Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Max, iUi .Mln. Jlt.n. l'alr
Tonight mill Tuesday.
Forty-fourth Yr.
Dully Ninth Yi.r.
MEDFORD. OUmON, MONDAY. miClSSimil 21, 19M
NO. 2M
Heaviest Dnttlo Since Germans Tried
to Force Wav to English Channel
French Claim Steady Gains, While
Germans Claim Attacks Repulsed
Kaiser Off for Front.
LONDON, Dee. 'Jl. - Tim heaviest
lighting in llm went since the Git
limns imiiln tlit'ir uttfitiptM lit I'mcc n
May In llm English channel in now
in progicsH. Tim Kii'iii'li ami Oer
man slufciiients of today show Hint
jolcnluy'tt engagements vvoiu keenly
contested along inoMt or llm l'rout
limn Alsnou to Flanders niiil on each
side claims niti inadii of tlm rapture
of trenches ami nthiT victories of
Tim German war nfliri gave out
what was ili'Mi-rilii'tl iih a French ariiiv
older signed by General .lol'fro anil
loiiinl mi tlm liody of a French soldier,
culling fur a general ntlnck, on tlm
(Iitiiiiiiih. 'llm order recites Hint
heavy ri'iuforcfinriitM hail been m
I'fnl liy tln allien, uml "it is now
our business to dour Hid futlmrliiiii!
of tlm invaders."
KuwiUiiM in I'oliimi iti'iilot
In Folund tlm Itiisniaim are offer
ing determined resistance to tlm Ocr
tiiaii armies which arc iidvminiii; on
Warsaw. Less IIiiiii thirty miles from
llu city oim of tlm moxt stubbornly
iMiiitcMcil lint tli of llii I'tiiiipaiM in
still in progioss, (he ltusimis for
tliri'o days having held in cheek the
Ocnuiiu minimi which is seeking In
Inrcu a passage of tlm lljr.ura river.
Emperor William's departure for
llm front, miuoiiui't'il yesterday, i
said to havn hern decided upon
again! tlm ildvieo of Iih physician,
not withstanding Ids hapnrvrment in
hi'altli. Tlm iuiMror desires to upend
(hiislmus wilh his Irnops.
French Claim IVogrcwi
I'AinS, Dec. 'Jl. -I'riiKit-hM till
along tlm line is churned in tint French
oil If ml xtalriili'llt given dot HI l'nrih
this afti'iimou. There is mil inic sin
gle iiii'iitiini of a Ocimau success or
ii French uiiIm
Gains, although slight, arc recorded
in Belgium, between llm l.. and Iho
AIhiii', in tlm ClittntpjiKiio I'liiinlry,
anil in llm Aignmic. At one point an
advance of luolvo liiuulri'd yards in
i entitled mid at another the French
made fivit hundred yards.
Piogrrss Iiiih lii'i'ii uiuili' bclwrcon
Hie Aigonne mid tlm Mruse, oii the
right hunk of llm Moum', mid on Ihe
heights of tlm Meiihc.
Tlui French heavy urlillory in do.
scribed us having heeu successful on
llm Aihiii, near Hlieiias and oIm
wherc. (ii'iiimiiit Claim Suriitii
IIHIJI.I.V, Dec. til. Tlm (leiniiin
war office today kuvd out u htiiteiuent
in which it irt related (hat on Decern
her 111 (lunuaii troops weic hiiccehhful
at Nimiporl, ociuipied oeilaiu Aiilo
Indian positiium in HelKiuiu mid cap
lured ailillerv mid 'J70 prihonurn, und
that IreiielieH at Notre Diiinii du lor
cllii were retaken fioin tlm enemy.
Near Soiiuin, tlm Fieueli leuehed
some, (lernimi trenehcH, hut were driv
en off with u Iosh of DM prisoners
mid uiiiuy dead. An advantagi) was
Kiiincd in tlm Ai'KOiiue, and French
ul tuck to thi) nortliwcht of Verdun
failed. Thin official htiiteiiieul ipioteH
toxtually an order imicd liy (lemuiil
Joffro to tlm I'Yeneli I'oreeH, in iiiiKT
llmin to frertli endeavor to drive, tlm
(Ionium invadei'H from Trent-It terri
LONDON, Dee. 21, H:1Q p. in.
ThV departuro of Finpuror W'illium
for tlm front necessitated yesterday,
is m) id hy tlm KxcIiiiiiko Telegraph
couipiiuy's correH)oiidonl ut Auibtor
dam to have hceu decided upon
UKiiiiist the advice of the emperor's
physician, who strongly opposed his
making the trip ut this lime. Tlm
military chiefs insisted, tlm corre
spondent adds, thai llm emperor
spend Oliiistmus wilh his troop, mid
he decided t" do so.
DecliH wen" elciiri'd today in llm
limine for llm HkIiI ocr tin) iiu
limial proliihitiou rnnHtitutioual
mni'iiiliui'iit loiniMrow, On tlm
inoliiiu of DeiiiiK'ntlie Lender
Uiiileiuoiiil, Hie liiniKe agreed to
meet at 10 o'clock in Ihe inoiu
in' mid hIiiv In ncMhion until llm
lluliKon M'Hiiliitiou piupoHiiiK llm
proliiliiliou miiundiiieut Ih din
poxci of.
I'KTItOOKAl). ia London, Dee.
'J I.- The ItiiNhliui foreen are nlill
holding; at liav the (lenaaii coluinii,
ulueli i Keckin o crohH Ihe
rier at Sochuerw and aiUauee on
Warsaw, thirly luileK away. For
throe ilayH (Imh (Ionium nnny f
iihout l!nU,nil(l men Iiiin lieeu euileav
iirinjj lo oroMH llm river mid throw
luiek the KiiNHiaus, who aiu holding
the riht hank.
Soehaenew eoutiliuex to he the flcr
uimi ohjeetiMi in the attempt to reach
Warsaw. The ltusHiun forces on Ihe
riht hank of Ihe llxuru are heavily
entrenched. Their artillery U t-o
daeed that it eouiuiauiU the river to
itM jiuiclioii with the Vistula, filtt
ceu miles north. Southward the ltur.
niait line exteudn lo, Iwenly
five inileM eaut of 1'iotrkow, whieli re
eeally wan evaeiialed, mid forly-five
inilex oiinI of Seren'.ow, where llm
HuHHimiH fir I opposed the (Icniian
extream risht.
It is pointed out thai the ItutximiK
tluiH have asMuiiied MiilionH mi their
thinl line of defense. Tlm evacua
tion of I, ml, which lies to the west
of, this line, was thus in logical so-
ipieuee to this movement, mid neronl
iu to the general opinion here, had
no heariut; on the attack on Warsaw.
The HiiHMiins for Ihe preoeut ap
parently are iitlcmptiu imlhiut; more
than In retard the enemy ami lo de
feat attempts al flanking inoveinentH.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 21. l'uhlie
hearings on the water power site
leasing hill will end not later than
midnight next Wednesday. Tlm sen
ato'lmids committee adopted a reso
lution to thai effect today over the
olijeetion of Senators, Sinoot mid
Frank A. Short of FroMio, Cut.,
reprchciitinj,' several watei power
companies mid associations, appeared
today in ojijiosition (o the hill.
CHICAGO, Dee. 21. Throats Hint
the engiiiemeii of western railroads
will strike if the board of iitbit ration
fails to regulnto Mtrpribo tests in n
manner which will eliminate danger to
thu men, were uiiidu before tlm hoard
at today's session.
Tlm Ihrents were made by Wnrren
S, Stone, grand chief engineer of thu
Hrolherhood of Locomotive F.ngiu
eers, and William S. Curt or, president
of tlm Urotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen mid F.ugiiicmoii, representing
tlm men. They wero oocaiiioned hy
remurkrt of W. L. Pink, viuo-presi-dcut
of the Illinois Central, and F. A.
HiirgcHH of the engineers' organisa
tion, both members of the hoard, mid
by Jumes If, Sheeiin, nltorney for
Iho railroads, Sheeaii stilted the
railroad iniiniigorH hud assured llm
officials of the hroHiei hoods that
only such surpriso tests as took info
oonsidorution thu safety of the men
surprised would bo used, This brought
Carter and Stono to their feel.
"I will inform thu houril," said
Stono, "tlmt wo liuvo scoured this as
bimmi'o bofi'ie, In JOOU, in 11)07 mid
mm fate
Contest for Poland's Capital Still to
Be Founlit Out Russians Offer
Stubborn Resistance and Rushing
Reinforcements Reports of Ger
man Victory Premature.
LONDON, Dee. 21, 12:2." p.
The Kient hiittle to the west of War
saw has jel to he fought out, judging
from the iuilicatiuus conveyed in ice
cut dispatches from llcilin and I'clro
grail. It appears toiluy to f trit iki
military ohservers thai the (iermmi
contention tlmt (icnerul Von I linden
hurg had Scored a notahte success
over the ItuHhians miiht he ipialificd.
A parallel case in found in the recent
claims of a crushing Kushiati victory
near 1nl, which suhM-ipicutly proved
to he immature ami exaggerated.
The (Iermmi anuv coiiimaiulcil hy
(Icucral Von llinilcnhiirg has uiudi! a
steady advance in the diicction of the
1'olihh capital, hut Ihe Itussiuus in
fulling hack appear to have taken new
positions in strong enlreiicliments
mid in spile of the fact thai the in
vaders arc within two or tlnce days'
march of Warsaiv (here is good
reason lo helicve that much hard
righting must cmiie hefote it can he
determined whether this latest at
tempt to occupy Warsaw will he
clowned with success.
IlllHtlltllH III I'ltlHhlll
Along the southern frontier of
Hunt Prussia Ihe ltuMnns claim to
have the upMr hand, the lenders of
the Austro-Oenuau foices declare
that they have cleared all tlm Itus
sians out of Went (iuliciu. Tliis means
that the long siege of Cracow has
heen rniscil, and if this advance on
the part of Ihe Teuton allies continues
it may bring similar relief to the Aus
trian garrison al I'r.einysl, besieged
hy llm Russians since the early days
of tlm war.
Tlm vigorous Austrian offensive in
this arena of hostilities has necessi
tated the withdrawal of many troops
herelofoie used against Servia mid
there are indications that the Aus
trian nltempls to crush Servia will
for the time being he abandoned,
luitscr Off to Front
Kmperor William has ho far recov
ered from his recent illness as to re
turn (o the front. Here he will spend
Christmas". The dispatches from
(lermany do not say to which front
His Majesty has gone, but advices
received earlier from Merlin lend to
Ihe belief Hint he has turned west-
ward. If (his is so, the battle condi
tions Iho emperor will find are far
less speetaeubir than those prevailing
in the east, for the reason thai with
the exception of the offensive oper
ations of the allies on thu north end
of their line, little but siege warfare
is being recorded nnywhero on the
western front. This condition is diiv
en homo in all the official eominuni
eatioiiH which measure the day's gain
in scant yards and chronicle the gain
or loss of u trench us nn achieve
ment worthy of note.
in 1010 we (tied fo get thu roads to
eliminato dangerous efficiency tests,
mul each time wo went back to the
men mid told them that it was' all
right, that the roads would conduct
only fair tests, and just ns regulnrly
thu roads did nothing of thu kind.
"Now, if tho assurances of- the
railroads don't remove this danger to
tho lives nnd limbs of our men; if
fedoiul ami statu laws do not, mid if
this arbitration fails to do so, I can
assure you Hint thu men will. I do
not wish to try to intimidate this
board, but the strength of thu inon
will ho used if necessary to protect
themselves when all else fails." .
Caller said: "Safety first is a good
advoitisement, but wo want u system
that will not cause mi eiigineuum,
suddenly confronted with a red light,
to jump when there is no real dan
ger. Wo invito eflioieney tohts. There
is not in Ihe world a body of men
who conform to the duties of their
positions so closely as thu cngiuemen,
and if the law cannot protect them,
as it has not in Kansas, the men will
protect themselves by their united
All grades of, wheat reached the
highest prices toilnv in the his
tory of llm Cortland wheat ex
change, which is at present the
highest primary wheat market in
the world, l'lice leaped 2 mid
.'I cents per bushel, while the
murket held linek and demanded
even higher pnee. February
hluestcm was bid ut .1.28 per
,-Trr1 mi
CIIICAdO, Dec. 21. Charles
Wecghmau, piesidcnt of the Chicago
Federals, auiiouiiccd today that he
had submitted to liU counsel the case
of Walter Johnson, star pitcher, who
Saturday signed up with his old (emu,
the Washington Americans, after
having recently nceepted a contract
with the Chicago Federals.
"Walter Johnson will play with the
Chicago Federals next year, or not at
all," said Wccghuian. ''I laid tlm case
before counsel and we will fight it to
Ihe Cnited Stalen supreme court be
fore we will give up. The highest le
gal talent in the country has declared
Hint our contract with Johnson is
binding and vvu will certainly enforce
it to thu limit of our ahilitv.
ice stopsTboats
PORTLAND, Or., Dee. 21.- Opera
tion of all river boats on the Colum
bia mid Willamette rivers censed to
day as a result of thu thickening of
the ice formation on the former mid
thu appearance of largo Hoes on thu
Today the mercury in Pol Hand
dropjH'd lo 21 degree ahovu .ero,
which is the coldest weather experi
enced hero in December sincu 181)8,
when thu temperature nUo reached a
minimum of 21 degrees.
NACO, Arizona, Dec. 21. Unln
sonkeil roads pruvuntod tho proposed
meeting today between llrlgadlor
(lonernl Hugh !.. Scott, clilot of
stnff, of tho United States nrmy, nnd
Jovu Mnytoreaa, tho Vllllstu leader
In Sonorn, to discuss plans for mov
ing tho Mexican war uwny from thu
International boundary nt this point,
(lovcrnor Miivtoionu's automobtlo
was mired foiuo miles away from tho
designated meeting place four miles
cast of hero, and General Scott, with
Oenoral Tnskor II. IUIhs, commniul
liig tho American forces horo, rot
turned to camp.
C1IUNTS PASS, Dec. 21. Coronor
Truax has been notltlod of tho flud-
Iiik of thu body of a man in tho lloguo
river near Kry's placo at lllahoo. It
Is supposed to bo tho body of Frank
Marcl, who was drowned sovcrnl
weeks ago near tho government
brldKO whon his boat was wreckod
on tho rocks. Tho body was found
in Curry county, and thoroforo tho
liuiuest would hnvo to bo hold by tho
coronor of that county. Tho body
was badly decomposed, and burlul
was necossary noar tho placo where
It was found. The drowned .man
had boon known In this vicinity as
Morsoy tint Marco!, though tho cor
rect way of spelling his nnmo wns
United States Supreme Court Re
verses New Hampshire Decision
and Orders Celebrated Prisoner
Turned Over to flew York Authori
ties to Answer Indictment.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Harry
K. Thaw lout his right today In thu
supreme court of tho United States
against Ixilng extradited from tho
stnto of New llnmimhlru to the stata
of Now York.
In a brief decliilon by Justice
Holmes, which was the unanimous
decision of the court it was held that
tho celebrated prisoner should bo
turned over to tho New York author
ities to answer nn Indictment charg
ing an attempt to escape from Mat
teawan asylum for the criminal In
sane. Ujmhi Technicality
Whether his cca,c from tho asy
lum, while his counsel contended, ho
was Insane, constituted a crime and
other questions the court dismissed
with the comment that thoy could not
enter Into a habeas corpus proceed
Ing nnd Hint thoy were proper ques
tions for tho statu of New York to
The effect of toda's decision is to
cause tho extradition of Thaw from
New Hampshire to New York at
On August 12. 1913, Tbnw es
caped from the Matteawan insano
hospital in New York where, lie had
been confined, after two trials for
tho murder of Stanford White
Charged with conspiracy to escape,
ho was finally arrested In New
Hampshire Ho was Indicted in
Now York on that charge nnd appll
cation for his extradition was made
to New Hampshire. Kxtradltlon
wns ordered by tho gbvernor of Now
Hnmpshlre, but on habeas corpus
proceedings in tho federal district
court, Judgo Aldrlch held Thaw
should bo released,
IKsrlslon Unanimous
Justice Holmes announced tho
court's unanimous decision teday:
"Wo do not regard ns open to do-
bato that the withdrawal by conn!
vnnco of n man from nn Insano asy
lum to which ho had been commit
ted, as Thaw was, did tend to ob
struct tho duo administration of tho
law. At least tho Now York courts
may so decido. Thoroforo tho in
dictment charges n crime. If thoro
Is any remote defect In tho earlier
proceedings hy which Thaw was
committed! which wo nro far from
Intimating, this not tho tlmo nnd
placo for that question to bo tried."
Thirty Days' Craco
Thaw, howover, may remain in Now
Hampshire for thirty days, unless his
attorneys consent to his removal
sooner. This results from the fact
that the mandate of tho supreme
(Continued on Pngo 2.
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Dee. 21.
German sailors to thu number of
about 100 who wero saved during tho
fighting off thu Falkland islands, De
cember 8, when tho British squadron
under Admiral Sir Frederick Sturdee,
defeated uml sent to thu bottom a
Uoruinn squadron composed of tho
cruisers Sohnrdhorst, (luoiseniiu,
Xuriiberg nud Leipzig, sailed from
horo today for Englund on bonrd thu
steamer Crown of uulicm. Thoy
were brought into port yesterday hy
tho British eiuiser Invincible with
Sir Frederick Sturdeo on board,
I was learned today that the In
vincible showed sisus of having been
struck by six different shells. Nino
men on hoard her were wounded, in
cluding Commander liichard IL D.
In tho course of tho reception ten
dered the British officers in Yiutorin
hall yesterday, mi nddress of wel
come was made hy the British minis
ter, A. JL Inues. In response, Ad
miral Sturdeo spoke as follews:
"I thank you for this reception. 1
hope our Hltlu victory will improve
conditions for British, French, Itus-
appears from late dispatches,"
says n state department state
ment today, "that the constitu
tionalists met n crushing defeat
nt A pi zu co und I'lichln.
"It is reported Hint on tho
morning of the 20th nine cars of
wounded und four dead- officers
firmed nt Vera Crur. It is said
Hint more were expected."
SAN KKANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 21.
For tho first tli)io In tho history of
American Jurisprudence, a broker
wiio accepted the account or a cus
tomer tralng on stolen funds is to bo
prosecuted in tho federal courts. Tho
case of J. C. Wilson, D. A. Wlbrandt,
and Peter D. Durko, of tho firm of
J. C. Wilson and company, stuck
brokers, was set today for trial hero
In the United States district court on
February 23. 1013.
Tho firm now bankrupt, was ono
of htc largest on tho Pacific coast,
with offices In San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Snn Diego, Monterey, Port
land and Seattle. Charles F. Ilaker,
formerly assistant cashier of tho
Crocker Nationnl Dank, now an In
mate of San Quentin penitentiary,
was ono of its customers, under an
assumed name.
Wilson, Wilbrandt and Durko wore
indicted April 12, 1913, charged with
criminal conspiracy to defraud a
United States depositary. Tho theory
presented by tho United States at
torney's offico to tho grand jury was
that linker's Identity nnd financial
resources wero known to his broker;
that thoy wore fully awaro ho had
not tho means to speculate in stocks
and produce on the scale ho did; that
with this knowledge ho was encour
aged to plungo with funds that tho
firm had reason to believe wero not
his own, nnd that tho transactions
wero kept under cover in a special
account, carried under n fictitious
SKATTLK,, Dee. 21.-Tho
receiver of the Seattle Evening Sun
t!ivo public notice toduy that he
would receive bids for thu paper until
11 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, )e
cemher 23. If no sntisfuotory offer
is received, the Sun's issue of Decern,
her 2 1 will bo the Inst to bu printed
nnd the roeeiver will proceed to wind
up the nffairs of the company.
sian nud probably for Japmieso com
merce during this titanic conflict
which has just begun. Wo may suf
fer some reverses, but our sailors will
maintain their high reputation nud nil
will go well with our nnny nnd with
our French nllies.
"Lord Roberts recommended mili
tary preparations; had ho been lis
tened to, tho wnr would hnvo heen
avoided. England's business men,
forgetful of thoir true intorests, em
ployed flenuans for reasons of econ
omy, but I hopo that thu British mer
chants mid British steamship com
panies will profit from this lesson."
Continuing, Admiral Stuidoo said
that tho Germans fought well and
were excellent citizens, except when
they invaded neutral countries mid
attacked unprotected towns. IIo de
clared Hint the British squadron hud
suffered eight men killed and four
teen wounded in the battle of Decem
ber 8. Tho engagement commenced
nt I o'clock mid tho Gorman oruhor
Seliurnhorst, tho flagship of Admiral
Von Speo, went down at (J o'clock.
Unfortunately the German admiral
nnd the entiro crew lost their lives.
Tho admiral also lost two sous.
Notorious Poacher Bound Over to
February Grand Jury Coroner's
Jury Finds Hubbard Came to Death
While Attempting, to Arrest His As
sassinWaive Preliminary Hcarlni
Tho coroner's Jury at tho Ino.ue.nt
.Monday morning Into the death oC
Oamo Warden A. SJ. Hubbard, re
turned a verdict that Loris Martin,
game poacher, was his slayer, and
that ho camo to his death while at
tempting to arrest his assassin. Mar-
tin refused to testify in his own bo-
half. Through his attorney A. K.
Iloames, ho will walvo- a preliminary '
hearing, and bo bound over to tho
February grand Jury.
Kvldcnco offered showed that Hub
bard did not havo his gun drawn nt
tho tlmo he was shot, wh!0 tho
courso of tho bullet through tho lapels
of tho coat worn by the dead man.
proves conclusively that llubbard'n
coat wuh buttoned nt tho tlmo. Hub
bard's weapon was Inside his coat,
strapped from his shoulder, and of
a make that required both hands to
cock it.
Coroner' Verdict
Tho toxt of tho coroner's Jury Is
as follews:
"Wo find that tho deceased, Oamo
Warden A. S. Hubbard, was agod
about 36 years, and was a natlvo of
tho stato of California.
"Wo further find that tho decoased
camo to his death on tho 17th day of
December, 1914, In Trail district.
Jackson county, Oregon, from a gun
shot wound inflicted by ono Loris
Martin, killing deceased Instantly.
"Wo find the deceased wal an of
ficer of tho law attempting to arrest
said Loris Martin."
Tho coroner's Jury was composod
of F. M. Wilson, Charles M. English,
W. A. Folgor, "W. H. Watt, W. A.
Mlssncr, and D. J. Trowbridge.
Only testimony necessary In es
tablishing well known facts In tho
caso was glvon. Tho widow of tho
slain ganio warden was in court, anil
viewed Martin with no outward show
of emotion. Martin sat bcsldo hht
attorney A. B. Ileamos, and watched
ovcry movo of a witness, especially
thoso of Constable Irwin of Ashland
the only witness, who accompanied
Hubbard on tho ill-fated trip, and
viewed tho shooting from his horse.
Irwin's Testimony
Constablo Irwin testified that Hub
bard had ono mitten off, but that Mil
revolver was not drawn, nnd further
that becauso of Its mechanism' It re
quired both hands to cock It. De
scribing thu incidents Just provloux
to tho firing of tho shot ho said
that Hubbard dismounted swlftlyj
and that tho impetus throw lit lit
towards Martin. Ho said tho com
mand of Martin to halt, and tho
sound of the shot wero simultaneous.
Tho whole affair Irwin said, took
less than n half minute, and that
while ho was trying to dismount, hid
foot caught In tho stirrup.
Attor shooting Hubbard, Martin
said to Irwin, "You've got a gun,
too," Irwin testified ho admitted
this, but said "you'vo killed ono
man, Hint's enough." Ho said ho
tried to porsuado Martin to surrender.
to him, but told him "ho was not go
Ing down a gun barrel to do it." Ho
tcstiflod Martin, after tho shooting
movod around norvously, but always
kopt on high ground, and novor re
laxed his vlgllanco for a inlnuto. Ho
suld it was hla Impression that Hub
bard was trying to grab Martln'fl
rlflo. but Hint tho accused had told
him tho official was trying to pull hla
rovolvor whon ho fired.
Exhibit fthovvn
Dr. Poolnltz testified as tho causoa
of death, District Doputy (Jamo War
don Sam Sandry, as to his sending
Hubbard into tho Trail district, and
Coronor Kellogg relative to evidence
exhibits, Tho clothes Hubbard wore
at tho tlmo woro shown, and the cont
was buttoned, tho course of tho bul
let through tho lapels conclusively
proving this. An Elks' pin was fast
ened to tho Inner sldo of the coat.
Hubbard was smoking hU pipe when
ho met his doath.
Clatsop gives Pacific Power anil
Light company a fifty year franhlwr
Daker county levy urne as Jat
year a SC0Q,Q00 ip valuation,
FOR in 0