49. Jurisdiction. Thore is hereby creatod In tho City of Medford, u court to bo known us tho Municipal Court. It shall havo oxcluslvo original jurisdiction ovor ull charges of violations of City ordinances and ot this Charter. Sec. 60. Proceedings. AH proceedings In said court shall bo governed by the laws of Oregon relating to justice courts, Includ ing taxation or costs and disbursements, filing ot transcripts of Itb judgmonts In tho office of tho County Clork, uml power of enforcing Ha judgmonts, oxcept (1) there shall be noy uhango of venue from snld court, and (2) trial by jury may bo doulod In all cases excopt a chnrgo Involving moral turpitude, provided how ever no penalty of Imprisonment for moro than flvo days without tho option ot u flno shall but Imposed except tho defendant shall huve had tho right ot trial by jury, A defendant domandlng a tilnl by jury shall tender In udvnnco tho costs thereof. Such Juries shall consist ot six citizens ot said City, Soc. 51. Judge. At tho first mooting ot the Hoard of Direc tors ut which tt shall organize, to bo hold on tho third! Tuesday of January of each second year, or us soon thereafter as, may bo, tho Hoard shall appoint a Judge of said court from among tho electors of tho City, who shaU hold office until the third Tuusday of January of the second year thereattor and until his successor Is appointed and qualifies. He shall bo paid such compensation ab tho Hoard of Directors may determine, Vacaucles In said of fico shall be filled by the Hoard for tho balance of tho unexpired term, Soc. 52. Deports on Moneys Colleiteil. All fines and c.oU collected and ball moneys forfeited by said court shall be forth with turned over to tho City Treasurer by tho Judge of said court and shall accruo to tho general treasury of the City; and said judge ahull make a monthly report thereof In writing to thu Hoard of Directors. ARTICLE IV. " ADMINISTRATIVE Sue. 63. (ieneiul AiliiUiihtratlon. The Hoard ot Directors shall have tho power of and bo responsible for tha gwieral w ngomeut ot tho City's affairs. Whenever It deems nMMWiry It 'J 'ft n i ft li i 3 A r.l i "4 i I - -ii-tf-3 eK wjej iku jMftvs . iisjp sii uu w is mi unman! snim isainglll 1 Wll" !&v .. n. iti ,. . l-.zew&teixxjmiJBuaaz&?t c"- t