Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    'taGE 9oxm
Office Mall Tribune Building. IMMI
North I'"lr streets telephone 74.
Tat Democratic Time, The ltedford
Kl!, The Midford Tribune. Ttin Bouth
en Oreiontan, The Ashland Tribune.
VMomorxxoa iutm
Om year, by tl , 18.00
Om month, by rnH , .66
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Meaiora, jaoneonvuie ana cen-
trJ Point.
Mftlurday only, by mall, per year.
Weekly, per roar
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
Sintered ae second-cUsa matter at
Medford. Orccon, under the act of
March , 1878.
4 Subscribers falling to rccelvo
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
lntlon Manager nt 25011.
A comparison of. tlio cost of con
dueling tho business of the circuit
court of Jackson county with that of.
l.nno county shows that the budget
for tho circuit court of Lane, based
on the nverogo cost of conducting the
same, is $17,800, ns against $7500
for Jackson county.
Last year, -with the November term
of court included, tho samo being one
of tho largest criminal calendars in
tho history of tbo county, tho cost in
Jackson county was only $7343.28.
With only n difference of $2,000,
000 in tho assessed valuation and a
Kiniilnr volume of business transact
ed by the courts, tho showing is most
remnrknble for economy and reflects
great credit on Circuit Judge Calk
ins and District Attorney Kelly,
4VtIIE way to resume, is to resume," said John Sher-
- man, dismissing the resumption of specie payments.
Tho way to bring prosperity is to start, something and
start it at onec.
Medford lacks payrolls and industries. The way to get
them is to go after them. They are worth the effort. They
will not come without it.
"Sitting tight," fault-finding, bickering, knocking
never got anybody or any community anywhere.
The way to get tilings is to go after them and go at
once. Hibernating never built a city.
McClclfcm tried to end the civil war by a campaign of
"masterly inactivity." Some of our citizens employ the
same strategy in community building with similar re
sults. Tho valley has the opportunity of securing a beet sugar
factory provided proper effort is made. If ever a coun
try needed such an enterprise it is this section. It can bo
had for the effort.
Medford has the opportunity of securing a lumber mill
ana box laetory, with a little co-operative effort, that will
furnish payroll and stop the continual needless drain of
mono' out oL tho community by developing a natural re
source. Tho county needs irrigation. "Water will double the
value of land by increasing production. Capitalists stand
ready to make the investment, providing land-owners and
speculators quit marking time and advance with co-operative
No community was ever built up by mail order business
by trading stamps, by "scrip," by store lotteries, which
drain ;the cash out. The first requisite is to supply indus
tries which enable the people to get the money and then
to keep the money at home by patronizing those industries.
Everyone admits that development is needed and
should be under way. The way to begin it is to start some
thing, and the time to begin is now.
At the CKurches
Church of (Sod Mlwdon
Uti North Kront St., Sunday
School at 10 a. in., preaching ser
vices nt 11 a. in,
Morning service 11 o'clock. No
evening Borvlco. Sunday school at
J:4fi n. in. $ 11. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. in.
How II. O. Nnrdwlck will preach.
Soto, "No Hoom In Tho inn," by
Graco Updogrnss. Klorouco Umpiring.
Sunday school at 10 n, in. Kin
dergarten at II n, in,
Prayer meeting at 7l!IO Thursday.
v. i s. a h, at os no p. in.
S a. in. Holy Communion; 10 a.
nt. Sunday School; 11 n.-m. Holy
Communion and' Sermon; 7:30 p.
in. limiting Servlco and Sermon.
W.M. 11. HAMILTON, Vicar.
KLLENSIJURG, Wn., Dec. 19.
With a temporaturo of 24 degrees be
low xcro Ellcnsburg ia experiencing
tho coldest weather In ten years. The
Ynklma river Is frozen at tho intake
of tho" city power ditch, causing fur
ther delay to the resumption of tho
hydro-electric plant which was put
out of commission several days ago
by lco cakes breaking tbo turbines.
Except for Improvised power plants
driven by automobllo engines to fur
nish power for tho hotels, tho tele
phone service and the nowspaper
plant tho city is without electric ser
vlco of any kind. Tho city's auxiliary
steam plant will bo repaired tomor
row when partial electric service will
bo restored.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Addit
ional details of tho French advance in
Flanders and France, issued today by
tho war office, wcro given In official
dispatches to tho embassy hero. Tho
mossago said: '
"We havo reached tho road from
Tombaortzy-Lcs-Dalns to the cast of
Stecnstraate. Wo havo captured tho
enemy's trenches, gained 3G0 yards,
nmdo 100 prisoners and taken threo
"In tho region of Dlxschooto wo
havo gained COO yards, made eighty
prisoners and taken threo mltralll
leuses. To tho north of Notro Darao
do Consolation our progress has been
about 500 jards."
WA'BJHNQTQN, Dec. 19. Comp
trollor of tho Curroncy Williams an
nounced today that chunges have
been completed in tho 8 stem of nat
ional bank examinations authorized
In tho federal rosorvo act, Tho ola
foo system, under which examiners in
been divided into twelvo districts cor
responding to tho 13 federal rcsorvo
districts. There will bo a chief ex
aminer In each district with head
quarters in tho city where tho reserve
bank is located.
A Strange Woman.
Mine. Winterroth, clairvoyant and
palmist, is now giving rcadiugs at the
Colonial Flats, Riverside. 231
To tho Public:
In the editorial column of the Mail
Tribune of tho ltith inst. tho editor
makes a most unfair criticism of my
article on the Medford charter, mak
ing it nppenr that I was antagonistic
to nil recent comers from the eat,
which is entirely wrong, ns any fair
minded render will readily see. Jly
criticisms only applied to those men
outsido the city limits who havo es
sayed to formulate a charter for the
cople of the city of Medford who live
within the city limits, thoso men I
called wise men from the cast, be
cause they are wise only in their own
conceit, and to only that class of men
did I apply the cognomen of "wise
men from tho cast," nnd anyone who
considers themselves in that class can
tnko ray strictures to themselves
without any evasion or mentnl reser
vation whatever. Worthy men from
the cast or any other section have al
ways been most heartily welcomed by
myself and our community, and there'
wns never n newcomer who enmo to
mo nt niy office or otherwise asking
for information, but what I always
gave him nil tho information I pos
sessed on the subject nsked for, free
of charge nnd with pleasure.
We do want easterners to come
hero nnd advertise and send booklets
telling of all our advantages nnd
carefully concealing tho disadvan
tages, and many come nnd are pleas
ed, and many come and are dissatis
fied and claim that the wholo truth
hnd not been told them. Many come
here nnd build railroads and invest in
other" industries, not for any grcnt
philanthropic motives, but to get bet
ter returns for their money than they
could in tho cast. Many come here
whoso life experiences havo been con
fined to tho limited area of their vis
ual horizon, and within those narrow
confines nil that is worth knowing
hnd been learned; those people are
wise in their own conceit, and expect
to come hero as a kind of missionar
ies to teach nn ignorant and rustic
population things they hud never
heard of before and in tho meantime
to exploit them to u finish. Such
people generally find after a few
years that the unsophisticated coun
try man has tho money they brought
here, and they themselves have the
The editor says the pioneers took
out over one hundred millions from
our mines, nnd what did they do with
itf Tho fact is that tho most reli
able htntistics show that about forty
millions in gold wero taken from the
mines in southern Oregon up to date,
and that five millions were spent try
ing to get more gold und five millions
by those who choso to remain hore
were spent in subduing tho Indians
and in reclaiming tho county and
transforming it to a great nnd civ
ilized commonwealth us it is today.
The other thirty millions wero carried
away by tho transient population who
camo to loot our natural treasure
house. He says in his editorial that our
present civilization is as deficient as
the original aboriginal civilization
that the pioneers found, which we
resent ns false in every particular.
The pioneer population was composed
of tho cream of civilization, enter
prise and intelligence from all por
tions of the United States. Such
peoplo as U. S. Hayden and tho Hoff
mans from Baltimore, the Ishes from
Virginia and from New England, from
tho middle states and from the south
enmo tho Beckmuns, Camerons, Mc
Cullys, llanleys, Kennies, tho Ooro,
Judge Primm, and further up the val
ley, the Culvers, the Ontnmus, Ander
sons, Hills. Dunn, Ilusxels, Jesse
Houck, tho Wagners, Applegntcs, nnd
further north, the Colvigs, the lhrds
cys nnd all over the vnllcy many more
just as worthy nnd noted, which
spneo will not allow me to enumerate
further, nnd from nowhere in tho
United States could bo found any
higher type of civilization than that
represented by the above type of citi
zens, nor hnvo we in any manner de
generated. Year by year we have
been receiving from tho older states
accessions of the same high standard
of people by which, now ns ever, we
have maintained a high state of civ
ilization not surpassed by any com
munity in tho United States: in fact.
the only savage we havo left among
us is my able, but misguided friend,
George Putnam, who on tho lenst
provocation puts pn his war paint,
grabs his tomahawk and with his
scalping knife between his teeth
starts out to cxtcrminnto all who op
pose him. Nevertheless we liko him
and can't spare him, but like any
other bnd boy, needs calling down
sometimes. If he was liko his distin
guished ancestor, General Putnam,
who rode his charger full speed down
the stone steps of nn eastern town to
call his countrymen to arras to resist
the nionnrchial one-man power which
menaced their liberties; if our George
were tme to the honored traditions of
his ancestors he would come out and
ride rough-shod over the obnoxious
charter which seeks to impose the
some one-man power over us that
threatened his ancestors.
Of nil of twenty-one commissioners
who formulated this new charter, nt
least twenty of them could not state
three of the provisions of the present
ehnrtcr which they would set nsido.
Medford, Ore., Dec. 18, 11)11.
Catholic Church
South Onkdalo Avo
First Mass Sunday at 8 a. tn?V
Second. Mass nt 10:30 n. in.
Evening sorvlces at 7:30 p. in.
Masses on Christmas at S and
10:30 a. in. REV. J. l'OWHRS.
McilfoHl Christian Asiomhly
Servlres nro held each Sunday at
2:30 p. ni. In St. Mark's hnll, 2 IS
West Main street. Full gospel teach
ing, Including tho baptism of the
Spirit, dlvlno healing, Christ's sec
ond coming, etc. Mr. Dodge speaks
l'liftt. Cln Mian Cliunh
Corner 9th nnd Oakdale
Next Sunday morning tho
mon subject will bo "Upon this Hock
I will nulld My Church, nnd tbo Hates
of el 111 Shall Not Prevail Against
It." Evening 7:30. Subject, "lluy
tho Truth nnd Sell It Not."
Evory young portion should bo pros-
ont nt this service.
Sunday school at 9: 15. Tho school
Is growing aiul wo want you to holp
us. Coino ami seel
C. E. Society at rt:30 P. m. with
lively discussions. You am welcome
to all services, Good music, largo
choir and enthusiastic bIukIuk,
HARRY E. TUCKER. Minister.
Jacksonville Preb)terlnn
Morning worship with sermon nt
eleven o'clock. Subject: "Truth and
Imitation." Evening worship with
sermon at 7:30 o'clock. Subject,
"Marrlngo nnd Divorce." A cordial
Invitation Is extended to all, to wor
ship with us, and hear these vital
subjects discussed.
lYce Methodist
Corner Tenth and Ivy.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Preaching 1 1 a. m.
Preaching 7:30 p. m.
Midweek prayer meeting Wcdncs
day at 7:30 p. ni.
We invito you to come nnd worship
with us. J. B. Bradley, pastor.
St. .Mnik's C'lirMiiMN liny Smleo
St. Mark's Hall 11 a. in.
"Hark tho Hornld AiiroIs"
Kyrlo Crulckhlinnk
Gloria Tllil Crulckshnnk
Gratia Tlbl Crulckshnnk
Credo Cnilckshank
Adesto Kldolcs Renaing
Heboid I llrltiK You Good Tidings"
E. A. Clare
Ascription, Thou Art Worthy . ...
Sursum Corda (lower
SanctuH Crulckshnnk
Ucncdlctus Crulckshnnk
Agnus Del Srulcksbnnl
Gloria in Excelsls Old Chant
Amen Gowor
Nnuc DlmlttlH Gowor
"While Shepherds Watched Tholr
Flocks" Sir A. Sullivan
Tho School of
Modem Methods.
MJiLelaL.' "
'. iM&tfs&m
- V
f'.iti.i.... rtiiltilliitr. ni Nnnh Grnnn fit.
Day and NUiht School Now Pupils May Enter at any Tim
lluhlnuss, Bliurtlinml and English Courses
THE MONTH WOJJ college jounutl
Night School r
Aftor working for J. Mitchell about four years, I mvo pponod
a shop at tho rornnr of South Riverside and tflRltlli street nnd nin(
ablo to do anything in tho lino of body or wheel work aud guarautoo
tho best of workmanship.
P, S. Also put on Flrofltono Demountable Rims. '
Oakdnlc Avenue Methodist
Sunday School at 10 a in.
Preaching at li a. in. Subject,
"Tho Great Deliverer."
Epworth Lcaguo at C:30 p. in.
Proachlng nt 7:30 p. m.
Christmas program Thursday ev
ening. Everybody Invited. Strangers
aro always welcome.
II. M. ilRANHAM, Pastor.
FlrM Church of Christ, Scientist
Sunday servlco nt 11 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Is tho Unlvrrso. Including Alan,
Evolved by Atoruatlc Force?" Wed
nesday ovening testimonial meeting
at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All
under tho ago of 20 aro welcome.
Reading room In church odlflco, No.
Oakdale, open from 1:30 to 4:30
dally excopt Sundays and holidays.
.Mi'tlitxllst EplHiopul Church
Corner of -Hli nnd llartlott
Preaching nt 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.
in. with sormons by tho pastor.
Subject of morning sermon, "Tho
.Messianic Star."
Anthem, "There Wero Shepherds,"
by Vincent.
Special solo by Miss Marlon Palm
er. Subject of tho ovening sermon,
"Our Christum Guest."
Anthem "O Holy NIkIiI." Adolph
Sunday school nt 9: IT. a. m.
Junior Epworth l.cnioio at 2:30 p.
Epworth League, dnvotlonnl meet
ing nt : 1 r p. in. Topic, "Tho Most
Heautlful IJIrthday Song," lender,
Eva Osborno. J. K. Hawkins, pns-tor.
Poultry Wanted
i .
Medford Poultry & Egg Co,
Have resumed business
and are now ready to
receive Poultry at 109
Eighth St. near Central
NEW YORK, N. Y Dec 19. A
dramatic sceno was witnessed lato to
day in tbo trial of William V. CIcary
for tho murder of his son-in-law, Eu
geno M. Nowman, when tho twenty-
year-old widow, Anna Cloary Newman
was brought into tho court room to
testify for her father, former town
clerk of Haverstraw and prominent
In politics.
Her fathor had not scon her since
July 22, tho day before Newman was
shot whllo waiting to toll CIcary that
bo and Anna woro married. As his
daughter nearod him CIcary jumped
to his feet and reached out to em
brace her. Tho girl sprang from him
but ho seized her and kissed hor ro-
pcatedly. As tho girl was led, trem
bling to tho stand Cleary collapsed,
falling over on tho counsel table.
Ho quickly recovered, however, and
fixed his eyes on his daughter who
did not roturn his gazo When she
had finished her testimony and again
passed by where her father sat sho
made no response whatever as ho
reached out and patted her band.
Ion Lutheran
Services at Zlon Lutheran, 012 W.
Fourth strct, will bo conducted In
Gorman nt 11 a. ni., in English at
7:30 p. m.
Dlblo school at 10 a. m.
Children's Christmas Evo service
Thursday at 7:30 p. in.
Christmas Day uorvico in Gorman
at 10H5 a. in. Conrad Wllkcr, pastor.
Ministerial Association of Medford
All tho mlnlstors of Medford nnd
surrounding towns nro invited to tho
association meeting Monday nt 10
a. in. at tho Public J.ibrary. Tho
meeting commences at 10 a. m. and
closes promptly at 11 a. m. Tho
pastor of each church in tho city is
urged to bo present.
Nothing nicer for Christmas thnn
Governor Johnson nnd Mt. Pitt ci
gars in Christmas boxes.
Methodist Kong Kervlcu
Tho choir of the First Methodist
Episcopal church under tho dlrectlln
of Forrest Edmoads has been prepar
ing an elaborate musical rsovlco for
Sunday ovening, December 27. A
sacred cantata, "Tho Story of Christ
mas," by William R. Sponco will bo
given by a vestal choir of 40 voices.
Musically, this cantata compares fav
orably with Stalnor's' "Crucifixion,"
which they so successfully gavo last
Kastcr. Tho public Is most cordial,
ly welcome to this servlco.
PowcH St, at OTarrclJ
Su Tranclsce
In the heart of the
business, shopping
and theatre district.
Kunning distilled ice
water in every room.
Our commodious
Homelike restaurant
will attract vou.
European Plan rates
$1.50 up.
Oiitr W.
Leather Goods (
lijjMfff H) Crane's Stationery IS
cvVryThing"!!: Wl Perfumes Hi
ittw HI (U. S. A. mid Imported.) !
H Ml Hair Brushes , M
lUffl Ui (U. S. A. and Iiupoitud.) lft
R?fl aV uniinn pimui, VBB
am 01 anur tnui vbb
turn aW IiLk
l ml K. & II. (lltKKN THADIN'U STAMl'K
With Medford xraae is Medford made
John A. Perl
Lady AMltuat
Prodtytcrian Church
Preaching 11 a. m, Christmas sor
mon, "A Star, A King, A Light, A
Holo, "Glory to God,"
Docx, Florence Hazolrlgg.
Hymn, "Glory To tho
Proachlng at 7:30 p. m subject,
"Peace Through Goodwill."
by a. j. ipopCTtARI
as b. bahtlktt
FkOM M. 47 ab 474
&sflbttUM MrrlM iMPMy
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Means Protecting your crops antl stock from damag
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Another carload shipment Just received.
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134 North Riverside