A0 8TXr i MEDFORD MAII'j TIUUUNig, MRDFORO, ORWIOK, SATURDAY. lWIIMBKto 10, 1911 - V1CTR0LA CONCERT AT PUBLIC LIBRAR Y NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS A Vict ixiln concert will be given tit the Jiubliit library to its friends on Kundny nflcrnoon'froiu f to (I. The progrnm follews: "Oh, Conn, All Yo Faithful,' by Trinity choir5; "It Cnmo Upon tlio Midnight, Clear," Vietororntorio chnruK; selection by full orchestra; "Stillo Nneht,'' Schumnnu-Heinck; 'Holinlo Sweet Hcssie," Fnrrnr; "Nohld to the Mountains,' fnnn "ll Trovulore," Cnruso nnd Homer; "Spring Sonj' Neapolitan trio; "While Shepherds Watch Their Flot'ks by Night"; "Clock Shop," Vic tot Herbert orchestra; "Last Hose of Summer," Aliee Xrilson; "Humor esquc," violin solo, M. Khnan; "Mis erere," frtun "II Trovntorc," Caruso and AUlft; "He Shall Feed His Flock," from "The Messiah,'' Ionise Ilotner; "The Fountain,' harp solo; Handel's "Largo," by Hou.sa'.s baud. The library is able to give this by courtesy of Mi-s Elizabeth Hielitirds ami the Hale Piano company. LULL ALONG VISTULA SAYS PETBOGBAD REPORT riiTIlOGHAP, Dee. 111. Tito fol lowing statement from tlio general staff of ttto Kusslau tinny was made imlillc tenlKht: "On the left hank or tlio Vistula an almost complete lull on nearly nil ot tlm front has replaced the attacks mado by tlio enemy In the courso of tlio past few days. All of these at tacks we repulsed." "In connection with the ndvanto ot part ot our troops towards the Dzura river, (Russian Poland) and In view ot the fact that tlio Austrlans arc continually revolving reinforcements In the Carpathians, we have thought fit to rearrange the positions of some of our armies. "We check the offensive ot the en emy yestorday In western -Galtcla. On the front hetweon Sanck and Llsko wo have succeeded In our offensive and have captured three thousand prison ers, several guns and mitrailleuses." I ASHLAND AND VICINITY WEDDING BELLS I Mr Ilichnrd Uopjie, who recently nccepted the position as night clerk at the Hotel Holland, aud Miss Daisy Kosell became united In marrlago last "Wednesday, December the 17th, at the office of tlio Justice of pencu in Medford. Jlr. Hoppc, a bookkeeper, came from Portland, a few weeks ago, and Miss Daisy Roscll is a well known actress In vaudevlllo from San Fmn cIhco. During his short stay In Med ford Mr. Hoppo lias mado many friends. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil of tho city ot Medford, Oregon, at its next regular meeting on Panuary f.tli. 19 IS, for a license to sell spir ituous, vIuouh and malt liquors at retail in quantities less than a gal lon ul Hh place If business on South Front street in said city for a period of six months. Dated December Hub, 1914. HOTEL NASH. CAPTAIN HAS G- .v Vl -. Xs v. f .. M b?"r - s W' "M ST - :" . A, jT--'S a V, ? f ' 'W- bbbbbLbLbh s MS?- EAi tfXfcJ? .- ! aBMlWT WOUffHTOK Kriv jt ll.uxl.' frr'.'r. ot Hi lit 1 1 Colltjic tmft-u:.' Wri. ot :.w Yorl:, f. lh d-u.koi), mid liv OKflttU tliai ii's Uu will mat9 a fine sowllq;. Unlaii't uhr.' ulc l a jin(Jjit!j)i Mt uti -wli Pflntotoii; V.'i Vofyu Ourijcll, )Vjlr)i and WlllUias bflnu 0i t(. IIiiIoh lm i' fftitfd Weft Point tar toir baiii tgc.-i lively. C'atnlri .ItimjIUPii U rated nttotiR vnnli ' InCacti hi U .conaUf' one ot the bit -of' iteVplbj);d Irt the du liy wi lmtiilp;tiii tu.l.-H'.ill, The beet suf-iir iicitiilion im lettdinj, to n lot of inviMimitum over the mut ter, ptutieuliuly by those who have heretofore resided in beet-prodttein sdntei, notably Colorado, I'tah and Idaho. Thce parties are enabled to furnish our home people with reliable fai'ts and fijjurvs eoneerninir the in dulry, the developtnent of whieh promises so mueh for thi1 valley. The Presbyterian chtireh will pre sent n Rnind double bill as u Christ inns reminder on Sunday, Doeember 'JO, both moiniii and eveuiii.u'. The two performance will embiaee some five musical sclcetioii?, in addition to routine services. The Uoiirejrntioii nlits will observe the jjreat Christian holidav on Christmas moniiti at jo.-:iu. Mrs. J. II. Wiek left Wednesday for a winter's stay wilh her mother at Avon Park, Fin., n locality whieh she has visited on former oeeasions. Ae eompnnyinjr her as far as Los An Keles was Mrs. II. L. Whited, who was summoned to.dardeua, a subiub of the metfopolis, owinp tt the seri ous illnesv of her mother, Mr. W. 11. Colton, former wcllkmivii ivsldent of this eity. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. I'ayue, near relatives of the Aliens, Uickey.s and Foxes, nod who have been living at HilNboro and NewjMiit, have returned to Ashland for indefinite stay dur ing tlio winter mouths. The eity election left u few sou spots which, hoveer, will not be hard to heal. On the tie.ket not n sin. f:le caudidnle sjuled under the colors of cilhei the old ntsmlpat or mo-s- bael: de-ianfttion. Tlte mayor re elect is really n non-purlUftn-inde-pendent-prohi., whereas h opponent is a new-thought oelnH"M. The iv- eorder is n ldue Priwbyterinn of the stern Cmeitnnter sehmd. Two of the iiiiiuuiemble and nsiieees.ful candi dates for the reconlership are shout- iin.' Methodists. The old hue polit ienl jMirties gave way to ejiibs, lodue? and ehundies in furthering the for tunes f their respective cnndidnte, Only the W. C. T. I, and its allied or ganization, the Commercial elub, rt mained positively neutral. One dis gruntled elector was ineilnatd to make the remark that a banker, tin F.Ik or a Shriuer couldn't be elected to auv ort of an office within the gift of the municipality. W. II. McXnir is the. new high priest of Siskiyou Chapter. No. '21, Jfoval Areh Masons. Other officer5 ure: Stuart Saunders, king; C. A. Ma lone, scribe; K. Ik Shaw, eaptain of the host; C. II. Vnpuel, treasurer; W. II. Day, secretary; T. K. Uoltin, principal sojourner; W. E. Wake, royal arch enptaiu. It. P. Cornelius, F. II. Johnson and J. J. MeN'uir are masters of the veils; C. C. Weisen burgcr, sentinel. The election oe eurred Thursday evening ami C. W. Hoot, pust high uriest, installed the officers-elect. The annual meeting concluded with the eustoinnry ban quet. Camp's studio, otic of the old photo landmarks in this locality, is to be re opened uH nrti.slic headquarters by lessees who have lately taken over the rooms. As a result of the metamorphosis of tho Fortnightly club from uu or ganization of espcrl bridge whist players into a sewing circle, the suf fering llclgians will lie the gainers to the extent of a lot of warm clothuig.' The ladies lutvii been extra busy of late in getting these garments ready so as to be in lime to ship on the steamer Mnssiipcqiiu, which sails from New York in Ikct'inbcr. With this clothing the Commercial club will also forward an assortment of sup lilies, including flour, beans and dried fruits to add to the ship's canto, which is the second which this setnniiT will carrv to Europe to re lieve the distieas. Three nlher steam ers the Agamemnon, Xeehes and Ferona are also engagid in the siiuie relief work. It is reported by those high in aiithorilv having thin work in charge that the needs of JJcl giiun in foodstuffs alone will bo .luO.OUO tons per mouth. I'p to Do eembur .j the cash contributions through the llulgiau relief tund have been nearly .7OI),00O, the -muHiM iudividgial contribution being I cent and lliu. largest 10,001). Supplio from iliiri xeetiou me sent through Portland eliimnuli us foiwaidud by ihe Coiiimoreial elub. E. W. Moslter of Portland, city passenger agent of the Pennsylvania linoj west of Ptitsburg, was in town oaly in tlio week incident to a bui nes trip throughout this section. In response to the obnurvtuine of an unwritten ruling made by Hie lo cal postnfficc. department, all mail mutter addressed to Santa Clans, St. Nick, or even the Old Nick himself if uncalled for in due season before Christmas day, will he delivered to the Sunshine bociety, inasmuch a this oi'gunizution of kind-hearted wo-, men stands ready to assume the role of patron saint in behalf of Ihe needy Mini (lie ti&( vessel), ' Anticipating the Tidings holiday .Million, whieh promises to be tin elab lorutely illustrated ufluir. printed on i hand-made, deckel-edge stock with j leaves uncut, the lieeurd appeared on uie 1 1 in nisi, in a iwcui-imgc Minn with illuminated covers, chock full of advertising specialties and miscel lany, its greeting bearing the auto graph of the editor. Mr. aud Mrs. 0. II. Stilsou of Cor inth, la., en route to California, have recently been renewing old-time friend ships with Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Oowdy, former residents of the llawkeye state. Mrs. Mollie Wood.has gone to Med ford for uu indefinite stay with her son, Tom Fuson. Professor Milam, principal of the East Side school, was host on Friday to the teacheis of that institution. The occasion was a dinner tit Charley Loontis' confectionery on the boule vard, with oysters on the side, aud other rich viands seived ad lib. This hospitable event marked the close of school preliminary to the Christmas vacation. About a dozen teachers were present. W. It. Shearer of Yrcka. represen tative in the California legislutiiie from Siskivou, and four adjacent counties, has been a visit, n- here re cently with I a i cousin, E. Ik Shaw. Mrs. Ella Mills and sou Win me home for the holidav s. Mrs. Mill has been visiting in the northern p.ut of lite state and Vem is a student of the California Mate tmiversitv at Hcrkeley, an institution which with its affiliations ms .SOOO students and at which he U taking a course in civil engineering1. Jlr. and Mi. C. W. Xinis hnve re turned lrom a tup to the central weit. where they viited several weeks at their old home in the vicinitv of Elk-iii. III. COUNTY BUDGET JACKSONVILLE ITEMS I Mr. (J. II. Dorri. who hid th misfortune to break her arm while on a visit to her iter.s. left for Eintene Suudnv. accompanied bv Mrs. J. ('. Whipp. 0. A. liurdner was a icesut visitor at Portland, having attended the county clerk ronventiou. .Mrs. Wnlter Ktntuc r ss'iit the day in Medford .Moadnv, as did also Mr. Ik M. Collin. Mrs. H. .1. Knl.li leH for Poitlaud the first of the week, where she will spend the holidays with her ehildiuu. Mrs. Alice Ilcdbiug lias returned to her home in Poitlaud after a num ber of weeks spent in this vicinity with relatives and tricml. Cliarlcn Prim, dr., who has been attending the University of Califor nia, arrived home Thursday for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Italpb Jennings of Applegutc tarried in town a few hours Thursluy. J. O. Ithinehart has returned to San iego nftcr a visit with, his brother, J. 11. Ithinehart. Word was received Thursday of the death of Frank Itobiusou at Salem, Or. The body will be brought to Phoenix for burial. H. M. Collins arrived fromWilJows, C:il., Wednesday, to spend thu holi days with his family. Mrs. Vining and Mrs. ( 'ranger of Ashland were recent guests of Mrs. C. ('. Heekuiaii. Dr. U. E. fJolden entertained n few friends with a smoker at his home last Wwliicidny evening. The even ing was SM'iit with eaids mid bil liard., after. which a turkey supper wus served. Fidowing were those present: Charles J. Nuiiiin, Lewis t'lrieh, .John Helcr, CI. A. ('ardiier, F. '. Smith and Maine Kliim and Dr. Thayer of Medford. Mrs. John nuuuiugton was a Med ford visitor Monday nltcrnoon. Miss Ekron Hall, who is nltcnding school ul Albany, will come home for the holiday Saturday. Miss Coiinnc Linn left for Eugene the lat of the week to visit relatives. Preparations are in order for the union Christmas tree to he held at the schoolhonse Christinas c,vc, and the different committees are sparing no efforts to make it u success, Dn. jordanTpeace APOSTLE, DESCRIES WAR CJIICAOO, Dee. 17--A plmi for universal poarc was made last nlKht by David Starr Jordan, president ot Ldand Stanford university who said in nu nddicbs to tho Southern club that the Culled Stales was the only world cin&rlouco left. "Wo have no business to talk war at this time," he said. "Our duty Is to care for tho distress that has been occasioned by this terrible murder In Europe. There Is no use for any sane man to think of piling up means of war and further destruction. The un official povor of this country Is greater than Its official at this time, or we have won great encomulums for our stand for peace. "I do not believe the crushing of ouo great military machine against another will bring peace, and whether we can do anything or not I do not know, but 11 I worth trying." m " ? Mf ' ? 19,000.00 tie TU.'OO.OO lOe.OOO.Otl ll.MlO.OU 7G0.OO 100,000.00 300.00 ".r.oo.oo I.SOo.oo L'&O.OO ooo.oo 1,000.00 JftO.OO ".f.OO.OO "50.00 2,000.00 t.too.oo l.SOU.Ol) BU.OU'UUI coo.oo srio.oo ISO. 00 i;,r,oo.oo 720.00 '.',000.00 f.OO.OO j, loo.oo NOTICE. l'ttnmnnt to tho provisions of Chapter '.Ml. Uciicrnl Laws ot OrcKUli, lit 13, notice tu hereby given that the County Court of Jnrktuni County, Ore gon, will meet tu thu Circuit Court room ot the couil house In the city of Jacksonville, Oregon, on Thursday, tho Hint day of December, 1911, at thL hour of to o'clock A, M, of said day, aud at thoWtd time and place, oppor tunity will bo given for a full and complete discussion of the estlmato of the amount of money proposed tu he raised by taxation for thu ensiling year as published hcniwHh, by nay taxpayer subject to such tax levy when made. In favor of or nr.itlnst any of the proponed tax levies herein. The County Court has prepared and Hiihiultn tho follewing: An esti mate of the amount required for ench department of County Uoveiniueiit, county office or county officer, each county improvement, the malntennnce of each county building, ntructuro or Institution, tho snlary of each county officer or employe, Including thowu whoso salaries are fixed by uttituto, for the Improvement and maintenance of public hlghwnvs. roads, bridges, thu construction, oxratlou and maintenance of each public utility and re demptlou of outstanding warrants; aud estimate or the probable receipts of tho countv from sources other than direct taxation upon the real aud personal property In the county durluft the period for which such tax Ih to he levied, and tho amount of balances on hnnd In the funds of thu county at tho Hme tho levy will he made. EXPENSES For payment of the following separate Items of expense: Pacific Highway Itoad luterest Kund Interest on Koad HoiuIh Oenoral Koad Fund- -f All moiievs raised bv levy for the Oeiteral Head Fund to kept separate and apart from the licneral County Fund) Urldges, Heads and Highways (same to bu placed In Oeneral ltoad Fund) Oencrnl expenses. Including construction, Iin piovemeiits, machinery, malntennnce, material, bridges, re pairs, tools, etc., all of which Is to be expended by order ot the County Court School Funds County School Fund High School Fund School l.lhrarv Fund t'eneral County Fund -- For pa nietit of State Tax (estimate only) Operation of Ferry Circuit Court, general expenses, including hnlllffn, Jurors, re porters, special counsel, witnesses, fees, mileage and other ex penses Count) Court anil Commissioners--County Judgc- Snlury . Traveling expenses . ......... County Commissioners Fees and traveling expenses - Other exi'eitses, Including supplies, printing, postage, express, telephonluu, telegraph, Jurors, witnesses, mileage, etc............ Juvenile Court Jurors, witnesses, mileage, etc Widow's pensions ...-...... Other expenses for commitments. Probation Officer, etc Justice Court fees, of Justletsf. constables. Jurors ami wUiicviso, and mileage (hereof mid sundry supplies, etc Advertising For bids of all kinds, delinquent taxes, resources, sales of pro- (Mirk) and various noticed - ...., Care of tl v Poor, etc- iinlnrv of Sueiintuudiit fur Poor Farm - Maintenance or Poor Farm and hospital aud olhurs not at Poor lllltid. Deaf .Vutc.i. Delinquent children, feublB-mliidcd, Insane. nelect"'l children aud tubercular poor IlounOcs On Wild AulmuU Payment of , Hoys and Cliis Aid Socluty For support of .,vw. Collection of TmiM (Offices ot Sliurltr and Treasurer) oxpunio Court House- Salary of Janitor Other expenses. Including lights, water, fuel, furniture, repairs, ote. Jail Snliirv ff l:i',ilMr Other expenses, Including board of! prisoners, repairs, supplies, etc County Offices and Officers Assessor's Offlc-- S.ilur) of Assessor . Salaries of field deputies Taking Census Salaries of office deputies Onu deputy Otie deputy .... ........ ........ .m..m......... Four clerks tit J,10 ........ ... .......... Other expenses, iticludlug printing, postage, express, telephouo and telegrams - Traveling expenses Clerk'B Office . Salary of celrk and one deputy Salaries of deputies (Ino ilenutv . Other clerical assistance, other expenses, including blanks, blank books, printing, postage, express, telephone, telegrnph and record books for Circuit. County and Juvenllo Courts Coroner's Office Fees of coroner and physicians, Jurors, witness and other ex- (tenses . . - Fruit Inspectors Salaries and expenses of inspectors Health Officer- Salary of Health Officer Lxpenscs , ,..., Pathologist-- Salary of Office expcm-ci . ..,., County FhvslciiniH Salary of ltiiordnr's Office Salary of Je order S,)iMI.H0 Salary of one deputy -.,.-.... .... Other expenses, including mippltes, printing, postugu, expross, telephone and telegraph - Heboid Superintendent's Office and Department of Education Salary or Superintendent .... Clerical asslstanie , Traveling oxmiiscm Toaiher's Institutes nnetlngs and school officers convention Other expenses. Including supplies, printing, postage, oxprcms, telephone and telegrams , County Educational Hoard, expense Two supervlkors at J1H-0 'eh Supervisors oxm'hh.h, Including supplies, printing, poetnge, ex press, telephone and teelgrnnis Eighth (Jrado examination and expenses Truant officer. exiieniU! mid salarv Salary ami tiavellng expenses l,f00.00 Sealer of Weights and .MeaaurcB Other expenses . ... Sheriffs Olflce , . , Salary of Sheriff ....... .r ,.,,....... ,. Salary of deputy " Traveling expenses , Other oxpoiues, lialudliiK printing, lKistnge, expiesji, telephone nnd telegrams Stock Inspector . halary of ... . ...... ...,..... .......,.....................a......, Hurveyor's Office Fees of Sunoor null doputies .... ., ., Other oxpensfcs. Including postage, express, rent of office, tele phono and traveling expenses. , - Trauiiror'b Offlc-J' "' ' .., Salary of Trefisurer " , . One deputy '-ftM. Other oxpeuses, fur ludliit; jirlntlng, poHtago, express,, telephone and telfixrains ,....., t " Elections Incasii of siiorliij olcctlons callod, exponsca of 1.000.00 Examination of Hooks and Accounts Expeiiises , - Forest Piotootlon Expenses, of ... Premium on Count) Official Honda .......,.. Indigent Soldiers Expensos of - Hollet ot ..is. Taxos Rofunds, double asHCssinents, errors, etc ,.... ., 8,000.00 Warrants - , t .-?' , "(. Redemption or outstanding wurrnnts against the Ooneral County Fund , It is the Intention of the Court to redeem outstanding war rants with all unexpended bulauccs. ' v.; ItECAIMTPIiATION lljlelrin lllitliunv lllllll'iull I'llllll . tleneral County Itoad Fund County School Fund , . High Holionl Fund .v O. .1... ..I I.II.H.ll... I.'llllll .-..,,..... - - - - - -- - -,-- --- ----- ------------ ( enera Countv Fund which ineiiiues Htate Tax anil iteilenin- Hon of outstahdlug Warrants) UH 1, 100,00 1 t- i. ...... .(. fttbinuMti ...ij; 111,000,00 70,200,00 iiir.,ono.oo 1 1, r.oo.oo 7r.11, oo Total to raise ....ffiOa.Hfitl.OO HECEH'TM Estimated total or probable receipts of .liielison County, Oregon, from iiources other than direct taxation upon Ileal and Per sonal property In Its Jurisdiction during Ihe period for which this estlmato Is Hindu 11,000,00 ItAliAXCEH The following balances were on hand Dee, 1st, 1911; Oonornl County Fund (All money on hand la applicable on icdcmit!uu of outstanding warrants) Koad Funds 1 Parlflu Highway Interest Fund County School Fund -. High School Fund There Is an Item of transfer to be mado from Pacific Itoad Fund to Pacific Highway Interest Fund In Ihe amount or Nouu r.,r,4:i,ao :' lo.r.u 7,U09.Ha ".wooja ii.i'K.to 4 i iOIOMIIMIN'l"l ttflM I ' i .r.oo.oo t ,000.00 :,ooo.oo 91'O.UO 7SO.0O 1, 'J 10.00 or.o.oo coo.oo o.ooo.oo X40.00 o oo.oc 1,700.00 020.00 8,000.00 300.00 100.00 2,000.00 1100.00 4X0.00 900.00 I 00.00 1,8110.00 loo.oo jop.oo 000.00 r.oo.oo 100.00 i, 010.00 .'100,110 ''00.110 200.00 KiO.OO .',rioo.oo 1,000.00 800.00 ROO.OO .".OO.OO i, 230,00 -100.00 1, 200.00 1,200.00 700,00 coo.oo r.oo.oo 850 00 r.oo.oo r.oo.oo cc1co,.od I 2i,9:w'.r:t -.!-. rus "" - "V. -- r- . S A- -- . JSTt .- PltOPOSED LEW O.V till t ASSESSMENT I'OU COI'NTV AND STATE PCUPOSES School aud Library (Unit School Pacific Highway Interest Fund (ienerul ltoad (lenural Fund , Total .. .it.o mills on tho dollar, ... . I or a milt on the dollar. .. . .i. of a mill on tho dollar. ....2.D mills on tho dollar. ....7.H mills on the dollar, mills. ..1 1.0 her No. I i; p 10 it ts H ir. to Spec Isl, lal 19 School ' Levies llled In the otllco of thu euiiulv clerk, Decern-II. Mills. No. . f. 2.1 . 2.S XI . SS 12 !U. 3C ,17 '. to It in ir. 17 tu Mills No. Mills No. . 1 .r. ...p. .i i i.fi 7.6 ,f. ft4 1 r. .. i .. ft ..10 (to f.t f.:t Ad 67 f.9 00 I'.l l!4 on OR h 1)9 71 7!t 71 :t .... '. I . . t.r. ...i'-', i .. i .... r. 10 I t.r. 7 8 6 ..77 79 80 JS . SS 8P 91 M Or. P7 9 It till 100 I IflttJ Mills tl :t :t :t,r. . r. i n r r. :t t 1.3 i.n :i,r Speclnl Clt) l.evlei flttMl In the office ot the county Ctai'k. Dccembor 1st, 1911. Ashland llutlo Falls Ceiitril point Kmtln Point (li.ld Hill MIIIH ..IR. .10.:: in. if., it. Mills IS.tJtUkMHVlllu .... IS. MiHlforU . . . ... IB. Phonlx . . II. KoftUtt Klver t Talent ....... - J". , -T- V . . . - -J STATU OF OltlCUOX. COUNTY Of JACKUON. M, We, tho uiiderslgussl, eoHnty court of Jackson County, do hereby certify that th above Is a true, fair and complete estimate of the probable ex. Iietises of said cftuut) for the ciisuIhk esr and proi.nble ieclits from sxiurees other than direct (svstlon iiih.ii real and personal pioKrly In Itu Jurisdiction tlurlmc Ihn euuslntt rear. We further certify that the estimate of expenses of the vnrious Inutl ttitloim of thu countv, of the amount required for public enterprise, ronds, bridKiH. etc , and or all other expensos of the county as therein net out, In Just and Is based upon a careful study of tho expenso of tho county dur ing the past and a thorough examination ot Us probable needs during tho yenr for which such estimate Is made That each tut tl every item therein Is believed to bo necessary for the proper transaction of Hi business of the county, the prelection or ittt ropcrty and Interests and to be for the public wultare. That every expense estltuntuil Is in accordance with law, and Is a legitimate charge against the county. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, December 7th. 1 91 1. P. L. TO!) VELLE,. W.M.C I.EEVEIt, J C SMITH. Attest: County Court. (I. A. OAHDNEIt, County Clerk. (SEAL) Total Z ? r.02,8CO,00 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES 1911 Hupmoblto demonstrator, electric lights, Wentlnghotiso stnrtor and seat covers. Positively thonweetejt running little car In south ern Oregon. A flue put former on mountain or muddy roads. At a bargain, 1913, 10 H. P. Appurson, good shape incehnnlcnlly, rcnsonablo price and tends. A good buy to thu right parties, 1911 Cadillac, lour doors, tho car that always Hlauds up. E. M. F, In good mechanical condition, price reasonable, Eight cylinder Cadillac will nrivo the first week In January, watch for anuotiucumeut, Crater Lake Motor Car Co. COURT HALL, Salos Mamigor Holiday Fares Following usual ciiiituiu the Southern I'oclflu will hitvo in effect from all points, Main Line and llrunchin Special Christmas and New Year Holi day Round Trip Fares KALE DATES IX OltEf.'O.V Tickets between all points In Oregon will bo Hold December 18, 19, 20, 23, 21, 2.1 ami ill, 1911, and January I, J'ir.; also between, all C U '., p. It. & N., 1'. E. k E. nnd s. P. C & W. points. Final re turn lliull .limitary 1, 19l,i. SALE DATES TO CALH'OHMA Dectimbor 21 to 2R, to Jnuuary I, Inclusive, from nil points In Oiojon to any point In ('ulirnrnln, nl.o to Klamath Pathi via Wied. Plum loturu limit ,lim- 'iinry I, 191a. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Call on our nearest Agent ror full puillouluiH, faro to tipuclflo points, rosoi'VutloiiH, train schedules, etc, SOUTHERN PACIFIC ,'ohn M.'Kcutt, (leneral I'asNenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, .